How to create favorable Feng Shui for the bedroom and bed. Correct bed position according to feng shui


Feng Shui is used today for almost all spheres of human life, but it seems to me that it is most rational to equip your home correctly according to Feng Shui.

For example, how to put a bed according to feng shui so that sleep is the most pleasant and useful, how to place lighting fixtures in an apartment where my jewelry box should be stored and placed... It would seem that these are very different questions, but according to feng shui for each of them have their own answer.

feng shui bedroom design

The location of the bed in Feng Shui is very, very important. The bed is the place where we rest, where each person is most open and defenseless. It is very important to follow all the recommendations, otherwise you may experience constant negativity and fatigue, and your sex life may even freeze.

There is a long-held belief that a bed should not be placed next to mirrors. I once slept in my great-grandmother's room opposite her old mirror, and I can say that this sign did not appear in vain - it always seemed to me that someone was looking at me from the mirror. In general, a mirror, especially if a person is reflected in it when he sleeps, can lead to large energy losses.

According to Feng Shui, the bed should stand in such a way that the headboard is turned in a favorable direction for the one who lies on it. Each person may have a different direction.

The decorative decision of the interior of the bedroom should be made in colors inherent in the energy of Yin. These should be calm shades, not too bright. It is worth refraining from sharp corners - the furniture should have the smoothest possible forms.

It is best to do without mirrors. Of course, small apartments are not the best place to practice Feng Shui, but there is a solution here too. The mirror can be on a movable bar, and it can be pushed somewhere, or attached to the inner door of the cabinet. You will have to part with an erotic fantasy with a mirrored ceiling - unfortunately, this has an extremely negative effect on family and sexual life.

You should also refrain from sources of Yang energy - you should not place a TV or player in the bedroom. The bedroom should be a calm and comfortable place. It is also useless to overload it with furniture - let only the most necessary be here.

It seems to someone that light, calm shades are not for young people. If you follow feng shui, then bright colors can only be used to decorate the sleeping place itself, there can be as many red and burgundy shades as you like - such a range will have a positive effect on intimate life.

We arrange furniture

How to put a bed according to feng shui so that it becomes a source of energy? You need to follow some rules:
  • the head of the bed should not rest against a door or window;
  • the footboard of the bed should also not be directed towards the door or window;
  • the headboard should be free from overhanging (wall sconces cannot be used above the bed), canopies - only if they are voluminous enough and do not hang over your head;
  • the headboard should be free from sockets;
  • you should not put pictures at the head;
  • the bedroom does not require a large number of plants, you need to choose your own "winter garden" for the bedroom very carefully and in accordance with feng shui;
  • there is no use in the bedroom and aquariums, fireplaces and decorative fountains - for this, Feng Shui offers other sectors of the house;
  • you should avoid sharp corners in the bedroom, or at least turn them as far as possible from the bed and the person sleeping on it.
How to do it right
  1. It is best to place the family bed in the corner furthest from the entrance.
  2. A lying person should see the front door - this is correct not only according to Feng Shui, but also from the point of view of psychology.
  3. The place above the bed should be free.
  4. Computer, TV, tape recorder, video player should be hidden behind a screen at night.
  5. Correct when the bed matches the size of the bedroom.

There is also one ticklish moment. Quite often in small apartments they make redevelopment in order to adapt it to their own needs. This is good and correct, but in this case, you should focus not only on your own location of certain premises, but also on the neighbors above and below. In other words, you should not arrange a bedroom where the neighbors will have a toilet or kitchen.

I read a lot of general literature with great pleasure, it so happened that there are too many translated and author's publications on Feng Shui, and in order to find something really worthwhile, you have to process a large amount of data. General recommendations will help everyone, there are no questions - if you put the furniture in the right way according to Feng Shui, then the situation and atmosphere in the apartment will improve.

But in order to successfully work with more subtle energies, it is necessary to use personal recommendations - in the case of a bed, these will be directions (where the head should be directed). Personal recommendations - the question is very extensive, but I advise you to find out exactly how, in accordance with your type and element, you need to put a bed.

My Observations Regarding Sleep and Feng Shui

European culture for many centuries idealized sleep problems and elevated them to the rank of aristocratic - Nietzsche mentioned that insomnia is the lot of brilliant minds. However, Asian traditions say otherwise. Every great person, in accordance with Asian traditions, must be in harmony with himself and with the world. Every person who strives for greatness in any sense of it - too. That is, to be more specific and straightforward, only people without goals and ambitions can afford to sleep badly.

Every resident of the metropolis knows what sleep problems are, and almost everyone has tried to solve it with the help of various medications. I also have this experience, and I can say that feng shui methods help better than blister pills. The basic feng shui tips for restoring sleep are very simple, the bedroom should have:

  • quiet;
  • chilly;
  • freshly;
  • purely;
  • have nothing to do.
The last point, to be honest, surprised me - I did anything in the bedroom, in my bedside table there were notebooks, crossword puzzles, a couple of knitting balls, a TV hung on the wall, and under the pillow you could always find a detective and a couple of chocolates. I thought it helped me get ready for sleep, and I regularly had trouble falling asleep.

Following the feng shui guidelines, I removed everything from the bedroom, left only a book on the bedside table (not a bloody detective, but something like meditative parables), removed the TV from the wall and repainted the walls. Now we sleep in, and spend our free time in other rooms - in the end, you can also lie in pajamas in front of the TV on the sofa.

Not all of us know how important it is to place the bed in the right place. This article will tell you in detail about how to achieve success in this responsible business.

How to put the bed

The bed is the holy of holies in our bedroom. It depends on how we get enough sleep, how well we recover, and how successful and effective we will be throughout our lives.

A person sleeps more than 30% of his time, so it is important that the bed is in the positive zone in order to be saturated with the necessary energy that will be spent throughout the day. You must absorb the energy of health, happiness, wealth and good luck.

  • It is better to put the bed with the headboard against the wall. Then a person has a rear and, during sleep, he will feel comfortable and protected. This allows you to form in your mind such an idea that there is a back side in life and you can act completely freely.
  • If the bed is single, it should be placed in the corner of the bedroom, so you will feel more relaxed. And if a teenager’s sleeping place is located in this way, there is a high probability that he will devote more time to studying, and walks will become secondary.
  • A double bed should be placed so that there is a free, unobstructed path to a sleeping place for two. Bedside tables should be placed on both sides of the bed and lamps should be placed on top of them.
  • The bed should be placed near the wall, namely: the best option would be to place it on the left side of the wall. Now let's look at why: the fact is that the heart is on the left side, the left hand is weaker than the right hand in most people. Therefore, unconsciously, we want to protect the left side more.
  • The ideal location of the bed in the bedroom is diagonally from the door.
  • In a small bedroom it is better to put a folding sofa.

Proper bed placement according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui is not some set of superstitions, it is a very deep and multidimensional science that has been formed over thousands of years. Many modern psychics and psychologists listen to her.

Let's figure out how to put the bed on the advice of Feng Shui:

  • Be sure to pay attention to the fact that no sharp corners are directed at it. Such angles in Feng Shui mean "piercing arrows" that can cause irreparable harm to your health. This applies to all items that are located in the bedroom.

The more furniture with rounded corners, the more comfortable you will sleep.

  • According to Feng Shui, it is forbidden for any objects to hang over the bed, because. they can contribute to blocking your biofield.
  • Decor items in the bedroom must be in pairs. This improves energy and strengthens the union of a married couple.
  • There should not be a window above the bed, because negative energy enters through it, which is absolutely not needed during sleep.

In Feng Shui, there is an instruction that says that the bed in the bedroom should be based on the principle of four animals:

  • To the left of the bed should be a dragon figurine.
  • On the right there should be a figurine of a tiger.
  • There should be a picture of a red bird in front of the bed.
  • At the back there should be a picture depicting a turtle.

For Eastern beliefs, Qi energy is very important, which should circulate freely:

  • Under the bed should not be foreign objects: boxes, boxes, bags.
  • Everything around the bed should be kept to a minimum.
  • If you live in a private house, then you must take care that no pipes pass above or under the sleeping place, and there is no stove.
  • A bathroom behind a wall is also an unacceptable option.

Location of the bed using cardinal points

  • The north is ruled by the planet Mercury, it makes it possible to study better, perceive information and improve speech. Mercury is the patron of commerce, media and anything that has to do with communications in some way.
  • Northeast is a very good bed position for those who want to establish their authority at work, at home and among all the people around them.

But, do not forget that if you sleep in the northeast, weight gain is possible.

  • The eastern direction, it would seem, is the most universal. The East is ruled by the sun - this is a social planet, but if it is in personal homes and does not find worthy use in society, on the contrary, it plunges us into the abyss of our own egoism at a low level or towards gaining self-sufficiency at a high level.
  • The southeast is ruled by Venus. In the direction of the southeast, it is desirable to sleep for women who have difficulties in relationships with men and a lack of sexuality. Also those who lack external attractiveness and external charm.
  • The southern direction is considered forbidden, it is undesirable to put the bed headboard to the south. The South is ruled by the planet Mars, which is the planet of war. This is how those who do not have enough courage, who experience a decline in physical strength, who need a sense of security and protection, put the bed.

But it should be understood that it is not advisable to sleep south for a long time. Aggression may increase, and sleep may become restless and short-lived.

  • Very rarely do they lay their heads to the southwest. Basically, when you are undergoing a complex of any cleansing procedures for the waning moon. Or takes some drugs that remove toxins from the body. Sleeping with your head to the southwest is extremely rare. Except for the case when a person himself wants to communicate with some kind of otherworldly forces.

The southwest is ruled by the planet Rahu. This planet tends to use alcohol, drugs and insanity.

  • A west-facing headboard is a great option for those who practice yoga. Also in the western direction, people sleep during fasting. Or those who want to become a great philosopher, analyst, or find humility, because the west is ruled by the planet Saturn.

But don't overlook the fact that Saturn accelerates the aging process.

  • The moon rules the northwest. So you need to go to bed when there are problems with the secretion of milk in nursing mothers, with the stomach, or problems with compassion and kindness in relations with children.

From all this, an unusual fact can be distinguished: the most interesting and programmed dreams occur when you sleep with your head to the north. The dream is so informative that you can get some information not only about yourself, but also about other people.

How not to arrange a bed

The bedroom is the place where a person gains energy before the next working day, so it is very important that during sleep he is as protected as possible. To do this, step by step, we will analyze what cannot be done when arranging the bed:

  • You can not place the bed so that the legs are directed towards the front door. After all, only the dead are carried forward with their feet, and such an arrangement of the bed can easily attract spirits and ghosts;
  • Do not install the bed headboard to a window or door. This will contribute to psychological discomfort, due to a sense of potential threat when you do not see people entering the room;
  • Do not use two small mattresses on the bed. There is an opinion that this is a symbolic division in two and can negatively affect the relationship of a married couple;
  • It is not recommended to put the bed in a place where something will hang over your head. This will cause unnecessary excitement;
  • You should not place the bed in the middle of the door and window, because. there should be no through flows above the sleeping place;
  • Do not put the bed in the center of the room, there must be a support on one side;
  • It is strictly forbidden to place a bed near or opposite a mirror. This can cause cheating spouses;
  • You can not hang large chandeliers or paintings above the bed, because. it will cause a feeling of concern;
  • Do not place the bed in front of the TV screen, this has a very negative effect on your health.

We have already told you about where the table should be according to the ancient Chinese teachings in one of our articles that you can find, today we want to talk about how make a feng shui bed, as well as discuss what it should be in shape, size, color and quality. So that you feel great in it, sleep well, see colorful dreams and always wake up cheerfully and quickly.

Feng Shui bed placement

Let's start the story with what should be avoided when placing a bed in the room, according to the teachings of Feng Shui. There are rules for the location of a sleeping place, which are known to us even without ancient Chinese teachings. This is not to have it turned with its feet to the window or door - it is believed that only the dead person is taken out of the house with their feet forward, and also not to install a reflected sleeping person in front of a mirror or mirror surface - this is also very bad. By the way, you can read about how to properly position in one of our articles. But besides these, there are still a number of requirements that should be met in order not to invite trouble on yourself, but, on the contrary, to attract good luck, happiness and prosperity.

1. Yes, feng shui headboard should not join the wall on which the door is located, it is also not recommended to place it in the gap of the wall between the window and the entrance to the room, in this case a through stream is formed that simply passes you in the forward and reverse direction.

2. In no case should a bed be placed under a beam, arch, bevel, in a niche, and also in such a way that something hangs over the head of the person lying, including a chandelier or even a small lamp.

3. There should not be any electrical outlets and switches, in a word, sources of electrical energy, near the sleeping place closer than one and a half to two meters.

4. On the wall in contact with the headboard and above it, you can not hang any pictures in massive frames and without them, shelves, racks, lamps, etc.

5. Do not put living houseplants in the bedroom at all and, in particular, near the beds, they can interfere with your healthy, calm, good sleep.

6. If you are limited in square meters and your bedroom is also a study at the same time, or is it a children's room, in which there is both a crib and a desk for classes, then this feng shui baby bed however, like an adult, it should be located in such a way that it is not visible from the workplace.

7. You should not place your bed in the middle of the room, it must have reliable support and protection in the form of one of the walls.

8. It should be empty under the sleeping places, do not clog this space with various unnecessary things, thereby creating obstacles for the free passage of favorable energy flows.

9. All kinds of decorative fountains, aquariums with fish, which are well suited for, it is also not recommended to install real and fake fireplaces in the bedroom, all this contributes to the "leakage" of favorable Qi energy from this room.

We talked about what not to do, we turn to specific tips and recommendations that will allow you to properly cope with the task.

1. Choose for a sleeping place a far corner from the entrance to the room, so that the lying person can freely see the front door and the one who enters it, and, therefore, control the situation.

2. Place a bed where there are no blockages or disassemble them as much as possible, nothing should lie behind, in front, near, above, under, so that the flows of favorable energies can move freely.

3. If your apartment has been redevelopment and the bedroom can be located in the place where your neighbors have a kitchen, bathroom or toilet above and below, try to change it, therefore, or install beds so that they are as far away from the central one as possible. points of these rooms. But it's best to change the room altogether.

4. Today, not a single person imagines his life without a TV and a computer, the presence of these items in the bedchamber is undesirable, but if they are still there, try to cover them with something dense at night - a bedspread, tablecloth, etc. or even clean up and close in the closet.

5. Do not think that if you take into account all the positive and negative aspects described above regarding the correct arrangement of sleeping places in your house according to Feng Shui, all the problems that arise will be solved right away. There are still a lot of additional nuances, and if sleep has not improved, but, on the contrary, insomnia or nightmares have begun to torment you, seek help from Feng Shui masters who will help you arrange furniture correctly in accordance with your personal energy and, perhaps, in spite of everything According to the rules, the bed in this version will stand in the center of the room or turned with its feet towards the door.

6. Try, experiment, check, only in this case you can find in your bedroom a truly favorable place for healthy and fulfilling dreams.

Feng Shui bed direction

In addition to all the rules listed above, it is also important when choosing a place for a bed to take into account your personal favorable direction. However, what if you are married and sleep, as expected, with your spouse, which, to tell the truth, many Chinese do not do and prefer to sleep separately so as not to disturb each other's favorable flows. It is believed that in this case, the bed should be installed with the head in the direction of the personal favorable direction of the wife, while the front door to the room should fall into the zone of the good personal direction of the husband. Try to determine what kind of energy is in your bedroom and if it is favorable for dreams, you can not look for the right direction, since all energies dominate personal directions.

The shape and color of the feng shui bed

The choice of the shape, size, color and quality of the Feng Shui bed is no less important than its correct placement, so this issue should be approached with all seriousness and carefully study all of our recommendations described below.

In order for your family to always have peace, mutual understanding and love, the bed frame should cover one common mattress and there should not be any divisions into separate parts, because they can lead to inevitable discord even in the strongest relationships. For the same reasons, two single beds cannot be pushed together.

It is considered extremely unfortunate and unacceptable feng shui round bed in addition to a bad shape, such beds often lack one or two backs at once, and the back in this piece of furniture symbolizes the protection of feelings from prying eyes and intrusions, it must necessarily be higher than the footboard.

feng shui headboard

In general, the headboard can affect a lot, so its choice, as well as beds in general, should be approached very carefully. So, for example, wavy backs are well suited for people of creative professions, semicircular or oval headboards for businessmen and officials, square wooden backs are suitable for workers and workers, and those who do not like and do not want to sleep a lot should choose a triangular back. Surely you have met beds with an uneven back, on one side of which there is a gentle bend, and on the other, an elevation. Such an option in Feng Shui is called "Dragon and Phoenix" and it is intended exclusively for couples, and the husband must necessarily sleep on the side of the elevation, and the wife, respectively, where he is not.

The bed should be of a classic regular shape, not too spacious, but not small either, correspond to the dimensions of the people who sleep on it.

You should not sleep on water or air beds yet, all this interferes with extraneous elements in your relationship, which not only destroy the love of a married couple, but also harm sleep, rest and attract the necessary positive energy.

The ideal material for making a bed frame is natural wood; only people born under the sign of this element can replace it with a metal one. The last two digits of your date of birth, which are the number of Bagu, will help you determine your element.

Feng Shui bed, photo

If your choice nevertheless fell on a metal bed, and this is facilitated by the Metal element, you should place heating and electrical appliances away from it, since it is the metal that is the conductor of heat and electricity, which will simply absorb all favorable energy flows.

From the point of view of the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, ancient beds with carved trim and canopies are very favorable for sleep and relaxation, but it is not recommended to purchase a bed on wheels for quick movement, as it will affect restless sleep and can lead to illness, because it is very similar to a hospital bed.

The color of the beds, like all the furniture in the bedroom, should not be flashy, it is better to stick to natural wood colors, as well as pastel shades.

Feng Shui bedding color.

As we have repeatedly noted in Feng Shui, colors play an important role, even made has a certain power, it also applies to bed linen. What color it should be, and what it means, we will tell you below.

Red underwear - contributes to the normalization of blood circulation and metabolism, and also increases the internal energy of a person;

Orange linen - fights blues, fatigue, depression, anxiety, fear and gives a restful sleep;

Green linen - ensures the rhythmic work of the cardiovascular system, reduces nervousness, helps to relax and rest the eyes;

Blue underwear - fights insomnia, gives a feeling of complete comfort and peace, evens out breathing, relieves stress;

Purple underwear - relieves migraines and other headaches, enhances intuition.

Sleep and dreams in Feng Shui.

Since we have already started talking about sleeping places, in conclusion I would like to talk a little about the meaning of sleep and dreams in Feng Shui.

Sleep comes to each of us in our subconscious, at a time when the brain is turned off and resting. The first dreams visit a person approximately ninety minutes after he has fallen asleep soundly and they last approximately five to fifteen minutes. In one night, a sleeper can see from four to six dreams, but he remembers only the plots of those that are truly important to him and those that can become a hint or help to him in real life.

Why can't we remember all our dreams? The answer is quite simple, firstly, most dreams are very short and do not have a definite meaning, and secondly, subconsciously, we quickly want to forget the bad events that occur in a dream and not transfer them to reality.

Modern science has studied three types of dreams - these are subjective, spiritual and physical dreams. All of them are connected with our past, present and future life. It is believed that in a dream a person can see his future very clearly and clearly, recognize it and the signs present in it.

After waking up, we remember our dream and want to be sure to find out its meaning, regardless of whether it was good or bad, in order to understand what was said to us or what they want to protect and warn us from.

Feng Shui says that if you had a dream in which you were afraid of something, beware of deceit in life, the terrible dreams that a sick person saw may portend death, and a nightmare for a young woman may mean the love of a spouse, well-being and an early replenishment in family.

Follow the simple and accessible rules that Feng Shui encourages you to live, and your dreams will always be only favorable, your health will be strong, and your luck will never end. What we sincerely wish you!

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Everyone has long known that a person devotes a significant part of his life to sleep. Feng Shui teaches that during sleep, the position of the body must be correct. This brings the internal state of a person into harmony, improves his health and makes family relationships stable and trusting. If a person is constantly tormented by insomnia, he wakes up at night and feels tired all the time, then it is recommended to heed the advice of feng shui experts and change the situation in the bedroom.

It is noted that it is impossible to ensure high-quality and comfortable sleep on an uncomfortable bed. That is why they pay close attention to this piece of furniture. Chinese sages note that the ideal bed is chosen taking into account several factors.

  • Corner furniture perfectly accumulates negative and negative energy, so it is recommended to opt for a rounded shape of the bed or with corners that are slightly smoothed. If a married couple sleeps on a bed with sharp corners, then quarrels and constant conflicts for the family will definitely be provided.
  • The bed must have a headboard. It is not an ordinary piece of furniture decoration. The Feng Shui teaching claims that it is the headboard that protects the sleeper from the effects of the negative energy of the surrounding space. It is better to give preference to a headboard in which there are no lattices and holes, it should be solid and very large.
  • The bed does not have high sides, that is, the mattress must necessarily be higher than these devices. If you do not heed the advice of experts, then in a person’s life there will always be obstacles and trials, he will not be able to bypass difficulties. Also, a bed with sides will not allow you to travel or even go on vacation.
  • The matrimonial bed only has a one-piece mattress. If it is divided into two parts, then the spouses will not have mutual understanding, emotional and spiritual closeness.
  • The bed must necessarily be on legs, so that positive energy circulates freely under it and gives a person joy. At the same time, do not forget about convenience and comfort.

Proper bed position

The teaching of Feng Shui categorically does not recommend placing the bed in the room in such a way that the sleeper's feet are directed to the doorway. This sign is known not only in China, but also in many countries of the world since ancient times. In Russia, it is believed that only the dead are turned with their feet to the door, so sleeping in this way is considered a very bad omen.
In the event that the bed is in this position, and rearranging the furniture is not possible, be sure to put something large and tall between the door and the bed. In extreme cases, even a screen or a flower will do. After all, then this object will fence off a sleeping place from the door, and negative energy will not penetrate into a sleeping person.

It is not suitable to hang or install too large elements of interior and decor above the bed. Pay attention to large shelves, large chandeliers or lamps. Such objects will affect a person negatively during sleep, suppress his will, as a result, he will not get enough sleep and will begin to feel a lack of energy for new achievements.
It is strictly forbidden to put a bed in front of mirrors. Such an arrangement will completely deprive a person of energy and strength, because during sleep the mirror will suck everything out of him. Married couples with this arrangement of the bed can provoke themselves and their chosen one to go to the side and completely break off relations.

In no case should the headboard be near the window. This allows positive energy to flow out. However, the situation is changed if the window is covered with thick and light-tight curtains.

Do not put the bed against the wall if there is a restroom or bathroom right behind it. The fact is that positive energy will flow along with the water. If you have to put the bed near the wall, then the space on the other side is completely freed. It is important to emphasize that if the spouses are going to sleep on the bed, then in no case should you put it against the wall. There is free space on both sides so that the energy of love circulates as freely as possible.

The location of the bed on the cardinal points

Feng Shui teachings attach great importance to the position of a person during sleep. It is useful to know where his head is turned at night, because his emotional and physical state is directly dependent on this.
How to understand in which direction the head should be located during sleep? To determine the most favorable side of the world for sleep, you must use one of two correct methods. Calculate your Gua number. It shows a personal energy map of a particular person and determines the most favorable side of the world according to it.

Computing Gua

Take a piece of paper and write your year of birth on it. Then add up all these numbers. If the end result is a two-digit number, then these numbers should also be added. For example, the year of birth is 1984, so you need to add

1 + 9 + 8 + 4 = 22 = 2 + 2 = 4.

After that, men should subtract their number from 10, and women should add 5 to their number.

Notice that the number five cannot be Gua. If this happened, then for a man it is a deuce, and for a female person it is an eight. After the calculations, it remains only to see which side of the world suits a person the most.

1 - north, east, south, southeast.
2 - southwest, northwest, northeast.
3 - southeast, east, north, south.
4 north, south, southeast, east.
6 - southwest, west, northwest, northeast.
7 - west, northwest, northeast, southwest.
8 - southwest, northeast, west, northwest.
9 south, southeast, north, east.

The influence of the cardinal points

There is another method of arranging the bed in Feng Shui. All directions of the world have different effects on the physical and emotional state of a person, his thinking and energy level. If a person wants to improve something specific in his own life, then place the bed in the most suitable side for this.

  • If you turn the head of the bed to the north, then the person will develop intuition and paranormal abilities perfectly. On the north side, it is advised to sleep for those people who constantly make mistakes, succumb to emotional impulses and do rash acts. Those individuals who consider the material side of life very important do not sleep on the north side.
  • When the bed is located on the northeast side, they develop intellectual abilities and receive a good education. It is advisable to sleep with your head on this side for students, students and those individuals who are engaged in science, but they have problems understanding information.
  • Those people who constantly work their heads should not sleep on this side, they need a good rest at night.
  • If a person does not fall asleep from thoughts and ideas, then he should also abandon the northeast.
  • The eastern side is suitable for almost every person, especially if he has reached old age. People in the East sleep calmly and well, fall asleep quickly and feel rested in the morning. However, the newlyweds should not relax on this side: their sex life will decline, and relationships will deteriorate, people will rapidly move away from each other.
  • The southeast side is suitable for those individuals who are not able to achieve a certain result for a long time. This side develops determination, perseverance and willpower. It is advisable to put a bed in the southeast for those who wish to climb the career ladder, entrepreneurs and losers.
  • The south side allows you to establish communication with others, contacts, help you make new and very useful acquaintances, communicate with relatives and friends. If it is difficult to find an approach to people, then place the bed with the headboard facing south.
  • On the southwestern side, it is recommended to relax for people who have problems in their personal lives and relationships with their chosen one. If a person has long dreamed of meeting a soul mate, then it’s time to go to bed on this side. It opens love chakras and activates energy flows. Married couples will also be able to mend long-distorted relationships.
  • The west side is great for people who are concerned about health issues. Soon it will be possible to achieve a long-awaited recovery and forget about many troubles.
  • If a person often suffers from loneliness, is in a state of depression, feels depressed, then they choose the northwest side for sleep and relaxation. If you go to bed in this way, then a great mood in the morning is guaranteed.

If you follow the rules of the great Chinese sages and the teachings of Feng Shui, then they take care not only of the correct location of the bed, but also of other factors in the room. It is valuable to correctly choose the color scheme of the room, correctly position other furniture in the bedroom, acquire special talismans and, first of all, enjoy life in any situation!

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The correct position of the bed in the bedroom

How to arrange the bed in the bedroom is of interest to many owners of houses and apartments. A good rest without nightmarish dreams depends on its successful location.
About the correct organization of a sleeping place with your own hands, it is proposed to familiarize yourself in this article.

How to orient the position of the bed during sleep

The location of the bed in the bedroom on the cardinal points plays a big role for a person's well-being. According to Feng Shui, the head should be in a favorable direction.
For spouses, you need to choose the best place for a man.

Depending on the position of the head of the bed:

  • Its location to the north is considered ideal. In this case, the magnetic lines of the Earth are along the human body.
    Then he gets stability, calmness, well-being, good health and quick healing from diseases.

Sleeping with your head to the north is necessary so that the dream is calm and strong, there is peace and tranquility in the soul. For couples, this position helps to feel more affection and intimacy, but for a teenager and an active person, this direction is too calm.

  • The location of the head to the east corresponds to the natural movement of celestial bodies. Since ancient times, the east has been associated with the spiritual principle, where the mind, mental forces and freedom of the spirit are concentrated. In addition, such a position in the summer heat will give a person a feeling of coolness.

The East is able to endow with strong ambitions and ambition, to give a desire to accelerate the course of events. Its energy can help start any business, it makes it possible to wake up in the morning in a good mood.

  • Sleeping with the head to the west can bring love, increase sensitivity and creativity. This is ideal for magicians and creative people, especially artists.
    The Western direction increases the intensity of passion, which is necessary to strengthen family relationships. Sleeping with your head to the west is filled with life satisfaction.
  • Heading south is good for singles if they want to gain fame and become more successful. The South gives energy to all affairs on a broad front to advance.

Tip: Those who suffer from insomnia, are experiencing stress and are too emotional, in no case should you sleep with your head to the south.

  • The northeast has a rough and sharp energy. It is well suited to those who want to find a purpose in life and make the right decision. This direction gives vivacity, but is absolutely not suitable for a person who wants to relax and improve his sleep.
  • The northwest will help ensure a long and deep sleep. This energy is more suitable for mature and old people, rather than young and carefree.
    Such a direction can help to acquire the qualities of a leader and properly dispose of responsibility.
  • To get rid of subconscious complexes, to increase creativity helps sleep when the head is directed to the southeast. This is very useful for those who want to start a new business and who need an influx of fresh energy.
  • Harmony and fullness of life can be acquired by those who sleep with their heads to the southwest. It is useful for improving family relationships and at work.

In addition to the position of a person in the bedroom, the placement of the bed is very important (see How to put the bed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui). With its proper installation, the inhabitant of the room can get the opportunity for career growth.
If the bed is in accordance with the requirements of Feng Shui, its location unites favorable Qi flows, strengthens and balances their flow, and positively affects the health and success of people.
The ancient Chinese believe that the orientation of the head of the sleeping bed to the cardinal points can have the following effects:

  • To the north - helps to develop intuition.
  • The northeast helps in getting good results in experiments and research.
  • To the east - gives a peaceful and restful sleep.
  • To the southeast gives perseverance and perseverance in business.
  • South provides an excellent reputation.
  • To the southwest can help in love affairs.
  • To the West gives guarantees to acquire healthy children.
  • To the northwest will bring good luck in friendship.

How best to position the bed in the bedroom shows the video in detail. This article discusses the basic provisions and examples of the arrangement of bedrooms.

Ways to place a bed in the bedroom

The instructions for placing the bed indicate how to place the sleeping bed:

  • Near the wall. This is a good location.

Bed arrangement with a headboard against the wall

  • Headboard at the window. A sense of security is created by the wall behind the head. In its absence, a person has a feeling of discomfort.

Tip: In this case, it is necessary to close the window at night with thick curtains, shutters or roller shutters.

  • Center. The location of the bed in the bedroom cannot be considered successful in the center. There is not a single wall nearby, which means that there is no feeling of protection and reliable support.
  • Across from the door. If there is no other option for placing the bed in the bedroom, it is imperative to separate it from the door with a screen or partition. The height of the screen must be taken more than that of the bed itself.

The bed in the bedroom can be installed in many ways, which is determined by the size and shape of the room and the personal preferences of its owner.
But there are some general principles that are not recommended to be violated:

  • Niche. In an alcove or niche - the most correct location of the bed in the room. Closed space gives a feeling of comfort and security, as shown in the photo.

Placement of a bed in a niche

  • Straight. It is undesirable if in the bedroom the bed is located between the door and the window:
  • this is the most ventilated place in the room; opening the window at night will be very dangerous for health;
  • upon entering the room, a person will immediately be able to see the bed, which is the most intimate place in the house.
    • Window. It is undesirable to put the bed directly under the window; a free approach must be provided to it. If there is no other option for installing the bed, it is necessary to make sure that the window does not blow out, and if possible close it tightly with curtains (see Curtains and a bedspread for the bedroom included), for a restful sleep.

    An equipped bedroom according to Feng Shui, the location of the bed in it in compliance with all the rules, is not enough for a safe, good sleep. It is very important that heavy chandeliers, paintings, shelves with books do not hang above the bed.
    Even a good fastening of them to the wall does not guarantee against their unexpected fall, and hence injury during sleep.

    Tip: To preserve vision, the TV should be located away from the bed, and a light source should be equipped above the bed for reading literature. They can be sconces, on the bedside table - a table lamp.

    Bed organization

    Sound sleep and good health are inextricably linked. A person can sleep for a long time or very little, but he cannot do without sleep.
    The bed is the mistress of the bedroom. It should be as comfortable as possible, no matter how high its price. This is the piece of furniture that you can not save on.
    When arranging your home according to Feng Shui, the correctness and incorrectness of the location of the bed can be checked in only one way - by experiment. In any case, you need to try, experiment with its placement.
    If there is a feeling of discomfort, lack of comfort, you can safely rearrange the sleeping bed until pleasant sensations arise, and joyful events begin to occur in life.

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