How the movie Scythian was filmed. Russian film "Scythian" was called the most "dirty" and bloody


The mountains of Crimea hide many interesting places. Some of them are widely advertised and visited, while others can be difficult to find. Recently, a separate "lost world" has begun to gain popularity. Photos of the Food-Asker rocks and strange installations located among them flooded travel sites.

Where are the rocks on the map of Crimea?

A tourist will be able to find them in the Bakhchisarai region, between the villages of Tankovoe and Red Poppy. It flows nearby, and several mountains-hills rise - Choban-Koba, Taz-Oba and Topshan. Spread out to the south.

Piece of crocodile spine

The rocks are a heap of boulders at the foot of Mount Crocodile from the side. They act as large fragments of limestone, broken off from the main mountain range. In fact, there are not seven of them at all - tourists are confused in the calculations, and the destruction of boulder blocks under the influence of air, water and temperature changes continues.

“Edy-Asker” in translation means “7 brothers” or “7 warriors”. Although the number is indicated inaccurately, its basis is attributed to the sacred, magical significance attached to the seven by many peoples. The Qur'an mentions the corresponding number of heavens, and Christianity has similar theories (everyone knows the saying "in the seventh heaven").

Consequently, legends about seven brothers who defended their sister from an insidious kidnapper (an option - cruel Janissaries) or seven warriors who fell in love with one beauty literally overwhelm Crimea. The Food-Asker Rocks are not clearly related to any of them, but they are related to all. It is not difficult to make sure of this - just contact one of the guides in the city and its environs.

Food-Asker: stairs to another world

Standard routes with guides to the rocks have not yet been laid. This is the main difficulty of visiting them - you have to independently look for an inconspicuous path leading down from the Arman-Kaya ridge. No other problems are foreseen - the road is quite easy, no equipment or special training is needed. The hike is accessible even for small children. The rocks themselves are a stone labyrinth. The passages between individual boulders are very narrow. But it is not the stones themselves that attract, but an unexpected installation found among them.

Even on the approach, drawings appear on the wall, stylized not just like the art of the Neanderthals,
not something under the traditions of the peoples of Central America. They are applied with coal and soot, and partially scratched into limestone. Further on, in a relatively large clearing, there is a sculpture - a human head, which has images of fantastic animals or birds instead of a hairstyle (not entirely clear). What it looks like - each guest of the glade has his own opinion. Some see the Buddha, others the head of an Indian, others the totem pole. The sculpture is already rather damaged by bad weather, but offerings regularly appear at its base - bouquets, fruits, small money.

Then the most interesting begins. In the clearing stands a "forest" of heavy wooden ladders dug vertically into the ground. Some keep their word of honor, but others are so strong that tourists risk climbing them and taking pictures on the steps. Ladders lead to nowhere - there is no rocky peak above the clearing, and in the memory of the old-timers there was no rocky peak. However, they are in good condition and are not in a hurry to rot and fall apart. On the stones there are drawings in the already described primitive Central American style.

Walks for mystics and not only

Mystically minded vacationers hastened to declare Edy-Asker another "place of power", the focus of magical power. They explain the appearance of stairways with the image of “stairs to heaven” common in mythology. The mystics also turn to their advantage the feeling that many people in the rocks have that they are being watched from above. Say, a supernatural force is studying who came to her.

Materialists have prepared another interpretation for this phenomenon. In the massif above Edy-Asker there are a large number of holes, similar to holes or small caves. They are almost certainly of natural origin, but a comprehensive scientific explanation for their occurrence has not yet been given.
However, the shape of the entrance holes of the caves resembles eyes, so there is a feeling of an outsider's gaze.

With the explanation of the appearance of ladders and images, the situation is worse. The most common option - everything is left from the filming of the film "Scythian". But that doesn't explain why they are Central American. The Scythians preferred a different pictorial style. And so far there has not been a traveler who would have seen this film and could tell which episode was filmed in the rocks.

Such a case from travel notes. Phrase: “I’ll take your camera from you now - it’s forbidden to shoot here!” sounded yesterday, September 25, from the mouth of one of the participants in the preparatory process of filming in the Crimea in my address. What kind of film and how it happened, as well as a whole series of photos - this is further detailed.

Here, honestly - I didn’t want anything bad) Especially - after a day spent with friends on the eastern coast of Crimea, with barbecue and at the very Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, with swimming, photographing pristine rocks and all that wonderfully wonderful that the outskirts are famous for right away after the hectic holiday season. The goodwill and kindest mood saved me from a sharp reaction to the phrase "I'll take the camera" 😉 No, well, that's funny. It is clear that people started making films in the Crimea, and this is sooooo good, I agree that the wild coast is an ideal location for any plot. I won’t argue with the fact that everything that is happening is “a positive image, a benefit for everyone and everything, it’s very beautiful for people too”, but .. you are starting to make a movie and suddenly you need to maintain secrecy - mark the filming location with signs, put up (not security! ) normal people who will explain, explain, tactfully say “no. well, understand. we have such a job ”and it’s normal without any show-offs with arrivals.

On a completely wild coast, telling a stranger that you have a desire to wring out a personal thing from him and no matter what the reasons are is fraught. I repeat - with all due respect to filmmakers, art itself and everything else in the best sense - I have no complaints. Although..

How was it. The company of friends was returning from the outlying beaches to civilization along the coast of the General's beaches on the Kerch Peninsula - they decided to go back not through the steppe, but along the rocks and bays .. they are very picturesque (I will make a publication about this - some of the pictures are already in social networks ). The humor is that on the way to the beaches a few hours earlier, huge logs were seen at the fork in the dirt road (this is in a completely bare steppe) and a wooden idol here. Well, we took a couple of phone photos, and on the way back we decided to turn into that nook, from where some cars jumped out, and others, having crossed the hill, disappeared around the corner of the slopes ..

From here it was revealed - such serious buildings "antique" in all its beauty of the autumn wild Crimea - straight from prehistoric times. Well done decorators - we must give them their due. The work has been done seriously, creatively, and everything is as it should be. In the distance, on the very shore of the sea, on a rock, there was another house of a larger size and with a courtyard, but around there were cars and even a gazelle. Well, if the minibus was able to make its way to that region along this road - our real off-road vehicle will even pass, well, why not see what is there and how it is in general?

As normal Crimeans, we are interested! Moreover, everyone knows that a series of historical films have already swept the Crimean steppes and mountains, right now they were filming another grandiose project in the Belogorsk district (and it was announced that “The Golden Horde will be filmed near Kerch) – that’s why they rushed to see it) And here, please, “it’s forbidden to shoot” on you and all that with the threat of squeezing equipment, but with what fright?

Everything would be fine .. but, this love of cinema is not only interest, but also knowledge. Immediately, at the moment of inspecting the future scenery, the famous film director, producer and screenwriter Sergei Selyanov was noticed (well, who does not recognize this handsome man with a luxurious gray beard, even on the outskirts of Crimea, somewhere in the rocks by the sea ..) - those present reported - “Skif will be filmed here. Well, then, as they say “Google to the rescue” and on the website of his film company CTB, this is about the film, which is dated 2017 when it was released: “The film takes place during the change of civilizations. A new era begins in Eurasia. The proud warriors - the Scythians - have gone into oblivion, their dying offspring have turned into ruthless hired killers, "the wolves of Ares." Warrior Lutobor faces a difficult test. Drawn into internecine intrigues, he sets off on a dangerous journey to save his family, and the captive Scythian Kunitsa becomes his guide. They are enemies and pray to different gods, but are forced to go together. Through the wild steppe world to the refuge of the last Scythians, where almost certain death awaits them ... ". Selyanov promises high-quality fantasy and strong and charismatic characters. It's all on the web.)

Well, the scenery itself is impressive. It is obvious. The filming process will take place this fall, and then we'll see the result.

In general, there were no complaints against people from this shop, only - phrases need to be built, like decorations - correctly and not only beautifully 😉 Or, in advance, announce “permissions and prohibitions” in completely wild bays on the outskirts of Crimea, like that all of a sudden. Not to be unfounded - here are parts of the scenery of the future filming process of the fantasy film "Scythian" in the Crimea. On one of the pictures there is the same film producer Selyanov.

By the way ... you gathered here with the same group of friends and in October to drop in for barbecue in the direction of the General's Beaches - we will not come close to the film site .. sit down - there are lenses with a decent zoom available. After completion, we will see what and how of all this will remain by the sea for the winter and beyond - this is a word about the purity of the nature of the wild Crimea.

TASHKENT, November 24 - Sputnik. With shaved temples, painted tattoos and a beard dyed in tufts, the legend of amateur MMA (mixed martial arts) Vyacheslav Yurovskikh, known in fighting circles as Ali Baba, looks frightening, and in makeup he cannot be distinguished from a real Scythian.

However, appearances are deceiving, and this frightening image is erased after the very first words - this is a kind, in a good sense, straightforward and open person. At least that's how it seemed to Sputnik correspondent Maria Sheludyakova.

A lot of articles have already been written about Vyacheslav and even several documentaries have been shot, and the reason for such popularity is an amazing lifestyle. He actually lives on the street and at the same time visits theaters, reads books, travels a lot and follows his own philosophy. It is not surprising that the director of the film "Scythian" Rustam Mosafir, having seen Ali Baba, offered him the role without casting.

Photo: Alexander Semenchenko

Vyacheslav Yurovskikh plays one of the Scythians, and this image suits him incredibly. The film is being shot during these months in Crimea and will be released in autumn 2017. Filming took place first near Kerch on the Sea of ​​Azov in the area of ​​the General beaches, then not far from Evpatoria, and now the film crew has moved to Yalta to shoot.

Crimea was chosen as a filming location not by chance - the plot of the film takes place in the 11th century in the Russian principality of Tmutarakan, whose lands extended to the territory of the modern Taman Peninsula and Eastern Crimea.

Two antagonists, a pagan and the last of the Scythians, are moving towards a certain goal, the creators of the film saga describe the plot in a laconic way. In terms of genre, "Skif" is a mixture of "road movie", old Russian western and historical action movie. A symbiosis of fairy tales by Alexander Rowe, works by Robert Howard and stylistics by Nicolas Winding Refn.

- Tell us more about the film. What role did you get?

- Without revealing the main plot twists, the film "Skif" is an attempt to create a genre movie based on historical material. It is practically non-existent in Russia. This is a special genre, with an author's approach. However, the characters are not flat. There is a lot of action, violence and blood in the picture.

According to the script, my hero is Skiff One, or Skiff Number One. This is how I feel throughout this story. After all, it is not without reason that the film is named after my hero. Even if it's just a collective image. The role is small, but, as they say, there are no small roles.

Photo: Alexander Semenchenko

Vyacheslav Yurovskikh on the set of the film "Scythian"

My acquaintances are completely delighted with my image - whiskey is cut off, my beard is dyed, bright yellow lenses on my eyes, armor made of "human skin".

Until now, you have never played. Was it hard to get used to the role of the Scythian?

- To be honest, this is not my first film experience, and I knew roughly what I was subscribing to. But for the first time the shooting takes place so far from Moscow.

Trying to get used to the role, I decided not to wash at all. The Scythians did not bathe. It was unbearable for the make-up artists, but at the same time they were grateful, because I tried to save their work, I didn’t have to spend a lot of time every day on makeup and redraw tattoos.

I was also lucky that with my "natural data" I didn't have to stick anything special. For the duration of the filming, I stopped cutting my nails at all, since the Scythians did not have scissors. Moreover, the director needed "more texture", and to heighten the effect, my fingers were inked.

- What new things did you discover for yourself, taking part in the filming process for the first time?

- In the film "Skif" my character in a couple of scenes has to ride a horse. I had to master the ride right on the set. For the sake of this film, I was ready for anything, although I had never dealt with horses in my life. They gave me the calmest horse named Hare.

Before we got off our horses, the film crew was called in for lunch. I decided to drive directly on the Hare to the dining room. The Scythian colleagues liked the idea and followed me. And then one of them rushed forward, going to a gallop. My horse, seeing this, rushed after him. And the rest rushed after us.

Photo: Alexander Semenchenko

Vyacheslav Yurovskikh on the set of the film "Scythian"

My heart nearly jumped out of fear. Tragic scenes were already flashing before my eyes. And then a horse ran past me, but without a rider. Well, I think in horror, they arrived. Thank God, everything ended well. The horses immediately galloped to their native stables and stopped at their stall. Apparently, they are also hungry.

How did you manage to combine fighting and filming?

- No way. At the time of filming, I was scheduled to participate in several tournaments. Several fights had to be cancelled. I had to choose - either fights or filming a movie. Then he decided to completely refuse to participate in the battles for the duration of the filming and did not regret it at all.

Tournaments in which I was going to take part were canceled due to circumstances beyond my control. If, because of these tournaments, I would have refused the offer to play a movie, I would have been left with nothing.

- Is it possible that such a development of events will cause you to completely abandon the fights and continue to act in films?

“I don’t see myself as a whole in cinema, and as long as I have gunpowder in powder flasks, I still want to participate in battles. By the way, my next show is scheduled for January 5th. But again, man proposes and God disposes. And this is the creed for life. I try not to make plans.

Photo: Alexander Semenchenko

Vyacheslav Yurovskikh on the set of the film "Scythian"

You know, in May of this year at the Theater Center on Strastnoy I watched a play by GITIS graduate of the Kamenkovich-Krymov workshop - Alexander Kuznetsov - "Players" after Gogol. Literally a few days later, at the graduation performances of the Heifets Workshop, I again saw him in the role of one of the heroes of Grigory Yuzhakov's production of "The Ranch" by Steinbeck. Who would have thought, I could not have imagined then that literally in four months I would play with him in the same film.

At first in "Scythian" he was afraid to spoil the frame with his appearance. Make-up artists said that I was too bright and interrupted other actors with my aura. Personally, I am skeptical about my acting talent. After Alexander Svyazin's film "Legend from the Streets", many people talked about my texture and that I needed to act in films. But cinema, like sports, is not the most reliable business. I try not to get stuck in one direction. The main thing is to be interesting.

OUR learned all the most interesting about the film, which will appear on the screens in 2017

Filming of a historical film with elements of fantasy under the working title "Skif" continues in Crimea. Now they are taking place in the stone forest near Gaspra and will last for several more weeks. OUR decided to visit the set to talk about what will not be shown on the screen.

Attention! We will not "spoiler".

Execution place, tree houses and skulls

The first thing that impressed our journalist was the unusual and bewitching scenery. In the thick of the forest is the so-called frontal place. As it turned out later, action scenes will be filmed there.

OUR reference. In action scenes, as a rule, the actions are shootouts or fights.

Shooting of the film "Scythian" in Gaspra. Frontal place.

Looking up, you can see many small tree houses. Movie characters live in them. It is very difficult to climb to such a height, but, watching the shooting, it turned out that the actors could do it.

Shooting of the film "Scythian" in Gaspra. Tree houses.

And finally, the skulls that were scattered all over the set. They were of different forms and, apparently, not only people, but also animals. Also a big surprise were the models of corpses, which were occasionally seen among the trees.

Shooting of the film "Scythian" in Gaspra. Scenery.

Revealing the secrets of cinema. In order to create a heavy fog in the forest, a special pipe was laid throughout the set, through which liquid smoke was blown.

The film takes place during a change of civilizations. A new era begins in Eurasia. Gone were the proud warriors - the Scythians, their dying descendants turned into ruthless hired killers. Warrior Lutobor faces a difficult test. Drawn into internecine intrigues, he sets off on a dangerous journey to save his family, and the captive Scythian Kunitsa becomes his guide. They are enemies and pray to different gods, but are forced to go together. Through the wild steppe world to the refuge of the last Scythians, where almost certain death awaits them.

Crimea makes it possible to realize all the author's ideas

OUR found out why the shooting is taking place in the Crimea. At the film director Rustam Mosafir managed to find out that initially the film was planned to be shot abroad, but later the producers made their choice in favor of the peninsula.

- There are many meanings in this movie, the viewer himself, after watching, will find his own here. We are trying to revivecountry genre cinema. In "Scythian" there is a very powerful moral message. Our task is not to make a movie-dummy, but a picture for the audience, but at the same time filled with emotions and passion. We have several worlds that Crimea makes it possible to realize: we have a forest, we filmed in the steppe and now we are filming in the mountains, - the film director shared.

Laughter during filming interferes with quality

Fedor Balabanov works as a supervisor on the set. As he explained to the NASHAY journalist, a cinema supervisor is a person who helps the actors with the script, makes sure that they say everything according to the text. When asked what he likes most about the filming process, he mentioned the creative team.

We don't have many funny moments. You know how it happens in movies: the less funny, the better the result. I like that the creative component of the directors and cameramen is one hundred percent doing their job, they are striving for some kind of ideal. If we have, say, bad makeup, then the shooting will not start. All of our locations are not easy, even here: a stone forest, it's all at an angle, the actors run around, perform some tricks - it's not easy and difficult to stage. We have different worlds in the film, and each world is unique, and thanks to the texture of the Crimea, we were able to achieve all this without going far, - Fedor Balabanov said.

Makeup takes half a day

Make-up artist Alexey Ivchenko talked about the most difficult character.

- In this movie, all the images turned out to be worthy and characteristic, there are no repetitions, each character is an individuality. The most difficult hero is Berendey. By the time we do it every day for three hours.

OUR reference. Berendey, - Turkic nomadic tribes in the Eastern European steppes (XI-XIII centuries).

Alexey Ivchenko also left a wish for the Crimeans.

- I would like to wish the Crimeans to develop the peninsula, because it is a pity that many Russians go on vacation to other countries.

Gnomes to the rescue

Boris Zverev plays the same Berendey. OUR found the scene when the hero is trying to escape from the chains to which he is chained. The gnomes help him with this.

Shooting of the film "Scythian" in Gaspra. Berendey.

- I'm the kind of character who kills everyone. I'm being trained for a certain fight. The dwarves who are nearby are my junior research assistants (laughs). The film should turn out to be interesting, - the actor shared.

Revealing the secrets of cinema. In order to make the image of Berendey more vivid, the actor put a silicone mask on his face.

  • Earlier, NASHA wrote that
  • Also in the Council of Ministers they want,.

Production company "STV" Sergei Selyanov shoots historical fantasy in Crimea "Scythian" about the change of civilizations in ancient Rus'. The Scythians went into oblivion, their dying descendants turned into ruthless killers who, during one of the raids on the Slavs, kidnapped the wife and child of the protagonist Lutobor ( Alexey Faddeev). In order to save his family, he goes on a dangerous journey to the lair of enemies, and as a guide he takes with him the captive Scythian Kunitsa ( Aleksandr Kuznetsov).

The film was directed by Rustam Mosafir, thundered in the film industry with the concept of a dilogy about Evpatiya Kolovrat and removed "Runaways" With Elizabeth Boyarskaya and Petr Fedorov. Acted as costume designer Nadezhda Vasilyeva- the author of costumes in almost all films Alexey Balabanov. In addition to Faddeev and Kuznetsov, the roles are also involved Yuri Tsurilo, Vitaly Kravchenko, Alexander Patskevich and others.

Shooting "Skif"

“We still have little-known actors in the lead roles- said producer Sergei Selyanov , - also because we don't want to sell this film as historical. Stars in this story do not ask. We wouldn't want Skif to bear the seal of a historical film. Namely, such an association most often occurs among the audience when they see well-known actors in luxurious costumes of a particular era. We wanted new faces. This film is a daring attempt to make not a historical costume movie, but a fantasy one, with elements of mysticism. This is a fantasy based on our distant past, when new civilizational forms began to replace paganism, and serious clashes arose between them..

In the center of the picture there are three worlds: Slavs, Berendeys and Scythians, and for each, appropriate scenery was created: near Kerch, not far from Evpatoria and in the Yalta region. “Slavs live with us on the seashore, - says Selyanov, - Berendey in the dense forest, and the Scythians in the middle of the wasteland. Each of the worlds differs not only geographically, but also in its surroundings: costumes, language, buildings..

Shooting in the Crimea will last until the end of autumn. The release date for Skif has not yet been determined.

Alexey Faddeev on the set of "Skif"

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