Probably each of us, lovers of mermaids, thought about how to become a real mermaid. With a tail and magical powers.
I will tell you how to do it and make your dream come true))

You can become a mermaid at home and, of course, so that a real mermaid herself will accept you into her ranks. however, the second option is more difficult.

We will try to become it at home)

Method one

We will need:

- pelvis
- salt
- candle
- silver pendant
- magic spell

To become a mermaid using this method, you need to fill the basin (or pan) with water at 12 o’clock at night on a full moon, fill it with salt (you can use sea salt), light a candle and place it in the middle of the basin.
Then you need to read the spell, BUT it must be compiled independently !!! In the spell, you need to name the desired strength, the desired tail and its color.
You also need to say what kind of mermaid you are: half human, half mermaid (that is, you can live on land and in water + have strength); fully mermaid (mermaid with a tail forever + strength); a person with power (you will not have a tail, but you will have the power as in H2O), a mermaid without power (no power, but there is a tail).
When they made up the spell and wrote it on a piece of paper, we read it loudly and expressively three times. you have to think about every word you say.
then, when we read it, we put the silver pendant in the water and blow out the candle!
Hooray, we've completed the ritual!
now we put this basin with water, salt and a pendant under the bed and go to sleep.
In the morning you will feel a headache and possibly nausea.
But after a week, you will begin to form scales on your legs!
do not be afraid, then it will appear only if and only if you are in the water (but this is still depending on what kind of mermaid you have become)

Second way:

This way is much easier

We go out to the balcony on a full moon when the moon is at its zenith.
Then we shout: Wow! I became a mermaid with a tail (green, yellow, orange, blue) ... in color, with miraculous powers ... (freezing water, boiling water, manipulating water).
Then we run to the kitchen and drink a glass of water.
Hooray! Now you are a mermaid, but your strength and tail will not appear immediately, but only on the next full moon.

The third way is the most difficult.

We will call the mermaid to turn you into a mermaid

You need to prepare well. Here's what you need to do to get strength...and a tail.

1. You need a bowl of boiled water (heat it an hour before the full moon, let it cool).
2. When it is exactly 23.10 (December 31), go to the window, lower the fingertips of your right hand into the water.
3. Without removing your hand from the water, say: "Give me the power of a mermaid" 3 times.
4. Lower your left hand into the water, and say the same spell 3 times. Then ripples should pass through the water.
If there are no ripples, then you have angered the spirit of the mermaid.
then the mermaid spirit comes and turns you into a mermaid!
5. After a few minutes or hours, you will feel that your head is starting to hurt badly. This is a good sign - it means reincarnation is underway ...
6. Five minutes after the pain, you will have strength.
Good luck.

I haven't tried this method yet so I'm not sure if it works or not.

Method four

How to become a mermaid right now?

The most reliable way is swimming in a river or lake on a full moon. The full moon is reflected in a lake or river - this is your chance to transform. But, if you are under 20 years old, then you can only do this with an adult or with your best friend. Otherwise, there will be no effect, just wake up the evil spirit....

Method five

How to become a mermaid without a full moon?

Take a regular (small) sheet of paper. Spread it with toothpaste and put it on the edge of the tub. Say a spell, which again you need to come up with on your own (see above). Turn on the water. Turn off the light. Close the door and call the mermaid 3 times. When she comes, ask her for a tail. After that, a sheet of toothpaste must be burned, and the ashes should be poured onto your feet. The tail will appear in 3-4 hours.

Method six

home method

Fill the tub with water, add regular white sea salt, and light the candles. When you add salt, say to yourself the spell "Ordinary water - become sea water!" . The spell must be cast three times. After immersing in the bath, close your eyes and say this spell 3 times: “Sea forces! I ask you to fulfill one of my wishes! Let me be half man, half fish! May I become a mermaid every time I dive into the water!” After casting the spell, you need to lie down in the bathroom a little more, then get out of it, blow out all the candles and go to sleep. Perform this ritual once a week! The transformation will take time

Method seven

How to call a mermaid to your house so that she gives you strength and a tail!

Ritual from an old book.
To perform this ritual of calling, you will need a large basin and some clean water taken from an open reservoir, for example, from a spring or lake. Pour water into the prepared vessel, put out the light in the room, light a natural candle. Now you need to sit on your knees near the basin of water and say the words three times: “Mermaid, come!”
After some time, if you do not feel the presence of the spirit, try the water in the basin with your fingertips, if the liquid warms up, then the spirit still visited you. After that, you can ask the mermaid for the fulfillment of one desire and pay for its fulfillment with a lock of your own hair.

Eighth method

How to become a mermaid in the bath

If you still could not call a mermaid, then use the following methods, they are very simple. Find fish scales and your hair, then cut out a small rectangle from colored paper. Wrap everything in this sheet and burn it, but the remaining ashes must be saved. After that, wait for the full moon and dilute the ashes in drinking water, then drink the contents, go to the mirror and say the spell three times: “I will become a mermaid!”. Take a bath and go to bed without wasting time, and in the morning you will become a mermaid.

I do not advise you to do this method, because it seems to me terrible to drink ashes from scales and cardboard.

Method nine

The way to become a mermaid with a spell.
In the early morning, before sunrise, draw spring water, throw into it three of your hair, a sage leaf, three fish scales and the ashes of your burnt favorite poem about love, say the magic words "Sun, sun, turn away, you are a little mermaid, wake up" and pour water - if the water immediately soaks into the ground, then you will soon turn into a mermaid. And, every time the water touches you, you will become a real mermaid. If the water does not soak into the ground for a long time, then it will not work to become a mermaid in this way.

Take a wooden comb and go to the bathroom, call the mermaid and when you smell the fish, then say the spell - "Mermaid, please turn me into a mermaid. Give me the power to control water!"

Method ten

To become a mermaid, you need to eat fish before going to bed, and then drink rain water. Then say a spell: "Aru dy mermaid taruya" and go to bed. the next morning will grow a very beautiful tail. Only unfortunately (or fortunately?) it will remain forever...

That's all.

Thanks to everyone who read this. I tried hard.

Thank you all so far!