How to develop speech and learn to speak beautifully. Learning to speak


Throughout the development of mankind, the ability to speak correctly, beautifully, aroused admiration. The names of great speakers have survived to this day: Cicero, Plato, Aristotle, Demosthenes. They were great orators, thinkers, philosophers.

The ability to speak correctly is more necessary than ever for a modern person. Hundreds of modern professions require you to correctly formulate thoughts, clearly state the topic that is important to convey to the listener.

Professions that require communication with a person, a group of people, an audience: lawyers, sales managers, politicians, teachers and teachers. This list goes on.

To be able to master the word, to master the art of persuasion, to speak competently, clearly, interestingly, so that every word reaches the listener - these are the principles of the art of speaking beautifully.

How to achieve this? There are three main principles, the observance of which will allow to achieve success in this direction:

  1. Clear pronunciation of words (diction).
  2. Speech technique, content.
  3. Large vocabulary.

Imagine a person who does not pronounce some of the letters. It is impossible to understand what he is talking about, the meaning of what was said is lost. Remember the phrase of the famous speech therapist played by Rolan Bykov. “I live on Kievskaya Street, and she lives on Kievskaya (Kirovskaya)”. Pronounce each vowel and consonant in a word clearly, clearly.

In addition to obvious speech defects, there are pronunciation errors that do not decorate speech and make it less convincing.

These include:

  1. Incorrect pronunciation of unstressed sounds.
  2. Loss in the pronunciation of individual consonants.
  3. "Eating" vowel sounds.
  4. Indistinct pronunciation of hissing sounds.
  5. Incorrect combination of sounds.
  6. Incorrect pronunciation of soft sounds.

This is due to the peculiarities of pronunciation in the area where the person lives. You need to correct diction with a speech therapist. You can arrange and take private lessons.

It's important to know! To learn how to pronounce letters correctly, work on articulation - relaxation of the facial muscles.

A significant condition is the pace of speech. A fast-talking person is chattering, so it is difficult to understand what he is saying. To fix this, speak the text slowly. For example, count to one hundred, pronounce a list of names, cities. By doing this, regularly pronouncing the words in sequence: direct and reverse.

Develop speech, replenish vocabulary. This is done only by reading the literature. You need to read a lot. Preferably classical literature - a sample of literate speech.

Make it a rule to read two or three pages aloud a day, always with expression. Watch classic productions: films, performances. There is no other way to improve vocabulary.

Beautiful speech: lessons and exercises

You can learn to speak correctly and beautifully on your own. This requires daily practice. Consider five exercises that help the development of speech.

Write down and repeat words with matching consonants: platoon, colander, swagger, and so on.

Learn by heart and repeat tongue twisters that combine difficult-to-pronounce consonants.

Say sayings with difficult to pronounce consonants R and S. At first, read slowly, pronouncing each word. Gradually increase the speed of pronunciation.

Take a sentence and, while repeating, emphasize each word in turn. "The student did the exercise correctly." First, emphasize the first word, then the second, third, fourth. Watch how the meaning changes.

After taking a short breath, as you exhale, clearly pronounce the consonant sounds (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Then, while exhaling, count to five, clearly pronouncing the numbers.

Fast way

When speaking, try to be concise. Do not use words that you do not know the meaning of, so as not to seem ridiculous.

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Speech is considered one of the important functions of a person, and thanks to it, it becomes possible to communicate with people around. Clean and correct speech remains the key to self-confidence, and problems in diction or pronunciation of words often cause complexes and make communication difficult. At preschool age, the full communication of the baby is one of the indicators of his readiness for school, and in adults it can contribute to career growth.

It is possible to improve diction with the help of special exercises for the development of speech, which can be performed independently at home. In fact, correct phrases and a well-trained voice are the result of a person's long work on himself. It is for this reason that it is necessary to perform such exercises constantly, and not from time to time, since only under this condition will it be possible to achieve the desired result.

Important: Allocating a few minutes during the day for practicing to improve diction allows you to achieve good conversational speech and change your voice beyond recognition in a month.

Parents need to know which exercises develop the figurativeness of speech, and which ones improve vocabulary and grammar.

In childhood, one of the best options for improving speech is the game. Experts recommend resorting to the help of those games that contribute to the formation of the baby's vocabulary, develop his logic and help improve the skills of coherent communication. Everything in childhood can be divided into the following types:

  • Games and exercises aimed at developing hearing. In the event that a child has problems distinguishing words by ear or replaces them with others, then in the future it will be quite problematic for him to imagine the appearance of the word itself. exercises allows you to quickly deal with such a problem, and games aimed at developing hearing are considered the most effective:
    • invite the child to name words that begin with a given letter;
    • when listing words, the baby should clap his hands if he hears a word that begins with a certain letter;
    • invite the child to listen to the story and answer which words are mixed up in it;
    • you need to change the sound in the word in such a way that a new word is obtained.
  • Vocabulary exercises. In fact, the amount of vocabulary and its quality largely depend on the level of development of the whole speech as a whole. Parents should definitely pay attention to the passive and active vocabulary of the child. It is important that the baby is able to operate with various concepts and apply them in independent active speech. The following exercises for the development of speech in children help to acquire such a skill or improve the ability:
    • come up with as many words as possible that mean flowers, trees, animals, etc.;
    • for each given word, it is necessary to come up with a specific action (blizzard - sweeps, sun - shines and others);
    • you need to compare objects by taste, color, duration and height;
    • invite the child to come up with the endings of words or sentences;
    • it is recommended to guess as many riddles as possible about animal birds, trees, flowers, etc.
  • Games for the development of grammar skills. With the help of such exercises, it is possible to develop and improve the grammatical structure of the language. Exercises for the development of coherent speech will help the child not only compose simple exercises and complex structures, but also understand the sequence of actions in the text:
    • guess the end of the phrase;
    • come up with a sentence from a given set of words;
    • Guess which words are missing in the text;
    • correct the offer
    • think of a story from the picture.

When a child moves to an older group, he must correctly pronounce all the sounds of his native language. In addition, it is necessary to actively work on the development of phonemic hearing and correct articulation. It is possible to get rid of porridge in the mouth with the help of which it is recommended to speak with your parents. In addition, the development of a child's speech at 4 years old with exercises and special games allows you to establish communication with peers.

How to develop adult speech with exercise

You can improve the speech of an adult, improve his intonation and voice at home with the help of special exercises:

  1. Breathing training. It is recommended to pronounce the main sounds on the exhale, and try to pull them as long as possible. You can take a short breath and try to count to 10 as you exhale.
  2. Tongue Twisters. It is recommended to start with simple tongue twisters, constantly complicating and improving them. In addition, you can put nuts in your mouth and pronounce words at the same time. With the constant performance of such exercises, soon the technique of pronunciation of complex combinations will noticeably improve.
  3. Articulation exercises for adults. You can alternately rest your tongue on your cheeks with your mouth closed or open, and also move your jaws back and forth.

In the event that a person swallows syllables during a conversation, then you can do the chanting of poems.

Exercise rules

To set the correct speech when performing exercises, the following rules must be observed:

  • it is necessary to do articulation gymnastics every day 4-5 times;
  • each exercise should be performed 5-7 times;
  • when choosing an exercise, you must go from simple to more complex;
  • it is best to start articulation gymnastics with exercises for the lips;
  • a child or an adult should see his face well and control the correctness of the exercises.

Important: games and didactic exercises for the development of speech, if carried out regularly, help to quickly correct existing defects and improve diction.

Use of assistive devices: games, music, etc.

An important source of speech development for any child is fiction. At the same time, its impact is largely determined by the child's level of speech development. Despite this, in the early stages of work it is difficult to overestimate the role of fairy tales in the development of the baby.

All kinds of art, which acts as a stimulator of language acquisition, has a positive effect on the development of speech. It is recommended to carry out verbal interpretation of works of various genres as often as possible and supplement them with discussion with children.

Many people think that well-organized speech is necessary only in certain areas of activity. But this opinion is wrong. Good diction makes the opponent listen carefully to your words and trust your opinion. The ability to speak beautifully often contributes to career advancement, so today we will look at exercises for the development of speech.

The development of speech in adults involves the use of several techniques. A beautiful, well-trained voice and the ability to quickly and clearly pronounce words are the result of long and painstaking work.

Gymnastics for the articulatory apparatus

Speech development exercises include a complex for training the articulatory apparatus.

Gymnastics for the cheeks

  1. Alternate retraction and puffing of the cheeks.
  2. Take air into your mouth. Start “chasing” it from side to side, then inflate the area under the lower lip, then under the upper one.
  3. Pull in your cheeks. Now open/close your lips.

Development of the lower jaw

  1. Squeeze your palm into a fist. Put it under the lower jaw. Open your mouth, resisting yourself.
  2. Move your lower jaw in different directions.

Soft palate exercises

  1. Fake yawns by opening your mouth wide.
  2. Reproduce the movement as if you were gargling.
  3. Make the tongue "shovel". Now lift it up to the soft palate, then touch the tip to the lower alveoli (the base of the teeth).

Lip training

  1. Connect your teeth and, without unclenching, stretch your mouth in a smile. Then stop smiling, but pull your lips forward with a tube.
  2. Squeeze your lips. Perform arbitrary movements with them.
  3. "Pull" the lips on the surface of the teeth. Fix the position. Stretch your mouth in a smile without revealing your teeth.
  4. Alternately bare the top row of teeth first, then the bottom.
  5. Snort.

Complex for language

  1. Make circular movements in your mouth with your tongue, lingering in the cheek area.
  2. Lightly bite your tongue with your teeth.
  3. Slightly stick your tongue out of your mouth and slowly slap on the surface of your lips.
  4. Stretch your tense tongue forward.
  5. Try to touch the tip of your tongue to your nose.
  6. Without sticking your tongue out of your mouth, lay it on your left / right side.

You can study the exercises in more detail in our article "". Upon completion of the warm-up and preparation of all parts of the articulatory apparatus, it is allowed to proceed to the implementation of the main complex.

Articulation exercises:

  • Slowly tap your teeth with the tip of your tongue, pronouncing the syllable "YES". Then replace it with a combination of letters "T-D".
  • Inhale briefly through the nose, exhale through the open mouth. It should be sharp. As you exhale, pronounce the syllable "FU". To strengthen the muscular apparatus of the larynx, replace the syllable with a combination of the letters "K-G".
  • Puff out your cheeks. With the help of your palms, sharply clap them, pronouncing the combination of letters “P-B”.
  • Read the poem. Breathe into your chest before each phrase. When you finish a word, close your mouth immediately. This will help you avoid swallowing sounds.
  • Write a poem on a piece of paper. Eliminate all consonant sounds from the phrases. Read the remaining vowels in a singsong voice. Then "return" the consonants. Pronounce them as clearly as possible, and continue to sing the vowels.
  • This exercise is aimed at developing diction. Read the text aloud, focusing on the end of each word. This will help make the pronunciation of words more pronounced and clear. In our article “, you can familiarize yourself with a large number of exercises for this.
  • You will need a dictionary. Open the page with the letter that is difficult to pronounce. Start reading all the words on the page in a row, pronouncing a complex sound. Repeating the exercise many times will help solve the problem (of course, only if you do not have a pronunciation pathology, otherwise you should contact a speech therapist). Be sure to record classes on a voice recorder in order to be able to track changes and work on existing errors.

Speech development exercises include classes on setting the acoustic qualities of the voice. Say the combination of letters "A-E-O" without sound. Please note that you need to strive to open not the mouth, but the cavity of the pharynx.

Excellent results give exercises with nuts and a pencil - this is a time-tested technique practiced in acting schools.
Take a handful of clean, unpeeled walnuts in your mouth, and start slowly pronouncing tongue twisters / tongue twisters or read any texts aloud.

Nuts can be replaced with a pencil.

Phrases with complicated articulation

There are many tongue twisters designed specifically for the development of diction. This exercise is a classic workout. It helps a person to learn to clearly pronounce various consonant sounds.

To get results, you need to practice daily. The duration of one lesson is at least 15 minutes.

Important: each phrase must be pronounced in three different modes: at first slowly, then at an average pace, and the last time quickly, like a tongue twister.

It is necessary to start training speech by choosing the simplest sentences. They are used to teach the pronunciation of one or two sounds.

  • All beavers are kind to their cubs.
  • Thunderstorm is terrible, terrible thunderstorm.
  • Klim is pounding in one damn wedge.

When simple phrases are mastered, and problematic sounds in pronunciation are worked out, you can move on to more complex sound combinations. You can try to learn in the world in Russian.

Tongue Twisters

Speech training involves the use of all kinds of tongue twisters to improve diction and pronunciation of sounds. They contribute to the solution of specific problems. To understand the mistakes of your speech, you need to listen to it from the outside. It is recommended to use a voice recorder for this purpose.

First you need to master the science of the correct pronunciation of the problematic letter. Then you can proceed to exercises that allow you to distinguish between sounds in speech that are similar in sound to it.

You can start working on editing the next sound only after you learn how to pronounce the previous one correctly.

Reading texts aloud

Speech development exercises, in addition to the practice of tongue twisters, include reading aloud. It is also very useful for improving diction.

Make it a habit to read excerpts from classical works aloud while recording your impromptu performances on a tape recorder. This approach to classes helps not only to hear speech errors, but also to hone pronunciation to an ideal state.

It is necessary to read with expression - monotony is completely unacceptable. You need to learn to change the volume of your voice, the speed of the spoken text, be sure to highlight especially important moments with pauses. It is important to remember that the stops must be in place and in no case tightened.

Vocabulary expansion

The next thing to pay attention to is the regular expansion of vocabulary. An opponent who is comprehensively developed intellectually is able to maintain a conversation on any topic and find the necessary words.

Help in expanding vocabulary will help reading books, solving crossword puzzles. It will be useful to attend various trainings for self-development.

Diaphragm Exercises

To learn how to speak well, it is important to master the science of breath control. In the absence of such a skill, speech will be regularly interrupted by pauses and breaths. This can worsen the overall perception of the text and even completely disrupt the entire semantic load. It will turn out abrupt and will be perceived much worse.

That is why among the exercises for the development of speech, there must certainly be training aimed at establishing proper breathing.

The complex includes the following exercises:

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Back straight. One hand lies on the chest, the second - on the abdomen. On inspiration (we make it with the nose), we inflate the stomach. We release air through lips folded into a tube - we relax the stomach. This is a basic exercise that forms the skill of correct diaphragmatic breathing.
  • Take a calm breath. As you exhale, draw any vowel for as long as you can. When you can hold the sound for more than 25 seconds, you need to try changing the key.

After the basic exercise is fully mastered, it needs to be complicated. To do this, breathe correctly and simultaneously perform additional movements: walk around the room, run in place, sweep the floor, etc.

Posture and breathing exercises

Many people do not pay due attention to the fact that the beautiful sound of the voice depends on the posture and the ability to inhale and exhale air correctly.

Here are some exercises:

  • Stand up straight. Spread your legs shoulder width apart. The palms lie on the belt. Slightly open your mouth and, imitating resistance, slowly exhale the air. After you master the exercise, you need to complicate it. As you exhale, read aloud lines from any poem.
  • The back is straight, legs shoulder-width apart, palms on the belt. Slowly lean forward and inhale at the same time. The back should remain straight. As you exhale, return to the original position and pull the combination of the letters "G-M-M-M."
  • Learning to hold your back will help exercise with a book. Put the book on your head and walk around the room. She must not fall. When this skill is fully mastered, then it is necessary to add arm movement, squats, etc. to a simple penetration.

The main causes of speech disorders

It will not be possible to achieve an improvement in speech and diction if you do not understand the true causes of the existing violations. Sometimes these are health problems, in particular, the abnormal structure of the lower jaw or a shortened frenulum of the tongue.

The weak articulatory apparatus also plays a role. Even when a person does not have difficulties with the pronunciation of sounds - they are fully present and sound correctly - then during a speech he can go astray, which is why the spoken text becomes fuzzy. In this case, articulatory gymnastics, aimed at strengthening the lower jaw, tongue, soft palate, will help in solving the existing problem.

The reasons for the indistinctness of words in most people are a violation of the pronunciation of hissing / whistling sounds, the complete absence of the letters "L" and "R" or difficulty in voicing them. Therefore, if you see that it is permanent, contact a speech therapist for advice.

Special games and exercises for the development of speech can help in solving many problems. Short daily exercises will help a person improve diction, change his voice for the better and develop speech in general.


Start your speech development training with articulation exercises. Speech training will help you achieve clarity of pronunciation. If you speak quickly, but swallow at the same time half, then no one will be with you. You, most likely, want to achieve not only high speed, but also speech quality. Therefore, articulation exercises should not be neglected.

Stand or sit in front of a mirror, straighten your shoulders and lower them down, your back is straight. Pull your lips forward with a tube and stretch them into a wide, open smile. Perform the exercise 10 times at an average pace and 10 times at a fast pace.

As you inhale, puff up your cheeks like a balloon. As you exhale, blow them off sharply, exhaling through your mouth and pulling your lips forward. Repeat 8 times.

After training the articulatory apparatus, proceed to the pronunciation of tongue twisters. Choose tongue twisters with the combination of sounds that are most difficult for you. First pronounce them, clearly pronouncing each syllable. When you learn the tongue twister by heart and master it, increase the speed of pronunciation. Memorize a few verses and recite them quickly and with expression.

Improve your vocabulary and general level of knowledge. The larger the arsenal of words you own, the easier it will be for you to select the ones you need for fast speech. A storehouse of knowledge will allow you to speak freely and confidently. Practice every day in front of a mirror by saying speech on a given topic. write down speech to the voice recorder and evaluate the speed and quality of pronunciation. Make note of the mistakes you made and try to fix them next time. With regular practice, you will definitely achieve success.

Speech disorders and diction defects occur in the vast majority of children. Timely corrected bite, and sometimes cutting the frenulum, classes with a speech therapist work wonders. However, not everyone manages to get rid of speech problems at a young age. It is not surprising that many adults, dissatisfied with their accent, turn to the services of specialists. A professional will immediately tell you how soon a person can hope for an improvement in speech development, since some shortcomings are more difficult to eliminate. Nevertheless, speech can be developed at any age if you have patience and perseverance.


If you are working with a speech therapist, he will most likely determine for you the best ways to develop speech. However, there are also several universal ones that are suitable for anyone who improves their pronunciation. For example, correct speech breathing. To develop it, you need to perform a few simple exercises daily. Sing out the sounds a, o, y, and, s on the exhale, try different combinations of them, for example, ay, oi, and so on. Alternate pronunciation of sounds with short breaths. Also, as you exhale, count out loud to ten, trying not to interrupt the sounds.

Learn tongue twisters. Say them every day in front of a mirror, making sure your articulation is clear. Start slowly, in a whisper, accentuating each growling, hissing sound. Each time, read the tongue twisters faster and louder, but do it without “chewing” or “swallowing” the sounds. Patter can be anything, including those that are familiar to you: "Sasha walked along the highway", "Three ships tacked, tacked." But still, when choosing them, try to pronounce more often those in which there are sounds that are problematic for you.

One of the developed speech is the correct intonation. That is, the placement of stress in words, pauses, volume during the story. An adult can learn intonation expressiveness of speech. To do this, write simple sentences or children's sentences on a piece of paper, for example: "A bull is walking, swinging, sighing on the go ...". Read them aloud, with different intonation, each time changing the stress in the sentence so that and changes. Take logical breaks. Train yourself not to blurt out the whole text in one fell swoop.

The development of fine motor skills is an important component of overall child development. Due to the increase in the dexterity of the child's fingers, the correct formation of the speech apparatus occurs, the baby begins to speak faster, learns knowledge more easily and masters manual skills. What ways help to quickly and imperceptibly develop fine motor skills?

Useful games

Most babies are big fans of grabbing, trying to touch, crushing or tearing. Many parents try to rid their child of these habits, but in vain. Translate the desire of children to act with their hands for good.

In the process of actions with fingers, the active work of the speech centers of the child's brain begins. Don't restrict your baby. Prepare items that are not a pity, let the child wrinkle and tear them with pleasure. The smaller the resulting pieces, the better.

You can play with different items. Perfectly contribute to the formation of fine motor skills classes with cereals, beads, coins. Such games can be played with children over three years old and only under adult supervision. For kids, manufacturers have already come up with a lot of special soft toys that are filled inside with small balls.

Drawing and modeling

Children's plasticine is an excellent tool for the development of fine motor skills. Give preference to modeling mass, which is made of safe materials, easily kneads and does not dry out. Invite your child to mold their favorite toy, animal, fairy-tale character. Toddlers can simply knead plasticine in their hands, any actions with fingers with effort help to form speech.

Drawing should be unusual. Try to paint a picture together not with an ordinary brush, but with your fingers. This method is within the power of even the smallest. Surprisingly, the drawings are no worse. And the benefits of such drawing are much greater.

Toys with laces and buttons

Get ready-made toys equipped with threading laces and large buttons. Practicing fastening, unbuttoning, getting a button into a buttonhole or a lace into a hole, the child imperceptibly trains manual skills. In a playful way, the baby acquires the necessary skills, and the mother gets some free time.

natural material

Children are very fond of collecting cones, chestnuts, acorns. Going to nature in autumn, do not forget to pick up a lot of forest gifts. At home, be sure to dry all the collected material, put it in an elegant box and put it in the nursery. You will smile, but from simple things, the baby can come up with many different crafts. Even a simple shifting of forest "treasures" from place to place is of great importance.

For the development of fine motor skills, it is not at all necessary to buy special aids that are not cheap. Improvised materials, used correctly, give the same effect. Turn on the fantasy, show the baby how to interact with objects around. Your desire and his curiosity guarantee the success of the future development of the child.

When a child is two years old, the process of active speech development accelerates. But it's different for every baby. Some children immediately speak in coherent small sentences, while others pronounce only single words. In any case, parents should help the child in the further formation of correct speech.

Features of the pronunciation of certain sounds by children of two years

By the age of two, a child is often not able to pronounce all the sounds. The age norm of two years is considered to be a clear pronunciation of the vowels “a”, “y”, “and”, “o”. But the sounds "s", "e" children often replace the sound "and". As for the consonants, most of them are still very difficult to pronounce for kids. Therefore, they replace some hard consonants with soft ones, which are easier to pronounce. This also applies to the front-lingual sounds "g", "d", "s", "h". Then instead of "give" they say "day", etc. In speech, hissing sounds and the sounds “l”, “r”, “r” may be absent.

Most children at the age of two should be able to correctly pronounce the following sounds: "p", "p", "b", "b", "m", "m", "f", "p", "p", "in ”, “v”, “t”, “t”, “d”, “d”, “n”, “n”, “s”, “l”, “k”, “ky”, “g”, "g", "x", "x". You should not run in a panic to a speech therapist if the child has difficulty mastering whistling and hissing, as well as “r”, “r”, “l”. He can replace them with simpler ones or skip them altogether.

What activities are useful for the development of children's speech in 2 years

It is worth starting with a joint examination of the pictures. You can ask the child to name the objects depicted. It is necessary to discuss everything that is around with him as often as possible. On a walk, you can show him the surrounding objects or phenomena. And then ask the child to name them independently. Thus, the passive vocabulary will be replenished. The child will begin to distinguish between prepositions (y, for, in, about, etc.), adverbs (far, close, high, low, etc.), pronouns (there, here).

Be sure to read books to your child. This is one of the first rules for successful speech development. After reading the book, discuss what you read. It is useful for the child to restore the plot from memory. To do this, parents need to ask clarifying questions. The simplest fairy tales (“Teremok”, “Turnip”) can also be played: open and close the door of an imaginary house, imitate the sounds of fairy-tale characters.

Poems, songs and counting rhymes are useful to memorize not only for the development of memory. This has a positive effect on the development of speech. It is necessary to stimulate an independent children's monologue as often as possible. Let the baby himself answer the question “what?”, Describing things or phenomena. It is useful to pay attention to a detailed description of the surrounding objects. For example, a flower consists of a stem, leaves, petals. Petals vary in color and shape, etc. Due to this, the child will quickly replenish the vocabulary.

Puzzles will help develop the speech of a two-year-old child. He can try to describe the resulting picture. These activities help develop fine motor skills. And it has a positive effect on the development of speech. So the benefit is twofold.

You can do articulation exercises. This will facilitate the further pronunciation of many sounds. Two minutes a day is enough to fold your lips with a tube together with the baby in front of the mirror. These and other activities, as well as the efforts of parents, will help make the child's speech correct and competent.

The development of speed reading technology improves attention, memory, and imagination. It also stimulates creativity and thinking. To achieve good results, you need to perform several exercises described below.


Squeeze your teeth tighter and repeat to yourself: "One, two, three ...". And so on, don't whisper the words. Get rid of articulation when reading the text (mental words or pronouncing them in a whisper). This will help you exercise "Percussion of the rhythm." When you read any text "to yourself", tap out the rhythm with your hand, but it should not correspond to the usual rhythm of speech. This can be a two-beat tapping with percussion elements in measure 1 and two in measure 2, and tap the first element of each measure with significant amplification. Twenty academic sessions with percussion of the rhythm will be enough for a new brain to be "programmed" to ensure the processing of information that enters the brain through the visual channel.

When reading, move your eyes across the page not from left to right, but from top to bottom. Cover with one glance not one or two words, but a group. Do not stop and do not look back at the read pieces of text.

Train the peripheral, while trying to cover as many words as possible with your eyes. Schulte tables are used to develop peripheral vision. Each is a 20 x 20 square divided into 25 cells with numbers from 1 to 25, which are entered into the cells in random order. The arrangement of numbers should not be repeated.
For training, you need to use 8 tables. Before starting, fix your eyes in the center, you should see the whole table. Next, look for the numbers by

Beautiful literate speech is an indicator of education, a guarantee that you will be understood correctly. Therefore, the phrase "who owns the word - owns the world" is relevant in our time. After all, literacy and figurativeness of speech is a characteristic feature of world leaders, diplomats and other personalities. Therefore, if you can correctly and clearly convey thoughts and ideas to others, then professional career growth is guaranteed to you.

Competent beautiful speech helps us to establish full-fledged communication with the interlocutor. And the wrong staging of speech with a large number of stylistic errors will nullify all efforts, for example, when communicating with the boss or in a conflict situation in the family.

In addition, literacy is incompatible with swear words, so even a good-looking person uses frank abuse in his speech, he still will not become a cultural intellectual. Therefore, good speech and verbal abuse and obscenities are incompatible.

Moreover, literacy is not only the ability to accurately and clearly express thoughts, but also to speak to the point so that everything is clear to everyone.

Trying to make your conversation literate, pay attention not only to your vocabulary, but also to culture. To do this, speak, taking into account the rules and norms of punctuation, as well as the style of the Russian language.

Literacy is the observance of the rules for placing stress, the ability to raise or lower the tone at the right time, observe intonation, and the ability to pause.

Criteria that determine speech literacy

Speech culture:

  • relevance;
  • literacy of voiced information;
  • accessibility of the statement;
  • the use of epithets, metaphors and phraseological units;
  • variety of speech without tautology;
  • aesthetics.

The scarcity of vocabulary and illiteracy repels the interlocutor and annoys. Even if you allow yourself tongue-tied at home, it is unlikely that you will conduct a business conversation correctly and will be able to speak correctly when talking with your boss. And over time, when you have children, they will take over illiterate words from you.

How to improve speech

During the conversation, keep a friendly tone and change intonation depending on the situation. To make tonality and intonation richer, learn to read with expression.

How to develop speech

Those for whom literacy is required for professional growth cannot cope without specialized literature. In this case, use the work of Radislav Gandapas and the manual by I. Golub and D. Rosenthal "Secrets of Stylistics".

Help from professionals

If you need a teacher, then a highly qualified teacher will deliver you a competent speech. But where is it to be found? Contact your school teacher or a familiar philologist, and if the opportunity allows you to take lessons from a teacher specializing in rhetoric, then you should take advantage of this.

Making speech literate is no more difficult than losing weight, but to achieve this, you just need to want to.

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