How to put a Feng Shui desktop: rules and tips. Feng Shui office environment: attract good luck and success


Suddenly I wanted changes in my office. What is the most common and affordable way to produce them? That's right, move the table to another place.

After 2-3 attempts, he took a not quite traditional position - I had to sit facing the door, located obliquely, and with my back to the wall. “Oh, how you successfully placed the table, right in feng shui!” exclaimed a colleague who came to evaluate the rearrangement. To be honest, it never occurred to me to think about desktop feng shui.

The main motive for such changes was the desire to disguise attempts to sometimes escape from everyday life and walk with a thoughtful facial expression, personifying global employment, on social networks. No, no, it never crossed my mind to abuse it, play solitaire, read articles about fashion trends.

I managed to do everything and was even considered a very promising employee in the office, it was just that sometimes it was necessary to be distracted, and a change of scenery was supposed to spur on working capacity. The statement of a colleague about the feng shui of the workplace interested me, I wanted to decorate the table so that the beneficial energy of Qi was a frequent guest not only in this office, but throughout the office.

Table position

Having got acquainted with the basic provisions, I realized that I did everything right - the table of an employee of any status should stand diagonally from the entrance. If you put it opposite the entrance, the Qi energy will not linger in the office.

Even worse, if you have to sit with your back to the door or to the window, here you won’t lose your health for long. And the one who sits with his back to the door is the first candidate for dismissal. Sitting facing the wall means acquiring a certain narrowness of thinking.

The feng shui of the workplace suggests that the best protection is a wall behind your back. It is advisable to hang a landscape depicting mountains on the wall, but only if they do not have sharp peaks. Any peaks, connections of straight lines are poisonous arrows that affect the well-being of a person.
For the same reason, you can not hang bookshelves and filing cabinets over your head and behind your back.

Desktop - rules for organizing space

Before I started organizing my desktop in feng shui, I got rid of scribbled pens, unnecessary papers in drawers, a broken stapler and a battered computer mouse pad.

All things of this kind, broken and unused, should be thrown away immediately. One of the postulates of the teaching says that rubbish and old things are an obstacle to the circulation of beneficial energy.

Fanciful tables trimmed with complex decorative elements, especially those made of metal, having sharp corners and asymmetric motifs, are not welcome. Natural materials, especially wood, contribute to the stimulation of the working process in the office according to the feng shei of the workplace.

Bagua Octagon

Like many Feng Shui-style spaces, the desktop space in an office is oriented around areas distributed around the Bagua octagon.

Its 8 sectors cover everything that is expensive and important for a person. I visually divided the table into three parts: center, right and left side, and then these parts into 8 zones:

  • Directly in front of the sitting Feng Shui desktop is located career zone. Here is my assistant on the way to a career - a computer. It is believed that ideal order should reign here, and it is better to free this place from unnecessary items.

    The desktop screensaver is essential. I put a picture of a waterfall there, because water brings money, and why do you need a career that is not accompanied by financial incentives?

  • Beyond the career zone in a straight line is zone of plans for the future, development prospects. I planned to continue working in this office, so I put a folder with the plan of our working group for a new project there.
  • Even further, and also straight - glory zone. Achievements of the company as a whole and yours in particular, the logo of the enterprise - that's what should be there. There are no such attributes, so you need to put a jade pyramid there, which I did. And again, there should not be anything superfluous that obscures the perspective. Purity and emptiness is your sign to the Universe that you are ready for fruitful work.
  • top right - family zone. Two baby faces with a serious dad between them smile cheerfully at me from the photo, adding motivation to work and positive emotions.
  • right middle - creativity zone. There should be already completed projects or things that embody creativity for each individual person.
  • Bottom right - this area according to Feng Shui of the workplace should be occupied helpers and patrons. A work phone, a diary, a notebook, a business card holder are the inhabitants of this place. I have a list of phone numbers of service contacts in our office and outside it.
  • top left - wealth sector. It was there that a pot with a money tree or a three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth would not interfere. But, as soon as I imagined the face of the head of the department, looking at these attributes, I somehow got tired of bringing a fat woman in a pot and a toad here. It turned out that they can be replaced with a table clock and a table lamp, and if these items are purple, a bonus or salary increase is just around the corner.
  • left middle - health and physical activity zone. It is there that should lie what you would like to spend your energy on in the near future - projects, articles, term papers, dissertations. Put them there in a neat pile, and the forces will be found by themselves.
  • Bottom left - knowledge zone. Reference books or other items that are sources of knowledge for you are appropriate there. You can keep a notepad with a pen there as a symbol of openness to gaining knowledge. If there is nothing like that, then a rock crystal crystal will be appropriate in this zone.
It is not necessary to clutter up all the tables in the office with crystals and pyramids with table lamps. The main thing is to choose what is relevant for everyone at the moment and activate this particular area of ​​the desktop.

Computer desktop organization

A three-legged toad, a crystal and a jade pyramid are symbols of successful work.

Wise teaching is universal, like many things and concepts that have stood the test of time. It did not bypass its attention and the organization of the desktop computer. His screensaver will be selected in accordance with feng shui if it contains views of nature that have a perspective. A flat pattern is considered a departure from the canons of Feng Shui.

Computer desktop organization - basic rules:

  • Clutter is not welcome there either, the chaotic arrangement of shortcuts without any system does not add organization in the ordinary life of such a user.
  • All elements must be arranged according to Feng Shui, focusing on the Bagua map. The top of the screen is a zone of reputation and fame, the bottom is a career and life path, the right side is a family, the left side is creativity, the center represents health and well-being.
  • It is best to hide extra icons in folders or delete them completely, leaving only the main shortcuts on the screen.
  • The "Basket" icon cannot be placed in the center of the screen, otherwise well-being will flow into it along with health. Its place is in the northwest corner of the desktop.
To be honest, the chaos on the desktop of the computer subconsciously annoyed me even without the teachings of Feng Shui. After spending half a day at work, I put everything in relative order. Why is everything going back to normal so quickly?

One pleases, there is something to strive for. I don’t know about the activation of the necessary zones, but as for the organization in the workplace, feng shui helped a lot here. It turns out that traditional teaching can be applied in the modern world.

Are you planning an office for your home? Learn how to do it according to the art of Feng Shui. Learn the rules that will make your office functional and comfortable, which will help you in business and affairs.

Cabinet - a man's world

We do not claim that this place is only for men. However, if we turn to the basics of feng shui, and go back many years, we will find the reason for this statement. So, a long time ago there was a clear division of roles between a man and a woman. The woman took care of the house and took care of his life, and the man was obliged to adequately represent the house in the outside world. Women then had their own room, which they called the boudoir.

The man had his own room and it was the master's room. The better the atmosphere reigned in the house, the more willingly people returned to it in order to gain strength for a worthy representation of the family at work, in offices, at business meetings, etc.

Proper arrangement of furniture

Women were happy because their husbands provided them with a decent life. Times have changed, and more and more often men and women are changing roles. Cabinets and boudoirs are forgotten, the differences between the duties of the owner or mistress of the house have been smoothed out. So much so that at present the office may be the room or place of the partner who is more active or who simply keeps the house.

What should be the feng shui office

It should be a room located in a quiet part of the house, or at least located in a quiet part of the room (not the bedroom). Here a person is engaged in conceptual work. It can be work with accounts, letters, reading, hobbies, science. Activities that require calmness and concentration. Every adult needs a place like this. Even children need privacy, but they have a children's room. The most important pieces of furniture are a table, a chair and a book or document rack. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the office should have good lighting.

feng shui office furniture

Let's start by setting up the desktop. The basic rule of Feng Shui says that the person who sits at the table should have a wall behind his back and a view of the front door in front of him. Secondly, you should make sure that access to the chair is on both sides of the table. If you need to place devices such as a printer, scanner, etc., they should be on separate cabinets, on the side of the table from which it is more convenient to use them.

On the table there should be only everything you need for work, a phone, a calendar, documents that you are currently busy with. Also include a photo of someone or something that inspires you. The design of the table is governed by its own rules, compatible with the Bagua plan. The general rule sounds like this - there must be order on the table. The desktop is not a warehouse. It should always be well maintained, it may contain documents that you work with, but there should not be a pile of papers waiting for someone to deal with them.

It should be borne in mind that the computer monitor must be placed at the correct distance from the face so as not to spoil your eyesight. A laptop is better than a desktop computer. In principle, these rules should be observed regardless of the rules of Feng Shui.

A chair or armchair should be comfortable and ergonomic. The back is well supported by a high back. It is better if the chair has armrests. Bookshelf for documents, books and various trifles - office furniture. Buying a shelving unit should be thoughtful. A good shelving unit has the appropriate depth to accommodate file folders and small books. Part of the shelves should be closed, various small items are hidden in them.

feng shui in the workplace

In addition to ceiling light, the office should also have spotlights. For this purpose, a lamp on the table, illuminating the keyboard or floor lamp, is best suited. The light should not be harsh and rough. It is also important what is outside the window. The view outside the window should be pleasant, but should not distract attention from work. According to Feng Shui, an office is a place of refuge, a place to relax or reflect.

It also matters for the upbringing of children, like the director's office in a company or school. The cabinet establishes the authority of the parent. It should not be a room for children's games. It should be a room that the child enters with respect. This is a place for a serious conversation between a parent and a teenager or an adult, which will forever sink into the memory of the child.

The apartment does not always have enough free meters to be able to allocate a separate room. In this case, you need to allocate space at least for a chair, which will be a special chair for the owner or mistress of the house and will replace the office.

Geographic location of the Feng Shui office

In addition to the rules for organizing a Feng Shui office described above, it is necessary to take into account geographical directions and set the desktop so that its owner uses his good energy. There must be energy for the realization of goals, plans and ideas. Our good and bad geographic directions are assigned an individual Kua number. If you know it, set the desktop according to it, and think about the rest of the rules for customizing the desktop.

modern feng shui office


The cabinet should be equipped by the person who uses it most often. Basically it is about the order on the desktop. The owner has the right to be angry if someone cleans up there, even with the best of intentions. The office performs an important function in the life of the family, important matters for the family are considered here. It helps to maintain the authority of parents over children. It is a pity that in many apartments there is no such room that can be called exclusively your own. If possible, organize an office for yourself.

A well-thought-out environment affects the productivity of employees, the internal microclimate in the team. In addition, the arrangement of furniture in the office should be convenient for ordinary visitors and regular customers of the company. Large corporations entrust this difficult task to well-known advertising agencies. In order to cope with this task on your own, without the help of a professional designer, you should take into account many factors: the size, shape of the commercial premises, acoustics, and the degree of illumination.

First of all, it is necessary to determine for what purposes the office space will be used. It can be a cozy environment for clients, a separate office for the manager or a spacious call center with a large number of employees and the necessary equipment. But in any case, there are strictly established rules:

  • location - furniture arrangement should not contain straight lines. It is important that the front door is located diagonally, in the field of view of the working employee. If it is necessary to equip several workplaces at once, they are placed in the corners;
  • distance - you should not leave a narrow passage between the tables - this will limit the possibility of access, create a certain psychological discomfort;
  • a set of furniture - for the arrangement of commercial premises, in addition to desks and chairs, it is necessary to have spacious cabinets for stationery. All items should be placed in an easily accessible place.

The leader's desk should be placed far away from the front door.

Working triangle

"Working triangle" designers consider the best way to organize space, it is designed to minimize the time and effort spent on solving various problems. The best option for arranging furniture in the office will help create optimal conditions for productive work.

How to arrange furniture in the office in accordance with the basic rules of ergonomics? First of all, let's define the vertices that make up the triangle:

  • desk;
  • cabinet for papers;
  • roomy cabinet.

The workplace must meet all labor safety requirements, therefore, furniture with drawers cannot be placed behind the employee's back.

A compact cabinet should be placed near the window. Next, the desktop is placed diagonally to the window opening. Such a convenient arrangement of furniture in the office will allow you to notice everyone who enters the office, and on vacation you can admire the view from the window. In addition, natural lighting of the workplace is simply necessary if an office employee is constantly working at a computer. An open rack or cabinet is best placed along one of the walls.

Rules for the arrangement of tables depending on their shape

Manufacturers offer a variety of models of office furniture - this will help complete a standard workplace or create complex structures with additional racks and shelves. Desktops have a different configuration: from a standard rectangle to a complex curvilinear shape. For a long time, manufacturers offered exclusively rectangular tables in gray or brown, such furniture can lead to depression and despondency. The form of modern office furniture is created with slight curves and roundings, without sharp protruding corners.

Rounded outlines are much more pleasant not only to see, but also to bypass. "Round table" is a symbol of close communication, general equality, so the atmosphere at such a table is more calm, creative and friendly.

If you arrange the furniture in the office correctly, you can increase performance and bring harmony to the relationship between all members of the team:

  • you should not place desks opposite each other - this will add a spirit of rivalry;
  • the employee's back at the workplace should be covered by a wall, screen or partition;
  • the front door should be clearly visible from any place, if this is technically impossible, it is recommended to install a mirror opposite the entrance.

Office tables are endowed with special ergonomics and reliability. In addition, the production must use environmentally friendly materials.

Small room setting

The area of ​​​​the office space is one of the most important factors affecting the placement of furniture. Designers advise designing a small commercial space in a minimalist style.

In a small office, the best furniture will be small tables of a strict geometric shape with rounded corners, comfortable light-colored chairs, light tulle curtains or blinds. Particular attention is required to create high-quality lighting in a commercial space. When it is planned to use only one lighting device, it is necessary that it be located in the center.

When drawing up a plan for arranging pieces of furniture, it is necessary to take into account many factors: the number of places to work, the presence of air conditioners, the direction of movement of the door, the location of sockets.

It is not always possible to get complete comfort for all employees, but it is possible to minimize the inconvenience. For example, connect an extension cable or turn the table around so that the sun glare does not appear on the monitor screen.

The nuances of office design with windows

In a modern office, people spend most of their time, so the question: “How to arrange the furniture correctly?” relevant for different areas of space. The ergonomics of the office consists of different elements: a spacious desk, a comfortable chair, clean air, natural and artificial lighting of the workplace.

Natural daylight is the best light, it does not irritate the eyes, it has a positive effect on the health and psychological comfort of the entire team, but in order to use it, the length of commercial premises should not exceed six meters, otherwise the distant tables will be poorly illuminated. This tip will allow you to correctly arrange the furniture in the office. Professionals do not advise sitting with your back to the window. It is especially uncomfortable to sit at a large window on high floors, if there is no way to rearrange the table to another place, it is recommended to curtain the window opening with thick curtains or install blinds. By following the simple rules of rational arrangement of space, you can easily turn even a small office into a comfortable place where every employee of the company will be pleased to work.


A photo

There is no such person who would not agree with the statement that work should bring only pleasure, and a career should constantly move up, not stagnate in one place. To achieve the above, try to design your workplace according to the laws of Feng Shui.

Work is an integral part of the life of every adult. It is worth remembering that the location, as well as the design of the workplace, will affect not only financial well-being, but also career success. Nevertheless, this whole combination will have a huge impact on the mood and well-being of the worker.

Equipping the workplace according to the laws of Feng Shui, it is necessary to place it as close as possible to the main entrance to the room. The ideal room should be rectangular or square. If the room does not have four corners, then the shortage can be compensated for by a mirror in the place of the intended corner.

No less important for professional success is the color scheme of the office. Among unwanted colors, black and white combination is distinguished. The ideal color scheme is:

  • golden;
  • beige;
  • yellow;
  • light orange;
  • pale green;
  • warm red tones.

The required lighting, which should not be too bright or harsh, also helps to attract the creative energy of Qi.

Excess sunlight is also not welcome. Favorable is dim or diffused lighting with a source directly above the working person or on the left side of him.

A properly designed workplace, according to the laws of Feng Shui, cannot contain any dirt and trash. In the room, all items must be kept in perfect cleanliness. If the room has shelves or cabinets for documents, you must definitely get rid of everything unnecessary.

Places of honor are recommended to be assigned to those attributes or objects that are directly related to the position or profession held, but only in favorable places for this. For example, a laptop, a personal computer and a telephone must be located in the success zone.

Placement of the workplace

It is impossible to properly design an office according to Feng Shui without properly designing the workplace itself. In particular, the correct arrangement of the table will allow you to avoid a lot of trouble.

  • it is impossible for the desktop to be located in a southerly direction - this will provoke constant stress and overstrain;
  • oriented table to the east will help novice businessmen;
  • the northwest is always favorable to leaders;
  • the western direction stabilizes business;
  • southeast - will attract flows of creative energy.

The location of the table under the hinged structures, which are shelves, beams and air conditioning or ventilation systems, will attract bad luck and illness.

Do not sit with your back to a window or doorway. This arrangement promotes betrayal and deprives a person of any support. In the event that another location is not possible, the negative impact of the window is mitigated by closing it with thick curtains, and in relation to the doors, a mirror is installed on the table so that all incoming people are reflected in it.

You should never place your workplace directly opposite the entrance doors to the office. It is better to move it diagonally, but in such a way that those who enter can see the person working at the table.

In pursuit of the goal of arranging your workplace in accordance with the laws of Feng Shui, you should make sure that the desktop can be freely approached from all directions. This location will help expand prospects and opportunities. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that there should be some free space around it.

A table located close to a wall or placed in a corner, as well as between cabinets, can bring a lot of difficulties.

If there is a high partition or wall directly in front of the table, it is necessary to hang an image with open space on it or an image of a calm lake, a flowering meadow, which will significantly reduce all restrictions.

Any corner of office furniture directed at the desktop is also undesirable. In this position, a person will begin to absorb the maximum amount of negative energy. To neutralize this negative flow, a houseplant located opposite this corner will help.

The location of an aquarium, shelves or open cabinets behind him will also negatively affect a person.

In turn, a blank wall behind the back is considered an excellent location. She provides excellent support from influential people and is considered a wonderful support in life. You can enhance the effect by hanging a picture on it, which depicts a sloping mountain.

If you want to decorate your workplace according to Feng Shui, you need to place something blue or gray in the center of the table. Even a mouse pad. Compliance with this condition will contribute to the influx of creative energy and a more complete use of one's abilities.

It is desirable to have a green indoor plant in a red pot in the left corner of the table, but in a warm color to get rid of the negative energy emitted by the sharp corners of the desktop or other office furniture. Among other things, living plants tend to absorb the negative energies of anxiety and stress.

An excellent solution would be the presence on the desktop of a glass or two with clean drinking water, which should be located as close as possible to the worker.

Water, located on the right side, activates the ingenuity and creative powers of a person, and on the left side, it contributes to the acquisition of new skills and knowledge. It is worth noting that the water in the glasses should always be fresh. Otherwise, it will begin to accumulate negative energies in itself, which, in turn, will be absorbed by a person completely unnoticed by him.

If the workplace is located in such a way that a person sits in a crowded office with his back to other people, it is necessary to hang one of the available things - a scarf, sweater or jacket - to protect against the effects of negative energy on the back of the chair.

If a person sits facing the doors, then one should try to keep them always closed, since half-open or open doors suck out creative energy in the literal sense of the word.

Sometimes we want changes in the house and we start a large-scale rearrangement of furniture and things. By doing this according to the rules of the Feng Shui teachings, we will soon notice positive changes in our lives - a career flies up, relationships with loved ones are improving, and the financial situation is improving. The arrangement of the workplace according to Chinese traditions will also affect your affairs in a positive way. If you decide to rearrange the table or improve in the office, it is worth considering the key points of Feng Shui practice.

We devote a good third of our time to work, so why not optimize this process? You will not be limited to improved mood. Success, profit and career growth directly depend on the interior details you choose and their location.

  • Place the table in such a way that you do not have your back to the entrance to the room. From an energy point of view, such an arrangement is dangerous and can attract betrayal into your life. Pay special attention to this item if the door opens into the room.
  • Sit facing, not with your back to the window. This entails difficulties in understanding with colleagues at work, as well as the inability to enlist the support of his boss.
  • Pay attention to the symbols of Water. The table should be located so that they are in no case behind you. Water symbols include aquariums, decorative fountains, paintings depicting the water element, etc. They attract wealth and prosperity.
  • Make sure there are no structures above your head, such as shelves, large chandeliers, or an air conditioner. They create pressure, interfere with thought and creative processes, and block the flow of positive energy.
  • Try to hide all wires. When they are in a visible place, they negatively affect the flow of profits and business success.

Decorating an office space

In modern offices, due to space savings, workplaces are arranged very compactly: in separate booths or enclosing partitions. A person feels pressure and discomfort, and the table is cluttered with computer equipment and stationery. To visually expand such a small space, hang a picture with a landscape or any symbol of Water on the wall near the table - a sea, a waterfall, a mountain river, etc.

Lighting plays an important role. It is desirable that there is a lamp on the desktop. Its light should fall from the opposite side of the working hand, or from above. Blinds or curtains protect from bright sunlight and help you focus better. However, natural light should enter the room, as it brings harmony and comfort.

To decorate a boring gray place, thereby brightening up the routine performance of tasks, any item that makes you delight will help. It can be a photo of a loved one, an original pen holder, a decorative ornament for a monitor, in general, everything that comes to your mind. Looking at this, your mood will rise and fatigue will go away.

Feng Shui of the work area requires protection for the person. Indoor plants can provide such protection. It is most needed by people working on high floors or sitting near a window. By the way, the choice of plants should be approached responsibly. Fern will improve relationships between employees, chrysanthemum will protect against unwanted conflicts, geranium will help in career advancement, cyclamen will help in gaining self-confidence. But the cactus, with which many people like to decorate their table, is not worth putting - its thorns attract negativity and have a bad effect on the financial situation. Although there is an exception to every rule - put it in the center of the table, and you will save yourself from intrigue and betrayal.

If your office has no windows, be sure to include an aquarium, flowerpots with plants and pictures of the natural landscape.

The table, according to Chinese practice, must always be tidy, clean and tidy. Try to get rid of unnecessary papers or at least diligently put them in folders. The office needs to be regularly cleaned, wet cleaned and ventilated. Cluttering things and dust impedes the circulation of energy so that luck and money always accompany you. Keep essential items within easy reach, and rarely used items in shelving, nightstands, and closets.

If you are a subordinate and cannot choose your workplace, at least try turning the table. By calculating the Gua number, you will know your auspicious location, and in the direction of it you should sit. As a seat, the best option would be a work chair with a straight hard back, armrests. This back and arm support attracts stability in the working environment. Its mobility, that is, the presence of wheels, will come in handy.

It would be wrong to place subordinates against each other. The views of employees intersect, causing discomfort, distracting them and hindering career development. If a superior person is sitting opposite you, you can forget about the promotion in the near future. Management is best placed behind the backs of subordinates, controlling the workflow and not “pressing” with a glance. It also symbolizes their support and providing you with a strong and reliable rear.

According to Feng Shui, the boss's desk should not only contribute to his success and the success of the company, but also help to achieve a friendly atmosphere in the team. It is best for him to sit with his back to the wall, symbolizing support and support. Be sure to exclude the “back to the door” position, this can lead to a weakening of authority and significant discomfort. The effect can be enhanced by placing paintings depicting mountain peaks. If the room is very small, hang images of lakes, meadows, and other open, peaceful landscapes. Avoid sharp corners in the office, otherwise all your luck in business will evaporate without a trace. Good natural and artificial lighting in the manager's office will charge it with positive energy and relieve bad mood and depressive states.

Furniture must emphasize the level and status of a person and his position. Strict design of natural furniture, plain walls of beige, light green or pale brown tones are the best helpers. The chair should fit into the overall interior, be of the correct shape and preferably made of leather.

Any metal objects activate work activity, attract positive impulses and attract forces for a successful business.

Cabinet decoration

When choosing a place in the house for an office, make your choice in favor of a room located close to the front door. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the room should have the correct square or rectangular shape, since each corner is responsible for one of the areas of life. The absence of one of the corners in the room will negatively affect the area responsible for it. This can be corrected by placing a mirror in the corner. Diffused lighting and a favorable color scheme will allow you to work on a clean head every day.

Your office should not only be practical and comply with Chinese practice, but also reflect your character. Add some of your favorite things to its design.

Clean your workplace regularly. Get rid of unnecessary trash, carefully fold documents and wipe dust from equipment. Do not delay reading letters and other documentation, otherwise piles of papers will soon rise next to you and interfere with work. Order is the basis of Feng Shui, remember this.

Use a metal table lamp as lighting. Place it opposite the working hand so that the light falls in the right direction and the shadow does not interfere with work. The close location of the window and the ingress of sunlight is certainly good, but too bright rays will distract, making it difficult to see the monitor. Use blinds or light curtains to dim the sunlight slightly in the morning. It is not necessary to completely prevent the ingress of rays and curtain the windows with thick curtains. The sun carries countless charges of positive energy necessary for thought processes.

For the right attitude to work, put up photographs that mark your career success - graduation and public speaking, and hang a nice picture of nature on the wall. We do not recommend sitting facing an empty wall, but when this cannot be avoided, it is better to see fields and crops in front of you in order to collect them in life.

Sitting at your desk, you should not see the sharp corners of other furniture in the room. Of course, in some apartments it is difficult to find a spacious corner for work, so brighten up sharp corners with fabric, decorations or houseplants. The easiest option is to stretch a woolen thread along them so that all conflicts and troubles at work pass you by.

To provide future opportunities and perspectives, make sure that the table can be approached from different angles.

An important decision is the purchase of a work chair. You will have to sit on it for long hours, so it should be as comfortable and convenient as possible. Adjustable soft wide chairs with straight backs and armrests will help minimize back fatigue and neck tension. Leaning back on it for a few minutes will be a real treat. The backrest plays an important role in protecting you from evil spirits. A straight posture characterizes a solid business person.

There should be a minimum of furniture in the office. Choose brown and other natural tones, avoid gloomy shades. Black furniture will make your work absolutely fruitless. Discard relaxing elements of arrangement, such as a soft sofa. It is not even an hour when you forget about work and lie down on the sofa to take a nap, submitting to its magic. If you want to set it up, choose a hard leather sofa that promotes control and work. Leather furniture fits perfectly into the working environment - it has the energy of "yang" and activates the activity of the brain. In the office, you can not do without a cabinet for documents and other professional utensils. Make sure that its doors are always closed, otherwise it will be difficult to collect your thoughts, and you will often suffer from absent-mindedness.

At the time of the birth of Feng Shui, there was no technology at all, so its electromagnetic impulses interfere with the work process. In our country it is difficult to imagine work without a computer, and yet try not to clutter up your office with it.

Precise table location

Feng Shui teachings help determine the best location for the workplace, based on your own date of birth. For a correct calculation, ignore the first two digits. Let's take an example. The lady was born in 1982, which means that we take only the number 82. Subtract 4 from it, it turns out 78. Divide this number by 9. Subtract 8 from the hundred, it turns out 92. Divide by 9 again and get the number 10 - this is the desired number . A man who was born in 1982 first subtracts 82 from a hundred, getting 18. And then divides by 9, the resulting number 2 is his number. Pay attention only to whole numbers.

When you have figured out your figure, the only thing left is to refer to this simple explanatory table:

This will set the optimal location for your desktop. It is worth noting that Feng Shui experts do not recommend placing it in the south side, as this contributes to unpleasant working moments with conflicts.

Desktop sectors

Chinese practice teaches us the correct placement of objects on the desktop. We can conditionally divide it into three main areas:

  • The central part - symbolizes good luck, a successful financial situation, possible future professional victories. Also, this zone is responsible for past victories, therefore, for the right energy, put cups here, frames with diplomas and certificates, and other evidence of achievements. If you don’t have them at all, then leave this sector empty, do not clutter up with unnecessary things - then the path to a bright future will be free.
  • The left side is the wealth zone. Looking for more profit? Then we advise you to put a small money tree that attracts finances and success. Thus, you will get 2 in 1: a plant on your desktop and an improvement in your financial situation. If for some reason you do not want to see a tree, you can replace it with another feng shui talisman - a piggy bank or a frog with three legs. Put them on a red cloth and tie them with a red ribbon, because, as you know, this color attracts wealth.
  • The right side is responsible for the creative direction. Post here some of the results of your successful work, some projects or documentation. But don't go overboard with piling things up! Everything should be compact and neatly folded. Install a telephone in the right zone of the table, this will help to establish relations with superiors.
  • The computer desktop is also important for beneficial work. Put a relaxing photo on your screensaver, such as a landscape or, even better, any image of water (remember the influence of water symbols). Delete all unnecessary icons, documents and folders.

Color spectrum

Feng Shui teaches that each color and each shade has its own energy, so it is important to take into account the range of the working area. Color not only improves the ability to work and improves mood, but can also positively / negatively affect human health.

Modern white and black or gray office spaces are a bad solution, as they absolutely do not harmonize - there are literally no colors in this design. Neutral white color does not carry any energy, and black only absorbs light rays. The gray shade is just a mixture of the first two.

The presence of many colorful bright colors pleases in the first minutes of being in the room, but after a few minutes it begins to tire and even annoy. Therefore, try not to overdo it with monotony and saturation, choosing harmonizing shades.

Beige, pale green, marsh, light orange, coffee colors contribute to a relaxed and productive atmosphere.

Talismans on the table

Let's take a closer look at the useful talismans that should be put on the table, as well as their positive impact.

The three-legged toad, which we mentioned just above, is an ancient Chinese symbol of material well-being. Choose this unusual figurine with a coin in your mouth, place it in the left area of ​​the table and secure a stable financial position for yourself.

Any figurine in the shape of a pyramid is a very strong amulet that stimulates efficiency and has a positive effect on the circulation of energy. Install it in the right or center zone of the table to make your career go up. Make your choice in favor of a crystal product.

The Indian elephant-god called Ganesha increases your chances of getting higher wages in particular and overall family income in general. It also has a positive effect on relationships with business partners and the successful conclusion of transactions. From time to time, stroke the hands and trunk of the elephant god to activate its effect. You can also put candy next to it.

A variety of pictures with hieroglyphs of wealth, success or fame will also have a positive effect on work. The dragon figurine helps to develop one's creative abilities and protects from ill-wishers, and the old man with a bag of money Hottei is useful for attracting wealth.

Keeping a lot of information in your head and constantly forgetting important details? Then be sure to keep crystals that have powerful energy for working at a computer.

Feng Shui above and below the table

Above your table, in the best case, there should be a flat ceiling with lamps, without huge llamas, beams or other overhanging things that create tension and discomfort. Subconsciously, each person thinks that these pipes or lamps can fall on their heads, which means that working in such an atmosphere will not be productive.

The same discomfort is created by air conditioners or heaters, the cold or warm air currents of which cause discomfort from time to time. If at work you do not have the opportunity to change places, stock up on an umbrella in advance that can block the air. It is even easier to change the air flow direction of the air conditioner in the settings.

The space under the table should be given no less attention. Don't litter it with countless "necessary" things just because no one will notice them. Get rid of the boxes, tidy up the wires, dust off, and remove the old cobwebs from the corners. The feeling of tightness will disappear and work will become easier. The system unit and the necessary things under the table should be on your left side.

Proper arrangement of furniture, table position and selection of objects on it contributes to a favorable and productive working environment, attracts good luck and improves financial situation. Support in the form of a wall behind, space and opportunities in front. A clean and tidy table, a comfortable chair, the presence of talismans and relaxing items help to properly tune in to work, accumulate positive energy and achieve new heights.

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