How to draw a balloon. Details on how to draw balloons



First of all, try to draw an even circle - the base of the ball. Draw a straight line in the part of the sheet you need and mark a point in its center. Through this point, draw a line of the same length perpendicular to the first. Let the lines be barely visible. You can use a ruler to determine the center, but it's better to learn how to use an eye - if you intend to draw in the future, this will come in handy more than once.

Draw a circle by connecting the 4 extreme points of the intersecting lines. Don't be discouraged if you don't get an even circle the first time - just try to draw it until you succeed. If necessary, erase the extra lines when the circle is ready.

The next step is to create volume. This is achieved by overlaying shadows. For example, the light falls from the left and from above. Mark with a dot the most illuminated part of the ball. And with a stroke, mark the width of the shadow.

Now draw the diameter of the ball through its center, perpendicular to the direction of the incident light. Draw an ellipse on the base of the diameter segment. Its purpose is to mark the boundaries of light and shadow.

Conventionally, the ball is divided into several parts depending on the degree of illumination. One part is strongly lit, the other is weak, the third is darker, the fourth is in the shade. Designate these areas of different illumination, first mentally. For clarity, you can place in front of your eyes any physical object in the form of a ball. The most illuminated place that reflects light is called a glare. You can just remember it or put it on paper.

There will be a light spot around the glare, penumbra around it (a gradual transition from light to shadow), as well as the most shadowy area. Draw a shadow using arcuate strokes.

Now move on to shading. If drawing with a pencil, just leave the highlight area untouched. Make the light area light gray, the hatching should become darker in the direction of the shadow. Use arcuate strokes, parallel to the outline of the ball, and then diverging radially from highlight to shadow. Mark the reflex lighter than the drop shadow (the reflex is the reflection from the surface the ball is on).

Draw a body shadow (cast by the ball onto the surface). The farther away from the ball, the lighter the shadow. In daylight it is less clear, in artificial light it is more clear.

If necessary, depict the subject plane and background.


Do not use the eraser too often to avoid damaging the paper. Choose a good quality soft eraser.

Helpful advice

If you haven't drawn before, first practice hatching and learn how to hold a pencil correctly.

Learning to draw begins with basic geometric shapes. To understand the principles of construction of any object, you will need to mentally decompose it into already familiar shapes - a cone, a cube, a cylinder, a ball. Let's figure out how to draw the last one.

You will need

  • Paper, pencils 2T, T, TM, 2M, 4M


Determine the position of the figure on . Don't stand the object right in the center, leaving a lot of space around. After all, it is necessary to reserve a place also for the falling shadow from the ball, the boundaries of the front and back planes. At the same time, do not let the ball "stick" to the edge of the sheet.

To build, use a hardness of 2T (do not overdo it with pressure - the auxiliary lines will have to be erased). Draw a horizontal and vertical axes, mark the edges of the circle at equal distances from the center. Using a pencil (using it as a ruler - this trains the eye), measure this distance on the axes and set aside the same between the axes. Connect the marked points into a circle.

Take any spherical object - an orange, a ball of thread, a table tennis ball (preferably not very dark in color and with a matte surface). Use it to understand how light hits the ball and spreads over its surface.

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Helpful advice

The contours of the subject and the falling shadow should not be brighter than the hatching.


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A sphere is one of the basic geometric shapes that an artist must master. You can't draw an apple, a flower, or the sun without a ball. To learn how to reproduce the beauty of the visible world on paper requires patience and work, which is how skill is obtained. Drawing and painting is one of the few arts where you can start from the basics at any age. Who knows, you may have an undiscovered gift.

You will need

  • - pencil,
  • - paper.


Measure equal distances from the center to the right, left, up and down, and mark them on the lines of the cross. Connecting the obtained points, draw a circle. You can add a couple more auxiliary lines intersecting in the center to make the markup more frequent.

Draw an ellipse: draw two straight lines intersecting at right angles for marking. Put two points to the right and left of the center, at an equal distance from it. On a vertical line, put two points at the top and bottom at a distance half that of the horizontal.

Draw a ball: first draw markings for the circle and the circle, then divide the vertical line from the center up with three points into four equal segments, also divide the vertical line from the center down. Through the third point from the center up, draw a straight line parallel to the central horizontal, draw the same line through the third point from the center down.

Draw an ellipse based on the central horizontal, with the top and bottom edges of the ellipse passing through the first points from the center on the vertical line. Then also draw ellipses based on the top and bottom verticals, with the bottom edges of the ellipses running midway between points 2 and 3 on the vertical, the top edges running midway between points 3 and the top points of the circle.

Observe how the ball reflects light, where is the most illuminated place, and where is the darkest. Suppose the light falls on the ball from above, then the most illuminated place will be in the upper third of the ball, the darkest - exactly in the middle, in the lower third - a less dark place, weakly lit by reflected light. Mark areas of different lighting on the resulting circle, using the applied ellipses as markings. Shade the circle according to the markup.

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The principle of creating volume on the image of a ball differs from the methods that are suitable for drawing other geometric shapes. In this case, there is only one tool for creating the illusion of volume - this is color. By changing its hue and saturation, you can make a flat circle an almost tangible object.


Take any round object with a smooth surface as a sample. It is desirable that it be one-color - so it will be easier for you to understand the distribution of light on the surface. Put it on the table and set the light source to the top left.

Take a piece of A3 paper. Position it horizontally. With a light pencil outline, outline the outlines of the ball to determine its most successful location on the sheet. When looking for the best composition, keep in mind that in addition to the object itself, its shadow should fit on the sheet. Between the contours of the picture and the borders of the paper, reserve 2-3 centimeters of unfilled space.

To draw a circle without using a compass, first draw a square. Enter a circle in it. Draw several rays through the center and use a pencil to check if they are the same length. To make sure that the circle is even, turn the sheet on its side and upside down, step back a few steps from the drawing - this way mistakes will be more noticeable.

Erase all auxiliary lines. With a kneaded eraser, loosen the saturation of the pencil line. Color the balloon with watercolors. To do this, you need only one color - you can take black or sepia.

Determine the lightest area on the surface of the ball. It is located closest to the light source, that is, on the upper left. Remember the location of the round highlight and do not paint over it.

Mentally separate

Most holidays, no matter how original and rare they are, are always accompanied by stable decor elements. Of course, this is a cake, a couple of drunk individuals, a bunch of banal toasts mixed with the same jokes, as well as one special element that brings joy to the kids. At the request of the latter, you will now see a lesson on how to draw balloons in stages. A ball is, first of all, a geometric figure so polygonal that it seems round to the naked eye, and even more so to the armed one. The balloon is far from round, which makes him complex and often commits suicide by piercing himself with any sharp object, or refuses to breathe, from which he suffers from anorexia and is completely blown away. The presence of a subject, according to unwritten laws, increases the level of festivity in any situation by one hundred units.

On the other hand, the ball is the average name of a dog of any breed and origin, so familiar in their native land that this information is already in their genetic code. Tuzik, Polkan and Kashtanka sound less trite, but are used extremely rarely. This process is controlled by an unknown force, for which humanity is not yet ready, however, individually, each Tuzik is a little Sharik, and this is already a paradox.

Nonsense and more

  • The first balloons were inflated from the skin of bulls and whales, presumably dead at that time. Nightmare;
  • Self-inflating balloons are a new word in the field of nanotechnologies of the future, in which the balloon has thinking and can determine the cause and consequences of its inflation;
  • An interesting record was set by Walt Disney Studios, which launched 1,592,744 balloons into the air at the same time. Nice cho;
  • One ball lifts 3 grams of weight. Attention to the question, how many balls do you need to lift you into the air?

And drawing them is not difficult. See for yourself:

How to draw balloons with a pencil step by step

Step one. First you need to prepare the drawing by drawing a few shapes and lines as in the picture below.
Step two. Now add a person holding those balloons in his hands.
Step three. Add some tall grass, highlights on the balls and draw the girl's body well.
Step four. Clean up the drawing and add strokes with shadows to your taste. Here it is, done:
There are many more interesting things in the world that you can draw, for example.

Educational area:“knowledge”, “communication”, “music”, “artistic creativity”.

Types of children's activities: playful, communicative, productive.

The development of children's ability to understand the emotional state of another person and the ability to adequately express their own.


Educational: To introduce children to the non-traditional technique of drawing on balloons.

Developing: Improve the technique of drawing with gouache paints.

Nurturing: To cultivate activity, independence, confidence.

Materials and equipment: pictograms of emotions; CD with musical works: P.I.Tchaikovsky “Waltz of the Flowers”, V.P.Gerchik “Song of the Dragonfly”, E.Grig “In the Cave of the Mountain King”; Balloons; gouache paints; wide soft brushes; water tank; mirrors.

Preliminary work: listening to musical works; conversation on the topics: “I am satisfied”, “I am sad”, “I am angry”; determining the mood of children upon arrival in kindergarten.

During the classes

1. Creation of game motivation.

Journey to the country of "Moods".

Today we have an unusual journey, we will go to the country of “Moods”. To get into it, you need to call the “magic word”, guess:

Game "Guess the word":

Even an ice block will melt from a kind word ... (Thanks).
If a girl is sick, she coughs hoarsely,
and sneezes again, we tell her ... (bless you).
When you are guilty, hurry up to say, I beg you, please ... (sorry).
It’s not too lazy to tell friends, smiling ... (Good afternoon).
Saying goodbye to each other, we'll say... (Goodbye).
During the day we were very tired, let's say everything ... (Good night).
How, it seems, the word reign, on a friendly ... (hello).

Coming to visit, we greet, wishing health. Let's greet the inhabitants of the country "Moods".

Poem "Hello"

You tell the person.
- Hello!
He smiles back.
And probably
Won't go to the pharmacy
And will be healthy for many years.

2. Psychological studies.

The first “mood” that lives in the country is joy. Let's imagine that we are a small seed.

(Music sounds, children depict joy with gestures and facial expressions).


A warm beam fell to the ground and warmed a seed in the ground. A sprout sprouted from the seed. A beautiful flower grew from a sprout. A flower basks in the sun, exposes each petal to warmth and light, turning its head after the sun.

The second “mood” is sadness, sadness. Let's imagine that we are dragonflies that are frozen, we are cold and hungry.

(Music sounds, children depict with gestures and facial expressions the sadness and sadness of a dragonfly).

"Dragonfly Frozen"

Winter came, but the Dragonfly did not prepare a house for itself, did not store food for future use. The dragonfly is shivering from the cold:

Cold, cold
Oh - she - she - she!
Hungry, hungry
Creepy in winter!
I have nowhere to go
Snowdrifts do not count.
Let me get warm
And let me eat.

And in this country lives - anger, anger. Imagine the anger and wrath of King Boletus.

(Music sounds, children depict the anger and anger of the king with gestures and facial expressions).

"King Borovik is out of sorts."
There was King Borovik
Straight through the forest.
He shook his fist
And he thumped with his heels.
King Borovik was out of sorts:
The king was bitten by flies.

(V. Prikhodko.)

3. Drawing.

Children look at their faces in the mirror, name the parts of the face. They determine their mood by facial expressions: joyful, sad, angry. Draw your mood on balloons.

(In the course of implementation, the work is considered and discussed by the children).

4. Reflection.

This is where our journey ends. It's time to return.

Saying to the inhabitants of the country “Moods” GOOD BYE means see you soon.

Everyone will say goodbye
Leaving, everyone "Goodbye!".

And now I want to know what mood you are in after our trip. Game "Find out my mood."

(Children convey their mood in facial expressions and gestures).


1. Davydova N.G., “Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten”,

Moscow “Publishing house Scriptorium 2003”. 2008

2.Tufkreo R.A; Kudeiko M.V., “Collection of Ideas”, Moscow “Linka-Press”. 2004

3. Einon D.A., Creative play: from birth to 10 years. - M., 1995.

4. Koldina D.N., Game activities with children. - M., 2010.

5. Drawing with preschool children: non-traditional techniques, planning, lesson notes / Ed. R.G. Kazakova. - M., 2007.

6. Tyufanova I.V., “Workshop of young artists. Development of visual abilities of preschoolers”, St. Petersburg, publishing house “Childhood-Press”, 2004.

Master - class on drawing flowers for children 4-5 years old in stages with a photo

Non-traditional balloon painting technique: "Pansies".

Kirillova Irina Nikolaevna
Educator MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 4" Chamomile ", Kaluga region, Kirov.
Purpose: this master class will be useful for kindergarten teachers, teachers of additional education, creative people and caring parents.
Target: Introduce children to the non-traditional technique of drawing with slightly inflated balloons.
1. To teach children to draw flowers in a new way - balloons (slightly inflated).
2. Learn to make prints on a sheet of paper with balloons, mixing paints or applying one on top of the other.
3. Teaching children to see the beauty of colors and different color combinations.
4. Encourage children to be creative, help in mastering visual skills and abilities.
5. Build confidence in mastering new art materials and ways to work with them.
6. Cultivate love for nature.
Age of children: 4-5 years.
Material: watercolor, sheets of A-4 paper, slightly inflated balloons, wet and paper napkins, a glass of water, brushes for diluting paint, thin and thick paint brushes.
Preliminary work: looking at illustrations depicting flowers, reading and looking at encyclopedic material.
Why is the flower called pansies?
There are many legends about the origin of their name. According to an old belief, the girl Anyuta was turned into a flower for her excessive curiosity about someone else's life. And in Roman mythology, the gods turned men into pansies, who secretly spied on the bathing goddess of love - Venus.
In Rus', in different variations, there was a legend that the girl Anyuta turned into this flower because of love. According to one version, she was in love with a young man, and he reciprocated her. But his parents forced him to marry a rich girl. On the day of their wedding, Anyuta could not stand it and died of grief and strong love.
According to another legend, Anyuta turned into a flower after many years of waiting for the groom, who went to war, but never returned. So the pansies are standing by the road, with the hope of "peering" into the distance.

pansies -
Flowers from a fairy tale
In the green grass
They dazzle.
pansies -
Coloring flowers,
And sunshine
Their eyes are full.

The course of the master class.

1. Preparation of the workplace.

2. We dilute the purple paint with water and dip the tip of the balloon into it.

3. With the tip of the ball, we make two prints side by side on a sheet of paper, we make a third typo at the bottom, in the middle. For some colors, you can make two prints of one color and a third print of another color. It all depends on your imagination.

4. Take a clean ball. You can draw with the same ball, but it is good to wipe it with a damp cloth. We collect yellow, then orange paint with a ball and make prints at the top, in the middle, between the purple circles.
5. Let the drawing dry a little. We take a clean ball, and with white paint we make prints in the middle of the purple circles. If the white ink is not very bright, you can repeat the print.

6. While the paint dries, paint a green background around the flowers. To paint the background, use a thick brush. With a thin brush, paint around the grass.

7. Take a thin brush and paint the center of the flowers on the white prints.

You can take any colors of ink for prints, the main thing is that they are combined. Indeed, in nature there are now many different varieties of Pansies.

These are children's work. "Flowers as a gift"

Thank you for your attention! Creative success!

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