How to take a beautiful body photo. How to take a beautiful picture of yourself: the best poses


The following poses are a kind of hint, which can be used not only by the model, but also by the photographer. So, if you are going to make a creative photo shoot in the studio or on the street, print these pictures or download them to your smartphone. In difficult times, they will help you tune in the right way.

Well, it's time to get acquainted with the spectacular poses of girls. There are 60 in total:

1. This portrait pose is simple. The model's gaze is aimed at the camera lens. She looks at him over her shoulder. Take a close look at the model. If you regularly change the angle, each time her portrait will be unique.

2. Often, in the process of shooting a portrait, a model with a photographer ignores one important detail. In this case, we are talking about the position of the hands. If you ask a girl to play with her hands, you can get very creative photos. In this case, you should adhere to the following rule. The hands should be soft, flexible, and the palms should not be flat or tense.

3. This photographer demonstrates such a compositional rule, usually the rule of 3rd.

4. Agree that the model who sat down and brought her knees together looks very cute.

5. When a girl is on the ground (reclining or fully lying on it), she radiates openness. Squat down and start shooting literally from the bottom position.

6. Let the girl give free rein to her hands. She can cross them or casually touch them to the ground. This angle is perfect for an outdoor pose for any girl. Especially if the girl is among the flowers, as well as herbs.

7. The most simple pose. At the same time, she looks spectacular. The photographer must shoot from a low position. Go around the girl from all sides and shoot her from different angles. In this case, the model should be liberated and regularly make smooth movements with all parts of the body.

8. This position is ideal for models that have any, even the most non-standard, parameters. Let the girl change the positions of her legs with her hands, etc. In doing so, you should focus all your attention on her eyes.

9. Not for nothing, this pose is called pretty and groovy. It will successfully complement almost any interior. A photographer can photograph a girl when she is lying on a bed, lying on the grass or sunbathing on a sandy, pebble beach. You must take a picture of the girl from the bottom position, focusing on her eyes.

10. Thanks to this pose, the model will demonstrate all the charms of her figure.

11. Suitable for a sitting girl. Sit the model in such a way that one of her knees touches her chest, and the other is in contact with the ground. The girl should look into the camera lens. The perfect pose for a photo in a girls studio.

12. Allows the photographer to emphasize all the charms of the girl's body, as well as its plasticity. As a rule, it is used for filming against a bright background. A good pose for photographing the sea.

13. This provision is distinguished by simplicity, naturalness, and a variety of choices. Experimentation is also welcome. Let the model work her hips, etc. The perfect pose for a photo shoot in a dress.

14. This position is light and, at the same time, graceful. The girl turned her body slightly to the side. Moreover, her hands are hidden in the back pockets of jeans, shorts.

15. With the help of a slight forward tilt, the girl emphasizes the shape of her body. Thus, she radiates sexuality.

16. In this position, the model demonstrates her sensuality. As a rule, slender, athletic girls choose it.

17. There are many options for poses when a girl is removed to her full height. Such a situation may become initial. After that, the girl should easily turn the body of the body, make movements with other parts of the body.

18. This posture implies relaxation. Remind the girl that you can touch the wall with more than just one back. For this, it is recommended to use other parts of the body. The perfect pose for a full length photo shoot.

19. Frames in which the model is captured in full length are specific. As a rule, girls with tall stature are depicted in such photos. Be sure to use the following secret. The girl's body should look like a curved snake letter "S". She should concentrate all the weight of her body on one of her legs and relax her arms as much as possible.

20. This is the most ideal position for girls with a slim figure. It provides various options. In order to capture the model in the most advantageous position, ask her to make leisurely movements with her hands.

21. Romance and tenderness emanates from this pose. It is recommended to use all kinds of fabrics. Draperies will do. Thanks to them, you will be able to make the most sensual photos. In this case, you do not need to bare your entire back. It is enough to bare the shoulder a little. And a playful mood is guaranteed.

22. This is one of the most spectacular positions for filming. The girl is turned sideways to the camera lens. At the same time, the shoulder is slightly upturned. Important - the chin should not touch the shoulder.

23. Pretty traditional pose. The girl transfers the entire weight of her body to one of her legs and bends in the form of a serpentine English letter. alphabet "S".

24. The girl touches her hands to the plane, which is in a vertical position. For example, against a wall. This pose allows you to take excellent portrait photos in nature.

25. If a girl has beautiful, and besides, long hair, you simply have to demonstrate it in dynamics. Ask her to quickly turn her head. Thus, her hair will start to wave.

26. The girl sat down on the bed, lay down in an easy chair. And if you give her a cup of coffee at the same time, you can get a very atmospheric shot. It may seem that she is very cold and is currently warming herself with a hot drink.

27. This provision is literally created for organizing filming at home or studio conditions. A girl can choose a bed or a comfortable, soft sofa.

28. One of the most spectacular positions for girls who sit on a soft sofa.

29. Designed for girls who sit on the ground. At the same time, you can photograph it from various angles.

30. Go beyond the standard stories. Even in a sitting position, the model gives you the opportunity to experiment on her image.

31. It is generally accepted that if a person crosses his legs and arms, then he creates a psychological barrier in front of other people. That is why it is not recommended to do this in the process of photographing. But there is an exception to the rule. You should try to take a picture of a girl with her arms crossed over her chest.

32. Not in all cases it is necessary to ask the model to place her hands in a certain position. It will be better if she relaxes them and behaves naturally. This rule also applies to the legs.

33. This is another one of the brightest examples, which was created for the successful shooting of a girl in the entire length of her body. At the same time, her hands should be located in her pockets.

34. Usually this position is taken during the shooting that takes place on the street in summer and autumn. You should ask the girl to take off her shoes and take a leisurely walk.

35. The girl's hands are hidden behind her back. This standing posture is extraordinary and very sincere. However, the girl can lean against the wall.

36. This pose is for formal compositions. The girl is turned to the camera lens with her hip. And her gaze is focused on the photographer. As for her head, it is slightly tilted to one side.

37. When a girl touches her waist with her hands, she will look spectacular in the frame. Should make a good half-length or full-length portrait.

38. Author: Gunnar Rathbun. When there is a bulky piece of furniture nearby that allows you to lean on it with your hand, do not use it. He will allow the girl to take a formal and at the same time free pose.

39. The girl should sit down on some object. You can shoot it in this position both at home and outside.

40. Feminine and spectacular pose for a girl that you shoot in full length.

41. This is a very difficult situation. Since the photographer must convey the movement of the girl. But if he gets it right, it's a good fashion shot.

42. Good position. But in order for the picture to turn out spectacular, you need to adjust some camera settings. The model must rest on the bridge railing. A fence will do too. Thanks to the wide aperture, you will be able to achieve a shallow depth of field as well as blurry backgrounds.

43. Proper arrangement of all moving parts of the body is a decisive factor for this position. For such a photo shoot, a girl of any physique is suitable. The photographer needs to shoot from a slightly elevated position. A good pose for a photo in the forest.

44. This position is made for intimate photos. It is used in completely different conditions. Whether it's a bed, a sandy beach, etc. A good pose for erotic photography.

45. The photographer must take the angle from the lowest position. In this case, the girl is recommended to slightly rise, and slightly bow her head. She will need to bend her legs, cross her feet.

46. ​​This provision is not easy to enforce. Pay attention to the following nuances. One of the hands that the girl uses as a support should be facing away from the body. Moreover, she needs to stretch her legs and control her abdominal muscles. This position is suitable for those models who can boast of a good physique.

47. It is also difficult to perform and will require professional skills from the photographer. To make spectacular shots, he must follow the entire body of the girl.

48. A very effective position for a photo shoot.

49. Well suited for sophisticated artistic photography of a naked female body. Provides for many different variations with all sorts of placement of body parts.

50. The main thing in this position is the most correct placement of the legs. Very carefully guide the movements of the girl, prompting her the necessary position. An important condition is that the girl must wear shoes that have high heels.

51. Differs in simplicity and indisputable perfection. Make sure that the girl does not cover her face with her hand or shoulder. And if she fixes her eyes on the floor, then the photo will turn out to be extremely romantic. As for the raised elbow, it must be directed to the left or right of the camera lens.

52. Designed for a full-length portrait. It is necessary to shoot the girl next to the wall. The photographer must take a picture of the girl, going behind her back.

53. Usually such poses are taken by models who are fond of one of the sports. They bend their body in an "S" shape. Regularly make movements with the hips and arms, turn the head here and there.

54. If you use a light, airy fabric, the girl and the photographer can make bold experiments. The end result is spectacular shots. This pose is recommended to take in nature, when a light breeze blows.

55. Among other positions, this posture stands out for its ease and simplicity. Thanks to her, the girl is able to emphasize the graceful curves of her figure.

56. Airy and gentle position. The girl sits down. At the same time, it only partially transfers the entire body to the feet of the legs bent at the knees. He looks at the photographer over his shoulder.

57. This posture is characterized by simplicity and, at the same time, magnificence. Suitable for all conditions. You can take pictures of the model in this position both indoors and outdoors. As a rule, it is used for a photo shoot of a silhouette, which is located on a bright and colorful background.

58. Author: Karen Abramyan. A wall or other vertical object creates ideal conditions for creating a particular pose. So, the same walls can be used as a handhold.

59. A very graceful position. Remind the girl to slouch a little. That is, bend over from the supporting back of an easy chair, bench, etc.

60. Pose in motion. It is necessary to take steps walking towards the photographer. It is not necessary to look into the lens.

In conclusion, it would not be superfluous to remind once again that the above examples are only a kind of initial “sketches”. After all, there are many different variations of each position. Feel free to bring creative ideas to life. Constantly ask the model to experiment with facial expressions, smile, change the position of the arms or legs. Keep in mind that even if the girl slightly changes the position, you will get pictures with a completely different context. Also, if the photographer changes the angle, then we should expect completely different shots.
At the same time, you can change the distance to the girl you are photographing - then approach her, then move away from her.

The poses of the girls from this article should be treated as initial advice. It is better if he looks through and evaluates the angles we have proposed with the model who will pose for him. Especially if she is new to the business. This will help the photographer find a common language with the girl and set her on his wavelength.

During the photo session, be sure to ask the model for her opinion, ask which of the poses she likes the most. Thanks to this simple psychological technique, she will be liberated, and you will be able to take beautiful photos.
Also, before the photo shoot, ask the model how she wants to see herself in future photos. Innocent? Sexy? romantic? Perhaps she wants to emphasize one of her character traits? In general, do not be shy, communicate with the girl. That way you get to know her better.

Do not ignore the framing of the picture, experiment with its composition. In other words, don't be afraid to make mistakes. Because they are learning.

How much can you be led by fashion? Covers are full of skinny young ladies with an angry hungry look, while real beauties sit at home in front of a mirror and endlessly measure their volumes. Absolutely everyone can take a beautiful picture of a girl with long legs and a chiseled figure. After all, you don't have to do anything. And you try to perfectly photograph a person who is not quite perfect. Without the help of photoshop. How about weak?

Girls who are overweight are much more critical of themselves than others. On this basis, various complexes often arise, and then excuses from any type of filming. And anyone who has ever tried to photograph fat girls knows that they never like pictures with their image: the wrong pose, the wrong angle, or something else. However, the problem is not always in the models themselves. There are such “professionals” who even make a real hippopotamus out of a skeleton, and they have no idea how to properly photograph overweight people.

How to photograph full girls, if they are initially badly tuned in to this matter? For many, the camera is one of the main fears and you, as a professional, need to help her overcome it.

First you need to position the model. If you don’t know the person at all, then you can even drink tea and chat a little before shooting. So you will establish contact with each other, and you, in turn, will be able to learn more about preferences and wishes.

You will also need to clearly explain that during the photo session you will try to hide all the shortcomings of the model, and you will make its advantages even brighter. During the conversation, try to highlight the advantages of the model: plump lips, cute freckles, dimples on her cheeks when she smiles, beautiful eyes. Immediately note what you will focus on during the shooting.

Correct angles

  • A photo shoot should start with a portrait. For a close-up portrait shot, the ideal angle is the position of the photographer just above the model. Thus, we can easily get rid of a double chin, if any. Moreover, the model’s neckline will be visible in the picture, and the round face will appear more elongated. This technique looks win-win and in 99% of cases, the model ultimately likes it.
  • Another good way to hide the roundness of the face is a hairstyle. Straight long hair is best. It’s better to shoot in a half-turn: try not to photograph full-face girls at all. If your idea requires such an angle, then ask the model to cover part of the face with hair.
  • The most important thing to learn is that an object that is closer to the camera visually looks much larger. If you have small hips, and in the photo you would like to see something bigger, then just turn them to the camera. But in our case, we will do the opposite.


  1. And here the eternal lifesaver of all overweight people works - a vertical strip. And even if you use a striped background, the girl will still look slimmer. Also, the stripes can be of different colors, it is not necessary to give preference to only two-color ones.
  2. A beautiful long scarf is ideal for a winter photo shoot. Ask to wrap it in such a way that it hangs down to the knees: it will help create the effect of a toned body and add a model of harmony.
  3. It is worth warning the model against any kind of leggings, because such clothes can play a cruel joke on a girl. Things with elastic bands and all kinds of constrictions should also be excluded.
  4. Retro style. Clothing in this style can advantageously emphasize the dignity of the model, it is possible that after such a photoset the girl will look at herself from a completely different perspective.
  5. Long sleeves. In order for the pictures to be successful, and the model to appear more slender, advise choosing clothes with long sleeves.

How to photograph full girls: Successful poses

  • A straight posture in a standing pose will help the model look visually slimmer. Also ask the girl to stretch up a little, rise on her toes.
  • Chest forward, shoulders back, stomach drawn in - this “position” is familiar to everyone from school physical education. The main thing is to make sure that the model does not look like a soldier in formation.
  • The sitting position will look good only if you ask the girl to pull up her socks. This lengthens the calf and makes the image more elegant. In this position, folds can form on the stomach, and therefore it is better to cover it with your hands or, for example, with a pillow.
  • If you have a studio, then it would be nice to use a fan or hair dryer: this will give the model the missing lightness.
  • When shooting at full height, sit down slightly, but don’t overdo it: you can’t photograph full girls from a lower angle, because this further emphasizes their figure.
  • We repeat that for shooting fat people it is best to choose an upper angle. It is not necessary to invent an intricate pose: it can be ordinary. Models simply need to raise their head slightly and look up at the camera. This method of shooting will avoid the appearance of wrinkles on the neck, and a close-up of the face will hide figure flaws. True, the reception is so good that one might think that it is the only one being used. And therefore, show your imagination, experiment with framing and background to get something unique.
  • Follow the line of the body. Various curves in the form of an S-curve and other intricate lines work great for the camera.
  • If you are shooting several people, then position the slimmer one so that he covers the full model a little.

How to Photograph Fat People: Lighting

  1. Shooting in the studio is a great option for full girls. With the right light, you can disguise anything. For example, a part of the body can be hidden with a shadow, thus adjusting the figure. It is incredibly difficult to photograph full girls in the open air, and therefore natural lighting is the last thing we will use.
  2. Only the contour of the model's figure needs to be darkened. It is not worth highlighting the face from below - the second chin will appear again, which we have been hiding for so long with the help of various tricks.
  3. Apply key light. In order to successfully hide the extra weight in the photo, the model will need to slightly turn away from the main light source. Firstly, we have already discussed that a half-turn is the most advantageous angle for full girls, and secondly, in this situation, the main part of the body will be in the shade, which will also favorably affect the final result.
  4. Also, the shadow half-turn is great for portraits.

Photographing full brides

On the wedding day, even girls with a model appearance are worried about their photos, and even a full bride has much more reason to worry. A telephoto lens will help to solve this difficult task. To avoid distorting the proportions of the body, use a telephoto lens with a focal length of 85 mm or more. If the focal length is shorter, then the wave is likely to make the model look much fuller. Also in this case, you can apply all the above methods. We think that this knowledge is enough for a wave to photograph full brides.

And finally, remember that the model must be treated carefully and politely. A lot depends on the behavior of the photographer: in his actions and words there should not be a hint that the proportions of the model do not suit him. In addition, if you notice that a girl is very shy about her figure, try to tell her something sincere and encouraging.

If you want to become a photography guru and shoot both full and thin equally well, then welcome to ours! We are ready to train everyone!





Correctly chosen pose guarantees half the success of a photo shoot.
But not everyone can boast of such a skill.
Many are “lost” in front of the camera lens and doom the photoset to failure.

You can avoid such a fate if you stock up on simple, but spectacular posing options in advance.

Decent photos at home

At home, as you know, walls help.

But that doesn't mean you don't have to prepare for a photo shoot.

There are several options for how to take a beautiful photo at home:

  • at the balcony window, facing the sunlight. Lean your shoulder blades lightly against the wall, turn your shoulder to the photographer and open the curtain slightly;
  • on the couch in stiletto heels. Lower one leg on the seat, and put the other toe on the side armrests;

  • in the doorway. Lean your shoulder on the opening, turn the body slightly towards the door. Step over the threshold with one foot. Place your free hand on the door leaf at face level;

  • on the chair. Sit on a chair with your foot on the seat, facing the back. Rest your hands on it. Remember your favorite childhood habit: putting everything in your mouth. Fingers, pen, cherry - everything will do;

  • at the mirror. Look at your reflection over your shoulder, keeping your hands on your waistline. A good angle is three-quarters: this way the beauty of the figure will be appreciated from all sides.

Shooting in street photography

And now let's look at how to take beautiful pictures in winter or at any other time of the year.
For a photo shoot on the street, it is important to choose the right time. Ideal morning and evening hours.

Be sure to take a photo:

  • barefoot. What could be more romantic? Take shoes (or a bouquet of flowers) in one hand, and the tip of the dress in the other;

  • under improvised confetti made from natural materials. Take in both hands snow or an armful of leaves, pick them up and then scatter them over you;

  • on the porch. Sit on the third step, lower the legs on the second and first. You can lean on your knee a little. Don't forget to keep your back straight!

  • in a garden or park. Why not climb an apple tree and, dangling your legs, read your favorite book?

  • in the forest. At the level of man, there are entirely mighty trunks. What to think? It is best to sit at the foot or on a fallen tree.

Boring portraits for a profile in social networks

Since they are met by the avatar, it is desirable that the face be visible on it. Here are some ideas on how to make the portrait more alive:

  • don't forget the hands. Place one hand on your head with the palm facing your face. Grasp the brush with the other hand;

  • bring mystery. If you do not want to be easily recognizable, then go ahead for a masquerade mask. Remember: the eyes should be wide open;
  • add a little childish spontaneity. Blow bubble gum. If it is large, then take a profile picture, otherwise the bubble will ridiculously cover the face;

  • lie on your back. Make sure that the hair looks aesthetically pleasing in the frame. One hand can be lowered on the neckline;

  • sit down hugging your knees. Thanks to this “compact” pose, you can also demonstrate your legs. Cross your legs to hide your underwear.

Some secrets of a beautiful passport photo

In order not to be embarrassed every time you have to provide a passport somewhere, consider the following nuances when photographing:

  • neck and chin. The main mistake is to pull the neck in and lower the chin, after which unwanted wrinkles appear. Stretch your neck and slightly raise your chin;
  • smile. A barely noticeable raising of the corners of the mouth is a guarantee that the face will not look angry and gloomy;
  • hairstyle and makeup. Limit yourself to no-frills makeup. Gently mask skin imperfections. Style your hair carefully. It is not at all necessary to “lick” them: such a hairstyle does not look the best.

Ideas for a graceful flower photo shoot

A favorite gift for women is flowers. They will decorate not only the holiday, but also photographs.

Taking pictures:

  • holding a single flower in her hand. Raise the bud as if you want to inhale its aroma, but so that it does not touch the face (no higher than the level of the chin). A shot in portrait technique will not allow a small bud to get lost in the frame;

  • with a small bouquet on her bare back. Sounds unexpected, but looks amazing. Position yourself sideways to the photographer, lower the flowers over your shoulder onto your back. To fix them, you can tie the stems with a long ribbon, the end of which you will hold down;

  • hugging the flowers. To make the bouquet look more elegant, take it apart and distribute it evenly in your “embraces”;

  • holding a bouquet. Lie down on the bed, leaning on its edge with your elbows. Lift the flower arrangement by the inflorescences;

  • next to a large monobouquet. Such luxury will not be lost in the photograph if it serves as a decoration. It is enough to put a flower vase near the chair on which you will sit and enjoy the beauty of each bud.

Romantic photoset with your loved one

Kisses, hugs - these are wonderful manifestations of mutual feelings. And it's great that you can hug and kiss in completely different ways:

  • taking the lady in his arms. The young man must raise the girl so that she actually sits, and her face is near the hero's face. Pretty woman can only follow the posture;
  • lying on your back and looking up at the sky. Romantics love to look at constellations or bizarre clouds. And to make the girl more comfortable, the guy will gladly offer his hand as a pillow;

  • hugging boyfriend from above. A man is a reliable support in a woman's life. If you take it literally, then you get a great idea for a photo;

  • lifting the girl by the legs. The boyfriend raises his beloved up, the girl kisses her lover, hugging his neck;
  • millimeters apart. An interesting arrangement of the couple, revealing all the sensuality in the relationship: a girl lying on her back and a young man leaning towards her face, on slightly bent arms;

  • in a joint jump, holding hands and looking at each other. Jump up like you want to reach the sky. And if this is a summer photoset - feel free to jump into the water!

Vivid examples of posing for a real man

What options can be used by a serious and self-confident man?

  • hands in trousers. Leaning against the wall, the railing .., crossing your legs and putting your hands in your pockets, you say with your appearance: “I am self-sufficient and do not doubt my strength”;

  • with a jacket over it. This is the pose of a successful, strong-willed person. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, place your free hand in your pants pocket or on your belt. Over the shoulder, you can throw not only a jacket or jacket, but also a bag;
  • putting your hands behind your head. An open, direct look, a beautiful torso and arms - what could be more attractive and sexy? The advantage of this body position is naturalness and the absence of excessive demonstration of the beauty of your figure. Do not forget to properly prepare the armpit area;
  • hand pyramid. Place your arms bent at the elbows on the table. Cover one hand with the palm of your hand. Such a "pyramid" speaks of your attentiveness and trust;

  • American Four. An imperious man, who cares little about public opinion, sits exactly like this: straight as a string, back, leg thrown over his leg, hands lying on the armrests. A glass of whiskey or a cigarette will fit here quite well.

Picturesque corners of Moscow at your service

Within Moscow, you can find both impressive architectural objects for an urban photo shoot, as well as parks and gardens suitable for shooting in the bosom of nature.

The modern urban landscape appears along Ozerkovskaya embankment 22-24, near the Aquamarine-3 Business Center. The complex is equipped with spectacular lighting. There may be some difficulties with security, because the complex is under surveillance, but, as a rule, it can be negotiated with.

The Moscow panorama opens from the observation deck in the Central Children's World, which is located on the Teatralny 5/1 passage. The lift is free.

Romantic natures will love the park at the High Mountains estate (Zemlyanoy Val Street 53). Pavilions, alleys, cast-iron statues and bowls are especially beautiful in autumn.

The boring garden on Leninsky Prospekt 16/18/20 will delight you with its unusual bridges over ravines, paths, sometimes almost forested, and even flower beds in a piano.

The variety of plantings in the Arboretum, which is located on Lipetskaya Street, property 5a, is amazing. These are shady alleys covered with spruce branches, and rows of early-blooming sakura, and the natural beauty of the landscape.

Great selfie with webcam

How to take a good photo:

Winning shots from the seaside

Even the most shy beauties will not be left without stunning vacation shots if they try to take a photo:

  • drawing a heart around you. Try to find a piece of the beach without a trace. Damn, do not lean down so that the face and décolleté are open to the eye;

  • in the waves. Swimming in the sea waves is the most effective way to relax. Be natural: smile, laugh, have fun, and you will get a great "atmospheric" photo;

  • along the sea line. Having fully frolicked, you can also relax, comfortably sitting on the sand washed by the waves. The pose on the stomach is suitable for everyone - all possible figure flaws are simply not visible;

  • in calm water. It doesn't matter if you find it calm. Go to sea in a light dress. Straighten your shoulders, turn your palms towards the camera, let your hair down;
  • sitting with my back to the sea. Cross your arms at your ankles and enjoy the beauty of the sea, and then the beauty of the photographs.

Unique photos with your baby

Take a photo for memory:

  • bending over the newborn and laying his head just above the head of the crumbs;

  • with a child in his arms raised. As soon as the mother raises the baby high up, pure children's laughter is born!

  • with air dandelions or soap bubbles. Take the child in your arms or sit on your lap. Show what will happen if you blow on the flowers;

  • kissing each other. Sit on bent legs, the baby can rise to his knees. Now you are about the same height, you can begin to "demonstrate" your feelings;

  • head to head. Do you mind lying on the grass together? Then lie down with your feet in different directions, and your head - near the shoulder of a friend. The frame is taken from above.

Comme il faut poses for a car set

Are cars your passion? Then it's time to get out for a joint photo shoot:

  • in the cabin with the window open. Lean your elbow on the seat, leave the brush near your face. Open the window glass to approximately the level of your chin;

  • with the door open, as if you were about to get out of the car. Put one foot on the road, the other - leave in the cabin. Turn your body as if you want to get up from the seat;

  • sitting on the hood in the lotus position. Of course, before climbing on the car, take off your shoes;

  • waiting for refueling. Sit next to the car on the base of the column, put one foot on the foundation, straighten the other and put your hands on it;

  • with lipstick. A bit of self-irony: get behind the wheel, adjust the rearview mirror and start painting your lips.

You don't have to be a professional model to look good in photos. But the knowledge of a couple of even the simplest poses will do their job. The main thing is to stay on those in which you are comfortable and comfortable.

Beautiful and unique photos for you!

How to take a beautiful photo - take a picture

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Who doesn't love being photographed? Eighty percent of the female half of humanity are ready to give everything for a couple of new photos. And today, with the development of information technology and technology, this has become even more important. New phones with high-quality cameras, professional cameras, laptops and tablets with the function of photo and video recording, and this is only half of what the modern market provides us with. And what about social networks that drag users into their worlds, craving more and more new photos.

Modern girls suffer from a real "photomania", besides the fact that they photograph everything and everything, from pets, new shoes, lunch rations and everyone around them, they never forget to treat themselves to their favorite photo shoot, sacrificing a huge part of their time for this. And if half of them cope with a photo of a pet, then taking a high-quality picture with your own image in full growth is a much more difficult task.

Beautiful photos today are the key to the success of modern girls, most of whom spend nights on end in the vastness of the World Wide Web in search of their betrothed. According to statistics, over the past couple of years, the number of Internet romances that ended in a happy wedding has increased several times. And this is just the beginning. Soon real acquaintances will become such a rarity that they will surprise us in the same way as our grandmothers touch tablet.

What did you think? The world is in constant development, technologies, views and methods of solving specific problems are also developing. Why, say, a young lady should put on her best dresses, paint her lips with gloss and go to restaurants and exhibitions in search of her chosen one, if it is much easier to make a high-quality photo session, post a photo on a social network and just wait for the result. The costs are less, and the effect is quite long-term. Let me tell you a secret, a lot of people do it. For lack of free time, and sometimes just desire, modern young ladies try to charm the "princes" with pixel images. Well, in order for everything to be successful, the photos must be not just amateur, but at least semi-professional. To do this, you will need a skilled photographer, a good camera, and most importantly your skills as a “model”. Many people have trouble with the latter, some, in their thirst to look relaxed and at ease, increase their efforts, which looks even more pretentious and ridiculous. Someone wants to create the image of a fatal seductress, without taking into account how it will look in the picture, but the rest are not friends with the camera at all. If some of these issues are familiar to you, or if you just want to improve your “modeling” skills, here are a couple of useful tips that will tell you how to pose better and what to consider when working with the camera.

Facial expression

Even if you are photographed in full growth, and the face is not close-up, this is not a reason not to pay due attention to it. After all, even the smallest detail can spoil the whole picture.

Any professional photographer will tell you that the most important thing is your mood. If you feel free and uninhibited, the camera will reciprocate, excessive modesty, tightness and stupid embarrassment are out of place here. If the soul rejoices and asks to come out, be sure to express this through your smile, which should be sincere, relaxed and attractive. If you don't feel like smiling, don't force it. Let the face be serious and mysterious, it's better than a stupid smirk.

In no case do not puff out your lips, like the duck Ponochka in Duck Tales. Firstly, because you are not a duck, and secondly, it is simply ugly, and recently it has even become an extra reason for jokes and ridicule. If you want to show all your sensuality, it is better to open your mouth a little, which will make your lips more sexy and the image natural. Practice in front of a mirror, a standard smile is not your limit.

It is not necessary to look directly at the camera, try looking away or looking up, a little coquetry and mystery will definitely not hurt you. Be careful with a look from under your brows, instead of a fatal beauty, you can get a completely opposite image: the forehead will be too large and wide, the nose will also increase, and the lips will not be shown from the most successful angle.

In full growth

Full length photos are the hardest part of shooting. In order for you to look sophisticated, and most importantly proportionally, special skill is required. First, don't slouch, lift your shoulders, pull your head in, or arch your back. In general, behave naturally and naturally in front of the camera.

It is best to bend one leg at the knee, this will add extra curves to your silhouette, and you will definitely not look too tight.

We also do not recommend standing directly facing the camera, it is better to choose a half-side position or turn around 45 degrees.

Feet should not stand at attention. Stand either with one leg bent at the knee, or on tiptoe, or shoulder-width apart, focusing on one leg.

Hands, too, should not hang around idle, occupy them with something: put them on your waist, remove your hair with them, or lift them up. By the way, in the latter case, you will kill two birds with one stone: take a beautiful pose and you can visually draw in your stomach.

The main thing is that the hands should be completely relaxed, no pinched fingers and fists. Just before shooting, you can shake the brushes a few times, this will help you hide the tension.


Seated portraits are another unexplored area, beyond the control of inexperienced "models". Never sit down with your feet perpendicular to the floor. It is better to turn around a little, relax, throw your legs over your legs or wrap your arms around one of them, lifting it up a little.

When sitting, keep your back straight with your head tilted to one side. This universal and effective advice will help to make any photo successful.

If you're sitting in a chair, experiment with it. It is not necessary to take a boring standard pose. Sitting facing the back and spreading your legs wider, you can take an interesting and very lively shot.

And the last rule, try to put your feet only on the toe, this will make them slimmer, sleeker and longer.


Shooting from above or below is one of the most extravagant. If you follow all the tips and regulations, you will look fantastic. However, not knowing a few rules, you run the risk of looking ridiculous and ridiculous.

A photo taken from below will be able to visually stretch your legs. Try to stand with your back to the photographer and look at him over your shoulder. The result is a spectacular and very daring shot.

Everyone probably knows this situation - you dressed smartly, did an impeccable make-up, took a picture, and the photos turned out to be not entirely successful. Of course, all the stones fly towards the photographer or camera. But, in fact, the quality of the resulting photos largely depends on you. You just need to know a few secrets, and you will always be irresistible in all photos.

How to learn to take pictures - smile and facial expression

A radiant smile always looks more impressive in a photo than a sullen grimace. But, you need to smile sincerely, as if you met a good friend. If you can't seem to smile, follow these tips:

  • Pay attention to short workouts in front of the mirror: “try on” a flirtatious, mischievous, intriguing, soft smile. Choose the one that suits you best, and then use it at the moment of photographing.
  • A real smile is always accompanied by a barely perceptible spark in the eyes. When photographing, try to remember something funny, then you will laugh more believably.
  • Always imagine that the photographer is your loved one, whom you smile at.
  • Don't be afraid to make funny faces. It looks much better than the blank expression of a passport photo.
  • Never stand directly in front of the lens, so the face is not obtained from a very favorable side. It is better to turn half a turn, while the eyes should not aim at the camera, but at any point around it.

How to learn to take pictures - choosing clothes and masking figure flaws

Preparing for a photo shoot, you need to choose not only the most beautiful clothes, but the one that will hide your flaws and emphasize your dignity. Also note the important nuances:

  • Avoid baggy clothing and opt for a flattering fit.
  • Wear heels, it will make you look taller and slimmer.
  • It looks better clothes made of plain fabric than with motley.
  • Do not wear clothes that hide the neck, as well as scarves and jewelry that visually separate the neck from the body.
  • Choose the style of clothing according to your age.

How to learn to take pictures - makeup, hairstyle

It’s not difficult to make a hairstyle no worse than that of photo models:

  • Long well-groomed hair is a real trump card, so don't hide it.
  • If you have wavy hair, give it a natural look. To do this, moisten them with water, shake and let dry without combing.
  • Never smooth your hair, this will make your look very strict and rough.
  • Complex hairstyles are not the best solution for a photo. They will take all the attention away from you.

If you are going to do a professional photo session, it is better to use the services of a makeup artist. But for simple friendly photos, you can get around on your own:

  • Use tonal products, lipsticks, shadows only with a matte effect.
  • In the photo, cosmetics of warm shades look more natural.
  • Bright pearlescent lipstick in the photo gives a hint of vulgarity, so it is better to use light, muted tones.
  • Dark shadows give a very tired look and "throw" a couple of extra years.

How to learn to take pictures - choosing a pose

The final step in getting ready to photograph is your pose.

  • Try not to stand straight, it is better to put one leg out a little to the side or turn around.
  • Do not hold your hands like two wooden sticks - touch the hair, put it on your waist, take the kitten.
  • Watch your posture - take your shoulders back, stretch your neck, tighten your stomach.

Taking pictures is also an art. Train in front of a mirror, look at photos where you turned out just fine, ask your friends for their opinion and then all your efforts will not go unnoticed.

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