How to choose a topic for self-education educator. Plan for self-education of the educator on the topic: "" project activity, as a means of developing the cognitive activity of preschool children in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard up to


Self-education of preschool teachers

This list must include the head and senior teacher of the kindergarten. The plan clearly defines who works on what topic and in what form reports. Reports on self-education can be heard at pedagogical councils, as well as be part of any methodological event. The form of the leaders' report can be consultations or seminars for preschool teachers. The report at the workplace involves the inclusion in the operational control of this topic and the subsequent observation of the pedagogical process, in order to assess the practical application of the acquired knowledge through self-education. This is the most democratic form of reporting. In order for the work to be successful, the necessary conditions are created for this in the methodical office. Exhibitions "To help those involved in self-education", "It is interesting to know", "News", etc. are organized. The fund of reference and methodological literature is constantly updated and replenished.
It is very important that the organization of self-education is not reduced to the formal maintenance of additional reporting documentation (plans, extracts, abstracts). Summing up, we emphasize once again that the forms of self-education are diverse:
work in libraries with books, periodicals;
participation in the work of scientific and practical conferences, seminars;
maintenance of own card index on the researched problem.
The result of the efforts of the teacher is the improvement of work with children, the growth of his professional skills.
A few tips for self-educators
IMPORTANT, so that knowledge on a subject acquired from one source is supplemented by information from another document. This forces the student to compare, analyze, draw conclusions and form his own opinion on this issue.
IMPORTANT learn how to use library catalogs.
This will reduce the time it takes to find the right literature, since many cards contain a brief summary or listing of the main issues covered in the book.
In our kindergarten, the following topics are on self-education in the period from 2015 to 2020, taking into account the choice of a priority area of ​​​​activity - cognitive and speech.

Download Making a teacher folder

Education Committee of the Administration of the MR "Tungokochensky District" of the Trans-Baikal Territory

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten of a general developmental type with. Top - Usugli

674100, p. Verkh-Usugli Tungokochensky district, st. Soviet 2

tel. 5-11-72





(educator of the highest qualification category)


at the pedagogical council of MBDOU kindergarten

general developmental type. V-Usugli

protocol No. 1 dated "___"_09_ 2015

With. Top - Usugli



Create a project - not a field to go,

We didn't look for the easy way

We can do everything, even though we are not gods at all,

In preschool, we are simple teachers ...

O.V. Karzhanevskaya

TOPIC: « in conditions introductions GEF BEFORE"

DIRECTION: socio-personal

TEACHER: Molorodova O.F. (highest qualification category)

GROUP: medium (4 years)


END OF WORK: May 2016


GOAL:Increasing your theoretical, scientific and methodological level and professional skills and general cultural level through the introduction of innovations in the educational process.


    To form the ability for creative self-development and research activities.

    To study the pedagogical, psychological, methodological literature on the problem, the theoretical foundations of the technology of project activities.

    Explore the relevance of the problem within the framework of our preschool educational institution.

    To identify the most appropriate form of introducing the method of projects, introduce additions to the plan in accordance with changes in legal documents in education.

    To study the effectiveness of the application of the project method in educational activities in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.

    Involve parents in the organization of educational work with children.

    Generalize and disseminate their own psychological and pedagogical experience.


I have like educator the foundations of pedagogical skills, professionalism and creativity will be formed:

    the ability to analyze scientific and methodological literature, improve their theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and abilities;

    mastering innovative pedagogical technologies for educating and educating preschool children (project activity)

    the ability to activate creative abilities and promote their achievements, apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Children will form :

    creativity, communication skills, the ability to experiment, to synthesize the acquired knowledge;

    social skills in the process of group interactions, experience in research and creative activities;

    the degree of independence, initiative and cognitive motivation will increase.


    history and essence of project activity;

    the relevance of the application of design and research activities in preschool educational institutions;

    goals and objectives of the project activities of preschool children;

    methodology for organizing research on preschool children;

    stages of work on the project;

    predicted results;

    groups of skills formed by the project method;

    features of research projects for preschool children;

    the role of parents in project activities;

    practical implementation of projects for preschool children.


    Bederkhanova V.P. Joint design activity as a means of developing children and adults // Development of personality. 2000. No. 1

    Belaya, K.Yu. Self-education of preschool teachers / K.Yu. White // Handbook of the senior educator. - 2007. - No. 2.

    Veraksa N. E., Veraksa A. N. Project activity of preschoolers. Handbook for teachers of preschool institutions. - M .: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2008.

    Vinogradova N.A., Pankova E.P. Educational projects in kindergarten. Manual for educators / N.A. Vinogradova, E.P. Pankova. - M .: Iris-press, 2008. (Preschool education and development).

    Derkunskaya V.A. Project activity of preschoolers. Teaching aid. Publisher: Center for Pedagogical Education, 2013

    Dyachenko O.M., Veraksa N.E. What does not happen in the world. - M.: Knowledge, 1994.

    Dybina O.V., Yenik O.A. Problems of preschool education at the present stage: Issue 5 / Comp. O.V. Dybina, O.A. Yenik. - Tolyatti: TSU, 2007.

    Zakharova M.A. Project activities in kindergarten: parents and children. Publisher: School press, 2010

    Kiseleva L.S., Danilina T.A., Lagoda T.S., Zuikova M.B. Project method in the activities of a preschool institution: A manual for leaders and practitioners of a preschool educational institution / Ed.-ed.: L.S. Kiseleva, T.A. Danilina, T.S. Lagoda, M.B. Zuykov. - 3rd ed. pspr. and additional – M.: ARKTI, 2011.

    Makhaneva, M.D. Self-education of teachers / M.D. Makhaneva // Management of a preschool educational institution. - 2004. - No. 1.

    Menshchikova LN Experimental activity of children 4-6 years old. Volgograd, 2008.

    Morozova L.D. Pedagogical design in preschool educational institutions: from theory to practice. – M.: TC Sphere, 2010.

    Ryzhova N.A. The program "Our home is nature" a block of classes "sand, clay, stones." peanut - didactics Moscow 2005.

    Solodyankina O.V. Design system in a preschool.// methodological guide. - M.: ARKTI, 2010.

    Urmina I.A. And Innovative activity in preschool education: programs - method. provision: manual for hands. and adm. workers / I.A. Urmina, T.A. Danilina. – M.: Linka-Press, 2009.

    Shtanko I.V. Project activity with children of senior preschool age. // Management of a preschool educational institution. 2004, No. 4.

The study of articles, abstracts on self-education and project activities on the website: .


Today, a special place in preschool education is occupied by design. In modern pedagogy, the project method is used along with systematic subject education as a component of the system of productive education. The main goal of the project method in preschool institutions is the development of a free creative personality of the child, which is determined by the tasks of development and the tasks of the research activities of children.

The project method can be represented as a way of organizing the pedagogical process based on the interaction of a teacher, a pupil and his parents, a way of interacting with the environment, a phased practical activity to achieve the goal (Kiseleva L.S., Danilina T.A., Pakhomova N.Yu. .) A project is a goal accepted and mastered by children, relevant to them - this is children's amateur activity, this is a specific practical creative work, a gradual movement towards the goal, this is a method of pedagogically organized development of the environment by the child, this is a link in the education system, in the chain , personality development program.

Thus, the development of the project is the path to self-development of the individual through the awareness of one's own needs, through self-realization in objective activity. Among modern pedagogical technologies in recent years, project activities are becoming increasingly popular, because. she is

    Personally oriented;

    It is characterized by an increase in interest and involvement in the work as it is completed;

    Allows you to implement pedagogical goals at all stages;

    Allows you to learn from your own experience, on the implementation of a specific case;

    It brings satisfaction to children who see the product of their own labor.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the use of the project method in preschool education as one of the methods of integrated teaching of preschoolers can significantly increase the independent activity of children, develop creative thinking, the ability of children to independently find information about an object or phenomenon of interest in various ways and use this knowledge to creation of new objects of reality. It also makes the educational system of a preschool educational institution open to the active participation of parents.






The content of the work

Reporting Form

September October

Organizational - theoretical

Improving your professional level, developing curiosity and cognitive activity.

1. Study of regulatory documents

2. A detailed study of the existing experience of preschool educational institutions,methodological literature on this issue.

3. Drawing up a long-term plan, developing a system of measures aimed at solving the problem.

4. Prediction of results.

Consultation for parents "The main goals and objectives of the project method."

October - April

Accumulative - practical

Using the project method in the practice of a preschool educational institution as an innovative pedagogical technology

1. Studying the methodology of teacher design technology on the Internet

2. Carrying out a cycle of mini projects with children of the middle group.

3. Consultations for preschool teachers.

4. Participation in competitions and exhibitions of various levels.

5. Involving parents inorganizing projects in a group.

6. Coverage of this topic on your website.

1. Consultation for teachers of the preschool educational institution "The variety of variability in the use of the integrated project method."



Increasing the cognitive interest of preschool teachers, preschoolers and their parents to project method.

1. Self-analysis and self-assessment of the work done in your group.

2. Generalization of the results at the meeting. Pedagogical Council of the preschool educational institution (progress report).

3. Planning activities and development prospects.

1. Presentation "Children's team - you will have fun walking."

2. Publication of own experience of pedagogical activity in the social network of educators


Project classification



Information - creative

"I want to go to school"


Information - creative

"Visiting a fairy tale"


Practice - oriented

"If you want to be healthy"




Creative - research

"Where did the new year come from"


Information - creative

"Cheerful snowman"


Information - creative

"My Beloved Dad"


Information - experimental

"Snow - snowball"


Information - creative

"We need different mothers"


Information - experimental

"Mr Luke"


Practice - oriented

"We'll plant a garden"


Information - experimental

"Little Explorer"


Information - creative

"Flowers - flowers"


Greetings to my dear readers. Tatyana Sukhikh is with you. Today I continue to reveal topics on self-education for educators in the preschool educational institution. It is an extremely relevant topic. The form of self-education can be individual, group and collective. I want to answer a question from a reader who wrote in a comment to the article.

The natural world is extremely diverse and rich. From childhood, any child needs to instill a love of nature. The main role in the education of the ecology of children belongs to the development of cognitive interest in everything around. With pleasure and interest, kids watch pets and plants.

The work plan and topics on self-education for educators, environmental education of children in preschool educational institutions can be purchased on the My-Shop website:

  • "Introduction to Nature in Kindergarten";
  • « Enter nature as a friend";
  • "The system of environmental education in the preschool educational institution".

Preschoolers look with great interest at the world around them, but not everyone notices. Therefore, it is necessary to be surprised with them, to encourage them to look and see. As a result, the guys will want to learn a lot more.

Interesting observations during walks, first experiences, developing lessons will help children understand the connections between animate and inanimate nature.

The table shows the goals, objectives, results of self-education.

TargetTasksExpected resultsType of reporting

1. Development in children of elements of ecology to nature.

2. Formation in babies of practical skills and abilities in various activities in the natural world. Activities should be endowed with environmental protection.

3. The development of an environmentally educated child, to form a humane attitude towards the natural world.

4. Involvement of parents in the education of ecological culture of behavior in preschool children.

1. Replenishment with new information and information in the educational piggy bank.

2. Making a card file of walks, a card file of instructive games, compiling a summary of classes, games.

3. Providing own professional education.

5. Formation of knowledge and skills of children.

6. The study of legal documents on the Federal State Educational Standard.

7. Learning from practical experience.

1. Revision of educational values, skills, desire to improve the educational process.

2. Education of natural defenders.

3. Creative activity of preschool children.

4. Positive attitude of pupils to nature.

5. The manifestation of curiosity and the desire for deep knowledge of a wide range of objects and natural phenomena.

1. Consultation for teachers and educators on environmental development.

2. Conducting a survey of parents.

3. Production of ecological games, manuals, filing cabinets for walks.

4. Drawing up notes of lessons and entertainment.

5. Participation in conferences, seminars, competitions, presentations on the topic.

Five stages of the plan for self-education on the topic of ecology

Stage I - informational - analytical. Selection of topics on self-education for educators

At this stage, psychological and methodological literature is studied and environmental topics for self-education for educators are selected. A long-term work plan is drawn up, exhibitions of games and manuals are organized, experiences in the environmental education of preschool children are summarized, an exhibition of crafts from vegetables, fruits and leaves is organized together with parents.

Stage II - implementation in practice

At this stage, software and methodological support of the education process is developed. The form of dissemination of experience is:

  • calendar-thematic planning;
  • visual material;
  • view of pedagogical activity;
  • preparation of memos, questionnaires of recommendations and advice for parents, teachers and children;
  • selection of methodological equipment and replenishment of the methodical piggy bank;
  • drawing up a long-term work plan.

III stage. The self-education plan for ecology in preschool educational institution is a presentation of working experience on an environmental topic.

Summaries of classes, counseling for parents, teachers, entertainment for the education of ecology are compiled. Further, self-analysis of educational work is carried out, the results of work are diagnosed and monitored, reports are drawn up in the form of information sheets in tables with results.

Stage IV - work with the family

Parental corners are being drawn up on the topic "Memorizing poems about the seasons." Folders are made on the following topics: "Forest treasures", "Bird life in winter", "Do not harm nature", "What plants say". They make family newspapers, photo exhibitions "The Best Vacation Spots in Our Village", and read "Amazing Book World" as a way to increase parents' environmental awareness.

Stage V - activities for children

At this stage, events for the children “Autumn gifts”, “The natural world through the eyes of children” are being held, wall newspapers “The World of Ecology in the Life of Babies”, “Take Care of Natural Wealth”, “Little Ecologist”, “Green First Aid Kit” are being prepared. Riddles are made, poems on ecology are recited, observations are made, thematic walks are made and posters are made in defense of the natural world.

For preschool children, ecology at Dow and self-education of teachers is aimed at creating and implementing such entertainment ideas as:

  • enrichment and systematization of preschool children's knowledge about ecology, the natural world, objects and phenomena of the outside world;
  • development of memory, attention, imagination, thinking, speech, sensory of preschool children;
  • the formation of a desire to act with various toys and games, an incentive for creativity in the game, independence and initiative;
  • education of creative independence, the formation of friendliness, discipline;
  • fostering a culture of fair competition in competitions.

Self-education of the educator at Dow in ecology increases along with reflection on what our little ones lack. Many teachers engaged in self-education came to the conclusion that preschoolers are indifferent to the world around them, do not notice this or that natural object, they do not have a sense of a single whole with nature.

According to many teachers, in order to understand ecology and the natural world, a child needs to be given not only knowledge about it, but to be taught to listen and empathize with natural phenomena, to be taught to see how the grass turns green, how the birds sing, what sound the wind makes. Then the inner world of the kids will be enriched. But you can’t do without training the teacher himself and enriching the work experience, so the following webinars will be useful for the teacher:

  • "How to organize a nature zone in a preschool educational institution: methodological tools for educators";
  • "Virtual excursions to preschool educational institutions as a means of environmental education of preschoolers".

How to teach them to know and love nature? The answer is simple: the game and various fun will help us. With the help of games, the baby learns to communicate with plants, animals, and also interacts with objects of inanimate nature. Watching the entertainment, the teachers found that the children are not interested in educational games for environmental content. According to a survey of parents, it was found that they do not have knowledge about environmental games. This is wrong, they should improve and use didactic games systematically.

Topics on self-education for educators, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standards on Ecology, are aimed at improving the professional level, developing creative activity, initiatives in methodological, innovative activities in the development of children. The following events and actions are carried out on the topic:

  • study of methodological material and legal documents;
  • implementation of own program;
  • holding open events;
  • results and their generalization at the teachers' council.

To make activities with children more interesting, buy a CD "Exploratory activity on walks", as well as an electronic manual "Internet installer". Hurry while there are discounts.

I hope, dear reader, I have tried to answer your question. If something is not clear, write. Share the article on social media with your friends. Good luck!

Sincerely, Tatyana Sukhikh. Till tomorrow!

Topics on self-education for educators: ecology and environmental education in preschool educational institutions

4.5 (90%) 2 votes


self-educationis a form of individualeducational activities of an employee, motivated by professional needs and interests, and aimed at acquiring the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities, their continuous improvement, as well asdevelopment of professionally significant qualities of his personality.

self-education- this is the improvement by the teacher of his professional knowledge and skills, the acquisition of new ones.

The main directions of self-education of educators:

  • familiarization with the new regulatory documentation on the conduct of pedagogical activities in a preschool institution
  • research of new scientific and methodological literature
  • study of current achievements of pedagogical science, as well as developmental psychology and physiology
  • familiarization with the latest programs and pedagogical technologies
  • familiarization with the best practices of preschool institutions
  • improvement of the general level of development.

Forms of advanced training for teachers

  1. Teachers' Council. This form of activity involves a collective discussion of topical issues of pedagogy in a preschool institution. Teachers' councils can be held on a specific topic or include consideration of various issues. It is good when, during the process of the teachers' council, one can not only hear the question and discuss it, but also conduct training, adopt positive pedagogical experience, and make an analysis.
  2. Educational seminar.It can be carried out in kindergarten, in the department of education, at specialized departments of higher educational institutions. The seminar is aimed primarily at improving the theoretical level of teacher training. During the seminar, it is necessary to involve the teachers present, offering them tasks that train their pedagogical abilities.
  3. Refresher courses.Taken at a college or institute. After listening to a course of lectures and independent work, the teacher must prepare and defend the final work.
  4. Consultation. The initiator of this form of advanced training for educators is a senior kindergarten teacher or a methodologist. A senior pedagogical employee of a preschool institution can pre-plan consultations, at which educators can learn about the latest in methodological literature, regulatory documentation, modern approaches to teaching and educating preschoolers. In addition to the methodologist, specialists can be involved in consultations: child psychologists, pediatricians, speech therapists.
  5. Open classes.They play an important role in improving the qualifications of teachers, because the one who conducts the lesson seeks to demonstrate their achievements, and those who come to watch adopt positive pedagogical experience and learn to analyze.
  6. Study of pedagogical experience . Includes:
  • study and analysis of pedagogical materials (notebooks, plans, pedagogical diaries and journals, scripts for matinees and other events, samples of didactic materials, copies of children's creativity, samples of information materials for parents, etc.). A good way to collect your pedagogical experience is to maintain a “Methodological folder of the educator”.
  • visiting open classes
  • presentation and discussion of the experience of teachers at teachers' councils and seminars.
  1. Pedagogical training.Involving an experienced teacher or psychologist in cooperation, it is possible to develop a variety of pedagogical abilities of educators, develop skills in working with children, and teach new pedagogical technologies. Pedagogical training is aimed not only at self-development, but also at introspection.

"Advice. To start working on self-education, you need to identify a problem on which you would like to deepen your knowledge and skills, and work hard to solve it.

Self-education educator work planis an essential part of organizing professional development activities. Many do not likemake plans considering them empty work. The plan helps to organize future activities correctly, systematize it, outline prospects. The work plan for self-education is a program of methodological activities for the academic year.

When compiling self-education work planThe teacher should pay attention to the following:

  1. Choosing a particular topic, you need to justify your choice, guided by relevance.
  2. It should show the relationship of the chosen topic with the goals and objectives of the modern system of preschool education.
  3. It is necessary to highlight the results of the preliminary work of the teacher.
  4. When choosing a topic of self-education, indicate exactly what programs and methods it is based on.
  5. It must be remembered that theory must be applicable in practice.
  6. It is necessary to justify the choice of forms of interaction between the teacher and preschoolers.
  7. Within the framework of the topic, diagnostics should be planned.
  8. In terms of self-education, you need to describe your own methodological developments.
  9. It is necessary to plan the analysis of the obtained results.
  10. Outline the prospects for further pedagogical activity.

The main directions of self-education of educators: familiarization with the new regulatory documentation for the conduct of pedagogical activities in a preschool institution; research of new scientific and methodical literature; study of current achievements of pedagogical science, as well as developmental psychology and physiology; familiarization with the latest programs and pedagogical technologies; familiarization with the best practices of preschool institutions; improvement of the general level of development.

Forms of advanced training for teachers Teachers' council Educational seminar Courses for advanced training Consultations Open classes Study of pedagogical experience Pedagogical training

The work plan of the educator for self-education 1l. Title page Work plan of the educator for self-education for the period _____________

Today, one of the important characteristics of the professional competence of a kindergarten teacher is his need for self-education, the desire for professional growth. Awareness of one's own imperfection in professional activity is a good incentive to deepen knowledge in pedagogy and master new methods of the educational process. Let's see what components the activity of the educator in self-education consists of, and in what ways it is possible to improve the professional level.

How to improve your knowledge?

It is very important, because he is responsible for the life and development of children. A teacher who respects himself will always strive to be a competent, professional person, interesting for children and parents. A modern educator is the one who listens carefully to the child, tries to find answers to all his questions, creates pedagogical conditions for his all-round creative development and will be enthusiastically engaged in this. In order to become just such an educator, you need to take care of the development of your intellectual and pedagogical abilities. You can achieve this goal if you engage in self-education.

self-education- this is the improvement by the teacher of his professional knowledge and skills, the acquisition of new ones.

"Advice. To start working on self-education, you need to identify a problem on which you would like to deepen your knowledge and skills, and work hard to solve it.

The main directions of self-education of educators:

  • familiarization with the new regulatory documentation on the conduct of pedagogical activities in a preschool institution
  • research of new scientific and methodological literature
  • study of current achievements of pedagogical science, as well as developmental psychology and physiology
  • familiarization with the latest programs and pedagogical technologies
  • familiarization with the best practices of preschool institutions
  • improvement of the general level of development.

Forms of advanced training for teachers

Forms of advanced training of educators have their own characteristics:

  1. Pedagogical Council. This form of activity involves a collective discussion of topical issues of pedagogy in a preschool institution. Teachers' councils can be held on a specific topic or include consideration of various issues. It is good when, during the process of the teachers' council, one can not only hear the question and discuss it, but also conduct training, adopt positive pedagogical experience, and make an analysis.
  2. Educational seminar. It can be carried out in kindergarten, in the department of education, at specialized departments of higher educational institutions. The seminar is aimed primarily at improving the theoretical level of teacher training. During the seminar, it is necessary to involve the teachers present, offering them tasks that train their pedagogical abilities.
  3. Refresher courses. Taken at a college or institute. After listening to a course of lectures and independent work, the teacher must prepare and defend the final work.
  4. Consultation. The initiator of this form of advanced training for educators is a senior kindergarten teacher or a methodologist. A senior pedagogical employee of a preschool institution can pre-plan consultations, at which educators can learn about the latest in methodological literature, regulatory documentation, modern approaches to teaching and educating preschoolers. In addition to the methodologist, specialists can be involved in consultations: child psychologists, pediatricians, speech therapists.
  5. Open classes. They play an important role in improving the qualifications of teachers, because the one who conducts the lesson seeks to demonstrate their achievements, and those who come to watch adopt positive pedagogical experience and learn to analyze.
  6. . Includes:
  • study and analysis of pedagogical materials (notebooks, plans, pedagogical diaries and journals, scripts for matinees and other events, samples of didactic materials, copies of children's creativity, samples of information materials for parents, etc.). A good way to collect your pedagogical experience is to maintain a “Methodological folder of the educator”.
  • visiting open classes
  • presentation and discussion of the experience of teachers at teachers' councils and seminars.
  1. Pedagogical training. Involving an experienced teacher or psychologist in cooperation, it is possible to develop a variety of pedagogical abilities of educators, develop skills in working with children, and teach new pedagogical technologies. Pedagogical training is aimed not only at self-development, but also at introspection.

New forms of advanced training for teachers of preschool institutions on video

Self-education work plan

The work plan of the educator for self-education is an obligatory part of the organization of professional development activities. Many do not like, considering them empty work. The plan helps to organize future activities correctly, systematize it, outline prospects. The work plan for self-education is a program of methodological activities for the academic year.

When drawing up a work plan for self-education, the educator should pay attention to the following:

  1. Choosing a particular topic, you need to justify your choice, guided by relevance.
  2. It should show the relationship of the chosen topic with the goals and objectives of the modern system of preschool education.
  3. It is necessary to highlight the results of the preliminary work of the teacher.
  4. When choosing a topic of self-education, indicate exactly what programs and methods it is based on.
  5. It must be remembered that theory must be applicable in practice.
  6. It is necessary to justify the choice of forms of interaction between the teacher and preschoolers.
  7. Within the framework of the topic, diagnostics should be planned.
  8. In terms of self-education, you need to describe your own methodological developments.
  9. It is necessary to plan the analysis of the received results.
  10. Outline the prospects for further pedagogical activity.

Self-Education Topics

The topic can be given by the kindergarten methodologist, or you can choose it yourself. In the latter case, you need to decide in which direction you plan to develop as a teacher.

"Advice. You can propose and approve your topic on self-education if you justify how relevant it is, practically significant and useful for improving the educational process of a preschool institution.

You can choose a self-education topic by choosing one of the options:

  • Each academic year has a new theme.
  • An extensive topic for several years.

The topic should be relevant and promising in the field of children. It is advisable to recommend topics for self-education of teachers, taking into account their experience and teaching experience.

Young professionals:

  • Values ​​of a student-centered approach in education
  • Development of pedagogical skills
  • Formation of pedagogical skills and abilities.

Teachers with more than 5 years of experience:

  • Designing the educational process in a preschool institution
  • Development of skills in the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, the application of theoretical knowledge in practice, the use of a creative approach.

Organization of the educational process

“Do you know that a teacher can develop professionally only if the educational institution has all the conditions for this?”

The teacher can acquire new knowledge in different ways. It is good if a preschool institution sends students to courses at the institute. The own system of advanced training of educators is effective, functioning in the form of regular training of educators on the basis of a preschool institution (“academy”, “school of educators”). But without a personal desire to achieve, no activity will be as effective as possible. To be a good teacher, you have to want to be one.

  1. When researching a subject, research multiple sources, not just one. This method teaches you to form your own opinion.
  2. Learn to work with library catalogs, as well as correctly form a search query when working with the Internet. This will save you time and help you to accurately find the right literary source.
  3. Learn to work with information: collect, accumulate, save facts, arguments, results. This will come in handy when preparing for participation in a seminar or teachers' council.
  4. Be open to innovation in education. Create computer presentations and videos presenting your work.
  5. Share your experience with colleagues, and then earn a reputation as a flagship in preschool education.

Self-education of an educator is not only keeping notebooks, compiling reports, folders and stands. Organize self-education correctly, and this will become an incentive both for personal development and for increasing professional pedagogical competence.

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