How to draw three d drawing on paper. How it's done, how it works, how it works


On paper, it's very trendy these days. However, everything is not so simple here. To create such masterpieces, one needs not only special artistic skills, but also an understanding of the nuances of the play of light and shadow, as well as originality and creative fiction. However, it is quite possible to learn some secrets of the image of such paintings.

on the paper?

The first thing to understand is that the 3d effect is achieved through volumes and shadows, so you will have to work hard to create realistic objects. First of all, you should learn how to draw volume. Try to draw a cube, a cone or a ball. At first it will take you a considerable amount of time, but gradually the process will speed up. Then practice reflecting the play of shadow and light in the drawing. Three-dimensional 3d objects cast a shadow determined by the light source. Therefore, before starting work, carefully study the object that you plan to draw - the features of its shape, volume, light and direction of the shadow. Let's try to create 3d drawings on paper in stages using the example of the following composition.

Create a Sketch

To depict the illusion of cubes standing on top of each other, we need a sheet of white paper. Its format will depend on the expected size of the future schematic design. You also need a simple pencil, ruler and eraser. If you plan to create a color illusion, then prepare watercolor or felt-tip pens. So, let's figure it out, 3d drawings on paper. On a white piece of paper prepared for work, apply a grid of squares, each side of which is equal to one centimeter. These squares will help us to draw a neat drawing in the future. Use light pressure so that you can easily erase all unnecessary details at the end of the work. Let's start with the image of the first cube. It is highlighted in red in the figure. Draw a vertical line, two squares long. From the lower base of the line in different directions, draw two short segments diagonally, the size of one square. You should end up with an arrow pointing down. Now, from the upper end of the vertical line, draw two segments along the diagonal of two squares in different directions: up to the right and up to the left. Next, draw a line from the right line to the left one diagonal, and from the left line to the right. Then direct the segments diagonally down. This is where they should join.

We apply hatching

We continue to design unusual 3d drawings. Learning to draw shadows. Finish drawing the rest of the cubes. To do this, draw exactly the same on top and bottom of the first figure. We continue the rows on the right and left with the same cubes, only we shift them three cells to the side and two cells down. The very last row of figures should be drawn, completing an even rhombus on the upper side of the square. Now, with the help of simple tricks, we will draw a shadow. Leave the top sides of the cubes unchanged. We color the end sides as follows. We shade all the right sides with a simple pencil or felt-tip pen completely. Shade the left side along with vertical stripes. Try to make the shadows not very sharp to give the drawings a reality. Now if you have drawn 3d drawings with a pencil on paper, you can use one more trick. Take a small piece of it and rub it on the darkest background, blending the shadow. To give additional illumination, use a different technique. Use the eraser to erase the lighter areas of the drawing. In this way, you will create a beautiful and real picture. Now you should understand how to learn how to draw 3d drawings on paper.


So, you have already mastered the basic imaging technique. Of course, to create masterpieces, you have to practice. For example, repeat another illusion using geometric shapes. This is a basement with stairs. To figure out how to learn how to draw 3d drawings on paper, you only need a sheet of paper and a pencil. Draw an uneven diamond, the lower and upper sides of which are slightly larger than the right and left. Let's start by drawing the first step. To do this, use a ruler to draw a strip parallel to the right side. Finish it, not reaching the back wall of the rhombus one centimeter. Now draw a parallel line near the top side of the base shape. The lines should intersect before reaching the upper right corner. Continue drawing steps by drawing a few more of the same parallel lines, reducing their length. Now you need to create a visual image of the steps. To do this, shortly connect the upper right corner of the rhombus and the corner of the first row of lines. Next, we connect the second and third row of strips, and then the fourth and fifth. It remains to use the previously mastered techniques to create the illusion of light and shadow. The side walls of the steps should turn out darker, so we use a stronger pencil pressure. The back side of the stairs should be light. We use a weak pressure of the pencil and highlight the steps with an eraser.


Now you've learned on paper. After mastering the geometric shapes, you can move on to new images. Try simple shapes first - cartoon characters, birds or animals. Then practice drawing more complex structures: cars, ships, or architectural compositions. Do not be afraid to fantasize and experiment. Develop your own unique style by practicing day after day.


You may not be able to do everything at once. Start by copying someone else's drawings. Before you draw a new picture, carefully examine the sample. Pay attention to the play of light and shadow. Knowing how to represent different shades is a basic skill required for 3d techniques. Draw daily, constantly experiment, mastering new techniques and ways of depicting. Very soon you will see that your illusion paintings begin to come to life and take on a life of their own.

Volumetric drawings 3d is a new direction in street painting (graffiti). Stunning fantastic illusions under your feet, blurring the line between image and reality. It is not surprising that this contemporary art has so quickly acquired a wide range of admirers. It is popular not only among astonished observers, but also among aspiring amateur artists, each of whom must have wondered: 3d drawings. Here it is worth remembering the first important rule - even the most impressive masterpieces of 3d painting first appeared on paper, and only after that they found their place on the city streets.

To learn how to create images of three-dimensional figures on a flat surface, knowledge from the school curriculum on visual geometry will come in handy, and this article will help, from which you will learn how to draw 3d drawings on two types of surface: on paper and on asphalt.

1. We take a regular sheet of paper, an HB pencil, an eraser. On the sheet, we draw the simplest for a start, for example, let it be a triangle, a circle and a square. Now, remembering the lessons of geometry (projecting drawings in three coordinate axes), we turn these figures into geometric bodies: a cone, a sphere and a cube, respectively.

2. The second rule that you need to learn in order to understand how to draw 3d drawings is the play of light and shadow. After all, first of all, the shadow cast by the figure makes this figure visually voluminous. Now, using the second rule, we choose the side from where the light will fall on our drawn objects. And, proceeding from this, we begin to shade them, remembering that the side of the figure, which is closer to the intended light source, will be lighter than the opposite. In the process of shading, we move from the dark side to the light side. If you decide to direct the light source in front of the drawing, then leave the middle of the subject light, gradually, evenly shading the figure towards the contours. After that, draw shadow casting. The shadows from the figures will always fall from the side opposite from the light.

3. Having mastered these first lessons and having understood, using the example of simple three-dimensional figures, you will gradually move on to creating more serious and complex three-dimensional images. And you can already try to dilute the black and white drawings with color.

4. Having learned the technique and mastered the necessary skills of three-dimensional drawing, you can easily figure it out on other surfaces. To do this, use colored crayons and spray paints. It is best to divide the prepared sketch on paper with a grid into small equal squares. So it will be more convenient to copy, and the grid will allow you to transfer the image from paper to asphalt as accurately as possible.

There are a few more tricks to remember in order to understand how to draw 3d drawings on asphalt:

The place for the drawing should be as even and prepared as possible (carefully cleared of possible small debris).

It is best to work on the image in overcast or cloudy weather.

And yet, since you will have to rub the chalk with your fingers (for fixing), arm yourself with plastic bags in advance to protect your fingertips from abrasion.

In the process of working on a drawing, you need to move from top to bottom. You should avoid drawing clear, even contours, and the background color of your drawing should, if possible, match the color of the road surface on which you will work.

It is also very important to guess the size of the occupied area, because 3d drawings have elongated proportions and impressive scales. And, of course, we must not forget that the image will appear three-dimensional only from one position you specify.

So, now you know how to draw 3d drawings on paper and asphalt, and we can only wish you good luck in this interesting business!

I pulled these cubes from this picture, which I just found on the Internet. There she is.

Another way to translate 3D drawings.

If you have some kind of large or complex drawing, it is better to place the screen horizontally somehow, so that it is more convenient to translate it or use the following method.

And the next way is that the finished 3d drawing must first be printed, and then translated from it (according to the same principle).

The disadvantage of this method is that you need to print the 3d drawing itself. For that, the plus is that in this way it is more convenient to “glass” and the transmission quality will be better.

This method is more suitable for people who do or want to do 3d drawings more professionally and even create.

And that's all I have. Those who want to get 3D drawings (for testing) write in the comments.

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And good luck to you, good drawings, bye ...

20.07.2015 13.02.2018 by Ma [email protected]

Learning how to make 3d drawings is very fashionable today. However, everything is not so simple here. To create such masterpieces, one needs not only special artistic skills, but also an understanding of the nuances of the play of light and shadow, as well as originality and creative fiction. However, it is quite possible to learn some secrets of the image of such paintings.

How to draw 3d drawings on paper?

The first thing to understand is that the 3d effect is achieved through volumes and shadows, so you will have to work hard to create realistic objects. First of all, you should learn how to draw volume.
Try to draw a cube, a cone or a ball. At first it will take you a considerable amount of time, but gradually the process will speed up. Then practice reflecting the play of shadow and light in the drawing. Three-dimensional 3d objects cast a shadow determined by the light source. Therefore, before starting work, carefully study the object that you plan to draw - the features of its shape, volume, light and direction of the shadow. Let's try to create 3d drawings on paper in stages using the example of the following composition.

We create a sketch.

To depict the illusion of cubes standing on top of each other, we need a sheet of white paper. Its format will depend on the expected size of the future schematic design. You also need a simple pencil, ruler and eraser. If you plan to create a color illusion, then prepare watercolor or felt-tip pens. So, let's figure out how to learn how to draw 3d drawings on paper. On the On a white piece of paper prepared for work, apply a grid of squares, each side of which is equal to one centimeter. These squares will help us to draw a neat drawing in the future. Use light pressure so that you can easily erase all unnecessary details at the end of the work.

Let's start with the image of the first cube. It is highlighted in red in the figure. Draw a vertical line, two squares long. From the lower base of the line in different directions, draw two short segments diagonally, the size of one square. You should end up with an arrow pointing down. Now, from the upper end of the vertical line, draw two segments along the diagonal of two squares in different directions: up to the right and up to the left. Next, draw a line from the right line to the left one diagonal, and from the left line to the right. Then direct the segments diagonally down. This is where they should join.

Let's do the shading.

We continue to design unusual 3d drawings. Learning to draw shadows. Finish image of the rest of the cubes. To do this, draw exactly the same on top and bottom of the first figure. We continue the rows on the right and left with the same cubes, only we shift them three cells to the side and two cells down. The very last row of figures should be drawn, completing an even rhombus on the upper side of the square. Now, with the help of simple tricks, we will draw a shadow. Leave the top sides of the cubes unchanged. We color the end sides as follows. We shade all the right sides with a simple pencil or felt-tip pen completely. Shade the left side along with vertical stripes.

Try to make the shadows not very sharp to give the drawings a reality. Now if you have drawn 3d drawings with a pencil on paper, you can use one more trick. Take a small piece of paper, crumple it and rub it against the darkest background, blending the shadow. To give additional illumination, use a different technique. Use the eraser to erase the lighter areas of the drawing. In this way, you will create a beautiful and real picture. Now you should understand how to learn how to draw 3d drawings on paper.


So, you have already mastered the basic imaging technique. Of course, to create masterpieces, you have to practice. For example, repeat another illusion using geometric shapes. This is a basement with stairs. To figure out how learn how to draw 3d drawings on paper, you only need a piece of paper and a pencil. Draw an uneven diamond, the lower and upper sides of which are slightly larger than the right and left. Let's start by drawing the first step.To do this, use a ruler to draw a strip parallel to the right side. Finish it, not reaching the back wall of the rhombus one centimeter. Now draw a parallel line near the top side of the base shape. The lines should intersect before reaching the upper right corner. Continue drawing steps by drawing a few more of the same parallel lines, reducing their length.

Now you need to create a visual image of the steps. To do this, connect the upper right corner of the rhombus and the corner of the first row of lines with short vertical lines. Next, we connect the second and third row of strips, and then the fourth and fifth. It remains to use the previously mastered techniques to create the illusion of light and shadow. The side walls of the steps should turn out darker, so we use a stronger pencil pressure. The back side of the stairs should be light. We use a weak pressure of the pencil and highlight the steps with an eraser.

3D stairs.

Another good example of drawing 3D pictures.

First step. You will need stiff paper. Cardboard or something like that will do. We bend the sheet exactly in the middle. We draw straight lines in both directions at the same angle. The lines should mirror each other. Approximately 35-40 degree angle.

Second step. Adding steps.

Third step. At both sides!

Fourth step. We take a ruler and connect the tops of the stairs with a straight line. This will be the shadow. We take a soft (even 8V is possible) pencil and make a shadow. Do not press on the pencil, the shadow should not be too dark.

Last step. We lift one part of the paper up and unfold the paper at an angle to the viewer. It is important to choose such an angle that the stairs seem straight. Because of the shadow, it will seem that this is a three-dimensional drawing:

And watch the video here.


Now you have learned how to learn how to draw 3d drawings on paper. After mastering the geometric shapes, you can move on to new images. Try simple shapes first - cartoon characters, birds or animals. Then practice drawing more complex structures: cars, ships, or architectural compositions. Do not be afraid to fantasize and experiment. Develop your own unique style by practicing day after day.


You may not be able to do everything at once. Start by copying someone else's drawings. Before you draw a new picture, carefully examine the sample. Pay attention to the play of light and shadow. Knowing how to represent different shades is a basic skill required for 3d techniques. Draw daily, constantly experiment, mastering new techniques and ways of depicting. Very soon you will see that your illusion paintings begin to come to life and take on a life of their own.

To be continued…

These incredible voluminous works attract the eye and make us repeat “Wow!” over and over again. An unusual drawing technique allows you to deceive the eye and make a flat drawing voluminous. So how are these drawings created? Maybe special magic pencils? =)

Three-dimensional bridge drawn with a simple pencil

3D pencil drawings - where to start?

So, first of all, let's define the most important thing. What gives volume to hand-drawn images? Everything is simple 1 is a shadow. It is the shadow that creates the volume. Our brain reads visual information from a picture and interprets it for our perception the way we are used to seeing objects in real life. An illusion of volume is created.

Terrible voluminous hands!

To draw a realistic object, you need to study it in detail. Most attention should be paid to the shape of the object, its texture, and most importantly - the shadows. It is necessary to immediately determine the light source - the realism of the shadow depends on this.

Toothy mouth, ah-ah-ah!

To begin with, an approximate sketch is created - a sketch. The sketch conveys the shape of objects. Also on the sketch immediately indicate the light sources. The closer the object is to the light source, the brighter it is depicted. Conversely, when moving away from the source, the object in the figure becomes darker.

The drawn man does not allow to fold the sheet

You don't have to draw the shadow right away. At the beginning it is worth making a small sketch to understand whether the light transmission is correct. Adding contrast is not difficult, but making it lighter is a real problem. Therefore, take your time, stroke the shadow in several stages and you will definitely succeed!

Volumetric cube drawn in pencil

Try to make the difference between a deep shadow and a lighter one as smooth as possible. The smoother the transition, the more realistic the drawing. You can use an eraser or a piece of paper - each artist has his own secrets.

A painted snake like a real one!

As a practice, you can try to draw something simple. For example, some geometric primitive - a ball, a cube, etc. When you learn how to convey their shape quite clearly, you can move on to more complex compositions.

Volumetric arch

To make it easier for yourself, try to break complex forms into simple ones. Fragment complex parts. So it will be easier for you to determine where the light falls from and how the shadow should behave with this or that fragment.

A painted dolphin jumps through a three-dimensional ring

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