How damage affects a person. Ways to induce damage


The concept of "spoilage", "spoilage" comes from the verb "spoil", that is, to worsen, damage, distort, make bad out of good.

In folk beliefs, damage, or damage, means a disease from witchcraft (see V. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary and S. Ozhegov's Dictionary of the Russian Language).

Damage in the broad sense of the word is the intentional harm to a person. Scientists have found that spoilage is a formula of well-chosen and in a certain way arranged words and sounds with a given result.

A professional sorcerer or witch quickly achieves the goal because they know what sound, word, under what conditions and what acts. Corruption is a black sticky dense clot in the etheric, astral, mental and causal bodies of a person. Damage is temporary, curable, but there is also damage done to death. And there is rarely a healer who will undertake to remove it: such treatment is too expensive for the health of the healer. But even in our time there are ascetics who know how to cope with such misfortune. In fact, they are few in number.

Damage is of three types: acquired, karmic and hereditary (genetic).

The simplest of them and the most common - acquired. It may appear as a result of the actions of some real enemy who went to the sorcerer and ordered her guidance.

Karmic corruption manifests itself in people as follows. When a person dies, his soul moves to another body. Despite the fact that a new life has begun, this type of damage remains on a person - in his subconscious and accompanies his "master" for twelve reincarnations. The most severe manifestation of karmic damage is the inability to have children, which leads to the extinction of the family. Moreover, a person throughout his life is accompanied by the loss of close relatives. His own karma often “rewards” with oncological diseases.

The most complex type of damage is hereditary (genetic). It is passed down through the family and goes through 39 generations. This type of damage usually manifests itself in the form of cancer, epilepsy, schizophrenia and diabetes. Whatever kind of damage lies on a person, it destroys his energy, becomes the cause of all kinds of diseases, accidents, family troubles, conflicts at work and in business.

Diseases resulting from spoilage are divided into sorrow (depression), black disease, epilepsy, sickness, prisor, mowing. The evil eye, lesson, alarm, itching, hiccups, shchi-pot, slander, love spell, alcoholism, wedding spoilage and many others.

Sorrow is the so-called "heart disease" in the people. A person suffering from this disease is never cheerful, joyful. His eyes are always sad, dull. He is constantly depressed.

Black disease - is sent through food. Such a person falls ill with cholera, venereal diseases. It is extremely difficult to get rid of such damage.

"Log on the shoulders» - accompanied by a feeling of heaviness, stiffness, tension and pain in the neck and shoulders.

"Snake under the heart”- a person experiences a “pulling heaviness” in the region of the heart or under the heart. This feeling is accompanied by a bad mood or depression for no apparent reason.

Lesson - this damage is manifested in a person by severe headaches. As a rule, his tests are in order, but no medicines and drugs help. The head hurts so much that the person is on the verge of insanity.

Ispoloh - the so-called "instant fright." People with this form of damage suffer from epilepsy, schizophrenia, and hysteria. Healers and healers believe that all patients with these diseases are people who have been cursed, and modern official medicine cannot help them.

« Energy harnesses» energy vampires introduce into the biofield of the victim. A person suffering from vampirism usually experiences pain in those places where energy leeches stick, as well as general weakness and loss of strength.

Wedding damage - is always done at a wedding or during the dressing of the bride and groom.

A love spell is also damage, violence against a person, zombies.

Chaplet of celibacy- this is a whole series of magical actions, as a result of which a person cannot create a family, and even enter into intimacy. Sometimes the crown of celibacy is the result of a birth curse.

The code of death is a magical effect that makes a living person dead in an esoteric sense. One of the ways to impose it is to order a church funeral service for a living person. The "Code of Death" deprives a person of a Guardian Angel, sharply reduces immunity to infectious diseases, and hinders success in business and in personal life. You can remove it only by mandatory confession and communion in the church, thereby, as it were, declaring to the Heavenly Office that you are alive, and your Guardian Angel will be returned to you.

Conspiracy to fail- a magical effect on the fate of a person, making his life unreasonably difficult, burdened with adversity and failure.

merchant spell- a magic program used in competitive struggle. Entrepreneurs who have fallen under its influence find themselves in a situation: “Whatever they do, things don’t work ...” Here is an incorrect assessment of the business qualities of a partner, and bad luck, and a fatal combination of circumstances. The main thing is that someone else's destructive will is present in the case.

Ancestral Curse- pursues people whose ancestors once committed inhuman acts, for which they were cursed. Due to historical events (revolution, civil war, dispossession, repression) in Russia, it is very widespread. The program is very similar in effect to the "death code". It will not be difficult for a good specialist to remove the birth curse. You can just go to church and repent for your ancestor, it is only important to know exactly: when and for what he was cursed.

Necrotic Bindings- arise between the souls of a living person and one of the deceased relatives or close friends, as a result of the inappropriate behavior of the victim himself during the funeral (tantrums, attempts to interfere with the course of the burial, etc.), or can be induced by a black magician by order of a third party . Contribute to this and frequent visits of the living to the cemetery. The victim has a complete lack of luck in business. The essence of the "necrotic binding" is that the soul of the deceased cannot rest without the soul of its living liaison. To find peace in the other world, the soul is forced to push the living to death.

The reasons that cause the effect of damage to one person against another are very different. . But often this reason is elementary envy. That is, the person who is being spoiled is practically not guilty. A person lives well, it is necessary to make him live badly. Evil people do not tolerate silence and calm around them. They always break this peace and doom a person to terrible torment and persecution.

Another reason may be revenge, also a quality of the manifestation of evil. There may be reasons of a domestic, social nature, when one person is objectionable to another, or when one is an energy donor for another and, without knowing it, under the influence of damage, is forced to share his health with a completely unfamiliar person.

All actions of those who cause damage are saturated with hatred, they are inhumane and alien to common sense. They also contradict the commandments of the Lord, who called: "Love your neighbor as yourself."

The most characteristic signs of damage are the following.

Corruption can cause physical illness, and even death.

Corruption causes spiritual illness, mental disorder, melancholy, sadness, fear, and on this basis, various mental abnormalities, called schizophrenia in medicine.

Corruption is scandals in the family, a violation of mutual understanding, divorces. Therefore, do not rush to divorce, look around, heal from damage. This will keep your family safe. Treasure your family and take care of good family relationships. The family is the foundation of society. Evil penetrates the family and seeks to destroy it, since a lonely person who has undergone stress is an easy bait for temptation.

It is wonderful that the wedding ceremony has now been resumed. This strengthens the young family, it acquires the protection of God. But, unfortunately, for many young people, the attitude to the sacrament of a married marriage is more a tribute to fashion than a religious upbringing and conviction of the need for such a step. In this case, the spouses divorce after a while, violating the vows made before the altar, and then they are surprised that in the future their family life does not add up.

Corruption is the desire for fornication, adultery.

Spoilage is a craving for alcohol, because the demon of alcohol overcomes a person.

Corruption is a way of life, loss and loss.

Corruption is disobedience and a manifestation of pride.

Corruption is ignorance, negligence, a disease of children.

Corruption is apathy for work, laziness. This is inexplicable malice towards everyone when evil burns in your soul.

Corruption is a crooked road that takes you away from God, it is enmity and hatred for your neighbor, it is disrespect for parents, dislike for children.

Corruption is a disease of animals and crop failures on your land.

Corruption is what destroys and shortens your life.

A negative external influence on a person's energy field can manifest itself in various ways. The main ones are damage and the evil eye. There is a big difference between the phenomena, but each of them has a detrimental effect on the fate and life of a person. In order to timely determine the presence of negative influence, to overcome evil and aggression, it is necessary to know all the signs of damage and the evil eye.

The evil eye and damage are significantly different from each other.

General and different

Damage is a purposeful and conscious action on a specific person. The evil eye is the result of the negative emotional impact of enemies. If the evil eye is the result of the emotions of envious people, then damage is a complex process, not everyone can do it.

The main similarity between these two diseases lies in the negative impact on the life and destiny of a person under the influence of an emotional impulse.

Everyone can suffer from an illness, regardless of gender, age and religion. But the symptoms of damage and the evil eye are very different. If you feel bad, how do you know, maybe the evil eye?

Signs of the evil eye:

  1. Decline in strength, weakening of the body, minor illnesses (frequent fever, headache), a person feels unwell.
  2. Frequent injuries of the legs, spine.
  3. Deterioration of the skin condition, decrease in attractiveness in the eyes of others.
  4. Constant feeling of apathy towards personal life, career.
  5. Craving for alcoholic beverages.
  6. Rapid fatigue, depression.
  7. Whims, tearfulness, irritation in children prone to the evil eye. The child does not feel well.

If you feel bad, maybe damage? Damage signs:

Mental disorders are signs of spoilage

  1. Daily unpleasant and dangerous situations, problems arise systematically.
  2. Serious illnesses, not limited to a simple fever. A person does not feel well, he is really sick.
  3. Signs of a mental disorder (paranoia, hallucinations, fears).
  4. The negative impact on all spheres of life is the activity of not only the person himself, but also all family members. The problems are very serious. Such severe symptoms of damage are gypsy magic, the strongest in terms of negative effects.
  5. Fear of sunlight, reflections in mirrors. There is a feeling of panic at the sight of church attributes and temples.
  6. Aggressive manifestation in relations with other people, coldness and alienation in communication with relatives.
  7. Loss of the meaning of life, priorities and values. Often there is alcoholism, there may be a tendency to gambling.

Damage is directed at a person purposefully. Ordinary people cannot cope with such a complex magical rite, but if a person with a special gift and abilities acts, then serious problems can arise. Corruption completed with installation on certain problems:

Corruption is set to certain problems

  1. Temporary damage. Signs of damage appear immediately. After a certain time, the symptoms will disappear on their own, but the negative consequences will continue for a long time.
  2. Curable damage. Such a rite can be reversed with conspiracies and prayers.
  3. Incurable damage. It is impossible for ordinary people to cope with such an ailment. Sometimes you can alleviate the condition, but only with the help of a strong sorcerer.

You can determine the signs of damage, as well as the evil eye. For this, a special ritual is used. If you find any of the signs of external emotional influence, it is better to immediately contact a magical specialist who can help get rid of problems, diseases, and cleanse yourself of filth.

Different peoples and religions have developed different attitudes towards corruption and the evil eye. For example, in Islam they say that any negative influence is carried out only by the will of the Almighty, no problems and squabbles in life occur without his participation.

Regardless of the type of negative action, immediate response rituals are required in order to eliminate signs of damage and the evil eye as soon as possible, as well as eliminate problems and misfortunes. Only a professional will determine the type of evil eye or damage, set the deadlines for their imposition, and also limit the action. The longer the effect of negative influence persists, the more difficult it is to get rid of it.

How to determine the presence of damage

You can determine the signs of damage, as well as the evil eye, by external manifestations that can be seen by an observant person. Often people are afraid to admit to themselves that they or their relatives have been negatively affected.

The child cannot cope with the influence of damage and often takes a hit on himself

Very often, by sending damage to a person, his biofield and emotional barrier copes with influence, and inadvertently affects children. The child cannot protect himself and his body on his own yet, and all the negative impact falls on him.

Many men are simply afraid to believe that they have been spoiled or evil eyed. In this case, it is worth listening to others who can help identify signs of damage by the following symptoms:

  1. Lethargy and depression of the interlocutor, a person constantly strives to look away.
  2. Abrupt change in eating habits (complete lack of hunger or excessive appetite).
  3. Increased excitability, sensitivity, there may be an acute reaction to criticism addressed to oneself (aggression, insults).

As soon as it was possible to determine the main symptoms of the evil eye and damage, it is necessary to immediately take response actions. That is, by improvised means to prove the presence of black magic and help a person. For this, various means and methods are used:

Church candles are the main attribute in detecting negative energy.

  1. Church candles. Such an item is a powerful way to detect negative impacts. 3 candles are placed on the table, and strong prayers are read: “Our Father”, “Most Holy Mother of God”, “May God rise again” (3 times). After each reading, be sure to cross yourself (also 3 times). You can determine the presence of a magical action by the flame (candles will sparkle, smoke). If there is no negative impact, then the candles will burn evenly.
  2. Egg. Cold water is poured into a glass and circled around with a hand three times to discard the energy of the liquid. Then a raw egg is broken there in such a way that the yolk remains intact. Having crossed the glass, a prayer is read (“May God rise again”). If the water remains clear and the yolk is intact, then there is no magical effect. Turbid or dark liquid indicates the presence of black magic.
  3. Wax. The melted composition is poured into a shallow but wide bowl of water, and waiting for hardening. Then carefully examine the resulting figure. If the surface does not have irregularities, then there is no influence of black magic. If there are bumps and bumps, the figure resembles some kind of silhouette, then you can accurately determine the presence of a negative effect.

The negative influence is carried out with the help of various objects: earth or dirt from the grave, feathers of needles. If suspicious things are found during the inspection of the dwelling, then in no case should they be touched with bare hands or thrown into the trash can.

The thing must be burned or buried, and as far as possible from your home. In the future, it is quite easy to recognize the enemy who has imposed damage. If his face will "blaze" with bright fire at a meeting, then he is an enemy.

If it is confirmed that there are symptoms of the evil eye and damage, it is necessary to act. Any delay can cause irreversible processes in a person's life, deep absorption of negative energy.

Often passive behavior leads to death. Evil cannot go away on its own, it can only be reversed with the help of the magical action of the strongest sorcerer. Not every magician is able to avert the effect of negativity.

Signs of removal of negative influence

If there are changes in the human biofield associated with the destruction of magical influence, then they are accompanied by certain symptoms. The symptoms of this condition are as follows:

Frequent yawning signals the release of negative energy

  1. Frequent yawning. This simple reflex signals the beginning of the cleansing of the body from the influence of black magic. It can manifest itself not only when performing a magical ritual, but also in a church.
  2. Frequent tears. With tears, all negative energy comes out of a person. Well-being after tears improves significantly, cheerfulness and relief appear.
  3. Runny nose. The destructive energy also comes out through the nose.
  4. Chills. A person has a feeling of release of cold forces from the body.

Any removal of damage and the evil eye in adults causes a weakening of a person. Forces almost in front of his eyes leave him. And this is normal. During the period of cleansing from negative forces, exacerbation of chronic ailments, fever, indigestion, and nightmares are possible. During this difficult period, the situation in the family can heat up, relations with relatives deteriorate.

All these processes are associated with the release of negativity, which requires a large amount of strength and the body's own energy. After the end of the ritual, a full sleep and a long rest will be required.

Since ancient times, people have been afraid of black magic like fire. In the age of high technology, everything remains the same: a primal fear of the unknown burns through the hearts of people when they encounter a manifestation of black magic. What is spoilage? What are the types of damage? How to protect yourself from negative influences? The answers to the questions are given below.

What is spoilage

A powerful energy impact aimed at destroying the victim's vital energy is damage. An attacker can send it to an objectionable person on his own or by contacting a black witch.

Corruption has destructive power. The types of damage are so different that it is possible to act on both quickly and gradually. That is, when performing certain rituals, a magician (black witch) can determine for what period a person's life energy should leave.

It is worth noting that not every magician will undertake such work. This is due to the boomerang effect. The energy message directed at the victim will return back, increasing its power by at least 2 times.

Who sends damage

Non-professionals are usually unable to create a powerful energy spell that will actually work. For the most part, women offended by lovers, abandoned wives and girls suffering from unrequited love turn to the dark forces for help. Only not one of them thinks that it will return to them like a boomerang.

Black witches, sorcerers, magicians are people who truly know the types of damage available to them will never be used for good. For not a single destructive action, no matter how much a person wants it, carries creative energy in itself.

Non-professionals can harm not only themselves, trying to harm another person through damage, but also those around them. Since one wrong action in the rite can release colossal power, comparable in action to a tornado. The black witch (magician), performing the rite, establishes protection for herself and her customer. Thus, they create a kind of lightning rod, however, this does not always save from the return of a negative message.

Corruption. Types of damage

In black magic, there are many different options for inducing damage. The most common are:

  • damage to death;
  • damage to luck;
  • damage to health;
  • prisushka (love spell);
  • strong evil eye (spoilage, done both purposefully and unconsciously).

Can be held in a church. To do this, the attacker orders the funeral of an objectionable person or puts a candle for the repose of the soul. In the case of the funeral, the priest requires a death certificate of the deceased, but no one is protected from a candle placed for the dead.

In the rituals of inducing damage, personal belongings of the victim are used: photographs, jewelry, clothes. Mages can use pads that act like timed mines.

The lining consists of grave earth, spoiled food, salt, bird feathers, dead animals. Also, sorcerers use needles and pins, since metal is an excellent conductor of energy.

Prushka is made using menstrual blood, alcohol, gold jewelry (chains, rings and earrings), ropes, threads, photographs, things of a deceased person. It is generally accepted that a love spell or prisushka is a harmless magical effect, but this is far from the case. Forcing the victim to love himself, imposing his own thoughts and desires on her, a person dooms his soul to the torments of hell. Any planned negative impact is a sin. It doesn't matter whether it's a spell or a curse.

A strong evil eye can be carried out absolutely by accident. It is enough for a person to simply envy the success of someone from his environment, as his acquaintance has problems with health or in business. People with weak energy, pregnant women and children are considered the most susceptible to the evil eye. Another category of people who are especially susceptible to damage are atheists. Unbelief in God weakens the human soul.

Whatever the negative impact, it always manifests itself as damage. The types of damage used against a person are so diverse that only a professional white magician or healer can determine which one was used specifically. The layman can only notice the result of magical intervention.

According to its action, damage is considered an energy disease. It creates a gap in the human biofield, allowing the attacker to gradually draw the life force out of him.

Damage symptoms can be both overt and covert. However, the hidden ones still appear, only at this moment it is almost impossible to help a person.

Damage manifests itself in the form:

  • a sharp deterioration in well-being;
  • loss of funds;
  • quarrels in the family;
  • infertility;
  • a series of failures;
  • alcohol and drug addiction;
  • unexpected death;
  • suicidal tendencies.

You need to sound the alarm and contact a specialist if you find yourself:

  • causeless headache;
  • constant fatigue and weakness;
  • persistent nausea and diarrhea;
  • weakness in arms and legs;
  • sweating;
  • unquenchable thirst;
  • nothing to fill the void inside;
  • constant irritability;
  • decreased libido.

It is also worth checking for spoilage if you feel an irresistible craving for someone or something. For example, a passionate desire to be near an unfamiliar person is a spell, a love spell that exhausts and makes the victim suffer without being near the customer. Alcohol addiction is also a symptom of a love spell done on blood (menstrual blood added to an alcoholic drink). A person is forced to consume a large amount of alcohol in order to drown out the emptiness inside himself.

How to determine damage before its manifestation

Usually damage appears on the 21st day of its induction. Depending on the strength of the magician and the desire of the customer, this figure may vary. Damage is determined with the help of eggs, wax, precious metals, animals, church candles.

Detecting spoilage with an egg

A chicken egg is rolled all over the body, then carefully broken and poured into a three-liter jar filled with water. Destructive impact is present if:

  • thin white threads stretch upward from the protein;
  • the yolk and protein look boiled;
  • bubbles or black dots formed on top of the egg.

It is important to use a fresh egg, otherwise the result will be unpredictable. It is better to use eggs from rural laying hens.

Determination of magical effects with the help of an animal

Cats and cats are most sensitive to various negative influences. Therefore, many magicians, sorcerers and witches keep animals at home.

To check if you have damage, you must either get a cat (cat), or take an animal from relatives or friends for a while. The cat must live in your house for at least 5 days.

When the animal is at rest, it must be picked up and placed on its knees. If within 10 minutes the cat continues to lie quietly and purr, then there is no negative impact. If the animal feels the magical power that destroys your aura, then it will begin to meow loudly, try to leave and scratch.

Determination of damage with the help of church candles

Candles, charged with the energy of the church, easily determine any negative impact from the outside. For the ritual you will need 3 candles and matches. Lighted candles must first be kept at eye level, you must look at the fire for at least 5 minutes. Then the candles are alternately brought to the head, heart, groin area. If the flame began to crackle strongly, and thick black smoke began to rise from the candle, an unpleasant smell appeared, then damage is present.

Precious metal damage detection

Silver in the presence of a negative impact in itself darkens sharply, since this metal is most sensitive to negativity. Gold can also reveal magical interference. To do this, you need to wash your face and hold a gold ring on your cheek. If the metal left behind a dark streak, then your energy field is broken and the damage has already begun to act.

How to protect yourself and your loved ones

The best protection against negative influences is prayer or white magic. Corruption is practically not amenable to self-removal, it requires the help of a professional white magician or communion and confession in the church.

White witchcraft for protection against corruption includes various rites. The simplest thing an ordinary person can do is create their own amulet.

It helps not only to prevent the penetration of dark forces into the energy field, but also to recover after removing damage.


Our ancestors created powerful protective objects with their own hands - amulets. They resisted a dangerous negative energy impact, protected a person from the evil eye, and gave good luck to their owner.

To protect yourself from the evil eye and damage, you can make your own protective talisman. For this, precious stones and metals with positive energy are used. For example, silver, emerald, blue topaz, amethyst.

A strong protective object is a thing made by oneself. You can buy an ordinary handkerchief and embroider it with red thread. Patterns are selected cross, that is, the seams when connected to each other should form a cross.

An ordinary red thread tied around the left wrist or left ankle has powerful protective properties. However, it is worth remembering that without faith in what you are doing, the amulet will not work.


Prayer from corruption and witchcraft is a great way to protect yourself and your loved ones. With the Word of God, you can “charge” the amulet, for example, by reading it, weaving a bracelet from a red thread.

Being in the presence of a person who causes incomprehensible excitement, you can read a prayer - this way you protect yourself from the evil eye, even if unintentional.

A prayer written on an ordinary piece of paper is carried with them, attached closer to the heart.

pectoral cross

From the evil eye and damage helps from silver. Wear it always, without taking it off, and it will greatly increase the strength of your aura. Believers in God and baptized people are less susceptible to negative influences from outside. However, the cross is not able to fully protect against damage to death and a love spell. This requires frequent church attendance and periodic communion.

Many people are interested in what spoilage is and how it can affect a person. The concept of damage in esotericism is considered very widely. As a rule, everything that leads to the destruction of the protective natural aura of a person is associated with such an impact.

Corruption is a directed alien influence. This means that in order to direct it, a special ritual of black magic is required. Rites of this type are considered a sin. When conducting a ritual, a person must remember about retribution. Punishment can fall not only on him, but also on future generations.

Types of spoilage and its symptoms

Experts say that it is necessary not only to understand what spoilage is, but also to distinguish between negative types. This approach will allow you to conduct effective rituals aimed at clearing the energy protective field from negativity.

Hereditary damage (generic)

Each of the people is the heir of previous generations. The energy field of a person retains a connection with the ancestors, although a person is not given this fact to understand with the mind. Very often they say: a person pays for the sins of his ancestors. And this is one of the manifestations of hereditary damage.

Hereditary damage is difficult to remove. The impact of severe chronic diseases that are inherited is manifested. These are oncology, schizophrenia, diabetes, etc. Being under the burden of hereditary damage, it is difficult for a person to build a personal life. One of the main symptoms of negativity is loneliness.

Hereditary damage can be transmitted through 39 generations from mother to child. Its danger is that only a few among magicians can remove it. But you can weaken the influence of negativity with good deeds and a positive perception of the world around you.

Damage to loneliness (on relationships)

A dangerous negative program is damage to loneliness. Such a spell breaks the fate of a person, making him unhappy. A distinctive feature of this type of damage is physical symptoms:

    The presence on the skin of the victim of a large number of age spots. At the same time, there are no indications for increased pigmentation and it cannot be removed by any modern means. Infertility against the background of the absence of pathologies in the body. Spasmodic changes in body weight that are not associated with a change in diet. .

A person under the influence of damage to loneliness, being in a society of people, feels lonely and useless. Numerous attempts to start a family remain fruitless. Such damage can be inherited through the female line. She is known as the shroud or crown of celibacy.

Damage to death

Many people ask what damage to death is and why it is dangerous. This powerful directed negative impact is used to bring the victim to death. This can happen in various ways, as it depends on the resistance of a person and the presence of protective natural forces.

This type of damage is akin to murder, so the negative must be removed and this can be effectively done by experienced magicians.

You should seek help if you experience:

    Sleep problems: nightmares, insomnia. Chronic diseases that cannot be treated by traditional medicine. Persistent nervous breakdowns and unreasonable mood swings. Suicidal desires. Internal self-doubt that was not noticed before. Serious financial difficulties associated with the loss of a job. Premonitions of trouble.

A person under the influence of damage to death loses his pectoral cross and cannot force himself to cross the threshold of the temple, he is repelled by various church paraphernalia. The animals in the house begin to behave strangely: they hide when the owner returns home.

If you do not take urgent measures, then death can occur very quickly. In most cases, this happens because diseases lead to irreversible changes in the body.

Damage to health

Damage to health is the most common dangerous negative impact. This is due to the fact that black magic offers a huge number of simple rituals that any ill-wisher can use.

The most striking are its signs at the psycho-emotional level:

    The development of phobias. Insomnia and strange dreams. Difficulties in focusing the gaze. The appearance of auditory and visual hallucinations. Changes in taste perceptions associated with the emergence of feelings of disgust for favorite dishes. The development of alcoholism. Depression. Constant quarrels with people around because of unwillingness to compromise.

Damage to health provokes the development of chronic diseases that are difficult to treat.

Damage to money

The material side of life plays a significant role in human life. Damage to money leads to the fact that access to financial flows is blocked for the victim. This leads to a fall in the material standard of living, and, sometimes, to complete bankruptcy.

The main signs of a negative impact:

    Unexpected financial losses. Loss of job and insurmountable difficulties during the search for a new job. The emergence of debts that are constantly increasing. Lack of desire to work.

Damage to luck

A common negative program is damage to good luck. Its mechanism of influence is that it repels good luck from the victim. As a result, troubles begin to pour on a person from all sides. This is usually associated with a black life streak. A prolonged period of bad luck is the main sign of damage to good luck.

A feature of the negative program is that everything that a person does not undertake becomes meaningless in a short time and cannot in any way affect the current situation. At the same time, all spheres of life are collapsing.

How to cause damage

Ill-wishers, envious people and just evil people cause damage in various ways. The most requested ones are listed below.

Hall on plants

Recently, damage has been inflicted with the help of plants that grow in the garden or in the victim's house. To do this, a person who wishes evil must twist the plant into a knot in a special way and utter a special conspiracy that sends a negative message to its destination. If such plants were found, then they must be thrown away and a cleansing ceremony performed.

Damage by photo

Photo damage is very common. It is a popular type of revenge, using a snapshot you can carry out very strong negative messages. This is due to the fact that a picture of a person is a reflection of his soul, so a negative message quickly reaches its goal.

In order for the impact to be strong in the rites of black magic, it is recommended to use fresh photographs. A variety of actions are carried out with the pictures, which are accompanied by the pronunciation of special magic words.

For example, you can put a photo of the victim in boiling water with various fillers, and over it, fully concentrating on the goal, say the following words repeatedly:

“I order the body of the Servant of God (the name of the victim) to burn strongly, to boil blood, to fill with mental pain, not to know peace. From now on and forever. It will only be like this."

In the rites that inflict black corruption, cemetery attributes are used. Often for this, earth is brought from the grave of the namesake of the victim. A special conspiracy is spoken over it during the ceremony. Then the earth is poured under the threshold of the victim or at the place where the person must pass. There are black rituals that use the attributes of the dead, and sometimes it is required during the ceremony to take the victim's item to the churchyard.

Damage through the lining

Damage through the lining is very effective. It consists in the fact that an object charged with negativity is left in the victim's house. There is a gradual radiation of negativity, as a result of which a person's life is gradually destroyed. If you do not find a lining in a timely manner, then the consequences of damage can be very serious. In this case, mandatory cleaning of the negative of the dwelling is required.

egg spoilage

Egg spoilage is of little demand. Its unpopularity is explained by the fact that a raw rotten egg should be used as the main attribute. Strong love spells of this type are carried out in the cemetery and are often associated with targeted effects on death.

Funeral and sealing in the church

One of the types of dangerous damage is the burial and sealing of a living person in the church. In this case, candles are repeatedly placed for the repose of the soul. Such an act is a terrible sin. A very quick retribution to the performer is coming for him.

How does it manifest and act?

It is quite easy for an attentive person to suspect damage by obvious signs. Depending on the strength of the impact, the negative can act both slowly and quickly. The main symptoms are always present:
    Deterioration of the general well-being of a person. There is no way to fix it, it seems that the forces simply leave the body. The emergence of constant obstacles and failures on the way to the goal. The emergence of problems in the work and financial spheres. Constant conflicts with people around. feeling of fear and hopelessness.
All of the above symptoms have a destructive effect on the body. Negative energy accumulates and leads to the fact that a person can unconsciously commit unseemly acts.

How to harm a person

Understanding what damage is, it is very easy to bring it on yourself. Today on the Internet you can easily find a large number of various rites of black magic. When deciding to use them, you need to remember that the negative consequences will definitely affect the performer. The easiest way is to use a photo of the victim in the ceremony. For a person with strong energy, it is enough just to look at the picture with hatred and mentally wish all the worst. A large amount of negative energy rotates in the world around us. It can be used to induce damage. It is important to mentally try into one of the negative streams and redirect it to the target. Then one should imagine how the energy bonds in the aura of the victim are breaking down. Such a promise should be fulfilled in a secluded place, and a strong sense of revenge must be present in the soul, otherwise nothing will work.

How to get rid of negativity on your own

Understanding what damage is, one should be aware that it is imperative to remove an alien harmful effect. Not every human body can independently restore a protective aura damaged by negativity. In case of damage caused by a non-professional, it is very easy to cope on your own using one of the magical cleansing rites. Such rituals often use candles or eggs. Severe damage to death or hereditary damage should be removed by a professional magician. You can remove the negative yourself with prayers. You can pray at home in front of the icons installed in the red corner. Be sure to attend a church service once a week. This method will allow not only to cleanse yourself of damage, but also to strengthen your natural protective capabilities.

Corruption (from the word “spoil”, that is, to worsen or distort) is the intentional infliction by a sorcerer or magician of severe harm to a person, with careful observance of all the rules and requirements of black magic. Damage can be brought not only to a certain person, but also to his relatives, home or pets.

About different types of damage

Damage can be divided into three types: conscious, unconscious and self-damage.

In the first case, the spell is cast by a professional black sorcerer who works according to all the necessary rules. In the second case, damage is the result of a strong outburst of emotions of an envious person. If the sorcerer, pronouncing the magic words, can somehow protect himself, then the usual envious person will sooner or later receive a return if the slander is reduced to his victim.

Self-damage, as the name implies, is imposed by a person on himself. In most cases, hysterical personalities are inclined towards it, which are characterized by regular self-digging or simply a too negative attitude towards themselves.

To cause damage, they often use any available means at hand: salt, earth, water, dog droppings, wine, food, and much more. Church ceremonies do not stand aside: funerals, weddings, weddings, commemorations, funerals and christenings. Any subject that is cursed becomes a kind of source of radiation, capable of slowly poisoning and destroying everything in the house.

Damage can be identified by a number of signs:

  • · If there has been a sharp violation of intra-family relations - strife, frequent scandals, divorces, etc.
  • If a woman cannot become pregnant, although doctors do not find any health problems in either her or the man.
  • If a person begins to lose weight catastrophically quickly or, conversely, gain weight.
  • · If a woman meets a man, but, nevertheless, cannot get married in any way.
  • If she doesn't like looking at her reflection in the mirror.
  • · If a woman or a man, while in church, begins to feel bad.
  • · If the pectoral cross turns black all the time, is lost or there is a desire to get rid of it.
  • · If there are regular depressive states, loss of strength or even thoughts of suicide.
  • · If pets began to avoid their owner.
  • · If suspicious objects suddenly began to appear near the house (blood, sand, needles, feathers, dead birds or animals).
  • · If threads, sticky or knotted feathers, sharp objects, etc. have begun to appear on the duvet covers or pillows.

Corruption or evil eye?

The main difference between damage and the evil eye is that the latter is obtained unintentionally, from envy. In particular, brides, pregnant women and small children with weakened energy are subject to the evil eye. Brides, in turn, can have a lot of envious girlfriends who consider themselves much better, but do not understand why they are not married yet.

Pregnant girls can be envied not only by familiar friends, but also by completely unfamiliar women. Not infrequently, little fair-haired children give in to the evil eye, whom they look at and admire: “God, what angels!”.

Corruption can have a strong impact on people who are in a drug, alcohol or toxic intoxication, as well as those who are experiencing strong emotional excitement (that is, at the moment they cannot adequately assess what is happening).

As for damage induced by a conscious method, here, first of all, include installations designed to change the fate of the victim.

For example, little, unrequitedly in love, girls often try to bewitch their lover. Several years pass, the ladies who have already grown up forget about what they did in childhood, but the love spell (that is, damage) still continues to have its effect - something does not converge in the guy’s life, and the woman herself cannot find her happiness in any way.

Another example is a curse inflicted during festive festivities. Why exactly this way?

Because during a feast a person is drunk, his control over himself is significantly weakened or completely lost, so mentally wishing your enemy “all the best” becomes a very simple task. Vodka and wine, in turn, are good conductors of energy, which instantly "remember" the program of aggression transmitted to them.

Damage can be conditionally divided into several categories: according to the purpose and method of guidance. The first category includes: damage to personal life (for example, the “crown of celibacy”), damage to health, damage to poverty, damage to “closing roads” (in which the main lines of events are closed), damage to death and many other varieties. According to the method of guidance: cemetery damage, through a lining, damage through water or food, in the wind, through a volt, and others.

The main types of damage

Damage to "closing roads"

It can be said, in the literal sense of the word, it puts serious obstacles in the implementation of any cases for which the victim is taken. It is very easy to point it, and even easier to determine. The person who has been subjected to this damage begins major and minor troubles, the attitude of colleagues and superiors changes dramatically (sometimes it can even come to dismissal), any undertakings end in failure and failure.

On the one hand, it seems that there is nothing to worry about, because every person has a black stripe. But, along with this, it is simply impossible not to pay attention to one essential detail - a person tries and works in the same way as before (and maybe even more), but if earlier all the work gave positive results, now the situation is it only gets worse and worse.

The victim can beat like a fish on ice, but there is no way to fix the situation. Hence, there are tensions in the family, a lack of desire to do something further and, as the end result, complete devastation in the family and business.

Damage to health

This type of damage is directed at a certain organ of the victim and, of course, affects him. The most common type is considered to be a slander aimed at destroying the sexual sphere (for example, a person ceases to be sexually attracted to his wife or even all women). Very often, this type of spell is accompanied by various love spells.

Equally popular is a spell that affects the stomach - as a result of its application, digestive troubles begin, in some cases ending in problems with the heart and mind. Damage can cause almost any disease, but, of course, do not forget that the causes of diseases can be purely physical.

Damage to personal life

There are a huge number of conspiracies that can somehow destroy family relationships, preventing the couple from creating a strong, happy union. One of the heaviest spells is the "seal of loneliness", better known as the "crown of celibacy". It is very easy to determine that damage has been sent to a person - a talented, intelligent, charming handsome man cannot find his soul mate in any way.

That is, a man has long been ready for a serious relationship, all the data for this is available, but he still can’t find his beloved. Such a curse can go unnoticed and poison the existence of the victim for many years.

Damage to appearance

Currently, a not too well-known type of conspiracy and therefore rarely used. It is easy in its execution, does not require much effort and knowledge, but at the same time it is difficult to withdraw. It can cause huge and ugly pimples, make hair weak and brittle, provoke excessive thinness or fullness.

The main sign that such damage has been imposed on the girl is a sharp deterioration in appearance, for no clear reason. The diet and lifestyle remain the same, the work of the stomach and liver is not disturbed, there are no hormonal disruptions, but the appearance is getting worse and worse day by day.

Damage to death

A rather difficult spell to perform, which rarely causes the desired result. In most cases, everything ends with the fact that the victim simply begins to suffer from some kind of ailment.

Ways to induce damage

Corruption through volt

Inducing damage through a volt is somewhat similar to voodoo rites, but this is not a very true comparison. Volt is a doll that is made from natural materials (wax, clay or wool), outwardly similar to the person they want to curse. To get the desired result, the biological material of the victim (for example, hair, nails, blood or saliva) is required.

At the present time, a simple photograph is much more often used, which is either placed inside the volt, or the victim's face is cut out of it and attached to the doll. The use of a photo is a more common method, but less reliable. Through the volt, you can not only harm a person, but, on the contrary, help him and improve his life. In most cases, volts are used for love spells and damage to health.

Cemetery corruption

One of the most frightening ways that can have a strong psychological impact on the victim (if she finds out that a cemetery curse was sent to her). At the same time, one of the most difficult methods - for its implementation, a number of specific rules must be observed.

For example, it is obligatory to make a generous offering to the Owner of the cemetery (sometimes there may be a Hostess instead of the Owner, so you still need to determine the gender), ask him for permission, correctly approach and leave, look for the right grave (sometimes a new grave or with a suitable name on the gravestone is required). ).

Due to such a large number of requirements, cemetery damage often does not bring the desired result, and in many cases harms not the victim, but the operator himself. With the help of the cemetery, you can "bind" the recently deceased dead, who will not be able to depart to another world until he takes the victim with him.

Damage to the trail

Quite an easy way to cast a curse, but the operator in this case requires a large supply of personal power. They make it through the footprint of the future victim on the ground, so it can only be used in rural areas. If necessary, you can try to do through the shoes of the victim or through the threshold. Usually used to transfer the disease to another person, some kind of trouble, alcohol addiction, and the like.

The main symptom of spoilage is a sharp deterioration in the well-being or affairs of the victim, despite the fact that the lifestyle has not changed in any way.

How to conduct self-diagnosis?

If necessary, you can conduct a self-diagnosis, which will more accurately determine the presence or absence of a spell. Among the most affordable means that are used at home, wax casting, diagnostics with a pin, rolling out with an egg, “burning” with a candle, and a number of others are in the lead.

Wax diagnostics

For diagnostics, about 50 grams of wax is enough, which must be melted in a water bath (it is best to take the dishes that are usually not used for any other purpose). The resulting liquid is poured into a deep bowl of water and held in the hand for several minutes. In this case, the bowl must be held in the left hand, and the melted wax should be poured in with the right.

While the wax is being heated, one should concentrate and think, “ask” him to show whether there really are any troubles and, if so, which ones. The wax poured into the water should take the form of the affected organ or any other form that will prompt the correct answer. The lower part of the hardened wax indicates physical lesions, and the upper part tells about the lesions of the energy centers (chakras).

Egg diagnosis

For self-diagnosis, only village homemade eggs should be used, since store-bought eggs cannot show true information. They take a fresh chicken egg, carefully, without damaging the yolk, break it in a glass of well water and put it under their bed. Diagnosis should be carried out in the evening, before bedtime.

In the morning, you should get a glass and examine it carefully. If the spell is cast, the squirrel will have long white threads running through it, somewhat like a web, the squirrel will have a domed rise, and the yolk may coil (although the latter is extremely rare). After the diagnosis is made, the water with the egg is carefully poured into a small hole and buried with earth.


Self-diagnosis with a candle can be carried out at any time, however, a partner is required for the procedure. For work, they take an ordinary olive-colored wax candle. The person being diagnosed should stand straight with arms stretched along the body. At this moment, the partner lights a candle and begins to slowly walk around his friend.

Along with this, it is necessary to make smooth movements from top to bottom and from right to left, from head to toe. The entire diagnosis takes about 3-4 minutes. In the affected areas, the candle will begin to crackle strongly, smoke, and the flame will slightly deviate away from the body of the diagnosed person. In some situations, it may begin to “spit” with wax or even go out (if you hold it a little against the affected organ). After the diagnosis, the candle is removed to the side, allowed to burn out quietly, and the cinder is washed off into the toilet.


The pin must be pinned to the clothes in such a way that it is as close to the heart as possible, but at the same time it is invisible to others. The head of the pin should point down and the ends point up. While pinning, you should say the following words: “Save me, Lord, from unkind thoughts and evil people” and repeat “Amen” three times.

Returning from a walk, you need to inspect the pin. In the event that it is unbuttoned - the evil eye is on the person, if it is lost - damage.

Damage diagnostics

Divination with a candle

On the full moon or the night that falls on the week between Christmas and Epiphany, before Easter, after the Trinity, as well as on the week after the Nativity of the Virgin.

During the onset of astronomical midnight (in winter - from one to two in the morning, in summer - from two to three in the morning), you should cover the table with a white tablecloth and put a candle on the table.

You need to sit down so that the candle is at a distance of about 25-30 centimeters from the eyes. Light a candle and carefully look at the flame for 5 minutes, then note its appearance.

Calm and weak, but at the same time an even flame means a quiet and calm life in the future, without any shocks.

If the flame is dim, it means that a spell has been cast for good luck.

The flame is bright, with a wink, which means that a better life will come. A very bright flame, with periodic crackles, means damage of any nature that has not yet had time to manifest itself.

Also look at the shade of the flame. Yellow is joy, yellow-red is profit, a smoky flame means damage.

Pay attention to which direction the candle floats. If exactly, in all directions, then nothing particularly noticeable in the near future will not have to wait. If the candle floats towards you, then this means good luck in love or in income. If it comes from you, then this is damage to family happiness (for women who are not yet married - this is called the “crown of celibacy”) At the same time, if damage is on you, the candle will twist, if only the evil eye will remain even.

Fortune telling on a candle belongs to the category of not the most detailed methods for diagnosing damage. A calm and even flame of yellow color reliably indicates the absence of damage. In other cases, it is desirable to use additional methods.

With a match

Express method for determining the presence or absence of a curse. To conduct it, you need to take a glass glass and pour consecrated water into it. Then take a match and gently hold it over a glass, focusing on the question (do you have damage). After that, it remains only to light it.

Then it remains to wait until the match burns out to the end and unclench your fingers. If the match, having fallen into the glass, remains floating on the surface, this means that everything is in order. If the match stood upright, it means that you have been jinxed. If it sinks to the bottom, we can definitely talk about damage.

With the help of salt

If the need arises, then the girl can easily check the condition of her lover - whether there is damage or a love spell on him from a rival. To do this, you will need to manually sew a small linen bag, pour about half of coarse salt into it, and then sew it up with a blind seam (so that the threads do not stick out). The bag is left in the lover's room. If after a couple of days the salt remains crumbly, then everything is fine, but if the man is “telled”, then the salt will become harder or even stick together into a stone.

With a golden ring

Remove all make-up from your face and wash with soap. Then you need to run a gold ring on your cheek and see if there is a dark mark from it. If there are dark streaks, then serious help is required.

How to find out who is causing damage

In order to see the face of your enemy, you can make a wax casting, and Tarot cards can describe the appearance of a particular person. Specialists can see your aura, understanding by its state who exactly is involved in the infliction of damage. In addition, some fortune-telling can also give the right answers. You can also call this person to yourself by resorting to special rituals.

At the same time, it is worth noting right away that it is better not to constantly think about your offender. It is better to immediately forget and not remember who caused the damage. To take revenge means sooner or later to return to oneself the old problem in an even larger size. If the spell is cast and removed, then the retaliatory strike in any case will overtake the customer and the one who did all the work.

In addition, you should definitely remember that within a week after getting rid of the curse, in no case should you give your personal belongings to anyone, even if you are persistently asked about it. Thanks to this, the retribution of the culprit will be even stronger. After removing the bad influence, offenders can regularly call you, constantly come, ask for something to give and show their anxiety in every possible way.

Just the same, thanks to this, you can find out who did the damage. Anxiety, as you might guess, arises from the fear of retribution for what you have done. At this moment, do not give in to desire, do not take on sin and do not take revenge. It is best to simply remove the damage by contacting specialists or the church. Independent actions will not be able to give anything good, but on the contrary, they can make it even worse.

Because of what people can decide to induce damage:

  • · Revenge. Take revenge on the offender, since there is no way to apply other methods.
  • · Envy. It often happens that someone is very jealous of someone, but he himself cannot achieve such results.
  • · Anger. Great resentment or hatred.

Usually, damage is sent by people who are by their nature cowardly, weak-willed, who love to do everything on the sly. They are afraid of a direct conflict with a person, so they are looking for workarounds that will allow them to harm their opponent. They do not hesitate to write anonymous notes with offensive words, threats, or even toss all sorts of things under the door or under the threshold.

If this does not seem enough to them, they can resort to inducing damage or searching for any other effects on human energy. Their victim may never know who caused the damage and why, and sometimes not even guess that all his failures are not just a coincidence, but someone's evil will. In fact, the one who caused the damage remains safe in a sense, because none of the people will force him to answer for his act.

In most cases, damage is done to settle their personal scores with an objectionable person, with the ability to remain in the shadows with impunity. As a rule, people who do this are cowardly, weak and embittered.

How to remove damage

Procedure to remove damage

Even a witch grandmother who knows what needs to be done can remove the damage. Ordinary prayers or certain rituals can act as tools for removing the slander. The time to remove the damage can be any, but it is generally accepted that the greatest effect can be achieved when the spell is removed during the waning moon.

A conspiracy to remove damage must be read daily, at least three times a day (on average, about fifteen days).

Experts recommend reading them on the water, and then give the patient a drink. If this is not possible, then you can simply read the plot in the photo of the victim. During these actions, animal food, tobacco and alcohol should be completely excluded from the diet (for at least three months).

How to remove damage at home

As a rule, damage is inflicted on the photograph of the victim or on her other personal items. Corruption can be somewhat compared with the evil eye, but the first spell has more power, it strikes right on target, hitting its victim with special witchcraft sophistication.

If the curse is not removed, it will slowly begin to destroy the unfortunate - a healthy person can wither and fade for inexplicable reasons. Simple traditional medicine will never find the changes taking place in the body, because damage affects the energy structure, and medical devices are simply not able to fix this. If death or illness does not occur, then significant changes in character begin, which even the victim himself is surprised.

People who decide to inflict light damage on their opponent should know and remember that its effect lasts no more than a year. At the same time, all the negativity becomes like a boomerang and returns back in an even larger size to the one who made it.

Corruption protection

Any person, if he, of course, wants to, can create his own "antidote" for spoilage, without turning to specialists for help. First you need to understand yourself, enter into harmony between your internal and external state, due to which the bad influence will have much less power.

Strong personalities are to some extent able to influence weaker people, so there is no need to deny the influence of a person's spiritual energy. Almost every person has something that is unpleasant to be around, or, conversely, even a little communication with a pleasant person or being in a favorite place can significantly improve mood.

One way or another, any external energy influences on a person cannot cause mortal harm to a healthy (not only physically, but also spiritually) person. To protect yourself, you should increase your educational and spiritual potential by doing things that you enjoy, as well as physical exercises and special activities to train the psyche.

As for protection from external energy influences, which will help normalize the physical condition and strengthen the nervous system, a number of exercises can be distinguished here.

Protection must be put on in the morning and in the evening, for about two months, after which it can be practiced only in the morning. Under normal conditions, one method of protection is enough for one's safety, but if this turns out to be too little, other methods can be used.

· "Closure of the frame" is a very easy defense technique that perfectly prevents other people's energy influence. It is a simple crossing of arms and legs when talking to a dangerous person, from whom a lot of trouble can be expected in the future.

· "Ring" - a strong defense that protects from outside influence. To do this, the thumb and forefinger are connected on one hand, due to which they form a kind of ring. The resulting "ring" is put into the palm of the second hand, after which they perform exactly the same manipulations with the second hand. After about three repetitions, you will find an unusual condensation of space next to you. In some cases, there may be a slight feeling of tightness, which is not dangerous and passes quickly.

· "Energy Mirror" - imagine that you are surrounded by a wall consisting of several rows of bricks. Outside, the wall seems to be covered with mirrors that face the outside world. In the event that a person tries to attack you, he will receive a retaliatory, strong and reflected blow. When using this method of defense, never show the enemy that you are protected. Your confidence, friendliness will make him deliver more powerful blows, eventually returning to him with even greater retaliatory force. Ultimately, damage will come to the one who tried to send it, and you will not feel anything bad.

· "Cocoon" - to perform this technique, you need to develop the ability to feel objects at a certain distance. First you need to master the so-called "gaze touch", that is, learn to mentally "touch" objects. To begin with, you can touch this or that object with your hand, and then try to reproduce the necessary sensations in your memory. After the technique is mastered, you can begin to build a "cocoon". First you need to imagine, and then feel how at the level of the ribs in front, behind and from the sides at arm's length, there are four warm peas that form a horizontally lying cross. When the cross rotates, a beam is formed, which must be turned into a hoop, gradually becoming a cocoon. Building a cocoon will not take more than one minute. The cocoon has dense walls wound one on top of the other shell of the biofield. You can imagine various shades of the shell, but it is best to use golden, blue and orange colors. The main thing is to clearly represent all your actions.

“Probing” workouts are very tiring, so practice about seven times a day, about two minutes for each set.

· "Spiral" is another way to protect. When constructing a “spiral”, they also start with four peas, but they do not form a dense cocoon from them, but fill the entire space between the body and the boundary of the shell with a viscous medium rotating clockwise around the axis of the body. If the rotation is performed correctly, then the sensation of the body disappears, and you begin to feel in the form of a rotating homogeneous object.

· "Cross" - mentally surround yourself with crosses located close to the body. Slowly, with effort, first from the head, move the crosses away from you at a distance of one meter. Then compare your condition before and after the actions taken, trying to feel how the crosses are strengthened and form an uninterrupted, unified whole.

Folk ways to protect against curses and the evil eye

· Sit as comfortably as possible, close your eyes and imagine that your face is warmed by the warm rays of the sun. Together with this, with your hands, build a wall in front of you that protects you from the effects of negative influences. This exercise should be done for about two minutes.

· To remove the burden of all the bad things that “stuck” during the day, you need to rub your palm against one another until a clearly distinguishable feeling of warmth appears in them. Then it is necessary to bring them to the face, as if creating a protecting sphere around the head. At the same time, you should close your eyes tightly and imagine how everything bad goes into your hands. Immediately after this, you need to shake off all the negativity from your hand into the fire or onto the ground. It is recommended to carry out this procedure before cooking, so as not to bring negative emotions into it.

· With old spoilage, you need to drink a decoction of blueberries with hops in equal proportions. This procedure can be carried out only with a young month.

· Within a month, about three times a day, you can drink one teaspoon of celandine herbal infusion. To prepare it, you need to brew a teaspoon of the desired herb in one glass of boiling water and insist for thirty minutes.

· For three months, three times a day, you can drink one teaspoon of starodubka herb with milk. To prepare a decoction, one tablespoon of herbs is brewed with one glass of boiling milk and infused for about thirty minutes.

If you wish, you can try to get rid of the curse on your own, but it is worth considering one important point that is often forgotten. The work of a beginner may not only not get rid of problems, but also entail unknown and probably only negative results.

Any damage can be removed, but you need to have some skills and knowledge on how to do it. At the same time, it must be remembered that a strong and neglected curse can be harmful not only to the person on whom it was made, but also to his entire family.

This begs the question, how to remove it with improvised means, and is it possible to send it back, thereby punishing your offender? Or still leave it for the Higher Forces?

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