How to celebrate World Theater Day. International Theater Day History and traditions of World Theater Day


(MIT) at UNESCO is the world's largest non-governmental organization dedicated to the performing arts.

National centers, regional councils and committees are represented in almost 100 countries of the world. In the USSR, the national center of MIT was established in 1959.

Its presidents at various times were People's Artists of the USSR Mikhail Tsarev and Mikhail Ulyanov. Since 2007, the President of MIT in Russia has been People's Artist of the USSR, artistic director of the State Academic Maly Theater Yuri Solomin.

The MIT Russian Center includes a number of well-known theatres, theater organizations, companies and individuals and exists through membership fees.

Every year, by decision of the MIT executive board, on the occasion of the International Theater Day, the world's theater community is addressed by the world's leading cultural figures. The first author of the International Theater Day message was the French writer, artist and film director Jean Cocteau (1962). Among the authors of the international message were three Soviet cultural figures: composer Dmitry Shostakovich (1970), artists Mikhail Tsarev (1984) and Kirill Lavrov (1990).

In 2016, on International Theater Day, the famous Russian director Anatoly Vasilyev addresses the public.

The Federal Theater Action Theatre.Go is timed to the International Theater Day in 2016 in Russia, which takes place throughout the country for 24 hours on March 27. On this day, on the project page, as well as on the websites of participating theaters, viewers will be able to buy electronic tickets for performances with a discount of 25% to 90%.

More than 40 leading theaters in St. Petersburg, Moscow and other cities took part in the project: 25,000 tickets with a face value of 150 to 3,000 rubles were sold within 24 hours.

In Moscow, this day is dedicated to the city-wide action "Night of Theaters", which takes place on the night of March 26-27 in 60 theaters. The main objective of the action is to open the veil and allow to see the process of creating performances hidden from the eyes of the audience. The action program includes master classes, open screenings, tours of theaters and backstage space.

The theater "At the Nikitsky Gate" is scheduled to premiere the play "Anna Karenina. Lecture". After the performance, a backstage tour with a visit to the wardrobe, props, make-up, lighting and sound departments.

In the Moscow theater "Sovremennik" - an open acting training for everyone, and in the theater "Helikon-Opera" - a story about the history of the estate of the Shakhovsky-Glebov-Streshnevs and the "Helikon-Opera" with a visit to the artists' dressing rooms and a demonstration of unique stage equipment.

A night journey through the theatrical backstage with numerous musical numbers will take place at the Taganka Theater.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

The initiator of the establishment of the holiday was the "International Theater Institute" at UNESCO, at the congress of which in 1961 it was decided that every year on March 27, World Theater Day would be celebrated in all countries. The decision was initiated by the famous French playwright, artist and critic Jean Cocteau.

The USSR became a member of this international organization back in 1959, since 1961 it (and later the Russian Federation) began to work in the executive committee of this structure, the decision of the congress was binding on it.

On the basis of the already existing "All-Russian Theater Society", a Soviet national theater center was created, which was the representative of the International Theater Institute in the USSR. And since 1962, the celebration of the International Theater Day has been held in our country regularly.

Today in every city of Russia there are several theater groups. In total, there are several tens of thousands of theater workers in the Russian Federation. World Theater Day is a holiday for many millions of viewers all over the planet.

Museums, theaters, concert halls of Russia will hold exhibitions and performances, master classes and creative meetings with writers, musicians, artists, actors as part of the World Theater Day.

The hall froze and listens to the actors,

The muse is waiting for a high start.

Today I am without a prompter

I will say - Happy World Theater Day!

Since ancient times, the theater has been in a special place in the history of human development, representing a reflection of the cultural level, values, traditions and customs of a particular time period. Therefore, we can say that Theater Day is not only a global, but also a universal holiday. The librarian of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Literature Olga Sustretova will tell you more about the history of the appearance of this holiday and the traditions of its celebration.

The theater existed at all times and in all corners of the earth, but only in 1961on the initiative of the delegates of the IX Congress of the International Theater Institute (ITI) at UNESCOwas proclaimed International Theater Day, which rallied representatives of the theatrical community around the globe, whichcelebrated annually around the world on March 27. This holiday is traditionally held under the motto: "Theater as a means of mutual understanding and strengthening of peace between peoples."

The holiday was first celebrated on March 27, 1962 at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. Then the French writer Jean Cocteau addressed the theatrical community with an international message. Since then, the International Theater Institute annually invites one of the famous theatrical figures to write a speech on the topic "Theatre and Peace Among Nations". The message is translated into two tens of thousands of languages ​​and announced before the evening performances from the stages of theaters in different countries in front of tens of thousands of spectators.

In 2016, on the International Theater Day, the famous Russian director Anatoly Vasilyev addressed the public. In 2017, the French theater and film actress Isabelle Huppert became the author of the message.

At the moment, there is no information from the International Theater Institute (ITI) about who will address the audience with a speech in 2018, but a request has already been published for national centers and collaborating organizations to send their plans for the celebration, which will form part of the virtual map of the International Theater Day.

The MIT website reports that this day is celebrated quite widely around the world, but in each country the theater community decides for itself how to celebrate Theater Day.

This day is most significant for the people of Germany. Perhaps not all state theaters celebrate the holiday, but many private ones do. If we talk about the Russian community living in Germany, then in 2016, for example, in the Berlin RDNK (Russian House of Science and Culture), performances based on the fairy tale by K.I. then you are in a tailcoat? - opera and ballet for dramatic artists based on the work of A.P. Chekhov "Proposal". Traditionally, on this day, theater groups invite their audience backstage, where everyone can see how the actors make up, go to the props and workshops. In addition, on this day, various celebrations are held throughout the country - festivals, exhibitions and round tables.

This day is widely celebrated in Israel. There are dozens of theaters in the Jewish state, and if we add here constantly touring theaters (most from Russia), then we can talk about a record number of spectators and performances. So, this year in the city of Jaffa on March 27, the world premiere of the play "Macbeth - version without words" based on Shakespeare's play will take place, staged by Russian director Sergei Zemlyansky.

In Spain, International Theater Day is celebrated with a procession and a small rally of theatrical figures in the center of Madrid. On March 27, at exactly noon, a group of actors, directors, screenwriters, musicians and critics gather on one of the central streets of the city to celebrate their professional holiday together. There are other interesting traditions in Spain dedicated to the celebration of this day. So, in the 2000s, on the eve of this day, a "marathon of readers" was held in the Club of Fine Arts in Madrid - several actors, replacing each other, recited the texts of 44 Spanish playwrights.

In some other countries, for example, in the USA, Theater Day is more of a family holiday and is celebrated only in certain cities due to the fact that few people know about the holiday, and even for the employees of most theaters themselves, this is just an ordinary working day.

There are countries in which World Theater Day is not celebrated at all: for example, in the UK they stopped celebrating it in 2011, after the director of the British branch of MIT was not re-elected to his post, and after that they never found a replacement for him. And in Cyprus, this day is not a holiday for religious reasons - on the island, located near Christian shrines, Great Lent is strictly observed.

Russia is one of the largest theater centers in the world. She can be proud of the abundance of talented world-class theater directors and actors. It is no coincidence that a large-scale theatrical performance, the Golden Mask, is held annually in Moscow. This is a festival that lasts throughout March and brings together theater masters from all over Russia and other 125 friendly theater countries. This is a wonderful opportunity to see both traditional performances that the audience has fallen in love with, as well as experimental productions of promising young theater troupes, the best of which are awarded a special award of the same name.

As part of the holiday, hundreds of different events dedicated to the theater and everything connected with it are held throughout the country. After all, Theater Day is not only an event for professional artists, but also a great opportunity for spectators to join the beautiful, intimate world lurking behind the theatrical curtain. Any organization can come up with and hold an event as part of the holiday by adding information about the event to the "Unified Information Space in the Sphere of Culture" system and tagging "Theatre Day". All events with this tag will be included in a special project of the Kultura.RF portal, which will broadcast live on social networks on the day of the holiday. Also on the territory of the whole country there is a project of Yandex.Afisha and Radario - "Teatr.Go": on March 27, ticket sales for performances of Russian theaters at a discount will open for a day. This action helps the audience to get closer to the theater, and the directors to win a new audience.

Central Library. A. S. Pushkina also did not stay away from the theatergoers' holiday. In the halls of the library, book exhibitions "On the stage stage", "Under the shadow of the wings" are decorated, which present the best printed publications about the history of Russian and foreign theater, about the best theater groups in Russia and the South Urals, memoirs, diaries, memoirs of famous and beloved actors, screenwriters, directors and theater workers.

When you come to the library, you will always be able to find a good book for yourself and touch the mysterious world of the actors on the stage.

The following sources were used in preparing the material:

Borzenko, V. “For us, this is an ordinary working day” / V. Borzenko, I. Kolesnikova, M. Mikhailova // Teatral. - 2018. - No. 3. - P. 44-46

Theater is a special kind of art that needs to be imbued. But if a person has already fallen in love with going to performances, he is unlikely to leave this idea. A huge number of people are engaged in the work of this direction. These are actors, directors, illuminators, set designers, costume and costume designers, ticket sellers and many others. It is impossible to list all of them, but it becomes clear that all these people should have their own holiday. We celebrate World Theater Day every year on March 27th.

history of the holiday

I must say that the theater itself was born a very long time ago. It is based on ritual and ceremonial actions, during which people often changed clothes, sang songs to the gods, and staged certain performances. All this was necessary in order to make life better, as well as to receive certain benefits from above. That is, initially this type of art did not have a purely entertaining function. On the other hand, the ancient theater brought to mankind many opportunities precisely in terms of entertaining the public. By the way, it was in those times that such genres as tragedy and comedy were born.

The plays were played exclusively by men who played all the roles. Women were not allowed to do this. After the fall of the Roman Empire came the decline of the ancient theater. But soon a European one appeared - it already began to use scenery, which was not the case before. Now not only men, but also women were allowed to this kind of art.

Many countries have their rich history of the development of this institution. After all, we are talking about a very serious cultural layer that can be studied for a long time and with great interest. That is why at one of the UN congresses in 1961 it was decided to establish World Theater Day. The first holiday fell on the following year, 1962.

Theater is one of the forms of contemporary art, where the perception and emotions of the director are conveyed to the audience through the actions of the artists on the stage. International Theater Day is celebrated every year on March 27th. This is not only a professional date for actors, but also a holiday for numerous admirers of this art. It was founded in 1961 by the IX Congress of the International Theater Institute.

The word "theater" itself comes from the ancient Greek theatron, which literally translates as "the place where they look." Basically, the two most common genres are played on the stage - tragedy and comedy, the symbols of which are masks.

The history of theatrical art originated in ancient times. It has its roots in folk festivals, games and all kinds of rituals. As a result of this, the first tragic and comedic actions appeared, containing plots of a dramatic nature. In this case, masks, costumes, first dialogues, songs and dance scenes were used. In the future, there was a separation of ritual and cult foundations and actions, characters began to stand out from the choir. Gradually mass festivities turned into organized actions. This served as a prerequisite for the creation of a literary drama.

The process was incredibly expressive in the ancient Greek theaters, which had a tremendous impact on the development of European art. In the cities, stage performances were an obligatory component of the life of society. Ancient Greek performances were mass festivities. Amphitheaters were built in the open air, capable of accommodating several thousand spectators. The theatrical performances were attended not only by professional artists, but also by ordinary citizens. Choreography and musical compositions were integral elements.

The ancient Roman theater developed much more actively. The look of the stage was different, the playing technique became as professional as possible. In the Middle Ages, this type of art in Europe actually ceased to exist. They were able to revive it only in the 15th century. All the roles in the performances were played by representatives of the male population. The first women began to work in traveling theaters in Italy. They performed comedy performances. The culture of the Renaissance managed not only to revive the customs of ancient theatrical art, but also to combine them with national treasures.

Modern theater is a combination of various art forms, a combination of satire, lyrics, emotions and psychological analysis.

March 27 is the day when not only the professional date of stage figures and all theater employees is celebrated, it is a holiday for millions of art lovers. And, of course, in honor of this wonderful event, all kinds of festivals, thematic performances and performances of the best plays are organized in almost all theaters. Also on this day, they give sincere congratulations and compliments to all the actors taking part in theatrical performances.

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