How to calculate your ideal weight. Normal human weight - how to calculate



One of the simplest formulas for calculating the ideal weight and was proposed by the anthropologist from France Paul Brock. The easiest to calculate is weight is minus the coefficient. At up to 165 cm, the coefficient is 100, up to 175 cm - 105, above 175 cm - 110. According to experts, Brock's formula is correct for people whose age is in the range from forty to fifty years. If you are under forty, then the optimal weight, calculated according to Broca's formula, must be reduced by ten to twelve, otherwise the result must be increased by five to seven percent.

Body mass index calculations showing body fat are considered more accurate. For calculations, it is enough to know body weight in kilograms and height, recorded in meters. BMI \u003d M (kg): H2 (m), where M is body weight, H is height. The formula itself is also very simple: the ratio of mass to the square is found. Depending on the value obtained, conclusions are drawn about weight e person. If you get less than 25 - this is the norm, if more than 25, but less than 27 - this is overweight, but not yet obese, but if more than 27 - this is already obese. But these are again average indicators, since the values ​​​​of the body mass index are different for and.

In Russia, doctors use special tables to determine overweight, in which, depending on gender, and on, and on height, the maximum allowable values ​​\u200b\u200bare indicated weight a. If your weight below the table, this may mean the absence of excess weight and, if higher, then additional studies determine the degree.


There are various methods to determine the ideal weight for any person, depending on his height. This does not take into account other indicators such as age, gender and physique. Obviously, if excess weight is formed due to muscles, then a person does not look full, in addition, scientists have proven that a little overweight for women has a positive effect on her health.

Helpful advice

There are no absolutely reliable ways to determine the ideal weight, since none of them takes into account the individual characteristics of a person. It is better to focus on the state of health and the mirror.

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Excess weight is a problem that can have not only aesthetic, but also medical negative consequences. How to reliably find out if you are overweight?

Having excess weight can create a lot of problems for a person, ranging from difficulties with choosing well-fitting clothes to negative health consequences, such as shortness of breath, increased stress on the joints, and others. However, in the modern world, focused on the standards of the fashion industry, the concept of being overweight has become rather vague: many people begin to consider being overweight, which is actually completely normal. How to determine the limits of the norm of weight for a particular person?

Body mass index

To get an answer to this question, doctors have long developed a universal criterion that takes into account not only the absolute value of weight in kilograms, but also: after all, it is clear that weight, for example, 70 kilograms, has a completely different meaning for two people if the height of one is 1 .5 meters, and the other - 1.95 meters. This criterion was called the body mass index, which is also often abbreviated to BMI. At the same time, it is simple enough that anyone who wants to find out if he is overweight can use it. Body mass index is calculated by dividing a person's weight in kilograms by the square of their height in centimeters. For example, for the person mentioned above with a weight of 70 kilograms and a height of 1.5 meters, the indicated index will be 31.1.

Determining the limits of normal weight

The developers of the body mass index found that the weight of an average person can be considered normal if his BMI is in the range from 18.5 to 25. If the value of the body mass index of a particular person turned out to be less than the lower limit of the norm, this means that he has a deficiency in body weight . If the index turned out to be higher than 25, that the person is overweight, and the more the index value exceeds the upper limit, the more overweight he has. So, if the BMI does not exceed 30, doctors ascertain the presence of overweight, with BMI values ​​​​from 30 to 35 - obesity of the first degree, from 35 to 40 - of the second degree, over 40 - of the third degree. In the example above, a person with a weight of 70 kilograms and a height of 1.5 meters is overweight, and the BMI indicator shows that it has already come to obesity of the first degree.


  • Body mass index and optimal weight in 2019

You can calculate the body mass index using the formula BMI \u003d weight / height ^ 2, the calculation is simplified using the online BMI calculator. Body mass index is calculated as a ratio of height and weight, for men and women, these figures will be different. Depending on the BMI score, you can find out what recommendations to follow if you are overweight, and, conversely, if you are underweight.

Body mass index calculator



BMI table

The BMI calculator calculates correctly, only for adults (over 18).

Instructions for determining BMI

The BMI calculator has mandatory fields to fill in, where you should specify:

  • weight (in kilograms);
  • height (in centimeters);
  • press the button to calculate the indicators.

The resulting indicator (index) of the ratio of height and weight should be compared with the BMI table.

  1. Underweight. The owners of underweight can become for several reasons - an innate constitution (thin physique), malnutrition (unbalanced diet), hormonal disorders, too fast metabolism, and hyperglycemia - the body's ability to absorb glucose at a high speed. Hormonal disorders should be corrected by an endocrinologist. The remaining violations require self-correction of dietary errors: increase the amount of carbohydrates and fats. Much more energy must be absorbed than such an organism spends, although this happens quite quickly. The use of simple carbohydrates is not prohibited. Loads should be directed at, aerobic training will only slow down the process of gaining body weight.
  2. Normal weight. Happy owners of the norm should only follow in the same spirit. With a balanced diet and moderate exercise, body weight will be kept in place. When overeating, BMI can increase, so you should not increase calories so that later you do not resort to diets.
  3. Overweight. Those whose index exceeded 25 should reconsider their lifestyle. First, review your diet. If the menu is dominated by carbohydrates (flour, sweet), you should reduce their consumption to a minimum. Eliminate sugary foods and increase your protein content in your diet. Second, analyze your physical activity. With a fixed lifestyle, fats are especially well absorbed, since the body does not spend energy, which means it accumulates subcutaneous fat. Start exercising, but take care of your joints, with excess weight, the joints are already subjected to stress.
  4. Obesity. One of the causes of obesity is not only an excess of calories and an inactive lifestyle, but also hormonal disorders. Hormonal imbalances, such as an excess of female hormones and a lack of male hormones, can lead to the accumulation of excess fat, not to mention diseases such as diabetes. This problem can be solved only with the help of hormone therapy. If there are no violations, it is necessary to follow the measures, as in the recommendations for overweight. In any case, reduce the total caloric content of the diet, remove simple carbohydrates (sweets, and even fruits), walk more. And do not eat 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  5. Severe obesity. In case of severe obesity, you should consult a doctor. Rather, this degree of obesity is provoked by more than just nutrition. It is necessary to take tests for hormones and identify the content of enzymes, the possible absence of which is unable to digest certain nutrients - fats and carbohydrates. Otherwise, proper nutrition and hiking will not interfere.
  1. Underweight. In men, there are also a number of reasons for underweight - hormonal disorders, hyperglycemia, an accelerated metabolism and malnutrition. With high intensive loads and work associated with physical labor, an excess of calories in the diet should be ensured, exceeding the amount of carbohydrates over proteins and fats. You need to eat often, at least 6 times a day. Workouts should last no more than an hour.
  2. Normal weight. With proper nutrition and physical activity, follow the usual way of life, without significantly changing anything in the diet and training.
  3. Overweight. In men, a frequent case of overweight is not only an addiction to food, but also to drinks such as beer. The content of phytoestrogens in the composition of beer increases the production of female hormones, which leads to the accumulation of female-type fat (belly and thighs). In any case, there is the possibility of a hormonal imbalance, in the direction of increasing estrogens and reducing androgens. If the cause is a poor diet, eliminate high-glycemic foods from your diet and move more.
  4. Obesity. In men, as in women, the cause of obesity can be endocrine disorders, as well as an excess of calories in the diet. Overeating can also be negatively affected by socio-psychological factors. Therefore, you should exclude all diseases and switch to a low-carbohydrate diet that is high in protein and fiber.
  5. Severe obesity. It is urgent to consult a doctor endocrinologist or gastroenterologist. You can also take measures to prevent the possibility of gaining even more weight, which are recommended for overweight and obesity.

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Comments (14)

    according to this calculator, with a height of 190 cm, I should ideally weigh 70 kg)))))))))))))) in fact I weigh 90 kg, no belly, no sides, regular visits to the gym

    Normosthenic body type. Estimated ideal weight turned out to be 63 kg, according to Brock 65 kg, this was at school. Real 76 kg, 11 kg difference. Recommended by a nutritionist 72 kg. At ideal weight, the fat content will be like that of athletes, at the lower limit.

    Everything is fine. 59 kg is a lot for me! It's hard to breathe. with a height of 165 with a weight of 50 kg, I feel great! And I like the calculator

    Ardak tell me, what food helped you lose weight so much?

    Evgenia, do not be discouraged, there is always a way out, I always have exactly the same problem, I recovered from 58 kg and became 89 kg, I just didn’t do it, I went on different diets, I drank all sorts of diet pills, the weight easily returned in a doubled form, once again, when I started drinking bilayt pills, I felt it’s bad that I ended up in the hospital after lying for 10 days, I realized that everything I did was wrong, I decided that proper nutrition is what I need in 7 months, I threw off 21 kg, the most pleasant weight does not return and such nutrition has already become the norm of life and more importantly, there is I wish you all the best in small portions

    These diets are bullshit. That's when you are afraid of the disease - then the appetite will moderate. I weighed 70 with a height of 164. Suddenly arthritis appeared - by age, it turns out, but nothing foreshadowed it, I carried bags, an active lifestyle, etc. And in a year I lost 10 kg. Fear helped. I began to eat a little and in the morning - low-fat cottage cheese, completely excluded coffee. All food is as usual, but there is less. Joints cannot be loaded. I still need to lose 2 kilos, but I'll be patient until the summer. I only drink boiled water in moderation. Everything is fine with the intestines.

    Good afternoon, I always worried about the question of whether my weight is normal, height 174, weight 59

    I’m 21, half a year ago, when fasting 1.66, I weighed 90 kg, I lost the first 20 kg in 2.5 months, then it became more difficult. As the body adapted, as a result, I lost 34 kg in half a year. Now I weigh 54 (for my height and build, this is the ideal weight)
    I’ll say from my own experience that counting calories is complete nonsense, it’s important what you eat, how often and in what quantities. Well, of course, there is no way without physical exertion, it is not necessary to go to the gym if there is no such possibility, it will be enough just to run in the evenings.
    Be sure to drink 1.5 -2 liters of water, and reduce the amount of salt consumed, preferably not eat it at all. Include bran in the diet (30 grams daily rate).
    I won’t be original if I say about sweet and starchy foods, since I myself have a sweet tooth, it was simply not possible for me to completely refuse to eat chocolate, and every other day I allowed myself to eat 2-4 slices of chocolate, but only until 12:00. The same goes for bread, a piece of toast in the morning will not do much harm to the figure. Fruit after 15:00 is not recommended. As for all the talk about shutting your mouth after 6, BOSH and more! In no case do not do this, because until the next morning the body will starve for as long as 13 hours (with the condition that your breakfast will be at 8 in the morning), and then whatever you eat in the morning will be directly deposited in your reserve. In addition, all important processes in the body occur at night, and if you have not eaten anything, then how should your body absorb all the vitamins and elements it needs. Kovalkov recommends that his patients eat the protein of two eggs 2-3 hours before bedtime.

    If you are on a diet, keep a separate diet, give the body physical. load, but the weight still does not go away, you should be examined for hormones. Maybe it's all about them. I had the same problem with being overweight. I ate little, loaded myself with a lot of sports, and the weight left either slowly. or stood still. Has handed over analyzes on hormones, It has appeared all business in them. When the hormonal background was leveled, after a few months everything began to return to normal.

    Eugenia, for each person everything is individual. I was able to lose weight in 5 months by 23 kilograms, I ate in small portions after 2-3 hours (even dumplings), after 18.00 my mouth was locked), then I introduced 2 unloading kefir days a week, in general it turned out “without torment”, because I did not limit yourself in the products.

    Evgenia, try breathing exercises according to the Oxysize or Bodyflex system with static exercises, they helped me a lot, because I'm not very good at dieting. The appetite decreases due to the retraction of the abdomen during exercises + the exercises themselves are not very difficult and do not require gigantic efforts, and the results are already visible after 1-2 weeks (but it is more in the reduction of cm than kg). I practiced at home with video. Then I started running with the miCoach program from Adidas (the program guides you by itself, tracking your speed using GPS + there are the most basic levels, even for those who find it hard after a 15-minute walk). Set a goal: I, for example, signed up for Nike's free 10K marathon and started training in 4 months. For me it seemed unattainable, but I did it. And even if I had very, very average results - I have never achieved such results + this allows you to increase metabolism. By the way, they run such marathons every year. I stopped drinking tea with sugar, eat less flour. To improve peristalsis, eat foods rich in dietary fiber. And one more thing - love yourself and prepare mentally for a new life, a new attitude to food. For 1.5 years of such a regime, she threw off more than 12 kg (almost everything she gained). It's not super fast, of course, but now I like the way I look and am determined to continue on, because. over time, you need to increase the load. Now I want to do kung fu instead of running. Be careful. DO NOT be zealous in achieving quick results. I wish you good luck, experiment and find exactly what suits you!

    Evgenia, I would advise a separate diet and moderate exercise.

    You need to eat less. And all problems will pass

    I endured a lot of stress, as a result, I grew fat up to 92 kg with a height of 170. I tried diets, a cleansing system, sports (irregular), massage sessions and water procedures. The weight is slightly reduced, and then returns with additional kilograms. Please advise what to do.

Before you start “sculpting” the ideal figure, you should find out the norm of body weight and several formulas that describe how to correctly calculate your weight. Most of them take into account age, gender and height. These criteria are individual for each person, although with the same indicators, people may look different. It all depends on the volume of the figure, in which there is more fat or muscle. There is more than one way to calculate the weight rate. The information below will help you to study them and choose the right one for you.

Norm of weight for women

To determine the normal weight for a woman, it is important to note that it will be different for a particular body type. Three stand out:

  1. Hypersthenic. A man of medium or even slightly shorter height, with a broad chest, short arms and legs, broad-boned.
  2. Normosthenic. A person with average lengths of arms and legs, width of the chest.
  3. Asthenic. A tall man, has long legs, has a narrow chest, slender, as if "stretched" upwards.

Each body type will have its own optimal weight. An exact number cannot be given. One can only describe the criteria by which the norm is determined:

  • potential risks of developing diseases do not appear;
  • there is no moment of comparing yourself with other people in relation to the figure;
  • there are no obstacles to the usual rhythm of life, opportunities are not limited, especially movement.

Even such criteria may not be enough to determine the norm. In this case, it is worth using a special table, which defines the relationship between body weight (hereinafter referred to as “MT”) and height (hereinafter referred to as “P”):

Optimal weight for a man

The same body types are typical for men. You can determine it with a very simple test - you need to measure the circumference of the wrist of the working hand. In hypersthenics, it is 18.5 centimeters or more. In normosthenics, this value varies from 16 to 18.5. In asthenics, the wrist circumference is always less than 16 cm. The ideal weight for men is reflected in the form of a scale, which is represented by a table. The dependencies here are the same as in the case for women.

How to calculate your ideal weight

The body weight formula can be different. In one option, how much a person has grown is taken into account, in another - age, and in the third - volumes. As a result, approximately the same result is obtained. Although most of the instructions describing how to correctly calculate your weight allow you to quickly determine the range in which the mass of a healthy person is located. They also determine the interval when problems already appear. The result, in any case, is the number of kilograms that you need to strive for, because it has less risk of developing diseases.

How to calculate weight by height

The main way to calculate the ideal weight is used as the main indicator of a person's height. This method is popular due to the fact that it is very simple and also takes into account the type of physique. Normal weight with the growth of a certain value is calculated as follows:

  • with asthenic type - P (cm) -110;
  • with normosthenic type - P (cm) -103;
  • with hypersthenic type - P (cm) -100.

How to calculate the correct weight based on age

The next method, how to calculate your weight (B), is also very simple. Only in it, as the main variables, two quantities are used at once - height and age. There is a reason for using this method. Some increase in weight over the years is considered the norm. Extra pounds in this case may not be "superfluous". Short notations are used in the calculation. The result will be optimal body weight. The calculation of the ideal weight, taking into account age, is done as follows:

50 + 0.75 * (P - 150) + (B - 20) / 4.

Ideal weight formula

There are other options for how to correctly calculate your weight. Most of them also take into account height and age. Depending on them, some amendments are introduced. A special coefficient is also used as a criterion - the body mass index, or BMI. Thanks to this indicator, conclusions are drawn about the onset of obesity or, conversely, anorexia. Read the information below and choose which ideal weight formula is right for you.

Quetelet index

The first instruction just uses a person's body mass index. The calculation is carried out for persons aged 18 to 65 years, i.е. for adults. To find BMI, you need to make the following calculation - MT / (P ^ 2). The notation "^2" indicates that the value is squared. Further, by the value of BMI, you can assess your condition:

  • anorexia (urgent to the doctor) -
  • insufficient - 17.5-18.5;
  • the norm is 19-23 (if 18-25 years old);
  • norm - 20-26 (from 25 years old);
  • above the norm - 23-27.5 (if 18-25 years old);
  • excess - 26-28 (from 25 years old);
  • the initial stage of obesity - 27.5-30 (18-25 years old) or 28-31 (over 25 years old);
  • the second degree of obesity - 30-35 (18-25 years old) or 31-36 (over 25 years old);
  • the third degree of obesity - 35-40 (18-25 years old) or 36-41 (over 25 years old);
  • the fourth degree of obesity -\u003e 40 (18-25 years old) or 41 (for people over 25).

Weight by body volume

If in other ways your figure is normal, but you observe some fullness, try using the waist-to-hip ratio. Using them, you can check not how much you need to weigh, but what proportions should be. For this, waist circumference (OK) is measured at the level of the navel. You will also need the volume of the hips (OB). As a result, for girls, the standard will be a value in the range of 0.65-0.85, and for men - 0.85-1.0. The calculation itself looks like this:

  • OK(cm) / OB(cm).

Dukan ideal weight

The well-known nutritionist Dukan also has his own formula. He calculates the optimal mass in a similar way to the Quetelet method. Individual calculation already concerns the duration of each stage of the diet - attack, cruise and consolidation. It is calculated in combination with age, sex, height, kilograms and daily physical activity of a person. It is impossible to give a specific type of calculation here, because it depends on many factors.

To calculate the correct weight according to Dukan, you need to go to the official website of the nutritionist. Although such a calculator can be found on the Internet by simply asking the appropriate query in a search engine. Then you just have to enter your parameters and click the "calculation" button. The calculator will give you results, including the optimal weight, BMI, the number of extra pounds and the duration of each stage of weight loss.

Brock's formula

The ideal weight, taking into account the physique, is calculated according to the Brock method. The definition of the type of figure on the wrist has already been described above. Then you can proceed to the calculation itself. Its algorithm is:

  1. At the age of less than 40 years - P (cm) -110. If you are older - P (cm) -100.
  2. The resulting number needs to be corrected. With the asthenic type, 1/10 of the calculated value is subtracted, with the hypersthenic type, 1/10, on the contrary, is added.

McCallum formula

One of the best ways to correctly calculate your ideal wrist weight is the John McCallum method. As a criterion, he used the circumference of the wrist. It serves as the basis for calculating the remaining average parameters of the figure. Therefore, it is rather not the optimal mass that is determined here, but the proportions to which it is worth striving. The girth of each part is determined as follows:

  • 6.5% of the circumference of the wrist = chest circumference (CG);
  • 85% OG = buttock volume;
  • 70% OG = waist circumference;
  • 53% OG = volume of one thigh;
  • 37% OG = neck girth;
  • 36% OG = bicep volume;
  • 34% OG = circumference of one leg;
  • 29% OH = forearm volume.

Lorentz formula

One of the simplest is the Lorentz weight formula. And it is only suitable for women. The designations remain the same. The calculation is as follows:

  • (R (cm) - 100) - (R (cm) - 150) / 2.

Weight calculator online

Modern technology makes it possible to calculate your ideal weight online. To do this, you just need to open a browser, go to the search engine page. Next, you need to enter the appropriate request. The result - you will receive a list of links to follow. You can choose a calculator of calories, optimal weight, body volume, etc.

There are a variety of options for such calculators. Some take into account only height, for others, the calculation will depend on age. The BMI calculator stands out separately. You can even find out your body type online. There are options based on gender or lifestyle. If you want to lose weight or gain weight, then the basal metabolic rate calculator is for you. It's just a calorie counter that calculates your daily calorie intake based on your lifestyle.

Video: How to find out your correct weight

Many people strive to lose weight by adhering to their own ideal standards. However, in pursuit of the parameters of the figure of a top model or actress, you can overdo it and harm the health of the body. Remember that the optimal body weight of a person is always calculated individually. Therefore, it is important to calculate the correct body weight. There are several formulas for this, and there is also a special weight and height calculator for men and women.

Before we talk about how to calculate the ideal weight, we note that each of us has an individual genetically predetermined value of the optimal body weight. It depends on the innate characteristics, the structure of the body. Therefore, any calculation of the norm of weight is conditional.

What determines the ideal weight of a person

Before moving on to the ideal body weight formula, it is important to understand what criteria affect the definition of a person's ideal weight. First, it is the gender of the person. A woman has a greater amount of fat by nature. Secondly, body type (normostenic, hypersthenic and asthenic). Thirdly, height and age play a significant role in calculating ideal weight. For example, it is much more difficult for people over 40 to lose weight due to the ongoing restructuring of the body.

The hereditary factor also plays an important role. If at the genetic level there is a predisposition to fullness, it is much more difficult to get rid of extra pounds. If we discard this factor, you can find out the weight norm for men and women using various formulas, we will consider each of them in more detail.

Body weight formulas for men and women

There are various weight and height calculators for adults and teenagers, but the easiest and surest way is to calculate the ideal weight by height yourself. There are many formulas developed by scientists that allow you to find out weight by height.

Brock's formula

The French physician Paul Brock developed the formula for the ratio of weight and height, which is still considered one of the most universal. The formula takes into account not only height, but also physique (lean, normal, stocky) and age.

Brock's ideal weight formula is as follows: height - 100. If a person has a thin physique, you need to subtract 10%, and if there is a stocky one, add 10%.

If the height is less than 165 cm, subtract 105, if above 175 cm, subtract 110. Age should also be taken into account. People between 20 and 30 years old need to reduce the figure you get by 10-12%. If you are over 50, increase it by 5-7%.

Lorentz method

Calculation of the optimal weight for women: (height - 100) - 0.25 x (height - 150).

Ideal weight formula for height and age

Weight norm for women by age and height: 0.9 × (50 + 0.5 × (Height, cm - 150)) + 0.5 × (age - 20)

Weight and height formula for men: 1 × (50 + 0.5 × (Height, cm - 150)) + 0.5 × (age - 20)

Tables of normal weight and height

In addition to special formulas, there are weight and height tables for men and women.

Quetelet index

We present a table of norms of weight and height for adults from 20 to 65 years. Please note that this calculation of weight and height for undergrowth, pregnant women, athletes and the elderly from 65 years of age is not suitable.

The result obtained must be compared with the height and weight table for girls and men:

Calculation of the ideal body weight of an adult Quetelet

This author has another table of ideal height and weight, taking into account the age and physique of a person. To find out the ratio of weight, height and physique, divide the weight in grams by the height in centimeters. Compare the result with the parameter in the specified cell, relative to your physique. The main criterion is to be honest with yourself when evaluating the physique.

Example: we calculate the normal weight with a height of 175 cm, age 25, weight 60 kg and a normal physique: 60,000 / 175 = 342.8. This is a normal index for this person.

Table of weight and height of an adult Egorov-Levitsky

To calculate the weight for a man and a woman using this table, you just need to compare the data. Be careful, this is not the ideal weight for men and women, but the maximum. Also remember that the table shows the height and weight of an adult from 20 to 69 years old.

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