How to make a career in United Russia. How to get into power? Social elevators without embellishment


To become a politician, you need to love this area. It is important to strive to make the world a better place. There are politicians who live and work for themselves. But a real politician must live and work for the sake of his country, his lands and his people, compatriots. Thus, one can easily distinguish which politician will be against corruption and which one will agree to legitimize this system and call it "auction". Politics has always been interesting to many, it instilled confidence, here one could speak out, express one's opinion, become more influential and significant. Perhaps it is the significance that attracts many to politics, because. occupying this or that position, they do not want to move on, wanting to sit in one place all their lives.

Previously, only men were involved in politics, but the world does not stand still. As soon as women won the right to work and normal wages, they began to occupy "male positions". Women were also interested in politics. It is clear that men and women have different interests. For example, if the male population of the country is ready to legalize prostitution, then the female population insists on a ban, speaks about the morality and foundations of society. Therefore, great squabbles occur in the political world when the interests of male and female politicians collide. Although the policy is an aggressive environment for people of the same sex.

Many laugh off the question of how to become a politician. They offer such options as spitting in the faces of opponents, fighting with those who are against you, chewing on a tie, etc. But, you see, this does not make a politician out of a person, leaving him at the level of an average “gopnik”. A politician, in fact, should be completely different, should represent the people of his country. We expect to see a calm, intelligent, literate, honest, pleasant person who knows how to behave in society, clearly and briefly answer questions, not react to attacks and not be easily provoked.

But, without deviating from the topic, let's clarify how to become a politician in practice. A politician must receive a higher education, ideally with a political orientation (state and municipal administration). But those who have higher technical, legal, philological and other education are also allowed into politics. Apparently, higher education is presented to others by literacy, education and status. Let it be so, why argue, in many ways it turns out. Next, you need to become part of the policy. To do this, choose a political party that you consider more right for yourself, but it is best to choose a party that has access to elections. In the party, you need to show yourself in order to be nominated as a party activist. As soon as you prove yourself with the support of the people, you should put forward your candidacy in the next elections for deputies or his assistant. If you are a party person, then your candidacy is put forward by the party. If you are a non-partisan, then your candidacy can also be nominated, but subject to the collected signatures of those who are “FOR” your candidacy.

It remains only to work hard for the good of society, to prove that you were not chosen in vain, or to convince people that you are worth choosing. Then you can move forward according to your merits, but do not forget that you are still responsible for those who voted for you, who believed in you.

The decision to go into politics comes to people for various reasons: someone wants to make the world a better place, create better living conditions for the people, make laws really work for people, finally defeat corruption.

A number of people dream of taking a high position in politics more for themselves, their enrichment, fame, new opportunities for developing their business and total control.

In any case, these people have different reasons, but a difficult path awaits them all, because becoming a famous politician is not easy!

In any case, in order to achieve success in this area, the main rule is a great desire to go towards your goal despite any circumstances, to truly love this area. So, how do you overcome the thorny path and become one of the deputies?

This person must have such qualities as purposefulness, dedication, dedication to his work, he must be socially active, he likes to always be in the spotlight.

What does it take to become a politician

  • To become a politician, you need to go through a difficult and long way - this includes getting an education, social activities, joining the circles of rich and influential people. In Russia, before becoming a politician, almost everyone goes through these stages of development:
  • To get higher education. More chances for applicants with legal, economic, business education. An educated person, perhaps with scientific degrees, will inspire more confidence among this "higher caste".
  • Active social life, volunteer work. To make a rating, the support of society is needed. They trust more people who are ready to work without selfish goals, for the benefit of people, in order to really benefit and make the world a better place.
  • It is necessary to join the ranks of a well-known political party. This step is desirable for those who really want to get involved in politics seriously. After all, it is here that you can meet people with a similar desire, gain trust and respect among them. Such activities will help to achieve the cherished goal much faster.
  • To gain experience, participate in someone else's election campaign. It is here that you can gain valuable experience that will definitely come in handy in the future, see possible mistakes and choose the best strategy for your election campaign.
  • It is necessary to take care of free time for politics and a stable income. Since the path to politics is not a matter of one year, but possibly a dozen years, in order to achieve this goal, the candidate must have two valuable resources - money and free time. Agree, it is difficult to combine the work of a full-time employee with an 8-hour working day and political activities. Attending meetings, volunteering and other activities certainly need to be given time. The best option is your own, albeit small, business that can work without your constant presence.
  • In politics, you can't do without a big idea. All successful people in this circle are passionately passionate about some idea, goal, and constantly go towards it. It is she who must constantly nourish from the inside, help find the strength to fight on and win. This idea must be so strong that the society from your environment also becomes infected with it.

How to become a politician in Russia

Activity in your city, your region. People should know you as a responsible person who takes an active part in city life, helping to solve pressing problems. Indeed, often the path to big politics begins with such small steps. The main thing is to be persistent, act constantly and soon become a recognizable person, a famous activist.

Start from the bottom - in Russia, a novice politician can go to the local village council, city council, become a member of the administration. You may not even dream of getting a high position right away - remember, this path is long.

When it's time to run, the main thing here is to have a good amount of money. This is what will ensure the successful conduct of the election campaign, payment to agitators and other expenses. Of course, other people can pay for this, but at first you should rely on yourself.

Election campaign. Its careful design will help to get votes and get a good position in the elections.

In case of victory in the elections, it remains only to congratulate you! Here you need to work on your image, develop as a person, find reliable like-minded people.

But even in the event of the first defeat, you should not give up - everything is still just ahead, the career is just beginning. It is not worth retreating after a defeat, continue to actively help society again, achieve the respect of people and establish yourself as a person who really wants to help people.

There are many reasons for becoming a politician. After all, this profession opens up opportunities that are inaccessible to mere "mortals". Some can use their power to improve life in the country. Others, on the contrary, think only of themselves and steal taxpayers' money without a twinge of conscience.

But let's talk about how to get to state power? How to become a politician? And what will you have to sacrifice for this?

The birth of an idea

It all starts with the fact that a bright idea is born in a person’s head - to become a politician. The reason for this can be various factors. For example, having ambition and willpower, an unknown virtue decides to change the world for the better: overcome poverty, improve education, help orphans, and so on. But an ordinary person cannot do this, because he has too little authority.

The only way out is to increase the range of its capabilities. The position of a deputy is best suited for these purposes. Only one question remains to be solved: “How to become a politician?”

The beginning of the way

Youth is the best time to start climbing the Olympus of recognition. The first thing you need to take care of is a good education. You need to understand that a graduate of an ordinary technical school or vocational school has a small chance of achieving success in this matter. Therefore, the educational institution should be chosen very carefully.

In addition, political activity requires certain skills and knowledge from a deputy. In this regard, it is best to focus on universities with developed economic departments. In addition, law universities are a good choice, as they will help you understand the legal framework of the country.

Any scientific or doctoral degree will be a good bonus when conducting an election campaign. The same applies to distinctive awards and prizes, so you need to beat out the first place among the best students of the chosen institution with all your might.

Education of personal qualities

If a person thinks about how to become a politician, then he should work hard on himself. It must be understood that politics is a very cruel game in which the strong devour the weak. Any political activity leads to the fact that a person will have many new enemies, and you need to be prepared for this.

So, what skills and qualities should a politician have?

  • Charisma. Without it, it will be very difficult to stand out from the rest.
  • Purposefulness. Many politicians often stumble on their way, and in order to constantly get up, you need to have a strong will and always remember the goals set.
  • Oratory. The ability to speak is the basis of the profession of a politician, because if a person does not know how to convince, he may not even dream of a brilliant career.
  • Endurance. Frequent stress and travel exhaust the body, so you need to be prepared for this.

Active citizenship

So, we continue the conversation about how to become a politician. There is one important point in all this that needs to be well understood. Namely: it does not matter how many higher educations a person has and how well he can speak if other people do not know about him.

Therefore, the main task for any young politician is to demonstrate their potential. He needs to constantly participate in various actions and events aimed at improving the life of society. Help the poor, travel to hospitals and shelters, perform in public, and so on.

At the same time, it is best to start with small villages, because it is much easier to improve such places than to solve a number of problems in a big city. And the competition here is much lower than in the metropolis.

Political Party

If you understand how to become a politician in Russia, then you definitely need to consider such an item as joining a party. After all, without this it is simply impossible to achieve success in such a field. But how do you join a party?

Well, to be honest, there is nothing difficult about it. The main thing is to pass the selection, which is made according to certain criteria: age, education, experience, ideology, and so on. Each party has its own requirements, and there is no general approach here.

What is more important is that the direction of the policy of a given cell must correspond to the ideological principles of a person. Indeed, otherwise he will have to sacrifice his morals in order to move up the career ladder.

How to become a politician in Ukraine

Recently, the legislative system in Ukraine has changed, thanks to which the electoral system has been greatly simplified. Now it is enough for a candidate to submit documents to the CEC, pay a fee - and he will be admitted to this process.

In addition, a candidate for a parliamentary position is not required to join a party. Indeed, according to the new law, any citizen of Ukraine has the right to become a people's deputy. But it is only on paper so simple, in reality everything is much more complicated.

Election campaign

The most difficult stage is the election campaign. Few candidates overcome this barrier. Why is that?

There can be many reasons for this: an unsuccessful strategy, strong competitors, lack of funds, and so on. Therefore, before putting forward his candidacy for a certain post, a person must soberly estimate his chances. Remember: sometimes it’s better to wait a little and prepare than to fail miserably, overestimating yourself.


For such an important profession as a politician, a member of the country's leadership, one should prepare oneself at a young age. If you did not like to read, skipped lectures at the university, and now, as a result, you are poorly versed in history, literature, political science, etc., then it will be more difficult for you. Improve yourself, for example, read biographies of famous politicians, books about the psychology of communication, about body movements. If you are a bright and strong-willed person, then you will undoubtedly achieve your goals.

The sooner you set yourself the mindset to become, the more likely your chances become. In the administration and in the State Duma of any city there are youth public organizations, take an interest in this, and, if possible, join them. Do things that are useful for the population, help the disabled, veterans. Earn your credibility, cooperate with the media, give interviews, in general, be in the public eye.

No one will bring a good position for you on a silver platter. The field you want to enter contains many competitors. The easiest way to be in some kind of movement or party is with the help of connections, ask your relatives and friends if they can help you with something.

Actively follow the opening vacancies or the thought. Elections are held once every 4 years, try to participate in them. You can try to get a job, it's not so difficult if you have a higher education, knowledge of a foreign language and faith in yourself.

It will be much easier to get into politics if you have already taken place in your profession, for example, you are a well-known doctor in the city, a musician or. Maybe you are a successful businessman and leader. Determine your position and position, give an interview about what you would like to change in your country, what you would like to improve. The trust of the people, popularity and competent PR will help you in your endeavors.

The basic rule for a person who decides to make a political career is a reasonable choice of the vector of his movement. It is necessary to feel the mood of the people, because it is much easier to catch it than to try to convince people of the fallacy of their views.


Despite the fact that the vast majority of political figures are thirty years old and above, preparation for a political career should be carried out long before that - even in youth. You must be clean or not be seen engaging in any immoral or illegal activity. Roughly speaking, your youth should pass without any excesses and, if possible, with an active social position. Everything secret sooner or later becomes clear, so do not commit acts, the illumination of which can be used against you.

There are a number of basic ways you can do career in the field of politics. The first of these is the organization of a group of supporters with its subsequent transformation into a full-fledged party. From the point of view of direct political activity, this process is the most time-consuming and costly.

The second way is the entry, which already exists. Your vector of development in this case means striving to rise within the administrative resource by showing great activity, as well as proving loyalty to the goals and objectives of both the party in principle and the persons in charge at a given time.

You can also be promoted in the current state apparatus. This method is shown in the case of general stability of the political regime in both the short and long term and is the most straightforward. The best thing in this case is to use a "patron" - a person who will promote your promotion. The recommendations in this case are the same as in the previous step, however, you must equally demonstrate loyalty to your protector and your own promise.

In addition, you can carry out political career, without joining any party and without creating its own. However, in this case, an extremely sensitive feeling of the mood of the people, as well as solid financial support, is necessary. This option is possible if you own a stable and profitable source of income, and you occupy a managerial position, for example, you are at least the owner or head of the enterprise.

Photography has become extremely popular in recent years. Often, an amateur photographer thinks about how to turn his hobby into a profitable business. To become a professional, you need to both master some theoretical knowledge and gain extensive practical experience in photography.

You will need

  • - camera;
  • - memory card for the camera;
  • - protective light filter;
  • - tripod.


The first thing that a beginner photographer will have to do is to acquire the necessary equipment. The choice of the first camera should be taken responsibly, but you should not buy the most expensive model, believing that the more expensive the camera, the better the photos. Pay attention to the amateur level, for example, Nikon D5000, Canon EOS 500D Kit, Sony Alpha SLT-A33. When buying a camera, hold it in your hands, if possible, take a few pictures in artificial and natural light.

The list of equipment and accessories necessary for a photographer is not limited to a camera. At the initial stage of mastering photography, you will also need: a capacious memory card, a protective light filter that will protect the lens glass from dust and water, a convenient bag. In terms of optics, a kit lens is usually enough for a beginner photographer, but later on you will have to buy interchangeable lenses. In addition to the above, a tripod can also be useful, especially if you plan to do studio and portrait shooting.

It is impossible to become a good photographer without knowing the theory, so before you start practicing, you will have to spend some time learning the basics of photography. You can get acquainted with them both by enrolling in a photography school, and on your own, studying the relevant literature and lessons on the Internet. First of all, read about such basic concepts in photography as shutter speed, aperture, focus, exposure, white balance. In addition, learn the basics of composition, read about choosing lighting and shooting angles. You can learn a lot of useful information from the instructions for your camera.

Having familiarized yourself with the theory of photography, start practicing, because it is she who will make you real photographer. Take your camera with you as often as possible and, wherever you are, look for an interesting shot, a good angle. Try yourself in different genres of photography - portrait, group, landscape, reportage. Select the most successful frames in your opinion for your portfolio, which will come in handy when you look for orders.

After gaining some experience, try to take pictures. Finding the first clients is not so easy, so at first you may have to shoot weddings or reports for a review or a nominal amount. However, if your first clients like your photos, they will surely recommend you to their friends. In addition, you can sell photos on photo stocks or look for work as a photojournalist or assistant photographer. By working with more experienced colleagues, you can get valuable feedback and advice.


Often, even a successful shot requires additional processing, so a professional photographer must be able to work in photo processing programs, such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom.

Part 1


    Get a higher education. Almost anyone can become a politician (depending on what is meant by this word, of course), but those who make a truly significant contribution to the development of society and can call it their job have higher education. They most likely studied economics, business, political science, or international relations. However, a degree in any specialty is better than nothing!

  1. Do some volunteering. If one of the items on your resume is volunteer volunteer experience, it's unlikely that anyone will look at you and say, "That's not a trustworthy, not a good person." In order to win votes, you must show that you support good causes, that you have invested your time in this and that you care about your community. The easiest way to do this? Volunteering.

    • You can start by participating in a local volunteer campaign, but it's also a good idea to start developing interests outside of the political arena. Help the homeless, join a non-profit organization that you will support if you are in power. Show the world what a versatile and highly moral person you are.
  2. Join the ranks of a political party. Participating in the party of Jane or John will not draw enough attention to you. If you take politics seriously, you need to become a member of an established political party. This way you will gain support, meet like-minded people, and under certain circumstances people will judge you as part of the party and trust you.

    • Or don't join. Whatever, at your discretion. That's what the Independent Party of America is for. However, keep in mind that being elected to the government as a member of this party is an unenviable prospect. People love labels, especially those they think they understand. Unfortunately, the Independent Party of America is not one of them.
  3. Give credit to other people's campaigns. If you are so lucky that you already know what you want at a young age, then it will be useful for you to work in someone's campaign in order to advance in this area. This job may be tedious, but it will give you the opportunity to look behind the scenes of the political scene and get the deepest experience, which, by the way, is very important.

    • You may be knocking on doors, filling drawers with brochures, or stamping envelopes, but you will act. When you are at the top, this experience will help you appreciate the role of the employees who handle these cases, as well as develop the ability to make contact, which is also highly valued by people.
  4. Be active in the community. If no one knows you through the local Joe, it will be difficult for people to trust you in many things. So get active locally! Be the one everyone knows. To those who participate in everything. You must earn your reputation!

    • What is the best place to start? From community meetings. Attend your local school board, city meetings, and the like and "make some noise there." Be active. Only by starting from the bottom will you get to the top. So go straight to the headquarters of the local party, ask questions and establish yourself there.
  5. Flexible form of employment. While most politicians in high positions, businessmen and lawyers, things are different locally and statewide. The representative from your city can be a grocery store owner, a teacher, a craftsman, anyone. Since political activity will not bring you income in the next 10-15 years, pursue a parallel career with a flexible form of employment, unless, of course, you have a reserve of money for the next 10 years.

    • Flexibility in working hours is important when political activity comes to the fore. For example, you need to leave work in the afternoon to go to a meeting, take a week off for a convention, or a six-month vacation for your campaign. The more flexible your schedule is, the less your financial situation will suffer.

    Part 2

    Entering the arena
    1. Develop a passion for something. People don't go into politics for fun. Besides the fact that the politician wants to "change the world", he has a basic idea of ​​what should be changed. Therefore, when you enter the political scene, you must have an idea to stand for, something that will motivate you. Develop passion and passion for the idea.

      • Are you worried about the state of city roads? Do you want to save a local clinic that is about to be relocated? Would you like to see more green spaces in your area? Wonderful! Thanks to the two-party system, you can achieve all of this. You need a driving force behind your platform and a slogan for your campaign.
    2. Start with local positions. You could rise from being a school president to being a candidate for the President of the United States, but you have to go through a lot to get there. If you want to be successful, you need to start small. In the US, you have several options:

      • School board
      • City Council
      • Mayor of the city
      • Member of the district administration
    3. Check your bank account. Let's say you decide you want to run for government, run for mayor, or become a member of the county council, maybe even a member of the state legislature. The higher the desired position, the more money you will need. Do you have insurance in case things go wrong? What if your campaign fails and you have to pay bills? What if you lose the election and your job is gone by then? Can you get money for food?

      • Election campaigns are expensive. Much bigger than you imagine until you start the first campaign. These are travel costs, wages for your team, market costs, negotiation costs, and that's just the beginning of the list. Ideally, you will not pay for all this. Ideally.
    4. Design your campaign. You'll need to assemble a team of people you can trust to run the campaign, but it's up to you to strategize for it. How do you want to disseminate information? How big will your team be? What questions will you discuss? How will you deal with opponents?

      • Start building capital. Ask everyone you know to donate to your campaign fund (you were kind to them because you knew that moment would come, right?). Even if you've only met once, even if you're not friends on Facebook, put aside your shame and ask!
    5. Reach out to your (wealthy) friends. This is where being part of one of their chic country clubs can really be in your favor. You need a steady stream of cash, and $10 every six months from Aunt Marge isn't going to make much of a difference. You would need thousands like her. So either you sip Pinot Grigio with the Gates or you serve it to them. Know who to connect with. It's a bitter truth, but it's true.

      • It will be useful if you have already lit up somewhere. The right people might notice you and decide that you have potential. Being a member of major political parties is an advantage as it is a great platform to gain attention.
    6. Start a statewide operation. After you become the big fish in your pond, you will most likely want to move on. Come out to the state level! Become a member of the legislature, Senate or Congress. You have already proven your competence, and it's time to get decent money for your work!

      • For the most part, it's the same thing, but at a higher level. It requires more concentration and more spending. All in all, more is needed. Time included.
        • You need to discuss the lack of time with your family and loved ones. Your life will no longer be the same and you will be less available. You will often be on the road and this can lead to stress. Let's hope it's worth it!
    7. Brace yourself. If you are successful and win the election, for starters, congratulations! The work is stressful and you will turn gray before your time, but you will influence the course of things!

      • Don't back down at the first defeat. If this is truly your passion, your time will come. Don't hang your head and don't take everything too personally. The world is cruel, and you have to live with it somehow. It wouldn't mean so much if it was very simple. So pick yourself up and move on. There is always another chance!

    Part 3

    Develop personal qualities
    1. Be a persuasive public speaker. If you only have one talent, it should be public speaking. Your face, your voice, you should be the center of attention, at least until the election is over. People will watch you and analyze your every move. If you can win them over with your winning smile and calm demeanor and convince them of your competence, everything will go like clockwork.

      • Barack Obama and John F. Kennedy are obvious examples. When Barack takes the podium, he has no equal in terms of charisma. His oratorical skills helped him reach his current position. And also remember the famous debate between Kennedy and Nixon, in which Kennedy was so calm, balanced and collected that, compared to him, Nixon looked like a complete clown. So develop your speaking skills!
    2. Take care of your wardrobe. Besides the fact that John F. Kennedy was ahead of Nixon due to his charisma, he also looked many times better than him. If you are under the scrutiny of society, you must look great. This includes ties and suits, and don't forget your shoes.

      • There are two main styles you need to think about: a nice formal suit for more formal functions, and a roll-up-sleeve oxford shirt and khakis when you're at the city hall. This is suitable for both men and women, although the women's costume may consist of a skirt or trousers.
    3. Have strong views. If you expect people to vote for you, you must have your own views and they must be clearly marked. No sudden shifts or reversals or you'll be immediately associated with politicians like John Edwards. It's good if you learn this before the campaign starts (although in the realities of modern politics, reprioritization happens quite often).

      • You may be urged to adhere to the views of the majority. But there is no such rule. People on your team may want this from you, but you don't have to. It might get you votes, but what happens when the law goes into effect? Will you feel guilt?
    4. Get used to dealing with the press and their antics. Becoming a politician is practically signing a waiver of privacy. You will find out how movie stars feel. Your photos will be everywhere: from city buses to news programs. And this is not always happy. Besides the fact that you have to constantly be in front of cameras, faking a fake smile, it is even more difficult to put up with criticism against you. Can you stand it?

      • Often scandalous stories from the life of politicians emerge, sometimes it comes to the point of absurdity. If you're in government, expect all your petty sins to come to the surface, whether it's a dishonorable discharge from the military or an expired speeding ticket from twenty years ago. If there is something that can arouse the interest of the public, it will be widely publicized.
      • The world doesn't need another corrupt politician. Work in this area if you want to change the world for the better, and not just because you want power. Eventually you are overthrown.

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