How to make a piston and its useful features.


When I talked about how to make a mechanical house, I often mentioned the piston. With you sailor and now I will tell how to make a sticky piston in minecraft.

The basis of the mechanisms in the game

Yes, the piston is the main mechanism in the game. Everything is based on it! Even if you take mods, then without a piston you will not make any engine.

The piston is normal and sticky. The regular one simply moves objects without returning them back, while the sticky one returns back. That is, after activating the normal item, it will be moved to the other side, and after deactivation, it will remain there, and the sticky one, in turn, will return the item.

Let's move on to crafting. In any case, we will have to make a regular piston. For him, we need iron, red dust, four stones and three boards. We put boards in all the upper slots. Iron in the center, and red dust below. In all other slots you need to put stones.

For the sticky piston, we need to kill the slug. You need to look for him in the swamp. We need slime. After you get it, we simply connect the usual piston and mucus.

Both of these items are activated using redstone (redstone), buttons and levers.

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If you play Minecraft, then almost unlimited possibilities open up before you. You can interact with all objects in the world around you, create new ones, build huge and large-scale structures, arrange wars with mobs, or settle down on your own farm, growing vegetables and raising livestock. In general, you are given complete freedom of action, and most importantly - a large assortment of tools that will greatly diversify your pastime in the game. Each block can be considered for a long time, studying its capabilities. For example, you can take a sticky piston - this is a very unusual device that has useful properties, but it is quite simple to do. And if you want to know, then it will be enough for you to read this article.

Creating a piston

If you want to learn how to make sticky pistons in Minecraft, then you need to understand that they are crafted from ready-made regular pistons. These blocks also have a useful function, with which you can move up to twelve blocks in one direction automatically. This opportunity will come in handy, so it's time to learn the recipe for making these blocks. To create them, you will need various materials. Start with cobblestones, as you will need the most - four pieces to make one piston. Also prepare three planks, one redstone and one iron ingot. Place the last item in the center of the workbench, place a redstone under it, there should be cobblestones on the sides of them, and three boards on top. That's the whole recipe for a simple piston, which you can already use as an independent mechanism or as part of a larger scheme. Now that you know this recipe, you can figure out how to make sticky pistons in Minecraft.

Getting slime

The next step if you are trying to figure out how to make sticky pistons in Minecraft is slime mining. This is another component for creating this block, and without it you will not succeed. To get slime, you will need to kill slugs. Unfortunately, this will take quite a long time, since it takes ten blocks of slime to create a unit of material, and each slime drops a maximum of two blocks. And it may happen that not a single one will fall out at all. But when you already have at least one unit of slime, you can start crafting the final object. Now you will learn how to make a sticky piston in Minecraft.

Craft sticky piston

All stages of preparation have been completed, you have obtained both a regular piston and mucus for it. Time to learn how to make a sticky piston in Minecraft. To do this, you will not need anything other than the ingredients you have. As you already know very well, you have room in your inventory to craft things that have less than five ingredients and do not have a well-defined shape. In the case of the sticky piston, you only have two ingredients, so you don't even have to worry about having a workbench - you can do without it. Combine these two elements, and you end up with what you wanted. Now you know how to make sticky pistons in Minecraft, but you have yet to figure out how to use them.

Using a sticky piston

From this article, you have already learned how to make a piston and a sticky piston in Minecraft. You were even told a little about how to use the regular model. But so far, nothing has been said about the sticky analogue - how does it differ from the standard version? In fact, there is only one difference (not counting the appearance, we are talking about the functionality). When you use a regular piston, it pushes the blocks back and returns to its original position. If you use a sticky piston, then it pushes the blocks back in exactly the same way, but the first block that it came into contact with is returned to its place along with the piston itself. Some novice gamers may wonder why this is even necessary. But if you have already played Minecraft for some time and are familiar with the principles of design, then you should not have such questions - this effect can be very useful when creating various schemes and objects, for example, when installing large doors or gates, as well as when organization of secret passages. You can also, of course, come up with your own uses for this extremely useful block.

Piston - This is a special block that allows you to interact with blocks, objects and players. In total, there are two types of pistons in minecraft: 1) - Sticky Piston, 2) - Regular piston. I think it’s already clear how the Regular Piston differs from the Sticky Piston. Pistons are used to move various blocks, etc. Pistons are also used to create various mechanisms (For example: Sliding doors, etc.). Let's move on to crafting these pistons.


Usage of conventional piston:

Pistons are used to move blocks (up to 12 blocks in any direction), but they can also affect other objects, such as players or objects. Pistons cannot push blocks that have additional information stored separately from the game level array (eng. tile enitities - chest, stove, tablet, spawner ...), as well as obsidian, portal blocks and bedrock. One piston can push another if it is in a compressed state. Some blocks, like torches or pumpkins, drop out as objects when you try to move the piston.

The pistons are activated by a redstone signal. If a loose block falls on a rising/descending piston, it will drop as an item. Pistons can block liquids (because of this, they can be used as a controlled watergate) and do not burn from lava. It will not be possible to push the block beyond the upper or lower border of the game map with a piston.

The piston is installed with a retractable part towards the player.

Using sticky piston:

Sticky Pistons, like normal pistons, can move up to 12 blocks in any direction. When deactivated, the sticky piston returns the block directly next to the piston face. Sticky pistons cannot move bedrock, obsidian, tablets, gourds, other pistons in the extended position, and certain other blocks, such as torches, that do not prevent passage through them.

The "stickiness" of these blocks does not counteract gravity - they will not be able to hold sand or gravel in the air. The loose block will rise, but as soon as the piston stops, it will fall back.

If the sticky piston is activated for one redstone cycle (minimum delay on the repeater), it will only perform half of the action - if there is a block in front of it, it will only push it back like a normal piston, but if the block is located one block away from the piston, it will pulls back like it should.

Sticky pistons can be used to create large doors, secret passages, traps, control the flow of liquids, and many other interesting devices.

If someone wondered how to create a piston in, then such a gamer is seriously interested in this game and is eager to master its new tricks. The piston is mainly designed for those who have gone quite far in this game, but the information is useful for beginners as well. So, what is the piston for, and how to create it? The use of the piston is rather limited. He can push multiple blocks, usually no more than 12, except for those interacting with the player. However, as the gamer develops in the game, he finds new ways to use the piston in different designs and mechanisms.

Instructions on how to make a light piston in minecraft:

Now, consider crafting a piston. We need:

  • + Boards- 3 blocks.
  • + cobblestones- 4 blocks.
  • + iron ingot - 1.
  • + red dust - 1.

Getting the first two resources is not at all difficult; even novice players will not have problems with their extraction. Iron ingot is obtained from iron ore, which is quite rare, but it can still be found. Red dust is obtained from red ore, which is located at a great depth, but it is not difficult to find it. The collected resources must be arranged in the order that they are on the slides. The exact location of the resources guarantees a finished piston. To activate it, you need a redstone lever or circuitry. It must be installed facing the player. It should be added that one piston can push the other if it is in a compressed state.

Be sure to watch the crafting video:

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