How to create a museum at the enterprise. How to open a museum from scratch: a business plan with calculations


To open a museum, you need to solve almost the same tasks as when opening a Firm.

Come up with an idea, preferably competitive, find permanent sources

Financing, placement in a passable place, recruit professional staff, etc.


Absolutely any private museum begins with an interest in collecting. After There are enough exhibits in the collection to put it on public display, it is clearly Determine the motivation, it will largely determine the future museum policy. Want to Do you Open Museum to display its collection, or to find

Like-minded people and create a club of interests, or you want to earn money (rare case, An example is the Vodka Museum).


The next step is the room. “It is advisable to acquire the premises, as Calm down, - says Dmitry Shneerson, director of the private Museum of the History of Photography. - The main disadvantage of the rented premises is the ever-growing rental rates.” There are also Another way is to look for a sponsor, such as a large enterprise or institution that could Place a museum in your building, or try to get premises for a cultural institution from Municipal authorities on the terms of preferential rent. So, the departmental museum became Created on a private initiative, the museum “Anna Akhmatova. Silver Age" in Avtovo, and Municipal premises were leased to several museums, including the Gramophone Museum And phonographs by Vladimir Deryabkin.


Even a small museum should have at least 5 Employees. Second The man after the director - Conditionally - the main keeper. He must understand the Funds, keep records, know where The object is located, when and which exhibits should be restored, etc. Often he also performs Function Exhibition curator and decides which exhibits can be offered for display. You will also have to provide for the position of an accountant and a cleaner, you may need and conservation of exhibits, computer technician for equipment maintenance And maintaining the website, as well as a guide, preferably with knowledge of a foreign language.


If the museum operates in its own premises, then among the main monthly expenses - Salary, utility bills, restoration, website content, printing - leaflets,

Posters, brochures. The cost of buying exhibits from a private museum is not standardized. Even It is impossible to predict in advance how much a new item will be able to purchase.

Some exhibits can be received for free: donors like that their item will be Be in a museum.

Spread about the value of the collection among private museum workers is considered unsafe. “Once we start talking about what is worth, people will decide that we are getting Gifts and sell for big money, - says Dmitry Schneerson. - Therefore, in our museum Generally there are no fees Services . We do not sell tickets, books, photos, cameras in We do not rent, otherwise suspicions will immediately begin that this is a shop, a cover for a serious commercial structure". The income of museums is made up of entrance fees and Excursions . Charitable donations, less often - grants for projects. To earn and achieve Payback, you can rent out premises, for example, for presentations, special events.


In addition to designing a permanent exhibition, it makes sense to hold temporary exhibitions from our own funds and in collaboration with other collectors or artists. This is a good information occasion: exhibition announcements get into the media posters, which increases the flow of visitors. Thus, the Museum of the History of Photography holds exhibitions of Russian and foreign photographers, the private Puppet Museum - exhibitions from private collections. The non-state Nabokov Museum also hosts concerts, lectures, and performances.

Dmitry Shneerson, Director of the Museum of the History of Photography and Chairman of the Board of the Era Fund for the effective disposal of assets, opened his museum out of a great love for photography.

$ 2 - 5 thousand - monthly costs for the maintenance of a private museum in its own premises, not counting the purchase of exhibits.

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A museum is a special institution that stores monuments and objects that have their own unique history. Any museum begins with a collection, and the more original it is, the greater the interest in it. The main museum tasks include constant monitoring and analysis of the work of a particular museum. Modern museum technologies include several components:

  • Museum exhibitions require a special approach, because they must be properly organized and planned.
  • Equipment for storage of exhibits.
  • museum climate. At low humidity or too high humidity, the exhibits are deformed, and their value is also lost. It is necessary to install all the necessary equipment to prevent this.
  • Museum showcases.
  • Restoration equipment.
  • Keepers.
  • The concept is a document that will show the uniqueness of this institution at the present stage. It consists of three main points: modernization, innovation and the preservation of one's own traditions.

In order to create a new museum, it is necessary, first of all, to specifically identify its goal, it is on it that the further development of activities will depend. You can combine several appointments, for example, tell the story of your city in a club of like-minded people. Then you need to choose a room where certain exhibitions will be held, it is better if it is a very crowded place, you can save on advertising. An important factor is the choice of working staff (for the good functioning of the museum, at least four employees are needed). It is necessary to competently organize excursions in order to interest more people, and they began to bring their friends here. But, excursions alone are not enough, interest in them quickly disappears, it is necessary to hold creative evenings, meetings of like-minded people and various cultural events.

No museum can exist without constant funding. Therefore, it is necessary to find a rich like-minded person to solve this problem. It is necessary to prove the significance of this institution for the benefit of society, and then things will go up, increasing profits. To create a museum that will constantly have visitors, you need to have a lot of experience in this area, otherwise it will be a complete fiasco. This should be done by masters who know how to properly organize everything and outperform competitors. A competent trend in the development of a modern museum is the creation of internal and near museum structures that create a single space. People visiting the institution should receive cultural general development.

According to market experts, private museums, due to their characteristics, form a new format for collecting and increase the audience of those interested. Depending on the direction, museums of private owners increase the investment attractiveness of a particular collectible item/theme. Under the concept of private museum » Most often, there are projects that have their own or rented sites with an exposition, which includes thematic private collections and access to which is open to everyone for a fee. According to statistics, over the past decade there has been a significant increase in private museums. At the forefront of the world positions are Europe, the USA and China. Private museums in Russia are actively cooperating with state programs, providing the latter with their expositions.

The reason for the increase in the number of private museums lies in the fact that private projects can be more flexible in decision-making and can create mobile collections, some of which can be purchased at auctions with a worldwide reputation.

We remind you that state museums are prohibited at the legislative level from participating in auctions held in the West. Another indisputable advantage of a private museum is its right to sell part of its collection. At the same time, state museums are prohibited from selling even part of their assets. Private museums can quickly respond to fashion trends, sell old collections and purchase newer and more relevant ones for visitors. This right allows private projects to update their expositions in time and attract more clients.

Market features

Private museums essentially form the collections market themselves and monopolize the pricing process in certain niches. By attracting clients, showing certain expositions, private museums create demand and new elements of the target audience who are ready to buy the items they like. Museums-trendsetters (eng. Trendsetter; from English. Trend - a trend, to set - to establish, start) become not only active participants in auctions, but also their founders and the main driving force.

Such cooperation is very beneficial for auctions - a huge number of not just interested people come to them, but entire institutions with developed potential and investment opportunities. In addition, it is worth emphasizing that participation in auctions is marked not only by excitement, but also by a high cultural level and the scale of fees. The art market of the world is constantly updated with the emergence of new and diverse private museums. Experts say that the development of private museum business in Russia will follow the Western scenario and will eventually be able to strengthen and create its own distinctive features. So, basically, a private museum collects a board of trustees (investors), which eventually unite into a fairly large resource. The current legislation strongly encourages this scenario.

Federal law on the export and import of cultural property ( No. 435 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Improvement of Public Administration in the Sphere of Export and Import of Cultural Property and Archiving" and No. 430 "On Amendments to Part Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation" ) dated December 28, 2017, states that there are benefits that can only be used by state and municipal cultural institutions.

This law also applies to non-state museums ( paragraph 2 of Art. 333–34 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation ).

In addition, items of cultural value that were purchased or donated to private galleries will not be subject to VAT (paragraph 3 of Article 333–35 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), and private museums, according to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, are exempt from paying state duty on the right temporary export, which gives them the opportunity to participate in international projects.

Director of the Hermitage, head of the Union of Museums of Russia Mikhail Piotrovsky, notes that private collections are often very professional and distinguish them favorably from classical academic museums, reflecting the individuality of their creator.

He also notes that " Museum in our understanding is an institution that has funds. If there are no funds, this is a gallery ... ". The specialist also talks about the current trend in Russia towards the creation of a single museum zone, in which today three main types of museums are noted - these are state, private and public. There is healthy competition in this space. Mikhail Piotrovsky names leisure and entertainment complexes among the direct competitors of private museums. Among the important components of success, the expert calls the need to declare exhibits, preserve the country's museum fund, and ensure the integrity of collections. In addition, the funds earned by the museum should be spent on its immediate needs, and not deducted in favor of the state while reducing subsidies for the cultural heritage of the nation.

The specialist emphasizes that modern museums in Russia need a special concept that will distinguish them from leisure activities and the service sector.

Michael is convinced that our mission is to preserve, study and pass on everything we have received from previous generations. This is the main thing, not entertainment ...". Art is a kind of therapy, and it should be offered by knowledgeable educated people. Among the best private museums in Russia, he names the Metropolitan Museum and emphasizes that it perfectly combines the mission of the museum and its dialogue with urban space and visitors.

State museums, unlike private ones, can take advantage of a number of tax incentives and receive some support from the state.

At the same time, private projects do not have to draw up such a document as an agreement on the immunity of their paintings from arrests imposed by legal claims. The specialist notes that a similar problem is observed in the organization of exhibitions in the United States, whose representatives, nevertheless, can freely bring their expositions for demonstration in Russian cities.

The best way to develop the industry will be the close cooperation of private and public museums - thus, a single museum space will have the opportunity and potential for expansion and diversity.

It could be:

  • Publication of literature on art history topics.
  • Exchange of experience of curators.
  • Development of the infrastructure of small towns and even villages.

What information should a business plan contain?

Summary of business plan for opening a museum from scratch

This project is a plan to create a private enterprise to organize a museum in 24 months. First of all, we will list the key points of the process of creating a business plan for starting a private museum business plan from scratch.

First of all, the Idea of ​​the project arises, and the Goals of the project, such as:

  1. Building an enterprise with high .
  2. in a legal way, indicating the legal address, passport data of the head and founder of the project, data on employees.
  3. Satisfying consumer demand to fill a niche in the art market in Russia.
  4. Search and conclusion of contracts with investors.
  5. Project cost: 3,690,000 rubles.
  6. Financing of the project: It is carried out by obtaining a commercial loan in the amount of 3,690,000 rubles.
  7. Payback period: 2 years.
  8. The investor's income will be 237,385.22 rubles.
  9. Interest payments on the loan begin from the first month of the implementation of this project.
  10. The repayment of borrowed funds starts from the first month of the project implementation. This circumstance is introduced in this business plan to simplify the understanding of the structure for calculating the discounting flow and regulating the cash flow.
  11. The mortgaged interest rate on borrowed funds is 14%. It should be borne in mind that banks are currently revising the rate of interest for investment projects downward.
  12. The total amount of accrued interest will be 237,385.22 rubles.
  13. The payback period from the beginning of the project is 8 months.
  14. The payback period, taking into account discounting, is 2 years.
  15. The total economic effect from the implementation of the project for the conditional life cycle is 73,783,840.85 rubles.

Project stages

Project stages Execution conditions Deadlines
Project start 1.5-2 years
Conclusion of an investment agreement 1 month project 1 -30 banking days
Getting a loan Availability

corresponding package of documents

30 calendar days
Entering into the state register, registration with administrative and tax authorities Conclusion



30 calendar days
Location selection and documentation preliminary 30 calendar days
Purchase of exposition items (conclusion of contracts for the exposition) preliminary 30 calendar days
Purchase of equipment Conclusion



1-30 calendar days
Equipment installation Receipt


1-30 calendar days
Hiring Production


1-30 calendar days
Training End of the stage of organization of the production process 1-30 calendar days
Carrying out a marketing campaign 360 calendar days 1-360 calendar days
End of the project 12 months - 24 months

Algorithms of action prescribed in the business plan

The business plan contains the following algorithms of actions for starting a business:

  1. Ways and methods of analyzing the target audience, drawing up a portrait of the ideal client, his level of solvency.
  2. Registration of business in state supervisory and tax authorities.
  3. Hiring qualified employees who are able to fulfill the wishes of the client and be ready to work. Another item of expenditure is the hiring of employees. Specialists will fill vacant positions on a competitive basis, being employees of a general, service and temporary nature with decent competitive pay. Candidates for positions will be considered within 30 calendar days.
  4. Services provided by the enterprise.
  5. Choice of business format.

Museum business plan: step by step guide

In private collections, exhibits collected from private collections are most often shown. According to the Association of Private Museums, many private museums have grown into serious organizations from the combined collections that were part of the expositions of various large projects. Sometimes the premises are required for interactive museums to attract more visitors and monetary returns.

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to register a museum as a form of private property and pay a single tax on activities. The main advantage of this type of entrepreneurial activity is the fact that the purchase and registration of a license is not required to open a museum.

Entrance to a private museum can be voluntary, but it is worth setting a lower limit of, for example, 50 rubles. The sale of souvenir and information products on electronic media is also taxed.

Additional profit can be obtained by renting out the museum premises for excursions, master classes and entertainment events. Expensive rent will pay off only if there are a lot of visitors and they come constantly, therefore, in order to open a private museum in your city, you must also enlist the support of travel agencies and tour operators - a visit to your project included in a ready-made tour in the cities of the Russian Federation for foreign tourists or residents of our country, will bring income to both the travel agency and your museum.

The main difference between a private museum and a state one is ownership rights and the presence of a charter. A cultural institution that has a documented museum fund and a plan for further development can formally be considered a state cultural institution. The advantage of this kind of activity is the ability to put your institution on the balance sheet of the municipality, city.

If the museum institution is completely private, then the owner will have to bear all the costs himself. You can register both an individual and a company. There is no need to report to the departments, and all the exhibits are in private collections, in other words, belong to the owners. At the same time, some exhibits can be displayed at thematic events (for example, the “Museum of Little Stories” and “Drum House”) sometimes the space itself becomes a museum - such as the White Tower in Yekaterinburg.

Today, during the change of generations, private museums and unusual spaces will become interesting for different age categories and citizens with different levels of income. A modern museum is an interactive platform, a kind of creative laboratory that does not require silence and stiffness. A museum for today's client is a space in which you can take an active part: touch the exhibits, try them on, take pictures with them. A good return is shown to the museum, where you can taste certain original dishes, watch educational videos.

The relevance of opening a museum business plan

A museum opened by private collectors has every chance of becoming a brand of its city, region, country. Those private projects become part of the image of the urban space. Another difference between such projects and large state institutions is emotionality, closeness to visitors, dialogue with them.

In order for a private museum to generate a stable income, a clear planning structure for a future project is needed. The practice of existing museums shows that cheap tickets and an extensive entertainment program attract more visitors.

Advantages and disadvantages of business at the opening of the museum

  1. Expensive room rental. To solve this gap, there are several ways. Sublease. So, some private museums rent out their space for 7,000 rubles per hour for burgers and other catering establishments. Any other interested company can hold a promotional action in the museum. Additional income, which will cover the cost of renting the premises, can also be brought by renting the museum premises for commercial event projects. The proceeds from lecture/concert tickets are usually split 50/50 between the organizers and participants of the event.
  2. The profit of the museum is directly curled from the income of the target audience and the interest rate on rent, which can be legally reduced. Selling tickets shows great returns in the very premises of the museum. About 3% of visitors buy electronic tickets and a little more than 5% of the total profit comes from the organization of corporate parties, festivals and the sale of souvenirs. Most often, souvenirs are sold at cost and are produced/purchased to support the brand of the museum.
  3. Before opening a museum in a particular city of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to carefully monitor the income of citizens - for example, if in the capital the price for entering a private museum can vary from 300 to 1500 rubles, then, for example, in Kazan, the population simply does not have such income to attend an expensive event, no matter how interesting it may be.
  4. Each private museum can receive a grant from the state if it proves the viability and relevance of the project.

Modern private museums are most often self-financing, as according to the budget code, the city authorities have the right to allocate grants only for projects that are under their jurisdiction. The city authorities of many regions of the Russian Federation note that recently the tendency for the appearance of mini-private museums has increased significantly. Mayors of cities are ready to support private projects, provided that the owners provide full information about the functioning and development of start-ups and confirm their usefulness for the city.

If a private museum project belongs to a municipality, the authorities will assist in finding a safe and cheap space to rent, or help reduce interest rates on rent and utilities. The remaining projects will be supported by advertising and other means.

The process of including a private project in the museum fund may not be necessary if the project does not have artifacts. The most popular among the population today are the so-called "research centers". At the same time, the owners of private collections argue that the supply to the state register only complicates the conduct of private cultural museum activities, imposes a number of restrictions, but at the same time does not protect against negative factors arising in the country's economy.

A private museum without state registration can show a higher coefficient of mobility. A private cultural institution has the right to draw up its own action plan, which does not have to be coordinated and approved by representatives of the Ministry of Culture. The experts emphasize that small private museums can quickly respond to any significant cultural event that has taken place in the city and can quickly and efficiently make their proposals.

Services that a private museum can provide

  1. Demonstration of expositions, both on the basis of a permanent nature, and mobile.
  2. Organization and holding of cultural events for citizens.
  3. Production and sale of photo and video materials dedicated to museum events and expositions.
  4. Realization of gifts and memorable souvenirs.

The modern museum is distinguished by interactivity and the ability to dialogue with the viewer.

Estimated period of services provided by the museum business plan of the museum

Period Name of the type of service Sales volume per month (unit) Price Sales proceeds (thousand rubles)
1-12 month investment Entrance fee From 300 to 3,000 people From 300 r. From 90,000 to 900,000 rubles.
1-12 month investment Collection of expositions, units From 1 unit From 10 000 rubles From 10 000 rubles
1-12 month investment Holding




From 12 units From 30 000 rubles. From 360 000 rubles.
1-12 month investment Production and distribution of video cassettes, CD-R, DVD, souvenirs, units. From 100,000 units From 300 r. From 30,000,000 rubles
13-24 months of operation Entrance fee From 330 to 3300 people From 350 rubles From 115,500 to 1,155,000 rubles.
Collection of expositions From 2 units From 12 000 rubles. From 24 000 rubles.
13-24 month




mass events

From 13 units From 35000 rubles From 455000 rubles
13-24 months of operation Production and distribution of video cassettes, CD-R, DVD, souvenirs From 110,000 units From 350 rubles From 3 8500 000 rubles.

In order to fully implement the museum project, it is necessary

  1. Take out a loan in the amount of at least 3,690,000 rubles for 24 billing months with a discount rate of 14%.
  2. Entering the break-even level of the enterprise will begin from the 4th billing month. During this period, the first amount of profit with the correct calculations of the entrepreneur will be 607,041.87 rubles.
  3. At the end of the crediting period, the amount of profit will be 6,237,730.
  4. rub. In this case, the bank's profit will amount to 237,385.22 rubles. for 24 billing periods. Monthly payments of expenses amounted to 516,770 rubles.
  5. The total gross profit of the project was: 112,574,000 rubles. The profit of the project was: 73,783,840.85 rubles.

Project costs (in rubles)

Name of the item of expenditure Price
Quantity, pcs) per month in year One-time Total expenses in
Purchase (rent) of a building, premises From 100 62 500 750 000 125 000 125 000
Purchase of equipment 10 508 820 508 820
Acquisition of exhibit items From 100 1 700 000 1 700 000
Purchase of computer equipment 1 100 000 100 000
Website, hosting, purchase of necessary scripts, 1 250 000 250 000
Fixed advertising costs, including on the Internet 12 100 000 1 200 000 200 000 1 200 000
Salary 12 354 270 4 251 240 4 251 240
including taxes 12 113 270 1 359 240 1 359 240
Unexpected expenses 288 380 288 380
Total: 516 770 6 201 240 3 172 200 8 423 440

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a museum business plan project

  1. The main advantage is that no licensing documentation is needed to carry out activities. Agreements and permits are needed when drawing up a lease agreement and will relate to the general requirements that are usually presented by the sanitation station and Roskomnadzor. A complete list of such documentation can be found below.
  2. A small private project is quite capable of doing without staff.
  3. Owning rare objects by a startup will increase attendance, and if the project owner can afford to purchase high-quality equipment and provide the proper modern level of interactivity, then an influx of customers on weekends and during the holiday season is guaranteed.

On the video: Useful tips for novice businessmen from museum business owners

What you should pay attention to

  • Rent of premises and its price, condition of structures.
  • Business seasonality.
  • Skills and abilities that will help in compiling a collection and providing the technological base of a cultural institution.
  • The concept of establishments is the spectrum of emotions that you want to give to your customers. So, it can be spicy entertainment for a certain circle of people - a museum of torture or erotica, or expositions for a wider range of admirers, including teenagers and young children.
  • The concept of the museum can be the simplest - for example, businessman A. Sergienko nurtured the idea of ​​the project for about a year, implemented it in a matter of months. The museum's website says that the institution has seven rooms, each of which is dedicated to a certain emotion. Installations, art objects, audio and video tracks are selected in such a way as to guide a person through certain emotional states that we most often experience or, on the contrary, lack in everyday life. For this, the author of the project had 200 square meters. meters.

In tourist centers, breaking even is usually easier and faster. Tourists will be able to find your museum faster if you mark it on Google maps, hire competent SEOs to develop the site and, if possible, appear in guidebooks and maps.

Documentation for opening a museum

Choice museum concept business plan

Usually, in order to open a museum, you need:

  • Having your own apartment (if you are ready to open doors to numerous strangers).
  • Separate premises owned or rented.
  • Land in the open air.
  • The actual elements of the exposure that you are going to demonstrate.

You can open a mix museum or a mono-museum, in other words, united by one theme or dedicated to many topics that do not contradict one another.

A good return, according to experts, is given by the eclecticism of entertainment and educational components. The museum program may include a demonstration of the show, ordering color music, video materials, presentations. The owner of the museum must also take care of the timely replenishment of the collection.

Most often, private museums work in the direction of painting and art treasures - customers can purchase the works they like. This includes galleries, passages that showcase paintings, photographs and installations. Additional fees for photo and video filming will also bring a net income to the museum.

What to choose to start: a virtual or a regular museum?

Parameter Virtual Museum regular museum
Creation cost From several hundred thousand


From several million


Terms of museum creation, months From several months From several years
Number of museum visitors per day Several hundred to several thousand


From several tens to several hundreds of visitors
Number of museum visitors per year Several hundred thousand to several million


From several tens of thousands to several hundred thousand
Geography and coverage


From any country in the world Basically from this


Museum area, sq.m. From several

square meters

From several hundred square meters
Museum payback period, months A few months Some years
Advertising opportunities of the museum Live update at any time Updating ads takes time
Location In any country, in any city Economically feasible only in the capitals of countries, or in large cities
Language support

museum visitors

The number of supported languages ​​is unlimited As a rule, no more than 6-7 languages
Number of museum exhibits Not limited No more than a few thousand
Efficiency in learning new

museum exhibits

Anytime There are restrictions
Issuance of a building permit Not required Required
Renovation of the museum exposition Anytime As a rule, according to a pre-arranged plan and traffic
Museum opening hours 24 hours a day, no lunch break, no weekends or holidays Limited hours of work, with breaks
Museum staff May reside in

any country in the world

Live in the village where the museum is located
Remote work in the museum Possible and


Extremely limited
Museum fame World fame Limited
Museum promotion costs The virtual museum, in itself, is already an advertisement Promotion costs required
Legal formalities of creating a museum Minimum Requires time, effort, knowledge and money
Export of museum exhibits abroad for demonstration No restrictions
Re-registration of ownership of the museum Minimum


Formalities required
The cost of creating a branch of the museum no cost and

no investment required

Compliance with formalities and financial investments is required
Prospects for the development of the museum Unlimited Depend on many indicators and have a number of limitations

How to open a private museum business plan in your city

In order to launch a museum project in your region, you need to conduct marketing research and monitor the activities of your direct and indirect competitors.

Registration of an enterprise can be carried out in the form of an LLC, an individual entrepreneur or a non-profit association. A non-profit association is chosen by those businessmen who subsequently want to achieve the acquisition of a national cultural status and receive financial support from the state in the form of subsidies. Coordination with the Ministry of Culture is mandatory if the exposition will involve archaeological finds and exhibits of great material value. The premises are rented for their intended purpose, the lease of a land plot is necessary for a period of 20 years or more, therefore, to organize such a museum format, it is better to purchase a land plot in permanent ownership.

In order to save money, closed exhibitions are sometimes organized at production sites that can no longer be used for production (these are the territories of factories, workshops, etc.), but you should take care of the safety of customers.

Additional expenses

  • Purchase and installation of fire and security systems.
  • Glass or plexiglass shelving.
  • Showcases.
  • fasteners.
  • Furniture for the convenience of customers (sofas, tables, chairs, armchairs).
  • Quality lighting.
  • Microclimate and ventilation system.
  • If you plan to open an interactive exhibition, you will need expensive equipment.
  • The items of expenditure will include the purchase of screens, audio systems, computer panels and much more.

Main taxes paid

An additional income for an entrepreneur can be brought by the launch of catering at the museum - for example, the project "Apartment of Time" offers not only a visit to the exposition - an apartment completely stylized for a certain Soviet period, but also to taste dishes that are fully consistent with the era and prepared in accordance with the technological maps of that time, Simply put, the chefs of the museum-restaurant use information from the Book of Tasty and Healthy Food, which was published in 1952.

You can spend a romantic evening, a wedding, a corporate party or a birthday in the museum. It is also good to focus museums on the connection of generations and the strengthening of family values. So, the Museum of Soviet Slot Machines can serve as an example - children of 2000 are used to playing on smartphones, tablets and other gadgets, and when they see their parents' excitement, they begin to understand that their parents are not as backward as some children sometimes think. At the same time, not all teenagers can understand the rather simple mechanics of Soviet-era machine guns, and here parents already have to explain to their children the intricacies of control.

“The creation of a museum is necessary so that the younger generation is given the opportunity to form a purpose in life, ethical images of the present and future, and the ability of high-quality scientific and engineering thinking”, - noted the authors of the concept of the museum dedicated to the life and work of the Strugatsky brothers.

In order for both staff and visitors to feel comfortable, the owner of a private museum needs to take care of the interior and exterior decoration of the premises. The design should not only meet the basic safety requirements, but also be interesting to customers - as topics. Who came as part of an excursion group, and when visiting independently.

According to preliminary estimates of experts, the format of the museum in the form of a scientific and entertainment center also satisfies the population's need for educational and entertainment services. In such centers, the client can participate in experiments, observe rare phenomena, or even conduct a series of experiments on his own.

This format of the museum has two features.

Firstly, most often the exhibits are made by hand, and this incurs additional serious costs, and secondly, it is necessary to find a reliable investor and a favorable location.

In order to choose an effective, profitable and capable of living and developing further the concept of the museum, it is necessary to first analyze the fullness of the market of a particular region of the Russian Federation.

Components of marketing research

  1. Analysis of the problems of the target audience and the study of its composition
  2. Determining the composition of the future exposition and the format of the exhibits, their size, color, shape, performance material, the quantitative composition of the placement of exhibits in a particular territory.
  3. Exposition interior design.
  4. The owner of the museum will receive additional income from the creation of a separate area for master classes for children/teenagers.


It is better if they are people with work experience, or young professionals - teachers, guides and animators. Some museums are aimed at career guidance, and this should also be taken into account when selecting staff. Regular employees must be registered in accordance with all legal norms, however, at the start of the project, you can hire volunteers who will gain experience for a small fee and without issuing work books.


Think about what you are going to create a museum for. The form of your further activity will depend on the goal. Perhaps you want to tell your countrymen and guests of your city about your values, show them interesting exhibits, tell the history of your places. Perhaps you intend to create a club of like-minded people in the future. By the way, these two goals can be combined. There is nothing wrong with making money - but then it should be a unique museum.

Decide who will work in your museum. There are small private museums where the owner is both the director, the chief curator, the guide, and the curator of exhibitions. For a while, existence is possible. But inevitably there will come a time when you need to share responsibilities. The museum should have four or five employees. The chief custodian must keep an eye on the exhibits, know what needs to be restored, what needs to be purchased to replenish the exposition. You may need both an accountant and a cleaner. It is unlikely that you will be able to do all this on your own. It is very good if your family members help you.

Decide how you will organize. The school and municipal museum have specific opening hours. In a private museum located in an apartment or in a country house, the system of work may be different. Excursions must be arranged in advance by phone with the guide. This is especially important if the museum is not located on the main street, and the sightseers come from afar and you need them on.


It is better if you can find a permanent source of funding. Even at first, while you still do not have your own staff, you will need to keep the premises in order and replenish funds. If there is a businessman whose interests coincide with yours, this will be an ideal option.

It is very useful to prove the necessity of opening a museum to the head of the department of culture. If this works out, you will be able to get a room on a preferential lease in any of the municipal buildings.

Useful advice

When creating a non-profit museum at school, take care of the training of guides. You will have to conduct classes with a history teacher. A senior student can also be the curator of exhibitions, and even the main custodian.

A municipal museum needs a complete set of constituent documents. It is usually available in the culture department.

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If you have collected a collection that may be of historical value or of interest to other people, you can open your own business, show the world your passion, find like-minded people, in a word, organize a museum. This is a tricky business, but interesting and promising.


But for the successful development and functioning of this business, it is not enough just to have the material. Here you will need to perform a series of procedures similar to those that are necessary when opening any company. That is, you should think about sources of funding, about personnel, about the good location of the museum, and much more.

So, if the issue with the exhibits is resolved, then the next step is to think about the premises. Of course, it is best to own rather than rent, because renting is a fickle business, and rising rental prices for buildings can negatively affect the development of your business. If you do not have the financial ability to buy the premises yourself, then think about finding a sponsor, perhaps it will be a large one that owns the building and agrees to host yours. Also try to get a building for rent on more acceptable terms from the municipal authorities.

Now think about the formation of the state. The minimum is an accountant, an employee who will monitor the state of the exhibits, a computer scientist. Who will promote the site of your museum on the web, a guide (possibly with knowledge of a foreign language) and a cleaner.

Of course, in order for the museum to function successfully and make a profit, it must constantly, the exhibits must be replenished.
There are many examples of such original private museums, for example, the Bob Riddell Telephone Museum, the Marikin Shoe Museum, the Leila Hair Museum and many others. This is how people were able to make their business on their passion.

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Many people are into collecting. For some, the interest in collecting that arose in childhood does not fade with age. If you can boast of a collection of items that may be of interest to other people and you have a desire to replenish it with new items and tell others about your hobby, opening your own museum will help with this, allow you to find like-minded people with interests and even earn money with your hobby.


For many people, the concept of a museum is associated with empty halls, caretaker grandmothers, paintings hung on the walls, and budget financing. These ideas, to some extent, are associated with the old approaches to museums, when their maintenance was completely taken over by the state. However, these days, a small private museum can be a great low-budget business for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Of course, the creation of a museum as a business will be profitable only in those cities in which there are large flows of tourists and city guests. Creating a museum in such tourist centers is not too difficult, which can bring its creators not only good money, but also a lot of pleasure from participating in an interesting business.

For example, in many small towns located along the Golden Ring of Russia, there are a huge number of private museums that are actively visited not only by Russian tourists, but also by foreign travelers. The very names of such museums serve as excellent advertising and attract visitors: the iron museum, the museum of cunning and ingenuity, the mouse museum, the chocolate museum, and so on.

What does it take to create a museum?

First of all, this is a room. It is desirable to place the museum in its own premises, since the rent, especially at first, will not pay off with the proceeds from ticket sales. Private museums do not have to be located in large spacious rooms, as is customary in large cities.

Specialized and ethnographic museums are of particular interest to visitors.

Therefore, the placement of a private museum is possible simply in a village house or in several large rooms of a former private apartment. Expositions of private museums, as a rule, are not too large. Placing the exposition in a small space allows you to make the exhibition rich, and the tours are quite short, which increases turnover and income.

Antiques, private collections of objects from different eras, photographs, posters are of great interest among tourists.

Oddly enough, even museums dedicated to the very recent, Soviet period, the history of the city or local customs turn out to be popular. It is enough to travel around the nearest villages, collecting old, often unnecessary things from the population, or to purchase a collection of some collector to lay the foundation for the exposition.

For example, the museum of cunning and ingenuity contains various household items that demonstrate the remarkable ingenuity of the Russian people, used in everyday life on a variety of occasions. Here and a device for catching fish, and various kitchen utensils, and devices for agricultural work.

In the chocolate museum, wrappers of various types of chocolate and chocolates, old photographs, advertising samples can be demonstrated. All this arouses interest on the part of visitors and serves as a wonderful advertisement for excursions.

The cost of creating a private museum can be minimal, especially if the owner of at least a small collection is involved in this business. It is very important to show a sense of humor when creating an exposition of a private museum in order to make the tour lively and interesting.

Also important is the correct selection of caretakers and guides in the museum.

At first, the museum owner himself can act as a guide, but, as a rule, in order to increase the duration of the work, one has to hire staff.

Income from ticket sales can be supplemented by income from the sale of various souvenirs.

Therefore, in a private museum, it is necessary to immediately provide a room where souvenirs will be sold. In small private museums, the sale of souvenirs can be organized at the entrance, where souvenirs become, as it were, part of the exposition.

An important role for the profitability of the museum is played by its location.

The most profitable are museums located near the most visited places in the city center, near tourist bus stops.

Initial Costs for the creation of a private museum may be limited by the cost of repairs and equipment of the premises. In this case, for example, when placing an exposition in a village hut, such costs can be minimized. However, the museum cannot avoid advertising costs. It is necessary to make and place signboards, banners, direction indicators to the museum, brochures and colorful booklets about the exposition.

The cost of an entrance ticket can range from 50 to 250 rubles. A visit to the museum even with one bus tour can bring income of at least 10 thousand rubles.

However, it must be taken into account that current expenses for the maintenance and protection of the museum, staff salaries, constant advertising can reduce the profitability of a private museum to zero.

Therefore, it is highly desirable, when creating a business on the basis of a private museum, to act pragmatically and systematically from the very beginning. How to do this will help you, which you can order on our website.

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