How to learn tectonics at home in a short time. How to learn to dance tectonics



First, learn to listen to and separate the rhythm section from it. In training, it is very important to acquire the ability to instantly feel the rhythm separately from the rest of the melody of the composition. Listen to a variety of music and try to isolate the rhythms from it by tapping them with your foot or clapping your hands.

When you learn to hear the rhythm of the composition, start listening to it even more carefully to highlight the rhythmic accents. Subsequently, you will have to highlight these accents in, and keeping track of them is very important.

Only if you really begin to feel the rhythmic accents of the melody and begin to convey them with your own body, becoming an extension of the melody, can you tectonist. The ability to perceive music correctly is half of your training. The other half is technology.

Daily repeat simple exercises that develop plasticity - rhythmically raise your right hand and lower your left, and then change hands. Then cross your arms in front of your chest, forming a diagonal line, then place your arms parallel to each other in a vertical position, connecting your elbows.

Gently slide your left hand under your right arm, bend your left arm at the elbow, and move your right arm to the side. Sharply spread your arms to the sides, forming a straight line, and then alternately round your head without touching it.

Practice regularly, developing your dance technique, sense of rhythm and musical ear at the same time. As materials for home learning, use - and instructions that are easy to find on the Internet. However, remember that in order to become a professional dancer, you need a teacher.

In you can learn the basics of technique, but in order to develop and improve this technique, you will have to find a teacher with whom you can find a common language and who can competently evaluate your work and correct mistakes.

Strive not only to memorize the movements, but also to improvise, training your body's reaction to changing musical rhythms and melodies. The more you practice, the better you will dance.

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Today's youth dance Tectonic everywhere: in clubs, on the street, and at home, because everyone can learn to dance Tectonic at home: Tectonic video lessons flooded the entire Internet! Such an incendiary dance, virtuoso movements of young people and girls, specific music will not leave indifferent any passer-by.

Useful advice

Tectonic is a dance style that has gained unprecedented popularity in recent years. Tecktonik, or rather electro dance, is a dance style mix based on hip-hop, locking, popping and techno.

Dance is one of the oldest ways to express your feelings and emotions without words, to develop bodily flexibility, to demonstrate a particular mood. A variety of dance styles, both classical and modern, are in demand. Among modern dances, it is very popular all over the world. tectonist, and many novice dancers dream of learning it, as tectonist- this is the best way to emphasize the sounding music with body movements.


AT tectonist e is the determining factor for the movements of the dancer. The task of a dancer in this style is to express to the maximum his feelings from music, from changing its rhythm, from various instrumental compositions, through plasticity, and that is why for mastering tectonist But you need to train your ear for music.

Learn to listen carefully to music, to be aware of melodic transitions and, importantly, to distinguish the rhythm section from the overall composition. Learning to listen to the rhythm is the most important task for a beginner dancer.

Develop a sense of rhythm - listen to different music, clap your hands on a strong beat, and then try clapping on a weak beat. Try tapping different rhythms, and also take it from teachers who develop an ear for music.

Learn not only to feel the rhythm of the song, but also to highlight rhythmic accents in it, which you can make a plastic accent in the dance. Try and improvise, getting into musical accents.

The presence of musicality and artistry is much more important than the knowledge of dance technique, so first of all pay attention to the development of these two qualities. real dancer tectonist but must turn his body into, and it is on this ability that his level of professionalism depends.

Learn to convey in the dance with the help of your own plastique as many musical nuances as possible, accent shifts, rhythmic elements.

Practice as much as you can to improve your dance level. You can achieve high results even if you start dancing from scratch. The main thing in learning is perseverance and desire.

You can study both at and with a teacher at, but if you decide to start at home, after a while it would be best to continue learning with a teacher who can correct mistakes and achieve the most professional dance performance.

Find a teacher who is right for you and who is competent enough. And of course, learn from other dancers - watch the performances of famous performers tectonist but, follow their technique, acting, try to repeat their movements - this will significantly complement your technique.

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- a new dance direction that has won many fans around the world. Such dances are performed to electro house music and combine elements of techno, hip-hop and rave. The essence of this direction is the movement of the hands, but the hips, knees and feet are also involved. For proper performance, excellent coordination of movements, flexibility and the ability to listen to your body are important. It is also desirable to have a good ear, but all these qualities can be developed to learn how to dance tectonics.

You will need

  • mat;
  • mirror;
  • Electro House music;
  • tennis balls or apples.


Sign up for a dance school. If a few years ago there were very few studios that offered, today it is much easier to find teachers. Classes in this help to avoid many mistakes that students make, and give a "base", that is, they teach you how to move correctly, plan training. But you also need to practice on your own in order to achieve great success.

For training at home, provide good conditions: put a sports or carpet on the floor, hang a mirror in front of it to see yourself from the side. It is advisable to have two mirrors to provide a view from different angles. Choose the right music of the corresponding genre. At first you will need only one or, then you can use more. If you don't know specific artists, choose the latest themed compilations like Electro Dance or Tectonik Killer. Choose your favorite song that makes you move, dance with full dedication. Wear skinny jeans, a tight tank top or T-shirt, sneakers, and wristbands for class.

Learn to feel the rhythm, play the selected track several times, tapping out the melody. Start highlighting accents, try to highlight certain instruments. It will be difficult at first, but over time you will begin to intuitively feel the music, anticipating the next beat.

Develop coordination with several exercises. Take an apple in your hands, spread your legs shoulder-width apart and close your eyes. Throw both apples at the same time and try to catch them without opening your eyes. Instead, you can use tennis balls. In transport, try to pass without holding on to the handrails, and walk along curbs when walking.

Develop flexibility: do inclinations, "bridge", stretching exercises, you can do yoga. Learn the speed of movement, for this alternate running in place with maximum speed and movement, as if you were hitting someone. Develop a reaction: dance to musical rhythms and melodies replacing each other. Do plastic exercises: raise your right hand, lower your left, change hands. Cross your arms in front of your chest to form a diagonal, then place them parallel to each other and vertically, joining your elbows.

Use - for training dance tectonics, read the instructions. It's better to find full, professional video courses rather than watching snippets. First, memorize the movements, reproduce them, bring them to the ideal, and over time, the ability to improvise will come. Remember that the more you practice, the better you will dance. The optimal frequency of classes is at least 20-30 every day.

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To learn how to dance professionally tectonics, independent training is not enough, you need to find a teacher or go to classes at a dance school.


  • How to learn to dance Tecktonik

Today dance direction tectonist is rapidly gaining popularity. But given that this style was born relatively recently, not everyone still knows what it is.

Tecktonik is a type of modern dance that originated in France in 2000. The new direction is especially attractive, and today schools teaching this particular direction have opened in many large cities of Russia. Tektonik includes many different styles and dance cultures, such as breakdance, electro, king-tat, hip hop and others. This direction of dance received its name from the parties of the same name, held in one well-known club in the capital of France. To gain its popularity tectonist began closer to 2010, the reason was the distribution of these dances on the network. So the style became known to wide circles, and it had its first fans. Schools teaching dance tectonist, at the beginning of the birth of the direction there was no, so young people honed their dance skills on the streets, a video that was posted on the network, where other fans of the direction could learn something new for themselves. Today tectonist not only a certain dance line, but also the direction and clothes. So, tectonist usually danced to heavy electronic techno. And modern ones, who have chosen this direction of dance for themselves, usually wear tight jeans and T-shirts with an unusual pattern, they usually use sneakers as shoes, and they have a bright hairstyle on their heads. It is by these signs that a dancer can be distinguished tectonist but from others. When a person is just starting to watch how they dance tectonist, he is afraid of heavy movements and transitions, but if you understand them, then everything will not be so difficult. First, download the music and video teaching this style, and practice a couple of hours daily in front of the mirror, and if you wish, you can immediately enroll in a school that teaches tectonist y.

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Tektonik is a type of dance that requires the person who performs it to ideally follow the rhythm. The music used for the backing track, as a rule, is distinguished by several rhythmic accents on which the dance is based. In order to learn how to dance tectonics, use a number of simple recommendations.


First of all, you need to hone your ability to isolate the rhythm section from the overall soundtrack. To do this, use tracks that are suitable for the performance of this dance. Listen to the tracks as a whole, trying to tap the main rhythm. Once you can do this with ease, try switching tracks spontaneously while changing the beat to match the new track.

Once you've mastered the art of isolating the main rhythm section, learn to isolate and play the secondary. This is done as follows: if before that you reproduced the main rhythm by patting the table with one palm, then you will beat the secondary rhythm with the second hand. Complicate the task in the same way as in the first step - try switching tracks while rearranging the rhythm.

To develop a base of movements and connections, use which you can find in abundance on First, try to reproduce the dance exactly as you see in the video, and after you have mastered more than a dozen videos, proceed to the formation of your movements for any dance. The best option for assessing your progress and skills is to post a video of your dance on the same youtube. If you are afraid of a negative assessment, you can leave your face on or use a cap with it pulled over your eyes.

This technique will allow you to learn movements a tectonist at an amateur level, in order to learn anything more you will have to participate in group training. Find tectonics groups in your city, and then study them for a sufficiently high level. Of course, you can immediately sign up for such classes without doing workouts at home, but in this case it may take you some time to comprehend the basics and work out the rhythm. That is why home workouts are required before doing in a group.

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The new dance direction tectonics has already become popular all over the world. In general terms, tectonics are dances to electro house music, in which the hands are mainly involved, but the knees, feet and hips also participate. Some movements were borrowed from hip-hop, techno and rave. For a beautiful performance, you need to have good coordination of movements, excellent hearing, and flexibility. As a rule, in the course of training these qualities develop.


You need to learn to dance only under the guidance of an experienced coach. Find a good dance school or studio to learn basic skills, learn how to move correctly, and avoid common mistakes that beginners make. Now the tectonics has become very popular, so in any fairly large city there are good teachers of this dance.

To achieve good results, you also need to do extra work, for example, practice on your own at home. To do this, you need to organize a place convenient for classes: put a carpet or a special sports rug on the floor, on the contrary, or better, two mirrors to see yourself from different angles. Find music for Tectonic, either by a specific artist or a collection such as Tectonik Killer. You need to do it in tight jeans, a tight T-shirt and sneakers.

Develop the skills necessary for tectonics. Learn to feel the music, highlight the accents in it, listen to the rhythm, identify the instruments. Before you start dancing, try tapping out the melody, and silently count the rhythm as you dance. This will help you move more harmoniously. To develop coordination of movements, do this exercise: take two apples, close your eyes, throw them up and try to catch. On the street, walk along curbs more often, and in transport, try to ride for a while without holding on to the handrails. Do stretching exercises or yoga to increase your flexibility. In the dance of tectonics, reaction and speed of movement are also important. To develop these qualities, try moving to ever-changing melodies.

Train more often, optimally - once a day for thirty minutes. At first, you need to perform the exercises recommended by the teacher, memorize the movements, hone your skills, and then the ability to improvise, create your own movements, and dance to any rhythm will come.

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Tektonik is one of the fashionable trends in club dance. A large number of young people dream of mastering the basic movements of tectonics, and many consider themselves true professionals in this dance.

The history of the appearance of tectonics

The birthplace of this interesting dance style is the capital of fashion - Paris. In 2000, young people began to concentrate in a popular club in the famous city, striving to differ from the gray crowd, often people of non-traditional sexual orientation became members of this club. It was there that the main concept of the tectonics dance was formed. It consisted in rhythmic jumps and foot movements to fast club music. Moreover, at first the dancer moved one leg, then the other.

The dance gained particular popularity seven years later, in 2007. At the same time, they began to talk about tectonics on radio and television, to film lessons and battles. There was even a special symbolism of tectonics, which began to be applied to garments.

Basic movements of tectonics

The main movements of the dance are made up of several sub-styles, which, united together, form a single direction - tectonics.

The first group of movements are actions performed by the upper body, namely -. The dancer continuously moves his arms, changing their position in space. At the same time, he makes a rhythmic swaying of the body from side to side, trying to make the individual elements smooth, to merge them together. Such a group of dance movements tectonics forms a sub-style called the Milky Way.

The most recognizable elements of tectonics are leg movements or Jumpstyle. The dancer, constantly changing legs, throws forward or backward one or the other limb. A variety of variations of such a group of elements are possible. The most important thing in them is a fast continuous rhythm and a strict sequence of legs.

Hardstyle is a complex and rather interesting group of tectonics movements. It is characterized by the fact that both arms and both legs are simultaneously involved in the dance. The movements are clear, sharp and "broken", imitating a robot. The style uses wide jumps and rough, sweeping arm movements.

Sometimes a tectonics dancer performs all of the listed groups of elements at an incredible speed, maintaining a tempo of about 140 beats per minute. In this case, the main emphasis is on hand movements.

Clear jerky non-stop movements of arms and legs, continuous movement on the dance floor characterize the sub-style of tectonics, called Electrostyle.

Experienced masters of the considered direction of dances, taking part in competitions and team battles, alternately perform all groups of the considered movements, skillfully combining them in one dance. At the same time, elements of hip-hop, c-wolf and other club dance styles can often be observed in tectonics.

What is a tectonic? The answer options can be quite unexpected - the name of an Oscar-winning film, a dance, or a brand name? In fact, tectonics today is a whole movement that has created its own direction in dance.

What does it mean?

In fact, tectonik belongs to a variety of modern dance and is a worthy representative of the most fashionable choreographic direction. In it, when performing, a great emphasis is placed on the work of the hands, and in general, the tectonist has concentrated in himself a lot in common from Breakdance, Hip-Hop, Vogging, C-Walk, Liguid-Pop, etc. Collecting various dance elements from these directions into one, the dancers , improvising create something of their own, inimitable and unique, which is called tectonics.

Today's youth is everywhere, wherever it is possible and impossible, because everyone who wishes can learn to dance the tectonics on their own. To do this, you just need to find tectonics lessons on the Internet! This incendiary dance, with virtuoso body movements plus specific music, will not leave anyone indifferent. One need only look at the crowds of spectators surrounding the tectonics street dancers.

origin tectonics

This intricate dance came to us from Belgium, where at the dawn of the 21st century the music of Euro Dance, Hardtrance and Hardtech rumbled in dance clubs. And the youth, wanting to “fly above the crowd”, twitched under it in Jumpstyle, making frantic jumps and alternately moving their legs to the beat of the bass. At the same time, Tecktonik Killer parties were held at the Metropolis club, where teenagers tried to actively imitate the dances of the Belgians to electronic music, actively rotating. Tectonic entered the broad masses in 2007, when YouTube was flooded with videos from the Paris Techno Parade dance festival, instantly winning the hearts of millions of fans.

Himself a tectonist

The most reliable way to learn how to dance tectonics under the guidance of professionals is to take dance lessons. But most of those who want to learn how to move beautifully on their own with the help of video lessons posted on the Internet.

To understand how to dance tectonics, you need to learn to feel the rhythm of the music well. Practice shows that any most sophisticated combination of movements can be memorized, but not everyone can repeat it all to the music. To realize a dream, constant training is needed, which over time will help develop a sense of musicality.

1. Watch the tectonics and repeat the slow movements of the dancer.
2. Work hard by listening to more music.
3. Be sure to dance in front of the mirror, correcting mistakes and observing the movements.
4. Improvise more. Having learned a few movements in the lesson, try to "put" them on your music, making links between them.
5. Never give up! Most of the venerable dancers started the study of tectonics themselves, i.e. were self-taught.

More and more people dream of knowing how to independently learn to dance at home tectonics. Despite the fact that professional dancers say that it is necessary to enroll in dance schools, a large percentage of these people started with classes at home, improved their skills and made some discoveries. So nothing is impossible.

This time, Learn It will try to help its readers approach the issue of teaching tectonics from the right side, so that the desire to continue studying never leaves you, and the efficiency is maximum. We will talk about disk manuals, music, video lessons on tectonics, as well as how to properly prepare your apartment for classes.

Almost always beginners think one-sidedly and flatly. They search the Internet for various videos on the topic: how to learn to dance at home tectonics videos, put on tight pants and try to repeat all the movements. Of course, something will remain in your head after such classes, but your training will not last long. This happens because you approach the dance without a soul and a clear attitude, but just blindly repeating.

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So, achieve a decisive attitude and a strong desire. Tell yourself - I want to learn and will do everything for this, because I don’t want to just imitate a dance, but to become a famous and recognizable dancer, at least in a narrow circle. The right motivation and attitude can greatly reduce the time spent on training.

Do not rush to turn on the computer and download all the videos related to learning tectonics, first prepare yourself and your home for classes. To prevent neighbors from hitting pipes, lay a carpet or a special sports rug on the floor, or maybe several. Hang a mirror in the room where you will study.

You must always see yourself from the outside. Even if you repeat after the trainer on the video, sometimes stop and repeat in front of the mirror too. You will see how our perception of our own movements differs from how these same movements look from the outside. It is better to put several mirrors so that there are several viewing angles.

It is unrealistic to quickly learn to dance if there is no music of the desired genre. So spend some time looking for a track that suits your practice. For now, you will need one or two tracks, you need to fully feel their rhythm, and then move on to others.

Let's assume that you don't know any specific artists yet, but you want to know where and what to download for classes. You can solve this simply, you need to download thematic collections, for example, Electro Dance, Tectonik Killer and so on. The collection must contain the month and year of the collection. Naturally, the older, the worse.

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You can visit the thematic sites of tectonics and download everything from there, and you can also visit the torrent tracker and download the desired selection. How to do this, we will describe below, but now let's say that you have downloaded a couple of collections and want to choose some awesome tracks.

If you really dream of learning tectonics online, then you should choose a song that you feel with your whole body, that made you improvise, move, dance with full dedication, that is, the ringleader. When found, then under it you need to start classes - repeat everything after the trainer from the video lesson.

It remains the case for small - find a good tutorial, buy it or download it. It used to be believed that youtube has everything you need, but now opinions are divided. No one can argue that it was video hosting that gave such popularity, but now the evolution has gone even further.

Previously, we were taught tectonics by French dancers, without clear explanations and translation. The teenagers had no choice, and they repeated and experimented to the best of their ability. Time passed and schools teaching tectonics began to appear in our country. To keep schools afloat, coaches began to produce professional, high-quality video in Russian.

Now it is unrealistic to imagine a person who would study at home and at the same time did not have such a disk. Advantages on the face - the development of one's own flexibility and rhythm, music analysis, improvisation, speed of execution, recommendations for ligaments, a well-thought-out training scheme, Russian sound, excellent quality of the picture itself and Russian comments.

We will analyze where to buy high-quality training discs, and then we will discuss where to download such a video for free. Those who do not suffer from greed and are ready to spend for the sake of a dream can go to Ozone and take a closer look at the DVD called it. A detailed description is on the ozone itself, there you can also buy a disc of the same edition, only for advanced dancers.

For those who want to learn, but do not want to spend money, can go to and absolutely free to download everything you need.

To find what you need, select a section "Dancing, Miscellaneous" and in the search bar enter techtonik. You will see about 20 hands with high-quality training videos. Naturally, there may be amateur shootings there, but you can also find real masterpieces.

For example, distribution First Pro Tutorial made by a teacher of one of the most professional schools of tectonics in the Russian Federation. It will be difficult to find a better manual in Russian, in which great attention to detail and trifles is redone. Also a good distribution from Pavel Kovalenko called Electro Dance, which is not only accessible in terms of understanding, but also most fully tells how to quickly learn to dance at home tectonics.

In general, you should have caught the main idea - do not waste time on youtube videos, start right away with professional, thoughtful and complete guides. Once everything is at hand, you can proceed to systematic and targeted activities.

Do you like to dance in a club and want to conquer all your friends at the next party? Learn how to quickly learn to dance tectonics. Just a few simple exercises a day, and you can surprise everyone with your moves on the dance floor.

Dance Features

Tectonics occupies a special place among many modern trends. Dancing in this style, you will definitely stand out among other girls and guys and will be able to attract the attention of others. This fashion trend is striking in its unusualness, it includes elements of various styles, such as hip-hop and techno.

There are several ways to learn how to dance tectonics. Firstly, you can enroll in a dance studio, professional trainers will help you learn the main elements of this style. There is another option - to study at home with the help of video lessons. After watching various videos on the Internet, you can quickly master the basic movements of this dance, and in a couple of weeks you will show your skills to friends at the disco.

How to learn to dance tectonik at home - the preparatory stage

1. First you need to prepare a place for training. A large room is perfect, it is desirable that it has a lot of free space and a mirror. So, you can not be afraid that you will touch a chair or other object during class. And with the help of a mirror you will follow your every movement.
2. You should also take care of the right clothes and shoes. It is best to train in comfortable sweatpants or leggings, as well as sneakers. Top - T-shirt or top, you can also wear a hoodie.
3. The next stage in preparation - you need to find a video on the Internet on how to learn to dance tectonics. Video lessons are different - sometimes these are videos from real classes, there are also professional dancers, standing right in front of the camera, showing every movement and combinations in detail. It is advisable to choose only those videos where all the exercises are shown very clearly and step by step.
4. Also choose music for classes. Modern compositions with a clearly defined rhythmic pattern are most suitable. Before class, listen to different songs to understand which ones are best for training. Of course, do not forget that you should really like the selected compositions, then you will be more happy to practice under them. Give preference to driving and fun tracks.
5. You can also cover the floor with a special sports mat. It will reduce the noise from your activities, so that the neighbors will not complain about the knock. In addition, you will be able to move more smoothly.
6. Once you have cleared your seat, put on the appropriate clothing and footwear, and have selected the music and instructional video, you can begin your class.

How to quickly learn tectonics - step by step instructions

1. Start classes with a good mood and the right motivation. If you practice with more enthusiasm, you will be able to achieve greater results in shorter lines.
2. The first stage of the lesson is warm-up and stretching. You can do these exercises on your own or with the help of a video lesson. They are very important for the entire workout, because after a good warm-up, it will be much easier for you to perform complex inclinations and movements. In addition, this way you take care not to get stretched.
3. After warming up, turn on the training videos on your computer. To get started, just watch it to familiarize yourself with the main elements.
4. Then turn on the video again, but do not just watch, but start repeating after the dancer.
5. Closely follow every movement of the coach, pay attention to all the little things.
6. If you can't keep up with the teacher, you can stop the video and do the element yourself.
7. To better understand this or that movement, you can watch tips and video tutorials from different trainers.
8. Try to do workouts as often as possible, so you quickly master the main movements.

Now you know how to learn tectonics at home, the video and our tips will help you master this style faster. The main thing is to constantly train and approach this activity with pleasure. And then in a couple of weeks you will surprise everyone with your movements on the dance floor.

Video: how to learn to dance tectonics

In recent years, the Tecktonik (electrodance) dance style is gaining more and more popularity among young modern people. Tectonic is a dance style mix. The style is based on hip-hop, techno, locking, popping movements. Young people dance tectonics everywhere: on the streets, in clubs, at universities, at home. Young people, carried away by the modern direction, achieve more and more results in its development.

To master tectonics, there are two ways: learn at home or visit a special dance studio. However, the latter option is quite expensive, which is not always suitable for young people who often have not yet reached a stable level of income (for example, students). It is quite possible to learn how to dance tectonics at home. To do this, you need to prepare and follow a number of simple rules.

What you need to practice tectonics at home.

  1. Mirror. In the room where you intend to conduct your home workouts, a mirror should be installed. It is better that it be several mirrors installed in different projections. So, performing dance movements, you can correct them with the help of your reflection. You will be better able to see the mistakes and shortcomings of movements made from different angles. It is preferable that you are fully reflected in the mirror.
  2. Mat. For convenience, you need to put a rug on the floor. It will also help to avoid claims from your neighbors that you interfere with them with your activities. It is better to put a couple of rugs, possibly rubberized.
  3. Educational video. Today, a large number of different instructional videos on the tectonics style are presented on the Internet. You can find tectonics lessons on the Internet using the advice of a professional from specialized forums. You can also purchase an instructional video. For beginners, the "Basic Course" tectonics is suitable.
  4. Music. It is impossible to learn how to dance tectonics without having good tracks at hand. It is necessary to pick up two or three high-quality melodies. Next, you need to learn how to separate the rhythm section in music. You can listen to a variety of melodies, trying to extract the rhythm from it. You can clap your hands or tap your feet. When you can instantly highlight the rhythm in any melody, then you can start learning tectonics.
  5. A wish. Free time. Classes tectonics require not only a fair amount of physical effort, but attention and time. To learn how to dance even the basic movements of tectonics well, you need to spend many hours on home workouts. The main thing is to decide for yourself whether you really want to practice this dance? If so, then you need to take it seriously. Give training for several hours a day, and in a month you will achieve certain results.
Initial preparation.
Before starting classes, you need to train your body for two to three weeks. The basic skills in tectonics are coordination and flexibility. Practice each of these qualities with simple exercises.
  1. Coordination exercise. Stand in the middle of the room, feet shoulder-width apart. Remove all breakable and fragile items. Take an apple, tennis ball, or orange in each hand. Spread your arms out to the sides and close your eyes. Try to fully concentrate. Imagine that you control your body as accurately as possible, feel it to the very tips of your fingers. Throw your chosen object or fruit into the air and try to catch it. Repeat attempts daily until you achieve positive results.
  2. Flexibility exercises. You can take any flexibility course you find online. Basic movements can be:
    • lean forward without bending your knees, try to touch the floor with your palms;
    • lean back, try to touch the floor with your hands. Over time, from a standing position, make a bridge and return to a vertical position without the help of hands;
    • side bends;
    • circular movements of the head;
    • warm-up feet, hands.
Basic movements of arms and legs in tectonics.
When viewing the tectonics training course, you will see that the trainer shows all the exercises slowly. Start repeating after your teacher. Control every movement with a mirror. Further, the trainer will begin to perform the movement faster and faster, bringing it to the desired level and forming ligaments. Try to memorize the link, repeat it several times. The next day, starting classes, start by repeating the learned link. Only after that, start learning new movements.

Basic leg movements in tectonics.
The main movements for the legs in tectonics are swings with the heel and toe. The main point in the movement of the legs is the clarity of each movement. When performing a toe swing, transfer the weight of the entire body to the heel. The sock makes a sharp lunge to the right if the movement comes from the right foot, and to the left if the movement comes from the left foot. When performing a heel swing, you need to get up on your toe, so that the heel goes to the side.

Do not try to repeat all the movements exactly after the teacher. Improvise, performing all movements accurately and clearly. You can only throw out the heel, only the toe. The main thing is to learn to feel the rhythm of the music.

Basic hand movements in tectonics.
When performing hand movements, the main emphasis must be on speed. Start with simple movements, gradually increasing the speed of their implementation. Your brushes will smoothly move up and down. Hands are located one above the other. Hands make circular movements so that the hands do not collide. With such a simple movement, you can improvise. Turn your arms over your head and so on. The basic movement is repeated in many dance combinations. Gradually increasing the pace, connecting the movements of the arms with the movements of the legs, you will achieve positive results in training.

When starting to study tectonics at home, you must remember a number of rules. First, you need to prepare a place for training. Secondly, you need to choose music for classes, as well as a video course. It is better to select a training video using the advice of professionals, since at first it will be difficult for a beginner to master difficult ligaments. Thirdly, learn to identify the rhythm section in any melody. This will make it easier for you to learn the movements. Fourth, start with the simplest. Repeat the learned ligaments daily. Do not start learning new movements without achieving clarity when performing previously learned ones.

After a couple of months of classes, you will definitely achieve positive results. However, if you want to study tectonics at a higher level, then you should enroll in a dance studio. Professional dancers will be able to point out your main mistakes and correct your movements. The main thing is to have a desire to learn how to dance tectonics!

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