What are the dots on dominoes called? Domino game rules


No, we can no longer hear joyful cries from our yards: "Double! Fish!" Bones do not knock on the table, and the "goats" are no longer the same. But, surprisingly, dominoes still live, only its habitat is a computer. How to play dominoes with him? Yes, pretty much the same as before...

Domino. Definition

This is a logic game where they build a sequential chain of knuckles ("bones", "stones") that touch each other in halves with the same number of dots (points).


A domino is a rectangular tile with the correct geometry - its length is equal to the width multiplied by two. That is, these are two connected squares, on each of which dots (points) are drawn: from zero to six. It's a kind of flat reincarnation

There are twenty-eight stones in a typical set of dominoes. It is made up of combinations with repetitions of two to seven numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). But there are special sets in which there are points up to nine or more on the knuckles. In general, the number of dice in a set is calculated as (n+1) x (n+2) : 2, where n is the highest number of points. That is, for a common set, the formula looks like this: (6 + 1) x (6 + 2) : 2 = 28.

They make bones from simple or ivory (hence the name), metal, plastic, wood.

History of dominoes

From India and China in the eighteenth century, the game was brought to Italy. It changed a little and took root very firmly in the monasteries, where it was forbidden to play card games, so the monk Domino invented this game (legend).

There is another option because of the white dots on a black background, the game began to be called dominoes, as

From lyrical reasoning, let's move on to practice and figure out how to play dominoes.

General rules

Two, three or four people can play. The rules of playing dominoes for two differ in that each player receives seven dice in his hands, if there are more players - five.

The remaining bones (points down) are laid aside - this is the "reserve" or "bazaar". They turn to him when there is no necessary element for the move on hand.

The player who has the smallest double (tile with the same points 0-0, 1-1, 2-2, etc.) starts the game. If no one has it, then they look for the bone with the smallest value, for example, 0-1 or 1-2.

They walk in clockwise order. The player does not have the right to skip a move or go to the "bazaar" if he has a stone corresponding to the layout in his hands. Only one dice can be placed per move. They pass the move, "knock" if the stones of the "bazaar" are over, but there is no one needed.

The end of the game round comes when one player runs out of all the dice - he leaves. The rest count the points from the remaining stones in their hands.

"Fish" - a situation in which everyone still has stones, but there are no more moves - blocking the game. It happens when all combinations of combinations of one number are laid out, for example 5, that is, the bones 5-4, 5-0, 3-5, 5-2, 5-5 are already on the table, and one end of the chain ends with a stone 5-1, and on the second player put a stone 6-5. In such a situation, the person who placed the last bone, "fish" (6-5), is called "fisherman". All points of the participants in the game are recorded on the account of the "fisherman". He starts the next round. They play up to the number of points agreed at the beginning one hundred, one hundred one, one hundred twenty five, two hundred.

These are the general rules of the game of dominoes. It is very flexible, so there are many varieties. And by and large, each company that lays bones on the table creates its own individual game, with its own private rules. But there are also individual modifications that have firmly taken root in our country, for example, the "goat".

How to play dominoes in Goat

Since the main points remain unchanged (the number of players, tiles, the beginning of the move, etc.), we list only the distinctive ones:

  • the last stone from the "bazaar" is not taken away;
  • the next round is started by the player who entered this round, or "fisherman";
  • you can start recording points for yourself only with twenty-five scored at a time;
  • if after the "fish" the players have the same number of points in their hands - "eggs", these points will be added to the loser in the next round;
  • loses the one who scored one hundred and twenty-five points or more, he is a "goat".

"Sea goat"

This is a more complex, active, but very popular variety of the game. If there are four players, then they play in pairs (team) diagonally.

Let's clarify how to play Sea Goat dominoes:

  • the winner in any round writes down all the points of the losers;
  • if a player has doubles for both dice placement rounds, he can place them in one move;
  • the one who first began to write down points for himself can start any round with a double of six or six, and if he himself wins this round - "by a hundred", then he will win the whole game, and if he loses with twenty-five points or more, he will lose;
  • ending the con with a double zero-zero - the winner, such a draw is called a "bald goat";
  • if the last double is six or six, then the player is also considered the winner, provided that at least one loser has twenty-five points or more left in his hands, if not, then his next “one hundred” bet is mandatory;
  • if only zero-zero bone is left on the hands - this is twenty-five points, only six-six - this is fifty points, only zero-zero and six-six - seventy-five points;
  • if the “fisherman” has fewer stones than twenty-five points, and the opponent has more, then in this round the “fisherman” wins, and his next draw is “one hundred”;
  • if after three attempts the "eggs" were not played, that is, they did not start the next round with doubles from one-one to three-three, these "eggs" were "rotten";
  • if in a doubles game one comes out victorious against a pair of opponents, he is a "general".

As you may have noticed, the differences in the rules of the games are very subtle, and you can choose how to play dominoes yourself. There are also "sports dominoes", FSC, "donkey", "telephone", "muggins", "general", "sausage" and many, many others... By and large, each assembled company decides how to play dominoes. The rules are very detailed and detailed. Sometimes they are even recorded before the game.

Playing dominoes with computer

Now, basically, they play dominoes with a computer (for two), over a network, over the Internet. If you decide to play "Goat" online, then any option is possible in terms of the number of players, these can be simulated people or real netizens.

Each developer puts their own movement and scoring patterns into the game's version, so be on the lookout.

It is convenient to play with the computer, because the distribution of the dice and, most importantly, the scoring takes place automatically, you do not need to puzzle over who gets how much due to such castling. But you must understand the principle of the program from the rules, which are usually described in detail in a special section, so as not to get into a mess.

Winning Rules

How to play dominoes to win? In any version of the game, there are tactics, combinations, sequences of actions in which the win will be more achievable and real. Consider some of them for varieties of "Goats":

  • always carefully observe and remember the moves of opponents, who put what dice where, this will give you an idea of ​​the set of dice and make your opponents more predictable for you;
  • if you play in pairs (online), decide who is the leader and who is the follower, and stick to this alignment of forces throughout the game;
  • you have found a "fish" place, if opponents often skip moves or with the same number of dice they play with the same denomination, for example, only large ones, it is worth the risk.

Dominoes are very popular now, especially on the web. Many resources offer you to play for free and even without registering on their website. This exciting game develops logic and attention, take the time to practice it and...

Dominoes is a board game that originated in China in the 12th century. In the 18th century, this game also arrived in Europe, where it acquired its modern look and name. A set of dominoes usually consists of 28 tiles, including 7 doubles (1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 6-6 and 0-0) and 21 adjacent dice ( 1-2, 2-3, 4-5, etc.). How to play domino correctly, what is the maximum number of domino players, how many tiles are given at the beginning of the game, how are points calculated and how is the winner determined? More on all this...

Classic rules: how to play dominoes

This board game is played by two to four people. For two players, 7 bones are dealt, for three or four - 5 each. The one who has a double 6-6 in his hands starts the game, he puts this bone, the rest attach 6-1, 6-2, 6- to it 3, 6-4 or 6-5. If at the beginning of the game none of the players got a double 6-6, then the game can be started with other doubles (5-5, 4-4, etc.). And if no one got a double at all, then they start the game with a domino with a large value, for example 6-5. During the game, it is necessary to lay out the playing bones according to the following principle: for example, a dice that has 5: 5-3 can be attached to a double 5-5, for example, a domino having 5 and a bone with 3. If a player does not have a suitable bone, then he takes it from those that remained unplayed, or skips a move. But you can not skip a move if there is at least one suitable bone in your hands. The game continues until one of the players places his last dice on the table. The winner is credited with the sum of the points of all the losers. Points are calculated according to the values ​​of dominoes remaining in the hands of other players (for example: 4-1=5 points, 3-6=9 points, 2-5=7 points). It is worth noting that 0-0 assigns 25 points to the contestant. Also, the game may end when the players still have dice, but there is nothing to put on the table. This situation is called "fish" and here the winner is the one with the fewest points. He is recorded the difference in the points of the losers. The game ends when one of the players scores a predetermined amount of points, for example, 100.

The above rules tell how to play dominoes in its traditional form. But besides this, there are other varieties of the game of dominoes.


The most popular variation of the game of dominoes is called "Goat". Most often it is played by four, two by two, but it can be played by three or two. The game is divided into rounds. Each person is given 7 dominoes in their hands, if less than 4 players play, then the remaining dominoes form a "bazaar". If the player comes across five or more doubles, then the bones are re-dealt. The game begins with the one who has the smallest double in his hands, i.e. 1-1 when playing with four or another smallest double if there are two or three players. The move must begin with this smaller double. The game moves clockwise, each subsequent player must place a dice, the value of which matches the last dice laid out on the table at the point of contact (see the rules of the traditional domino game). The bazaar is approached by the player whose turn it is to go, but he does not have the necessary dominoes. He hunts them down until he finds the right one. After the end of each round, scores are calculated. Losing players record on their account the amount of dominoes remaining in their hands. But you can open an account only if you have at least 13 points on hand. The player who scores 101 points or more first is considered the loser and receives the title of "Goat". You can also play "goat" two on two, i.e. unite in teams.

Played by two to four people. For two, 7 stones are handed over, for 3 or 4, 5 bones each. The rest are on the sidelines, clean side up (in the bazaar). The player who has a double 6-6 starts, he exposes the bone. The next players post 6-1, 6-2 respectively, and so on. If there are no such stones, then you need to get them from the market. If none of the players has a double 6-6, then you can go by others, for example 5-5, 4-4, etc. from largest to smallest. And if no one has a double, then they go with large values ​​\u200b\u200bof the stone, for example 6-5. The game ends when one of the players places his last stone. The winner is recorded the sum of the points of all the stones of the losers. The game may end when the stones are in hand, but there will be nothing to report. In this situation, the winner belongs to the one with the fewest points. The difference in points is recorded as a win for him. The game continues up to a predetermined amount, for example, 100 points.


Almost everyone knows the rules of this game. This game is usually played two by two (although it can be played with two or three people). At the beginning of the game, everyone takes 7 bones (if less than 4 people play, then the remaining stones form a "bazaar"). The player with the 1-1 double starts the game. Players move around the circle in a clockwise direction, adding tiles with the corresponding values ​​to the chain formed on the table. If someone cannot make the next move, then he skips it (in the case of two or three players, he takes stones from the bazaar until he finds the right one). The game ends when one of the players has laid out all the stones. The values ​​on the remaining dice are added up (in the case of a two-on-two game, both players add up their stone points). The first team to score 101 points loses the match.


The number of players in this game is from two to four. If two or three play, then they get six stones, if four. then five. The game starts with a “soap”, or with the nearest take. If there are no duplicates, then from the minimum stone. Points are awarded to players during the game. So, who enters from the double gets two points. In addition, the player scores two points each time the number of points placed by him on the free half matches the free half on the other end of the set. Doubles are always located across the main layout. A player can earn three points if the set ends with a double at one end and a half stone at the other end with the same number of points as the double. If necessary, the player can buy one stone from the market. The last two stones of the bazaar do not take part in the game. If the players have nothing to move from, and there are two more hidden stones left in the reserve, the game is considered blocked. The scoring begins. The player who has no doubles left in his hand receives 2 points. If no one has doubles, 2 points go to the player who has the smallest amount of points in his hands. If everyone has doubles, the owner of the smallest double gets 2 points. The player who managed to place all the stones before the game was blocked also receives 2 points. With two players the game continues up to 15 points, with three up to 10.

Dominoes: Shall we rattle the bones?

Dominoes: Shall we rattle the bones?

Dominoes is a game that came from ancient times, in which you need to build a chain of bones (also “bones” or “stones”), adding them by sides with the same point. In some Indonesian countries, dominoes are the national sport.

Description of the domino set

A typical set of dominoes contains 28 tiles, which are rectangular tiles. Their obverse is divided by a line into two identical ones, each of which contains from six to zero dots. There are special sets of dominoes in which the number of dots can be nine, twelve, fifteen or eighteen. On the reverse of the bone, some kind of drawing is usually depicted.

The dice themselves are made from bone (ivory or plain), plastic or wood, and sometimes a deck of cards is used instead. In addition to the traditional domino, there are other varieties of this game.

The number of bones in dominoes is calculated by the number of combinations of the number of dots according to the formula (n+1)×(n+2)/2, where n is the maximum number of points. Thus, a typical set of dominoes contains 28 tiles.

There are also other variants of dominoes. For example, in the Chinese set, which is the ancestor of the "western", there are 32 bones, but there are no "empty" parts in it, but there are several duplicates of paired bones.

History of dominoes

The forerunner of dominoes was an Indian game in which each tile represented the result of throwing two dice. Initially, this game was intended for the nobility and dominoes were made of ivory with ebony inserts. Now dominoes are usually made of black material with white accents.

Dominoes: Shall we rattle the bones?

Dominoes: Shall we rattle the bones?

In the I-II centuries BC. the game was imported to China, and over time, about 50 more variants appeared on its basis - both with black and white knuckles, and with multi-colored ones. The games themselves have incredibly poetic names: "gazelle jump", "enter the pagoda", "carnations in the fog" and so on. Also, Chinese dominoes later developed into the game of Mahjong, popular in the United States in the 20s of the last century.

In Korea and India, dominoes are still used for divination. Such knuckles are considered sacred and have no other use.

In the 18th century, thanks to Marco Polo, dominoes appeared in Italy, where the bones shortened a little, got rid of various classes of bones and duplicates, and instead acquired seven additional bones with “empty” halves.

There is a version that the creation of dominoes belongs to the Dominican monks, since the clothes of the members of this order were called “dominoes” - a black cloak with a hood, and the name of the game of dominoes itself is the “offspring” of the Latin root “dominans”, meaning “dominating, chief", and which is the beginning of the appeal in Catholic worship: "Dominus vobiscum" ("God be with you").

There is a hypothesis that the main system of the world order was encrypted in dominoes - the Universal Law of Harmony of the macro- and microcosm: the game of dominoes has seven numbers (from 0 to 6), which, in particular, symbolizes the septenary structure of the Universe and the seven planes of being.

Rules of the game

The game is designed for two to four players. If two people play, they deal seven tiles each, and if three or four people play, five tiles each, the rest remain in reserve ("in the market"). The player who receives a double 6-6 or 0-0 (depending on the variation of the rules) starts the game. If neither player has received a 6-6 double, it is allowed to start playing with a 5-5 double and so on. If not a single double fell into the hands of the players, it is allowed to start the game with the bone with the highest number of points (for example, 5-6).

The next player must place a tile whose points on one half of the dice match the points already placed. If he does not have suitable bones, you need to take them “from the market”.

When one of the players puts the last bone, the game ends. Such an end is also likely - despite the knuckles remaining in their hands, the players cannot pick up anything to the already existing chain. This is called "fish", and the player who made the last move wins.

Then the points of the knuckles remaining on the hands are counted, and the sum of all points is counted to the winner. If the game ends with a “fish”, the winner is the player who left the knuckles with a smaller number of points in his hands, and the difference in the sum of points from the other players and his own is recorded as a win. You can play up to a predetermined number - one hundred or two hundred points.

Dominoes: Shall we rattle the bones?

Dominoes: Shall we rattle the bones?

Varieties of the game

In Russia, several variations of the game have become widespread, and the same variety in different areas and regions, as well as in different strata of society, may have different names and nuances of the rules.

I will designate the most common variants of the game of dominoes.


The most popular type of game designed for two to four players. Each is dealt 7 dominoes, and the first move is given to the player who received the double 1-1 or the other smallest one. It is forbidden to take the last bone "from the market". The next round is started by the winner of the previous one, or the one who arranged the "fish", and everyone else writes down the amount of points on their remaining dominoes, and you can start recording only with 13 points. The one who first scored 101 points is declared the loser - the "goat".

A common variant of the game is "pair for a pair" - 4 players are divided into 2 teams sitting diagonally opposite each other.

sea ​​goat

Dominoes: Shall we rattle the bones?

Dominoes: Shall we rattle the bones?

A complicated version of the usual goat. The game also involves 2-4 players, but four people must play in pairs.

The winner of the round records the sum of points on the dominoes of all other players.

The number of points with which you can start recording must be at least 25.

If someone else scored more than 25 points, then the score in the round is reset for everyone.

The player who scores 125 points wins.

The player can set up two doubles from both sides of the chain at the same time.

If the player who started to record points for himself starts the round with a double 6-6 (“by 100”) and wins it, he automatically becomes the winner of the game, but if he loses and has more than 24 points left in his hand, then he receives the title of "in-law" and loses the whole game.

The player who finishes the round with a 0-0 double wins the entire game and is called the "bald goat".

The player who finishes the round with a 6-6 double wins the game if the loser has more than 24 points. If the loser has less than 25 points, then the player who finished the round starts the next one with a double 6-6 (“one hundred”).

The player who at the end of the round has only a bone with a 0-0 double gets 25 points; a knuckle with a double 6-6 - 50 points; if he has two dominoes left with doubles 6-6 and 0-0, then he counts 75 points

The player who placed the “fish” is called the “fisherman”, and the double is not considered the last knuckle.

If the “fisherman” left less than 25 points in his hands, and the other players have more, then the “fisherman” is the winner of the round, and in the next he has the right to make a move “for 100”.

In case of winning by "fish" and if other players have 25 points or more left on dominoes, then this is called "decommissioned fish".

If the "fisherman" left more than 25 points in his hands and more than other players, then he can "write off the fish", and in the next round he has the right to go with any domino.

If the "fisherman" failed to write off the "fish" from three attempts, then he is considered the loser, and the right to move "for 100" passes to another player.

If both players have the same number of points in their hands during the “fish”, then the situation is called “eggs”.

- "Eggs" are played from double 1-1.

If with "eggs" it was not possible to play them from three attempts, then they are considered "rotten" and the round is not counted.

sports domino

Another variation of the Goat for two pairs of players. Differences:

Rounds start in turn.

Knuckles should be placed on stands.

The number of rounds must be a multiple of four (4, 8, 12, etc.) and is agreed in advance.

The winner is the pair that recorded more points for the opponents.

Dominoes: Shall we rattle the bones?

Dominoes: Shall we rattle the bones?

A donkey

Goat variation for 2-4 people. Differences:

Dominoes can be attached to the first double set from four sides, forming a cross and not a chain.

The player can put up several doubles on each side of the "cross".

When placing a double, you can “close” it, that is, by turning the domino upside down, forbid continuing this side of the “cross”. If a player puts up several doubles in one move, then he can open or close several ends of the "cross".

If the first domino placed is not a double, the next player can close two doubles at the same time, which usually ends the game and starts scoring.

The actual scoring is similar to the "goat" one - the game lasts up to 101 points, to start recording, you need to score at least 13. If the player scores less than 13, his score is "remembered" until the next round. If nothing is recorded or remembered in it for this player, the score is reset.

Phone (Flea; Houses)

This variation of the game differs from the rest in the way of scoring points.

The game involves either 2 players or 2 teams of 2 players, each is given 7 dominoes. The first double, which was closed on both sides, is called the "house", and now you can attach dominoes to it from four sides. The first round starts with the player who received the 2-3 domino, the next round starts with the player who won the previous one, and he has the right to start the game with any bone.

Points are awarded when the sum of points at different ends of the "cross" is a multiple of five.

The player left with dominoes deducts the remaining points for himself (also if they are a multiple of five, rounded down).

If teams play, points are collected and deducted from both team members.

The game goes up to 225 points and usually consists of 10-15 rounds. If both players/teams have scored 225 or more points, a draw is declared.

There is an option when in one move it is allowed to set up to 4 doubles - one on each side of the cross.

Dominoes: Shall we rattle the bones?

Dominoes: Shall we rattle the bones?


Variation of dominoes from England.

For two players, 7 dominoes are dealt, for three or four - 5 each. The first player can start with any knuckle. The first double opens the "cross", or four-way chain. Further dominoes can be attached from all four ends.

Points are awarded when the sum at the ends of the "cross" is a multiple of five.

The player who finishes the game receives ten points.

At the end of the “fish”, the winner is the player who left fewer points in his hand. He is recorded the difference in the sum of points from other players and his points (rounded up to five).

The game goes up to 200 points.

General goat

Variation for two teams of 2 players, which are located diagonally from each other (1.3 and 2.4). Each player is dealt 7 dominoes, the round starts with a double 1-1, the game is played in a "chain". The goal is to finish it with doubles 6-6 and/or 0-0, and players of the same team can signal each other about the doubles they have in their hands (for example, at 0-0 - you need to wink, at 6-6 - puff out your cheek).

You can not end the game with a "fish" - this round will not be considered.

The game ends if one of the players runs out of dominoes.

The loser is the player whose move must come after the player who laid out the last bone or double 0-0/6-6. He disturbs the dominoes for the next round and is declared the General.

Only the total number of "generals" per team is counted.

A variant of the game for three and four teams is possible - the team that received the "general" gives way to the waiting one.

There is a variation in which you can end the round only with a 0-0 double, and it is forbidden to prompt your partner.


Domino variation for two people. Each player receives 14 tiles placed face down in a line. The first player takes one tile to the right from his line and places it on the table. It is possible that the game starts with a double, and in this way the players can get acquainted with their dominoes.

The meaning of the game is that it is necessary to build two lines from the first knuckle according to the rules of the classic domino. When two lines match in the number of dominoes, the player has the opportunity to "cut off the sausage", or, to put it more simply, to close his line with a transverse knuckle.

If the domino taken on the right is not suitable for the sausage, it is placed in the line of the player on the left and the turn passes to another player.

The round can end with a “fish” or when one of the players has no dominoes left, and the number of points remaining for him is recorded for the second.

It should be agreed in advance how many points the game goes to.

Domino principle

This is a chain distribution (chain reaction) of a certain phenomenon under the influence of some factor that affects the first element of the chain.

Special demonstrations of falling dominoes are held, usually to coincide with Domino Day, which has been held annually in the Netherlands since 1986. Competitions are organized there to build the longest possible demonstration chain, with colored dominoes they “draw” whole pictures!

Dominoes is a board game known to almost every person since childhood. The process itself is simple: a chain of chips is lined up according to the principle of contact of halves with an equal number of points.

A set of classic dominoes includes 28 rectangular tiles. On the front side there is a division into two parts. Each part displays a certain number of points (points) from zero to six. There are also special sets of dominoes, where the number of dots is greater and reaches 18 points.

History of dominoes

Dominoes is one of the first board games known to mankind. The history of dominoes begins in the II century BC. Today the game is very popular in European countries, but originally appeared in China. In turn, dominoes came from bones that were previously brought to China from India.

The rules of the game of dominoes in those days were different. Participants rolled two dice. The roll result is the player's score. Two dice - two dice for a modern chip.

Around the 18th century, dominoes came to Europe. It is not known for certain who brought the game to the mainland, but many historians claim that it was Marco Polo. Already in Italy, the original version of dominoes was transformed, and the classic version became available to the world, which is played to this day.

In eastern countries, more than forty varieties of dominoes are known. In Russia, several types of this game are most popular. The main differences are in the principle of scoring, determining the winner, and some other nuances. Before the start of the competition, figure out how to play dominoes, what is the peculiarity of the process. This will help you win faster!

What is a fish in dominoes

The victory is won by the player who places a chip, after which the other participants do not have the appropriate combinations to continue the competition. It is this blocking move in the game that is called the fish.

In most types of dominoes, the winner is credited with a number of points equal to the sum of chips remaining in his opponents' hands. Then a new round begins, and the final victory belongs to the one who has accumulated the number of points established by the rules. For example, in the domino "Goat" you need to score 101 points to win, in the "Sea Goat" - 125.

There is a second way to end the game - the winner is the one who first put all his bones on the table. In this case, points are calculated in the same way.

Classic domino rules

Some contemporaries call dominoes classics of excitement. This is a game with incomplete information: until the end, the opponent does not know which bones are in his opponent's hands. There is even a theory that it is in dominoes that the dominant theory of the universe is encrypted.

Classical dominoes are a pair game, two or four people participate in it. If there are only two players, then they are dealt seven chips per hand, for four - five each (in this case, the game is played 2x2). The remaining bones are placed in a reserve, which is called the "bazaar". The first move belongs to the participant who got "double zero" or "double six". This means that equal values ​​are drawn on the chip on both sides: zeros or sixes.

If the participants do not have bones with doubles in their hands, you can start the game with “double five”. If the players do not have doubles in their hands, then they start the game with the chip with the highest value (for example, “five - six”, “four - six”).

After the first move, players place chips with the corresponding values. If other players do not have suitable chips in their hands, they take additional ones from the reserve.

Domino rules "Goat"

The rules of the goat game are slightly different from the classic dominoes. Two to four players also participate. If four people are playing, then they are divided into pairs. In this case, players sitting opposite each other will be allies.

The principle and mechanism of the game is the same as in classic dominoes. But after the end of each round, the losers write down on their account the amount of points that they have left in their hands. Recording starts with thirteen points (fewer points are discarded). As soon as a player has accumulated 101 points, he is declared the loser, jokingly calling him a "goat".

Domino rules "Sea Goat"

Another popular domino variation. Suitable for players who like dynamics, excitement and higher difficulty.

Differences in the rules from the domino "Goat":

  • The minimum number of points a player can record for himself is 25.
  • The participant who wins the game writes down the sum of the points of the losers
  • The player who scores 125 points becomes the loser. He is called a "sea goat"
  • Only one player can score points. If another participant scores more than 25 points, then all players again become 0 points
  • You can put a double at different ends of the chain of chips. It's allowed by the rules
  • The end of the round with a double "zero - zero" means victory. In the game, such a move is called "fast". 75 points are credited to the loser's account at this end.
  • If the end of the call occurs with a double "six - six", the loser is credited with 100 points. The player who completed the game with such a knuckle has all points deducted to zero.

Donkey Domino Rules

Another dynamic type of domino. Points are counted up to 101. The minimum for entry is 13 points.

Differences in the rules from the game of "Goat":

  • At the same time, you can use both one double and all four, if the participant has them.
  • The player can place chips from four sides to the first double placed on the table (cross shape). You can place chips at the same time
  • The player who places the double has the right to make a “close” (the chip is turned face down). In this case, it is forbidden to further expose the knuckles from this side. The player who made such a move can declare "open" at any time convenient for him.

Children's domino rules

Children's domino is very similar to the classic version of the game. The rules will be similar to the classic dominoes, but a little simpler. The appearance of the knuckles is different: instead of black and white dots, bright multi-colored pictures are drawn: animals, cartoon characters, flowers and plants. With the help of the game, the child learns to count more easily, learns the alphabet, develops logical thinking.

  • If you have knuckles with different points in your hands, try to build the game very carefully in order to take less additional chips from the reserve
  • If you have a couple of doubles in your hands during the distribution, do not rush to immediately use it in the game, wait until the opponent makes several moves
  • Try to understand the tactics of the enemy. If you are playing in pairs, try to interact with your ally as much as possible
  • Identify the leader of each round, choose the scheme of play against him in such a way as to protect your positions as much as possible and get ahead.

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