What is the name of the process of familiarization with culture. Assimilation of ethical norms and values


Culture plays an integral role in the life of every person. It ensures the full life of people and the development of society as a whole. And each person comes into contact with such a phenomenon as culture, since from birth we are in a certain sphere of culture: spiritual and material.

The concept of culture

Culture is the development and organization of human life, which is represented in its spiritual and material products. All material and spiritual achievements together represent a certain culture. It includes all objects created by people and all acquired spiritual values, which include the life experience of generations, knowledge of the science of technological processes and established norms of behavior. Human activity and its development also refers to culture.

What is the culture

Culture is a diverse concept, which includes many types of cultures. These are scientific, economic, political, moral, aesthetic, ecological types of cultures. Each of them reflects a certain type of human activity. Culture is also divided into spiritual and material. Spiritual is the result of spiritual production, and material is the result of material production.

There is also a distinction between imaginary and genuine culture. Such a distribution arises when trying to give a precise definition of the word "culture" and designate this phenomenon, both in everyday life and in scientific understanding. Culture of consumption and culture of creativity.

In addition to the fact that culture is an artistic phenomenon, in a broad sense, it also personifies the process of consumption. The culture of consumption is spoken of as a partial programming of people and their activities. This is due to the main function of the culture of consumption, which is mass and accessible to everyone.

Introduction of a person to culture

A person cannot exist outside of culture and cannot develop without its influence. In this case, a person is the creator of culture, but he himself depends on it and falls under its influence. From the level of familiarization of a person with national or world culture depends on his spiritual and personal development, the measure of his development as a subject of society. When a person joins the world values ​​of culture, his horizons expand significantly and become more diverse.

Thus, a person can gain new knowledge and experience, develop his abilities and talents, create new objects and communicate with other people. But since culture is considered a dynamic process, familiarization with traditions, customs and norms of behavior occurs throughout a person's life. It is an ongoing process that allows each individual to grow spiritually and fruitfully develop.

This process is also necessary for the constant raising of the cultural level of the social masses and the dynamic development of the world. And the involvement of each person in the process of culture plays an important role in this case, since then it is possible to ensure the development of culture with the help of the unity of innovations and traditions.

Social studies, grade 10


  1. Choose the correct answer and write it in the table at the end of the task block

  1. creation of the Slavic alphabet
  2. slash-and-burn agriculture of the Eastern Slavs
  3. collection of tribute by the prince from subject tribes
  4. writing a set of laws "Russian Truth"
  1. Traditional society is characterized

  1. long-term existence of the community
  2. wide participation of the people in public life
  3. employment of the bulk of the population in the service sector
  4. recognition as the main value of the rights and freedoms of the individual.
  1. The process of familiarization with the culture, values ​​of human society, knowledge about the world accumulated by previous generations is called

  1. science
  2. art
  3. education
  4. creativity
  1. Required for artistic creation

  1. striving for an accurate reflection of reality
  2. simplicity of form
  3. work in a creative team
  4. use of figurative and symbolic means
  1. What sphere of public life does artistic creativity, scientific research belong to?

  1. economic
  2. social
  3. political
  4. spiritual
  1. The transition to a post-industrial society is characterized

  1. formation of a market economy
  2. limited social mobility
  3. empowering mass communication
  4. organization of mass industrial production.
  1. The process of humanization of education involves

  1. observance of the school charter
  2. compulsory basic education
  3. taking into account the needs and interests of students
  4. double shift training
  1. Which example illustrates the impact of society on nature?

  1. discovery of a previously unknown ancient chronicle
  2. presidential candidate debate
  3. disposal of radioactive waste
  4. calendar reform.
  1. Which example illustrates the interaction of nature and society?

  1. defeat by Yaroslav the Wise of the Pechenegs near Kyiv
  2. the formation of the caste system in ancient India
  3. construction of irrigation facilities in ancient China
  4. creation by Ivan the Terrible in 1550 of a new Sudebnik
  1. In the transition from a traditional society to an industrial

  1. the individual became subordinate to the community
  2. increased social mobility
  3. the role of customs in the regulation of social relations has increased
  4. increased non-economic coercion to work.
  1. The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" provides

  1. compulsory education without attending school
  2. compulsory basic general education
  3. acquiring vocational education in basic school
  4. completion of primary school education
  1. The direction of development of society, which is characterized by a transition from lower to higher, from less perfect to more perfect, is called:

  1. social stratification;
  2. public mobility;
  3. social revolution;
  4. social progress.
  1. A totalitarian regime was established in the country, as evidenced by the following:

  1. there is a monopoly on the power of one political party;
  2. citizens are obliged to obey the laws;
  3. the state does not interfere in the affairs of civil society;

4) elections to state authorities are carried out on an alternative


  1. A rapid abrupt transition from one socio-political system to another is called:

  1. progress;
  2. revolution;
  3. regression;
  4. evolution.
  1. What is the name of the process in which a person comprehends the essence of his "I":

  1. self-education;
  2. self-knowledge;
  3. self-expression;
  4. pride.









  1. Define Concepts

  • assimilation - the dissolution of a small cultural group, such as a tribe, (or an individual) into a larger group belonging to another culture as a result of the perception by a small group of dominant cultural traditions. May be voluntary or compulsory.
  • mentality - an image, a way of thinking of a person, a mindset, a worldview.
  • idealism is one of the main trends in philosophy, whose supporters consider the spirit, consciousness, idea to be the original, primary substance.
  • nihilism is a doctrine, the central postulate of which is the denial of generally accepted traditions, norms, rules, and authorities.
  • deviant behavior - social behavior that deviates from the accepted, socially acceptable in a particular society or social context.
  • political system - an ordered integrity of interrelated, interdependent political institutions and political organizations of society.
  • GDP - gross domestic product - is a general economic indicator that expresses the total value of domestically produced goods and services at market prices.
  • legal liability - the application of legal sanctions to offenders. In the subjective sense, it is the obligation imposed on the offender to endure the adverse consequences of a violation of a rule of law.

Two points for each correct definition. The first point is for the essence, the second for the explanation (regarding the context of use, the difference in points of view, etc.).

Two points immediately for the expanded definition.

Maximum 16 points.

  1. Choose the correct answer and write it in the table at the end of the task block

  1. Are the following statements correct:

A. Criminal law is an institution of law.

B. Family law is a branch of law.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are wrong

  1. Are the following statements correct:

A. Public law protects the general interests of the state.

B. Private law is aimed at satisfying and protecting the interests of individuals.

1) only A is true 3) both statements are correct

  1. Are the following judgments about the relationship between spheres of public life correct?

A. The growth of state appropriations for the production of new types of weapons is an example of the connection between the political and economic spheres of society.

B. Financing of the activities of the museum by a patron is an example of the connection between the economic and spiritual spheres of society.

1) only A is true 3) both statements are correct

2) only B is correct 4) both judgments are wrong

  1. Are the following statements about truth correct?

A. The relativity of truth is due to the infinity and variability of the comprehended world.

B. The relativity of truth is due to the limited cognitive capabilities of a person.

1) only A is true 3) both statements are correct

2) only B is correct 4) both judgments are wrong

  1. Are the following statements about the division of labor correct?

A. The division of labor leads to an increase in the interdependence of producers.

B. Competition contributes to the elimination of the division of labor.

1) only A is true 3) both statements are correct

2) only B is correct 4) both judgments are wrong

  1. Are the following judgments about the forms of the state correct?

A. The terms "monarchy" and "republic" designate the forms of state government and characterize the structure of the highest authorities.

B. The terms "federation" and "confederation" denote forms of political regime and characterize the degree of political rights and freedoms of citizens.

1) only A is true 3) both statements are correct

2) only B is correct 4) both judgments are wrong

  1. Are the following statements about international law correct?

A. International law is a set of legal norms governing relations between sovereign states.

B. International law is a set of legal norms governing the legal status, issues of internal administration of a state, its relationship with other entities.

1) only A is true 3) both statements are correct

2) only B is correct 4) both judgments are wrong

  1. Are the following statements correct?

A. Members of the Federation Council cannot be deputies of the State Duma at the same time.

B. The decision on the possibility of using the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation outside the territory of Russia falls within the jurisdiction of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

1) only A is true 3) both statements are correct

2) only B is correct 4) both judgments are wrong








Maximum 16 points.

  1. Fill in the gaps in the diagram


Origin theories




Int. cooperation

foreign policy





Marxist (class)



social contract


foreign economic


Two points for a passmaximum 14 points.

  1. Task by law

Celebrating the birthday of a 10th grade student, the guys continued dancing at about 23:30 in the courtyard of the house where the birthday boy lived. The noise and loud music woke the residents, who repeatedly demanded to stop dancing, but the teenagers did not react to the remarks until the police officers appeared. What offense did the teenagers commit? Which branch of law governs prosecution for such an act? Can 10th graders be held accountable?


“Violation of the peace and quiet of citizens” (2 points), federal laws do not provide for administrative responsibility for this offense, therefore this composition is included in the laws of the subjects. Branch - administrative law (2 points). The possibility of bringing to administrative responsibility depends on age: yes, if they are 16 years old (2 points), otherwise the responsibility may be assigned to their parents or other legal representatives (2 points).

Maximum 8 points.

  1. Analyze the following source

“Human society is the highest stage in the development of living systems, the main elements of which are people, the forms of their joint activity, primarily labor, products of labor, various forms of property and the age-old struggle for it, politics and the state, a combination of various institutions, a refined sphere of the spirit. Society can also be defined as a self-organized system of behavior and relationships of people with each other and with nature ...

The concept of society encompasses not only all living people, but also all past and future generations, i.e. all mankind in its history and perspective. The unification of people into an integral system occurs and is reproduced regardless of the will of its members ...

The life of society is not limited to the life of its constituent people. Society creates material and spiritual values ​​that cannot be created by individual people... Society is a single social organism, the internal organization of which is a set of certain diverse connections characteristic of a given system, which are ultimately based on human labor. The structure of human society is formed by: production and the production, economic, social relations that develop on its basis, including class, national, family relations; political relations and, finally, the spiritual sphere of the life of society - science, philosophy, art, morality, religion, etc.

People are constantly carrying out the process of social production of their lives: the production of material goods, the production of people as social beings, the production of the appropriate type of relations between people, the very form of communication and the production of ideas. In society, economic, economic, state, family relations, as well as a number of ideological phenomena are intertwined in the most intricate way ...

It is society that is the main condition for a more or less normal existence and development of people ... "

(A.G. Spirkin)

1. Find in the text and write out two sentences in which the author lists the main elements of society.

2. Scientists call society a dynamic system. Find in the text three other phrases with which the author characterizes society as a system.

4. Based on the content of the text and knowledge of the social science course, give three proofs that society is “ultimately based on human labor.”

1. Find in the text and write out two sentences in which the author lists the main elements of society.


1. "people, the forms of their joint activity, first of all, labor, products of labor, various forms of property and the age-old struggle for it, politics and the state, a combination of various institutions, a refined sphere of the spirit."

2. “production and the production, economic, social relations that develop on its basis, including class, national, family relations; political relations and, finally, the spiritual sphere of society - science, philosophy, art, morality, religion, etc.”

2 points for each, maximum 4

2. Scientists call society a dynamic system. Find in the text three other words by which the author characterizes society as a system.

The correct answer may contain the following characteristics:

1) live system

2) complete system

3) self-organized system

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)


The correct answer may contain the following arguments:

1) only in relations with other people can a person reveal and develop his qualities (socially significant), which distinguish him from animals;

2) society performs numerous functions that ensure physical survival and a relatively comfortable existence of a person;

3) only in society are the social and spiritual needs of a person satisfied.

Other valid arguments are possible.

2 points for each, maximum 6

4. Based on the content of the text and knowledge of the social science course, give three proofs that society is “ultimately based on work.”

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)


The correct answer may contain, for example, the following explanations: in the process of labor

1) according to the theory of evolution, human ancestors acquired and developed their human qualities;

2) many social and prestigious human needs are realized;

3) the material needs of society are satisfied;

4) a certain social organization is formed;

5) spiritual institutions are being formed.

Other explanations are possible

two points for each, maximum 6

Maximum: 4+6+6+6=22 points

A 5. Society as a group of people united for joint activities can be defined as 1) feudal 2) industrial 3) traditional

4) noble

A6. An example of the influence of natural factors on the development of society is

1) the construction of the pyramids in ancient Egypt

2) the emergence of the oldest centers of civilization in the valleys of large rivers

3) the success of agriculture due to the construction of irrigation systems

4) pollution of the waters of the oceans

A7. Both society and nature

1) are dynamic systems

2) are created in the process of purposeful activity of people

3) develop independently of people's consciousness

4) are in the nature of closed systems

A8. The process of familiarization with the culture, values ​​of human society, knowledge about the world accumulated by previous generations is called

1) science 2) art 3) education 4) creativity

Society =))))) Help! 2. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, characterize the concept of "morality".

Find and indicate a term that refers to another concept.
Social norm, justice, state coercion, good and evil, public opinion, conscience and duty, moral values.

3. Establish a correspondence between the forms of culture and the examples illustrating them: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) a bestseller
B) computer game
B) jokes
D) classical music concert
D) harvest festival
E) epic stories

1) folk
2) mass
3) elite
4) screen

4. Find in the list the characteristics that distinguish science from art
1) reflects the world in images
2) involves a strict system of evidence
3) has an emotional impact
4) put forward hypotheses
5) individual facts are analyzed and summarized

5. Read the text below, each position of which is numbered.
(1) Modern science is involved in the process of social management. (2) It seems that today none of the social processes should be complete without scientific research and the recommendations of scientists. (3) The complexity of modern society and its inconsistency force scientists to study and calculate every step, every decision. (4) Other behavior is undoubtedly capable of leading to catastrophic and destructive consequences.
Determine which provisions of the text are worn
1) actual character
2) the nature of value judgments

6. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing.
A feature of a person that distinguishes him from all other living beings is the ability to think, create in his brain _____ (A) of the world around us. We cognize this world, establish connections between objects and phenomena, and through this cognition we learn to live, to navigate in time and space. Some scientists even talk about curiosity, ________ (B) as an innate human need.
In science, knowledge is understood as a special _______
(B), as a result of which people acquire knowledge about various objects.
Cognition is
(D) the creative activity of a person, aimed at the formation of his knowledge about the world, on the basis of which images, ideas and motives for further behavior arise. In the process of cognition, reality is reproduced in the minds of people.
As a rule, only the process of searching is called cognition.
________ (D), and its result is called knowledge. Knowledge
- having received confirmation and justification ________ (E) of knowledge of reality, its correct reflection in human thinking.
Choose from the suggested list of words to be inserted into the gaps. The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Remember that there are more words in the list than you need to select.
Choose sequentially one word after another, mentally filling in each gap.
1) need
2) true
3) cognitive instinct
4) process
5) activity
6) result
7) perfect images
8) objectivity
9) subject
Note that the spaces are numbered. The table below shows the numbers of spaces. Under each number, write down the number that represents the word you have chosen in the list.

Work with text

Personal worldview

The human mindset is in constant development. It can change significantly under the influence of discoveries in the natural sciences and humanities. However, with all its most profound changes in the worldview, some of its constant component remains. Ultimately, it represents the ideological position of the individual: religious or atheistic, based on scientific or pseudoscientific knowledge, etc.

Structurally, the worldview includes two relatively independent parts: worldview (worldview0 and worldview. Worldview is associated with a person’s ability to cognize the world at a sensory-visual level, i.e. at the level of images, including artistic ones. And in this sense, it determines the emotional mood of a person: enthusiasm or despondency, optimistic attitude to life or pessimistic, friendliness or hostility towards others, etc.

In contrast to worldview, worldview is formed on the basis of the process and results of a person's cognitive and practical activities. In this regard, its main elements are true knowledge and delusions, the practice of the individual and society.

Knowledge of the world outlook lies in the fact that it is the basis for the formation of the interests and needs of a person, the system of his value orientations, and hence the motives of activity.

Dobrynina V.I. Worldview, its role in the modern world.

what two parts (two structural elements) does the structure of the worldview include?

correlate the types of worldview known to you with the structural elements of the worldview?

As a rule, a person's worldview can be determined by the concepts, terms and set expressions that he uses. For example, the worldview may be characterized by such a conceptual set: faith, loneliness, vital impulse. For understanding the world such a set: regularity, proof, social system. Give two examples of concepts and terms that characterize two structural elements of the worldview, highlighted in the text by the author.


Do we recognize a dog because we first saw its coat,
four legs, eyes, ears, etc., or we recognize these parts because
did you see the dog first? This problem is whether recognition starts with
parts of the pattern (holistic "picture"), which serves only
basis for recognizing the whole ("bottom up"), or it
begins with a hypothesis about the whole that allows it to
identify, and then identify its constituent parts (“from above
down") is called the "analytical paradox".

Some theorists ... have suggested that under certain
circumstances, the identification of parts and the whole can occur
up and down at the same time...

In different contexts, we expect to see certain objects.
In the doctor's office we find a stethoscope, in the kitchen - a canteen
silver, in the office - a typewriter, and on the street - a fire hydrant. It seems,
what is "knowledge of the world" somehow facilitates identification
objects in familiar contexts and interferes with their identification in inappropriate

One of the hypotheses about how patterns and forms are recognized,
called "comparison with the standard" ... According to this idea of ​​\u200b\u200b
recognition in the process of acquiring life experience, we
a huge number of standards are formed, each of which is associated with
some value. For example, visual recognition
geometric figure occurs as follows: light energy,
emanating from this figure, affects the retina of the eye and is transformed
into nerve energy that is transmitted to the brain. Search in progress
among the available standards. If there is a standard that matches
neural pattern, the person recognizes that pattern. After matching
object with its reference can be further processed
information and interpretation of the object.
1) What is the essence of the analytical paradox? 2) Try to depict separate parts of a human face. Is it easy
are they recognized if we relate them to the whole - the face? What thought
snippet illustrates this example?

Tatyana Karabina
Socialization is the process of familiarization with the values ​​and norms accepted in society.

A child brought up in a family where parents are personal models for him receives training for subsequent social roles: women or men, wife or husband, mother or father. In addition, it is quite strong social pressure. Children are usually praised for their sex-appropriate behavior and blamed for acts of the opposite sex. Proper sexual education of the child, the formation of feelings accessories to their gender constitute one of the foundations for the further development of their personality. Parents - the first educators have the strongest influence on children. More J.-J. Rousseau argued that each subsequent educator has less influence on the child than the previous one. Parents are previous to everyone the rest: kindergarten teacher, primary school teacher and subject teachers. They are given by nature the advantage in the upbringing of children. From the first days after birth, when the child is still helpless and needs elementary care, he learns parental intonations, perceives emotional atmosphere, learn to appreciate beauty. Responsibility for upbringing is not removed and the need for family upbringing and subsequent (adolescent, teenage and youthful) years. The expression "my house is my fortress" well expresses the idea that a healthy, non-conflict family is the most reliable support, the best refuge, where you can at least temporarily hide from all the anxieties of the outside world, relax and restore your strength. The direct experience of the child acquired in the family, at a young age sometimes becomes the only criterion for the child's attitude to the world around him, to people.

Family - as an institution of education and primary socialization of the individual, is and will be. The family implements functions that no other structural unit can perform for it. society unable to perform. For a person to become a being public, requires a long the process of socialization. And historical experience convinces us that the role of the family is so great. Thus, we can say that the family performs the function socialization of the individual. What the family can give to a person, no other institution can give.

Related publications:

Introducing children to the values ​​of folk culture One of the priority areas of my work is "Introducing children to the values ​​of folk culture." This is a very fertile topic, which.

The influence of psychological and social factors on the processes of adaptation in the society of children with disabilities Report on the topic: "The influence of psychological and social factors on the processes of adaptation in the society of children with disabilities" Prepared by the Educator.

Raising children to respect the moral values ​​of the family Klochkova G. I. Petrus V. V. Shvachko E. Yu. BDOU of Omsk “Center for Child Development - Kindergarten No. 356” “Education of a caring attitude in children.

Autism in the family and society Autism ... In the current, socially oriented time, the concept is very common, if not “fashionable”. A lot of public people.

Our children live in the twenty-first century. This is the time of advanced innovative technologies and computerization. As they say now - “step.

Report "The role of education in modern society" According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, children are entitled to special care and assistance. The Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees the state.

Currently, Russia is going through one of the difficult historical periods. And the biggest danger awaiting our society today.

Gender education as one of the conditions for successful socialization of children in modern society The entry of the domestic education system into the world educational space requires a revision of the education of boys and girls, taking into account.

We will solve several tasks for repeating the first block "Society".

A1. A community of persons united by needs and interests that can be best satisfied only by joint efforts, joint activities, is called:

  1. conglomerate
  2. society
  3. system
  4. queue

We argue.

What conglomerate? A chaotic collection of faces. We know that in society all processes are ordered by PUBLIC RELATIONS, any phenomenon affects others, there is no chaos in society. Answer 1 not true.

System? We do not see such terms as institution, elements, subsystems, therefore, no.

Turn? A household characteristic is not applicable to such a complex definition. Wrong.

So, by elimination method - SOCIETY! The definition is correct, respectively. correct answer 2.

A2. The process of familiarization with the values ​​of human society, knowledge of the world, accumulated by previous generations, is called

  1. science
  2. art
  3. education
  4. creativity

We think. It's about the spiritual realm.

The science- the creation of new knowledge, and not familiarization with the old, is not suitable!

Art- a form of aesthetic development of the surrounding world, it is difficult to call it an introduction to knowledge. Rather, it is a form of creativity, the creation of something new.

Creation- This is a characteristic of any human activity!

But EDUCATION suitable, because at school we receive knowledge that has already been discovered and known to us. Correct answer 3.

A3. Are the following judgments about social progress correct?

A. Modern ideas about social progress confirm its inconsistency.

B. The concepts of "progress" and "regression" are conditional.

  1. only A is correct
  2. only B is correct
  3. A and B are correct
  4. both statements are wrong

Let us remember that what is good and useful for one society is bad for another. The development of one culture may disrupt the traditional path of another. Really, progress is a controversial phenomenon. And right.

Conditionality is a similar characteristic, progress easily turns into regression. For example, the leading countries created their power by robbing colonies - weak countries, for which this enslavement was an unconditional regression. So, B it is truth too. Answer 3.

A4. Unlike nature, society

  1. is a system
  2. is in development
  3. acts as a creator of culture
  4. develops according to its own laws

We argue!

Both nature and society systems, developing according to their own laws ( linear development according to Marx, for example, and evolution). Option 1 not true.

Nature as well as society is in development. The disappearance of some species, the appearance of others is a characteristic feature. Society is also characterized by dynamics. Some institutions die off (blood feud), others appear (the state). 2 not true.

Creates culture? Yes! Only society creates culture - this is its hallmark!

It has already been said about development according to its own laws.

Correct option 3.

A5. Are the following judgments about the process of globalization correct?
A. All global processes are the result of increased international contacts.
B. The development of mass communication makes the modern world whole.

  1. only A is correct
  2. only B is correct
  3. A and B are correct
  4. both statements are wrong

Pay attention to the marker ALL. Such exclusionary language tends to suggest that the option not true(ONLY, NONE, NEVER, ANY). Society is such a complex phenomenon that any processes and causes are possible in it. Also, global processes can be conditioned by global problems and technical development. But not true!

Wording B correct, indeed, the Internet (a means of mass communication) allows you to communicate with people on the other side of the world, connects the world.

Correct answer 2.

Thus, we briefly repeated the first block "Society"!.

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