How to learn to joke funny in any situation: useful tips. Ideas for jokes or how to learn to joke funny ☺ School of humor


Nadia Zima

Copywriter and journalist. Interests - fiction, culture and psychology.

From joy and euphoria to gloating and bitterness, laughter can express the entire spectrum of human emotions. If we consciously try to control the manifestations of anger, then a sincere smile usually does not meet psychological barriers and, appearing spontaneously on the face, becomes the key to personality.

The gaiety of a person is the most outstanding feature of a person, with legs and arms. You won’t see through a different character for a long time, but a person will laugh somehow very sincerely, and his whole character will suddenly appear in full view. Only with the highest and happiest development does a person know how to have fun socially, that is, irresistibly and good-naturedly.

F. M. Dostoevsky, "Teenager"

How quiet and ambitious people laugh

To correlate the manner of laughing with the inherent human traits, it is not necessary to be a psychologist. Watch people from a close circle, and you will notice that the smile of each of them corresponds to the image that has already developed in your imagination. The accompanying laughter and facial expressions speak eloquently about personal qualities.

  • Covering the mouth with the palm of the hand indicates that the person is not too confident and is trying not to attract too much attention. Most likely, he is sensitive to, prone to reflection and introspection.
  • Throwing back the head indicates that the laugher is open to new things, easily involved in what is happening and enjoys life. He is not offended over trifles and tends to see the world in a rosy light, often possessing leadership qualities.
  • Theatrical grimaces and emotional gestures indicate that you have an ambitious person in front of you. He knows how to infect with fun, but he craves from the audience the full return in the form of general attention and compliments. Despite seeming openness, he can be distrustful and cautious.
  • Capricious and infantile people laugh, wrinkling their noses. They have seven Fridays in a week. They tend to change their views, hobbies and priorities.
  • If a person suppresses a smile, this indicates that he controls emotions, is as focused as possible, and this prevents him from enjoying the moment. Such people are able to achieve their goals, but nevertheless need the support of loved ones.

Humor and its targets

A developed sense of humor is one of the most desirable qualities of a modern person. Our ability to respond to funny and jokes is tested at every step - when applying for a job, joining a new team, communicating with friends and establishing relationships with the opposite sex. Stock up on a couple of jokes for different contexts, and you can fill in an awkward pause in an original way and make a favorable impression.

How to develop a sense of humor

A good sense of humor can be considered a form of giftedness, but like any other talent, it can be developed. Even if you need a sign that says "Sarcasm", joke inappropriately and take other people's witticisms literally, you have a chance to become the soul of the company.

The means of comic accessible to everyone were described by the teacher and inventor Yuri Tamberg in the book “How to Develop a Sense of Humor”. Here are some universal tips, following which you can learn not only to joke sparklingly, but also just enjoy life.

1. Learn to see the comic

Wit implies the ability to distinguish good from bad - to know the norms of behavior and recognize deviations from them. You can joke about stupidity, laziness, careerism, greed, infantilism and other human vices. But, making fun of shortcomings, do not get personal - humor should remain kind.

2. Use Associations

Learn to find common ground between heterogeneous phenomena. The ability to draw paradoxical analogies will help both to joke witty and look at the world from a different angle.

Remember the school curriculum. Tropes and stylistic figures (metaphors, metonymy, hyperbole, personification, rhetorical questions) are an excellent basis for a witty remark.

3. Don't be afraid of the absurd

“Impenetrable stupidity” uttered at the right time can defuse the situation. People with a sense of humor will definitely notice a logical error and appreciate your ingenuity.

4. Try to rhyme

Jokes in poetic form are remembered for a long time and speak of the versatility of the author. Few people know that A. S. Pushkin was the master of this genre (“I am captivated, I am fascinated, in a word - I am enchanted!”).

For those who defy classical rhyme, there are Internet folklore genres “pie” and “powder” (lazy, fat and cheerful / a seal lies on the shore / I’m not a seal, but just the same / I can).

5. Broaden your horizons

Wide erudition contributes to the development of a sense of humor - communicate with smart people, replenish your vocabulary.

6. Fight the enemies of humor

Do not allow yourself to be discouraged, give up the idea that the world is dominated by negativity, and find time to rest, because mental and physical fatigue discolor life.

Having learned to joke witty and aptly, you can win over any audience, save yourself and others from the autumn blues and survive any life's hardships. Remember that many doors open for those who go through life laughing.

How to develop a sense of humor is one problem, but how to constantly write killer jokes is another problem. Yes Yes Yes. One of the biggest challenges professional comedians face is the need to produce a steady stream of material. A comedian must always be on the lookout for the funny, although potential humor is found at almost every turn. I offer you ideas for jokes that will help you learn how to joke funny in any situation.

Humor is everywhere!

Here are a few themes for jokes that have popped up many times in humorous articles over the past 10 years:

  • shard of glass in the leg;
  • parenting;
  • diets;
  • flight cancellations;
  • TV;
  • animal sounds in Africa;
  • coffee;
  • living room painting
  • stolen bubonic plague pathogens;
  • upgrading the service class for international flights;
  • staying at a closed airport due to the threat of mining;
  • jet lag syndrome;
  • snobbery, a cat, a duck, a rat and ... Paul McCartney's left nipple.

Some of these joke topics, such as the airport bomb threat, the theft of a deadly virus, or African animals, do not fall into the category of daily events (at least for me). Other humorous topics for KVN or jokes in the company: splinters, painting, babysitting, coffee, TV are quite everyday, and some even have a built-in “something is wrong” component.

There are topics for writing jokes that don't sound funny on their own, but you can learn Highlight the funny part in a non-funny topic. This is what I teach on mine. And while you haven't been there yet, it's important for you to understand that we encounter potentially funny situations every day. It is among these situations that you can take interesting ideas for jokes.

How to Write Jokes: Start Looking for Ideas Everywhere

When you start looking for joke ideas, you will find them everywhere. If you don't write them down right away, you'll likely forget some of them (unless you're a prodigy, of course). So if you want to constantly write funny and interesting jokes, you need to do one very important thing: always carry a pocket notebook with you.

You can also use the recording app on your smartphone, some prefer a voice recorder. This will also come off. I like old-fashioned paper notepads because you can quickly write something in them and they don't need to be recharged. However, I increasingly use my iPhone for this, as it freed me from dozens of notebooks that lay on my desk.

Decide what is convenient for you personally, but the main thing is that you always have somewhere to write down your ideas, if, of course, it is safe and appropriate (if you are driving a motorcycle, having a romantic dinner, having a baby or winning a Nobel Prize, then perhaps it is better make notes later).

How to write jokes: keep a list of observations, stories, other people's jokes

My notebooks contain lists of potential topics, sometimes even partially completed articles. I stumbled upon wonderful ideas, for example, sitting in a bar, unable to start typing. I, in principle, could leave everything and quickly run home, but instead I immediately wrote down a sentence or two, or just hastily made rough outlines of jokes that I used later.

How to come up with a joke - write down all the ideas

It's important to write down joke ideas immediately. At least a few key phrases that will remind you of the story the moment you start writing humorous stories.

Where to get setups that attract attention

Ideas for funny jokes can be taken from the headlines

Why are they so effective? First, they are relevant. The news giants know what people are interested in today, and now you will know it too. Secondly, the most professional copywriters work there, and in these headlines there is a power hidden that should capture the attention of a person.

For example, here is the headline of a news story I just found on a website:

"In China, 8,000 cars are stuck in traffic due to fog."

Idea for a joke: in China, a traffic jam due to fog

Let's make a joke out of this idea. I would be hooked on the word fog. It 100% painted a picture of real fog for everyone. This is the picture we will solve with the setup. We draw the second story: the fog is artificial. And now we create a setup that will draw this in the minds of our listeners.

Huge losses were suffered by Wang Ji, the director of the fog plant.

The result is a joke:

In China, 8,000 cars are stuck in traffic due to fog. Huge losses were suffered by Wang Ji, the director of the fog plant.

Not funny, you say. Maybe a killer joke is rarely born in 60 seconds, more often you need to develop an idea in order for a hit to be born. But do you know what the difference is between those who have developed their sense of humor and those who have not? The first are not afraid to make mistakes and look funny. That's why…

One final note: if you want to learn how to write hit jokes for KVN or just because, you not only need to work, but also ... you need to take risks.

Trial and error is a big part of the joke writing process.

Sometimes your jokes will not make the intended impression on the reader or audience. If this happens, congratulate yourself. You have taken your information out into the community and tried to do it in the best possible way. In the future, you will become much more successful than those who are afraid to publish their opinion because someone will not like it.

Take the risk! Be brave!

So, as you develop your sense of humor, don't be afraid to take risks when writing jokes, be bold. If you feel that something should be funny, but you don't quite succeed, drop me an e-mail. I'll be happy to give you a couple of little tips.

Better yet, sign up for my free webinar where you'll learn how to amplify your jokes and how to develop your individual sense of humor. Collaborating on writing humor is a lot of fun. We all gain experience and learn when we do it together. So let's fill out the form and see you at the webinar.

Before you start joking, you need to study the character of the girl, find out what she loves and what she treats with negativity. Indeed, among women there are persons who like parodies of interesting manners of people, and someone considers this a bad attitude and disrespect for these people.

It is very good when personal jokes are created between a guy, the meaning of which is clear only to them. Find any positive moment from your life together and come up with a joke that you can remember more than once.

You can also make fun of the positive qualities of your girlfriend and avoid making fun of her shortcomings, it’s better to just hint about them than to aggravate the situation with a joke. Most importantly, look into her eyes and smile, all this will show the friendly nature of your jokes.

The ability to pick up a joke is as great as the ability to pick up a compliment. After all, girls are interested in guys who can cheer. The main thing in this case is the ability to improvise. Prepared jokes are also welcome, but first test them on your friends so as not to fail in front of the lady.

How not to joke with girls

Everything here is not as simple as it seems. If some joke seems funny, it is not a fact that the girl will also laugh at her. It also depends on the perception of jokes by boys and girls, which is fundamentally different, and on the events during which the joke was said and on what exactly she made fun of.

Do not joke during sex and about sex. Guys who joke with a girl about sex, unless they're having it with her, are considered horny. Also, do not joke during sex, as the susceptibility of the weaker sex to humor at these moments changes.

If there are any sarcastic, mocking or malicious notes in your jokes, this will indicate your dissatisfaction with the girl or her company.

Don't make fun of a woman's appearance. Even if there is at least some flaw on her body, this should not be done. There is no need to joke about her cosmetics, because girls are trying to do everything to look even more attractive.

Do not joke with her ex, even if he is not very nice to you. The girl on a subconscious level will protect him, and you can quarrel over this.

Be careful when choosing jokes when your girlfriend is. Her psyche is strong, and you must take this into account. Death is like making fun of a girl's pregnancy.

When you date girls, there are many questions that you want to clarify. You can be told about pregnancy, pursuing selfish goals. Or, conversely, keep silent about pregnancy if you are not a real father. But there are signs of pregnancy that will help you understand the essence of what is happening.


About being pregnant, not having a period. However, changes may appear earlier, because the body immediately begins to respond to changes occurring inside. Before the belly begins to grow, the chest swells and begins to grow. Already in the first weeks of pregnancy, a fairly accurate analysis can be made using a special test, which is now sold in all pharmacies, a pregnancy test.

In the second month of pregnancy, nausea and poor health may appear, which is quite common. Have an irresistible desire for some special products. Sometimes it is salty, but sometimes it can be fruit or something else, depending on what the body, or rather even two organisms, needs. Pay attention to yours, it should round off during this period, because hormones have begun to prepare the body for motherhood.

Useful advice

The first months of pregnancy are the most difficult for a woman psychologically and physiologically. There is a restructuring of the whole organism, caused by hormonal changes. Treat your woman with all care and attention.


  • how to know if pregnant

The main difference between people and animals is the ability to joke, that is, to have a sense of humor. A joke is a person's ability to cause smiles and laughter from others. Not all people are witty by nature, this must be learned.

You will need

  • Wit, the ability to joke.


Get together in fun and big companies, poison jokes. Don't miss this opportunity.

Identify for yourself those areas in which you could really “turn around” with your sharp humor. For example, if you are not interested in politics, then it is better not to amuse your friends on this topic - your sharp mind will not be appreciated. This will seem insincere and therefore not very witty.

Come up with witty answers to commonplace questions. You can become a person with a good sense of humor without joking at all. Think of a couple of phrases or phrases for different ones. For example, to the question "Are you doing?" you can say “everything is fine”, or you can answer “not yet” or “the prosecutor has things to do, but I have things to do”.

Don't be offended if your friends don't get your jokes. There is an incentive to improve. Even if acquaintances that laugh at you are funnier than at your jokes. Build a joke in such a way that the final one contradicts the initial one, this actually strengthens it. For example, “The commandant is at the entrance. He demands a pass from those who enter, but if they don’t give him a pass, then he lets him in anyway. ” This is one of the tricks of wit - opposition.

Do not joke about a topic that was discussed three hours ago. Make sure the company hears you. If you are not understood or heard, never repeat or explain the joke. It still won't help. The joke should be at the right time and place.


Direct your wits at anyone and anything, but not at your loved one. You may lose it.

Useful advice

Remember that a person who laughs lives more.


  • How to learn to joke or the basics of wit
  • how to joke

Often the desire to joke in a company leads to an awkward situation when no one laughs after the joke. Although it seemed to be a very, very successful joke. The above situation suggests that either someone does not know how to joke, or everyone else does not understand jokes. There are two ways out: either develop a sense of humor, or change the company.


A sense of humor, like the ability to read and write, is not innate. You can develop it if you wish. Undoubtedly, nature gives someone the talent to make people laugh, someone has the ability to joke funny over the years, and some have to specially learn this. But you should not be afraid that you will again have to comprehend something new: the development of a sense of humor will be fun and exciting.

Be interested in humor: watch humorous programs more often, read humorous stories, jokes, listen to others joke. Quantity over time will definitely turn into quality: the most successful and funny jokes will be remembered and will make up the baggage of humor. After a while, some good anecdote will come to mind by itself.

Remember: what company - such humor. In one company, it is customary to laugh at vulgarities, obscene anecdotes and all kinds of indecencies. In another, subtle humor is valued, inaccessible to the understanding of the uninitiated. This rule is one of the components of the success of any joker. It is not difficult to make a company of friends and like-minded people laugh, but it is more difficult to make a stranger laugh.

Be very careful when making fun of your interlocutors. The ability to make fun of a person so that he is not offended is aerobatics and the art of humor. In relations with, in a conversation with superiors or with parents, it is better to refrain from this type of humor altogether. It is easy to offend a person, but it will be difficult to prove that it was a joke. It's much safer to make fun of yourself, a fictional character, or just the situation.

Try to come up with your own jokes. Come up with funny answers to everyday questions like, “How are you? "Kiss me first!" Try to apply famous jokes in non-standard situations. Remember the most famous proverbs and sayings and come up with other funny endings for them.

Trying to pass for a cheerful and playful, observe the measure. A well-timed joke will make the team laugh. And constant banter can be perceived as bad form. If the conversation is about serious things, trying to say something funny will be extremely inappropriate. During a conversation about cars, an anecdote about Lieutenant Rzhevsky's love affairs will not be perceived by others as successful and funny.

Don't be discouraged if you haven't had a good joke at some point. Try to do it naturally and naturally. And remember: not everyone likes even the famous comedians Zadornov and Petrosyan. There are people who find their humor unfunny, unoriginal and even flat.

Tip 5: What to talk about with girls when dating

Some guys, when meeting girls, doubt whether it is worth talking about certain topics. Such doubts are quite understandable, because a girl can be easily disappointed, and there will be no second chance to make a first impression.

Conversation topics to use when meeting a girl

If you first came on a date with a representative of the weaker sex, you should understand that the further development of your relationship depends on how you communicate with her. That is why you need to make the right impression on her.

Be relaxed, but not defiant. Try to speak openly and sincerely, looking into the girl's eyes and smiling at her. To begin with, you can tell a new acquaintance about what you do, about your studies or work, about some plans for your future life. In addition, you can mention that the main thing in life for you is not only career growth, but also a happy family, and you would like to find yourself a faithful companion in life. You can also tell a new acquaintance about what qualities an ideal woman should have in your opinion. After that, your new acquaintance will surely share with you her plans for the future and thoughts about her ideal man. This topic is very interesting and will help you get to know your interlocutor better.

You can tell the girl about your interests and hobbies. Maybe you do some kind of sport or play a musical instrument. Such a topic is also quite entertaining, and during such a conversation you can find out if you have common hobbies with your interlocutor.

Also, during the first meeting, you can discuss your favorite music, art, literature, poetry, films. A conversation about cinema may well develop into an offer to go to the cinema together.

In addition, while meeting a girl, you can tell her funny stories from your life and the life of your friends. If you have a pet, you can also talk about it, as some girls are very fond of pets.

Do not forget that during the first date you should interest the new acquaintance as much as possible. Try to joke more, as laughter brings people together.

What should you not talk about with a girl while dating?

In addition to acceptable topics during dating, there is a certain list of unacceptable ones. It includes conversations about former relationships in a negative context, conversations about the financial condition, discussion of the details of a sexual life, too intimate topics or vulgar jokes. Girls don't like to discuss it with strangers.

". The fantasy of young people is sometimes very violent. In this case, perhaps it is worth bearing in mind that some ladies' stomachs are a very sensitive place, so if a girl wakes up and finds you in the process of drawing, awkward explanations will not be avoided.

It will be quite funny to make a funny hairstyle on the head of your chosen one. To do this, you need to take hair gel and varnish, gently give the hair the desired shape, for example, strands sticking out to the sides, and fix it properly. Waking up with such a hairstyle and seeing yourself in the mirror, the girl, of course, will not be laughing, but you will have fun from the heart.

Makeup and cosmetics are the realm of women, however, they will find something for you when you want to play a prank on your girlfriend. Take the shadows brighter or, conversely, darker and apply them thickly on the eyelids. Do the same with blush on the cheeks. For nails, use different varnishes. You will almost certainly have a hard time in the morning when the girl flies out of the bathroom screaming, but it will be fun to look forward to and then see her reaction to your cute pranks.

You can come up with many more jokes about a sleeping girl. For example, early in the morning put a large doll or mannequin next to her, throwing a blanket over him and presenting everything as if it were her young man. Imagine her surprise when, during a tender morning kiss, she finds something plastic. But the best surprise for a girl will be something completely opposite: nice care for her when you bring her breakfast in bed or flowers that she finds on the table in the morning along with a note from you.

Laughter is known to prolong life. And the one who becomes the cause of this always enjoys the sympathy of people. Therefore, anyone who amuses the public most often becomes the soul of the company, people are drawn to him, they enjoy the company of this person. It happens that it is innate, like an ear for music and other natural inclinations. But if a child with such a gift is not taught to play the piano, he will not receive awards for achievements in the field of art. But if you train a child without a special gift from God, then, of course, he will not become an outstanding composer, but he will be able to play a couple of melodies. In the same way, you can develop a sense of humor.

First, let's look at what exactly amuses people? First, it's unusual. Some unexpected turn of the situation, a new angle, an original play on words. Try to look at what is happening from different angles, as if you were an alien who flew to earth. After all, what seems ordinary to us can be quite funny. However, in a joke, it is important not to overdo it and not inadvertently offend the people we want to make laugh. There are people who "for the sake of a red word will not spare their father." The one who learns to joke, so, on the contrary, everyone shied away from him - they wouldn’t get on a tongue as sharp as a meat grinder knife.

A joke, like a spoon for dinner, is needed at a certain place and time. It is not worth suggesting that “everything is so bad in our country, because Lenin in the Mausoleum lies not according to Feng Shui” in the cell of the Communist Party, as well as in the society of people who seriously believe in the Chinese doctrine of the correct arrangement of objects. Both those and others will not appreciate your joke. Well, okay, - you say, - tips were given here on how not to joke, but how to learn to joke in order to “give birth” to at least such a simple joke?

Humor, like music and drawing, has its own rules. It seems to you that the comedian makes people laugh every time. Analyze: structurally, only a few tricks are hidden under them, and we will briefly consider these techniques. The first one is a play on words. The Russian language is replete with terms that have different meanings. There are also phrases that sound similar to others. How to learn to joke by playing with words? Highlight such polysemantic terms (spit, key, case). And when they ask you: "How are you?", you can answer: "It's the prosecutor's business, and I'm business." You can beat proverbs and sayings. For example, about a stalemate, say: “I found a goat on the cable, and killed the goat with electric current.”

Another common technique is false opposition, when the second part of the sentence seems to contradict the first, but in fact only confirms it. For example: "No one is interested in us, except for the tax police, and even that is not interested in ourselves, but in the contents of our pockets." It uses a similar amplification technique to the previous one, only the end of the statement refutes the beginning: "Quitting smoking is easy - I have already quit fifty times." There are also tricks of hyperbole - deliberate exaggeration and false understatement. How to learn to joke using this technique? A win-win option is to involve the neighbors: “He got so drunk yesterday that in the morning even the neighbors had a headache,” etc. Bringing to the point of absurdity also amuses the people, and examples of it can be endlessly drawn from the lexicon of the military: “Be silent, I ask you!” etc.

But, let's say you got acquainted with the techniques of humor, but you still can't give birth to something witty. But you can amuse others with other people's jokes. Try to remember a lot of jokes and funny phrases, aphorisms and winged expressions. How to learn to joke, operating with them? The main thing is that the anecdote you tell is appropriate. The "salt" of this comedy opus should at least somehow relate to the topic of conversation. Don't repeat the same joke over and over. And if you didn’t provoke a response of laughter, you shouldn’t immediately tell another similar case, in the hope that it will definitely work. And what absolutely cannot be done is to blame the audience for the lack of a sense of humor.

On the net, you can stumble upon people distributing techniques that will reveal to you the main secret of life in the universe and all that - how to learn to joke? The only problem is that to create a truly original joke, you need a unique creator. Memorizing a dozen relatively funny anecdotes for all occasions is not so difficult, but it will get tired of the environment very soon. Necessary and be able to improvise.

How funny to joke with jokes and other people's jokes?

The simplest solution to the problem is remember someone's funny jokes:

  • Everything really funny has already been invented and voiced long before us.
  • Not everyone actively follows the performances of comedians and is aware of the latest innovations, so it is quite possible to pass off someone else's joke as your own.
  • Hundreds of jokes of any orientation will make even the most serious interlocutor smile.
  • Small fragments of speeches can be memorized almost by heart and quoted verbatim in a suitable situation.

To seem funny at this level, you will also need to practice a little:

  1. Put the voice, it should sound confident, in any situation.
  2. It is good to remember every word, do not stutter and strain your memory in the process.
  3. Learn to feel when this or that joke is right.
  4. Never repeat the same phrases to the same people.

And there may be one very simple flaw in this whole scheme. Nothing will insure against a sharp increase in the popularity of some foreign comedian, and then all the acquaintances will immediately understand where exactly all this sparkling humor was drawn from.

How to train a sense of humor?

You can develop your own sense of humor, and this is one of the best options:

  • Watch the performances of those who know how to joke and do it at a professional level.
  • You don't need to write down every joke, just observe the movements, habits, speech and manner of dealing with the audience.
  • Read as many books as possible, in them you are guaranteed to come across funny or just interesting situations.
  • Develop your consciousness, the more complex the person behind the joke, the funnier the humor itself. Stupid people are rarely truly funny.
  • Watch as many films as you can, especially comedy ones. Some of the jokes presented in them, despite all their typicality and standardity, are too funny.
  • You can get specialized literature to help you write jokes. There's a naked theory out there, it won't make you Jimmy Cara, but it's worth getting to know the basics at least.
  • Never be afraid to joke, try to develop your sense of humor by practicing on the people around you. Let ten jokes be completely unfunny, but what if 11 turns out exactly as it should be?

How to quickly become funny?

Before you start joking, you need to choose a topic for your future "sketch". You can always take something hard to excite others. Or do not deviate from the canons and joke is absolutely harmless.

hard jokes

harmless humor

It is not always perceived by others, it can affect them and even offend them in all seriousness.

More than neutral and does not cause sharp negative emotions in your listeners.

It will help to produce the maximum effect if you have to right on target. Big risk pays off.

It may not cause any emotions at all, as it often happens. You need to try and show imagination.

Will never go out of fashion, others will assume that you have a sense of humor. Let it be black.

Even funny jokes will "get in" only if there is a complacent audience.

With provocative jokes around very simply " to stir up emotions» , but there is no guarantee that these emotions will be positive. Using harmless and purely everyday humor, it is difficult to cause aggression or hostility in your direction. But it’s far from a fact that they will somehow react to the joke itself. She can drown in an endless sea of ​​awkward silence.

You should take risks if you are not very worried about the opinion of those with whom you are joking. Or if your target is one specific person whose humor preferences you know something about from reliable sources. In this case, the attacks of outsiders can even rally you with this person.

How to write a good joke?

Now it is difficult to surprise someone by saying that joke has its own structure. Not too complicated, by the way. Basically it is divided into two parts:

  1. Initial information. Some base that introduces the listener to the situation and at the same time sets the expectation.
  2. Punch - denouement in the form of an unexpected and witty phrase.

Some jokes may be too long. Too long and unnecessary explanation of all sorts of little things and details, and at the end the audience gets a completely unfunny denouement. This is just annoying, so we come to the next conclusion regarding the fact that humor should be short enough.

If you can’t joke three or four times in a minute, then something is wrong with jokes if you have to tell them for a minute, and as an “exhaust” you can only get surprise and misunderstanding on the faces of others.

A similar principle of construction can be traced even in old Soviet jokes. What can I say, even under the king they joked in this way. This information has never been a secret, but it will make it easier to come up with something funny.

Because now The process can be roughly divided into two stages by increasing the efficiency of their own brain processes.

How to learn to joke funny?

For a really funny joke:

  • Read ten books. And then ten more. And 50 more.
  • Watch movies. As many films as possible. Old funny movies.
  • Get life experience. Not the easiest point, but over the years the humor only gets better. If you do not take into account senile insanity.
  • Practice speaking in front of an audience, this will help quell shyness. Although, why be ashamed, because everyone knew what they signed up for.
  • Watch and listen to those who really know how to joke. It is not necessary to “rip off” their witticisms, but it will not hurt to take some points as a basis.
  • Don't be shy about your sense of humor. There will always be connoisseurs who will like your even specific jokes.

There is no universal answer to many questions; therefore, it is impossible to learn how to learn to joke. Really high-quality humor comes only with experience, and by the reaction of others it is always clear how funny this or that attempt was.

Video lesson: learning to joke witty

In this video, humor and stand-up specialist Nikita Tsvetkov will give a lesson in humor, teach you how to joke as funny and witty as possible:

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