How to laugh to tears. Humor is a delicate matter


A tricky question, by the way. Among the ladies there are ""friends"" who, after drinking a couple of glasses of tea, willingly laugh about the fact that someone landed unsuccessfully in a puddle (or dropped a bride in a veil there); there are also those who giggle at abstract anecdotes like: ""Two halves of a hippopotamus are flying. One says: “Hello, half of the hippopotamus!” And the second one can’t pronounce anything except “bzdyn” for anatomical reasons. But these are a minority. Everyone else perceives humor-satire as specifically as possible. That is: They laugh all the time about everything that happens.

The reasons:
They are firmly convinced that their smile is white-toothed and charming, their neck is inhumanly attractive, and their chest ...

1. If this is your life partner, allocate funds for a good dentist.
2. If this is a new acquaintance, buy a diamond necklace or at least a gold chain that will emphasize the sexuality of her neck
3. If we are talking about a bust ... You can joke that Marilyn Monroe is resting (voice modulations should be brought into exact correspondence with the real dimensions of her secondary sexual characteristics - otherwise everyone will become sad). If modulation is difficult, allocate funds for a silicone implant.

Exceptions to the rules:
Too much champagne. They, crowded at the next table in the amount of more than two, giggle fervently, glancing at you.

The reasons:
1. You are monstrously charming and attractive, and they attract your attention by discussing how everything will be next. I mean, what color are the curtains in your bedroom...
2. Do you think you are charming and attractive in this black suit, wrinkled lilac shirt and baby surprise tie?
3. Their eyes are directed at the gentleman sitting at the table behind you, but you naively do not notice this.

1. Be careful with your wardrobe: don't show up in "The Chinese Pilot" in a tuxedo, and in the Queen of England - in a sweater on your bare feet. Or vice versa.
2. If charm is not available for anatomical reasons, make sure that your wallet is attractive.

Exceptions: They can discuss the last episode of "Sunset Beach" and shoot their eyes out of habit.

They are: They genuinely have fun watching programs like "Your Own Director" or "You Are an Eyewitness".

The reasons: Plots about children and animals.

1. Have as many children as possible and hire as many nannies as possible so that she has time to laugh.
2. Get as many animals as possible and... see above.
3. Don't be a bum, forever immersed in promotions in half with business lunches. Let yourself be fooled, especially since she perceives you as a big child (and she’s right!). Just don’t fall into childhood, or even blow up the house for a short time.

She loves animals, but that doesn't mean you'll make her laugh when you come home looking like a pig. It is better to acquire a stable intimate-home joke like a deer roar or a baboon's pose. If you have everything in order with sex, her laughter is guaranteed even with repeated repetition.

If a girl smiles on a date, this does not mean that she is having fun with you. Maybe she remembered a funny story or an anecdote. And if you laugh at the top of your voice, then you are doing everything right. The fact that girls appreciate a sense of humor in men is a fact. But unfortunately there is no universal recipe, so we will give you some tips for arming.

1. Being witty or trying to appear as such are completely different things.

Remember, girls feel unnatural! Do not tell bearded jokes, vulgar jokes or jokes, stories about how you and your friends got drunk and got into adventures. Therefore, only appropriate jokes are required from you.

2. Make the story bright, emotional - just don't overact!

It is much more fun to communicate with a cheerful, enthusiastic person than to listen to monotonous stories like at a lecture.

3. Sing something.

If you can sing, then you are lucky. If not, all is not lost, sing anyway - there is nothing to be embarrassed about, because you also laugh at those who sing in karaoke.

4. Engage the child, make a funny face or stick out your tongue.

Most likely the child will consider you an idiot, but not her! The three of you can laugh at the situation, and your companion will understand that you are a cheerful person and get along with children.

5. Take serious things lightly.

Absolutely not embarrassed, you can get confused in cutlery, or the names of dishes. Your frivolity is the first sign that you are an incurable romantic, because we know what romance means for girls.

6. Don't go overboard.

All the time, she may not endure some jokes, so dilute the conversation with serious topics.

7. Jokes should be on neutral topics.

Jokes should not be vulgar and not touch her.

8. Most importantly, a girl should not laugh at you, but at your words, gestures, and behavior.

If she sees you as a joke. Unfortunately, you are not on the way with her.



An effective courtship strategy that really works. If a girl finds you funny and fun, then she is much more likely to succumb to you!

Laugh! This is a courtship strategy that really works. If a girl finds you fun, then there's a better chance she won't resist your charms! In addition to smoothing out the differences between you, humor can help relieve tension on a first date, negate negative feelings about "I'm not good enough," and bring you closer. To make a girl laugh, try following these tips:

1. Grow

1.1 Think positively. A positive attitude is closely related to a sense of humor. Be happy and have a positive attitude towards everything around you, this will conquer her again and again. If you can, become a source of support when she has some problems, naturally she will reach out to you.

Try to find the positive in everyday situations. So, you will give the impression of a good, friendly person with an easy character, and girls like it.

Think of people who radiate vibes. If you still can't communicate easily with people, think about what you could use from what they do.

Joke. If you want to be funny, then joke, sometimes tease her, but always be polite. Serious things will have to wait.

If you are in a bad mood or upset about something, don't show it, go through it yourself. If she gets the impression that you are overwhelmed by something, this is not a good start to a relationship!

1.2 Learn to be funny. Do you have an innate sense of humor? Do you know how to make people laugh? If not, it's time to learn it. First you need to find out what can make you laugh. Think of everything that you think might be funny and try it for yourself.

Don't try to be funny. Instead, try to see the humor in different things and use it. When you do this, you really become cheerful and start laughing sincerely. She will feel your sincerity and ability to perceive the world as a place full of joy. It is important!

1.3 Be natural. Being funny is innate, provided you have confidence in your sense of humor. Here are some tips on how to improve this side:

Use body language to convey humor. Your facial expression, body position, movements, and tone of voice affect how funny you look. Feel free to show your abilities to express something, make faces. Think of actors like Jim Carrey or bands like Monty Python.

Practice being funny. Observe the world around you and constantly try to come up with a joke in your head for a particular situation. The more often you do this, the easier and more natural you will show humor in a stressful situation.

After all, humor is easier and works better than a bunch of other people's jokes.

Be prepared for defeat too. Even comedians have hard days. Be prepared for the fact that your jokes will sometimes only cause a grimace on her face. Joke it off, laugh at the fact that your joke delivery system is broken. Don't say, "I can't joke." Maybe so, but it's not funny. She will agree and think to herself, "I'm bored with him now."

1.4. Tell funny stories where the main character is you. When telling them, emphasize how your qualities helped you get out of difficult situations where others would simply pass.

Show yourself as the guy who sometimes misses, but picks up quickly and keeps trying until he reaches his goal. The ability to laugh at yourself and your shortcomings will show a girl that you are the kind of guy who can handle criticism and doesn't give up so quickly. In addition, if she understands that you are capable of making fun of yourself, it will be easier to make fun of her cute weaknesses when you find out about them, and she will not think that you are criticizing her.

2. Focus your attention on the girl

2.1 Respect her. By respecting the girl's personality and qualities, you begin to earn her trust. When there is trust, it is easier to communicate and easier to make her laugh. All girls are different and laugh at different things. What works with one is unlikely to work with another. Take the time to find out what works best for you.

If it turns out that nothing is funny for a girl, this is a signal that perhaps you are simply not suitable for each other. It could also mean that she is having a bad luck streak and nothing makes her happy. See how she reacts to the people around her. If he laughs at their jokes and doesn't think your jokes are funny, step aside.

2.2 Listen to her. To come up with something funny, you have to listen. Comedians watch everyone and everything around them to understand people. They record their observations, and then tell them to the public, expanding the side of life's trials.

If you listen carefully, you will know what she cares about, what she thinks, what she believes in. All these observations will help you understand what she is laughing at. By listening, you will collect material in order to come up with something funny, and you will always have something to talk about. Just make sure that what you learn about her and are going to use in jokes is not something "sacred" for her.

2.3 Laugh with her. Laughter is contagious, so it won't be hard to do. If you laugh with her, it will lift you up in her eyes. If you find her fun, and her jokes, happiness, and laughter are associated with you, it will show her that you are special and try to fit in with her rhythm and sense of humor. Just like you want her to appreciate your sense of humor, she instinctively likes what you find and her jokes are funny.

Imitate her style of humor. If it's risky, for example, then stick with your style. Do it as much as you can, and don't forget about naturalness. If your humor is inherently cheerful and kind, then using dark humor will seem superfluous.

Of course, follow her example only when you are absolutely sure of her style of humor.

Find out what comedians or movies she likes. Watch them together and laugh. You will be able to introduce her to your preferences when she is already quite sure that you are a cool guy.

Once you know her taste in comedy, try quoting lines from one of those shows. This will show her that you like her humor and it will add to your attraction!

3. Get Laughter

3.1 Memorize jokes. They will help the beginner find the right words at the right time. They will help to make you laugh, but do not confuse witticisms with hackneyed phrases and never abuse them. Many jokes can be found on the Internet, but here are some examples of how such jokes can be used:

Never frown, because someone might fall in love with your smile. If she's a little down, it will cheer her up and she'll know that you like it when she smiles.

When you reach the end of the rope, tie a knot and hang on. (Franklin D. Roosevelt) If something upsets her in life, with this phrase you will show that you care about her and make her laugh.

The knee is a device for finding furniture in your room. This will help make her laugh if she hits.

I used to be indecisive. Now I'm not sure. This can be used when one of you is having a hard time making a decision.

3.2 Fool around. There are a few things that can help you make her laugh. Of course, it all depends on how well you know this girl, and if she appreciates "tomfoolery"; and remember that the best joke is when you can laugh at yourself:

Touch her like a cat and meow. Ask to be stroked.

Make a face. Go to the photo booth together, make funny faces and take a picture. When you later look at the photo, you will surely laugh!

Answer her stupid questions without emotion. For example, if she asks, "Do you date often?" respond with something like this: "Not always, usually I spend all my time living my life imagining I have one" (chuckle). Remember to smile sincerely when you give such an answer, and be prepared that such answers may not have the desired effect if she thinks that you are laughing at her.

Pretend to be dumb. In response to a question, look at her as if you do not know the answer and are struggling to understand what she asked you. But keep playing this game as long as it's funny.

Parody some funny moments from comedians like John Cleese or Rowan Atkinson, if it's not dangerous. Mimic their voices, facial expressions, or movements.

Ask her to let you do something really stupid, then do it.

Flirt with her while fooling around.

3.3 Tickle her. If you know her well enough, try tickling her. Tickling will help break down the barriers of laughter. It's hard not to laugh when you're being tickled. The main thing is that she should not be ticklish. It is unlikely that you will receive a reward if she cannot stand being tickled and you do not stop. Try the following:

Ask her if she's ticklish on her feet.

Regardless of her answer, ask if you can check it out.

If she allows, take off her shoes and tickle her foot.

Rise higher. If she laughs and is happy, then everything is fine. Stop if you notice that she doesn't like being tickled and give her a chance to tickle you.

3.4. Do something funny together. Interesting activities with thrills will help generate laughter. It's up to you to decide what works best with your girlfriend, but there are options like going on a bike or scooter, a city tour, skiing, visiting the city park, catching waves on the beach, or even ziplining off a bridge together if you like risk. . If it's something new and exciting, it's sure to make her laugh.

3.5 Find something to make her laugh when you're not with her. Send her cute yet witty emails. The tips below will help to make her laugh, and will also serve as topics for conversation when you meet again:

Find a site full of funny pictures of cute, fluffy animals like kittens sitting in a shoe, pigs in boots, pandas, cat and dog friendship, etc. Send her some of these pictures to cheer her up.
Send her jokes about things you know will make her laugh. Look for such jokes on the Internet!
Send her your photos.
Share with her links to sites you like.

4. Keep balance

4.1 Laughter should not hang in the air. The moment of transition from laughter to conversation is very important. You just told a joke, she laughed heartily ... and then silence. Silence will negate all the good that humor has brought to the conversation. You should always have something in reserve.

For example, if you just cracked a joke and she laughed, at least be prepared to say something like, "So what do you like about your job?" Keep in mind that you don't have to joke all the time. If you overdo it with jokes, it will be boring and not fun at all. If you are not careful, then she will consider you not a fun guy, but just some kind of fool.

4.2 Avoid bitter sarcasm that will lower you in her eyes. Do not use jokes that border on insulting, they can be offensive or even rude. Avoid telling ethnic jokes or those that discriminate based on gender. These topics are quite difficult and at the best of times, and even more so, you should not touch on them until you know your girlfriend well enough!

Don't make fun of women, her friends, or her family. And of course no jokes about weight or appearance.

Don't joke about her. No matter how funny and harmless you think such jokes are. In addition, do not laugh at her under any circumstances, unless you want to see her again.

Avoid speaking badly about people, even in the form of jokes. Not only because it's not funny to humiliate people, but also because she might think that someday you will switch to her too.

If you don't know her well, avoid sarcasm and dark humor. When you get to know her better, you will already know how she reacts to such humor. Whenever you want to say something like that, don't forget the saying of Agnes Replier that "humor brings insight and tolerance, irony brings deep and less friendly understanding." If there is any doubt, it is better to be friendly than overly smart.

4.3 Relax. Laughter appears spontaneously from funny situations and tries to show the best. And at the same time, there are times when it's not funny at all. Trust your instincts, they will tell you when not to try to make her laugh, for example, when something serious or sad happens.

In the intention to "make a girl laugh", the main thing is desire. You can't force someone to do something if they don't want to, unless you force them, of course. But you are unlikely to do this if you want to get laughter as a result! If she thinks you're funny, that's great, if not, then you probably just need to rethink your tactics and introduce restrictions.

Try not to fool around too much.

Trying to be funny when you're not having fun at all can just tire you out and discourage you from spending time with this girl. Don't try too hard!

Laughter will come by itself if both of you are relaxed and enjoy each other's company.


Even if you are not going to date this or that girl, many of these tips can still come in handy when communicating with sisters, colleagues, girlfriends, etc. However, you have to remove the flirting!

Have a few signature phrases in stock that she can easily remember and repeat.

Sometimes be bold in your humor. This might surprise her.

Wait a second and come up with something funny. Or consider whether your joke would actually be funny!

Making a good impression is a difficult and risky business. The only way to impress her is with your humor. But don't let her know what you're trying to do.

Be careful when choosing funny phrases. Many of them have already been beaten and every Internet user knows them. If you're going to use a funny phrase, make sure it's new and appropriate for the situation.

Use news and current events for inspiration.

Watch a few stand-up shows to learn how to manage time. Record all the funny things that you can then use in communicating with her.

If the joke doesn't go well and she looks at you like you're an idiot, the key is to stay calm, smile, try to move the conversation to another topic, or crack another joke! She will forgive. Say something like, "You didn't like that joke? Listen to this!"

Don't listen to too heavy or sad music. Listen to relaxing music instead. The more exciting and inspiring it is, the better. Music affects mood, behavior and thoughts.


Don't say anything funny about her!

Don't say anything offensive! While this may be funny to some, it is not to most.

If you've been dating a girl for a while, don't joke about getting married. She may think that you are serious.

If you constantly joke around with her, she may not take you seriously. Show her a serious side at times too.

Never laugh at your joke first.

Before you laugh at any hobby, find out what her favorite pastime is. Otherwise, you can just laugh at the occupation of her whole life.

Don't show her that you're trying your best. Otherwise, she may think that you lack self-confidence.

If you're just starting out with a girl, don't joke about sex.

Fun and laughter liberate people, making them closer and causing a desire to meet more often. It is because of this that the guys think about how to make the girl laugh. In this matter, you need to be observant and very careful. Humor and jokes will only be useful if the girl understands them.

How to make a girl laugh - a date is not a circus

Have you ever wondered why the word "clown" is commonly used as a condemnation? It seems that everything should be the other way around, as clowns try to give people joy and laughter. Their behavior is unnatural and in most cases causes negativity and repulsion. If you want to win over a girl, then this behavior is unacceptable. Who needs a relationship when a guy will literally and figuratively fall on a banana peel, and a girl will laugh.

How to make a girl laugh - be natural

A sense of humor is an innate quality. To improve this side, heed our advice:

  • Prepare for defeat. Even comedians have hard days when all the jokes will only cause displeased grimaces on the girl's face. In this case, you need to laugh it off that your system for delivering jokes is broken. In no case can not say that you do not know how to joke, even if it's true. The girl will immediately think: "I'm bored with him."
  • Train and improve. You should be able to come up with jokes for any situation. The more often you do this, the faster you will succeed in stressful situations.
  • To convey humor, use body language. Your body position, facial expression, tone of voice and movement affect how you communicate. Feel free to show yourself, you can even make faces. Actor Jim Carrey is a prime example.

How to make a girl laugh - memorize jokes

Jokes are a good way to make people laugh. Set a rule for yourself - read 10 jokes every day. You do not need to cram large portions into yourself at a time, everything should be gradual, in portions. If you read a good joke, then tell it to several people during the day. Only in this way will you be able to remember them forever and use them as soon as you need them.

How to make a girl laugh over text

Almost all boys and girls communicate on social networks. Before you think about this question, you need to look at the girl's page and analyze it. You need to understand what will delight her, what she likes and what kind of humor can be used here.

  • Send the girl a funny image with animals and come up with an interesting inscription.
  • Find a funny photo, upload it to your page and tag the girl you want to cheer up on it. There are many photographs of someone's cool deeds or failures. In any case, the girl will notice this joke and react to it.
  • Comment on her photos. If your sense of humor is not too developed, then ask a friend for help. Don't use overly ironic humor. It should be something pleasant and flirtatious.
  • Send a girl a funny story or a well-worn anecdote. The story should be related to any entry on the girl's page.
  • Send the girl a gift with a funny comment.

You should not only make the girl laugh, but also interest her in your personality.

How to make a girl laugh - laugh together

Laughter is highly contagious, and sharing laughter can strengthen your bond and bring you closer. You can laugh spontaneously, or you can go to a place where the two of you cannot stop laughing.

  • Imitate the jokes of the girl herself - this is a good way to laugh together. If a girl is not shy about indecent jokes, then you can afford such jokes. Everything should be natural: if your jokes are soft and light, then trying to fit in with sarcastic and black humor will look forced.
  • Joking in the style of a girl is only possible if you understand her well. She may be confused and not know how to respond correctly - forgive her confusion.
  • Ask her about her favorite TV shows, comedies or comedians. Watch them together and mention them in conversation. This will help you relax and create a fun atmosphere.


Tell your interlocutor a funny story. It can be an anecdote, a parable, a story from - anything. The main thing is to put a smile on your opponent's face. Pay attention to the fact that the stronger the person in the subject of conversation, the more sharply he will perceive the information. For example, a funny story that happened to your mutual acquaintance is more likely to cause laughter than a story about a stranger.

Tickle the interlocutor. Laughter is not always caused by a good mood or a funny story. Remember the banal reflexes: if you tickle your opponent, he will definitely laugh. Will it deliver to him? The question is quite controversial, especially when you are not close enough to communicate. An attempt to make your unfamiliar interlocutor laugh in this way will be, to put it mildly, strange. But relatives are perfect for such entertainment. The areas most susceptible to tickling are the feet, waist, armpits and neck.

Picture something funny. Unexpected behavior can easily make your interlocutor laugh. Make a funny face, play with facial expressions, parody one of the celebrities. Your mutual friend can also become a subject for a parody. But do not overdo it in this matter, otherwise you may not laugh, but inadvertently offend your opponent.

Watch a comedy together. Cinematography really works wonders. A good one can cause a storm of emotions in the soul of its viewer. So, a good comedy can make you and your opponent laugh to tears more than once. Look in advance about the picture and then decide which movie is best to organize.

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Convince human in that what you tell him about exists in a unique and single copy, and has no alternatives. The person should also feel that they can get some kind of bonus for believing you - prizes, participation in the draw, and so on.

Influence people's sense of fear - determine what exactly they are afraid of, and appeal to the feeling of fear. Give a person that you can easily help him cope with fears if he trusts you and goes to meet you. Play not only on fears, but also on the prejudices of people.

An effective method of influence is ordinary repetition - this method was used by propagandists in the middle of the 20th century. The longer you repeat something, the more the person begins to believe in what you are saying.

Demonstrate to a person by your own example how emotions change after you have used this or that idea, or - a person must believe that his mood will undoubtedly improve, and life. Finally, your posts and videos should not be too long. The shorter and brighter the information is presented, the stronger it is imprinted in the brain of a potential client or.

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Sometimes you just need to extract information from a person. You don’t want to force it, otherwise you can seem rude and intrusive, but he doesn’t answer directly. However, it is difficult to call an attempt to find out a couple of useful words from the interlocutor an impossible mission. In terms of conversation, there are five types of people. Knowing their weaknesses, you can easily get the information you need.


Teachers. They think that their experience and knowledge is their most valuable treasure. Most often they are knowledge workers. In conversation with them, take on the role of a student. Ask questions, but don't interrupt. Show interest in what they are talking about, but don't try to sound smarter than them. This type of interlocutor is more willing to open up when he feels superior in terms of knowledge.

Pontyarshchiki. They are happy to use foreign and rare words and terms, although inexperienced youths are hiding behind all these delights. This type of interlocutors is better to ask about this or that word spoken. Usually they do not answer directly, but begin to tell stories from life. Here it is worth taking the helm in your hands and taking the conversation in the direction you need.

Complainers. They are found everywhere. They need to complain about everything that happens around. This type of interlocutor just needs to endure. Listen to them and slowly lead to a topic that interests you. Don't forget to show at the end that you heard everything they complained about.

Smarties. They are a walking Wikipedia. These guys want to be smarter than everyone, including you, and they try to prove it in frequent discussions. With this type of interlocutor, it is better to provoke an argument first, and on the topic that you need. Make a deliberately false assumption, and then just wait for the necessary information to appear in the stream of information poured on you.

Nervous. More than anything, they are afraid of getting into trouble. They also prefer not to draw attention to themselves. With this type of interlocutor, you should speak calmly and politely, otherwise you will scare them away. Communicating with him, create the feeling that you are not at all surprised by their behavior. Assent to them, be on an equal footing with them in knowledge (even if you don’t know something, just say “Of course!” or “Of course!”). When they realize that you are no better or worse than they are, they will start to open up.


The typology was developed by Greg Hartley for people in business. However, it can also be useful in everyday life.


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Laughter is the body's natural response to stimuli, whether in the form of a picture, sound, physical sensation, or memory. Laughter is a social mechanism by which we communicate with other people. Laughter is good for health. It can have an analgesic effect and can also reduce stress and anxiety levels.


Laughter reduces the level of stress hormones. While some of these hormones are needed by the body in certain situations, high levels without benefit can be beneficial to the immune system. By reducing the content of these hormones, the overall health and well-being of a person improves.

Laughter increases the number of beneficial hormones such as endorphins and neurotransmitters in the body. An increase in endorphins increases the pain threshold, making laughter a kind of pain reliever. Endorphins also help improve mood, reduce tension and anger. An increase in neurotransmitters makes the brain function faster and increases the speed of reaction.

Laughter makes us use the respiratory system at a fast pace. This intense activity stimulates an increase in blood flow, thereby increasing the supply of oxygen to the brain. And also during laughter, the lungs are cleared of mucus, which is possible with chest physiotherapy.

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Some people are very emotional. In different situations, they do not try to hide their feelings and can openly laugh or cry. Laughter and tears are inherent in all people, and it is emotions and feelings that cause these processes in the body.

why a person laughs at clumsiness, imperfection or weakness. The explanation for laughter lies in the fact that a person notices incompatible things. For example, on a thick one, or a dancing couple, where the man is lower than the woman. In addition, people can laugh at the jokes of comedians. Why is this happening? Human hearing picks up the voice, transmits a signal to the brain, which, in turn, processes the information received and causes some kind of emotion.

Laughter is very good for the body. Thanks to him, people can live longer, recover faster from illness, as well as the release of accumulated energy.

Laughter plays a big role socially. It promotes the expression of one's opinion about the behavior of other people.

What makes a person cry?

People know that tears are a manifestation of emotion that comes from pain, joy or sadness. From a medical point of view, tears are produced by a special lacrimal gland that protects the eyes from dust and other factors.

Some experts claim that tears reduce both physical and mental pain, as well as remove substances from the body that accumulate stress.

Scientists believe that you should not restrain your emotional emotions. Absolutely all children cry, some more, some less, because for their unformed psyche it is a kind of defense mechanism. There are two types of tears - and mechanical. Mechanical tears occur as a result of damage to the eyes, and emotional tears are a manifestation of the state of the inner soul, which relieve accumulated stress. The sweetest tears come from joy. For example, when watching a melodrama or meeting with relatives. And it happens from a strong overexcitation. No need to hide and be ashamed of your tears. Best of all, share your happiness or grief with a loved one who you can trust, because, in this way, you will not only throw out negative emotions, but also be able to get support from him.

Imagine this trick: you get into the human brain and notice 9 levers there. These levers are unusual. If you pull any of them, the person bursts into laughter. Why is the person laughing? The fact is that triggers for laughter are hardwired in our brains. And there are already 9 of them. With the proper use of any of them, a person will begin to laugh.

I think this is one of the best topics in my school of humor because we actually get inside the brain and figure out what makes us laugh. I think once you get to know these mechanisms of laughter, you will have tremendous power to create humorous masterpieces!

The fact is that you will be able to plan your material in such a way as to illuminate certain nerve centers of the brain. When these nerve centers fire, the people in the audience will actually just be programmed to laugh.

Cool, yeah?

Why do people laugh

I have no idea how to develop a sense of humor and how to learn to write jokes without knowing this information. To be the best at comedy, it's not enough for you to learn just the structure of a joke and the tricks of creating a funny one. To be the best, you need to learn the basics of laughter. If you understand what needs to be done to make a person laugh, then you, accordingly, will be able to compose your material so that it actually triggers the laughter reaction.

Today's world creates difficult conditions for us to laugh and smile. A child laughs hundreds of times a day, and we ... But we all love to laugh. But the stressful situations that attack us every day make us forget about laughter ... and for good reason. Because when we laugh, the level of “stress hormones” such as cortisol and adrenaline in our body decreases.

Moreover, when laughing, there is an increased release of neurotransmitters into the blood: dopamine, serotonin and endorphin, called the “hormone of happiness” and similar in its effect to the effect of cocaine. Endorphins are what make us feel euphoric. Experts say it gives us the same feeling we get when we fall in love.

That's why people with a sense of humor are so loved. Because they are drug dealers. Only real, natural. So give some serious thought to how powerful laughter is in relationships, training, sales, leadership, and more.

How to develop a sense of humor

Are you reading this article because your job is to make people laugh on stage? Or do you want to be in this business? Or maybe you just want to learn how to make people laugh in everyday life? But do you really understand what makes people laugh?

Most people (even professional comedians and writers), unfortunately, do not understand this. If you go to a comedy club and ask a comedian, “What makes people laugh?” they will usually respond with “punchline” or “punchline.”

But where does this answer leave us? He leaves us with nothing. Because we can't use it to be better at this craft. "Punch" is a vague concept and doesn't give us anything from which we can build our ability to make people laugh and learn how to develop a sense of humor faster.

Many comedians go on stage and say they are 60% sure their jokes will work. Just 60?! One of the best comedians in history, George Carlin, who is very familiar with psychology, said that he was 98% sure! And you will be sure also after you study this art well. And we will help you with this.

Until recently, the question: "How to develop a sense of humor?" not seriously studied. Psychologists are still arguing about why people laugh. I could probably write an entire book on the theories of these psychologists, from the benign Disturbance Theory to Freud, who thought we laugh because we cover up our repressed sexual feelings. Indeed?! Would you laugh if you were sexually repressed? Personally, I would cry!

So for the purposes of our teaching and your mental health, I will keep things simple. Shakespeare said, "Brevity is the soul of wit." I believe she is also the soul of wit training. Therefore, I will try to avoid all this psychobabble and explain everything in simple gypsy language.

So, let's hack one of the triggers that trigger the mechanism of laughter in the human brain.

How to make a person laugh


We'll skip tickling and focus on the trigger related to writing or performing comedy. The discoverer of this element was comedian Tom Dreesen and it is, I believe, the biggest solution to understanding how comedies work. Here he is! (there should be a drumroll here!). The number one element that causes human laughter...

The surprise effect is a way to make a person laugh

Surprise or surprise is a reaction resulting from the creation of the effect of expectation by the author, when the result is far from what the audience expected to hear. People laugh when they see or hear something unexpected.

The importance of the surprise factor in creating all kinds of comedy cannot be overestimated: it is essential for writing any joke. You can test this concept for yourself: every time you laugh, ask yourself why you did it. The answer will be the same: I did not expect this.

There was such a great comedian Andy Kaufman! He was voted number 33 on the Top 100 Comedians of All Time list. At the beginning of his career, no one recognized Andy because of the specificity of his humor. Did he have a good sense of humor? Only in retrospect. In fact, so many people were shocked by his sense of humor at the time that the comedian was kicked out of the hit TV show Saturday Night Live.

But Kaufman did not adapt to people, but continued to stick to his line. He let people "catch up" with his sense of humor and he ended up being N33. Andy hardly joked ... jokes ... moreover, he got angry when he was called a comedian.

Why am I talking about him now? Because, as for me, Kaufman left thanks to this one trigger alone. Watch 2 scenes using this trigger by Kaufman in the next video:

The old saying goes that we only guess what will be funny, and the audience is the judge. And I would probably agree with that. But I also deeply believe that by understanding what causes human laughter and by studying all the structures of comedy, your guesses will be more accurate!

And finally look in the video one humorous number, which is completely and completely built on the “Surprise” trigger.

If you want to know about other triggers, please leave us your e-mail. You know, we often hold webinars where we share more in-depth information than in articles. We will definitely invite you.

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