How to return plane tickets. How to get a refund for an e-ticket


You can return a plane ticket, or you can exchange it, but not always; you can get the full price of the ticket, partially return the labor money or get nothing at all. How to get the maximum money when returning a ticket? To do this, you should carefully study your rights and obligations as an air carrier.

The ticket is returned if necessary - this is a forced return of the ticket, at their own request - this is a voluntary return.

In the event of a forced refund due to the fault of the airline, or in the event of a sudden death of a passenger, there is always a full 100% refund of the amount paid for the ticket. The fault of the airline - the flight does not depart on time or it is delayed for more than three hours.

In the event of a forced refund of the ticket through no fault of the passenger, the amount is returned on an individual basis, starting from 100% and reduced depending on the decision of the airline.

The refund period is quite wide - from an instant refund to three months, as the card will fall in each case.

If, a / c cancels a flight or changes the schedule (departure delay for more than 3 hours), the ticket can be changed to a new one, provided that this suits the ticket holder. Replacement costs are paid by a / c. If the passenger is not satisfied with the alternative offered by the airline, he receives a full refund of the money paid - instantly or within a maximum of 4 hours. If, after the replacement of the ticket, the passenger refuses the ticket, then the amount of the refund is calculated as a voluntary refund at the relevant fare and the terms for the refund are increased to three months.

In case of sudden death of a passenger, the refund period can be from 4 hours to 7 working days.

The reasons for the forced return of a ticket can be different - natural disasters, visa denial (for a passenger, or members of his family traveling with him), redundancy, accident, emergency, illness, unscheduled hospitalization, death of loved ones, accident, conscription, judicial proceedings, damage to property through no fault of the passenger. In all these cases, the return of tickets will be with minimal losses, since this is a forced return, not through the fault of the passenger.

The written application must be accompanied by reliable documents confirming one of the above reasons. The airline has every right to independently verify the authenticity of the submitted documents, as well as independently decide on the validity of the reason for the return and the amount of the refund for the ticket on an individual basis and spend up to three months on this.

A refund to a bank card can be made within 30 days, a refund can be checked by account status without waiting for SMS. Citizens of Russia who pay for a ticket in cash can receive an amount for a ticket refund to a Visa, Euro / MasterCard, JCB card, wallet, personal account - in this case, the money will be returned at least three days later.

Voluntary ticket refund.
At least 4 hours before the start of check-in for the flight, an economy class passenger must apply for a ticket refund. Before applying for a refund, you need to carefully study the fare of your ticket (a one-way and return ticket may have different fares), and sometimes it may be non-refundable at all. There is a rule - the more money paid for the ticket, the less the loss when returning the ticket.

For a ticket purchased at full fare in economy class, you must pay a refund fee, which depends on the particular airline; tickets purchased in business or imperial class, as a rule, are not penalized upon return, sometimes even if returned after departure.

Aeroflot in economy class with M, U, K, H, L fares does not allow ticket refund after departure.

Returning a ticket from Turkish Airlines, Ryanair is not allowed, you can only change the date of departure or take a voucher for the next flight.

You can return a ticket from Thai Airways, if you return it more than 24 hours before departure, no penalties apply.

It is allowed to return the ticket from Utair, the money is returned by bank transfer to the details specified by the ticket holder within a maximum of 20 days. To return a ticket at the UTair ticket office, you need to physically write an application, present an itinerary receipt and an identity card. A fee of 200 rubles will be charged for the return of a ticket on the website.

You can return or return even a lost ticket, for this it is enough to take the evidence (certificate) of the violent loss of property from the police.

In all airlines, it is impossible to return the unnecessary part of a one-way ticket (round trip or back).
-If a passenger, at his own request, does not fly on a ticket - there, then the ticket back is automatically destroyed.
-If a passenger flies only there, then back, he has the right to just change and postpone the date of departure, paying a fine for this.

You can return (cancel) a ticket for a child according to the return rules for adults.

If it is difficult to understand the complexity of the squiggles of the law, the traveler has the right to turn to lawyers (services are paid, free). If the rights of the ticket holder are violated, there is every reason to file a civil lawsuit against the airline for moral and material compensation for losses.

How to return tickets if your plans have changed or, God forbid, there has been a serious trouble? With the development of air travel, traveling has become much easier, but by no means cheaper. However
if you approach the search for tickets systematically, there is still a chance to find an acceptable option. How frustrating it becomes when you can't use the ticket! And there can be many reasons for this. Let's figure it out, is it possible to return a ticket and get money for it?

You can return the ticket, but not always

Changes in the Air Code of the Russian Federation, which regulates the conditions of air transportation, which came into force on June 21, 2014, turned out to be more beneficial for airlines that sell so-called non-refundable tickets: they are cheaper, but they cannot be returned (to be more precise, the tickets themselves can be returned, but here money will not be refunded).

Airlines have long offered non-refundable tickets to their customers. Previously, passengers who did not stop at the carrier's refusal to return money for a returned ticket went to court and won - after all, the law did not distinguish between types of tickets, and the same rules were applied to them.

If you want to cancel your ticket, don't wait until the last minute

Now, at the legislative level, there are two types of tickets:

  • received by the passenger at the conclusion of the air carriage agreement, which provide for the return of the carriage fee;
  • received by the passenger at the conclusion of the air carriage agreement, which provide for non-refund of the carriage fee.

And already considering a specific situation, the airline decides on a refund - depending on the conditions under which the ticket is returned.

The passenger voluntarily surrenders the ticket

Let's look at Art. 108 of the Air Code. Provided that you have bought a regular ticket, you should try to hand over the travel document at least a day before the flight: then you will be refunded its full cost. If you return it later, the penalty may be 25%, but the rest of the amount will be returned. But if you try to return such a ticket after the end of registration for the flight, then there will be nothing to hope for.

If you are going to hand over a non-refundable ticket, you may be returned some meager part - and then only for international flights, but not the main fare. However, there are exceptions.

Sometimes a passenger is forced to refuse a flight due to such circumstances:

  • own illness;
  • illness of a family member or close relative who was supposed to fly with him;
  • death of a family member or close relative.

In such cases (if there is documentary evidence of this fact), you can contact the air carrier before the end of check-in for the flight and receive a full refund of the cost of the flight for both regular and non-refundable tickets.

By the way, it is possible that the list of cases for the return of such tickets will be expanded. The All-Russian Association of Passengers proposes to amend the Air Code to reimburse passengers for the cost of non-refundable tickets in case of illness of their family members. If the amendments pass, then the passenger will be able to refuse the flight, for example, due to the illness of a child who was not supposed to fly.

When buying non-refundable tickets, remember that it is likely that you will also have to pay for luggage space.

Air ticket refund: the contract of carriage is terminated by the air carrier

This situation is regulated by Art. 107 of the Air Code. The possibility of receiving compensation for the air ticket depends on the reasons why the carrier decided to terminate the contract. Consider the situation when a passenger has committed the following actions, which resulted in the refusal of the air carrier to fulfill the contract:

  • violated passport, customs, sanitary and other requirements;
  • refused to comply with aviation regulations;
  • refused to pay the cost of baggage transportation in excess of the free allowance;
  • refused to pay for the flight of the next child over 2 years old with him;
  • I was going to carry prohibited items in my luggage.

In such cases, the air carrier has the right to terminate the contract with the passenger. And the money - minus a 25% penalty - is returned only if it was a regular ticket. Non-refundable tickets in such situations will not be refunded.

If the passenger was refused a flight for health reasons, then there may be two options:

  • the passenger will be refunded the money for the air ticket if the refusal is due to the lack of conditions on board that will make transportation safe for health;
  • the passenger will not receive money if his state of health causes disorder and irreparable inconvenience.

The money for the ticket will also not be returned to the passenger who endangered the safety of the flight or the life and health of other persons on board.

Refunds for air tickets in case of flight rescheduling or cancellation

If the flight has been rescheduled, the passenger may stay to wait for the departure. At the same time, he often has additional expenses, for example, for a hotel room. The air carrier is obliged to reimburse the passenger for such costs. In addition, the air carrier will have to compensate for the moral damage caused by the flight delay and the inconvenience created.

Another solution to the situation is to return the ticket for the delayed flight and buy a new one at the right time. In this case, the amount paid for the ticket, both regular and non-refundable, must also be reimbursed to the passenger.

Waiting for a delayed flight can be tiring, but the carrier, if at fault, must compensate you for any inconvenience

Ticket refund procedure

If, however, there are circumstances that you decide not to fly, you need to do the following:

  1. Carefully study the conditions of carriage attached to the ticket. Keep in mind: if the internal rules of the carrier are contrary to the law, then they are considered invalid. The information attached to the ticket must describe the procedure and conditions for its return, as well as the address to which it is necessary to apply for this purpose. Similar information should be posted on the official website of the air carrier (or the agent who sold the tickets). The same rules apply to the return of tickets purchased online as for the return of tickets purchased offline.
  2. If you purchased tickets from an agent, you should first contact him (you can first by phone). But if a verbal conversation does not add up and does not solve the problem, you should send your arguments in writing - for example, by e-mail or valuable letter. However, do not forget about the deadlines! The first written message warning the agent of your cancellation of the flight must be given to him at least 24 hours in advance.
  3. If the agent still refuses to return the money for the ticket, the second step is to contact the air carrier directly.
  4. If your problem is still not solved, you will have to move on to more serious measures - such as complaints to the Federal Air Transport Agency.
  5. Well, the most extreme case is, however, in most cases, at the stage of filing complaints with the regulatory authorities, the money is returned (of course, if it is required by law).

All your claim correspondence should be conducted in a formal style. And don't forget that it may end up in court as evidence.

Air tickets can be handed over and get the full cost of the flight. It is also possible to return the cheapest non-refundable flights, but receive only a part of the money. If plans have changed, a trip has been canceled or a flight has been missed, then knowing the rules by which airlines are required to refund passengers the cost of air transportation, you can not lose all your money.

In what cases can I get a refund for air tickets

Conditions for the return of airline tickets depend on the reasons. If the return of tickets is voluntary and the passenger refuses to fly for his own reasons, then he agrees to the conditions of the airlines and the fines. The amount that the airline will refund for unused tickets depends on their fare. The cheaper the fare, the less chance of returning tickets. If you are planning a charter flight, economy class, or buying a promotional offer, then please note that in case of cancellation of the trip, you will not be refunded the full cost of air tickets, and you will have to pay extra when exchanging.

Return of tickets due to the fault of the airline

The passenger can return the full cost of air tickets in case of an involuntary refund, which happens through the fault of the airline.

  • Rescheduling or canceling a flight for more than 3 hours.
  • The flight is not on schedule.
  • Change of flight route.
  • Failure of the airline to provide flight connections.
  • No seat on the plane (overbooking or overbooking).
  • Delay of a passenger due to an inspection at the airport (if during the inspection no substances and items prohibited for transportation are found).

A refund of the full cost of air tickets is also possible in case of refusal to obtain a visa, in cases of hospitalization, death or illness of a passenger or his close relatives. Each case of return of airline tickets is analyzed individually, requiring supporting documents: a certificate from the embassy or hospital.

Non-refundable tickets

The most difficult thing is to get money back for non-refundable tickets. They are labeled Non Ref (Non Refundable) in the "Restrictions" section, which means "Not refundable." Even if there is no inscription, carefully study the information “Refunds” (Refunds) and “Exchange” (Change), because by buying a ticket, you agree to the terms and conditions of the airline.

Non-refundable tickets are non-refundable fares, most often they are sold on promotions and special offers. All airlines have such tickets, and this tariff is especially popular with low-cost airlines: "", and others. It is forbidden to rent non-refundable tickets, but there are exceptions.

In what cases can I return non-refundable tickets

You can get a refund for non-refundable tickets in the following cases:

  • Illnesses of a passenger, a member of his family or a relative who flies with him on a flight.
  • Death of a passenger's family member or close relative.
  • Flight cancellation due to flight delay.

These cases must be documented before the end of check-in for the flight and medical certificates must be submitted to the airline.

For non-refundable tickets, you can return part of the money in the amount of the airport tax without a good reason or documentary evidence. This is stated in the rules of the Air Code. The airline will not refund the amount equal to the fare of a non-refundable ticket.

How to exchange tickets

A hassle-free exchange for another flight is rare and in most cases you will have to pay extra for it. The amount of the surcharge is calculated from the amount of the fine and the difference in the cost of tariffs. The rules are the same: the cheaper the ticket, the more expensive its exchange. Business class flights are usually exempt from commission. If you want to exchange tickets, then do it as early as possible and be sure to before the departure of the aircraft. Compare the terms of return and exchange - sometimes it is more profitable to return the current ticket and buy a new one.

How to return tickets if you missed your flight

The refund of air tickets in case of a late flight depends on the fare and rules of the airline. Most likely, the money for the ticket will not be returned, or a serious fine will be deducted. As soon as you realize that you are late, immediately call the airline and warn about it. So you will return at least part of the cost of the ticket - the airport tax. If you are late for check-in, but the departure has not yet been announced, run to the counter and try to solve the problem with the airline staff. Some airlines make concessions and allow you to exchange tickets.

How long to wait for money after returning tickets

The exact refund period depends on the date of application, payment method and airline. If you made an order for air tickets through a bank card, then the transfer will come to the same card within a period of 5 days to 2 months.

It is necessary to issue a refund of air tickets where they were bought: on the website of the airline or ticket agency through the feedback form or by e-mail. Prepare a copy of your passport, air tickets and details - the recipient's account, full name of the bank, BIC and correspondent account. If a letter or application is not answered within 3 days, you must call and find out the reason.

If you want to reduce risks, choose a tariff with flexible return conditions. See the airline's website for fare information. The most favorable conditions for returns and exchanges apply to business class tickets, the most inconvenient - non-refundable tickets. Do not forget that you can return or exchange tickets only where you bought them.

Usually, the passenger contacts the ticket offices, the booking system or the airline representative office to get a refund. But companies are not always ready to part with the amounts paid for tickets.

What actions will help return more money spent on the purchase of air tickets?

Let's start with the good news. According to the Air Code of the Russian Federation, the main document regulating the activities of civil aviation, there are no non-refundable tickets. Even those tickets that the passenger bought at a good discount can be returned to the carrier. There are already precedents in which passengers won court cases against airlines.

How much money can be returned?

In accordance with Article 108 of the Air Code of Russia, if you return the ticket no later than one day before departure, the airline is obliged to refund you the full cost of the ticket. True, there is one caveat: "if the grace period is not defined by the rules of air transportation established by the carrier." What is meant is unclear. One would think that we are talking about the so-called "non-refundable" tickets purchased under the promotion, but no.

There is a legal precedent. A resident of Volgograd decided to return the purchased ticket 27 days before departure. The airline returned only the fuel surcharge to her, because it was originally stipulated that the ticket was non-refundable. The woman turned to Rospotrebnadzor for the truth. As a result, the court ruled to return the full amount of the ticket to her - in accordance with Article 108 of the Air Code.

There is also an order from the Federal Antimonopoly Service of April 5, 2010 - "to exclude the practice of selling tickets at fares that exclude refunds in the event of a passenger voluntarily refusing to travel." However, in this order, the agency also refers to Article 108 of the Air Code.

Grounds for ticket refund:

1. Article 108 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Air Code of the Russian Federation).

The passenger of the aircraft has the right to refuse the flight with the notification of the carrier not later than twenty-four hours before the departure of the aircraft, if the rules of air transportation established by the carrier do not specify a grace period, and receive back the amount paid for air transportation.

In case of cancellation of the flight later than the established period, the passenger has the right to receive back the amount paid for air transportation with withholding a fee, the amount of which cannot exceed twenty-five percent of the amount paid for air transportation.

2. Article 100 Rules for the formation and application of tariffs for regular air transportation of passengers and baggage, collection of fees in the field of civil aviation.

The fee for refusing a flight by a passenger is set by the carrier in the amount of not more than 25 percent of the amount paid by the passenger for transportation, if the transportation was not performed on any section, and if the transportation was performed partially - in the amount of not more than 25 percent of the amount, paid for the unfulfilled part of the carriage.

3. If airlines, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 102 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation, have their own air transportation rules, including rules for the sale of transportation, provide access to such rules at airline offices, sales offices, as well as by posting them on airline websites.

a) Carriers (sales agents - if such information is provided to sales agents) to provide access to information:

  • - about all tariffs applied by the airline on a certain route, and the conditions for their application. Information should be provided in Russian and, if special terms and codes are used, contain the necessary explanations;
  • - about all types of additional fees and taxes applied by the carrier, as well as the procedure and legality of their establishment;
  • - on the procedure for the return of funds in case of refusal of transportation or changes in the conditions of transportation.

b) Eliminate the practice of selling tickets at fares that exclude refunds in the event of a passenger's voluntary refusal to travel.

In your appeal to the airline or to the court, you must be guided primarily by federal regulations, that is, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Air Code of the Russian Federation, the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", etc., and only then refer to the "internal rules of transportation" of the airline.

Where to go

The list of places where tickets are returned is specified in the internal rules of the airline-air carrier. The easiest way to find them is on the company's website on the Internet. You can also call the air carrier's help desk, where they will tell you the addresses and phone numbers you need.

Keep in mind that the procedure for returning tickets established by the company in any case should not contradict the general rules of air transportation. And they provide that a refund in case of cancellation of a trip can be made “at the box office of the airline itself, from agents authorized by the company to sell tickets, as well as at the points provided for by the rules of the airline.”

Another important nuance is that there are various directives of the Ministry of Transport of Russia, which partially contradict the Air Code. Lawyers say that in controversial cases, the court will be guided by the Air Code, and not by intra-industry rules.

The sequence of actions for the return of the ticket:

1. Find the coordinates of the organization where you bought the ticket. For example, if you bought your ticket from a booking site or from a travel company, then you need to go there, not the airline you are going to fly with.

2. Specify what rules for the exchange of tickets exist in the organization where you bought them. This information may be attached to your e-ticket file. It is also often posted on the organization's website. This data will help you, if necessary, to defend your rights and argue with company representatives.

3. Contact the company where you bought the tickets. This can be done by visiting the company in person or by phone. Be prepared to give not only your name, but also passport data to confirm your identity. Also keep your ticket ready. He has a unique number, which will also need to be reported to the company employee.

If the ticket was purchased from an agency, then it is necessary to write an application to this office (letter by e-mail), informing him of the cancellation of the flight, with a request to return the money to a bank card on the basis of Article 108 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (you can quote the provisions that relate to your case). This is quite enough.

If the agency is Russian, it is advisable to duplicate the same statement by sending it by mail with a return receipt to the addressee, or bring it to the office and mark the receipt on the copy. Such a paper document will be needed if the case is brought to court. True, if the agent is imported, then "getting" him out of Russia by litigation will cost more. But the main thing here is to fix the moment of notifying him of your cancellation of the flight.

4. Please note that if you purchased inexpensive tickets, then most likely you will not be able to return the full amount. Most airlines will charge you some percentage for canceling your flight. If you decide to cancel your flight for less than three days, get ready for the fact that the amount of such a fine can be up to half the cost of the ticket. After agreeing on the amount, find out how you can get the money back. They can be given to you in cash or transferred to your bank account. In the latter case, do not forget to give your bank details to the company employee.

5. If you received a refusal from an agent - they say, we have nothing to do with it, contact the air carrier. Refusal is better in the form of a written paper document, but e-mail will work too.

6. You need to write a similar statement to the air carrier by e-mail (ticket booking center or something like that), and send the same by mail to one of their Russian (if the carrier is a foreign airline) representative offices (from where or where you were going to fly).

Be sure to attach a copy of the agent's refusal/response to transfer the arrow to the carrier, and refer to this in the text of the application. Here, too, it is important that the letter gets to the airline (to any of its representatives) at least a day before the first departure. The paper may also be needed in case of a trial or a complaint to the Federal Air Transport Agency. However, for the Federal Air Transport Agency, a printout of correspondence by e-mail will be enough.

7. What should you do if you received an answer by e-mail - they say, sorry, the fare is non-refundable (as an option - during subsequent correspondence they can offer some kind of voucher for a flight with a limited validity period)?

You write to them again: if you please comply with Russian law, do not violate my rights. All this can be repeated several times. How many times exactly - depends on your persistence and the sequence of the arguments presented. Well, for example: for the 2nd time you can write this - if you, Mrs X, are not authorized to return the debt to me for the returned ticket, contact the management to make an appropriate decision; for the 3rd time - resolve my issue faster with competent managers, because according to Russian law, a delay in the fulfillment of a legal demand of a consumer is subject to the accrual of penalties (referring to the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights); for the 4th time - you are ignoring my rights, thereby violating the Air Code of Russia, I will complain about your company to the Federal Air Transport Agency; for the 5th time - the management of your company is forcing me to go to court, where I will sue for the recovery of the debt and late payment penalties.

In general, at some stage they must retreat and return the entire amount. Just do not get excited and do not rush - write to them the next day after receiving a response. So the whole procedure can take up to two weeks sometimes. If the air carrier returns your money through an agent, then the chances of returning all commissions are high. And if you directly, then you will still need to "hollow" that agent, referring to the example of the carrier.

If there is no result, then the easiest way is to really send a complaint against the air carrier by mail to the Federal Air Transport Agency, attaching all the claim correspondence to it. Of course, you will have to wait until the bureaucratic machine works, but it really will work 95%, and at no cost to you.

And finally, the court - here any lawyer guarantees you a 100% result. In principle, a claim can be brought both by the airline itself and by the agent who sold you the air transportation. You will be able to get back 2x the cost of your ticket if you base your claim on the Consumer Protection Act. In short, it looks like this: according to this law, the court can accrue penalties (at the request of the plaintiff) in the amount of 0.5% of the debt for each day of delay in execution from the moment the request for a refund is received.

But, as a rule, the court limits the amount of interest collected by the size of the principal debt. Well, we must not forget to indicate in the lawsuit the requirement that the debtor pay the court fee and the plaintiff's (passenger/consumer's) expenses for the services of a lawyer - such claims are satisfied by the courts almost "automatically".

Where to complain?

All sorts of tricks and excuses of carriers that passengers often hear are due to the fact that there are own rules for air transportation of airlines, rules for the formation of tariffs, and the application of additional fees. It is they who are referred to by representatives of airlines when they try to withhold more money from passengers for an unused ticket.

If all negotiations and written claims did not help, file a complaint with the Federal Air Transport Agency (even in electronic form - through the official website of the Federal Air Transport Agency).
You can send a complaint through the website of the Federal Air Transport Agency

  • (e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.)

In addition, you can get help in the Union of Consumers of Russia and, as the case with a resident of Volgograd showed, in Rospotrebnadzor.

You can get advice on protecting your rights in the Consumers Union of Russia

When resolving disputes, you can contact Rospotrebnadzor

But if the air carrier went bankrupt, everything is much more complicated here. You can sue the company, and even win the case, but there are no guarantees that you will get your money back. There is no insurance for this. The case with Avianova is another proof of this. Some passengers still cannot get refunds for canceled trips.

P.S. You may be interested in articles of the Air Code No. 100, 107, 108, 137. Article 107 talks about the refusal of the carrier, and article 137 talks about the application of the Air Code.

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It happens that you have to refuse a trip due to various circumstances. Many are interested in how to cancel a flight ticket, get their money back. It is worth clarifying that boarding passes are refundable and non-refundable.

Which tickets can be returned

All boarding passes purchased from the airlines of the Russian Federation are subject to return and exchange. These rules are established by Order No. 82 of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation "On Approval of the Federal Aviation Rules". Therefore, Russian air carriers are obliged to provide such an opportunity.

Tickets are refunded in accordance with Article 108 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation. It covers all the details of the procedure.

Download for viewing and printing the following regulations:

When returning a boarding pass, the airline may apply the following to the passenger:

  • remove the commission for the return;
  • apply penalties;
  • recover a certain amount of damages.
According to the rules, the amount of deduction should not exceed 25% of the ticket price.

Is it possible to return a ticket for a plane that was purchased from a foreign company? Yes. In this case, the air carrier also charges an additional commission. As a rule, this amount is insignificant.

To return your boarding pass, you must notify the airline in advance. This must be done no later than one day before the departure of the aircraft. This gives a guarantee that the carrier will remove only 25% of the commission. Otherwise, the passenger may be refused, and no one will return the money.

Tickets purchased at a reduced price are considered non-refundable. They are sold by both Russian and foreign companies. They allow you to save money on flights.

Although these boarding passes are considered non-refundable, they can still be returned. To do this, you need to notify the air carrier in advance. He will refund a certain fee for the air ticket: booking commission, airport taxes. The base cost of the boarding pass will be debited. The refund will be small.

Can I return a non-refundable ticket? Yes. This can be done in the following situations:

  • Official visa denial. For confirmation, the passenger provides a copy of the passport, in which a mark of refusal is affixed.
  • Death of a close relative. The passenger provides a document confirming the relationship and a death certificate
  • Illness of the passenger, which entails hospitalization. Provide documents from the hospital.

Also, the passenger can return the boarding pass if the flight was delayed due to the fault of the air carrier. Such cases often happen, but companies almost always do not admit their guilt. You can return the ticket in case of cancellation or rescheduling of the flight, change of route, failure to ensure the connection of flights when performing a single transportation (one ticket).

The passenger is obliged to notify the company about the refusal of the boarding pass no later than 24 hours before departure. Employees of the air carrier make a decision on the refund of money for the ticket on an individual basis.

The term for consideration of an application for the purpose of returning a boarding pass is not limited. Sometimes it lasts for weeks or months.

If the air carrier recognizes the refund as involuntary, the passenger will receive a refund of the full cost of the ticket. Service fees will be non-refundable.

Where to go

The sooner the passenger notifies the airline of their flight cancellation, the better. You can do this directly on the website of the air carrier. To do this, you need to go to the special section "Booking" or another (depending on the menu of the Internet resource). Enter the ticket number in the appropriate field.

An electronic ticket will appear in the window that opens. You need to find the return icon. Click it and follow further instructions.

If this is not possible on the airline's website, you must contact directly by sending an email. You can do this on the website.

You can also call the hotline. To do this, dial the number indicated on the page of the carrier's Internet resource. The operator is informed of the reservation number and the reasons for the return.

It is worth considering that airline ticket agencies can also issue a return of the document. To do this, you need to contact them by e-mail or by phone operator.

Nuances of e-ticket refund

Air tickets purchased via the Internet can only be returned on the official website of the carrier. To do this, companies have developed a certain procedure. The passenger must fill out a special electronic form indicating their contact details. After that, the company manager will contact him and explain the next steps.

Some air carriers require the personal presence of the passenger in the office when returning the document. To do this, you must come to the company, issue a written application. This method is considered the most effective.

The return of the boarding pass will not do without deducting commissions. Amounts are withheld in accordance with the established rules of the carrier.

How much money can be returned

Refunds for a plane ticket are carried out in accordance with the airspace code (Article 108). In this case, the passenger must receive the full cost of the boarding pass. The exception is service fees.

Important! The carrier will withhold a fee of 25% of the total value of the boarding pass. This rule is spelled out not only in the code, but also in the airline's regulations.

If the ticket was purchased through an agency, it may be difficult to return it. Of the total cost of the boarding pass, not only 25% will be deducted in favor of the air carrier, but also 10-15% in favor of the agency itself.

Advice. Before buying tickets through intermediaries, you must first familiarize yourself with the return policy.

In the event that the passenger is late for the flight or missed it, the money can be returned minus large penalties. It is better to notify the operator a few hours before departure so that upon arrival at the airport you can issue a refund of at least some part of the cost.

Can tickets be exchanged for another date?

Such a possibility exists. How to exchange a plane ticket? Exchange rules depend on the following factors:

  • reasons that force you to exchange an already purchased boarding pass;
  • airline fares established for this purpose;
  • date of departure and arrival of the passenger.

It is better to familiarize yourself in advance with the rules for returning and exchanging documents on the official website of the carrier. It must be remembered that the lower the cost of the ticket and the closer the departure date, the more difficult it is to exchange it.

Important! You cannot exchange a ticket for the name of another person.

Also, you can not exchange business class boarding passes for economy. It is forbidden to choose another airline. In the event of an exchange of a ticket, a certain commission will be charged from the passenger. It includes a percentage for the delivery of the document, as well as service fees. As a rule, it does not exceed 30% of the total cost.

To exchange a coupon purchased on the Internet resource, you need to fill in the appropriate field. If the ticket was purchased at the airport ticket office, the passenger must personally arrive at the place, providing the cashier with a passport, ticket, and returning the money for service fees.

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