How to teach a child to play independently: the selection of exciting toys and the organization of the playing space. We teach the little one to independent games


Growing up, the child gives parents more and more trouble. A two-year-old baby cannot always occupy himself for a long time, he needs the constant presence of his mother. How to teach a child to play alone in order to make time for the household? This question often arises before young mothers who do not have time to solve daily tasks around the house. We will try to figure out what mistakes the parents of babies make and teach how to keep the child busy.

Sometimes a mother really wants to leave the child to himself and calmly go about his business.

The game and its meaning

An important element in the development of the child, his psychological and physical maturation, is the game. Its function lies not so much in the result as in the process itself. The kid himself comes up with the rules, composes a plot, looks for a use for familiar things - he builds a train from chairs, assembles a new model from a designer, or simply plays mother-daughters. All this serves as a powerful impetus in the development of the nervous system, and also brings up elementary skills that will be useful in adulthood.

You can play not only with other children or follow the rules invented by mom. It is important that the child can get into the magical world of the game on his own, because this is how he learns a lot - to overcome obstacles, develop thinking, imagination, look for different solutions. What game is most comfortable for each age? How to teach a kid to be self-sufficient, not to lose interest in his actions for a long period?

Separation of interests by age

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For each age there are the most successful games, it is very important to be able to choose them correctly. What a 5-year-old will like may not suit a 3-year-old. A two-year-old kid will not be able to understand the intricate rules of board games or transform into any cartoon character. For this age, an activity that offers to use, pick up various objects is ideal. The kid is now learning to control his body - jump, go down the stairs, and also begins to comprehend the manipulation of folding toys into boxes or boxes.

A two-year-old child cannot yet master complex story games

Classes for children 1.5-2 years old

Most often, the mother of a 1-2-year-old baby is nearby and from time to time tries to interest him in a toy so that he does not require too much attention from her. If the crumbs do not succeed, he immediately makes it clear that he needs help. At this age, the child may well be alone, if you choose the right type of activity for him.

The first thing to take care of is the safety of the baby. It is important to create a space for him in which he can move freely and play. Before leaving a child alone, you need to make sure that he will not have access to sockets, cannot open a window, get scissors or a knife. Then you can spread around it various objects that are safe to take in your mouth. Let them all be of different sizes, colors, made of different materials. Rustling soft books, rubber toys, various sorters are perfect.

Leaving a child alone for a long time is not worth it - first you need to be nearby in order to help the baby and calm him down if necessary. If the baby is carried away, you can not interfere with him and interrupt the game with various comments. It is very important to encourage self-study, praise the baby and show in every possible way that the mother is pleased with his actions.

Child 2-3 years old

Children at the age of 2-3 years already have a slightly different attitude to the game. They are not so actively pulling any object into their mouths; such kids begin to show interest in games with a clear plot. The next stage to which the baby is moving is a role-playing game. A child who is already 2 years old has an interest in imitation (see also:). He diligently copies the actions of adults, transferring them to his fictional world.

Closer to the age of three, children begin to joyfully participate in role-playing games.

The girls will seat the doll at the table, spoon-feed it, put it to bed, the boys will be happy to roll soldiers or little men in the typewriter. It is very good at this age to try to put together various structures from the designer. The task of parents is to help their son or daughter find ways to interact with objects that can replace this or that adult thing. Then try to come up with several options for the game, create the right atmosphere and "start" the child's fantasy.

It makes sense to try to go into the background and let the baby be alone, entertain himself on his own. Most likely, he will be able to occupy himself for twenty to thirty minutes, then he will want to communicate with adults. At this moment, you need to smoothly switch his attention to other events - feed, get ready for a walk or just read a book. It is important not to let the baby feel bored, but to give him the opportunity to maintain favorable impressions from the game, invented by him.

Child 3-6 years old

This period in a child's life can be conditionally called preschool. A three-year-old kid begins to realize the concept of friendship, he learns to communicate, build relationships with peers. If you watch the game of preschoolers who are 3-4 years old from the side, you can see how they create rules and strive to get their comrades to comply with them. At this stage, role-playing comes to the fore - children easily distribute roles and follow the intended line of behavior.

At preschool age, games become story-based, several people can participate in them at once

Parents at this time should not interfere with the emerging friendship - the offspring should be allowed to establish relations with comrades. However, sometimes preschoolers cannot find a compromise, each of them wants to become a leader. Here it is important to be able to gently but persistently separate the debaters and invite them to spend their energy on other goals, for example, arrange mini-competitions.

At home with a child, you can simulate the events taking place in the store, at school, in the clinic. In the form of a game, show him how to behave properly in public places - for example, calmly wait for his mother, who is going to pay the bill at the cash desk.

During this period, you can offer the baby a kind of exchange: he can play by himself while his mother is preparing dinner, and then the two of them will go for a walk. Usually, children follow the task with pleasure and make life much easier for adults.

Several reasons why the baby does not want to play by himself

Sometimes parents complain that the child does not want to be alone with himself under any pretext. The most likely reason is that the baby did not receive enough attention from the mother. For young children, contact with their mother is very important - physical and psychological. It is important to set aside at least 20 minutes for communication with the baby - to play with him, hug him and tell him something interesting. After that, he will be able to do without his mother for quite a long period.

If you devote some time exclusively to the child, then he will be able to play alone

There are other reasons why a child does not want to stay on his own. He may not feel very well, be hungry. He may be uncomfortable - cold, hot or uncomfortable to be in new clothes.

You can not leave the baby alone when he is not in the mood - something upset, crying or just naughty. This can only aggravate his condition and leave a negative impression of an independent game. The next time, it will be more difficult for the baby to be left alone - he will remember this moment and will resist in advance that they want to “leave” him.

Sometimes the elimination of possible causes of the child's discontent does not help, the baby still does not want to be left without parents - he panics, screams, holds on to his mother's hand. Do not insist, it is better to wait a few days and try again. If the baby, who is already more than two, is not ready to break away from his mother even for 5-10 minutes, it makes sense to consult a child psychologist. The problem can be much deeper and more serious, without the participation of a specialist it will be difficult to cope with it.

Organization of the game

When a child appears in the family, parents should immediately think over not only a place to sleep, but also a place where he will play. It is important that the playing space is comfortable and safe. Dr. Komarovsky advises to go down to the level of growth of the crumbs and look around - you can see a lot of interesting things. Do not rely on prohibitions - the baby can play too much and forget that it is impossible to climb into the outlet. Better to make sure he can't hurt himself. The danger is represented by various lockers and drawers - not only by the ability to pinch a finger, but also by the contents. It is necessary that scissors, knives, compasses, fragile and breakable objects are out of reach for the child.

Particular attention should be paid to the organization of storage of toys. If they are simply stacked in the corner, the room will quickly turn into a cluttered, untidy room. In addition, the child will not be able to learn to fold cars and dolls, leaving order after their actions. It is necessary to think over a place for each type of toys - store them on open racks, in special baskets or boxes.

Psychologists advise not to give the child a lot of toys at once. It is necessary to allocate a small amount for him to practice, remove the rest. When the baby has played enough of the allocated amount, they can be hidden and offered to him others that he has not seen for a long time. Then the baby will be interested in his occupation and he will not get bored with the game for a long time.

What is suitable for independent play?

So that the child does not lose interest in the game and does not get tired, you need to choose the right toys for him. You should not leave him alone with a complex educational or board game that he cannot figure out without the participation of an adult. It is better to pick up familiar objects or suggest a plot in which he can become a participant himself. Toys that are best suited for self-study:

  • All kinds of items to simulate professional activities: a set of a doctor, a hairdresser, carpenter's tools, a sewing machine, a washing machine.
  • Soft toys or dolls, with which the baby does not part, he puts next to the bed, puts him at the table and takes him on a trip.
  • Items not intended for play - cardboard boxes, pillows, can lids, pieces of cloth. Sometimes the kid skillfully turns simple things into anything.
  • Ideal for independent play, a children's tent in which the child can comfortably settle down. Instead of a purchased house, you can use a chair covered with a blanket.
  • Suitable games that the kid has already mastered and should understand them without the help of adults - puzzles, sorters, mosaics, constructor, etc.

Household items can also be great toys for a child.

Sports toys - balls, hoops, jump ropes are better not to use. A child can hit the ball in a closet or chandelier, slip, fall. Also, do not give him interactive toys - they do not allow the imagination to develop and limit the possible scenarios. On the contrary, you need to strive to develop the initiative and imagination of the baby so that he can occupy himself.

Summing up

In order for a child to learn to play independently, parents must ensure that several conditions are met. We talked about them above, but now we briefly recall the most important requirements:

  • Creating a safe environment for the game, allocating sufficient space.
  • Preliminary close communication with the offspring so that he does not feel abandoned.
  • Adequate response to requests for help. Mom should not leave for a long time and not answer the call of the baby.
  • The development of the imagination, the training of the habit of occupying oneself.
  • Encouragement for independence, mother's praise.
  • Smooth increase in the time allotted for offline activities.

Teaching a child to play on their own is not so difficult (we recommend reading:). It is necessary to act consistently, not forgetting the chosen model of behavior with the baby, even at a party. The baby will gradually learn to entertain himself. This process will be soft and comfortable if mom and dad will support the child, regularly devote at least a little time to him and encourage new achievements.

So, today we have to study And their classification will also be covered. The thing is that this moment plays an important role for the modern child and his development. It is important to understand what games exist and why. Then and only then will it be possible to fully develop the baby correctly. And we are talking not only about very young children, they are also important. Unfortunately, about the real gameplay, it comes less and less. But that's not a problem. After all, if you know what types of games there are (and you know their classification for schoolchildren and kids), you can always figure out how to properly develop it. So what are the options? What games can be encountered in the modern world?


For starters, what are we actually dealing with? What is a game? Not everyone fully understands this term. And that's why you have to study it. In fact, despite the fact that people have to study and work most of the time, especially in childhood, they will have to devote a lot of time.

The game is actions in conditional, fictional circumstances. It serves to assimilate this or that material both in practical and conditional form. You could say it's an imaginary situation. Games for children are extremely important. They are the main teaching tool. And the study of the surrounding world as well. The types of games and their classification for preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard implies a division into several large classes of all possible options. Which ones?


There aren't many of them. It is customary to distinguish between 3 classes of games for children. Are easy to remember. The first type that can only be found is games that arise on the initiative of the child himself. That is, independent. This type is common in babies, schoolchildren rarely encounter a similar phenomenon. We can say that independent play is characterized by a game process in which only one child participates, and even on his own initiative.

Also, the types of games and their classification (for teenagers, toddlers and schoolchildren) include options that arise on the initiative of an adult. That is, he, as it were, introduces this or that situation into the life of the child. The main purpose of this kind of phenomenon is education. The most common scenario.

The last class that can be distinguished here is games that arise from traditions, customs. Appear both at the initiative of an adult and a child. Not the most common phenomenon in the modern world, but it takes place.


What can games be? If you think about it, you can answer this question indefinitely. After all, a lot depends on what kind of class is in front of us. Particular attention should be paid to gaming processes initiated by an adult. After all, they serve to educate children, to familiarize them with the world around them.

The types of games and their classification (in the camp, school, kindergarten - this is not so important) include a separate category - educational. As it is not difficult to guess, such options serve, as already mentioned, to educate the child. They can be mobile, didactic or plot-didactic. Each subtype will be discussed next. But keep in mind - it is educational games that are extremely important for toddlers and young children. They will have to pay due attention.


The game is a kind of entertainment. Therefore, among the options that arise at the initiative of adults, you can find leisure gaming processes. There are a huge number of them. The main difference from teaching ones is the actual lack of emphasis on obtaining new knowledge and skills. It can be said, just entertainment that helps to relax, distract from the daily routine.

Types of games and their classification - this is what helps to understand the whole essence of a particular activity. Leisure "options" also include many subtypes. Moreover, with the development of the modern world, there are more and more of them.

So what can you face? A leisure game can be simply entertaining, carnival, theatrical, intellectual. Most often, these options occur in older children. But kids are often busy learning games.


Do not forget that the gameplay does not necessarily require outside intervention. As already mentioned, there are games that arise at the initiative of the child. They play an important role in its development. In the same way as in the previous cases, independent games are divided into subtypes.

For example, there is a game-experiment. It can take place both with the participation of an adult (or under his supervision), and all alone. During this process, the child will carry out some experimental actions, and then observe the result. It can be said that this is a "visual aid" on various phenomena, usually physical and chemical.

An experiment game is the best way to help a child memorize complex processes. Now they even sell special experimental kits for babies. For example, "Make soap", "Create your own perfume", "Funny crystals" and so on.


The types of games and their classification are already known to us. But here are the details of certain types of gaming activities - not quite. It is important to understand what exactly happens in this or that case in order to properly develop the child. Role-playing options can be attributed to independent games. Just like any other.

What it is? In the course of such a game, some kind of plot, event is observed. Participants have their own roles that they must fulfill. A theatrical performance, an entertaining children's holiday program or just a fictional story in which the child "lives" - all these are role-playing games. They contribute to the development of fantasy, and sometimes teach the observance of certain rules. Story games are very interesting for children. True, they are more likely to seem entertaining to them.

But in more adult life, they often come down to desktop. For example, Mafia. In general, any gameplay that has its own story, plot, is called plot.


Types of games and their classification (in kindergarten or school - it doesn't matter) often include didactic "varieties". A very common version of the training class. Here, the acquisition of knowledge is not presented in an open form. Rather, there is only a secondary significance of this paragraph.

Children during didactic games have fun, but at the same time they follow certain rules. In the foreground there is one or another game task that everyone seeks to realize. In the course of this, new knowledge is obtained, as well as the consolidation thereof. The rules of the game make children think about their implementation, remember, learn how to apply first in fictional, and then in real life. Didactic games include games: with hiding, competitions, forfeits, assignments, guessing, role-playing.


The types of games and their classification (for preschoolers and not only) are already known to us. Only now it is not completely clear what this or that kind of gameplay is. There are, as we have already found out, outdoor games. What it is?

This type of gameplay is accompanied by physical activity. Often aimed at the physical development of the child, his recovery. Most often, outdoor games are somehow indirectly (or directly) related to sports. A variety of tags, catch-ups - all this belongs to this category. For mental development, they almost do not bear any benefit, but for the physical - completely.


This completes the classification. Only in the modern world, not so long ago, another new concept appeared in relation to games. Now there are computer (or virtual) types. As you might guess, the entire gameplay takes place with the help of an electronic machine in the virtual world.

There are educational games for children. But adults are provided with a much more extensive choice of various options. Here you can find quests, and strategies, and simulators, and "shooters", and races ... And a lot more.

Computer games are not the best option for teaching preschoolers. Rather, they are more suitable for older children. Virtual games can be attributed to leisure. They are not actually educational in nature and often serve exclusively for leisure, for relaxation.

Entertain yourself: 6 tips for parents on how to teach your child to play independently

It happens that a grown child cannot play by himself - all the time he needs the attention of his parents. If you leave it even for a minute, it starts to act up. But it is impossible to entertain him all day long! Is it possible to teach a child to play independently?

Play is extremely important for a child. Through the game, he gets acquainted with the world around him and with his abilities. The game develops imagination, ingenuity, mindfulness, memory. In the game, the character of a person is formed and the norms of behavior are laid. Independent play is of particular importance for a child. This is the ability to find something to do, and to do something enthusiastically, and the opportunity to develop an initiative. But most importantly, during independent play, the educational influence of adults is consolidated.

Why doesn't he play by himself?

Problems with independent play in a child often arise through the fault of adults. This is the result of excessive guardianship - unwillingness to give the child at least some kind of independence and a ban on initiative. Surrounding the baby with such “care”, constantly taking care of him, parents inevitably face a situation where the child can no longer do without constant attention, joint games and entertainment. Even if the baby plays on his own, then for a short time and in rather primitive games.

4. I myself!

Give your child small tasks that he can handle without you. For example, you can ask him to wash the pears for dinner or put all the dolls to bed. The main thing is that the child does it himself and feels his importance. Do not rush the child, do not put pressure on him, let him do everything himself.

5. Hobby time

Now there are a lot of different types of kits for children's creativity. A word of advice - take sets that are suitable for the age of your child. In such a game, it is important to bring the matter to the end and get the result - beads, pottery, soft toys, etc. The child has an incentive - to do something himself, to get a clear result of work and to earn the praise of an adult.

6. Set to choose from

The classic option for developing a child's ability to play independently is constructors, puzzles and mosaics.

Tip one- Take sets that are comfortable for your child. If the assembly requires physical effort, then the child must independently connect or disconnect the figures.

Tip two- take sets that can be "replayed" many times. For adults, the result is important, and for the baby, the process itself is important.

Your child is growing by leaps and bounds. And from time to time the thought creeps into moms and dads: “Well, you’ll grow up a little more and you can play by yourself, and I will have a couple of hours for myself.” However, this is not entirely true: in order for the baby to be able to occupy himself for 40-50 minutes on his own, parents should make a lot of efforts. We will tell you how to teach and captivate your baby to play alone.

Benefits of solo play

By playing alone, the child learns to find solutions

V. A. Sukhomlinsky: “A game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around flows into the spiritual world of a child. The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.

Teaching your baby how to play independently is not important to take up his time and allow himself to relax. Independent play is an important indicator of the correct development of the child. At the same time, the ability to find an occupation for oneself significantly affects the personal growth and character of the baby. In particular, playing with oneself develops:

  • initiative (after all, solving specific game problems requires the kid to make quick decisions - a pyramid that suddenly appears on the way of the machine can either be moved or knocked down - the choice must be made instantly);
  • the ability to overcome obstacles (this or that game activity has a certain plot, the development of which requires the child to find a way out of the circumstances - if the baby doll soaked his pants, then he needs to change clothes);
  • perseverance (to get the desired result of the game, the kid must go through certain stages, for example, to assemble a beautiful puzzle boat, you should correctly select all the elements, trying to combine them);
  • the ability to navigate according to circumstances (in order to dress a doll for going to kindergarten, you need to choose appropriate clothes for her, put on all the details of the toilet in order);
  • patience (to solve puzzles, the kid has to look at the task several times, select answers).

Why doesn't he play by himself or can't keep himself occupied with toys

Reluctance to play on your own may be due to feelings of loneliness

A fairly common problem when the baby does not want to play on his own. This worries parents, but meanwhile, the reasons for this behavior of the baby lie precisely in adults. The fact is that at 2-4 years old, children develop the skill of role-playing, that is, at this age dolls-cars-animals are very interesting. Caring relatives understand this, and this is where the immeasurable supply of toys begins. Remember your childhood: one or two dolls, a couple of cars and a wooden pyramid. But we could play with them for hours, coming up with names for them, playing entire performances with such a simple set. No, don't throw away the awesome math bears or the race car parking area, just limit the number of them. Why? The child does not have time to become attached to the toy, feel it and unleash his imagination. In addition, children need an example. That is, if you don’t show them how to play with a typewriter, then the baby will not only not have an idea about the toy itself, but there will also be no impetus for further inventing a game plot.

As for older children, 5-7 years old, the refusal to play independently at this age may indicate that the baby is suffering from loneliness. If a child lacks communication with parents, then it is absolutely logical that he will not want to retire even with the most fun toys. It is important to let the child understand that this is your common game with him, just sometimes he can do it himself. Also at this age, children are very sensitive to failure. Therefore, if a child fails to complete the puzzle, he will not pore over it alone. Come and direct the thought of the little one - this will give the necessary impetus to renew interest.

The kid must have at least a small, but his own play area

The method of accustoming a child to independent games is an inexhaustible topic of discussion for teachers and psychologists. All these researches can be combined into several effective tips for adults, then it will be easier to teach the baby.

The ability to play independently is an indicator of your baby's maturation. However, do not sound the alarm if he is not too eager to play alone. Patiently show your child how interesting it is to beat this or that toy so that he has an interest in finding new ways of entertainment. And be sure to participate in the gaming activities of your child, praise him - then he will grow up not only as an independent person, but also become a self-confident person.

A healthy child of the first three years of life during wakefulness is usually in an active, active state. His activities are very diverse - he looks, listens, touches various objects, observes the actions of others, natural phenomena, plays a lot and in various ways, communicates with adults and children, talks with them, performs small tasks with pleasure, etc.

The entire development of the child occurs precisely in the process of his activity, in the process of actively responding to environmental stimuli.

In the process of this or that activity, all movements are developed and coordinated. The child masters many elementary actions: hold an object, open, close, insert, and later draw, sculpt. Only vigorous activity is able to cause and maintain an emotionally positive cheerful state, a state of optimal excitability of the central nervous system, while inactivity, passivity leads either to a lowered, lethargic state, or to sharp bursts of excitation.

In the process of this or that activity, the child forms various relationships with children and adults, speech develops. In actions with various objects, the child exercises and improves his sense organs (sight, hearing, touch, etc.). At the same time, he effectively, and therefore more versatile and thoroughly, gets acquainted with the properties of surrounding objects, acquires primary knowledge about size, color, shape, quantity. Observing and then displaying in his game the phenomena of life around him, the child consolidates his knowledge. In the process of various activities, the child develops perception, attention, memory, imagination, emotions, thinking. He gradually begins to better orient himself in the environment and gains his experience. The fulfillment of various practical assignments of adults, the feasible participation in their work, self-service forms a positive “attitude towards work” in the child. And all this together contributes to the laying of “positive character traits and personality of the child.

Considering such a great importance of activity for the formation of the entire behavior of the child, it is necessary to provide the most favorable conditions for the development and gradual enrichment of various types of children's activities - primarily games, movements, observations, relationships, practical activities (fulfillment of instructions from adults, feasible participation in their work) .

The independent activity of the child is of great importance for his development and behavior (the ability to find an occupation for himself, to concentrate on something, the development of initiative, etc.). In the process of this independent activity of the child, what has arisen as a result of the educational influence of an adult can be not only fixed, but also improved. The correct organization of independent activities of children is also necessary in order not to doom them to a passive state at a time when the sister is busy feeding or toileting individual children and therefore cannot deal with the rest.

In order for a child to play well on his own and, while playing, develop, so that the game brings him a lot of joy, creates good health and brings up certain positive qualities in him, the following is necessary: ​​1) sufficient space, a comfortable place; 2) a set of toys and aids, different for different ages; 3) frequent and correct communication of the sister and the nanny with the children during the game; 4) impressions from the surrounding life, in particular the ability to see the various actions of adults and children.

Already from the end of the first month of life, the child first appears very short, but gradually lengthening segments of active wakefulness. During these short intervals, you need to take the child in your arms, talk to him affectionately, trying to fix his eyes on you, hang bright toys (balloons, rattles, celluloid toys) from the crib.

From 6 weeks, warmly dressed children (wrapped up to the armpits in a blanket) should be put in the arena after feeding for a short time, talking with them, lowering toys over them, trying in various ways to attract the attention of children to them, cause visual and auditory concentration.

Children from 2 to 9 months, as a rule, should not be in beds during wakefulness, but in specially equipped spacious playpens with a sufficient number of various toys appropriate for the age of the children.

In the arena, children can be better served by the nurse and nurse in an educational and hygienic way than when they lie in beds at different ends of the room. In addition, in the arena, children have a greater opportunity to move and get more impressions.

For children up to 2-3 months old, large and bright toys are hung at a distance of 50 cm above the chest on a bracket specially attached to the arena. From the age of 3 months, the toys are lowered down so that the children run into them with their hands, feel and grab them. For this purpose, bilbocks, suspended in the form of a trapezoid, connected rattles, rings, etc. are good. From the age of 4 months, toys should be hung a little higher in order to develop in children the ability to accurately direct their hands to them. For this, various balls, rattles, wooden pendants, etc. are convenient.

If children know how to grab and hold objects quite well, toys should not be hung up, but given to children in their hands and put in the playpen so that the children themselves take them. In order for the child to be able to swing toys, tap them, shift from hand to hand, it is necessary to give him a variety of rattles, balls, testicles, balls, rings, bowls, rubber, celluloid dolls, etc.

For the development of elementary actions with objects, for example, taking out, putting in, part of the toys provided for 8-10-month-old children should be put into bowls, basins or cubes, and the rest of the toys should be placed around the playpen so that children crawl up to them, get up and step over along the barrier.

In addition to the toys that children play with, there should also be other objects in the room, such as a large doll, a rooster, a bright celluloid duck, a clock, pictures of pets, etc. At the age of 7-9 months, children should be shown these objects, calling them , invite children to look for them in the room by name and thereby contribute to the development of understanding of speech.

From the age of 9 months, healthy and normally developed children spend their waking time not in the arena, but on the floor.

During the period when children still cannot walk on their own, i.e. for crawlers, special conditions must be provided: a sufficient area for crawling and various devices for the development of movements - a slide, climbing stairs, barriers and other items for getting up and walking near a fixed support, large wooden boxes on which children can climb and put toys in them, special low oblong tables with drawers and lockers, etc. Wheelchairs are an essential part of the games of children of this age, which are absolutely necessary for the development of independent walking of children . Children should be given objects that can be shifted and stacked on top of each other, such as bricks, cubes; various boxes with lids, loose cups, cubes, mushrooms are given for opening and closing; for putting on, sticking - pyramids, rings, benches with holes and sticks for them; for the development of general movements - large balls, balls, baskets; for naming - dolls, dogs, bears, cats, etc.

For children who already know how to walk on their own, a fairly spacious playroom is needed, equipped with a variety of aids for independent mobile and calm, focused games.

Under the influence of the development of speech, the game in children of the second and third years of life becomes more and more diverse and rich in content. At this age, children run a lot, climb, love outdoor games, so they need to be provided with reins, hoops, boards, toy locomotives, cars, bicycles, etc., at the same time, children in their games begin to reflect the actions of the adults around them and impressions from the life around them. These games are valuable for the development of higher neuropsychic functions, so you need to have in the group all the necessary aids for such games - dolls with various sets of toys (furniture, dishes, clothes), items for dressing up (colored scarves, aprons), a set of various toy animals , ropes, colored shreds, small suitcases, baskets, etc.

For children who can already build with blocks and love this activity, in the playroom it is necessary to have large and small building materials and various constructive toys (geometric tabs, constructors, mosaics, etc.).

It is very useful for children to look at books and pictures, so the group should always have different pictures on plywood or; cardboard, children's books with a variety of content from the life of children, animals. Books can be purchased or made by the staff themselves from postcards, pictures cut out of books, magazines, etc. You must also have drawing supplies in the group - a board and chalk, pencil and paper.

But just giving children toys is not enough. The main condition for the well-being of children and the gradual complication of their independent play is the frequent communication with them of the sister and nanny and the definite guidance of the children's play.

Children cannot be left to themselves for a long time, and the smaller they are, the more often the sister's communication with them should be. Even during hygiene processes, the sister should approach the arena in the chest group or the sliders playing on the floor as often as possible. Having made, for example, a toilet for one child, before taking another for this purpose, you need to go to the playpen and talk with the children, give them toys, etc. All the time free from processes, the sister should play and do something with one child, then with several children, pursuing various educational goals - to complicate the child’s game, to interest him in something, to show how to use toys in a new way, to focus his attention on the game, to call for a conversation, etc.

Communication between a sister and children can be carried out in the form of a joint game, joint observation, examination, instructions, questions, storytelling, demonstrations, direct learning of various new actions with toys and a conversation about these actions, entertainment shows (puppet theater, dramatizations, shows of clockwork toys ), fun games (hide and seek, catch-up, games like “horned goat”, “white-sided magpie”, etc.). However, all this should not have the character of strict regulation of the entire content of the game, but should be expressed in the form of lively emotional communication with children in order to stimulate and gradually complicate their independent activity.

For the full development of children, in addition to the proper organization of their independent activities, it is also necessary to conduct special classes.

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