How to learn to predict the future using exponential thinking. Five surefire ways to know your future


To begin with, we will consider how it is possible to predict fate? After all, a predictor, in fact, can be considered everyone who in any way predicts future events. This also includes scientific forecasting. This method of prediction has nothing to do with the supernatural abilities of a person, but only with the unique abilities of the human mind to see patterns and the smallest hints in ongoing events or those that happened a long time ago. Moreover, many are sure that all the predictions (especially the ancient soothsayers) were based precisely on this.

Another way to predict is falling into ecstasy. This method is still used in some tribes by shamans. With the help of various techniques and rituals, they could fall into a trance, where they communicated with the spirits of their ancestors, who told them the future. Of course, the shamans knew a lot, they were good healers and spiritual leaders of the tribe. They have been trained in this art since childhood.

For some soothsayers, the gift manifested itself in a dream. It was there that they could see a piece of a future event or someone's future fate. And, of course, you can predict with the help of objects - cards, crystal balls, candle flames, mirrors, etc. It should be noted that for maps, for example, there are already compiled interpreters, so it is easier to get an answer to a question with them. But with magic balls or a candle flame it will be more difficult. It really takes skill.

Some can make predictions with the inner eye, seeing pictures of the future in front of them. Very often, such a gift is developed in blind people (for example, in the Bulgarian seer Vanga). Such a gift can also be trained by developing a certain chakra, which is responsible for foresight.

How to learn divination with various subjects

As mentioned above, you can predict fate and events in completely different ways. For example, using Tarot cards, looking into a crystal ball or seeing fate in coffee grounds. However, even the use of objects suggests the presence of personal power. Next, we will talk in more detail about working with several objects.

So, how to learn divination using tarot cards or runes? In many ways, these two methods are similar, because you need to decipher the drop-down characters correctly. Of course, for this you need the cards or runes themselves and an interpreter for them. The first time, while you are studying, you will need it to clarify for the characters that have fallen out. In order to improve your understanding of the signs, you must conduct sessions every day, deciphering the symbols that have fallen and checking how accurate your predictions are. After a while, you will have intuition in working with runes or cards. Predictions will become more accurate.

Predicting the future with crystal is much more difficult. To begin with, you must purchase a good ball of real rock crystal. But if you haven’t found one, then a simple transparent glass ball without extraneous inclusions will do. To conduct a session, the ball must be placed on a table covered with a dark tablecloth. It is advisable to close the curtains and light candles. Sit at the table and relax. Look at the glass ball, a little detached, not forcibly trying to see something.

Each such session should be no more than half an hour, three times a week. After a while, you will be able to see haze or fog in the ball. This is a sign that everything is working out for you. After a while, you will be able to see clear pictures in it. Remember that prediction with this subject takes a lot of strength, so if you feel any discomfort, immediately stop exercising.

Another way to get a prediction is a prophetic dream. Some people can actually see future events in their dreams. The most important thing here is to remember in the morning what you dreamed about. To do this, put a pen and a piece of paper near the bed. Every time you wake up, be sure to write down everything you see. Then you can start interpreting. For example, turning to dream books, of which there are now many, or, trusting intuition, try to decipher it yourself.

Of course, these are not all ways to get predictions. There are many more. But all of them require not only abilities, but also their development, but also great knowledge. Almost each of the methods involves the appearance of a symbol that needs to be interpreted. And for this you need to know what they mean.

Third eye training

One way to look into the future is with the inner eye. It should be noted that with a developed "third eye" one can be not only a good seer, but also a psychic, bioenergetics, and also a healer. The development of the Ajna Chakra presupposes the appearance of various abilities in a person.

How can it be trained? The simplest exercise is considered eye work. This technique is described in detail in one of the articles on our website. In addition, you can include yoga, meditation, various image visualizations in your workouts. Concentration is also important in this matter.

A very useful initial relaxation and concentration exercise with a candle. In the evening, light a candle and sit next to it at a distance of 10-30 centimeters. Look at the flame for five to ten minutes. Try not to blink. After the specified time, you need to close your eyes and blow out the candle. Various colors will appear before your inner eye, perhaps pictures. Be focused while doing this, but don't stress yourself out.

Learning to predict with the help of specialists

Like any knowledge or ability, the gift of divination can be learned from specialists. And it will be the most correct option, especially for beginners. To get decent knowledge, you should find a good school or courses where an experienced teacher can pass on their knowledge to you, warn you against mistakes and direct you along the right path.

Here it should be noted that, even after going through school, you should not stop there. Training should be continued, abilities should be developed, because they can be easily lost, especially for those whose personal strength is already small.

Some nuances in receiving the gift of divination

In addition to training, developing intuition and other techniques that you can use to develop your gift, you need to adhere to a certain lifestyle. For example, everyone must have heard about the perspicacious elders in Christianity or monks from other faiths who had the gift of seeing the future. They received it thanks to fervent prayer, constant fasting and a modest monastic life. Often this happened due to an illness that was miraculously cured.

It should be noted that many people who prayed to God to give them the gift of divination actually received it. Sometimes it was inherited if a person lived in the world and had children. This is how tribal soothsayers appeared, and the power of the gift for each was not the same.

The gift of divination can be obtained as a result of an accident, clinical death. There is a lot of evidence when people got unusual abilities this way. However, this should not be done on purpose. Another gift to see the future can be acquired after wanderings and long pilgrimages, but this method will not work if a person does not work spiritually.


So, now you know what you need to do to learn how to predict various events. At the very end, it should be mentioned that any person, even one who does not suspect the gift of divination, can get an answer to his question. It is only necessary to formulate it precisely, and then, if a person is a believer, then pray, if not, then just know what the answer will be. And indeed it is. You will get an answer, the main thing is to be careful. The words of a grandmother on a bench or a phrase you accidentally read may be exactly what you are waiting for.

You can read more about various interesting human abilities, as well as energy-informational influences and ways to resist them.

The art of divination (fortune-telling) is the ability to predict future events or gain occult knowledge with the help of supernatural powers, as well as gaining knowledge through inspiration, intuition or reflection. This is a broad term that includes clairvoyance, precognition, prophecy, card reading, the use of runes, and other ways to predict the future. To learn to predict, in addition to intuition, they use some tool or object that helps to understand the past and look into the future.

There are many different methods for obtaining information about the past, understanding current life situations and predicting the future. There are methods for predicting moles on the body, bumps on the head, and even the shape of feces. Some of them are thousands of years old and have already fallen into disuse, others are rarely used, and still others are very popular in our time.

Prediction allows you to consider life situations and their possible consequences. If you do not like what you saw in the process of divination, you can always change it, because you have free will, and actions affect the path of life. The use of predictive tools along with intuitive abilities allows you to see where you have been before, where you are now and where you are going, and will also help you focus during the session. The path is entirely up to you.

I will list just some of the tools that are used for predictions: Tarot cards, runes, pendulums, vessels with liquid, the I Ching book, magic crystals, tea leaves, coffee grounds and much more.

Prediction with playing cards

You can try to predict the future right now using a regular deck of cards. Take the deck and shuffle it well. While shuffling, think of a situation that needs clarification. Without stopping thinking about her, spread the cards into 3 piles. Turn over the first card, keeping in mind that it symbolizes the past. Write down your first impression of the situation as you turn the card over. Then go to the 2nd card, reflecting the current situation, and do the same. After that, move on to the 3rd card, representing the future or possible consequences, and repeat the process again. Now look at your notes: do you see any grains of truth in them that would help you understand the situation? Divination of this kind allows you to intuitively connect with higher forces and higher self for information that will help solve the problem.

Do you want to know the future? This is primarily divination and clairvoyance.

The meaning of these two phrases lies in the main thing: a person, as if from a mass of informational chaos, brings to the surface of his consciousness all kinds of predictions of the future.

If you do not have the ability of a psychic, but you really want to know the future, then you need to see clearly what you want to see, especially about your future and the future of your loved ones, relatives and friends.

These abilities are easily acquired by using a special plant called nutmeg mixed with anise oil.

To do this, you place your body in a bath of warm water and smear your forehead with a mixture of anise oil and nutmeg.

At the same time, you smear between the eyes, the so-called third eye, and this third eye turns into a clairvoyant, as it opens when you are half asleep in a relaxed body in the bath.

You can also use cassia or acacia oil, the so-called potions of sorcerers, also smearing your third, sleeping eye, irritating the subconscious hypothalamus in this way, which will introduce the supposed future into your consciousness.

The main thing is to always be on a horse!

Secret exercises to develop the ability to predict the future:

1 exercise. The future is the foresight of the past at a new level. If you want to foresee the future at a certain time, a certain period, a month, a year, a date, then imagine that you are the starting point for the distribution of time axes along vectors into the past and into the future. Since the past is naturally known to you, you can take a day, a year, a month as a basis, counting from yourself the starting points for your prediction towards the past and you will see some moment or event characteristic of the past. Then, for the same amount of time from the starting point, mark the day, year, month in the future. And the past will mirror the future. The difference will be in certain nuances.

For example, a year ago, on a certain day and month, you stumbled, fell and hit your head on the asphalt. And now add the same time to the future and you can be 100% sure that you, too, will stumble on something somewhere, fall and hit. It may not be a material blow, but a spiritual or mental one. The main thing is that at any point in time you are the very mirror that reflects the past into the future.

2 exercise. To predict the future, you need to find a place where this prediction will open before you. This is the so-called anomalous zone. In ancient times, these anomalous zones (the zones of the Delphic soothsayers) in ancient Greece were the most outspoken zones, where chaste girls predicted the future, surrendering to the god Apollo.

The essence of this prediction is scientifically explained by the fact that in anomalous zones, where the earth's crust is much thinner than in other places, the effect of a connection between man and the cosmic mind is created. And bifurcating spiritually - materially, when the body remains in matter, and the soul rises up, the predictor turns into a kind of mystical being, which is above momentary events in extended time. A bird experiences something similar when it looks down at people or animals moving towards each other among thickets of bushes and forests that cannot see themselves from afar. But since she sees everything from above, she can achieve her goal, foreseeing movement ahead.

3 exercise.
This exercise has a graphical basis for the perception of reality.
, that is, when an artist paints a portrait or landscape, he looks at this place hundreds, thousands of times. And although the drawing of a portrait or landscape is in a single copy, but the time of perception of this situation is stretched over many views of the artist at the moments of reality. Most often, depicting some kind of image, you can optionally draw certain events reflected in this image, which over time can become reality.

For example: drawing a fresh apple, with bright skeletons, you can turn it into a dried and cracking one with worms crawling over it in a few moments, from which butterflies can then appear. That is, the effect of predicting the future occurs. This can be foreseen not only by an artist, but also by a writer, poet, philosopher, and any creative thinking person.

4 exercise. The most basic and mysterious thing is when a person initiated into secret knowledge can foresee the future. What is secret knowledge? This is knowledge, first of all, of the framework, axis, system of what is happening. For example, you eat any piece of meat. But do not think that this piece of meat is in the animal in a certain place and with certain qualities. The one who knows the structure of the animal's body will immediately determine from what place this piece of meat was used in your chop. That is a professional. That is, a person initiated into the secrets of knowledge of animal anatomy (adept). In the same way, an archaeologist, having found a small piece of stone, can determine in which wall it was located, in what area it was mined, and how old it is. This suggests that secret knowledge that few people know turns a person into a predictor of the future. In anticipation of what is happening. Therefore, often when states collapse, some become very rich, because they know the secrets of the collapse of previous states, this especially applies to ancient nations (Jewish). This suggests that in any case, the prediction of the future is the prediction of similar events that once occurred in the past and naturally repeat in the future.

Raymond Kurzweil

Recognized American inventor and futurist, creator of systems for speech recognition, popularizer of the idea of ​​technological singularity.

We misunderstand the future. Our ancestors assumed that it would be the same as the present, but that, in turn, practically did not differ from the past.

Raymond Kurzweil

Although technology develops exponentially (the rate of growth of a value is proportional to the value of this value), our brain still thinks linearly. As a result, we have developed a view of the future, similar to how we imagine a ladder: after climbing a few steps, we can assume that the same steps await us further. We believe that every next day will be about the same as the previous one.

But, as Kurzweil writes in his book The Singularity Is Near, in many areas the rapid development of technology is constantly accelerating. This has led to such a leap in technology and the social sphere that misunderstanding arises not only between different generations, but also within one.

Today, the future does not unfold linearly, but exponentially, so it is now much more difficult to predict what will happen and when exactly. That is why the speed of technological progress surprises us so much.

How can we prepare for a new future if we are used to thinking very differently? First, let's take a closer look at what exponential growth is.

What is exponential growth

Unlike linear growth, which occurs by repeatedly adding the same quantity, exponential growth is the repeated multiplication of that quantity. Therefore, a linear growth on the chart will look like a straight line, evenly rising up, and an exponential growth will look like a line that shoots up sharply.

Here is another way to better understand what exponential growth is. Imagine that you are walking down the road with a step length of one meter. After taking six steps, you will move six meters (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). After another 24 steps, you will be 30 meters away from the starting point. It's not hard to predict where you'll be in another 30 steps. This is the essence of linear growth.

Now imagine that you can double the length of each next step. By taking six steps, you will move 63 meters, which is significantly more than the 6 meters that you would walk in a normal walk.

Having taken 30 steps, you will now move away from the starting point by a billion meters (one million kilometers) - this distance is equal to twenty-six revolutions around the Earth. This is the amazing power of exponential growth.

Why do not believe exponential predictions

Notice that by doubling the length of your step, for each next step you will move a distance equal to the sum of all previous steps. Before you walk a billion meters (Step Thirty), you will be at 500 million meters (Twenty-ninth Step). And this means that the first steps will seem tiny compared to the last. Most of the growth will take place over a relatively short period of time.

That is why we often simply do not notice exponential growth in its early stages. The speed of this process is deceptive: it begins slowly and gradually, at first it is difficult to distinguish it from linear growth. This is why exponential growth rate predictions seem so incredible.

When scientists began scanning the human genome in 1990, many critics noted that at the rate at which research could then be done, it would take millennia to complete the project. However, the scientists met even a little earlier than the period they themselves had planned (15 years). The original version was completed in 2003.

Raymond Kurzweil

Will exponential growth ever stop?

In practice, exponential growth cannot last forever, but it can continue for a long time. A sustainable exponential trend consists of a series of successive S-curves in the technological life cycle.

Each such curve consists of three stages of growth - an initial slow growth, a sharp rapid growth and a leveling off when the technologies have already been sufficiently developed. These curves are superimposed on each other. When the development of one technology slows down, the development of another accelerates. And each time it takes less and less time to achieve higher levels of performance.

Kurzweil names five technological milestones in the 20th century:

  • electromechanics;
  • relay;
  • radio tubes;
  • discrete transistors;
  • integrated circuits.

When one technology exhausted its capabilities, it was replaced by the next.

How to prepare for the future

Get ready to be surprised.

What, for example, might the next five years look like? One of the usual ways to predict is to look back at the past five years and imagine that future events will continue to develop at the same speed. But now it will no longer work, because the very speed of development is changing. Most likely, what you think will happen in the next five years will happen in three years.

For exponential thinking, it is not so much some special planning skills that are important (you already know how to plan), but the ability to correctly calculate the time. And for this, we must not forget that our brain tends to think linearly and adjust its plans for an exponential future.

Why is it important to learn to think exponentially?

Our linear thinking brain can give us a lot of trouble. Linear thinking causes not only individuals but businesses and governments to be caught off guard by exponentially evolving factors.

Large companies are losing money because of unexpected competitors, and we all worry that our future will get out of hand. Exponential thinking will help you get rid of these worries and face the future fully armed.

There are many fortune tellers, psychics and soothsayers. Many of them deceive people or overestimate their abilities too much. But there are real psychics who claim that foresight skills can be developed.

One of the practices is out-of-body travel. This technique opens up fantastic horizons for people. According to practitioners, those people who fully master it will be able to move in space and time. At first glance, it seems difficult, but with regular training, almost everyone can learn the basics. The essence of the technique lies in the fact that at the border of falling asleep, it is necessary to focus on the separation of the astral body (not to be confused with the soul) from the physical. It is important that the approach and subsequent development of this practice is correct, therefore it is preferable to work with a specialist. Mikhail Raduga is the leading specialist in this field. You can visit his website and get acquainted with the possibility of paid and free education. The ancient science of palmistry can help you. Unfortunately, real palmists are few. Bookstores sell many books on the study of palmistry, but much of the information provided there is a hoax. However, you can do it yourself. To get more professional knowledge, contact the experts. A good resource is the Russian Club of Palmists. There you can download good study materials and chat with real professionals.

An alternative to palmistry is astrology. This is not about the astrology that is published in the tabloid press, but about the professional one. Astrologers are engaged in reading the future by the location of celestial bodies in outer space. They can make a personal horoscope for each person. This takes into account many small nuances and details. You can learn the initial steps on the reliable Star Lab resource. You can continue your education more professionally with Pavel Andreev, a leading specialist in the field of astrology. Another popular method for practicing foresight is tarot card reading. Most people take this method as a toy, but real experts know that Tarot can give good clues about situations that will happen in the future. If you are interested in this method, start with the first steps. Study the cards too. You can continue in-depth training with Olga Semishina, who will help you figure everything out and direct actions in the right direction. Develop your intuition daily. Think back to yesterday and analyze it in detail. Think about what would have changed yesterday if you had known about certain circumstances in advance. Send useful information (in the form of images and sensations) from today's self into yesterday's self through the heart. Remember the feeling of acceptance. When you have worked through the exercise well, try to tune in and take in information from tomorrow into today. Don't expect quick results - the channel will stabilize gradually. If you want to learn more professionally, contact the Arcanum Personal Development Center. Experienced instructors will teach you the necessary practices. If you do not want to learn the skills of foresight, contact one of the specialists who provide personal consultations. Choose a reliable person and contact him. Many of them conduct consultations via Skype. Even if the prediction turns out to be true and comes true, psychologists do not recommend resorting to the help of specialists all the time. This can turn into addiction and the loss of all your money. Learn to adjust your life with your own predictions. Use the experience of the past and the analysis of the present. Thus, you can understand in which direction you need to move.

As you can see, there are many different techniques that will help you look into the future. But it takes some time to master the skills. If you need to find out information quickly, consult a specialist or try to figure it out on your own.

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