How to subjugate a man and control him - Psychology. Have you ever been in a relationship in the position of a subordinate object? Share your stories in the comments! Complete submission to a man


In many cases, the desire of a man for equal relations is perceived as the subordination of a man to a woman. This is due to low expectations for the position of women in society and to a large extent with overestimated expectations for the position of men. In a number of issues related to areas that society considers men responsible, it may be the other way around. It can also be noted that many of the privileges of men are illusory given the reality of discrimination and oppression of women.

Equal relations can be perceived as a privilege for women by patriarchal male sexists, including the men's movement. Discrimination against women in paid work and restrictions on women's sexuality in terms of desire and satisfaction, which reduce the sexual activity of women compared to men, are the reason why sex and relationships are often seen as a way for women to receive various benefits. Patriarchal women, who are inclined to impose material and moral responsibility in a number of areas on men, in many cases losing their rights, can consider a man inclined to equal relations, inclined to submit to women, have a negative attitude towards such men and avoid relations with them. Or, on the contrary, consider him not fulfilling "male" duties, but with the same result. This also applies to some women who call themselves feminists but talk about equal rights without equal responsibility. But the norms of men's responsibility in a number of areas inevitably lead to violations of the rights of women as a group, being a reason for discrimination against women in the public sphere, including paid work, and for ignoring the rights of women in personal, including domestic and sexual relations.

Submission to a woman can be considered the specified behavior of a man, corresponding to the norms of traditional masculinity in traditionally male areas of responsibility. While such norms follow from and support gender inequality, this does not exclude the possibility of benefits here and now for a particular woman and infringement of interests or injury for a particular man. Society often approves of women's expectations of men, but denounces them more than men's expectations of traditional gender roles such as housework and child rearing or appearance standards. In a society in which the position of women is worse than that of men, those phenomena that are disadvantageous for men and may be beneficial for specific women here and now are more noticed and condemned, which supports the myth of the benefits of gender inequality for women. Most strands of the men's movement support the strengthening of men's privileges while abandoning those phenomena where gender inequality disadvantages men. The tendency to support rights without responsibility in the men's movement is much more pronounced than in feminism or in trends that identify themselves with it. Equal rights without equal responsibility are impossible for either women or men.

Despite the lower social status of women as a group and the stereotypes that a man in a couple should be superior to a woman in a number of criteria, there are individual differences between people and differences in social status, and in a particular couple the situation may be different. A particular woman may be more inclined towards leadership or leadership in certain matters than a particular man. There are also cases of violence by women against men, although physical and sexual violence is much less common than by men. Psychological abuse can be experienced by both men and women. Leadership to a greater extent of one of the partners without a clear infringement of the interests of the other partner and without violence against her or him is normal, and one should not be guided by ideas about the superiority of a man. BDSM relationships, where power is more often shown by men, and subordination - by women, but sometimes vice versa, a number of feminists consider the problem of inequality in power, but not everyone supports their ban. Some men seek material or other benefits from relationships, sometimes expecting women to have more rights in a number of ways, but such behavior is more frowned upon than women, and men have fewer opportunities to find such relationships.

In some cases, the situation when the interests of a woman are put first can have a positive meaning until equality is achieved. For example, in sexual relations, where social gender inequality is strongly expressed, as a result of which it is more difficult for many women to obtain sexual satisfaction than for men. In such a situation, the attention of a man, first of all, to the pleasure of a woman, and of a woman to her own pleasure, can be justified.

… you can do with it EVERYTHING you want.
… she will gladly fulfill any, even the most DIRTY, Your desires.


… you can INSTANTLY subdue any woman you know.

… you can do with it EVERYTHING you want.

… she will gladly fulfill any, even the most DIRTY, Your desires.

What it is? SYSTEM …

The system is the latest complex of the most effective methods of influencing the female psyche. This System reveals to You the secret of the complete subjugation of a woman.

By subordinating a woman to yourself, You can get everything You want from her.

What does every woman want?

The system works flawlessly on absolutely all women.

It does not matter the age of the woman and her social status. It doesn't matter her race or nationality. It does not matter even her character and life experience.

None of this matters, because the operation of the System is based on instincts. And they are exactly the same for all women.

If a woman has periods, then biologically she is a mature female.

So she has the instincts of a female. So, all her behavior is determined primarily by female instincts. All other qualities are secondary.

The basic human instinct is to reproduce, to continue the existence of one's biological species. In women, this instinct is manifested in the desire to find a strong male, have sexual intercourse with him and conceive.

At the same time, she must be sure that this male will be able to ensure the safety of her and her offspring. So, at least he should be stronger than her.

A woman wants to feel this power.

She instinctively wants to give herself into the possession of someone who is stronger than her.

What will happen in the first few seconds?

Have you heard the expression "Love at first sight"?
Centuries-old folk wisdom speaks precisely of the instinctive choice of a partner.

Literally at first sight, a woman instinctively feels her Defender and Master in a certain man. The one with whom she will be "like behind a stone wall."

The system uses this instinct and these psychophysiological mechanisms.

The impact of the System of Total Subordination begins from the very first seconds of contact. Any woman will immediately feel her Master in You.

At the level of physiology, this will mean the emergence of sexual arousal in her, focused on You. She wants you.

A woman will immediately have two desires:

- desire to obey You;

- the desire to have sex with you.

Both of these desires are interconnected. They mutually reinforce each other.

Imagine the effect of this nuclear mixture: desire to obey and sexual arousal! She wants to give her all to You. You will have to choose the time and place that suits you.

And the more you influence her, the stronger your influence.

In the end, you can do whatever you want with it.

What should you be?

It doesn't matter how old you are. It doesn't matter how much money you have. It doesn't matter how you look.

To subdue a woman, You only have to strictly follow the algorithm determined by the System.

You can be poor and she can be driving a new Mercedes. You can be a freak, and she can be an elite fashion model. You can be her student, or a subordinate at work. You can be much older than her, or vice versa, much younger.

All this is unimportant.

Every person obeys instincts.

Instinctively You pull your hand out of the fire. You will inevitably do it. In the same way, a woman will inevitably submit to Your influence.

She simply won't be able to resist her own instincts, which will pull her to kneel before You.

The action of the System is as predetermined as the action of the force of attraction.

A woman will submit to Your influence as inevitably as a stone sinks in water.

What do you know first?

You will learn HOW to suppress a woman with your gaze. You will find out what a subjugating look is, which a woman cannot resist.

You will learn HOW to suppress the female psyche with your voice and your speech.

You will learn about special points on a woman's body and how to touch them.

If you touch these points in a certain way, then Your touch will make a woman feel like you put your hand between her legs.

She will have the feeling that you lifted her skirt right in front of everyone and crawled under her panties.

And she will love it.

Because You can do it. Because you have a right to it. Because she recognizes in You her Master.

You are her owner.

In the course, all theoretical considerations are reduced to the necessary minimum.
Only hard, proven by real practice methods of influence.

The course does not address the question of HOW You will benefit from the results of your influence.

Only You can restrict Your use of the System. It is only a question of Your ethics and Your morality.

Find out the truth.

Know the truth: You will have to spend some time and effort to master the System.

And for this You do not need to study for twelve years with the patriarchs of the Shaolin Monastery. You don't need to have any superpowers.

Are you able to learn how to drive a car? Yes! So you will master the system.

All the skills you acquire are quite natural. For their development, you will receive a complete set of necessary tools. No need to meditate and stand on your head.

The result will completely change your life. And you will be happy with such changes ...

Learn another truth.

Know: The system only affects women.

Men's reaction to the influence of the System is opposite to women's. If you try to use it in relationships with men, you will only make enemies for yourself.

But on women, it works flawlessly!

What's the Difference?

The system of Total Submission differs from various methods of seduction, pickup, from Ericksonian hypnosis or NLP, from the newfangled DHE, etc.

The system is fundamentally different from all of them.

The first and main difference of the System is that it relies primarily on instincts.

The second is that the System is designed specifically for female psychology and physiology.

The third is the mastering of the System, the development of the necessary skills occurs with the help of a computer.

Excerpts from expert reviews:

Academician Koussevitzky.

The system is reliable, simple and efficient. This is the Kalashnikov assault rifle in Psychology.


Candidate of Medical Sciences Evstigneev Boris Ivanovich.

It has been experimentally proven that the effectiveness of the SPV is so high, and the development is so elementary, that I personally consider it necessary to prohibit private individuals from accessing this development as soon as possible, due to the fact that this knowledge will most likely be used for extremely unethical purposes.


Professor William O'Donell.

University of Massachusetts. This development of Russian psychologists frightens me with its merciless effectiveness. This knowledge should not fall into the wrong hands. Access to the System of Total Submission must be restricted.

So let's sum it up:

You get:

Complete subjugation of any woman.

The ability to do whatever you want with it. She herself will offer You what You wish;

From now on, any female who has her period is just Your toy.

You will act on women like a boa constrictor on rabbits.

They will come to you on their own.

More precisely, they will crawl to you on their knees ...

You get sex. Lots of sex. Anyone.

You get money. If only You're willing to take them that way.

You get power. Absolute unlimited power.

The system will give you power over the soul of a woman.

Will make you something like God...

The Paris Center for Sexology and Andrology over the past six months has revealed an interesting trend. Traditionally, the man was the boss in bed, and now the erotic exchange of power is rapidly becoming fashionable.

Our correspondent took an exclusive interview with the professor of the Center Marcel Poisson.

Sadomasochism immediately comes to mind - is that right?

No, the exchange of erotic power is not related to sadomasochism, although it can be considered a frontier strip. Sadomasochism is built on the connection of one's own (or someone else's) pain sensations with sexuality. There are very few such fans. Erotic power does not manipulate pain and does not punish a partner for wrongdoings, as in BDSM. This concept is much broader and is based on the voluntary submission of a man to a woman.

How can a man be sexually submissive?

For example, have you ever heard that 80% of men in their secret fantasies at least once dreamed of being raped by a woman?

Yes, somehow...

And any sexologist knows about it. It’s just that no man will ever open up to his partner until she herself touches on such a sensitive topic for him. It is necessary that the man understands: the partner is ready to see weakness in him.

I think it's also called dominance.

Yes, such a term is accepted in sexology, but I would not like to use it, because it is often used in sadomasochism. Let's talk about erotic power. It is softer and suits everyone.

Good. Then tell me, which side has more to gain?

Both, of course. Women's power is such a shake-up, such a novelty of sensations for both partners that it will not seem enough.

And what should a woman do to subdue?

Be confident. And then do whatever you want. As you can see, it's simple. The main thing is not to allow the thought that the partner does not like it - they ALMOST EVERYONE DREAM ABOUT THIS, believe me. Finally treat your power as a fun sexual experiment. Understand clearly and do not doubt: men like it if a woman really enjoys his obedience. That is, forcing yourself to be "great and terrible" is not worth it: he will figure it out and will not allow it. Be her, that's all. Then it will spread out at your feet - of course, if that's what you want. Either he will allow you to do whatever you want with him, or he will present you with a lot of pleasant things on your own orders. A lot, right?

Advice for one who wants to dominate

1. Realize this desire in yourself. Let it grow and blossom first in fantasies.

Beware, trap! It is very easy to go astray - to see yourself as a kind of Mistress from sadomasochistic films. 99% of you don't need that at all. Therefore, never imagine yourself wrapped in black latex with a whip in your hand, standing with one foot on a man's throat. This is all ridiculous and completely inappropriate. You will remain yourself. All you need is to cultivate in yourself the desire to receive many, many pleasures from a man.

2. Carefully talk about it with your partner. Just do it in bed, at the peak of ordinary passion. Whisper in your ear: "Darling, have you ever wanted to be in full power with a woman?" - not difficult.

Attention hint! A lot of men have already thought about it. Perhaps in their fantasies they imagined that they were helpless, and a woman was caressing them. Your pleasure may turn out to be like this - you really want to do whatever you want with the male body. Let his fantasy work now - work for your future.

3. Gradually develop this theme. Perhaps, pampered, he will even share with you exactly how he imagines himself to be a subordinate.

Attention hint! You can spur his revelations by telling your own: "But sometimes I want you to rape me ..."

Beware, trap! Just never say: “To be raped,” otherwise he will decide that you are interested in other men, and the question of his submission will be closed once and for all.

4. Before your date, which you have defined as "X" time, think of a small scenario that you will act on. This is very important, because when subordinating, you do not have the right to stumble and think. A man must constantly feel - you know very well what to do with him next.

Attention hint! For example, immediately blindfold him. A very strong move, who is weaker - is immediately lost (this is in your favor), and who is stronger - becomes interested and will let you develop an intrigue to find out what will happen!

A classic example of erotic power is the film by E. Lane "9 and a half weeks". True, a man has sexual energy there: he develops exquisite sensuality in a girl. And yet a real woman can make the film her teaching aid - and conquer men.

What is it worth, for example, playing with ice balls that you can drive over your beloved body? If, at the same time, the partner's legs are tied with women's tights and he cannot prevent the burning touches, his sensations become unusually sharp. Or maybe you should put a blindfold on his eyes, tie him to a chair and ... feed him dessert?

Even strong women, who can subdue any average man to their will, secretly desire to meet such a male, whom they can gladly obey.

Of course, one should not say that he must be persistent, purposeful, firm and at the same time affectionate to his woman, and also have a bunch of other useful qualities. How to subjugate a woman?

Show your best side

You must be moderately persistent, persistent in achieving your goal.. Don't back down from your beliefs when a woman wants to impose her point of view on you. trying to manipulate you. Show that you are the owner of the house. And this should be expressed not so much in the fact that no one should dare to disobey you, but in the fact that you can always be relied upon and that you can be trusted.

Remember that even an independent and self-sufficient woman needs a man who can subdue her. But only he must certainly be just as independent and self-sufficient. And do not think that two independent people cannot love each other. As they say, one does not interfere with the other.

Don't let a woman have too much

What is meant by the word "superfluous"? It can be both words and actions that in one way or another can offend another person, that is, you in this case. If a woman inadvertently thrown words hurt your self-esteem, take measures to ensure that this does not happen again.. No need for reciprocal rudeness and barbs, just calmly explain that you are very upset by this behavior. So you are more likely that your companion will understand you and will meet you halfway. By doing this, you can earn respect for yourself. And if a woman respects you, she will gladly submit to you.

It's easier with believing women

If a woman is a Christian, remind her that according to Christian canons, she is obliged to help her man in everything and obey him. Sometimes this argument alone is enough. However, if you are an atheist or profess a different religion, it is better not to talk to the lady about this topic. Otherwise, it will turn out to be something like a deception: you call for observing Christian customs, although you yourself do not think to observe them, because you profess a different religion or do not believe in God at all.

Make her love you

If a lady falls in love with you, consider that she has already submitted to you.. Do things that prove that you are a real gentleman. Give a woman pleasant surprises, give gifts more often, inexpensive ones, so that it is convenient for her to accept them. You see, expensive gifts are obligatory, so they are not always accepted with joy. But small souvenirs, soft toys, flowers are always welcome.

In addition, you must always keep your promises and help a woman, so that you have an opinion about you as a sympathetic and kind person. Feel free to help - your relationship will grow stronger with each act of helping. However, do not forget that strength of character and masculinity must also be shown when necessary.

In a relationship, the main thing is the man. This is an undeniable truth, which you, dear friend, should always adhere to.

In order to prevent female manipulation, a man needs

  1. Eradicate all illusions and naive attitudes towards women. They are not what they seem.
  2. Don't trust a woman 100%.
  3. Not to be afraid of losing a woman and not to be too determined on any one of them.
  4. Designate and always maintain your dominant position.

In a relationship with a woman, follow the indicated rules, and also do not show the girl that she is of exceptional value to you, do not be intrusive.

Do not forget that you can easily replace it with another one, and each subsequent one will be better than the previous one. Experience still leaves its mark.

Every year your value as a potential relationship partner grows, and women decrease. The circle of women for whom you are suitable according to the age criterion is expanding.

So don't worry. If you understand that this is “not your” girl, do not be afraid to lose her. You are not for the girl, but the girl is for you.


  1. Do not run after the girl and do not humiliate yourself in front of her.
  2. Try not to ask a woman for anything.
  3. If you ask, don't insist. Did not comply with the request - do not remind.
  4. Don't follow the girl. Do not do what you do not want to do, and know how to refuse.
  5. You have to be able to put a woman in her place.
  6. Do not be afraid of insults and scandals.

Due to the fact that you are the main thing in a relationship, you will have to be responsible for both yourself and the girl.

And in many ways, this interaction resembles the relationship of a parent and a child.

Therefore, it is you who will have to educate a woman, while remembering that it is strictly forbidden to indulge whims and whims. Otherwise, kick yourself.

The riddle in a woman is present only for those who are trying to find something that does not exist. Experienced men know that women are in many ways the same and stereotyped.

Therefore, you should not strain your brain too much when communicating with a girl, since female thinking is very stereotypical.

Focus not on what and how you need to say to a particular woman, but on what you basically want to say, because a woman will treat your words uttered in a convincing form as a decision of the court of last instance.


1. Compliments

Compliments are powerful weapons that can be applied to anyone, regardless of gender or age.

As for women, for them these are armor-piercing shells, which very rarely can miss the target.

One of the biggest fears of women is the fear of losing attractiveness. Therefore, regarding its appearance - this is what you need.

→ Watering never happens too much

You are constantly complimenting a woman. And it doesn't really matter if there is a real reason for this:

  1. I think about you all the time.
  2. You constantly dream of me.
  3. Beautiful eyes, lips, hair, legs, posture, etc.
  4. You are “the best”, after which you add: beautiful, smart, best, etc.

This tactic should be applied to women who are not very spoiled by male attention, not the most intelligent, young and inexperienced.

The downside is the emergence of addiction and the development of immunity to flattery. And if you do not increase the frequency of giving compliments, a woman may even be offended.

→ Rarely, but aptly

Compliments do not sound from your mouth often, but to the point. No more than three compliments in one evening will be enough:

  1. You look great. Is all this beauty just for me!..
  2. It is very interesting to communicate with you. It's incredibly nice when a smart girl is nearby.
  3. You look so mysterious... You probably see right through me.

If your compliments are not enough for a girl, do not forget about the existence of the first tactic.

→ With maids as with princesses, with princesses as with maids

Inside a woman, two opposing entities are constantly fighting.

A woman wants to be a whore and at the same time does not want to be one.

Despite genuine hypocrisy: “In me, they are only interested in my body. I need more.” – there is some truth in this.

Therefore, keep a balance in compliments. Be sure to emphasize the sexual attractiveness of a woman, but you should not forget about her deep inner world.

“Maids like princesses, princesses like maids” in itself means that it is important to play with contrast.

Depending on what the girl is like, choose one or another tactic.

2. Top dressing

Compliments have already been mentioned. This is a simple and very effective way to control girls, with which you can bind a girl to you. But not the only one.

Since a woman is an emotional being, she periodically needs to give vivid romantic experiences.

You can arrange a romantic walk, a trip or a picnic. Complementing the above with champagne, chocolate and compliments, it will not be difficult for you.

You can also organize a visit to a bike show, a bike ride or some other equally interesting event.

Such behavior leads to the emergence in the mind of a woman of a stable chain: "You - Emotions - Pleasure."

Remembering the time spent together, a girl filled with vivid impressions will associate you with pleasure.

3. Stick and carrot

Well? Everything went fine, and thanks to you, the girl is in a state of “How good it was, when will this happen again?” In this case, you can play on the contrast.

If you do not live together with a girl, then after that it would be nice to go about your own business, putting the relationship on pause for a few days.

If you see each other every day, then just keep a low profile and do not give the girl compliments and loud statements that there was no better evening in your life.

You are a man and you have everything under control. Let me know that you have other things to do in life.

Remember to show up after a while and remind you that you have some understatement.

On the other hand, maybe you don't need a woman who treats with obvious coldness such a wonderful person that you are.

If a girl considers herself a more status person, it is better to start turning off the shop of your relationship.

7. Raising a sense of guilt and duty

Sex is the starting point, indicating the possible beginning of a relationship between you and a girl.

And if you think that a woman does not know about your desires in the intimate sphere, then you are greatly mistaken. Believe me, girls in the subject.

If you have not unreasonably decided to dissolve your hands and start pestering your girlfriend, and the girl turns on the image of impatience and behaves in the key of absolute chastity, use the tactics of guilt and duty.

You should be offended. Stop being all the same cheerful and happy.

Close yourself a little and start talking calmly. You can even throw a cold look.

The girl will feel a change in you, because women are subtle psychologists.

She, that something is wrong, and her understanding of what you need from her will lead to the conclusion that she should give it to you. And the next attempt is likely to be more successful.

If, you can't help but notice that in matters, relationships and physical intimacy, women are very responsible people.

8. Using the maternal instinct

Undoubtedly, for a woman in particular, and in general in general, you must show yourself as a strong, courageous, confident and self-sufficient person.

But men are people too, and being strong all the time, most likely, will not work, and why not.

A woman sees in you the image of her father - a protector and patron. But girls have other attitudes that should be adopted.

To control a girl, use the maternal instinct inherent in her.

Play with contrast. First, show that you are a reliable and confident type, and at some point show your confusion in connection with the problem that has arisen.

Women are made to comfort men, so why go against the tide. Let yourself be blessed with kindness and care.

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    The tyrant came up with this article, it's not for true love! In the end it will beat!

    • Dear men, no matter what recommendations or possible scenarios are born from the light hand of any person who, by the will of fate, became involved in commenting on the site, the site administration stands exclusively for non-violent conflict resolution, trying to carry the fire of preventive communication measures into the darkness of the current reality.

      The proposed information is rather not a sword, but a shield.

      • This method works, but you may not like the result. In this case, you will find yourself a new pet))) and so on. You have a lot of time with men. But the broken psyche of a woman who sincerely probably loved you ... .. So expendable. A woman who has never encountered anything like this will buy into this, and if she encounters it, she may not go to the end ... .. This is not all about the family for sure. So apart from nervous love and fear, you will not achieve anything. And I'm also very interested Dear author))) how old are you?

    • Nadia, you just wrote unreasonable nonsense. I really sympathize with you, you are off topic.

      Conclusion: Love does not exist (
      I feel like crying now. Everything revolves around the body. This one doesn't work, I'll go to another one. Painfully. And where is the honor, honesty, loyalty, trust? I'm not talking about love, which is clearly not here. If a man loves, a woman is always obedient to him, you want to obey such people. Indeed, without love it is impossible to make even a dog obedient to oneself.

      It is better to remain alone forever than to be another doll in the hands of a dishonorable person. And to compete who is the best puppeteer is the lot of cunning, dishonest and low people.

      And what does it have to do with it, dear author, she loves if she wants a man. This is not a woman, but a beast, and she does not love, but WANTS. If a wife loves her husband, she will be submissive and will not demand love. And a man who loves will not demand obedience, he will receive it anyway, because he loves. I mean Love, not sex drive. These are different things.

      If you do not believe in Love, then there will be puppeteers seeking personal gain. Love is sacrificial. What woman would now cut off her luxurious curls in exchange for a chain for her husband's watch? And what man would sell his family watch to buy a hair comb for his wife? (O. Henry ‘Gifts of the Magi’).

      I respect men. I'm just afraid that no one needs my respect. And as I understood from the article, then respect for me, as a girl, is the lot of weaklings.

      I don't know Love yet, but if it's like that, then I don't want to love.

      • Respect should not be confused with subservience or equated with a lack of critical thinking.

        Love is different, and anything can happen. Therefore, when you go out into the street in cloudy weather, it is better to have an umbrella at hand than later, getting wet to the skin, complaining about universal injustice, or vice versa, sitting at home.

        But it’s not at all a fact that one who today talks about eternal and pure love, taking the position of an allegedly oppressed subject, after a while, under certain conditions, will not be able to merge a loved one in a harsh and cynical way.

        When you begin to openly show care and love to the Girl, trust women's words, then expect trouble. As one wise woman said: "In our time, the vast majority of women do not know how and do not want to love, only to own." Therefore, you have to put pressure on instinct. Respect to the author.

        Some kind of tin loves, I don’t like a tyrant, too, but sometimes it’s so awesome ...

        Belief in love is from religious literature.
        Love it is, or love is not, and it is created by actions, and not by faith.

        Fully agree with you! These are now “concepts” and not the rules of mutual respect and bestowal in relationships!
        You are a happy person that you know how to distinguish black from white and the reward is waiting for you!

        Valeria, you are fundamentally wrong! Everything is. And love and sacrifice and nothing is needed in return. But that's who I love to spit on her.

      The more female negativity, the more correct the course chosen by the author

      As for hitting.

    ha ha ha ..))))))))) show that you are not flexible)))) RELIABLE AND CONFIDENT TYPE…. how can a man show that he is reliable. And to remain unbending and even not to show his interest in it….. HOW DOES THE AUTHOR PRESENT THIS???? THIS IS CRAZY

    • How to show that a man is reliable - do what you promised, but do not promise too much.
      Study the materiel. Read, for example, Dean Delice's "Paradox of Passion: She Loves Him, He Doesn't", get familiar with the NLP "Closer-Further" technique, work through the issue of the value of personality in social relationships, finally open your eyes and look around: confident people are rarely dependent and do not show excessive interest.

      The happiness of a man is called “I want”. A woman's happiness is called "He wants".
      F. Nietzsche

      • Why do you need her if you don't love her? You deserve to always have only the best, and not the one that you do not really like.

    • I love her very much, but she is 15 years younger than me, she is 31, I am 45 !!! She found fans on dating sites !!! I made more than 3 previous husbands for her !!! She cannot get pregnant and thinks no matter what she can there were a lot of lovers, but everyone stepped aside! she kicked me out, but she maintains a somnoy relationship, I continue to come and help her and her mother says that I am her friend and she doesn’t wake up to live with somnoy anymore !!! I don’t want to say goodbye to her, tell me what to do to be!!!

    Women, you are so materialistic.

    The more we love a woman...

    Mercantile? And what to raise your children then, in one holy air?

    Guys, it’s really nonsense, as if a teenager had read recommendations from books about “self-improvement”, “NLP”, “pickup” and wrote a free-form presentation.
    Smart women immediately cut through all these so-called tricks and lose interest - well, who needs such inadequate eccentrics - “I’ll bend it - I won’t bend it”? Respect yourself and others, dear men, and everything will be normal: everyone wants normal human relationships, and not a cheap Mexican TV series.

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