How not to be afraid to fight yourself: advice from coaches and help from psychologists. How to overcome fear of fighting - practical tips


In cases where a fight is indispensable, many people who are not accustomed to inflicting or experiencing pain are seized by a panic stupor, which automatically leads to defeat, even if the opponent is obviously weaker. This panic can look different and is not always directly related to fear of pain or fear for one's life. Sometimes it can take the form of moral worries or fear of the law, but the basis is always psychological unwillingness to fight.

Don't take your opponent's boasting and aggression to heart. Most likely, he is also nervous and does this to calm himself. Don't be intimidated by the titles and achievements of whoever you have to deal with. Try to avoid discouragement and don't feel like a loser even before the fight.

Listen to your favorite music before the fight. Choose exactly those records that calm you down and set you up for victory. Watch interesting fights in which the athlete you support and whom you strive to imitate wins.

Get angry at your fear. Set yourself up for victory. Never think about defeat. Ask yourself whether your fear is justified, whether it is far-fetched.

Be sure to get enough sleep and rest before the competition. Avoid heavy physical work before the fight. Conduct meditation sessions.

Imagine that you have a training session, not a serious fight. Do not take your entry into the ring as a difficult and overwhelming task, let it be just an opportunity to practice, work out various techniques and improve your skills.

Do not be afraid of criticism in case of defeat. Do not invite your relatives and friends to the competition, so as not to worry even more. Seriously prepare for battle, trying to foresee all scenarios.

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Fear of people very often prevents a person from realizing himself in a profession that requires the ability to communicate. However, such phobias affect not only the professional sphere of life, but also the personal one, forcing a person to refuse to communicate with others. people. To overcome this fear, you need to analyze the situations in which you experience it, understand its cause and take a step towards it.


Fear is a protective consciousness. Fear arises from a sense of self-preservation when a person is physically or in danger. But when this fear goes beyond all reasonable limits, it develops into a phobia, which is very difficult to overcome on your own. But if the fear of spiders does not complicate life, then the fear of communication prevents a person from realizing one of his main ones - social.

Reasons for fear of people One of the main reasons is self-esteem. Every time a person is faced with criticism (most often unfounded) and misunderstanding, he loses confidence in himself and his own abilities. If you do not work with this problem at this stage, then the person begins to close himself off from other people, he has a strong feeling that he is not like the others, that he is superfluous. Very often, the reason for the fear of communication lies in childhood. If a person also experienced an unpleasant situation when he was offended by his peers, expelled from his own, laughed at him, then he quite naturally could have a defensive reaction - he began to be afraid of people. Much less often, the fear of communication is associated with a lack of experience in interacting with society. This is possible if from birth a person is forced, and at an older age and consciously, is isolated from society. Without the practice of communication, he naturally experiences a fear of the unknown.

Ways of fear people The only way to overcome fear is to do what you fear the most. You will need to take your life into your own hands and start expanding the external and internal boundaries. Store To complete this exercise, you need to go to a home appliance store, contact a consultant and ask them to tell you in detail about the product you are interested in. The key is to not buy anything. This exercise will not only help you learn how to communicate with strangers. people, but also to say “no” to them without subsequent remorse. Passers-by Passers-by will need to ask for directions. Approach, ask to indicate in detail how to get to a specific object. After each conversation, be sure to praise yourself for defeating fear. Phone You will need a directory of organizations and the phone itself. Give this exercise an hour. Call companies of various profiles, specify their working hours, range of goods and services, ask them to describe something in more detail. Alternatively, call employers. So you can solve two problems at once - communication and finding a suitable job.

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In order to defeat your anger, you need to clearly and clearly realize its harmful effects. Suppressing one's anger is just as harmful to the individual as venting it outward for the following reason: to suppress anger- it doesn't mean get rid of it, anger remains inside you, destroying not only your soul, but the whole organism as a whole, provoking the development of many diseases - from the nervous system to the digestive organs. You should not throw out your anger outwardly either, because each time such outbursts will gain strength, due to the progressive habit of discharge.

A person's fears determine his behavior and perception of the world. Fear of fighting is the fear of getting hurt or hurting another person.

How to overcome fear before a fight

Fear of competition is a phenomenon that professional athletes cannot tolerate. Overcoming fear will allow you to get together before an important fight and defeat your opponent.

Conflict Avoidance

Why do people avoid fights? Human instincts and defensive reactions warn a person of danger. Subconsciously, he understands that the skirmish can end in bodily injury and dire consequences. Fear is a natural reaction to which you need to pay attention.

A professional fighter can suffer in a fight, and this fact causes his fear. It is necessary to get rid of stiffness at the stage of preparation, otherwise it will not be possible to win. On the eve of the competition, in order to calm down, you need to understand the causes of fear, its true nature.

Winning in the ring is not easy, it is made up of hard work and internal struggle. The fighter is aware of the possible consequences, but is not afraid of the risk. It is easy for such a person to remove anxiety, because he struggles with obsessive thoughts not only before a fight, but also during training in daily training.

Essence of Fear

The reason for the fear that arises often lies in uncertainty: the fighter does not know how the competition will end. His fears turn into fear. The state of affect, when a person is guided only by a feeling of fear, is a mental disorder. If fear is not overcome in a timely manner, it will begin to lead a person.

Other sources of fear:

  • trauma in the past (moral and physical);
  • children's complexes;
  • phobias;
  • self-doubt.

Fear of fighting is often the result of a traumatic event or loss. Negative experience dictates the fighter how to behave in the future: on a subconscious level, he continues to experience the fight and its consequences. People for whom fighting is not a professional duty can also be frightened. But even in this case, life with suppressed fear is not complete.

Self-doubt determines a person's self-esteem. He looks at himself through the prism of complexes and exaggerates certain features that he wants to get rid of. Low self-esteem is a decisive factor for the development of fear or phobia.

A phobia is an irrational fear. A person does not realize its harm and does not see the destructive influence. If a fighter suddenly becomes afraid of the upcoming fight, it is worth understanding his complex psycho-emotional state: a phobia can manifest itself at any moment and at any age.

General symptoms

Fear affects a person's self-perception. He does not understand the true power hidden in him. He is insecure, pinned down and scared. A person with a phobia is dissatisfied with himself. Dissatisfaction does not go away, no matter how hard he tries. He is afraid of the fight even after a long preparation. Problems begin from the first minutes, as soon as a fighter enters the ring. He is aware of all responsibility, but cannot control the situation.

A fighter under the influence of fear cannot cope with emotions: the pulse rises, the heartbeat quickens and the general condition worsens. Fear is also manifested by hand tremors, confusion of speech and consciousness. In combat competitions, such lack of concentration can be worth winning: a fighter, guided by phobias, is unable to defend himself and repel blows.

Ways to overcome

To overcome the fear of a fight, you need to find the cause of obsessive thoughts. Calming pills during a fight in professional competitions are completely prohibited. Calm down with the help of medicines can be people for whom fighting is entertainment or an accident (skirmishes and fights on the street).

In order not to be afraid of the enemy, the fighter works on:

  • thinking;
  • attitude towards combat;
  • physical form.

Only harmony between moral and physical allows you to win. On the eve of the competition, a fighter needs the right attitude. It can be motivation, instructions from the coach, the goal towards which the fighter is going.

Motivation and the right attitude leads to victory

Ways to overcome fear depend on the cause. If fear is caused by self-doubt, additional training is needed to increase self-esteem, a regimen that will allow the fighter not only to train, but also to relax. They add self-confidence and merit: a person receives confirmation of his skills. Therefore, it is better to keep the awards in sight.

Thinking training

To get rid of the fear of a fight will help classes with a psychologist. In the course of such communication, a person reveals the true causes of fear. If these are beliefs formed in early childhood, they need to be changed. For this, gradual work is being done on the thinking of a fighter.

Affirmations are effective. They increase self-esteem and confidence of a fighter. The essence of affirmations is the daily repetition of motivating phrases. Over time, with the help of a simple exercise, it will be possible to overcome the fear of a fight caused by children's complexes.

Hobbies will help overcome fear - activities that distract from anxiety. They allow you to isolate yourself from obsessive thoughts and calm down by receiving positive emotions. Yoga classes help to cleanse fear: it is useful to devote them two days a week.

body workout

It will not be possible to get rid of the fear of a fight without preparation: good physical shape is the key to victory. For a fighter to be confident in himself, he should improve his skills every day. Do not ignore the preparation in group classes: communication with people will allow you to calm down, increase self-esteem.

Good physical shape is the key to victory

For an objective assessment of your chances before the fight, you need to study the opponent: his signature techniques, tactics and behavior. This is the only way to draw up your own line of conduct for the future battle. It is important to hone your skills under the supervision of a coach - he will tell you how to correct mistakes in defense or attack.

The right attitude

Fighting in a tournament where several fighters participate at once is more difficult. The athlete must overcome several worthy opponents: in this case, the mood is the decisive factor in victory. You should evaluate the battle as a chance not only to test your own strength, but also to become stronger. If a fighter doesn't put the thought of losing as a step back, he is able to learn and only get stronger in the future.

Stop being afraid of a fight - believe in yourself. If a person does not see a future in such a sport, his whole body will reject what is happening. A fighter must present himself as a winner, convince himself that his current position is a conscious choice, and not a mere accident.

Many psychologists recommend using small tricks before the fight: do not communicate with strangers, use breathing techniques to calm down and repeat a small ritual. The ritual can be a prayer or the repetition of affirmations. This will be a signal for the psyche that you need to calm down and collect yourself.

Breathing exercises are useful if you have panic attacks or are out of breath with fear. The fighter takes three deep breaths and then holds his breath. After that, he breathes calmly for a minute, and repeats the exercise. It is also important who is next to the fighter before the competition: you can’t communicate with unfamiliar people or representatives of another team, who can bring down all the positive attitude.

Keeping the alignment for victory is the main task of a fighter before a fight.

“Darling, where have you been?
- Begal.
- And why is the T-shirt in the blood and the face is broken?
- Caught up ... "

“I’m afraid to fight…” - it’s incredibly difficult to confess to such a man openly, but you can discuss it incognito via the Internet. How to overcome your fear of a fight - such a seemingly non-male problem is discussed at men's forums. Moreover, psychologists have not gone far in conclusions and advice from ordinary people. Usually, both of them give approximately the same answer to the question of how to overcome fear.

How to get rid of the fear of a fight? Opinions

Let's see what is usually explained by the fear of a fight in the vastness of the worldwide web. Those men who are afraid of pain, blood, or are afraid of being disgraced when they lose, or not men at all, are afraid to fight. In response to the question of how to get rid of the fear of a fight, the following methods are suggested:

  1. Go learn to fight professionally;
  2. Buy yourself a weapon;
  3. Overcome yourself, work on your fear, provoke fights and thereby develop “immunity” to a fight.

That is, the more I'm afraid of a fight, the more often I have to go into a direct collision: they knock out a wedge with a wedge.

At the same time, there are timid calls to resolve all issues through negotiations - not by force, but with the help of words. “We are not savages, we are modern people! Instead of looking for ways to overcome fear, isn't it better to learn to understand others and negotiate?

How to overcome your fear of fighting? Open questions

What is the reason for the persistent feeling "I'm afraid to fight"? Do all men experience fear of a fight? If not all, then why and who is afraid of a fight? What is the point of fighting? Will fighting as such disappear with the progress of society? How to overcome the fear of fighting?

A new look at familiar things

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, being a new direction in modern psychological science, will help us find answers to these questions. First, not all men are afraid of a fight. This is a problem only for men with (special innate properties of the psyche). They are only about 5% of the total number of men. They are more emotional, impressionable than others. Their distinguishing feature is that they are inherently incapable of killing in principle. Life is the highest value for them, they even feel sorry for crushing a spider.

In a group of men, where any man, in fact, moves in the corridor of libido and mortido, sex and death (hunting, prey), the viewer feels “other”, in a sense, not a man. The children's team, where ranking takes place and primitive roles are practiced, including through fights, turns out to be the first test for visual boys. The fear of a fight and in general any fear is transmitted to others through smells. Others catch it - and the young spectator often becomes a victim of aggression. Therefore, the question of how to overcome his fear becomes key for him from a young age.

How to overcome the fear of a fight? Fear has big eyes

The basis of all fears of a visual person is the fear of death. Fear for oneself is a natural fear of the viewer, it cannot be overcome by self-hypnosis, practical training. Therefore, any advice on how to stop being afraid of a fight, with the help of self-persuasion or constant clashes, is obviously useless. Then how to overcome your fear?

The opposite pole of fear is love. The more developed in their properties the visual boy / man, the less fears he has and more empathy, love. If the visual child "gets stuck" in a state of fear for his life, then he is driven into fear even by the very thought of a fight. The good imagination of the audience in bright colors draws bloody scenes with a sad end, causing internal panic.

A developed visual child / man “and sorry for the bird”, he avoids fights, because he simply cannot hurt. Nevertheless, fights are a way of ranking in a children's team, and he will most likely fall into ambiguous situations.

How to overcome the fear of a fight? To understand how to behave as a visual man with a fear of a fight (or a parent of a visual child), you first need to deeply understand yourself, the features of the visual vector, realize the nature of your fear and realize your natural talents. Then there will simply be no place for fears in your life. Your strengths are different, and you just need to know about them! At the training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan, you will learn everything about this. The spectator's special talent is in empathy with other people, through this he gets rid of any fears, and the question of how to stop being afraid of fights is no longer worth it.

So, if you are interested in finding answers to the question of how to overcome the fear of a fight or fight, sign up for a free online training in system-vector psychology.

Understanding the true cause of your fear is an effective way to curb it, understand how to cope with the fear of a fight and work with it productively. Read about, before and after training:

I had quite a few fears. One of the strongest was the fear of people - social phobia. The presence of this ever-increasing fear throughout my life greatly complicated my life, significantly limiting my development, my social circle, and hindered the establishment of new social contacts, which I always tried to avoid.

Now, after almost two years, I do not feel that former horror of people, I can calmly go out, use public transport, talk on the phone and do many other things without wasting time and effort on thinking and overcoming my fear ...

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»

I'm afraid to fight, am I not a man?

February 21, 2015 - 7 comments

"I'm afraid to fight, what should I do?" - here is such a, it would seem, not at all a male problem is discussed in men's forums. Moreover, psychologists have not gone far in conclusions and advice from ordinary people.

First, not all men are afraid of a fight. This is the problem of men with.

Fear has big eyes

At the heart of the deep fear of a visual person is the postulate: "I am afraid of death." Fear of death, fear for oneself - the natural fear of the viewer, as well as the cultural restriction developed by society on killing another person - it cannot be overcome by self-hypnosis. "I'm afraid to fight" is just a sign behind which lies precisely the fear of death, and it is not so easy to get rid of it.

The opposite pole of fear is love. The visual vector, at best, goes through 4 stages of its development: from focusing on one’s own self, fear for oneself, for the safety of one’s life, to love and compassion for other people, when the value of another life is higher than one’s own, when giving oneself to society is a true source happiness for a person.

In the worst case, the social environment of visual development of the child affects, he “gets stuck” in a state of fear for his life, and even the very thought of a fight drives fear into fear, since the imagination of the audience is very, very eloquent, in bright colors draws bloody pictures with a sad the end, where you need to feel sorry for yourself beloved.

For a developed visual child, “I feel sorry for the bird”, he avoids fights. Intellectual. Botanist. Nevertheless, fights are a way of ranking in the children's team, and here it is significant which lower vectors the child has. If a spectator had a fight in adolescence, he was in pain, “the glasses were broken”, then fear is also fixed, although before that he can fight with the boys without problems. Just in adolescence, these fears and conditions begin to manifest themselves especially sharply.

“... Hysterical fears of darkness, heights, depths, spiders, snakes, baboons under the bed, ghosts in mirrors and other evil spirits of the other world have been eradicated. No, I do not deny that I can be scared, but as panicked as before, I stopped being afraid of it. I used to be embarrassed about it…” Novel

And now the visual boy grows up and he has an added fear of a fight: “I'm afraid in a visual way, but I'm a man, how can I not fight? Then I won't be a man! How can I be afraid to hurt others? Men must be strong, courageous!

Considering that in addition to the visual vector, a modern person also has other vectors, it depends on what they are specifically - with what coloring a person experiences fear of a fight. For example, an anal-visual man is especially afraid that he will not be able to protect his woman and disgrace or betray, let his friend down at a fatal moment and also be disgraced ... This fear is especially intensified in the Russian mentality, where "not a man" is not recognized by society.

In addition, for any anal person, his first experience is important: if he had an unsuccessful fight with someone, the fear was fixed and a huge fear arises before a new fight, the past unsuccessful experience pops up in memory.

A skin-visual man is gentle, refined, not born for fights. By nature, he is not a man in the full sense of the word, he is an anti-man in his properties, and thanks to the flourishing of culture, he is in demand today in modern society (designers, artists, singers, etc., and in the primitive era such children simply did not survive ). "I'm afraid to fight" - this phrase will only emphasize the features of his mental structure. He will run away from the scene of a fight at an opportunity, and will not experience pangs of conscience and social shame, like an anal man who has fallen into a stupor.

The urethral-visual man is ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of others, protecting the weak, without thinking about his own benefit. A muscular-visual man will fight for the company, easily falls into a blind rage.

Illustration: Hengki Lee

Summing up

Fear of a fight is a problem for men with a visual vector. The cause of fear lies deep in the psychic - it is the fear of death, fear for oneself. Features of the feeling of fear of fighting depend directly on the vector set of a man.

It’s normal to fight when ranking in a children’s team, when children live through the “primitive” stage, then, in fact, cultural norms should be absorbed by children, and they become cultured people, that is, real people.

Unfortunately, mistakes in education lead to the fact that some individuals of the human race remain savages.

Therefore, yes, you need to be able to fight, you need to know how to overcome the fear of a fight when you encounter subhumans in an animal state.

“... Many fears have gone and continue to go away. I didn’t have any phobias, any obsessive and severe fears, but those that I had were often unconscious or repressed, only certain situations can become their catalyst. But when you understand the roots of fear, then you begin to control impulses from the unconscious, decipher them and become aware of the sources - and fear cannot be born, it does not exist ... ”Evgeny, internet marketer. Text:

It is possible to step over your fear, to transfer your mental unconscious into a state of blind muscular rage, when there is no fear of death, when there is a need for it, in order to save the lives of people in need of protection and help, to save your life, during the war against your enemies, eventually.

To begin with, admit and realize that you have fear and you are afraid that you will be piled on.

Realize that you don't know martial arts. This is what will push you to change yourself for the better and remove the fear of a fight.

How to know if you can take care of yourself? Ask a friend with martial arts experience to spar with you. If you miss punches in training with a friend, then in a real fight you will also miss.

Sign up for martial arts

Your solution to the problem is martial arts enrollment depending on which look you like best. Now there are many directions and styles. You will never regret the time spent.

I studied two years of hand-to-hand combat and it was worth it. Yes, there were injuries, they broke my arm with a displacement of the bone, but this only made me strong.

What training will give in terms of technique and perception

  1. Fighting will become a regular occurrence for you, not something special. After the martial arts section, you will not be afraid of a fight.
  2. You will just be feel confident in conflict situations. This does not mean that you will always climb on the rampage and look for adventures. No.
  3. The more you will be in severe aggressive conditions in training, the easier it will be for you to endure dangerous conflict situations in the future.
  4. You will become hardened. The more experience you have, the harder it will be to break your morale.
  5. Accumulation of all blows and spiritual growth happens during training.
  6. You will be taught how to hold fists, stand and how to learn not to be afraid to fight.
  7. You will learn how to spar and work on the ground.

In sections and training in martial arts, you are fully aware of how to overcome the fear of a fight. Look for a good coach, spare no expense and invest in your development.

Ask your friends where they practice martial arts.

Fight Fear Exercises

A fight is not only a struggle of skills and abilities, it is also a battle of realities.

From training in hand-to-hand combat, they are very tempered the following exercises.

Exercise "Two people are surrounded in a ring"

  • Two people get up back to center, and the rest of the guys surround them, standing in a circle, and deliver light blows.
  • The blows are not such as to directly kill, but just guys indicate the places where you open.
  • If I defend with my back with a friend in a circle, I have the right to hit back, parry blows and dodge. As the coach says, "you can snap."

The benefits of this type of exercise

  1. This exercise simply wakes you up whether you like it or not. You are not afraid that someone will hit you in the face.
  2. you manage respond to blows, see with peripheral vision on rivals, fend off several people at once.
  3. Your efficiency is skyrocketing.
    The more often you do this in training, the faster you will understand how to overcome the fear of a fight. A very useful exercise.

Exercise "Every man for himself"

The second exercise is called "every man for himself".

  1. To begin with, we are given half the hall, where everyone defends himself and fights off everyone.
  2. Here, too, all blows are made carefully, no need to cripple anyone, but no one gives a yawn either.
  3. After a period of time, the area narrows: if at first we fight in half of the hall, then after a period of time already in the quarter of the hall.
    And so on.
  4. Try to get in the middle, in the very heap, if you really want to understand how to stop being afraid of a fight.

Benefits of the second exercise

  • The bottom line is that you learn to fight back in a limited area, you are not afraid of the number of people.
  • Here you really give all the best and rely only on yourself.
  • It's okay that someone first hit you from the side when you fight off one opponent.
  • With time you you will begin to control the distance, learn not to let the enemy close, keep distance and strikes and you will understand how to overcome fear before the fight.
  • You will no longer be lost at the sight of the crowd.

The Benefits of Martial Arts for Energy and Spiritual Growth

What do martial arts give spiritually:

There are many benefits to martial arts.

All these harsh conditions, sparring and parterres in training, aggression, intensity of emotions, rudeness will affect you in such a way that outside the hall all places for you, wherever you go and wherever you are, will be just heavenly and quiet corners.

Reasons for this fear

The scariest things for you to do! For if that doesn't happen, it stops you from doing other things.

If you were able to get rid of the fear of a fight, you have more freedom of action.

The main reasons for the appearance of fear of a fight:

  1. Fear of fighting is the fear of death. If you are not afraid to die, you are not afraid of anything.
  2. Clinging to your body and identification with the body.
  3. Projecting events into the future, thinking ahead and empty attempts to predict events in the future.
  4. Focus on the outside. Focus on anything but being here and now.
  5. Lack of combat skills and lack of fighting experience.
  6. False beliefs and perceptions. For example, self-doubt and self-confidence.
  7. Resisting fear only makes it worse. If it is, accept it and don't resist.

In society, death and the fear of death have been modified into a degree of incredible fear.

Dying is not as scary as it is shown on TV and as it is embellished in Hollywood films.

The illusion is laid from childhood - like dying is scary.

How to fight the crowd, psychology

The psychology of combat in order to stop being afraid of a fight with the crowd:

  • In the crowd, everyone always hopes for the other and waits for the initiative from a partner.. When a fight is planned and even if you are in the minority, the attackers are always waiting for each other - who will be the first to attack you.
  • You need to attack the strongest of the crowd first.. Find him and attack. That is what will take them by surprise. If he is afraid, others will also be afraid with him.
  • You can scare or feint at a weak opponent and switch abruptly to the strongest. This will allow you to keep your distance and keep your opponents away from you.
  • Don't give up and fight. Any weakness is punished.

Knowing these points will help you fight on the street or indoors and not be beaten.

Video for motivation

This motivational video conveys my vision of how to overcome the fear of fighting.

I loved watching it before workouts.

Without any skills in combat, attack, defense, you will not be able to stand up for yourself, whatever one may say.

How should a conscious fighter behave?

All conflict situations are resolved with the help of words.

Fighting is the last and most unnecessary solution to the problem.

The power of words is stronger than fists

A conscious person who knows how to fight and is confident in his abilities will never solve quarrels with his fists. He is confident in his abilities without it.

A conscious fighter never swings his fists just like that., this is the last and unnecessary thing. He will never boast of strength and demonstrate it. This is the destiny of a weak and miserable person.

A strong person does not need to be shown to others so that people can see his strength. And even more so, a strong person does not need to be afraid of him. This is the most vain and base desire.

People will see you as a fighter if you are one.

Personality always comes out. People can sense in you the ability to stand up for yourself. It is expressed in everything: in your look, in the way you speak.

I do not see aggressive and pugnacious people, for me they do not exist. I see only good and positive people. The rest are out of my reality.

How to resolve conflicts without fights, psychology

I was often provoked to fight in clubs and there were many times when guys wanted to fight me.

How to resolve situations peacefully and calmly without fights:

  • Look the aggressor straight in the eye and listen to him, without showing the slightest aggression from my side.
    Project only calmness through your eyes.
  • No need to look with bull's eyes otherwise nothing will work. If you don't make eye contact, you won't be able to control the situation.
  • In your eyes, a person determines whether you are afraid or not.
  • Just listen to his position and do not reinforce the person’s negativity in any way..
  • Don't adopt an angry manner from an emotional person. Speak in your calm, confident voice.
  • When the aggressor realizes that you are not feeding his emotionality - reach out and shake his hand.
    This will close your conflict. The most that can happen is that he does not want to shake hands and leaves, amusing his satisfied ego.

Do not feed the negativity and aggression of a person! Don't feed his anger!

That's all. In fact, only practice and sharp conflicts will make you understand that they are not so sharp.

You can't fake the ability to fight

If you are confident in yourself and can stand up for yourself, the person will feel it. He himself will understand the uselessness of the fight.

Confidence in the ability to fight can not be faked.

If you can't fight, then you can't stand up for yourself.

No matter how hard you try to show the opposite with your whole appearance, the truth always comes out. Therefore, the training and practice of martial arts is important to quell the fear of fighting.

Be fearless. This is your solution to the problem.

My case in the club

Fight without a fight or how I stole a girl from guys

I myself am a non-conflict person and I always try to settle quarrels in a peaceful way.

There was a case when about half a year of my hand-to-hand combat training took place. In club I saw two guys and two girls at the table.

It was evident that they had just met and the guys treated them to free drinks. I met one of the girls before and knew her.

I just came up to say hello to a girl I know and winked at her. To which one of the guys got up, grabbed my neck and began to say something threatening to me.

The combat mode automatically turned on for me, I already fully felt it in my body - all my training practices made themselves felt deep inside.

Although I felt it, I did not even think to use force and fight. But the guy suddenly changed himself: he apologized for grabbing my neck and went to the bar himself.

The guy gets up and leaves on his own, leaving his friend and the girls.

I didn't even say a word to him and didn't think to touch him.. Who you are and your polarity and vibrations are always felt by other people. The guy just felt it in me.

I took that girl by the hand and took her with me.

I did not have a goal to steal a girl from the guys or something else. But since the guy himself ran away, I decided to take his girlfriend.

That's how it all happens: without words and without contact.

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