How to open a travel agency - there is nothing easier! How to open a travel agency from scratch without experience and money.


The tourism industry sooner or later rejects those who tried to turn a hobby into a business, but were not ready to give this business all their strength. But the managers who remain in it, having passed the tests of "water, fire and the closure of Egypt", sooner or later begin to think that their experience and knowledge quite allow them to go into free swimming - to open their own travel agency. Stops the fear of making a mistake and losing everything. The CEO of the network tells how to start a business in this area.

Who should open a travel agency?

Definitely not for someone who only yesterday came into this business. They can just forget about it - for a while. To prepare for such a step, it is worth working as a simple manager for at least two years, and preferably three to five. During this time, you will not only be able to get to know the entire "inner kitchen" of the tourism market, but also evaluate your strengths: do you agree to work under someone's wing or are you ready to go on an independent voyage. In the first case, you do not touch any organizational problems, do not think about how to find money for utilities, you do not care about tax audits and other regulatory authorities. You are in the business of selling. And you only think that you don’t know the Maldives well - that’s why you should go to the advertiser for 10 days. But at the same time, you are limited in profit, dependent on the will of the leader, who may not let you go on this promotional tour.

So, you can open your own company only after weighing all these pros and cons, clearly realizing that you are morally and financially ready to take on all the responsibility from now on.

Travel agencies cannot open 365 days a year

Our business is highly dependent on the season. Therefore, the ideal time for the emergence of a new travel company is from January 20 to March 1. During this period, there are promotions for early bookings, the growth of sales for which this year was huge - and in 2018 it will definitely not be less. Of course, you can open in March-April, but then the prospects for making a profit will be worse. It is possible in the high season, but you will earn even less money. But from October to December, you definitely can’t go to the market - this is the “tail” of the season, the first tourists will appear not earlier than the end of January, and you will have to pay for rent and salaries to employees all this time.

By the way, even if you open your company at the most suitable period for this, call your clients in the database and tell them that now you are working, conditionally, not in the Black Cuttlefish, but in the Golden Penguin, then no one will immediately come to you will come. At best, expect tourists in two to three weeks. You need to be ready for this.

How to Hire Professional Salespeople

It is no secret that there is a problem with personnel in the tourism industry. For example, in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar and other millionaires it is easier to find a good specialist. But in small towns with a population of less than 100 thousand, the personnel issue is very acute. There are only 10-15 worthy travel agencies there, and it will be much more difficult to attract strong employees to your company. But it's doable. My advice: do not skimp on the salaries of managers. Reduce any other expenses: buy chairs not for 400 €, but for 400 rubles. In a year, of course, they will fall apart. It's okay - buy new ones. Do not make expensive repairs, do not introduce uniforms for employees - we are not a bank, after all. And instead of the Macintosh, put Chinese computers. It doesn't matter to a tourist whether your monitor costs 5 thousand rubles or 100. The only thing that matters to him is whether the specialists of the travel agency will be able to pick up the tour he came for. And it depends on the depth of their knowledge and experience. And if you find a professional, offer him a salary of 30-40% more than he received before. It will be the best investment you can make.

Choosing a room is not as easy as it seems

My advice is: choose a smaller area, but in a better location. Do not rent 50 sq. m in a quiet area, if in the very center they offer only 20 for the same money. Let you have only three jobs, but you will start your business where there is high traffic - and then you can expand. Moreover, at first you won’t need more: three salespeople, one of whom is you, will be enough. Accounting can be outsourced for little money. If you are logged into the network, then you won’t need a lawyer (for example, we have legal support for network agencies for free), and marketers who will provide you with everything you need for high-quality advertising.

Without ads - nowhere

Keep in mind that the first advertisement is your sign. It should be bright, visible and as large as possible. If you have a 5-meter facade, then 5 m, no options. Another tip: always put a phone number on the sign. Let's say a person is driving a car, he has no time to park, get out right now. If he sees your phone (it is desirable, of course, that the number be with memorable numbers), he will call later. If he doesn’t see it, you will lose a potential client.

In general, you should advertise wherever possible: on radio, television, etc. But this is when you have already earned some money. And you should start with online advertising, primarily in powerful search engines such as Google Adwords and Yandex Direct. When you have received the first clients, you can move on to outdoor advertising. Here, by the way, a small town outperforms the capitals. In Moscow, you have to put up 100 billboards to get noticed. In a small town, one or two are enough - but in the very center, next to the “main traffic light”.

And the last. None of the advice I gave will work if you don't work hard. It is to “plow” and try to be better than others in everything. Let's say your competitors are open until 6 pm - extend the working day to 7. Other travel agencies are closed on weekends - assign managers on duty on Saturday and Sunday. Do everything that your competitors do not have, and you will win. Good luck to everyone who decides to start their own business!

The travel agency acts as an intermediary between the tourist and the tour operator and receives a monetary reward for this. The tourism industry is highly competitive. Let's take a look at what a travel agency does, is it a profitable business, and is it worth opening another travel agency in this market.

What does a travel agency do

Travel agencies are one of the areas of business activity that deals with selling tours population.

The tour may include a certain number of services individually selected for individuals or have the form of a fully formed (package) tour.

A tour that incorporates a standard set of services: a booked hotel room, a round-trip flight and insurance is called package tour.

A tour that includes all the same services, but selected individually depending on the preferences of the customer, is called individual.

In the event that you have never worked in the tourism business before, it makes sense to start by selling certain types of tours: either packaged or individual. What type of tour to prefer for implementation, everyone chooses for himself.

If you have no experience in the travel business at all, then you can first work for some time in an existing travel company to understand everything from the inside. Or you can open a franchise travel agency.

Travel companies that have chosen for themselves a market segment consisting of VIP persons sell only individual tours. The percentage of orders here is, of course, lower, but the cost of tours is many times higher. As a result, the income from the sale of individual tours is much more significant than from package tours.

In turn, the implementation package tours much easier - in this case, everything has already been selected. Often, potential tourists know what they want and apply only to arrange, book and pay for everything. Package tours help to reduce the time of selecting a particular service and eliminate the possibility that the customer will be disappointed.

The agency's profit consists in the difference in prices for tours between the tour purchased from the tour operator and the tour sold to an individual. The tour is organized directly by the tour operator: draws up contracts with the embassies of the host countries, concludes contracts and monitors the obligatoriness of their implementation with insurance and transport companies, hotels, etc.

The requirements for paperwork when applying for a visa are strictly regulated by each tour operator in its own way. Responsibility for obtaining travel documents such as vouchers, transfers, insurance and incorrect paperwork for obtaining a visa lies with travel companies.

In order for the tour operator to be able to provide tourists with a full package of ordered services, travel agencies are required to complete all the necessary documents and transfer payment for them on time.

Tour operators provide for penalties if the customer decides to terminate the contract for the provision of services. The amount of fines is specified in the contract and may vary depending on the selected tour operator.

Is it profitable to open a travel agency?

Many entrepreneurs, having opened their own travel agency, prosper. But experts are convinced that before you open your travel agency, need to think very carefully weighing all the pros and cons.

If you are willing to change your measured life for constant unrest and stress (and you can’t do without it!), You can start planning your business. After all, with him you will receive a good income and constant travel to different countries, because the head of a travel agency is obliged to establish business ties.

Among other things, it is necessary to mention the high competition in this business area. Statistics show that 30% of travel agencies live no more than a year.

If you still decide to work in the field of tourism, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail and make every effort. So, what does it take to open a travel agency?

What do you need to open your own travel agency?

Stages of registration of a tourism agency.

The most important principle in the tourism business is trust level travel agency chosen by the customer. Therefore, when registering a travel company, LLC, an individual entrepreneur should be preferred, since such an organizational and legal form of management inspires more confidence in the customer.

At the same time, the main thing in trust and reputation is how you will work with clients, and the legal form of your travel agency can be any.

For travel companies, a simplified form of tax deductions is provided. For example, for the simplified tax system, two calculation options can be applied: at a rate of 15% on the difference between expenses and income, or at a rate of 6% of the total income. The most favorable tax rate is 15% if the company has a significant part of the costs.

Travel agency licensing.

Currently no license required. Although until 2007, licensing was mandatory for travel agencies. Now it has become a voluntary matter, that is, at the discretion of the owner.

If the manager wants to increase the level of trust of potential customers, then the license should still be issued.

Selection of tour operators for cooperation.

After registering an agency, the first thing you should pay attention to is choice of tour operator.

And there is someone to choose from - there is a large selection of tour operators on the market. In this case, you should not enter into cooperation with dubious operators. Exaggeratedly low prices for services should alert you, this will not lead to anything good. Travel for a tourist can be disrupted for various reasons, and a dubious operator, in pursuit of profit, is unlikely to warn about this.

Main emphasis when choosing a reliable operator need to do the following:

  1. company priorities,
  2. the duration of its operation in this area,
  3. financial security.

It will be very convenient for you to choose an operator if its main office is located in your city. In this case, the paperwork will take place without intermediaries.


Location selection

Advertising, clients

In order for a client to come to you, you need, so that the client knows about you. Here you can use any media: newspapers, magazines, banners, as well as advertising on radio and television, advertising in transport. It all depends on the amount you are willing to invest in advertising.

So, if you decide to open your own travel agency, you need to:

  • correct preparation and execution of documents;
  • select qualified workers;
  • choose a crowded place for the office;
  • properly advertise your services.

In Europe and America, people have long abandoned the services of large agencies and companies in favor of independent consultants. Similar trends are observed in our country.

Becoming a tour operator is an opportunity to create an excellent launching pad for the further development of your own business.

What attracts people to this job? High salaries, constant travel ... For many, the life of a travel agent seems like a real fairy tale. But at the same time, almost no one dares to take any decisive steps towards the fulfillment of their dreams. Do you want to be among them? Then this article is for you!

Step 1. Training

Interested in how to become a tour operator, you first need to figure out where and how you will be trained.

There are two options here: regular colleges and universities, as well as special operator training schools.

The first option is attractive because you will study in depth all the disciplines related to tourism and hospitality, get a huge base of theoretical knowledge. However, it will take several years to complete the entire course of study. The alternative is distance learning. Actually, you will appear in the educational institution itself 2-3 times a year, and you can use the rest of the time to prepare the ground for further work.

If you want to get the maximum of useful practical information and get to work as soon as possible, it would be more logical to enroll in a special operator training school. Here you will learn how to become a tour operator, get an overview of travel destinations, sales and booking systems, marketing, etc.

Step 2. Obtain certification

Work as a tour operator is impossible without obtaining certification. For your future clients, this will be proof of your competence and deep knowledge of the specifics of your activities. Therefore, you will be much more trustworthy.

As a rule, the corresponding certificates can be obtained at the place of study. But some people turn to the International Association CLIA, which offers certification programs that are well-known and respected in the tourism industry.

Step 3. Obtaining a license

If you want to have your own travel agency, it is better to register the business with a legal entity (CJSC, LLC, etc.). But for those who want to become a travel agent (that is, an intermediary between a travel agency and its clients), it will be enough to register as an individual entrepreneur - PBOYUL. To obtain a license, you will need to pay a state fee of 1300 rubles.

You should be aware that the license to sell and pre-book air travel is issued separately. Certification conditions are dictated by the Federal Aviation Rules. At the same time, certain requirements are imposed on the premises, staff, security and reservation systems. If you intend to sell not only tours, but also air tickets, you will need to conclude an agreement with the airline and obtain this certificate.

Having decided to become a travel agent, it is very important to choose the right OKVED codes. The most commonly used code is 63.30 - “Activities of travel agencies”. In addition, it is advisable to apply for inclusion in the All-Russian Register of Travel Agencies.

Step 4. Choosing a tour operator company

Perhaps this is the most important step. The travel agent can independently choose which of the many operators to cooperate with. When choosing, you should take into account the amount of remuneration, the reputation of the company in the market and the convenience of work.

An important question that is faced by almost everyone who is interested in how to become a travel agent: "Where can I find these same operators?" The easiest way to do this is by visiting specialized tourism fairs, exhibitions, etc. It is best to “catch your luck” in Moscow, where such events are held annually (MITT, MITF, Intourmarket, Otdykh). Hundreds of representatives of various companies and organizations gather here. As they say, there are plenty to choose from. In addition, you can visit similar regional exhibitions.

Various conferences and fairs are also held in the workshop format by professional travel publications (Tourbusiness, Banco, Turinfo, Travel Expert consulting group, etc.). The atmosphere at the workshop, as a rule, is more relaxed and businesslike than at exhibitions. There are more opportunities to meet partners, discuss important issues and tune in to work.

Step 5. Conclusion of the contract

And now we got to the most important thing. How to become a travel agent? After you have decided on the choice of a tour operator, you will need to sign an agency agreement. Under the terms of such a document, you will receive a reward for each sold tour. The amount of remuneration may vary, but on average it is about 10-15% of the cost of the tour itself. If in the future you will prove yourself well in the eyes of the tour operator and will successfully sell tours, the percentage that you receive from each transaction may increase.

In addition, partners of travel agencies that are members of the agency Networks (for example, or the Hot Voyage Store Network) receive an increased commission. Due to strong corporate support, agencies that are members of such networks (which, by the way, are not so easy to get into) have the opportunity to deduct a fairly large percentage of their income.

Step 6 Advertise

Suppose you have already found a suitable company and signed an agreement. Done: now you are a tour operator in Italy, France, Greece or Russia. It would seem that everything is going well, but ... But no, for some reason you managed to sell only a few tickets in a few weeks. And then to your friends. This is where the lack of advertising for your services comes into play.

First of all, we would recommend that you pay attention to the numerous publications, catalogs and applications that publish travel advertisements. Of course, it is not easy to stand out among hundreds and thousands of other offers. Therefore, first of all, you need to decide on your target audience.

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Many people dream of starting their own business. Few take the risk. And before those who have decided, the question arises of which form of management is best to choose - IP or LLC. Experts advise that LLC is more convenient and functional.

An LLC will be considered open from the moment you officially register it with the state authorities. This procedure is carried out according to a certain legislatively defined procedure, which is prescribed in Article 2 of the Federal Law.

In order to complete the registration procedure, you need to complete several steps to achieve your goal. First, come up with a name. It must be complete. In some cases, the abbreviated name of the company is also allowed. The language is unprincipled - it can be Russian or any foreign language. The full name is defined in this way because it must contain the words "limited liability company" in its entirety in its name. In the case when you use the abbreviated name, then only the abbreviation LLC can be indicated in the name. It is not recommended to use words that characterize statehood (for example, Russia) or a link to someone else's brand. You can only do this if you have permits.

Determine the location of your LLC. This must necessarily be the place of its registration (requirement of paragraph 2, article 4 of the Federal Law). This address must be confirmed with relevant documents. For example, a lease agreement for non-residential premises for your company is suitable for this purpose. It is easier to register your place of residence as a legal address. True, this solution is only suitable for small businesses. Otherwise, you risk violating the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which states that residential premises are intended only for individuals to live in it.

You will also need a share capital for your LLC. It is the minimum amount of property that will guarantee the interests of your creditors. The authorized capital cannot be equal to less than 100 minimum wages. At the same time, not only money is evaluated in the total amount, but also securities and metals and other things that you can get cash for them.

Before submitting all documents for registration, you also need to indicate those persons who will be listed as the owner or founder of this company. It can be absolutely any individual or legal entity, with the exception of those who are prohibited by law from engaging in entrepreneurial activities.

Pay for all services related to the registration of your company. This is a registration fee, payment for copies of constituent documents, notary services and a bank commission for opening a current account. In general, the amount will be about 10,000 rubles.

Now all prepared documents can be submitted to the tax office. The review period takes an average of 8-10 days. Based on the results, you will be given a complete set of documents necessary to start activities. From that moment on, your LLC will be considered open.


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The idea of ​​creating a travel company in our time is very popular among start-up entrepreneurs. This business is quite profitable, but not everyone can withstand fierce competition in this market: two years after the opening, only 10% of companies remain active.


In order to open your tourist firm, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with mi. They are engaged in the development of tours, form prices for them, as well as the size of commissions for travel agencies. As a rule, the larger the volume of tours a firm sells, the higher the commission it can expect.

The tourism sector, despite the fact that it has been experiencing certain difficulties for several years, remains quite profitable. Any person who does not have large savings can engage in the tourism business. In addition, such entrepreneurial activity brings a lot of positive emotions, because it becomes possible to assist people in organizing recreation. However, there are still some nuances that should be taken into account in order not to lose the funds invested in this business. We will tell you about all the intricacies of how to open a travel agency from scratch, so that you do everything right.

Features of the tourism business

Before you open a travel agency, you need to understand what a travel agency is, what is the essence of its activities. First of all, it is necessary to learn the meaning of some concepts.

A travel company is an institution that acts as an intermediary between a travel operator and a person who wishes to go on a trip. It can fulfill obligations:

  • Tour operator - a company that must develop and advertise through the media various tours that are in the greatest demand among the population;
  • A travel agent is a company that implements tourist tours: makes transfers, sells tickets, takes care of the accommodation of customers and organizes excursions for them.

You also need to know before you open a travel agency in Russia what will be the responsibility of your company. As a rule, a travel agency provides the following services:

Issue visas to clients in accordance with the requirements of the tour operator with which the contract is concluded. If something is done wrong, the travel agency should be held responsible for it.

Issue to customers a full package of documents necessary for the trip:

  • Tickets (air and railway);
  • Medical insurance;
  • Accommodation voucher;
  • A memo about the state to which the tourist is sent;
  • Book all services requested by the client;
  • Timely pay for the work of the tour operator.

Advantages and disadvantages

If you have decided to open a travel agency from scratch with no experience, think over and calculate what positive and negative moments may come your way.

The main advantages of the tourism business include:

  1. It is developing rapidly, which means that you will be able to provide services to people not only in Russia, but also abroad, which will also bring you big profits;
  2. You will have a large choice of travel operator, in addition, you will be able to conclude cooperation agreements with more than one operator, with several at once - this is the first thing you need to open a travel company;
  3. The flow of those wishing to go on a trip is constantly growing, and it does not end all year round;
  4. Paperwork is simple, done quickly and fairly cheaply.

Now consider a few negative points that you should be aware of before you open a travel company:

  1. Quite a high level of competition - a lot of aspiring entrepreneurs are thinking about how to open a travel agency from scratch, because they understand the profitability of this business;
  2. If you do not pay due attention to the advertising campaign to promote your travel agency, then you can completely lose customers and be left without orders (in this case, the risk of losing your investment increases);
  3. In the warm season, the demand for tourist trips is much higher than in the cold season, but this is a moot point, because there are also winter resorts where people are happy to go on New Year and Christmas holidays.

Activity registration

If you want to open a travel agency, you need to carefully read the State Law “On Tourism”, which describes all the requirements for how to open a travel agency from scratch without work experience. We will list you in detail what you need to open a travel agency:

A travel agency can be registered as a legal enterprise LLC or as a private institution of FLP.

To register a new institution in the public register, one resident is enough, who can sell tours domestically and abroad.

You will have to obtain a written commitment from any banking institution that will guarantee to pay for the services of a travel operator if this cannot be done by a travel agency (without this guarantee, no operator will agree to cooperate with the agency). However, the bank will issue an appropriate guarantee only if the founder of the travel company provides a package of documents, which will include:

  • Certificate of state registration;
  • Charter;
  • Current account information;
  • Copies of contracts confirming the lease of the premises where the company is located (if the premises are personally owned by the owner, then you need to provide a document confirming ownership);
  • The passport;
  • A copy of the TIN of the head;
  • Certificate of registration with the tax service.

It is necessary to develop special client agreements that you will conclude with clients who will order tours from you. Everything should be written in these contracts: the date of payment, the date of issue of the tourist voucher.

It will also be necessary to develop rules for tourists: who will meet them in the country where they go, accompany them, conduct excursions. It is advisable to include these rules in the client agreement so that the tourist signs the document after reading them.

It is also recommended to conclude an agreement with an insurance company, however, this is an optional moment. If you want your clients to be insured, then it is better for them to provide a medical policy and other types of insurance for property (for example, for a car).

Recommends to conclude a sub-agency agreement with any airline through which you will buy tickets for your customers. This is very beneficial, because in such cases, airlines offer many lucrative bonuses.

Draw up a rough business plan on how to open a travel agency in order to know what expenses await you, how to act so that they are reimbursed faster and begin to turn into consistently high incomes.

Site Selection Criteria

If you do not have your own premises, then the main thing you need to open a travel agency is to find a suitable place to rent it. We've put together a few location options that you can consider before starting a travel agency in 2018:

You can open a travel company in the central area of ​​the city. It is desirable that:

  • The room was at least 20 m² in area;
  • It should be located on the first floor of any apartment building, but still it is better to choose office buildings;
  • A bright advertising sign should be hung on the premises so that people passing by can see what services you provide (the fact that your travel agency is located in the city center will make them confident in your prestige and high level of customer service).

You can open a travel agency in the business center building. What you need to open a travel agency in such an institution:

  1. The premises should have a fresh modern renovation so that the agency looks presentable and solid;
  2. You will be able to serve not only tourists who will come to you from other parts of the city, but also employees of a huge business center;
  3. However, you will not be able to advertise in such territory;
  4. There is a pass system at the checkpoint in any business center, which will repel customers.

You can choose a room for a company in a shopping center. We will give you some basic recommendations in such an institution:

  • Choose a boutique where there are always a lot of people (for this, it is better to consider departments that sell clothes, shoes or electronic equipment);
  • You need to be prepared for the fact that in such an institution you will have to pay a high price for rent.

You can open a travel agency in a residential area of ​​your city:

  • There is always a large crowd of people who can become potential clients of your agency;
  • You don't have to pay a lot for rent;
  • There won't be much competition in such an area.

Room and interior equipment

There is another very important point that you need to know before you open a travel company from scratch - it must be designed in a modern, fashionable style. You must understand that if you have an old room at your disposal, then repair is what you should definitely start opening your travel agency with. All costs for this must be provided for by you and included in the business plan.

The premises of your company should always be clean and comfortable. This is necessary so that your customers, when they come to the office, can completely relax and unwind in it. This is especially true when there is a queue of people. You need to lay out different magazines, catalogs, coffee makers on the tables. Also hang interesting things on the walls that will inspire your customers to go on a trip.

To open a travel agency from scratch without work experience, you need to purchase furniture and necessary equipment. It is not necessary to choose expensive models, an economical option is also suitable, as long as it all looks decent and beautiful. You will need:

  • Computers with printers and necessary software;
  • Office tables, chairs;
  • Soft sofas;
  • Armchairs and coffee tables;
  • Air conditioner;
  • Coffee makers with appropriate utensils;
  • Phones;
  • WiFi.

Financial investments

Of course, if you decide to go into the tourism business, you need to know exactly how much it costs to open a travel agency from scratch. We note right away that you do not have to make large investments. Your main expenses will be:

  • When renting a room;
  • For the purchase of equipment and furniture;
  • With an advertising campaign;
  • To pay the fee if you decide to open a franchise travel agency.

It is important to consider that the answer to the question of how much it costs to open a travel agency depends to a greater extent on which city you live in. After all, if you live in a metropolis, then the rent for the premises will be higher than in the provinces. You only have to spend about 30-60 thousand rubles a month on rent.

In order to put the chosen room in order (it must meet certain standards), buy the necessary furniture, appliances and draw up all the necessary documents, you will need to have about 200,000 rubles at your personal disposal.

To promote your travel agency, you will need at least 100,000 rubles. However, we note that this amount is relative, it depends more on the channel that will carry out the advertising campaign.

Also, when discussing the question of how much it costs to open a travel agency, you need to know that you will still have to pay wages to your employees. As a rule, it should be 15 thousand rubles stably and another 20% of the monthly profit of the travel agency.

Also keep in mind that the next 6 months after you open an agency, it will not bring you any profit. Therefore, you need to have some financial resources in reserve, through which you can build a business.

Approximate profit

Living in an economic crisis, you will probably have a question whether it is profitable to open a travel agency, whether others will use your services. Definitely will be, because, as a rule, people who could afford to travel before will be able to do it now. Therefore, do not hesitate to open a travel agency in 2018 if you have the desire to work in this interesting field and the necessary amount of savings.

If you learn how to sell more than 500 tours a year, then your travel agency will make a profit of 50-100 thousand rubles a month. This is enough to establish itself as a popular segment of the tourism business. The more tours you sell, the more you can earn. If such layouts suit you, then do not hesitate for a long time whether it is worth opening a travel agency, and immediately get down to business.

Travel agency as a business model

Business payback periods

The second most important question of those who decided to open a travel agency in 2018 from scratch is how long it will pay off. Here you need to be aware that this moment largely depends on how you start. If you create a large turnover of the tour from the first days, then in the first year of work you will earn 600-800 thousand rubles, which means that you will return the invested personal funds.

However, experienced entrepreneurs who have been spinning in this area for a long time claim that the payback period for a travel company is 2 years, at least. But we do not advise you to be equal to someone else's achievements. If you have seriously approached the question of how to open a travel agency from scratch in Russia, then you will find a way to quickly unwind in order to return your investment and start making a profit.

At the end of this article on how to open a travel agency, we want to give you some useful tips on how to quickly promote your business and get a consistently high income from it:

  • If you wondered how to open a travel agency at home, then for promotion you only need to have an official website at your disposal, through which you will carry out all the work. Opening a travel agency from scratch at home is much easier and more economical. At least you can save the extra 200,000 rubles. It is better to invest some of this money in creating a unique site. Consult with experts on how to open a travel agency at home so that your activities are official and in demand;

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