How to sit on a transverse twine at home in a month - stretching exercises. How to stretch on a transverse twine: correct and effective stretching, useful tips


To sit on the twine means to prove to yourself and others not only your skills and plasticity, but also willpower. Is there any benefit to twine? Undoubtedly. Flexibility, elasticity and strength of the muscles, elasticity of the legs and buttocks without excess weight - this is the positive result, which, of course, cannot but rejoice. Well, everyone around you will note your perfect posture and accuracy of movements.

Moreover, the acquired skills will help to easily improve and learn any beautiful dances and yoga. Therefore, many are interested in how to stretch correctly in order to sit on the twine.

The cross split is not only an incredibly spectacular pose, but also extremely useful. So he characterized by the following advantages:

The following rules for stretching should be observed:

Mahi legs

The main exercise is swinging your legs. To do this, stand on one leg, the second - try to raise as high as possible. Repeat the same with the other leg. Gradually try to bring your legs up above shoulder level. When performing this exercise, you can not slouch, bend your knees - watch this!


The next exercise requires more effort, so don't be surprised if it doesn't work right away. Find a surface or object that is approximately the same height as your belt. Place your foot on this surface. Without removing your legs, bend over, trying to reach the floor with your hands. Change your leg, repeat the exercise. If you feel severe pain - stop doing the exercise, continue at the next workout. The main thing is regularity, then everything will work out!

Set your feet wide enough. As you inhale, try to lift your chest, and as you exhale, tilt towards your left leg. At the same time, you need to ensure that the knees and hips are in a taut position. Then lean to the next limb. After that, grab your shins with both hands and try to stretch. The back during this exercise must remain completely straight. To simplify the task, you can stand up to the wall.

Side lunge

Get into the “side lunge” position, lowering the heel of the supporting limb to the floor surface. The other leg needs to turn outward, straightening the knee. Pull your foot towards you, resting your hands on the floor. If balance and stretching does not allow you to do this, then you can grab the lower knee with your hand and clasp your hands behind your back.


From a sitting position, try to open your hips wide and try to sit straight on your buttocks. At the same time, the heels should fit snugly against them, and the spine should not curve. If this does not work for you, then a special block or an ordinary blanket can be placed under the buttocks. Exhaling fully, turn your chest to the right and then to the left. The frog exercise for stretching is famous for its effectiveness.

Each of the beginner circuits above will give your body flexibility and plasticity. Do not forget: in order to get the maximum benefit from classes, you need to stretch daily, and preferably a couple of times a day (in the evening and in the morning). Only systematic exercises aimed at the muscles of the thighs and buttocks will allow you to achieve your goal and still sit on the perfect twine.

Like any other physical activity and training, the ideal (royal) twine has contraindications. So, you can’t sit on the twine at home for people who have bruises on their legs, cracks in the bones of the pelvis, legs. Twine is also contraindicated for those who have any complex diseases of the spine, especially in acute forms and in hypertension.

Attention, only TODAY!

Strong, trained and elastic muscles are a healthy, easy gait and movement, as well as the prevention of many diseases. The spine remains flexible - mobile, while can't be afraid common ailments such as or intervertebral hernia.

Due to the constant stimulation of blood circulation, the pelvic organs are not subject to congestion and inflammation, and the intestines function optimally.

For women, doing twine stretching exercises is especially important. Formed impeccable posture, thin waist and graceful easy gait. In addition, during training intensively fat goes away from the main female "problem areas": the abdomen and hips. Stretching has a positive effect on the condition of the veins of the lower extremities. Through regular practice vessel walls are strengthened, become elastic, and the first signs of varicose veins disappear. If you decide to take up dancing, then the ability to sit on the twine will definitely come in handy.


The benefits of this type of exercise are undeniable, in addition, you can start exercising at any age. How to quickly achieve the desired result depends on muscle fitness and focus. However, there are a number of certain conditions of the body, not allowed to train at home on one's own:

  • inflammatory diseases muscles and joints, especially in acute form;
  • spinal and pelvic injuries(the most dangerous are bone fractures and dislocations of the hip joints);
  • arterial hypertension.

If already diagnosed with osteochondrosis, a preliminary consultation with the attending physician is necessary. In most cases, stretching exercises are useful, but they should be performed with the utmost care. Exercising at home regularly and without contraindications, already after 2-3 months it will be possible to sit on the longitudinal or transverse twine.

The most effective twine stretching exercises

Each workout (for any muscle group) begins with mandatory warm-up. Stretching the muscles can seriously injure them, so preparation should be given special attention.

  • a few squats
  • body tilt,
  • swinging your legs.

Helps boost blood circulation as well jogging in place or brisk walking. Warmed up and receiving sufficient nutrition, the muscles will quickly tone up, and the effectiveness of the training will increase.


Stretching exercises are performed in two positions: standing and sitting. This part of the complex is dedicated to the first type and is much shorter than the second. The legs are stretched alternately, for each of them you should perform at least 8 repetitions:

With legs wide apart, hands on the waist and watching the posture, bend your right knee and squat, keeping your left leg straight. At the same time, the sock must be pulled towards you, while simultaneously feeling tension in the target muscle group (several springy swings up and down should be done). This exercise is designed to work back and inner thighs.

The next element will require good coordination and balance. It starts similarly to the previous one, with a squat on the right leg, after which the body turns smoothly to the left. In this case, the weight is transferred to the left leg, it bends at the knee, and the other straightens. In this phase, the exercise is similar with a classic lunge forward. If it is difficult to maintain balance right away, at first you can rest your palms on the floor.

These movements will prepare the muscles and joints for a more intense subsequent load.


Despite the lower static voltage, the second part of the complex is characterized by more palpable pain.

This is normal, since stretching is always painful, but you should not get carried away too much: discomfort should disappear after 10-15 seconds after the element has started executing. If the pain does not go away or increases, the session should be stopped.

  • The muscles of the perineum are well stretched by the following exercise. sitting bend your knees and bring your feet together and then do forward tilt of the body between the knees. At the same time, the hips move apart and the tension of the corresponding muscle group is felt.
  • Stretching the right leg forward, bend the left and rest the heel on the thigh from the inside. Bend to the straight leg as low as possible, trying to touch the feet with the hands, and the knee with the chest.
  • The next exercise is almost the same as the previous one, but in the starting position the bent leg must be thrown straight(foot as high as possible on the thigh). Repeat for the second limb.
  • Straighten one leg, bend the other and take it back at a right angle so that the heel rests on the buttock. Tilt the torso to a straight leg, while clasping the foot with the palms and touching the knee with the chest. Do an equal number of repetitions for the other leg.
  • Bring and straighten your legs, and then springy lean forward. Try to reach your feet with your palms.
  • This element is similar to the previous one (the same forward inclinations), however, it is performed with straight outstretched legs. You should bend as low as possible between the limbs, touching the floor with your chest and without bending your knees.
  • Kneeling, shins and feet apart in different directions. Raise and lower the pelvis, almost touching the floor. The back should remain straight.
  • From the same starting position, perform deepest forward bends. This will help stretch the back and inner thighs.

Pictures of exercises:

It turns out that even the masters of enlightenment are discussing splits these days. Of course, they say that we are equally perfect before and after the twine, the twine itself does not make us cooler. However, the fact that they talk about it testifies to the relevance of splits today. Many strive for them, and this path is not easy. Here are the most common mistakes along the way. If you keep them in mind, then you can not only bring the cherished goal closer, avoiding injuries, but also improve your health a little.

A large number of people, in an attempt to sit on the twine, exhaust themselves with the most unpleasant stretches, injure muscles and ligaments - and all for the sake of one element, which can sometimes be used in dance. Or maybe not used. The ability to raise your legs high and the ability to sit on a twine are different types of flexibility, do not confuse them. This will be the first mistake on our list.

1. If I sit on the splits, I can consider myself flexible.

You can be flexible, but do not sit on the twine. There are different types of flexibility, and twine is one gymnastic element, an exercise that is neither a panacea nor an indicator of flexibility.

This is an exercise that can be mastered along the way of your development, but remember that this position of the legs is not physiological or natural, it is important to master it competently, and not anyhow.

2. If I want to raise my legs higher, I must reach for the twine.

Leg swings are a dynamic stretch that requires the active work of almost the entire body. If you develop flexibility in yourself with the help of dynamic movement, you will do swings well, twine has nothing to do with it. Muscle work, position of the hips and body are noticeably different in these exercises.

The ability to hold the leg high in the air is an active stretch, it works because one muscle relaxes and stretches in conjunction with the way the muscles on the opposite side contract. This is a separate type of biomechanical interaction and is associated with deep processes at the level of neural connections.

When we sit on the splits, this is passive stretching - not the most rewarding way to stretch the muscles and one of the more traumatic. As the name implies, the muscles are stretched passively, by pressing them to the floor under the weight of the body (unless someone else is pressing on you from above).

3. Pull the twine on the right leg and on the left.

There is a snag in your attitude because of such a wording of the phrase. Twine is done two legs, both stretch - both right and left, this is its essence. Beginners, on the other hand, often stretch only the front leg, thinking that for the twine to the right one must pull the right one. For a split with the right foot in front, it is important to open exactly the left thigh, the action of the leg lying behind is very, very important. Most injuries are due to this mistake.

If you can sit with your back straight and your two straight legs out in front, then you have enough flexibility so that your front foot is on the floor in a split. Stretching requires the leg that you take back. When stretching into a split, do not lean forward - pull your back leg, sit straight. If you are still too high and you can’t sit straight at all, continue doing preparatory stretches or use improvised means for support - chairs, sofas, yoga blocks, friends, etc.

4. We pull all three twine - right, left and transverse.

Of course, it is important to develop your flexibility in all directions, but the transverse split is a separate position, although it is called a split, but this is another stretch that involves other muscle groups and a different position of the joints, treat it as a separate element and do not interfere with all the splits in one heap. Give each species individual attention and enough time.

5. The amount of time spent stretching.

Often, during a hitch after a lesson, the following order is observed: pull the right twine, pull the left, pull the transverse one and then pull something else or finish the lesson.

Or here's another: we sit down on the "twine" - more precisely, on a distorted likeness of the twine, if you are not sitting on it yet, set a timer and wait for happiness for five minutes.

Firstly, if you are a beginner, then working with twine is a fairly deep muscle preparation, treating it superficially is stupid and useless.

We won't build abs by lifting our legs once. We will lift them at least eight times, otherwise we will do several more approaches and we will do other exercises for the press, add twists, springs, holds - different abdominal muscles are involved there, and we want to pump everything.

It's the same with flexibility: stretching once won't make you flexible. It is necessary to do several approaches, stretch in different directions and in different ways. It is important to keep in mind that you are working with a complex of muscles, different muscles on two different legs.

Overexposure to stretching, especially passive stretching, is also dangerous. We do not now take separate types of professional stretching, for people who are already flexible and strong and who know their body well and have been working with deep stretching for a long time. We are talking about twine for beginners. Holding it for a few minutes can be effective for some, but in general it is completely unnecessary and traumatic. It is better to do ten sets of 10-20 seconds than one 5-minute set, which can provoke a protective contraction (stretch reflex) and cool the muscle.

You need to train how you will use it. If you don’t have to sit in the splits for a long time in the dance, why work out a five-minute split? Maybe you need the ability to fall into the splits quickly, then you will need to work on dynamic stretching, and not sit in one place for a long time.

6. The position of the back leg during the split.

This is not a mistake, but a contradiction that exists in stretching, because in different cases and types of physical activity, different splits are required. It is not fatal to sit in an imperfect gymnastic split with an open (turned to the side) back thigh. Maybe I like to sit like this. There are some situations when exactly such a split is required - for example, for a split jump with the style of Dancehall Queen or other street style. Sometimes in martial arts it is necessary to stretch just such an open twine. In addition, if you are stretching just for yourself, even such an open twine is already pretty cool.

At the same time, it is believed that it would be good to do the twine evenly - with the hips located on the line perpendicular to the line of the legs. To do this, it is important to pay attention to how the hind leg lies. After all, as a rule, it is not possible to put it evenly due to muscle clamps in the back - tame, which suffers from our constant sitting position in most life situations.

We, as a rule, are drawn to the twine “just to sit down”, but it doesn’t matter how and at what cost. We twist wherever we have to, without thinking about what kind of twine we need and how to position the back leg. Moreover, it is not visible, why think about it! I generally recommend laying it flat, knee down. However, as I said, the split is not a natural position for our hips. Naturally, they open well in a diagonal and not perfectly even, so the main thing here is to have an understanding of how the hips work, which muscles are underdeveloped, what is the purpose of the twine and how you feel in it.

7. Twine is a stretch for the legs

Twine is not a stretch at all, it is an exercise that requires complex flexibility, stretching different parts of the body in different directions. This is a deflection and an inclination at the same time. This requires not only stretched muscles on the legs, but also the muscles of the press and back, and of course the pelvic girdle.

Based on this, when preparing for the splits with the help of other exercises, it is important to warm up and stretch not only the legs.

8. Twine is good because it stretches the legs more.

Unlike point 7, where we discussed that the split stretches not only the legs, here we are talking about the effectiveness of the twine as a stretching method.

When we stretch, our body resists unnatural positions in order to protect muscles, blood vessels, ligaments, and even skin from stress that could damage them. When we pull only one leg, we are dealing with only one muscle group, and there will be much less resistance, which means that the stretch can be done much more effectively. The twine in this case is not so effective.

In some styles of movement, the twine is necessary as a basic element, for example, for those who practice pole dancing, it is important for performing many other elements. But even if you desperately need this twine, do not neglect other stretching elements.

9. Twine is the purpose of stretching.

In general, in order to comfortably sit on the splits, you need to be stretched on the splits with over-extension, that is, with your legs open more than 180 degrees. This makes us think that we should strive not for the splits, but for the openness of the joints and the healthy coordinated work of the muscles, which allow us to do more than just the splits.

Do not strive to sit on the twine, strive to develop, and do not limit yourself to the twine. If you are determined to develop your flexibility, then strive for more, when the twine is just around the corner, remind yourself that for a good twine you need a “split with a minus” - there is nothing outrageous about it.

This is not a mistake at all, of course, but an internal limitation, and the presence of psychological blocks hinder the development of flexibility.

10. The twine must be pulled while sitting on the floor.

There are many alternatives and they are all twine. The option of sitting on the floor is the most passive and traumatic, because if you are overtaken by a stretch reflex, you will not have time to get out of the split fast enough and damage the muscle: it will begin to contract, and the leg is still under the weight of the body lying on the floor without being able to bend.

In addition, if you had a similar injury, then repeated attempts to reach for a split while sitting on the floor will cause even more muscle resistance, because they already “remember” that this particular position contributed to the injury.

The splits can be pulled while lying against the wall, then there is no pressure on the muscles, and this is a better option for those who have had injuries.

The twine can be vertical, so it is convenient to pull it while standing against a wall or in a doorway. Such stretching is more effective and less traumatic, since it requires the inclusion of antagonist muscles, and their work causes the stretched muscles to relax.

If you seriously set out to sit on the twine, do not forget that our body requires balanced work and you need to pull everything, not just legs and hips. Stretching only for twine is like eating only porridge. Of course, there will be a result, but for a healthy body, diversity and usefulness are important both in nutrition and in exercise. And do not forget - even if you are not given this twine, you are already perfect anyway, ask any enlightened master!

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My favorite wall stretches! Basically, this was my morning workout! 🇬🇧 Favorite stretch marks by the wall. Basically, this is what my morning workout looked like today. #warmupexercise #warmups #backbends #backbendlove #sakhalinyoga #mywellnessclub #ilovestretching #stretchingtips #flexibility studio #sakhalinyoga #straddlestretch #yogasakhalin #flexibility studioSakhalin #wholebodyworkout #stretching studio #stretching exercises #stretchingsakhalin #stretchingYuzhnosakhalinsk #stretchingbacks #sakha linyoga #yogasakhalin #stretchingsakhalin #mystretchblog #bending #bending #flexible body #alignments #stretchwithme #wallstretch

Did I mention that I'm not a yoga instructor? And then many people think... 😅 Of course, I could quickly find a certification program “spend the weekend with us and you are a certified yogi”, but you understand that it’s not my style of trick 😅 A friend noticed that I was in a post about love I identified yoga to myself in the section “for the soul”, and not for the body. This is because yoga involves a very comprehensive work, and what happens to the body is only a small part of it, although the most noticeable. The tip of the iceberg. I concentrate on working with the body, I’m interested in bodily processes and the distribution of physical energy in them, and although they inevitably run into psychology of different depths anyway (I wrote that on purpose), I don’t practice the spiritual side of yoga teachings, although I actively follow on their own path of spiritual development. Therefore, I do not like it when they say that I am a yoga teacher - this would make me responsible for conforming to a certain format, being well-versed in yoga practices and perhaps somehow following the principles of yoga teachings myself. Although I am very friendly with yoga and often find something for myself in it. I can do yoga for beginners, but these are rather exceptional cases, like for the New Year, for example. In general, I am for a healthy fusion of everything that the soul aspires to - yoga, dancing, acrobatics and breathing exercises on the day of the child's competition, and much more - everything goes together perfectly, all styles of movement in my head merge and come to a common denominator. In general, to be honest, I consider absolutely all movements as a dance. With elements of biomechanics 😅💃🏼🤸🏼‍♂️🧘🏼‍♀️⚙️⚙️⚙️

This topic is burning for many: the muscles of the back of the thigh, which I always recommend not to overtighten, and only pull with resistance (especially for adults, because their statistics of sprains in this part of the body just rolls over). I tried to explain in as much detail as possible, but it may take time for the muscles to “understand” how to turn on in stretched positions. By stretching the muscles using resistance, you simultaneously strengthen the adjacent joints, making the stretch more stable and less traumatic. Interestingly, the stronger the muscles become, the more they resist, so the load increases in proportion to the growing strength and elasticity of the muscles. Well, isn't this stretch with resistance darling? ☺️ #hamstrings #stretchwithme #stretchwithyulia #resistancestretching #hamstringstretch #back of the thigh #exercises for legs #stretchingtwine #splits #mywellnessclub #Yuzhnosakhalinsk #flexibility studio #stretching #stretching studio #stretchingsakhalin #hochushspagat #stretchinghome #yogahome #stretchingYuzhnosakhalinsk #sakhalinyoga #yogasakhalin #sakhalinyoga #yogasakhalin #mystretchblog

I discovered wonderful cosmic time management. I just decided to love Time. Someone will consider me crazy, but my conscious relationship with Time began one night when I was embroidering a suit with beads, laying out a pattern with tiny beads, and all facets of consciousness in my head hissed that it was UNREAL to be on time. But the contract has already been signed, and in no case do I want to disgrace myself by going out in a faded, unembroidered suit. And I started a dialogue with time: I don’t know anything, I kept saying, I will go on stage in a chic suit, without options, I won’t give in to you, for nothing 🙅‍♀️. Do you think I finished the costume? It took another month, but the day before the trip, my future husband suddenly gives me a beautiful box and says: this is for the New Year, but open it now. There was a chic suit straight from Turkey, all embroidered, with kilograms of beads and pendants. And then I got the feeling that Time heard me. And answered. Like a fairy for Cinderella ... only my husband and his mother acted as a fairy, she went to Turkey and brought a beautiful costume at his request. This was before the contract and the beginning of my attempts to do the impossible in a week, as if Time knew everything in advance and even then did not run away, but went towards me. Such situations were not uncommon, albeit on a smaller scale. The most typical: you are late for something, and then you realize that you shouldn't have rushed. Every year I became more and more convinced that Time is not an enemy, it does not need to be tamed, it is not a property that needs to be disposed of, perhaps it is not even divided into hours and seconds, as we used to divide it, for me it is alive, and it on our side, waiting for us to finally trust him. But can Time wait? 🤔 Trust is a difficult skill for an adult, but gradually I develop it: I make sure that everything happens at the best time for this. I believe that Time loves us and will not help us acquire and do what we don’t really need (although we can deny this at some stage, say that something is mega-important for us ...) . I don't blame people for being late. I like to determine and feel the time without looking at the clock, I feel its patronage. In general, my friend, Time, asked me to tell you: love time, because it already loves you.

For those who are inspired by fashion trends regarding stretching, the question of how to properly sit on a twine will be very relevant, and which of its options is more difficult - transverse or. Let's delve into this aspect of the physical development of the body and get answers to all your questions - what is a transverse twine, how to learn how to do it for beginners, and what video instructions will help you do the splits quickly.

For those who do not know what a cross-leg split is, this is a spectacular position, the result of a chic stretch and a demonstration of incredible flexibility and plasticity.

This posture is a position in which a person spreads his legs transversely so that they form a straight, even line. It will help to master this skill and sit on the transverse twine with a set of special exercises, which will be discussed later.

The cross split pose requires a lot of effort and patience, as well as regular exercise. If we talk about which type of twine is easier and which is more difficult, then the opinions of the athletes on this matter are unanimous, because the transverse leg extension is much more difficult to master, especially for beginners. The key to the success and effectiveness of such exercises is a thorough, effective stretching of the ligaments and muscles of the lower extremities, as well as an improvement in the motor capabilities of the sacrum and hip joints. So before you learn how to do an exercise with transverse leg extension, you need to master the video tutorials with stretching and, of course, be patient, because you have a long way to go, since learning such a technique can last from several weeks to a year.

Why do many strive to master this pose?

It is worth noting that the trends of a healthy lifestyle and good stretching are gaining popularity for a reason. The fact is that transverse twine is not only effective, but also useful. Few people know that such a pose provides a lot of positive effects:

Having appreciated all the advantages of such a stretch, an urgent question may arise, but can everyone achieve high results and sit on a transverse twine. It is worth noting that age is not a hindrance for him. By diligently training the whole body, everyone will be able to master the twine, no matter how old they are.

Features of the development of technology

It is allowed to start a set of exercises for transverse twine only after a thorough warm-up. To warm up the muscles before training, you can do several cardio exercises. If you do not devote 15-20 minutes to warm-up exercises, the risk of injury and damage to the ligaments increases during the time it will be performed directly.

Muscles come in tone for a certain time. Therefore, in order for the lesson to be successful and not traumatic, all muscle groups should be carefully worked out, lingering during exercises for 10-20 seconds in each position. Over time, the warm-up complex will take not 15-20 minutes, but more, because you will need to try to extend the time you stay in a static position during the warm-up to at least 1-2 minutes, instead of 10-20 seconds. If physical capabilities and well-being allow, then it will be possible to increase this pause to 3-5 minutes. This will allow you to pull the muscles gradually, smoothly and painlessly.

To make the lesson as comfortable as possible, observe the correct breathing mode - inhalations and exhalations should be deep. The body during the warm-up and stretching exercises should be relaxed, and the back should be even.

So if you want to know how to do the splits quickly, then you need to be patient and make a training schedule that allows you to devote a lot of time to warm up, as well as carefully stretch your muscles.

In addition, classes should be regular, because the guarantee that you can do transverse twine at home is daily stretching. Of course, for beginners, such a load will be unbearable, so at first it is worth stretching for 20-30 minutes at least every other day.

If something doesn't work, back off. Know the measure and do not overdo it, even if you are striving to get a noticeable result as soon as possible. Remember that stretching on the transverse twine should be done very carefully and slowly.

Preparing for classes

To sit on the transverse twine, you need to follow not only the technique of action and the sequence of exercises, but also take into account the requirements of the training. They relate to the dress code and environmental conditions.

As for clothing, the quality outcome of training depends on it and whether you can learn how to do transverse twine. Therefore, before class, you should change into:

  • loose t-shirt
  • elastic training leggings (you can warm trousers);
  • put on socks.

It is advisable to train in an environment that inspires. A noisy company or complete solitude is the choice of each person. The temperature in the room where the workout will be held should be above 20 degrees, because your body must warm up in order for the muscles to stretch. That is why it is also worth wearing insulated leggings (even in summer).


Exercises for transverse twine are quite simple, but if they are performed regularly, you can see a noticeable result in a few weeks. The basis of the basics is, therefore, all exercises are aimed at developing muscle fibers and ligaments, increasing flexibility and improving joint mobility.

It’s worth starting with the simplest exercises that will help you “warm up”:

  • Butterfly - familiar to many from school. It increases the flexibility of the tendons located in the groin and helps to pull the fibers of the muscles of the thighs. To perform it, you need to sit on the floor and pull the legs bent at the knees and aligned with the feet to the groin area. Spreading your knees to the sides, you need to press on them with your hands so that the outer side of the thigh and lower leg touches the floor. During the exercise, you should keep your back straight and your abs tense.
  • Pancake is an effective exercise for developing the hip joint, as well as the hamstrings, muscles of the back and inner thighs. Sitting on the floor, you need to spread your legs to the maximum distance from each other, without bending them at the knees. Stretching your arms in front of you, tilt your torso and touch your chest to the floor. From this position, you need to spread your arms to the sides, stretching them so that you can bend even lower. After a few seconds in this position, return to the ip. As you master this exercise, you can complicate it if you reach with even hands first to the toes of the left foot, then to the right. The ideal stretch in this case is when you can put the body completely on the thigh, and wrap your hands around the foot.
  • Stretching in an inclined position. Starting position - standing with your feet shoulder width apart. Leaning forward on straight legs, try to reach the floor. From this position, try to grab your ankle, bringing your chest closer to your knees. Stretching should be done 5 times for each leg for 5 sets.
  • Side lunge stretch. For this exercise, you need to lower yourself into a side lunge position, leaning on the floor with full feet if possible. One leg is bent at the knee - the other is straightened and laid transversely to the side. With your hands on the floor, turn your knee outward. If stretching allows, at the same time you can grab your knee with your hands, stretching the spine at the same time.
  • Stretching from a sitting position with the buttocks on the heels. I.p. - sit on your heels and gently open your hips, spreading your knees to the sides so that your heels touch your buttocks. Keeping your back straight, as you exhale, turn your body to the right, while inhaling, return to the SP, then repeat the same, turning to the left.

Completion of a workout

Having performed effective exercises to warm up the body and prepare it for the transverse twine, you can try to take this position. You need to sit on the twine very carefully so as not to damage the tendons and not overstrain the muscles in order to avoid injury.

In order to sit on the transverse twine, you need to take a squat position on your haunches. Leaning in front of you with your palms on the floor, slowly spread your legs to the sides, sliding on your toes, trying to fully straighten your legs.

In this position, you should stay as long as possible, feeling how the stretched body works. Then slowly return to a squatting position. After a short rest, repeat the exercise again 5-10 times in order to properly stretch the muscles and soon sit on the transverse twine.

Regardless of the type, whether it is longitudinal, transverse static or dynamic twine, you first need to warm up the ligaments and muscles. Otherwise, rupture of muscle fibers and / or sprains are guaranteed, since these tissues contain the “myofibril” protein, which allows the muscles to contract.

If its temperature is not the same, then some muscle fibers will contract with greater force and intensity than others, respectively, the load on the ligaments will be uneven. As a result, rupture of ligaments and or muscle fibers. After such a nuisance, few people want to try to sit on the twine again.

Jogging is considered the ideal warm-up. In this case, not only the thigh muscles, calf muscles and calf muscles are warmed up, but blood circulation throughout the body is also accelerated, which significantly reduces pain during exercise.

If for some reason jogging is impossible, you will have to limit yourself to rubbing your legs, squats, and swinging movements of your legs.

The warm-up should continue until drops of sweat appear on the forehead, and a pleasant warmth is felt in the muscles, as if covering every fiber, called languor by bodybuilders.

Depending on the individual characteristics of the body - 10-30 minutes. Cycling does not provide uniform heating of the thigh muscles, therefore, there is a high probability of injury when.

A set of exercises for longitudinal twine

There are two schools for acquiring the ability to sit on a twine, eastern and western:

  1. Eastern school. The primary is the state of the body. In order to one day sit on the twine, not only certain muscle groups are prepared, but the whole body, including the endocrine system. The main emphasis is on self-awareness and achieving a certain state in which the effectiveness of the exercises performed increases significantly. Advantages - safety, long-term results, improvement of the body as a whole. Disadvantages - long time to achieve results, the need for a qualified mentor.
  2. Western school. The focus is on achieving results. Here, the exact categories of approaches, repetitions, execution time and the number of workouts per day, week, etc. dominate. Advantages - the result is achieved in the shortest possible time, exercises can be performed at home without a mentor. Disadvantages - without regular training, the achieved result cannot be repeated. There is no 100% safety guarantee. Despite this, the Western school is more popular. Well, why wait months if you can do the splits in 10 days?

Exercises for longitudinal twine

stretching on the longitudinal twine

Naturally, it is impossible to sit on the longitudinal twine the first time. However, if you perform the 6 exercises below in strict sequence, you can achieve success in a few months.

Each next exercise is a continuation of the previous one.

When staying in this position for more than 1 minute ceases to cause pain, you can proceed to the next exercise.

So, the exercises:

  1. The right leg is put forward. Emphasis on the palm. The spine is straight. The shoulder blades are brought inward. The left leg is laid back with the heel back. Pull the heel of the left foot back as far as possible. Hold this position for at least 30 seconds. 3-4 approaches.
  2. Left knee drops to the floor. The left foot is extended. The emphasis on the palm is transferred a little to the left. Forearms drop to the floor. The right knee is taken to the side. The load is increased from 2 to 5 approaches.
  3. Emphasis on the left knee. The trunk is pulled up. The right leg is extended as far as possible from itself. The hips are pulled forward. Hands are lowered on the right leg. When you inhale, straighten your chest and shoulders, and when you exhale, tilt down. The back is flat 3-4 sets of 4-6, then 6-10 repetitions.
  4. Return to the position in exercise number 1. The palms are lowered to the sacrum with the fingers up. Use your palms to push your pelvis and sacrum forward. Lower the shoulder blades, stretch the spine. Stay in this position for at least 30 seconds.
  5. The position on all fours. Pull the right knee forward until it touches the right wrist. The right shin moves to the left until the foot is under the left side of the pelvis. The left leg and arms are extended back until the pelvis is as low as possible to the floor.
  6. Emphasis on the left knee. Hands drop to the floor. The right leg slowly slides forward. Left - back. Continue until the pelvis presses against the floor, and this is already a longitudinal twine!

The position of the legs must be changed, for example, every other day. You can complete all the exercises in 3 months, but not to the detriment of your health!

A set of exercises for transverse twine

Unlike longitudinal, transverse twine is more difficult to perform and more traumatic.

Therefore, it is advisable to sit on it under the guidance of a coach:

  1. Sit on the floor and spread your legs as far as you can. The back is straight. Hands are raised up. Do forward bends for 3-5 sets. Increase the number of repetitions from 5 to 15.
  2. The starting position is the same. Reach forward with the whole body until the tips of the fingers reach the tips of the big toes. Keep doing this until your torso is in contact with the floor.
  3. Grab your elbows with your hands and stretch your forearms down. Lean forward until your elbows touch the floor.
  4. Legs shoulder width apart. Hands are lowered in front of you, palms down. The back is straight. Extend your legs until your hands reach the floor. Focus on your arms and continue to spread your legs. Do it until pain sets in.
  5. Legs shoulder width apart. The feet are parallel to each other. The back is straight. Bend forward until your palms reach the floor.
  6. Spread your legs as wide as possible with your toes out. The back is straight. Try to sit down. Do until full squat.
  7. Spread your legs as wide as possible. One leg should be slightly bent at the knee. Do lunges on a straight leg. Change the position of the legs.
  8. Legs together. The arms are lowered along the body. The back is straight. Lean forward until your chin touches one of your knees.
  9. Legs together. The arms are lowered along the body. Lean forward until you can grab your heels with your hands.
  10. Legs spread to the maximum possible width. The arms are lowered along the body. Squat down and lean forward at the same time. Put your hands on the floor, focus on them and bend your back. Try to turn your legs out to the sides.
  11. Slowly sit on the transverse twine.

Basic leg stretching rules (precautions)

  1. While stretching, thoughts should be occupied with something pleasant, but not with how difficult it is to perform this or that exercise.
  2. The movement must be smooth. Any jerk may result in injury.
  3. Hold each position for at least 30 seconds. If it does not work out, the situation should not be so deep.
  4. You don't have to endure pain. When it occurs, move on to a simpler exercise.
  5. Training should be done daily.
  6. During the course of training, you should refrain from alcohol until the final result is achieved.

Important! With inflammatory processes in the joints and muscle tissues, the passage of a rehabilitation period after a muscle or tendon injury, the idea of ​​​​sit on the twine should be abandoned.

How to sit on the twine as quickly as possible?

On the Internet, you can find many methods for how to sit on the twine in 10 days and even in a week. In fact, these techniques are extremely dangerous, because stretching the ligaments is a change in their natural state.

In practice, if a person has not previously been involved in athletics, gymnastics, martial arts and other sports that increase the elasticity of mating, you can sit on a longitudinal twine no earlier than one and a half. And on the transverse for 3 months.

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