How to open your own dance studio. How to open a dance school: how to start and succeed


If you are thinking about how to open a dance school, then we will describe in detail a business plan with calculations and precise step-by-step actions. A novice entrepreneur needs to know how to organize such activities and what obstacles will arise along the way.

In order to succeed in the dance business, you should competently approach all aspects - from registration to advertising promotion of the studio. Each of the steps described below is important and neglecting any of the points will only lead to unforeseen losses and loss of reputation.

Relevance of the dance business

The advantage of this direction is that the organization of such activities does not require large investments or complex paperwork. Almost anyone can open their own dance school from scratch. And with the right selection of the services offered and the good location of the studio, you can guarantee a quick return on investment and a net profit.

Today, many people want to dance. They like it for a number of reasons, because dancing brings pleasure, cheers up, helps keep the body in shape, promotes communication and makes a person more confident. And with a variety of dance styles, you can find a style that will distinguish your school from competitors and become interesting for today's youth.

Before dealing with paperwork and other nuances, consider in what format you will work and what you will offer clients. When choosing a style, be guided by such factors:

  1. What captivates you personally and teachers of what direction you can invite to work.
  2. Demand among the population of your city - what dances are fashionable and popular now, what people are most interested in.
  3. Study the competitors as well - you should not offer the same dance styles, if there is already a strong and reputable school of a particular direction in the region, then new clients are unlikely to come to you.

Also, be aware of the target audience you will be counting on. For example, it could be a dance school:

  • For kids.
  • For adults who don't know how to dance at all and want to gain confidence in their movements regardless of style ("Dancing for All").
  • For young people who prefer modern so-called street trends.
  • For women (oriental dances, half-dance).
  • For men (break dance).
  • Wedding.
  • Ballroom (for professionals), etc.

This factor will largely determine how to successfully name the studio, where it is more appropriate to locate it, and how to promote it.

Where to begin?

We list the main legal steps that will have to be taken at the start of the project:

  1. Register with the tax service as an individual entrepreneur (IP) or a legal entity (LLC). The second option is needed only when there are several co-founders at once, that is, business partners.
  2. Choose a suitable taxation system (UTII or STS), according to which you will pay monthly state contributions from income.
  3. Specify OKVED codes according to the services that you offer to the public.
  4. When arranging the premises, it will be necessary to invite representatives of the SES, the Fire Inspection and Rospotrebnadzor, who, after verification, will issue the appropriate permits to conduct activities.

It is convenient that no licenses and certificates are required for this, which greatly simplifies and speeds up the organizational stage.

Studio space

Carefully approach the selection of the location of the future dance school. If you rent a hall in a fitness center, a sports complex or a cultural center, then most of the ups and downs with the controlling authorities will disappear by themselves. In these institutions, everything is already equipped in accordance with the basic requirements of SanPiN and fire safety. Otherwise, you will have to independently monitor every detail.

The convenience of the studio location relative to the target audience is also important. So, when focusing on married couples, children and housewives, it is good to choose a place somewhere in a residential area. But if your clients are students, busy business women and entrepreneurs, office workers, then it is best to rent a room somewhere in the central part of the city.

And although the pay here will be higher, there are still clear advantages:

  • It is easy for clients to get into the club when it is located near work.
  • Such an institution is considered more elite and prestigious, which means that the cost of services can be raised higher.
  • You don’t have to spend too much on an advertising campaign, as it’s enough to place a bright sign and put up several attractive posters near the studio.

When choosing a room, pay attention to the following important parameters:

  1. Free space for the dance room is not less than 80 sq. m.
  2. It is possible to separately arrange a bathroom, showers, changing rooms and a foyer.
  3. A good ventilation system has been installed, as well as other communications.

It is necessary to properly zone the space. So, for the dance process, 80 square meters are allotted. m or more. Be sure to equip two locker rooms (for men and women) of 10-15 square meters. m each. Next to them are showers and a bathroom. At the entrance, there is a place for the administrator (about 20 sq. m.), reception or foyer.

The room itself is equipped with large mirrors on the walls or even around the entire perimeter. Pay special attention to the floor - it must be durable and comfortable for dancing. Usually lay laminate or parquet. In the rest room, you need to put several sofas or armchairs, as well as install a table for the administrator, a telephone and other improvised means.

Depending on your financial capabilities, such premises are rented, bought or built from scratch. But the latter option involves large investments. Although sometimes it remains the only one available, since it is not always easy to find a suitable building in the city that meets the needs of a dance school.


Pay special attention to the selection of employees. All teachers should not only be experienced professionals, but also have a good reputation, be able to communicate with different students, be friendly, quickly assess the physical capabilities of a person, be friendly and disciplined. Remember, from what kind of teachers work at the dance school, this will be the reputation of the institution as a whole.

You also need an employee for an administrative position, which sometimes the owners perform on their own. This person should answer calls, advise on all issues related to the work of the school, record clients, etc.

There must be a cleaning lady on staff. If classes take place all day, then you will have to clean up regularly. With a less busy schedule, cleaning can be done in the morning or in the evening.


To attract customers, you should engage in a targeted advertising campaign. Its methods depend on which audience you are targeting. The main channels for promoting the dance studio:

  • Bright sign.
  • Printing products - leaflets can be left in educational institutions, schools, kindergartens, offices, handed out on the streets, etc.
  • Posters and announcements pasted all over the city - on transport, special boards, entrances, stops.
  • Advertising on billboards, in the media.
  • Use Internet resources - create a website, organize a group on social networks, chat on forums, etc.

One of the main ways to attract a new audience is to hold open dance-style parties, as well as participate in various city events. In this case, you can clearly show the skills of students, the attractiveness of a particular direction, the level of the school and the potential result.

And only after the first successes can you count on word of mouth, when satisfied customers will enthusiastically share their achievements among friends.

Here you can download for free as a sample.

Financial part of the project

Having summed up everything that is needed to open a dance studio, you can calculate the starting costs.

Also keep in mind that for the first time you will have to have a reserve of money to ensure the smooth operation of the hall, regardless of whether customers appear immediately in the desired number.

Income and the rate of return on business will entirely depend on how many people you were able to captivate with your idea, as well as how much one lesson or subscription costs.

For example, at prices of 400-500 rubles per lesson, you can count on a monthly profit of 350 thousand. True, these indicators will not be achieved from the first days of work. Thus, after attracting a sufficient number of students, you can count on the fact that in a few months the initial costs will fully pay off.

Video: how to open a dance school?

An activity such as a dance school is a fairly profitable organization. The main service is dance training for everyone. This business is directly related to the personality of the coach, because the entire educational process will be based on it.

Services that can be provided:

  • group dance lessons;
  • private lessons;
  • holding seminars and conferences on dance topics;
  • organization of dance competitions.

Payment system for clients:

  • monthly;
  • one-time.

It is most advantageous if customers pay in full for the month. This will allow you to calculate the business budget for the next month.

Instructions on how to open and what is needed for this

With the opening of a dance school, everything is simple and clear. If you are a class leader, all you have to do is find a space, advertise, and wait for the first customers. If you need to hire employees from the outside, do not be too lazy to spend more time on this, as the future of your company will depend on them.

Steps to implement the plan:

  1. Market and competitor analysis.
  2. IP registration.
  3. Finding a room.
  4. Hiring employees.
  5. Launch ads.


Stage 1 - registration and preparation of documents

When drawing up a business plan for a dance school, the first thing to do is determine the necessary documents. The list of permits of inspection services below is relevant if the premises are yours. If you rent an area in a sports complex, you only need to have an IP certificate.

List of required documents:

  • IP registration certificate;
  • certificate from SES;
  • permission from the fire department.

Stage 2 - finding a room

The choice of premises should be approached carefully and thoughtfully. It should have excellent illumination, ventilation and be covered with mirrors inside. Also, an important point is the floor on which the training will take place. It should be suitable for dancing, you can easily find the requirements for it on the net.

If this is a building you are renovating for your business, be careful when choosing flooring. Also, in terms of rent, do not forget about sports complexes where you can conclude an agreement, this can give the main flow of customers. The minimum area for doing business of this type is from 100 sq.m.

Stage 3 - purchase and installation of the necessary equipment

Equipment plays a small role in this business. All you need is musical accompaniment and mirrored walls. If you rent a room intended for a dance school, it will be cheaper for you to open, but if it is a regular room, you will have to buy mirrors. Machines may also be located in the hall, as in the sample above, but this depends on the style of the dances being taught.

Stage 4 - recruitment

The staff, in particular the coach, is of the utmost importance. In addition to being highly qualified, he must inspire people, be not just a teacher, but also an educator, and successfully work with the audience. For the first time, you will not need anyone except him, one employee will be able to lead four groups in the dance hall.

Stage 5 - promotion and advertising

For successful promotion, you need to determine the main target audience. To do this, conduct a survey of those who come to you or call. Basically, dance schools are an example of a gathering of people for new acquaintances and vivid emotions. If you can provide such an environment, your business will prosper.

  • website;
  • distribution of leaflets;
  • posting ads;
  • advertising in social networks;
  • information blocks on city resources.

Financial plan

This financial plan, we brought for a dance school, medium in size, with a ready-made room, rented. This is a list of minimum financial expenses.

Initial spending:

  • rent (from 100,000 rubles);
  • advertising (from 50,000 rubles);
  • employees (45,000 rubles).

Total: 195,000 rubles.

Possible risks

Of the points that can greatly harm such a business, this is bad advertising and injury to those involved. Because of the first factor, there will be few people, and the second, the reputation of the school will suffer. Therefore, the main thing in this case is security, an experienced coach and good advertising. And a ready-made business plan will greatly facilitate your task.

There have been interesting trends lately, and the field of dance is no exception: dance shows on TV are gaining momentum, and in this regard, many people are striving for a healthy lifestyle, a beautiful walk and a charming figure.

Anyone can need a dance lesson - a young couple to hone their first dance skills at a wedding, a child to form the correct gait, posture and hobby, an adult who has always dreamed of learning to dance, but then there was no time, then the muse did not come. In addition, pair dances are regularly held in large and small cities, and for people who want to find a soul mate, the ability to dance will become a real lifesaver.

Dancing never loses its popularity and relevance.

Where to begin

  1. The first thing to start with in your new line of business is to study the aspects and characteristics of the market. Think about how much people need your service, and only after that proceed with opening your institution.
  2. The second is the definition of the purpose of the discovery. Whether the premise is solely the goal of systematic profit, or another motivation (helping people) is up to you. In any case, a business opened with love will bring you more joy and pleasant moments than working just for money.
  3. The third is the preparation of a business plan. This stage requires a special investment of time and attention. The fact is that from a well-written business plan, you can get the most out of the activity that you are going to do.
  4. The fourth is the start of activity. The most responsible and important stage. But before moving on to it, it is necessary to pay attention to the previous aspects and provide for each of them.

Note: starting your own business consists of several stages, and it is important to follow their sequence.

The dance school is great as an additional education for children

Costs and their main items

So, you asked yourself: how to open a dance school from scratch. In fact, all that is needed for this is a developed imagination and a great desire to help people, making their life brighter and richer. However, whatever one may say, any business requires certain financial costs, so the dance school is no exception.

Premises and renovation

It depends on him the profit received from your business, the number of students and, in fact, the success of the activity. It should be located in a crowded place, preferably in the center of the city, so that you would like to visit. You will need an area for a dance hall, locker rooms for students - male and female, rooms for storing equipment and clothes, and possibly other rooms. On average, the area will be from 200 square meters. m. It can be a stand-alone building or a built-in area, the main requirement is a good location and compliance in all sizes.

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You can buy a premise with repair, you can make it yourself. In any case, it should fully correspond to the theme of your business: not be too simple and not too defiant. On average, the cost of repairs to bring the premises into a "working" form will be about 100,000 rubles.

The average rental price will be about 200,000 rubles. You can buy a room, but this is a separate conversation, since not every novice entrepreneur will have such amounts of funds.


You will need stands for warm-ups, mats for performing special exercises and paraphernalia - for each dance - it has its own. The purchase of a basic set of equipment will take about 50,000 rubles. In addition, you will have to buy equipment. For example, a tape recorder, a computer, for dubbing musical compositions or musical instruments, if your dances will take place under "live" sound. And these are additional costs, amounting to about 100,000 rubles or more.


These include dance outfits. However, you can invite students to choose them on their own, giving a link to trusted stores. But in any case, you and your teachers will have to purchase costumes for dancing - waltz, tango, cha-cha-cha and others. All these expenses will require an amount of 100,000 rubles.

It is desirable to determine the priority direction of the school


This aspect must be approached with all care so that your business turns out to be profitable and relevant. The fact is that the success of the school as a whole depends on the professionalism of your staff. Therefore, you should not save on employees: of course, these should not be world ballet stars, but not those who just graduated from college yesterday and came to work today with a diploma.

Prepare for the fact that such personnel will have to pay appropriate wages. On average, it is about 100,000 per teacher per month for a large city. If you need two such specialists working in shifts with certain groups of students, then the cost per month for their “maintenance” will be 200,000 rubles. Other employees should be added to them - a manager, an accountant, an administrator.


The dance school business plan involves calculating the total income and expenses from doing business. Consider the main cost items and make a forecast of income from doing business.

Costs (initial):

  1. Hiring employees - 300,000 rubles.
  2. Purchase of equipment - 200,000 rubles.
  3. Purchase of materials - 100,000 rubles.

Thus, the total amount of initial costs will be 800,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses:

  1. Room rental - 200,000 rubles.
  2. Salary to employees - 300,000 rubles.
  3. Payment of taxes and utility bills - 50,000 rubles.
  4. The total amount of expenses that will have to be borne every month will be 550,000 rubles.

Note: in order to start doing business, you need to understand the amount of profit that you can count on by opening a dance school from scratch. On average, for such a medium-sized field of activity, its size is about 100,000 rubles.

Thus, with a profit forecast, the payback period of the school can be from 8 to 12 months. Accordingly, after this time, on average, it will be possible to return the costs incurred and start earning a “net” profit.

The payback of the school directly depends on the number of students


So, we have considered where to start opening a dance school, and how to do it, but for the productive and high-quality work of the institution, a good marketing strategy will be required. At first, when your school is still practically unknown, you can do promotional activities yourself, but later on you will have to add an additional item to the list of expenses.

Dancing is good for health, promotes harmony and well-being, and finally, it is just a pleasant and interesting activity, so their popularity is growing every day. But in order to shine at a party or at a disco with intricate pas, you need not only desire and courage, but also certain skills, and therefore classes in dance classes, schools and studios are very popular. And if you feel ready to start a new exciting business, it's time to learn how to open a dance school and make it profitable.

What are we dancing?

First of all, you need to decide what exactly beginner dancers will be taught in your school, that is, decide on the dance direction. It is not necessary to choose one at all: classical ballroom dancing, salsa and oriental dances, which are popular today, can be taught in the same school. The choice depends on several factors:

  • demand: what exactly your target audience needs, what dances are in fashion now;
  • competition: what existing schools in your city offer students;
  • opportunities: good teachers of which direction you already have in mind
  • your personal preference.

Now another popular direction has appeared, which, in terms of mass, can compete with the most popular dance genres - “Dances for All”. This is a program that allows those who do not know how to dance at all to learn how to move so as not to feel like a black sheep at parties and clubs. Each of the dance schools usually offers its own unique program "for everyone", which includes the basic elements of the most popular modern trends. It is this direction, with proper popularization and advertising, that attracts most of the students to dance schools: after all, they can see and feel the result after a few weeks. And many of them continue to attend school after completing such training (as a rule, it lasts no more than 2-3 months), choosing one of the directions for themselves.

The choice of premises for the dance school

Finding a hall where you can teach dance skills is not so easy, since there are certain requirements for the room, and they are quite strict:

  • its size must be at least 80 square meters;
  • the classroom must be equipped with a high-quality ventilation and air conditioning system;
  • for dancing in the hall, you need large - full-wall - mirrors and ballet machines;
  • adjoining premises are required: men's and women's locker rooms, with an area of ​​15 sq.m. each;
  • showers are needed in locker rooms;
  • one more room - the foyer, where the reception desk will be located;
  • you also need a rest room with upholstered furniture, its size must be at least 20 square meters. meters.

Similar rooms can be found in fitness centers, you can also look for a suitable room in the houses of culture.

A more complicated and costly option is to equip such a hall on your own: purchase a room of a suitable size and remake it in accordance with your needs. But you need to keep in mind that the costs in this case will be considerable: if the room has not been dancing before, most likely you will have to change the flooring and equip the hall with mirrors. Together with the redecoration of the rest of the premises, the possible redevelopment, all this can turn out to be an expensive project.

Choosing a location for a dance school

Not only the technical parameters and the interior of the premises for the dance school are important, but also its location. Moreover, a successful dance studio can be located both in the city center and on its outskirts - in a greasy area, each of them will have its own clients, since both solutions have their advantages and disadvantages.

School in the city center

Like any enterprise in the center, such a school will be considered more prestigious, and therefore higher prices can be set here. Large advertising costs will not be needed: a bright sign and announcements on neighboring streets will suffice, and it will be convenient for employees of nearby offices to go to classes immediately after work.

But this location has its downsides. The first and main one is the high rent, which will "eat up" a large part of the high cost of education. If the city is quite large, then traffic jams can regularly form on the approaches to the center, which will inevitably lead to students or even teachers being late. In addition, those who do not live in the center are likely to prefer a dance studio closer to home.

School in a residential area

If you decide to open a dance studio away from the center, you can expect relatively low rent. Another undoubted plus is that there will be more housewives among the visitors, who will prefer not to work out in the “busy” evening time, but during the day, when the halls are often empty. Due to this, the permeability of the hall will increase. The competition here will not be high - there are usually few dance schools in such areas, but, of course, before choosing a room, you should make sure that there are no such establishments nearby.

The disadvantages of this location include a small number of students, especially at first: ballrooms on the outskirts are rarely crowded; lower than in the center, the cost of classes and the need to invest in advertising, hold various promotions to attract customers.


However, if you have excellent teachers - experienced and knowledgeable, the location of the school and advertising will not be decisive. They come to such a teacher again and again, their classes are recommended to friends, so good dance teachers are the golden fund of your school.

In order for the hall not to be empty, we need 4–6 teachers who will work according to the schedule. You will also need two cashier administrators working in shifts: they will have to communicate with visitors, answer calls, and sell subscriptions. To maintain order in the room you need to hire a cleaning lady.

Calculate income and expenses

Like any other business, you need to start organizing a dance school with a detailed business plan. One lesson in a dance studio can cost from 250 to 500 rubles (we are talking about groups). Those who need individual lessons with teachers, as a rule, pay more - 700-1000 rubles per hour.

As a rule, 10-15 people are engaged in each group. The most demanded time is in the evening, from 17:00 to 22 or even 23:00. However, morning groups can also be popular, which are enjoyed by housewives and people with a free work schedule. In the morning, private lessons are usually scheduled.

In order for the dance studio to pay off and generate income, at least 5 groups must work there per day.

The costs of opening a dance studio school can be as follows:

  • Rent - from 50 to 100 thousand rubles, depending on the size of the city and the location of the school. If the rent of the premises exceeds this amount, there is a risk that the school may not be profitable.
  • The cost of salaries to employees will be about 120,000 per month. Fixed wages are usually for administrators and cleaners. Dance teachers, as a rule, receive a percentage of the subscriptions sold.
  • The cost of equipment (mirrors, machines, flooring) - 80-100 thousand rubles. If you take a room already equipped for a ballroom, these costs can be avoided.
  • Investments in advertising - about 30 thousand.

Thus, the income of a dance studio can be 100-150 thousand rubles a month, so the funds spent on organizing a business will return quite quickly.

Company registration

To establish a dance school, it is enough to register as a tax system, preference must be given or (if possible). No licenses are required to teach choreography.

If you do not rent a ready-made dance hall with all the necessary permits, but organize and repair your own, you will need to obtain special permits to open a school in it from the city administration, the Fire Department and the SES.

Advertising and promotion

Whether or not it is worth investing in advertising of your establishment is a question that every entrepreneur is looking for the answer to himself. At first, of course, you will have to do this. Of course, they will bring some “their” students after them. But it is necessary to notify the residents of the surrounding area about the opening of the studio, then announcements and distribution of leaflets in public places will be used.

Large-scale advertising on radio or television is needed, perhaps, only if you offer something exclusive, something that has not yet been in the city and you expect that they will come to you from any area for the “novelty”.

You definitely need a website for a dance school, or at least your own pages on city portals: now more and more often the question of where to go to study, including dancing, is being asked by search engines. And it will be very useful if information about your studio appears in the top lines of the search.

Another interesting way to draw attention to the project is dance evenings, where students can prove themselves and show new skills, and just have fun. Others will definitely have a desire to “learn the same way”, and the studio will have new students.

Organizing a dance school is more troublesome than costly. So for a person who understands dance styles and knows how to work with creative people, this can be a great opportunity to organize a profitable business with minimal investment.

Dancing is not only an opportunity to keep yourself in good physical shape, but also the choice of several directions at once for starting your own business. As for any other business, a business plan for a dance school is necessary, as detailed calculations, scheduling, market and risk analysis are made here.

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Business Description

The dance school refers to a business that is organized in the field of additional leisure and education. Provides its students with the opportunity to learn different types of dance under the guidance of experienced professionals. Classes are held in a specially prepared and equipped room.

School students can be people of various age groups and social status. Depending on the direction of the school and its specialization, the level of preparation and age of students may or may not be taken into account. Groups are usually formed according to the degree of skill of students and age. The number of groups for each of the directions of the school is dictated by the demand for specific types of dances and the level of training of students.

Most often, three groups are created for each of the selected areas:

  • beginner;
  • continuing;
  • older.

In addition to group lessons, individual lessons can be organized. They will be noticeably more expensive (about three times). The client can pay for each lesson separately or buy a subscription.

The dance teaching process is as follows:

  1. Introducing students to the dance they will be learning. The teacher tells about the history of its creation, focuses on the features of choreography and musical design.
  2. Acquaintance of students with music, determining its tempo, character and size.
  3. Demonstration by the teacher of postures, movements, transitions and drawings.
  4. Repetition by students of movements for the teacher. The teacher draws attention to the mistakes made in the process of performing the dance.
  5. Combining learned movements into dance compositions.
  6. The combination of compositions into dance figures, from which the whole dance is formed.
  7. Dance repetition.

Relevance and demand

In recent years, there has been a trend towards a healthy lifestyle in a large number of people. In this regard, there is an increased demand for the dance art form.

The business of organizing a dance school has a seasonal demand. Its peak is observed from September to December, and then from February to May. In the warm season, consumer activity falls, as people tend to relax more in nature or go to resorts. The winter decline in demand is due to the long New Year holidays, as well as school holidays and student sessions.

Types of dance schools

The created dance school at first can function as a highly specialized one, for example, focused exclusively on ballroom dancing for children. In the future, it will have the opportunity to gradually expand the profile of its activities and offer new areas that depend on the demand and qualifications of the teaching staff.

Sports dance club

This is a professional institution that requires serious financial investments from its students. His clients are those people who plan to build a dance career, prepare for contests and competitions. Such institutions most often practice teaching professional ballroom dancing, they produce qualified athletes in the dance field.

The teaching staff of the club is represented by well-known teachers and choreographers who are stars in the dance sport. His clients are professional athletes who need to polish their skills, as well as teenagers / children who have decided to connect their lives with dancing.

Dance club

As a rule, in such institutions the range of types of dances offered for training is quite wide, from classical to modern.

Here you can open various fitness classes:

  • capoeira;
  • Pilates;
  • stretching, etc.

The club is focused on working with non-professionals (without age restrictions), various events and parties are periodically held for its members. Pupils are prepared to participate in tournaments among amateur dancers. The teachers are qualified dancers and choreographers.

Dance studio

This is an institution of a chamber scale, it assumes the presence of several well-known teachers who may be its owners. Both amateurs and professionals are trained here.

Teachers apply their own approaches to the preparation of dancers. Therefore, clients come here purposefully to study with a specific teacher according to his author's methodology. This institution attracts those who do not want to hustle in dance classes, want to learn from a certain teacher and appreciate a cozy atmosphere.

Dance school

As a rule, he focuses on teaching one direction (for example, Argentine tango, salsa, oriental dances, etc.). For their students, the organizers hold themed dance parties. Teachers are dancers who are experts in several areas of dance. The school's clients want to learn a particular type of dance and are not ready to spend time studying other areas. Among the students of the school, competitions are often held and parties are organized.

Dance lessons based on fitness clubs

Here, dancing is a non-core activity, it is an additional service for club visitors. Dance classes in such establishments are aimed at those who visit fitness clubs to keep fit. For such people, dancing, like aerobics, is gymnastics for the body and nothing more.

Types of dances

At the initial stage of designing a school, it is important to choose the dance styles that will be taught. Here it is recommended to pay attention to both modern and social dances, as well as street dances.

Modern dances include:

  • strip dance;
  • Go go;
  • tectonist;
  • pole-dance;
  • jazz-funk, etc.
  • brakedance;
  • house;
  • hip-hop;
  • street-dance, etc.

The group of social dances includes:

  • salsa;
  • rumba;
  • latina;
  • club latina;
  • solo latina;
  • bachata;
  • reggaeton;
  • rueda;
  • brazilian zouk;
  • merengue etc.

For children, mothers choose the following areas of dance:

  • folk dances;
  • ballroom dancing (from four to five years old);
  • Latin American dances (Cha-cha-cha, jive, rumba, samba);
  • ballet or body ballet (for kids from four years old);
  • belly dance (from three to five years old);
  • variety choreography;
  • Indian dances;
  • step;
  • hip-hop;
  • brakedance;
  • tectonist;
  • krump;
  • house;
  • modern;
  • popping;
  • Eastern dance.

Description and analysis of the sales market

Before proceeding with the implementation of the dance school business plan, it is necessary to analyze the intended functioning market and evaluate direct competitors.

The Russian market of dance services has been actively developing over the past years, while there is a tendency to borrow various Western styles and trends. In the competition between schools, different areas of dance appear on the market, which allows them to attract new customers.

Over the past ten years, trends such as:

  • hip-hop;
  • locking;
  • breaking;
  • c-walk;
  • electro dance;
  • tectonist;
  • techno;
  • dubstep;
  • booty dance.

The market is constantly in motion, instead of dances that were fashionable yesterday, new ones come. This stimulates the emergence of new schools, which entails the expansion of the market for dance services.

The largest number of dance schools is concentrated in the central district of Russia. It is the schools of the central region that set the general line for the development of this line of business in other regions.

An analysis of the list of services provided by schools showed that the following areas are most popular today:

  • house;
  • hip-hop;
  • Jazz funk.

A ready-made example of how to quickly recruit students to a dance school is presented in the video. Filmed by DragonsDanceStudio.

The target audience

The variety of directions in which the dance school can be developed makes the target audience very diverse. For example, girls from 18 to 30 years old are mainly engaged in oriental dances, and boys from 14 to 25 years old do break dancing.

The main target audience of dance schools:

  • "teenagers" - from 11 to 16 years;
  • "youth" - from 17 to 22 years;
  • "adult youth" - from 23 to 35 years.

The income of the consumer should be at the average level. The main clients are teenagers and young people, at this age they show maximum interest in self-development and self-realization. The adult group is less active, but the demand is at a fairly high level. This category of consumers wants to spend their leisure time interestingly, as well as look beautiful and smart. An entrepreneur can provide for the creation of a class for the elderly and children from three years of age.

School clients adhere to an active lifestyle, there may be:

  1. Beginners usually want to get acquainted with modern dance styles and choose the most suitable course for themselves.
  2. Lovers strive to form a beautiful body, take a break from the daily routine and get positive impressions and emotions.
  3. Professionals want to improve their skills and achieve success in dance competitions, as well as build their careers.

Competition and competitive advantages

According to a statistical study conducted in April 2015, on average, there are one hundred dance organizations per one hundred thousand inhabitants of a large city.

The leaders are such cities as Novosibirsk, Samara and Yekaterinburg. At the same time, not all institutions working in the field of "Dance Teaching" are competitors for each other. As a rule, competing schools are focused on the same consumer group, located in the same area, or teaching similar dance styles.

Competitive advantages of the dance school:

  • convenient location for customers;
  • regular use of effective advertising channels;
  • convenient time for classes;
  • organization of additional events such as competitions, reporting concerts and parties;
  • qualified teachers and choreographers who use an individual learning style and are able to interest clients;
  • a well-thought-out subscription system that allows you to pay for a different number of lessons;
  • loyalty program providing discounts and bonuses for regular customers;
  • taking part in field events, competitions, etc.;
  • organization of master classes from leading dancers in key areas of the school;
  • warm and trusting atmosphere between teachers and students of the school.

Step-by-step instructions for opening

To start a business in this area of ​​activity, an entrepreneur will need:

  1. To study aspects and features of the functioning market.
  2. Determine the purpose of the opening (making a profit or, for example, communicating with people, helping them).
  3. Determine the dance directions in which clients will be trained.
  4. Make a business plan for the dance school with detailed calculations.
  5. Register a company and obtain the necessary permits.
  6. Choose a suitable room for the school and conclude a lease agreement.
  7. Carry out repairs to the premises.
  8. Purchase equipment.
  9. Find professional teachers.
  10. Conduct promotional activities.
  11. Open a school.

The documents

To open a business, you will need to collect a package of documents for registering a company as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity, in the form of an LLC. When registering a school, you should indicate the work code - 92.34.2, "Activity of dance floors, discos, dance schools."

Next, you will need to register with the Pension Fund, the Social and Medical Insurance Fund, as well as statistical authorities. The company can pay taxes under the special UTII regime, it does not imply the payment of a tax on profit and property, as well as VAT. A simplified taxation system, according to the 6% scheme, is also suitable. There is no need to install a cash register.

It should be noted that this area of ​​business activity does not require special permits. But, since the functioning of the school is carried out indoors, it will be necessary to obtain permits from the district administration, Rospotrebnadzor, the Sanitary and Epidemiological and Fire Services.

Room and location

Requirements for the school premises:

  • location in the city center or in a place of mass residence of a potential target audience (for example, in a residential area);
  • convenient access roads;
  • availability of public transport stops, metro, parking;
  • acceptable price;
  • high ceilings;
  • ventilation and air conditioning system, as well as water supply, electricity and heating;
  • the possibility of arranging shower cabins;
  • area of ​​the premises is about 100 square meters.

Suitable premises can be rented in fitness clubs and business centers.

The school premises are divided into the following zones:

  • study hall (at least 50 square meters) or several halls (for parallel lessons);
  • foyer;
  • women's and men's locker rooms;
  • two bathrooms and two toilets;
  • rest room;
  • staff room.

Equipment and inventory

Dance school equipment (approximate prices).

Reception desk - 20,000 rubles Floor covering (laminate or parquet) - 50,000 rubles Ballet machines - 20,000 rubles Large mirrors - 30,000 rubles Closets in the locker room - 30,000 rubles Benches - 5,000 rubles

The total amount is 375 thousand rubles.

The technical equipment of the school affects the growth in the number of students, as it provides the necessary security and creates comfortable conditions for conducting classes. The provision of an educational institution with equipment and inventory should have a positive effect on its image and reputation.


If the entrepreneur's budget allows you to hire famous and titled dancers, choreographers and athletes, then this is not worth saving. It is important that on-staff teachers are able to explain and teach others. Talented teachers will be able to interest both beginners and professionals; a variety of clients will be attracted to such a school. In this area of ​​entrepreneurial activity, the prestige of a school depends heavily on the reputation of its teachers.

It may take six months to select the optimal team of teachers.

You can search for teachers:

  • online, for example, by visiting the websites of famous dance schools, on dance forums;
  • visiting festivals and master classes in areas of interest;
  • attending dance competitions;
  • visiting educational institutions that train choreographers and dancers.

Since experienced teachers are most likely already working somewhere, the entrepreneur needs to interest them and offer more favorable terms of cooperation.

The dance school must have the following staff:

  • director;
  • teachers in different areas (three people);
  • administrator;
  • cleaning woman.

Administrator Responsibilities:

  • opening and closing of the hall for classes;
  • checking the condition of the premises and the working condition of the equipment;
  • work with the client base;
  • pre-registration of students for dance lessons;
  • sale of subscriptions;
  • acceptance of payment for one-time lessons;
  • familiarization of clients with the rules of the school;
  • determining the rating of teachers;
  • scheduling classes;
  • consultation of potential and real clients by phone and in person.

Responsibilities of a dance teacher:

  • the beginning of classes in accordance with the schedule, without delay;
  • Familiarization of clients with safety measures;
  • ensuring order in the hall during the lesson;
  • a special approach to a particular student;
  • periodic professional development.

The director is the central link in the organizational structure of the school, he coordinates the entire work of the school. Most often, at the initial stage of the functioning of a business, its owner acts as the head of an educational institution. This will allow him to understand the peculiarities of doing business, and then powers can be delegated to a hired manager.

Director's responsibilities:

  • monitoring the performance of their duties by employees;
  • formation of a business development strategy;
  • determination of basic and additional directions of development;
  • implementation of activities aimed at promoting the school;
  • recruitment;
  • monitoring compliance with school rules and job descriptions;
  • management of the school budget and other financial matters.

Promotion and advertising

  1. Think over the corporate identity of the educational institution and develop a logo.
  2. Order a bright sign at the entrance to the building.
  3. Develop a website.
  4. Create groups on popular social networks. Here you should regularly post photos from classes, internal parties, as well as post a schedule of future events.
  5. Open your YouTube channel. Here you can publish educational videos and commercials for your target audience.
  6. On a weekend or City Day, hold a charity dance master class, for example, in a park or on a central square. To do this, you will need to obtain permission from the city authorities.
  7. Distribution of flyers giving the right to free attendance of one lesson.

At the stage of opening and the first months of the functioning of the school, an extensive advertising campaign should be launched:

  • reporting in the local newspaper;
  • distribution of booklets to mailboxes of houses located near the school building;
  • put up notices in public schools, attend parent-teacher conferences, and make announcements in classrooms.

Financial plan: initial and regular investments

The initial investment in the business will be about 700 thousand rubles, including (estimated costs).

Regular investments in the business will amount to about 230 thousand rubles per month, including (estimated costs).

Opening dates

It will take about six months from the stage of developing a business idea to its implementation.

Most of the time will be spent on:

  • development of a business plan - about three weeks;
  • state registration of the company and execution of permits - about a month;
  • selection of premises and purchase of equipment - approximately one to two months;
  • repair in the premises - approximately one month;
  • marketing activities - approximately two months;
  • recruitment - about three to six months.

Some operations can be carried out in parallel, such as renovation of the premises, selection of equipment, personnel and marketing activities.

Risks and payback

Key business risks:

  1. Enough groups and students will not be recruited.
  2. Teachers failed to interest clients and motivate them to continue their education.
  3. Decrease in demand can be caused by incorrect advertising or ill-conceived marketing policy.
  4. The growth of competition.
  5. Bad location for a school.
  6. Landlords may refuse to renew the lease, it is better to foresee this immediately and conclude a long-term agreement. But first you should make sure that the choice of premises is correct.

This area of ​​business activity is not associated with strong external threats from the state or other market participants. Such a business does not require serious capital investments and has a high profitability, and it will take at least eight months to pay off.

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