How TV shows are filmed. How the program "Let's Get Married" is actually filmed


In the video, you can see stills from the film and information about a unique VR project that will take viewers to the set using virtual reality glasses.

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Today is the promised story of how record TV show or postpone watching an interesting TV show and return to it later. All this allows you to perform a set-top box (tuner) of digital television, into which it is necessary to insert a flash card (memory card), for example, with a memory capacity of at least 4 GB, into the appropriate slot. After that, recording a TV program, postponing for a while watching an interesting TV show with a digital TV set-top box after you have to go to the kitchen or meet guests, will become quite simple.

So, we have at our disposal a very cheap prefix, bought three years ago by the author of the Kaluga Electromechanical Plant (essentially a Chinese prefix).

We believe that it is connected with the appropriate connector to your analog TV (usually a cable with SCART connectors) and is tuned to one of the frequency channels in your area, on which 8 programs are “attached” at once. (Tuning to the desired frequency channel and simultaneously to all programs on it is carried out through the menu (MENU) - the button at the top left of the central part of the remote control. The remote control displays labels in different languages, including yours, you need to find the display switching section for different label languages.

So, you need to urgently stop watching a movie (sports TV show) in order to return to it from the specified place after a while. To do this, you simply press the “pause” button - indicated by my yellow arrow in the picture (to enlarge, click on the picture, everything will be clearly visible), and go to meet guests or go to the store, turning off the TV boldly, but not the set-top box.

After there is time to continue watching, just press the "play" button - my purple arrow. Annoying ads can be removed by “rewinding” by pressing the green button with two arrows on the remote (my green vertical arrow is in the picture). Or look back at something (revise) - press the red button with two arrows (there is also my red upward arrow in the figure).

The rewind speed can be changed, like a DVD player - 2x, 4x, 8x ... We must stop again, press the “pause” button again - the yellow button in the figure, continue viewing, the same “play” button is my purple arrow.

How to record a TV show? Firstly, the recording of a TV program lasts no more than 2 hours. This time is more than enough for a movie, a football match, entertainment TV shows.

So, we start recording a TV program on the desired program by pressing the “record” button with a red dot at the bottom right on the remote control (in the photo, the dot turned out to be hardly noticeable, in the figure the orange arrow “start recording”), while you will see the “Rec” icon on the screen , which means that the recording of the TV program has started, everything is in order. You can turn off the TV, and the set-top box must be turned on all the time.

After you have time to watch the recorded TV show, turn on the TV and press the blue button on the bottom right of the remote (the blue button is "view recorded files"). In front of you on the screen is a light brown strip in a frame with the attributes of the recording made, displaying the date and time of the recording.

If there were several recordings of TV shows, then place the cursor on the bottom line, on it is your last entry. Press "playback" - in the figure it is indicated by my purple arrow. At the top in the corner in the frame you see your TV show that began to be played, but in a reduced form. How to return the normal size of the image on the screen? You just need to click "OK". Remove interfering lines with the button, as in the EXIT computer. Nothing interferes with viewing.

Well, what if you need to pause while watching a TV show? We are looking for the familiar “Pause” button (indicated by the yellow arrow). Continuing to watch the recording of the TV show - look at the figure, where the button is indicated by the same purple arrow.

And what to do to return to TV mode from watching a recorded program? To do this, press the button to the left of the record button with a red dot (indicated by an orange arrow) on the button with a frame (or rectangle), which indicates the TV screen, or first do the same through the EXIT button.

As you can see, digital television and a set-top box to a TV set provide an excellent and easy opportunity to watch TV shows of interest in full, when at first there was no time for this, which was completely absent in the past analog television.

In conclusion, you should pay attention to possible problems during playback of the recording. It happens that after the end of recording, you press the blue play button in the remote control for the digital television tuner, and the menu with files does not appear on the screen and it seems that all your recording efforts have been in vain. Do not rush to panic.

If you have a computer, then insert a memory card (flash card) into the USB slot that you removed from the digital television set-top box in accordance with all the rules (after allowing entry through the menu -section in the menu for removing the memory card), and look for the presence of the file there with a record. It is easy to find out - the name of the TV channel will be written there and the date and time of the start of recording and the end of recording will be indicated. If there is a recording file, you can play the recording on a computer (digital compatible), but in poor quality. If there is no computer, then let the set-top box "rest" - cool down, and perhaps the file that you recorded will appear in the menu on the screen when you press the blue button on the remote control from the digital television set-top box.

Some consoles get noticeably hot. This heat is transferred to the memory card, not all of which can withstand such temperatures. Therefore, when buying a memory card, it is useful to take an interest in its temperature parameters, and also buy a card from trusted reliable world manufacturers. Yes, so when you are not watching TV, let the set-top box cool down by putting it into standby mode (red LED on).

The memory size of a flash card is not unlimited, old records must be erased. There is a red button on the remote for this. Having placed the cursor on one of the recording files (caused by the blue button), press the red file delete button. Further, everything is done intuitively.

Recording is performed in approximately the same way on a modern digital TV, where the control panel is very similar to the one shown by us for the set-top box.

Note. Recently found one annoying problem. When recording, a TV show shows all the signs of recording content, but when you try to play it, it suddenly gives an error message. What's the matter here? Do not rush to look for flaws in a flash card or set-top box, or in the machinations of a cat. Check the recording capabilities on other programs. If at least one program is recorded and played back, then everything is in order. Stopped recording due to new settings in the TV company, which suddenly decided to deprive viewers of such opportunities. What to do here? It's hard to say, but you can try to contact them in writing via the feedback channel, most often this is their email address, maybe they will answer.

But just recently it was discovered that some models of set-top boxes record all content on all open channels, while others selectively, as described above. Therefore, it is often necessary to understand the reasons for the absence of a record in each specific case. If at least one program is recorded, then everything is in order. If it is selective, it's in the settings in the transmitting equipment, or in the design of the set-top box.

And about one more important detail, more precisely, a problem with recording TV programs. If, after recording TV, the recorded file with the plot (movie), etc., does not play back, after which you pulled out the flash card and inserted it into the TV to search for the recorded file, and then returned the flash drive to the set-top box back, then very often the set-top box stops recording TV programs (writes about it in the window, usually in English).

Don't be scared. Reinstall the flash drive into the computer, and defragment it, remove the flash card and insert it into the set-top box. And she will start recording again, taking into account possible features, as mentioned above in the article. This will take 2-10 minutes, depending on the capacity of the drive. How to do defragmentation? Insert a flash card into the USB connector, look in the Computer-Disks - ntrcn section for an external source (drive, disk, ...). you click on it. In the window that opens, right-click "Properties" at the bottom, in the next window that opens, look for "Service", click on it and see one of the "Defragment" windows. Wait until it is completed, close the window, remove the flash card in accordance with all the rules and insert it into the slot of the set-top box.

(Article prepared by an engineer in the field of communications and television)

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The love theme has ruled the world at all times, so it is not surprising that there is always a place for an amorous program on television. So, in the nineties, we watched with bated breath how events unfolded in the TV show “Love at First Sight”, but now the tone is set by the program “Let's Get Married”.

We decided to learn more about the secrets of shooting this program and now we are sharing our knowledge with you.

How can you get on the show?
The rules for all participants are the same. You need to fill out an application form on the website and wait for an invitation for an interview.

What awaits volunteers at the casting?
Those who come to the interview need to be prepared for tough cross-examination about all the details of their personal lives. TV people need to find out interesting facts about the participant, and at the same time assess the potential of a newcomer: how he behaves in front of the cameras and whether he will be interesting to the viewer.

Is there a chance to get on the transfer if your candidacy was rejected?
To everyone who did not pass the casting, the organizers talk about the problems that prevented them from getting on the TV screen. Someone needs to pay attention to appearance, someone to behavior. And if a person listens to the advice of TV people, then he has excellent chances to qualify next time.

Do all the participants really come to the program in search of love?
In fact, many people come just to be featured on television. As a rule, they try not to trust the role of the protagonist, but they may well become contenders for the hand and heart of the bride or groom.

Are the organizers guided by the principles of morality in the selection of participants?
Since the main goal of the program is to bring two people together, and ideally even marry them, the organizers try not to attract participants whose biography contains many divorces.

Are there fake members on the show?
Officially, such information is not disclosed, but occasionally on the Internet you can stumble upon ads looking for heroes for the show with the promise of a fee of a thousand rubles or more. Most likely, the services of actors are resorted to only in emergency cases, if for some reason it is not possible to film the program with selected volunteers.

Are show participants and viewers paid?
All participants in the show "Let's Get Married" participate in filming on a voluntary basis and do not receive a penny for this (the only exceptions are the actors mentioned above). But the work of the extras is paid. Viewers are paid about 550 rubles per day of filming, during which two or three programs are filmed.

Is the show faked or is everything that happens on the screen true?
Despite the fact that each program has its own scenario, it only in general terms models what is happening on the screen, what happens next depends only on the participants. If the action on the set is boring, the hosts try to provoke a conflict or inflame passions on the set in other ways. The participants of the show are real people and experience genuine emotions.

How do participants prepare for the transfer?
All participants of the show get acquainted with the script in advance. In addition, they are instructed in detail where they should go, where to stop and which camera to look at at any given moment. Moreover, they are introduced to some of the questions that the hosts will ask, and the three applicants who are fighting for the love of the protagonist even rehearse their performances in advance.

Does the main character know the three contenders beforehand?
The protagonist of the program until the last does not know who will marry him. Those who have to fight for the sympathy of the bride or groom are only familiar with personal data and a photograph of the hero.

Become a TV star, hear the cherished “Lights, camera, action!”, sign autographs at fan meetings and pose for the paparazzi on the red carpet. Everyone has a chance to participate in the filming of a movie, series, TV show, clip or advertisement.

How to get into the crowd, is the work of the spectator and the actor of mass scenes adequately paid, and can a few seconds in the background become a springboard for an acting career? We sorted out these issues, and at the same time we talked with regular participants in crowd scenes about their work and impressions.

You can sign up as a guest for some major TV projects directly on their official website. This is how they recruit, for example, viewers for the filming of the First Channel show "Evening Urgant" - (you will find a viewer questionnaire by clicking on the link, filling out which you will receive confirmation and details about the shooting time by e-mail).

But experienced actors do not recommend using groups in social networks for employment:

“Groups of extras and filming on VKontakte - they cannot be trusted. Offers came, I went through auditions, getting into different roles (not just extras), but in most cases it was a “scam”, they say: “Sorry, you suit us, but you have to pay so that we can film you.” It makes no sense to look for VKontakte, only through film studios or knowledgeable people, ”says Danila, a student at the acting college.

Naturally, the bulk of the offers on all these sites applies only to Muscovites, since the shooting takes place at Moscow television studios or in the capital's clubs, and ends very late. Less, but still a lot of offers for extras actors in St. Petersburg, in other cities of Russia, shooting is carried out much less often and extras are not recruited there very often.

Are mass scene actors paid?

Price tags for participating in mass scenes of movies or TV shows range from 600 to 1000 rubles, less often they offer large amounts (as a rule, more than a thousand are paid for playing a passing role with a cue).

You can also earn extra money by participating in the filming of television programs - both as guests on a talk show, and as spectators in the hall. Here they pay from 150 to 600 rubles, less often they offer large sums. Approximately the same prices for participation in the filming of music videos, commercials.

To participate in paid shootings, as a rule, it is necessary to go through a casting at least in absentia - from a photo, and also exactly match all the parameters presented by the employer (height, clothing and shoe size, hair length and color, appearance type, nationality, and so on).

Such castings are held infrequently, more and more often now they are limited to simply selecting by photo through e-mail and Internet forums.

“The requirements for extras are not as high as for episodic and leading actors, but still, you always need to give yourself 100% - suddenly you will be noticed, some of the directors will like you. Although some extras actors hack, because they think that this is not a role. And at the same time, such actors are still waiting for grandiose roles! Even if you have a small role, you need to play it in such a way that everyone will remember it!” - Mikhail tells us about his experience of participating in the filming of the detective series "Maryina Roshcha", "Next" and others.

Although there are many paid vacancies in this area, according to all the actors of the extras, it is incredibly difficult to earn a living from such work, if not even almost impossible. The filming process requires from all the actors constant full concentration, a long wait, the exact execution of all the instructions of the director, and food and rest for extras, as a rule, are not provided.

“The extras at the Fashion Sentence are given 500 unfortunate rubles for 12 hours of filming. Many grandparents living nearby were in the studio during this time without normal food precisely because of this money, ”Diana on the shooting of the Fashion Sentence program for Channel One.

“Those who spent time filming two programs were paid 300 rubles each. On the set, I met people who only earn money from this. They are hardened, to some extent “their own” in Ostankino, the organizers know them by sight - impartial aunts who gather people for shooting and call them to inform them about the time of the next filming, ”Marina on the filming of the program“ Closed Screening ”for Channel One .

“It’s stupid to do this for money. Only perhaps out of love for art or the desire for dubious fame, ”- Anastasia about filming in the film“ Tsar ”.

“Many of my friends manage to fully provide for themselves on such earnings. True, I am not one of them, ”Victoria about filming in the youth television series“ Club ”,“ Daddy's Daughters ”,“ Don’t Be Born Beautiful ”and others.

Extras: who are all these people and why are they here?

“Some kind of movement started here, and the organizers began to gather a column of people. My friend and I got into it. But then a whisper ran through the column: “They don’t take us! Don't take this column!" Somehow, instantly, my friend and I met two other girls, grabbed hands and ran to the end of that moving column. For some reason no one stopped us. And we passed quietly. The next day at school, everyone admired us, because many really did not get on the set. And good. They would die there, like us, ”Sofia about the filming of the film“ Shadow Fight ”.

Who plays all these restaurant goers, concert goers, silent waiters, postmen, taxi drivers, shop assistants, and just passers-by on the streets? The most ordinary people, most often students, and not necessarily theater universities, and pensioners. Movies and series constantly require extras, and therefore getting on the set is not a difficult task. True, it’s worth considering right away that, as a rule, this is employment for the whole day - from the very morning until 10-11 pm, and therefore, working 5/2 full time or studying full-time, it’s not so easy to find an opportunity to participate in filming - something simple.

- What is the selection criteria? I ask the man in the bright orange shirt and blue tie.

- Yes, who will like it, who matches the color. Like scenery, each artist has a certain color.

- No, but what to do? That's work! The camera is looking at you, you have to smile, laugh, make them laugh. You are working for them! They turn on the soundtrack, the artist comes out, and you clap and smile, and then shout: “Happy New Year!” No one cares that you're not having fun at all. You have to be funny to THEM, otherwise get out!”

“When I went there for the first time, I was very interested in the filming process itself, so I sat in the front row and watched the work of cameramen and lighting more than what the director, Urgant and Gudkov were talking about. Although when Ivan appeared and somehow suddenly appeared above my head, I almost fell off my chair, ”- Diana on the filming of the Evening Urgant show for Channel One.

“You get valuable experience with the camera: you learn to be natural, but at the same time attentive, focused on the task set by the director. It's not as easy as many people think, it all takes some getting used to. Yes, and I was able to make many acquaintances on the set, useful connections will not hurt! - Mikhail about the experience of participating in the filming of the detective television series "Maryina Grove", "Next" and others.

“Since I went to the shooting of a TV show for the first time, I wanted to dispel a certain myth of show business for myself. To see how it's all being filmed, how much the auditorium I saw on the screen corresponds to the reality on the set, how much people nearby are interested in the show, how lively their reactions are. Well, to see Vanya Urgant, of course. The shooting was a pleasant surprise: Vanya’s jokes are funny, and live music from the Fruit group gives optimism, and the audience around is sincerely happy, ”Anastasia about filming the Evening Urgant show for Channel One.

Do expectations match reality?

“The studio looks cardboard, frankly, drawn out and boring, although the heroines of the program really look shocked, and Evelina Khromtchenko looks very professional. But the most important disappointment: voting for the best clothes is fictitious, ”- Diana about the filming of the Fashion Sentence show for Channel One.

“I have such a negative from our world of cinema that, having no professional training, I went to work as a gymnast in a circus. Just to be further away. Although castings often interest me - as a means of self-examination," - Irina about filming in the film "Above the Sky".

“The first thing that caught my eye when we sat down in our seats were the screens above our heads, on which instructions for actions appeared:“ laughter ”,“ applause ”, - Tatiana about filming the Evening Urgant show on Channel One.

“We sat on some plastic benches, after which it is quite difficult to straighten up. Well, and the most important disappointment - we went to the "Closed Screening" in the hope of watching a good movie, and at the same time listening to the opinions of critics and knowledgeable people. But it was not there. They showed us the screensaver of the film company. Then there was a pause. And titles. Like, it's time and honor to know, guys, ”- Marina about the filming of the program “Closed Screening” for Channel One.

“I don’t get as much pleasure from acting in serials as I would from shooting feature films. According to rumors, in big cinema a completely different organization, more and more seriously, strictly, on a large scale, a very large film crew is working. I would like to immerse myself in this atmosphere, non-stop work inspires me, ”- Mikhail about his experience of participating in the filming of the detective television series Maryina Roscha, The Next.

What is difficult in the work of extras?

The long wait, the lack of proper food, the need to follow the director's instructions exactly. Many are also frustrated by the fact that the actors of crowd scenes have almost no opportunity to communicate with famous partners on the set.

“They showed us only the credits, but we listened to three hours of philosophizing of the guests and the presenter. Filming of the first program has ended. As it turned out, the second program was supposed to be filmed next, which, of course, we were not warned about. We were angry and hungry, that's why we blew ourselves home…”, - Marina about the filming of the program “Closed Screening” for Channel One.

“Sometimes they bring you to the shooting in the winter at ten in the morning, keep you until the subway closes, then you wait for your fee for a few more hours and no one thinks to add something to the taxi: “Why? The metro will open in an hour and a half, ”Victoria about filming in the youth television series Club, Daddy’s Daughters, Don’t Be Born Beautiful, and others.

“For extras, the instruction is to sit straight, do not cross your legs and clap on command. You are a mannequin. You do not have a special role, you should be, but imperceptibly and in the way the director needs. At first, everything is interesting, you delve into the process, notice the details. After two hours it’s already difficult to sit the way you need to,” Ksenia on the shooting of the program “Let's Get Married!” for Channel One.

Attitude towards extras in the acting workshop

For many, being in the crowd is a great start to an acting career. True, there are cases when the actors have a dismissive attitude towards extras actors. What is it connected with? with their own behavior.

“To walk by passers-by for a penny, to stand in the background deserves respect. But there are also mass actors who, by an incredible accident, received small episodes and begin to build stars out of themselves, ”- Rinat, a professional actor.

“Fed and okay. Whether you are cold, whether you are uncomfortable, nobody cares. You are not actors, you are extras. You are easily replaceable and not important in the frame. If one girl or boy left or didn’t come, then the missing people are sometimes recruited directly from people passing by - you don’t even have to pay money to them, ”Veronika, actress of mass scenes.

Witness what's left behind the scenes!

Everyone knows that dozens of takes of the same scene are often filmed, seeking different reactions from the actors, choosing the right light, creating the right emotions ... To see all these episodes and find out what is left behind the scenes is another privilege of extras.

“It was in Anapa on the set of Yeralash. It sounded “Camera, motor, start!” and the guys - "resting children's camp" began to fight with pillows. The director of the camp came, the role of which was played by the famous artist Anatoly Zhuravlev. When he began to speak his line, a pillow flew at him and hit the Safit. The soffit fell on Zhuravlev - it was not planned. Although he did not receive any serious bruises, the shooting stopped for that day, as he refused to continue to act in film ... ”, - episode Michael about the filming of the Yeralash TV magazine.

“The presenters encouraged, especially Guzeev. She plays funny doubles and talks with the director on absolutely everyday topics, for example, she discusses with him who will go on vacation where, ”Ksenia about the shooting of the program“ Let's Get Married! for Channel One.

Actor's Career Ladder

Many actors start their careers by participating in the filming of movies, TV shows and commercials as extras. This is what the whole pyramid looks like:

extras– participants in staged mass scenes, as a rule, are non-professional actors.

extra- a separate participant in the crowd.

Episode- an actor who plays a separate small role, possibly with a text, but his character is not a significant character in the film or series.

Often: episodic recruits for the filming of serials. For example, distant relatives of the main and secondary characters who appear only in one series are the roles of episodic characters, waiters in a new restaurant or random companions of episodic characters, any random characters who met in only one series are episodic characters.

Heroes of the second plan- permanent characters of a film or series that play a significant role in the development of the plot, repeatedly appear on the screen, have a film background, their images are worked out in detail by the scriptwriters.

Often: stars of the first magnitude play supporting roles, because often secondary characters have a specific character, their images are vivid and memorable. For the performance of supporting roles, prestigious film awards are awarded, including the Oscar.

the main role- the pinnacle of an actor's career.

Can work as an extra be a step towards fame?

Leonardo DiCaprio He began his career playing bit parts on Roseanne and Lassie's New Adventures before landing a larger role on another soap opera, Santa Barbara.

Orlando Bloom He began his career with episodic roles in the television series "Accident". It is worth noting that Bloom by this time had an acting education.

With a 15-second appearance in the Fire Department tape, she began her career and Julia Roberts, who played tiny roles in little-known films for several years before she was able to attract the attention of producers and land roles at least in supporting roles.

Keira Knightley Since childhood, she has acted as an extra, participated in many TV shows and received episodic roles in TV shows.

Sergey Bezrukov first appeared in films as a homeless child in the film "Stalin's Funeral", his last name is not listed in the credits. Only after repeated participation in filming as an actor in mass scenes, Bezrukov began to receive offers to play supporting roles.

Cinema about cinema? Yes!

The life story of an unemployed actor named Andy Millman, who all his life dreamed of breaking into a big movie, but so far only achieved a place in the crowd, tells series "Massovka". For all those who want to learn more about the life of extras actors and look at all the vicissitudes of this profession from the outside, it is recommended to watch this series!

The love theme has ruled the world at all times, so it is not surprising that there is always a place for an amorous program on television. So, in the nineties, we watched with bated breath how events unfolded in the TV show “Love at First Sight”, but now the tone is set by the program “Let's Get Married”.

The editors of "AWESOME" decided to learn more about the secrets of shooting this program and now they are sharing their knowledge with you.

How can you get on the show?
The rules for all participants are the same. You need to fill out an application form on the website and wait for an invitation for an interview.

What awaits volunteers at the casting?
Those who come to the interview need to be prepared for tough cross-examination about all the details of their personal lives. TV people need to find out interesting facts about the participant, and at the same time assess the potential of a newcomer: how he behaves in front of the cameras and whether he will be interesting to the viewer.

Is there a chance to get on the transfer if your candidacy was rejected?
To everyone who did not pass the casting, the organizers talk about the problems that prevented them from getting on the TV screen. Someone needs to pay attention to appearance, someone to behavior. And if a person listens to the advice of TV people, then he has excellent chances to qualify next time.

Do all the participants really come to the program in search of love?
In fact, many people come just to be featured on television. As a rule, they try not to trust the role of the protagonist, but they may well become contenders for the hand and heart of the bride or groom.

Are the organizers guided by the principles of morality in the selection of participants?
Since the main goal of the program is to bring two people together, and ideally even marry them, the organizers try not to attract participants whose biography contains many divorces.

Are there fake members on the show?
Officially, such information is not disclosed, but occasionally on the Internet you can stumble upon ads looking for heroes for the show with the promise of a fee of a thousand rubles or more. Most likely, the services of actors are resorted to only in emergency cases, if for some reason it is not possible to film the program with selected volunteers.

Are show participants and viewers paid?
All participants in the show "Let's Get Married" participate in filming on a voluntary basis and do not receive a penny for this (the only exceptions are the actors mentioned above). But the work of the extras is paid. Viewers are paid about 550 rubles per day of filming, during which two or three programs are filmed.

Is the show faked or is everything that happens on the screen true?
Despite the fact that each program has its own scenario, it only in general terms models what is happening on the screen, what happens next depends only on the participants. If the action on the set is boring, the hosts try to provoke a conflict or inflame passions on the set in other ways. The participants of the show are real people and experience genuine emotions.

How do participants prepare for the transfer?
All participants of the show get acquainted with the script in advance. In addition, they are instructed in detail where they should go, where to stop and which camera to look at at any given moment. Moreover, they are introduced to some of the questions that the hosts will ask, and the three applicants who are fighting for the love of the protagonist even rehearse their performances in advance.

Does the main character know the three contenders beforehand?
The protagonist of the program until the last does not know who will marry him. Those who have to fight for the sympathy of the bride or groom are only familiar with personal data and a photograph of the hero.

Which celebrities were on the show?
Such well-known personalities as Enrique Iglesias, Sergey Zverev, Comedy Club resident Timur Batrutdinov, singer Shura acted as grooms ... Anastasia Volochkova, Victoria Daineko, Olga Buzova and Victoria Bonya were brides at different times.

How many participants found their soul mate through the program?
Only in the first 6 years of the program's existence, 270 participants found the second half, and more than 30 couples had children!

As you can see, despite the criticism and some negative reviews, "Let's Get Married" not only remains a favorite show for many viewers, but is also a real chance for lonely hearts. Share this article with your friends so they can learn more about all the secrets of the show!

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