How to throw away old clothes. Minimal wardrobe: how to get rid of unnecessary clothes


How and why should you get rid of old things?

See also: Rules for saving water in everyday life - how to save water?

Why do you need to get rid of old things?

Old things litter the space in the house and prevent not only the free circulation of clean air, but also (according to Feng Shui) qi (life) energy. You can relate to the very philosophy of Feng Shui in different ways, but you cannot deny the negative impact of junk in the house on the health of the household. Old things bring us old energy, dust,...

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Old things require special treatment. Some things cannot be stored in the house, others are strictly forbidden to be thrown away. What is the best way to get rid of old clothes so as not to harm yourself?

When we wear clothes, they absorb information about us. Therefore, before getting rid of old jackets and raincoats, you need to follow special rules.

Caps, hats, berets are the most “receptive” wardrobe items, as they are directly related to our head and our thoughts. It is not recommended to throw them away, it is better to put them in one box and put them in a secluded place. If this is not possible, then burn them, saying 7 times, looking at the flame: "Burn in the fire, take everything with you."

Before getting rid of clothes, be sure to wash them to remove your energy from them. Before washing, say to the water 3 times:

“Voditsa - sister, wash it off, rinse the spirit of the servant of God (the name of the owner of the things) from these things, let him stay with me, and from now on they will be clean and nobody’s.”

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The psychic told readers about the dangers posed by old things in the house. It turns out that old items negatively affect the energy of the house, and also attract bad luck.

What are the dangers of old things in the house

There is the Law of Abundance, which says the following: in order for the new to come, you need to get rid of the old. The psychic explains this law by saying that the Universe will not find a place for new things and blessings if your house is cluttered with old things.

Remember your thoughts when, for example, you look at your closet with old clothes that you either don’t wear or you just feel sorry for throwing them away. Recall your thoughts when you look at an old car or a worn sofa. Usually in such cases, people think like this: “What if I don’t have money to buy a new sofa (dress, car, etc.)?”

These thoughts lead to...

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One of the basic rules of Feng Shui is to get rid of old rubbish in time, because it is it that energetically clogs the surrounding subtle energies and prevents the new from coming into your life.

For example, when your shoes are worn out to holes, but there are no others, then by will not by will, you get rid of the old ones and buy new ones. But if the old ones are only slightly thin, then you are sorry to spend money, although you have long wanted something fresh and new.

Our problem is that we are sorry to get rid of the old, even if it no longer has any practical value for us.

It is not necessary to get rid of old things immediately and free up new space. But why not throw away the skis gathering dust under the bed? Or not to sort out your wardrobe, where you need to pay close attention to such things as women's panties, dresses, tights, socks?

Analyze your life. What would you like now, but you can't get it for a very long time? Money? family? Health? Look at your home with...

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Is there at least one Russian family in whose bins there will be no old furniture, stacks of Soviet magazines tied with ropes, old shoes “for summer cottages” and other things that require urgent evacuation to the trash heap? Probably not. We are all Plyushkins in some way, and on every balcony, in the pantry, on mezzanines and cabinets, “sources of mites, allergens, mold and moths” have been stored for decades.

Do I need to get rid of junk, and how to do it wisely?

Why should you throw away the old?

Old things litter the space in the house and prevent not only the free circulation of clean air, but also (according to Feng Shui) qi (life) energy. You can relate to the very philosophy of Feng Shui in different ways, but you cannot deny the negative impact of junk in the house on the health of the household. Old things bring us old energy, dust, mites, etc., responding with poor health, laziness, apathy, and as a result - negative thoughts and projecting them onto your life. If you want to...

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Do you suffer from loneliness, do you always have some problems, are you constantly haunted by failures? Feng Shui masters advise: free your home from old and unnecessary things - and your troubles will end.

According to the wise Feng Shui teaching, the well-being of the inhabitants of the house is directly related to the circulation of beneficial qi energy: moving freely around the rooms, “looking” into all its corners, it saturates the home with vitality, giving the owners health, prosperity, good luck and family happiness. If the house is cluttered, the qi energy is not able to not only circulate - it cannot even penetrate it!

Leaving family heirlooms...

Is your closet full of old blouses, dresses, skirts? On the mezzanine stacked boxes of out-of-fashion shoes? An old TV, a broken bicycle, wheels from a baby carriage are gathering dust in the closet? ... All this, most likely, will never be useful to you, but your hand does not rise to throw away. Some things have fond memories and others nothing, but you...

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Is there a dynasty, in particular, one dance family, whose bins are not full of old furniture, piles of Soviet magazines tied with ropes, old shoes “for summer cottages” and other things that require urgent evacuation to the trash heap? Probably not. We are all on something - Plyushkins, and on every balcony, in the pantry, on mezzanines and cabinets, "sources of mites, allergens, mold and moths" have been stored for decades.

Need a dynasty to get rid of junk, and exactly do it wisely?

Why is it necessary to throw away the old?

Old things litter the space on the house and prevent not only the free circulation of clean air, but also (according to Feng Shui) qi (life) energy. It is allowed to treat the very philosophy of Feng Shui in different ways, and it is impossible to deny the negative authority of junk on the house on the health of the household. Old things bring us old energy, dust, mites, etc., responding with poor health, laziness, apathy, and, for sure, the result - negative thoughts and projecting them onto your life. If you...

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Why can't you take out the trash in the evening and

This sign is rooted in the distant past, but nevertheless it is popular today even among those who consider themselves a materialist. But still, whether you believe in signs or not, it is better not to take out the garbage from the house after sunset.

Why can't you take out the trash in the evening?

1. So that money does not stop flowing
All Feng Shui masters recommend taking out the garbage only before sunset. And they associate it with prosperity in the house.
The fact is that the energies of day and night have polar meanings - yang and yin. Taking out the garbage at night, we touch the Yin energy, which in itself is a state of peace, silence, decline. But the garbage itself is the Yang remains from the master's table. Thus, the energies enter into dissonance, disrupting the natural course of qi.
The night has its own tasks, and this is not taking out the garbage.

Also Read: 3 Things You Need to Get Rid of

2.To gossip...

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Getting rid of junk for good health. (part 1)

1. If within 1-1.5 years the thing that you were looking for and with difficulty got, remained unnecessary, say goodbye to it.

2. Absolutely ruthlessly get rid of trash.

3. Do not leave dried flowers, dust on them.

4. Do not leave clothes hanging on the backs of chairs.

5. Don't leave dust on mirrors

6. Don't make changes in all rooms at once.

7. Buy only what is perfect, not just pretty.

8. Before hanging a new shirt in the closet, discard the oldest shirt.

9. Get rid of everything that does not fit in style, color and size.

10. Get rid of everything old and worn, with spots, holes

11. Black set of one fabric - trousers, long and short skirts, jacket.

12. Collecting unnecessary things just in case, we assume that this case will come, and we will have to walk, for example, in shabby pants ....

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In the course of life, each of us acquires not only great life experience, but also a whole bunch of things that eventually become simply not needed. What is an unnecessary thing - it's not just rubbish that you shift from place to place, each time giving yourself a promise to throw it away, but for some reason you put off this moment. An unnecessary thing - in general, this is negative energy in your home, which leaves an imprint on your condition, relationships, atmosphere. An unnecessary thing is also the energy of stagnation, filling your space, it does not allow something new to enter your house, change your life for the better, and therefore you need to get rid of old things.

But do not rush to throw away unnecessary things in the trash, because something that no longer represents any value for you can be very important for someone else - give, donate or sell for a symbolic price what you want to get rid of. Nowadays, you don't even have to put up an ad that you want...

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If you know for sure that you will never need an old children's bike, a broken stroller and a huge amount of things that have long gone out of fashion, and you don’t dare to throw them away even when moving from an apartment, then consider another option: give them to people who need. The main thing is to free up space in the house from things that you will never use. After all, if the apartment is cluttered, then the useful qi energy simply cannot penetrate it, not to mention the fact that it must circulate around the house!

Do not turn your favorite apartment into a warehouse for unnecessary things. Just do not shift things from closets to utility rooms. If the balcony compartment or pantry is clogged with rubbish, then the path for qi energy will be blocked. It turns out that you will not see any prosperity or good ...

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30.08.201219:2530.08.2012 19:25:44

How to get rid of unnecessary things?

Each of us knows how difficult it is throw things away, even those that we no longer need. It can be anything, from outdated clothes to toys for children who have grown up a long time ago. But if you do not get rid of all this rubbish, there will be no place in the house for the owners themselves.

1. Make it a rule do not buy a new thing until the old one is thrown away. So, if you, for example, are going to the store for a brand new jumper and dress, take your time. To get started, open your closet and sort through the things you no longer need. Now get rid of them. If your heart aches and you really don’t want to throw things away, don’t throw them away. But in this case, you must accept the fact that you will not see new things either. Is always...

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Getting rid of trash and attracting good luck to the house: how to properly throw away old things

Very often, in order to let something new into the house, you just need to get rid of the old. Do you want to learn how to throw away old things in order to attract new and good things into your life? Then read our today's publication on the website "Dream House" and be sure to try to put these tips into practice.

How to throw away old things

According to Feng Shui, old things that litter the house interfere with the free circulation of energy ...

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My wonderful superstitions.

Notes on widowhood.

T. Grigoryeva from Vladivostok asks in her letter: “Tell me about the signs that are associated with widowhood. Would you like to understand what not to do in order not to be widowed at an early age?

So, let's start from the very beginning - from the moment of marriage. Ancient signs say: in order not to be widowed early, you should not ...

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How to properly (and is it possible) to get rid of things and objects that you have not used for a long time

How to properly (and is it possible) to get rid of things and objects that you have not used for a long time

new girl: Please tell me how to deal with unnecessary things that lie for years (just in case, or as a memory, etc.) and only take up space, but for some reason I'm afraid to throw it away. How, in particular, to deal with such things as: a) old clothes and shoes; b) old bed linen; c) blankets, pillows, mattresses; d) old knives, forks, spoons; e) thread-needles-buttons. I really hope for your advice, especially since New Year's cleaning is just around the corner. thank you and all the best.

Replies - 4

RAZINA: Old things not only take up space in the apartment, but they also interfere, impede future life. It is believed that old...

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11/28/2013 00:00 “How to get rid of old unnecessary things? Someone thinks that they must be burned, others simply throw them away with the garbage. What do the omens say? Julia". Responsible
Lyana Rempel:

According to ancient traditions, things that have served their purpose should be burned. This cannot be done in housing (for example, in a stove or fireplace). It is better to kindle a fire in a wasteland and throw into the fire what belonged to you personally (underwear, etc.), old and unnecessary shoes (they cannot be stored in the house).

Once upon a time, shoes and clothes were not thrown away at all. They were given to poor people to wear, it was considered quite acceptable. And today there is nothing dangerous if your old coat or boots go to the homeless. But underwear is still better to burn. Worst case, bury it in the ground. The same should be done with used cosmetics, especially if the case with used lipstick was equipped with a mirror. Such a thing, even if it has become unnecessary, should not be thrown into the trash can ....

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Old things
What to do so that they do not destroy a new family

Yesterday, my daughter brought me another bag of unnecessary things, so that I, as usual, handed them out to friends and relatives. And I, as usual, decided to conduct an audit before distribution. And sunk into one T-shirt, almost new and very bright. Why give it away? I will wear it myself. If not on vacation somewhere on the sea, then in the country. The main thing is that the T-shirt does not catch the eyes of the daughter. She really doesn't like it when I leave something to myself.

And interfere with life
and throw away

Not to say that I hold on to old things, but sometimes the toad chokes. On the one hand, I understand: they have a place on the balcony, cottage or landfill. But it's a shame to throw it away. Will they come in handy? If I give it back, then I will think - I could have slandered more!

Many are annoyed by someone else's attachment to old things. I remember a friend complaining about her mother-in-law, with whom she lived for two years. At first, the relationship developed normally. All...

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those. Is it also dangerous to look at photos of deceased relatives? what could be the consequences?

it's not dangerous what you look at, it's dangerous what you're afraid of) when you look at something with fear, then you "drain energy into it." fear is like a hole in the reservoir of your possibilities, and a person pierces this hole himself, only himself - from the inside. succumbs to provocation - and makes holes in himself, and any infection rushes into an open wound with a drill. Look at your relatives, if you loved them, with love, and therefore there is no damage, but one continuous good both for you and their souls. And photos of unknown people can inspire fear, hence the advice - burn it (topikstarter is obviously afraid). And you don’t look for problems for yourself like the hero of Jerome, who read the reference book of diseases and found everything in himself, except for puerperal fever)


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Sent by: swetlana_swetlan on June 15, 2009, 04:06:31 PM
Dear forum users!!! Please tell me what to do with old unwanted photos? How to destroy them so as not to harm the people depicted on them? After cleaning the house and reviewing the albums, I suddenly discovered that I have a huge number of photos, unnecessary, old, and of my own and other people whom I don’t even know, a lot of grandmother’s photos, I used to like to photograph funerals, such “at the coffin” is also immeasurable. What to do with them?

Title: What to do with old photos?

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Life has become boring, monotonous, luck is not on your side, financial problems have appeared or you cannot meet your soul mate? In this case, take a look around: if at home you are surrounded by old things that have not been used for a long time, but, as a rule, it’s a pity to throw them away, then this may be the reason for all the failures.

Very often, in order to let something new into the house, you just need to get rid of the old. Do you want to learn how to throw away old things in order to attract new and good things into your life? Then read our post today!

How to throw away old things

Why you need to periodically throw away old things

According to Feng Shui, old things littering the house prevent the free circulation of qi energy, as a result, energy blocks are created both in the house itself and in its residents. That is why there is poor health, failures, ...

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I myself encountered this - now it's some kind of problem. Firstly, they don’t accept toys (it’s a pity to throw them away), because of the expiration date (3 years) I probably had a package of 2 of these toys, in the end I took them to the neighboring yard at night and a note that the toys are normal, take whoever wants , but I don't need them anymore. I don't wear. But it is best to contact local social centers that provide assistance to the needy (I have a friend who works in such a place, and I donate through her: shoes, clothes, bags). But I also had one more problem: a bunch of notebooks with an oblique ruler (so many that it’s enough to study until the 3rd grade, all sorts of pencils - in general, all such rubbish) I also put them in bags and in the same yard and also with a note, but the bag I took a completely transparent one so that people would not be afraid to look. If they still don't get it. so thrown out - and my conscience is clear and there is more space in the apartment ....

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how to learn to throw away old and unnecessary things without regret

Most of us have a lot of unnecessary things at home. Sometimes we accumulate them for years and even decades. Often we cannot bring ourselves to take even outright rubbish to the trash heap. Where to put old things - it's a pity to throw away , but friends or relatives do not need? How to get rid of the habit of leaving everything in reserve and getting rid of unnecessary property in time, read below.

Where did the habit of accumulating come from? leniye unnecessary things

Think for yourself - after all, this is a hallmark of most of our people. And there are serious reasons for this. Our history is full of wars and upheavals, every family in all generations has suffered hardships and losses. It is not surprising that hoarding has become ingrained in us, our people are subconsciously preparing for trouble and collecting everything that can be useful at a time of hardship.

The older the person, the more. This is easily explained - it's just that the older generation saw much more difficulties in life than the youth. Therefore, one cannot resist reproaching their parents or grandmothers for their love of trash. Just help them, and yourself at the same time, learn to look to the future with optimism.

We sell old things

If you don't want to get rid of years of accumulated junk, then don't do it! There is no point in deliberately making yourself uncomfortable. Take it easy - sell everything you don't need. Believe me, there is a buyer even for trampled boots or a burnt frying pan. If you are reading this article, then you already have the idea thatwhere to put old thingsthrow away sorry, but to sell and receive income from it is a completely different matter!

Algorithm getting money for junk:

  • Register on Avito or Yulia. These are the most popular platforms for all kinds of sales.
  • Download the Avito or Yula application to your smartphone.
  • Take a photo of your property for sale on your phone.
  • Through the application on your phone, upload the resulting picture to Avito or Yula. Why via phone? Just then you won't have to bother with downloading photos to your computer from the camera.
  • Search for items similar to what you want to sell and remember their price.
  • Set your price. If you want to sell faster - the price should be slightly lower than that of competitors. If your product is better than others, feel free to set a higher price. If in doubt, then set the average price for Avito.
  • Enter your contacts and wait for buyers.

Beware of scammers

If you decide to sell the good accumulated over the years via the Internet, be careful. Unfortunately, scammers often trade through Avito and similar sites. They use different schemes, you can't list them all. But there are several popular divorces, which often fall not only on older people, but also on young people.

Approximate schemes of deception on Avito and Yulia:

They call you and say that they are ready to buy your item without looking and immediately transfer the entire amount to a bank card. But there is a problem - the person on the other end of the connection needs some information about your card for reporting. Standard details, such as a phone number and a card number on the front side, are not enough for them. Fraudsters ask you to provide them with a secret number on the back of the card, a code from an SMS from a bank, or a check with details from an ATM.

If something alerts you in a conversation with customers, it is better to immediately stop communicating and block the incoming call. Otherwise, instead of earning on the sale of junk, you can lose your money.

Or, as an option, immediately indicate in the ad that you accept payment only in cash.

Gave a thing - improved karma

If for some reason you do not want to sell, then think about giving away unnecessary good. If it is not useful to your relatives and friends, donate via the Internet. Each city has its own groups on Vkontakte like “I'll give it away for free”. Just type in this name in a search engine or immediately in a social network, and select communities in your city. In the group, post a photo and wait for letters asking you to donate this thing.

Or you can contact the church closest to you, usually in the church they collect things for the poor.

Something you don't need can help someone, at least a little.

This option appeals to our Russian mentality. We always help everyone - relatives, friends, just acquaintances and even entire countries. A good deed will have a beneficial effect on self-esteem and self-awareness, which means it will help you personally feel a little better.

Throw away la old things - change la life for the better

For those who believe in the Chinese wisdom called Feng Shui, getting rid of unnecessary trash is the easiest. Many people know that Feng Shui preaches that throwing away old stuff opens the door for something new and good. So do not spare unnecessary things - according to Chinese wisdom, in return, prosperity and prosperity will come to your house. Agree, a worthy reason to understand.


In addition to the above benefits, after freeing your closet and home from all unnecessary things, you will have a lot of free space to follow the original Russian tradition again - to accumulate trash! This is a joke, of course, but there is some truth in it ...

All people are divided into two groups: those who like to accumulate old things, even if they do not use them, and those who throw them away as unnecessary. What type are you? If you like to collect old trash, you should probably reconsider your attitude to things. No, this shiny iPhone box will never be useful to you, so you should not carefully store it somewhere in the depths of your closet. And no, you will never skim past Cosmo issues. Just throw them away without regret. Clear your house of unnecessary things, even if you once loved them very much. So which item should you throw away immediately?

Wire hangers

Cheap wire hangers that appear in your house (from the dry cleaners, or with new clothes) are bad for the condition of your belongings. They deform the fabric and leave traces of rust. Buy felt, wood, or hard plastic hangers instead.

worn boots

Are your favorite shoes worn out? Throw them away. Still in good condition, but you haven't worn them in a long time? Give to those who really need them.

Empty bottles of alcohol

Are you no longer in college? There is no point in collecting empty bottles of alcohol if you have not lived in a hostel for a long time.

Clothes you don't wear

Give it to charity. A person less fortunate than you might wear it. The same applies to children's clothing and fancy dress that you will never wear again.

old toys

They can often be very expensive, which is why many parents are hesitant to part with toys even when the children grow up. If they are not broken, give them to charity or to friends who have small children.

Socks without a pair

Have you started a special basket in which you keep all the socks without a pair, hoping that the loss will be found one day? Trust me, this won't happen. It's better if you just throw them away.

old cosmetics

Expired cosmetic products can harm your skin, so it's best to get rid of them in time.

Expired drugs

No, you'll never need those expired pills, so don't keep them "just in case." But not all expired medicines can simply be thrown into the trash. Make sure you dispose of them correctly.


You should replace your toothbrush every few months after the bristles wear out.

Food in the refrigerator

You know very well what we are talking about. In the refrigerator very often there are products that “do not reach the hands” to throw away. But you can't just leave them there. Throw everything in the trash. Pay attention to storage times.

Old shopping bags

Despite some sort of tradition for many people to keep a "bag of bags" in their home, in most cases they are simply accumulated but never used. Throw out any shopping bags you've accumulated over the years, unless you really intend to use them.

CD, DVD and video cassettes

It's already 2017 outside. Why do you keep all those old CDs and DVDs? Write the information you need to your hard drive to free up shelf space.

kitchen sponges

They can be an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, so sponges should be washed or changed frequently. Don't know how to disinfect a sponge? The only remedy that will help you get rid of all bacteria is bleach.

Water filters

Filter cartridges should be changed every few months, depending on the model, or when you notice that the water tastes bad.

Old business cards

You will never need the business cards of the company you used to work for or the ones you used when you held a position. When you retire, old business cards should be thrown into the trash.

Old chargers

Why do you need a charger from an old 2004 Motorola Razr phone? We live in the era of smartphones, so there is definitely no place in your house for old chargers.

old magazines

Many people have been hoarding old magazines and newspapers for years. Why do you need them? What is the probability that you will reread them? Most likely, they only clutter up your coffee table.

Old socks and underwear

If they have more holes than they should, throw them away without regrets and buy new ones.

Old bills and receipts

If these invoices are really important, scan or take a picture and keep them in a folder on your computer.

An average household can contain up to 300,000 items. Large items and small trinkets accumulate in your apartment month after month, year after year. But what do all these things mean to you? You lay out wallpaper scraps left after repairs, bolts, nuts, broken spare parts from household appliances in closets and cabinets ... You think that someday this will come in handy for you. You keep children's toys and clothes that no one will wear, pens without stems, postcards, letters, photographs, old tapes, and other things to which you have an emotional attachment.

Holy faith in the high point of old things

Many people firmly believe that unnecessary things should lie in a chest of drawers and wait for their finest hour. To some extent this is true. For example, your neighbor who recently had a baby will be happy with little suits, rompers and rattles as a free gift. With the rest of the objects that have ever been in your hands, you are connected by certain memories. Some of them are too dear to your heart, which is why you can't imagine putting them in bags and taking them to the landfill. Let's try to figure out if all these things are important to you.

How to determine the usefulness of an item?

It is much easier to exist in a spacious room, in an uncluttered space, where every thing that lies in the closet is in active use. Psychologists advise conducting a regular audit of household utensils and getting rid of everything that you have not used over the past two years. It is necessary to determine the usefulness of an item based on the following parameters:

  • Will this item be useful to you in the future?
  • How much usable area does it take up?
  • How quickly can you purchase an alternative?

A formula that indicates that a thing has become obsolete

Let's introduce the abbreviation PICHDRZ into the calculations, where PI is the last use, H is the frequency of use, D is the high cost of the item, R is the costs associated with the operation, Z is the costs associated with obtaining a new analogue. Now consider the equation itself: PI (long) + H (rare) + D (minimum) + R (high) + Z (low) = no need to store.

Let's demonstrate how this formula works on a specific example. Take your old dress that is out of fashion. You can hope that in 5-10 years the fashion will make a new round and this thing will be in trend again, but with the same degree of probability you can recover by 1-2 sizes.

The last time you wore this thing was two years ago, since then you have not worn it (rarely worn). A similar dress can be ordered on the website of any online store within 5 minutes, and old clothes generally occupy 3/4 of your closet, which clearly interferes with normal functioning. And finally, comparing prices, you come to the conclusion that you can easily afford to buy something similar in the near future. All the conditions matched, so it is advisable to take this dress to a landfill or donate to those in need. This thing, unlike rare cars or art, will not increase in value in the future.

How to deal with gifts?

Cleaning out junk includes more than just sorting clothes, shoes, or kitchen utensils. Some things you feel emotionally attached to and don't want to lose touch with your loved one by getting rid of the gift. Try to remember exactly when this memorabilia was given and whether it achieved its purpose. It is believed that after more than two years a gift turns into an ordinary thing, and its usefulness can be considered according to the above formula. With each subsequent year, this item loses its power more and more, so it will not be able to emotionally connect you with the chosen one in the way that new gifts do.

If you bought something, you need to get rid of something

In order not to clutter up the space to such an extent that it takes an entire weekend to clear a visit, we recommend that you adhere to the following rule. Every time you are going to buy a new item, you must get rid of one unnecessary item. This will help you keep your balance.
Part with junk without regret, because free space significantly saves your mental energy!

Your home is not only the place where you live, it is what you are, because it is you who fill your home with meaning, comfort and vitality.

If you have order in your house, then everything is in order in your head. If you can’t create harmony in the house, you should think about what needs to be done to make it better.

One of the first and correct tips is to throw away all unnecessary and old things that not only clutter up your space, but also make chaos in your home.

What items should be thrown away immediately?

We bring to your attention a list of things that you should get rid of. This list for each person may be more or less, but most importantly, you must start creating comfort and clean up your home, and do the same in your life.

What to throw away: old cosmetics

The list “Unnecessary things to get rid of” begins with old cosmetics that you have not used for a long time, but it’s a pity to throw them away.

Every woman has enough of such cosmetics. So go through your makeup bag and dressing table where your makeup is stored and throw it away right away.

Things to Get Rid of: Old washcloths

Next on our list of things to get rid of are old washcloths. These bath accessories need to be changed every month, because due to the constant humidity, they are a great place for bacteria to breed. Using old washcloths is a risk to your health.

Throwaway Items: Old sunscreen

Since you don't apply sunscreen as often, it can stay with you for a long time. We advise you not to take risks, and if the cream has expired, throw it away immediately

Things to throw away immediately: old medicines

Next on the list of "Unnecessary things to get rid of immediately" will be old drugs.

When buying medicines and using them, we leave the rest with the thought: what if it comes in handy.

Remember, old medicines, in particular antibiotics, may not cure, but aggravate your situation. Be careful!

Things not worth storing for a long time: old magazines and newspapers

Our people have a stupid habit of keeping old magazines in the hope of reading something interesting in them when they have time.

In reality, it's not like that at all. Magazines and newspapers are shifted from place to place, littering your coffee table or shelf, and there is no time to read.

Things to throw away: Disposable and old dishes

Do not store old dishes that you do not like or are fed up with. It is better to save up and buy something new and interesting so that it is pleasant to eat.

Things to throw away immediately: old shoes

The list of things to get rid of included old shoes. Even if the shoes are of very high quality, over time, their appearance will be poor.

Remember, shoes are a manifestation of your taste and style along with a bag, belt, gloves and other fashionable things.

Get rid of your old shoes or sandals if they don't fit well and treat yourself to a new pair.

Throw It Away: Old Toothbrushes

Toothbrushes are also things that cannot be used for a long time. this is also confirmed by doctors who recommend using a brush for no longer than three months.

The first sign that your toothbrush is tired is the hairs sticking out in all directions.

The list of things to throw away, could not miss the old clothes

Often running around the shops, we buy things that it is not even clear how we could like it.

We bring this blouse or dress home, but as a result we never wear it.

First, get out of the habit of buying whatever you like. consider the functionality of your purchases.

Secondly, do a general cleaning in the dressing room and throw out all the unnecessary things that you have not worn for more than a year.

Things to get rid of: old stock in the fridge

Many housewives like to put aside the leftovers of food in order to cook something later. Be careful! Not all products can be stored open for a long time. It is better to throw away leftover food so as not to get poisoned.

The list of things to throw away includes old underwear

Yes, it is the old underwear - these are the things that need to be disposed of immediately. Firstly, old bras and stretched panties do not hold their shape, and secondly, their appearance is unlikely to attract your man. We advise you to throw away such underwear, and do not spare money for a new one.

Throw away clothes that need alteration and items that have been washed

Things that have been damaged after washing, or things that have been waiting for alteration for several years, are unlikely to be worn again, so throw them away without regret, because they are unnecessary trash in your closet.

So we named the things that need to be thrown away, and the things that should be got rid of immediately.

Of course, that's not all. Each person has a hundred more such gizmos that are best removed from the house and wardrobe.

In our list, you can add out-of-shape clothes, torn tights and socks, jeans that are out of fashion for a long time, accessories that have long been out of fashion, cheap bags and wallets, transparent things, clothes and bags with dubious inscriptions, leggings and leggings that have lost their whiteness of white things, etc.

Start changing with such a general cleaning of the house, and you will appreciate how good it is to keep the house and wardrobe in order.

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