How to learn to guess on playing cards? Fortune telling on cards to learn.


The future is mysterious and hazy. Sometimes, in moments of weakness and self-doubt, there is a desire to know what lies ahead. Not without reason is sung in a well-known song: "... people are arranged like this: they want to know, they want to know, they want to know what will happen." The information received helps to boldly enter into tomorrow, to make decisions on which future life depends.

In modern society, many types of fortune-telling are in demand. One of the most popular and ancient is predictions on playing cards, but not on those that have already been used before. You need a new deck.

Divination was an integral part of the life of the ancestors. They decided to find out fate back in the fourteenth century, when playing cards had just begun to take over the minds of people. There are several layout options, choose the one that suits you. The skill will teach you to know the future of any person.

Preparing for divination

It is not difficult to learn layouts, it is more difficult to feel a mental connection with an attribute. Buy a new deck. For thirty-six cards, there are special conspiracies that will enhance contact with the owner.

Choose a suitable day for divination. Special, personal dates that matter, or holidays are suitable: birthday, Christmas, Friday the 13th, Halloween, and more. There are "most favorable" days - the thirteenth of any month and Christmas time.

After printing the deck, briefly squeeze it in your hands. Stay alone so that outside sounds do not interfere with focus and communication. Close your eyes, relax. If you decide to use a conspiracy, say the words in a whisper.

Before divination, shuffle the deck properly with your left hand, towards the heart, remove some of the cards from above and move to the bottom. Everything is ready for the session.

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How to start guessing on ordinary cards for a beginner

People have come up with many card layouts that give the answer to any question. Among the well-known, there are three of the simplest, suitable for beginners:

  • Troika;
  • Fan;
  • Fifteen.

Having chosen the appropriate alignment and having learned in advance, formulate the question of interest. Do not disturb the cards over trifles, ask questions, the answers to which are important. If it concerns another person, keep their image in your mind or put a photo next to it and look at it.


This alignment is suitable for everyday issues. If you are interested in how the day will go or where the person is, the method is chosen correctly. Shuffle the deck with your left hand and remove any three cards from it. Compare the value with the result. If the answer is unclear, draw three more cards. Fortune telling continues until you know the answer.


Ask about love, work, further destiny.

  1. Choose a card that you associate with yourself, such as the Queen of Hearts.
  2. If fortune-telling involves the participation of another person, take a separate card for him.
  3. After shuffling the deck, arrange the cards in rows of three under each other.
  4. Find in the laid out cards the one that you have guessed in advance - this is you.
  5. Above is the future, below is the past, and adjacent cards display the present.


Shuffle the deck and choose any fifteen cards from it. Put them in five piles, three in each:

  1. The first one personifies the present of a person;
  2. The second refers to his personal life;
  3. The third is for friendship;
  4. Fourth - will tell about goals and dreams;
  5. Fifth - will indicate warnings or advice about the future.

The meaning of the cards

Each card and suit has its own meaning: “worms” are identified with love, “crosses” with business and career. At first, you will have to check with each fortune-telling, but soon you will learn to understand intuitively and you will not need hints.

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Fortune telling on cards - is it a sin or not?

From time immemorial, the attitude of religion to divination has been negative. In Orthodoxy, it was believed that only the Devil points to the future of a person, directs him along the wrong, destructive path. However, over time the stereotypes have changed.

Orthodoxy still does not approve of the use of cards, but after a couple of fortune-telling they do not go to Hell. In addition, some of the sins can be expiated. As for other religions, the attitude towards fortune telling is more loyal.

If you decide to check your fate using ordinary cards, there are several recommendations that will make fortune telling correct.

  1. Buy several decks of cards for different types of divination. Let each have its own purpose in order to increase the percentage of prediction accuracy. Choose decks with different backs to always differentiate them.
  2. Try not to use fortune-telling more than once a week and don't ask questions whose answers are unimportant. The higher the value of divination, the more accurate the result.
  3. Use special conspiracies for a deck of thirty-six cards, this will help to strengthen the spiritual connection with the owner.

Why the prediction may not come true

  • Do not guess on Sundays and Mondays.
  • Do not tell fortunes in poor health, in a bad mood, while intoxicated. The result will be inaccurate.
  • Do not pass the deck into the wrong hands, so as not to weaken the connection with the owner.
  • Keep cards separate from other things. They need rest and replenishment of energy.

Having remembered these rules, start studying the meaning of each card, choose the next suitable day and start guessing. For the first time, the predictions will seem fuzzy and blurry. By enriching your experience with the cards, it will be easier to see destiny. Once you learn to fully trust your cards, they will reveal the whole truth.

In one famous cartoon about a panda, a wise tortoise, in a conversation with a bear, said the words: “the future is closed, the past is forgotten ...”, but how sometimes you want to open the veil of the future and peep what life has prepared. From ancient times, a very simple method has come down to our days - fortune telling on cards, with which you can get an answer to questions about the future. You can turn to professionals for a layout or do it yourself, having previously figured out how to learn how to guess on the cards.

Cards have been used for divination since ancient times. In this case, various decks are used, the most common of which are Tarot and gypsy, or ordinary playing ones. Moreover, the latter are nothing more than the Minor Arcana of the Tarot.

There are rules that the masters explain to everyone who comes to learn fortune telling on playing cards or any other. It is necessary to strictly follow all the points in order to avoid the unpleasant consequences of turning to the Higher Forces.

If there is a desire to engage in fortune-telling, learning how to correctly interpret the alignment is perhaps the most important thing. To do this, a novice fortuneteller needs:

  1. Choose the right divination tool.
  2. Choose ways to deal with the answer to a specific question or disclosure of the situation.
  3. Good understanding of symbols.

It is also worth remembering that there are a number of prohibitions. They may seem funny, but, in fact, violation can lead to undesirable consequences. To every fortuneteller need to remember:

The best day for fortune-telling is Friday, the worst is Monday. It is recommended to do layouts after sunset, some consider midnight to be optimal.

Start date

If you decide to learn how to guess on playing cards on your own, then you need to start from the basics. First of all, you need to buy a new deck. The one that was used for the game may begin to "play" and lie in the layouts. The first divination lessons should be devoted to:

  • To study the deck, the meaning of suits and individual cards. It is also important to learn how to hold the deck in your hands and shuffle it correctly.
  • The ability to focus on the issue at hand.
  • Master a couple of types of divination and bring them to perfection.

Another important condition: constant divination. Concentrating on this process will help you quickly understand and feel the energy of the cards. As more experienced fortune tellers say, be on the same wavelength with them.

Fortune-tellers have their own rituals for new decks and for their purification after divination. Many act on a whim. Someone sleeps with a new deck, someone lets her lie down with the old ones. As for cleansing, you can put the deck on salt or just let it rest for a few days.

In the process of learning various divination techniques, the most important thing will be to learn the “right question” technique. Only the right question can be answered correctly.

There are three important rules:

  1. Do not disturb the deck unless absolutely necessary.
  2. The question is not asked twice. If you don't like the answer, you can't guess.
  3. Questions about the future on fate are possible for a period of no more than three months.

Every beginner must definitely remember that something that fortune-telling shows is not yet a 100% version of the future. This is especially important to understand if the alignment is extremely unfavorable.

Practical skills

As you know, there are 36 cards and four suits in a playing deck. Each has its own meaning. Understanding the combination of cards that fall out during the layout, it will be easy to interpret and answer the question posed.

The meaning of the suits

Each suit has its own meaning. But the interpretation will completely depend on how the cards lay down.

Card interpretation

To understand what exactly the cards say, you need to know their meaning. Some fortune tellers use interpretations of the meanings of the Minor Arcana, but most prefer simpler interpretations. Reds talk about:

  1. Six - great luck.
  2. Seven - do not be afraid to take risks, everything you wish will come true;
  3. Eight - you need to reassess life.
  4. Nine - a beautiful environment helps in business.
  5. Ten - benefit in financial endeavors.
  6. Valet is a well-wisher.
  7. Lady - it is worth taking a closer look at an unknown woman.
  8. The king is a male patron.
  9. Ace - do not forget relatives.

The diamond suit is interpreted as follows:

The cross suit matters:

  1. Six - conversations around, which are worth listening to.
  2. Seven - luck is caught by the tail.
  3. Eight is a gift.
  4. Nine - changes in life only for the better.
  5. Ten - the acquisition of expensive things.
  6. Jack - there will be a pleasant fuss.
  7. The lady is a married, elderly woman.
  8. King - meeting with a married man.
  9. Ace - good news is near.

Spades cards mean:

Divination by desire

One of the simplest and most common fortune-telling is a wish alignment. To conduct it, you will need a standard playing deck of 36 cards. It is important that it has not previously been used for the game. However, some do not pay attention to this requirement. As a “setting” of the deck that was previously played, the fortuneteller can sit on it further you need to follow the sequence of actions:

There is another way to find out what is preventing the fulfillment of desire. For this additional layout required:

  • Pick up a deck and whisper a question three times.
  • Get one, which will be the answer to the question.
  • To get a more detailed answer, you need to pull out two more from the deck and interpret the situation depending on the value and suit.

Learning to guess on playing cards and making layouts to answer questions is quite simple. It is much more difficult to understand the layouts of the situation. As a rule, these are the so-called "gypsy" fortune-telling for love and relationships. However, they can be dealt with if desired.

Attention, only TODAY!

Using an ordinary deck of 36 playing cards, you can predict events for the near future, find out the answer to a question of interest. To learn fortune telling, it does not take much time. There are simple ways that even a beginner can do. Most girls prefer to predict their future at Christmas and Christmas time, because it is during this period that fortune-telling is the most accurate and truthful. The forces of evil and good come to Earth, the line between reality and other dimensions becomes thinner.

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    Simple spreads

    There are many interesting Christmas and Epiphany fortune-telling. The simplest layout is on three playing cards. You need to pull them out of the deck (arbitrary) and spread them out from left to right: the first card is what happened in the past, the second is real time, the third is future events. The values ​​are listed below.

    Another option for easy fortune-telling is a quick layout for 9. It is necessary to mentally formulate any question that may concern both the fortuneteller and another person. Draw any three cards from the deck. Their meaning will be the answer to the question. Come up with two more questions and lay out three more cards. The interpretation of the dropped symbols can be read below.

    Choosing your card

    In order to get the most accurate prediction, you need to choose a suitable card that denotes a fortuneteller, as shown in the figure below:

    1. 1. diamond suit is chosen by young people under 25;
    2. 2. worms - if the fortuneteller / fortuneteller is from 25 to 50 years old;
    3. 3. queen and king of clubs - a woman and a man over 50 years old;
    4. 4. spades usually denote rivals or enemies.

    The right choice of your card

    For a specific event in the future

    Fortune telling on playing cards for the event:

    1. 1. Carefully shuffle the card deck and lay out the card that will designate the fortuneteller in the center of the table.
    2. 2. Think of an event (it can be a wedding, childbirth, a holiday, the arrival of guests, moving to another city, etc.).
    3. 3. You need to remove three cards from the deck, placing them above your card, below it and on it.
    • 1 - own card;
    • 2, 5, 8 - how the event will go;
    • 3, 6, 9 - the result, how it all ends;
    • 4, 7, 10 - what will prevent you from achieving your goal.

    The interpretation of the cards from the layout is located below.

    On a relationship with a loved one

    Card divination on the relationship of lovers:

    1. 1. Choose a card that is suitable for a fortuneteller and put it in the center of the table.
    2. 2. Lay out under your card two that are on top of the deck.
    3. 3. Then you should carefully shuffle the deck of cards and lay out three cards on top and bottom of your card.

    Scheme of layout (order - by numbers).

    • 1 - own card;
    • 2, 3 - what's on the heart (thoughts);
    • 4, 5, 6 - the future (associated with the beloved);
    • 7, 8, 9 - causes of events.

    For the present, past and future

    You need to guess after dark - in the evening or at night.


    1. 1. You should shuffle the cards well.
    2. 2. Remove the upper fingers of the left hand.
    3. 3. Lay out the first five cards from the deck from left to right.
    4. 4. Lay 5 more cards on top of them, one for each.
    5. 5. Repeat again.
    6. 6. Set aside one card in the sixth pile.

    The result should be five parts of three cards and one piece to the side, as shown in the figure below.

    • 1 - about the most fortuneteller;
    • 2 - what's on the heart;
    • 3 - about relatives and friends;
    • 4 - past;
    • 5 - future;
    • 6 - the most important card - how the heart will calm down.

    The value of the dropped cards can be found below.

    Wish Fulfillment

    This method of divination will help you find out if your innermost dream will come true or will remain unrealizable. Rules:

    1. 1. It is necessary to decompose the entire deck of 7 pieces into 5 parts face down.
    2. 2. Make a wish on the suit of the last card (36th).
    3. 3. Open the first stack. Remove all cards that do not match the chosen suit, then remove pairs (if any).
    4. 4. Similar actions should be done with all parts.
    5. 5. The rest of the card deck should be divided into 4 parts, face down. Discard in turn inappropriate suits and pairs in them.
    6. 6. Decompose the remaining cards first into three, then into two parts. At the very end, you need to have one part left.
    7. 7. See what cards are left in it - if all are large, then the plan will come true very soon. If there are others, then the desire will not be fulfilled soon.

    You should not lay out cards for desire several times in a row, if the end result does not suit the person, they can "lie" subsequent times.

    Schedule for the year

    Scheme of alignment for a reptile.

    "For the coming year" - for this fortune-telling you will need a standard card deck for 36. First you need to choose a card that corresponds to the person who is being fortune-telled. Place it face down in the middle of the table and, after carefully shuffling the deck, arrange the 16 pieces face down in four rows, from left to right and bottom to top. These cards represent the next 6 months. You need to put any one more card above the rows - it will mean a certain person (event) who will have an impact in these six months.

    Then you need to lay out 16 cards from the bottom of the lady or king from left to right and from top to bottom - these are symbols that will reveal future events in the remaining six months. Lay out the last two cards at the very bottom: the first is what will leave a person forever, the second is the cause of all his troubles in the future.

    The decoding of symbols should begin with a card combination, and then move on to individual values.

    The meaning of each card and their combinations

    Pair cards:

    • Two aces - you should make an informed decision and not repeat previous mistakes. Three is a high probability of making a fatal mistake. Four is a useless pastime, you should correctly assess your capabilities and set life priorities in order to achieve great success.
    • Two kings - everything conceived will become a reality. Three - you should not hesitate, you can miss a fateful chance. Four - stunning success, luck, luck.
    • Two ladies - the naivety and gullibility of a person, these character traits will bring him a lot of problems. Three - female cunning, deceit of girlfriends, gossip, conspiracies. Four are rivals in love relationships, competitors in business.
    • Two jacks - financial stability. Three - deep disappointment, loss of reputation due to slander by an outsider, betrayal of loved ones. Four - large material losses, serious problems with money.
    • A couple of dozens - you need to analyze the information well before making a choice, positive thinking will help you achieve success. Three tens - big debts, squandering, large losses up to complete ruin. Four - you should seek friendly support and ask for advice from relatives.
    • Two nines or eights - a cold calculation and a reasonable approach will help to implement plans. Three - a big risk of making a mistake in professional activities, you need to be more careful. Four - disagreements in the family, showdown with a loved one, alienation.
    • A pair of sevens is a joyful event, good news. Three sevens - big profit, easy money. Four - a long road, a romantic trip or a business trip abroad.
    • Two sixes - you need to show restraint and patience. Three - the patronage of a very intelligent and influential member of the opposite sex. Four - hypocrisy, betrayal, deep sadness, loneliness.

    Interpretation of individual cards of different suits with a full description of the combination of cards.


    • Six - a long trip will not bring the desired result. If there are seven tambourines nearby, hard painstaking work is expected, which will be well paid. Eight worms nearby - a favorable period will soon come. The king of clubs promises the patronage of an influential person.
    • Seven - slander and falsehood. If there is an ace of hearts nearby, it is a great joy. Jack of spades - big monetary losses. Ten of clubs - in life there will be huge disappointments and losses.
    • Eight - a strong resentment against a relative or disappointment in a loved one. A ten of hearts is nearby - good news. The king of spades is a long-awaited retribution for the person who offended. Eight of clubs - significant losses.
    • Nine - illness, emotional stress, poor health, moral decline. A jack of tambourine is nearby - merits will be well paid. Hearts six - good news from distant relatives.
    • Ten - big troubles in the business sphere. The eight of diamonds is next to the peak ten - you should not get into debt, it will be very difficult to repay them. Hearts six - soon the situation will improve significantly. Club ten - improvement in health.
    • Jack - bad news, sad events. If the lady of clubs is standing nearby, you should not be frank with strangers in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.
    • The lady is an old woman. Near the hearts nine - unrequited feelings, mental anguish. Peak seven - a grandiose scandal, family discord. King of clubs - friendly support in a difficult situation.
    • The king is an influential and very rich man. If there are a dozen of spades nearby, a seven of clubs or a nine of tambourines - an unsuccessful life period.


    • Six - plans are not destined to come true, broken dreams and vain expectations. The seven of hearts next to the six is ​​a pleasant meeting. Jack of spades - heartfelt feelings, resentment.
    • Seven - successful business negotiations. Near nine tambourine - a very good deal. Hearts six - soon life will change for the better. The jack of spades is a difficult financial situation.
    • Eight - tears, severe stress, emotional shock. The ace of hearts is nearby - an unpleasant conversation with a lover will take place. Peak ten - a warning about possible injuries and serious illness.
    • Nine - the successful completion of an important matter. A ten of diamonds promises the fulfillment of all innermost desires, a peak jack - ill-wishers will no longer plot.
    • Ten - a creative victory, rapid career growth. Seven of tambourines - financial prosperity, the emergence of a stable source of income. Hearts ten - life will be easy and carefree, filled with bright events and unforgettable impressions. Clubs six - failures in work.
    • Jack - the appearance of a messenger with bad news. Ten diamonds - close people will always come to the rescue. Hearts ten - a break in love relationships, a betrayal of a loved one. Peak ten - the probability of an accident is high.
    • Lady - an unpleasant middle-aged lady spreads gossip about a person, false information can cause great harm. The ace of spades next to the lady is chronic bad luck in love and professional activities. Ten of clubs - useless chores, a waste of time.
    • King - success in love relationships. Hearts seven - luck accompanies a person in all endeavors. Jack of spades - loss of a lover, forced separation. Nine of clubs - a fun pastime, peace of mind, inner harmony.
    • Ace is a government house. A ten of spades next to an ace is a warning of a lengthy trial.


    • Six - family well-being, a pleasant present from a loved one. Ace of diamonds next to the six - receiving a sum of money. Hearts seven - a long-awaited date or meeting will take place soon. Peak ten - the solemn event will end in great disappointment.
    • Seven - a romantic date. The peak seven is a problem that has been tormenting a person for a long time, will soon be resolved. The king of clubs is an unexpected joy.
    • Eight - emotional conversation. An ace of hearts nearby is a great and mutual love. Queen of Spades - an unpleasant conversation will take place, which will end in a big scandal.
    • Nine - an ambulance wedding or an invitation to a significant event. The queen of diamonds promises tears and deep sadness, and the ace of spades - betrayal of a lover. Jack of clubs - pleasant chores, household chores.
    • Ten is an expensive gift. The lady of hearts is nearby - a loved one is faithful and honest with his chosen one. The nine of spades portends a quick separation, and the ten of clubs - a stunning success with the opposite sex, love adventures.
    • Jack - the wish will come true soon. Lady of diamonds - guests on the doorstep. The ace of hearts is fantastic luck. The cross nine is a profitable financial investment.
    • The lady is married and very attractive. The nine of hearts is a new hobby. The eight of clubs is a series of unpleasant incidents.
    • The King is a handsome young man who is married. A ten of hearts nearby is a great success. Peak ten - major problems in all areas of life.
    • Ace - stability and harmony are expected in love relationships. Six of clubs - a very successful business trip is foreseen, which will help you get a long-awaited promotion.


    • Six - a short business trip. Hearts seven nearby - a magnificent wedding ceremony is just around the corner. The peak seven is a warning about an unpleasant incident that can happen during a trip. Ten of clubs - a young lady will soon receive an invitation to a romantic date.
    • Seven - financial problems, big waste. Hearts seven - you should be more careful and use your finances more rationally so as not to become bankrupt. Queen of Spades - monetary obligations to the state, a large loan. Ten of clubs - a brilliant offer will come soon, which will bring huge profits.
    • Eight - neglect of family values ​​​​for the sake of material wealth. Ace of diamonds - a valuable loss, material problems. The six of clubs is a dubious event, an unjustified risk.
    • Nine - easy money, inheritance. The king of hearts is nearby - a loved one will make an expensive gift, it can be a vehicle or real estate. Jack of clubs - to get a large amount of money, you need to be patient.
    • Ten - job change or rapid career growth, salary increase. Peak seven nearby - temporary material problems. Ten clubs - material prosperity, abundance.
    • Jack is a troublesome event, fuss over money. Peak nine - a major quarrel with a lover on money grounds is planned. Clubs seven - failure in business, love failures.
    • The lady is a young girl with blond hair. Ace of diamonds nearby - engagement, marriage proposal. Peak seven - melancholy, unreasonable sadness. Clubs seven - what has been started will not be crowned with success.
    • The king is a single and handsome man. The seven of diamonds is nearby - the man is very rich and generous. Hearts eight - a young man will give a real fairy tale and fulfill the cherished dream of a young lady.
    • Ace - big money, an unexpected gift. Ten of clubs - you need to be more careful not to make a mistake when compiling a financial report. Peak Eight - an unfavorable period, monetary losses, family quarrels and misunderstandings.

Do you want to know your near future, the prospects for developing relationships with your soulmate, etc.? In this article, we will tell you how to learn how to read Tarot cards on your own for beginners without the need to contact a specialist.

Is it possible to learn to read Tarot on your own?

Anyone can learn the art of divination. Specialists of the Russian Tarot School will tell you in detail how to learn to read Tarot cards on your own - you only need to sign up for courses. In the process of learning and after reading this material, beginner tarologists will be able to develop their intuition, become wiser, hone their analytical skills, spatial thinking.

Think about why you need fortune telling?

Fortune telling on Tarot cards is necessary for every person. You will be able to expand the boundaries of your subconscious, read the signs that the deck sends, figure out the true purpose of earthly existence, predict your own future, etc.

What questions can Tarot answer?

  • Status of the current situation/case
  • Development trends/prospects
  • How to act rationally
  • Identification of the cause of the problem situation

Choosing your first deck

To gain experience in this type of divination, it is better to use classic decks. The most popular option is the Rider-Waite cards. Universality of application, accessible images, simple interpretation of meanings are only part of the advantages of this Tarot interpretation. A large selection of specialized literature will help you easily understand the meanings of each Arcana.

Don't like the classics? Then choose another deck according to the criteria described below.

Cards should be with understandable symbols. Abstract images will cause bewilderment and confusion for a novice tarologist. In the beginning, practice on a simple deck - this will help you move on to interpreting the complex meanings of other versions of the Tarot

  • Images must be on each card. In some deck options, pictures are partially used - do not buy them
  • The first deck should be known - this will help you find tips, useful tips from the specialists of the Russian Tarot School or on the Internet
  • Listen to the energy of the cards - if you like the deck, buy it. Fear, apprehensions, negative emotions are sure signs that the Tarot is “not yours”

Learning Theory

How to start learning divination from scratch on Tarot cards for beginners

  • Man's desire. Get rid of prejudices, stereotypes that the cards will accurately show you the future even without your direct participation
  • Divination by cards is like the interpretation of dreams. Know how to correctly catch the necessary images, listen to your own feelings, emotions. Maps will tell you the best solution - the main thing is to decipher it correctly
  • Each value can be selected individually for a person - one of the foundations of Tarot divination. Do not be lazy to make notes after each alignment.
  • The fortune-telling deck must be brand new, so it is forbidden to take it as a gift from someone
  • Regular communication with the cards will help you quickly establish contact with them. Record the results in a special notebook. With constant practice, you will be able to get to know the deck much better.
  • "Hurry is good for catching fleas." Tarot divination is painstaking, hard work, comparable to spiritual development. The main thing is to reach mutual understanding
  • Study specialized literature (for example, "Evening tea by candlelight and Tarot cards" by Sergey Savchenko), try new layout techniques on Tarot cards for beginners. This will help remove the edges, develop susceptibility in the spiritual realm.

Practice: first steps

If you are wondering how to learn fortune telling on Tarot cards at home, then constant practice with layouts will help you. Start with the simplest ones - this will help to correctly interpret the resulting value.

Why should one not use detailed interpretations of the symbols of other authors in the process of divination?

  • The ready-made formulation makes it impossible to interpret. Turn on intuition, partially relying on the standard meanings of the symbols that have fallen
  • The interpretation of the lasso depends on its position in the layout, position (straight, inverted). It is impossible to memorize all the existing options even for decades - learn to listen to your own subconscious

In the process of divination, tune in, discard extraneous thoughts, retire to the room. Take the deck in your hands and carefully consider each sign, writing down the associations associated with it on a piece of paper or in a notebook. Systematize the information received by compiling a small table with brief information on each lasso.

"Card of the Day" - a simple divination for beginners

"Card of the Day" is one of the easiest tarot card spreads for beginners. Fortune telling will help you better learn all the secrets of the selected deck, remember the main meanings of each sign. Constant practice will help you feel the cards, feel their energy, etc.

It is better to do the layout in the morning - it predicts the events of the next day. The fallen Arcana will tell you what to protect yourself from, and what not to “slip”. But do not get carried away - you should guess every few days.

Another option for using fortune-telling "Map of the Day" is the answer to a question that requires an unequivocal answer from the "yes" or "no" series. It is not necessary to immediately look for a detailed description of the value that has fallen out, it is enough to see in what position the sign fell out - direct / inverted (respectively, a positive / negative answer).

How to lay out tarot cards for beginners?

The correct layout of the deck will help the novice tarologist get truthful answers to questions of interest. Follow these guidelines:

  • Concentrate, ask the cards a question of interest - it can relate to any sphere of life. You can use generalized formulations from the “what awaits me if” series. Replay the question in your mind as you shuffle the cards.
  • Draw cards. There may be several of them - it all depends on the layout used. There are two ways: you can spread all the cards on the table in a fan, randomly taking out the required number of symbols from it, or choose directly from the shuffled pile. When you take out the cards, try not to think about this process.

To interpret the values ​​obtained, turn the cards face down, evaluating the layout as a whole. If a fortuneteller has several cards of the same suit, they symbolize a sphere of life that is of value to a person.

Note. The presence of the Major Arcana indicates the fateful events taking place in a person's life.

When unfolding the arcana, intuitively determine what they want to tell you. If you use a complex layout and the meaning is not clear, use the standard interpretation of the dropped symbol. Do not forget to write down the results - this will come in handy for subsequent fortune-telling.

The video “How to properly lay out Tarot cards when divining” will help to avoid mistakes in the process of layout.

Based on the above information, there are several “golden rules” that will help beginners to better understand Tarot cards.

Guessing should be in good health, high spirits

  • Use only "charged" cards. To do this, carry them with you for a couple of days, “talk” with them (seclude yourself, light a white wax candle, hold the deck in your hands to pleasant music, preferably without extraneous thoughts)
  • Sew a special linen bag or case for the deck. You can use other, natural materials in neutral shades.
  • Intuition, imagination, analytical thinking are your main assistants in learning the secrets of Tarot
  • Learn to interpret the values ​​​​obtained on your own, occasionally looking at the "cheat sheet". Take courses - they will help develop the missing qualities necessary for the correct interpretation of the result of divination
  • Record everything in a special notebook
  • Don't bore your deck with every little thing. Any fortune-telling should be carried out no more than once every two days.

May this information help you better understand the secrets of Tarot. Stay tuned for updates, don't forget to leave comments. See you soon!

A very ancient custom is fortune-telling, the great-grandmothers of our great-grandmothers were also engaged in it, and they did it with fear and excitement, and with great pleasure. How to be able to correctly interpret what has been guessed and how to correctly predict it? What is divination? This is information received from the subtle planes, received from above from the information fields, from your subconscious. You can call it whatever you like, a hint, a warning, a sign, good news. Opportunity analysis based on existing data: our moods, thoughts, external influences and actions. In fact, this is just one of the options for shaping your future.

You need to be able to guess correctly in order to know your fate.

The prediction comes true if all circumstances remain unchanged. Therefore, it is worth making a choice, if you do not like the prediction - try to change it radically. Everything is always in your hands, and you should not believe those who say otherwise. Almost any prediction can be changed. Don't give up, you should at least try. Most often, disappointed people come to fortune-tellers who dream of getting everything on a saucer without doing anything.

Fortune telling is the advice that you receive for further reflection or taking certain actions or further inaction. It is fortune telling that gives a chance to see different possibilities for the development of situations. People very often cannot resolve the difficulties and problems that have arisen, and all their time they think only about them. The opportunity to look at what is happening from the outside, to abstract, to see what you sometimes don’t notice - fortune-telling gives us such an opportunity. The most important thing is to learn how to guess correctly, and then it will be easier for you to get the right answers to all questions.

Basic rules of correct divination.

There are very important rules that will help achieve the best result when fortune telling, and which must be observed.

1. Fortune telling is a very serious and responsible business, even if you decide to do fortune telling as a joke. There are a huge number of different fortune-telling, and each of them requires certain conditions and observances, basic rules. This matter should not be taken lightly. Fortune telling requires calmness and concentration, from the one who decided to do it. Not when you can not guess in a hurry, or on the run. Before fortune-telling, it is recommended that at least some time before rest, relax, just sit, try not to think about anything.

2. Your divination attributes are, for example: coins, dice, runes, paper, and more. This is your work tool. It only belongs to you. You can't let other people use it. You can’t even give a look, only from your hands. Allowing you to shoot runes or cards is possible only during divination. It is strictly forbidden to play or indulge in divination cards. Your divination tools should have their own separate place, for example: a piece of cloth, a box or a box.

4. During fortune-telling, there should be perfect silence. Turn off the music, TV (or at least make the sound quieter).

5. In the process of interpretation, be guided only by the value of one or another attribute of divination. Be sure to listen to your feelings and sensations, to thoughts that suddenly come to mind. But do not weave your own experience into the resulting alignment. This is not a conscious fuss, but a hindrance, and the most important thing in such a matter is the subconscious. It is because of the hustle and bustle that they turn to fortune telling. And you are just a mirror that reflects the information received, and nothing more. Don't forget about it.

6. If you refuse to guess on your own, and decide to seek the help of a professional fortuneteller, do not rush to believe diplomas, titles and beautiful words. This does not always correspond to reality and reality. There are many charlatans who make money on other people's problems, and therefore it is not necessary to completely trust the first comers. If you want to choose the right real fortuneteller, it is recommended to ask around about her abilities those people whom she helped and who turned to her. Reputation must be earned, it is not created just like that and not in one day. It must be earned by people's trust.

And you also need to be able to believe in yourself and in yourself, and then the basic rules of divination will only help you. If you want to learn how to guess for real, the road ahead is always open. Divination is not only knowledge for especially dedicated people.

With concentration, perseverance, the presence of good intuition and intelligence, you will definitely learn to guess. Good luck in your endeavors!

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