How to remove excess fluid from the body? How to quickly remove excess water from the body for weight loss at home.


Surely many people are familiar with such a situation, when in the morning quite strong swelling appears on the face, which disappear only by noon, or even by evening. It is generally accepted that this state of affairs is quite normal for the human body. And this is true, but only if the night before you consumed too much alcohol, pickles, marinades and other spices, which directly contribute to fluid retention in the body. However, if you were not fond of anything like that, then puffiness may indicate certain abnormalities in the body.

Very often, the causes of puffiness can be diseases of the kidneys, blood vessels, heart, and other organs, as well as menstruation in women, during which not only certain parts of the face, but also hands, fingers, legs, etc. increase in size.

Five reasons why puffiness occurs

The first reason is the lack of water in the body. Many people are not even aware that their body is experiencing a huge fluid deficiency. Indeed, in addition to tea, coffee, juices and other drinks, the body must be supplied every day with two liters of ordinary water.

The second reason is diuretic foods and drinks. In the process of drinking diuretic drinks (beer, soda, tea, coffee), the body tries to stock up on moisture in the form of various puffiness.

The third reason is a large amount of salt. Many people know that after eating salty vegetables or dishes, a person begins to drink a lot. This is due to the fact that the body specifically stores water so that an excessive amount of sodium does not affect human health in any way.

The fourth reason is too active or, conversely, passive work.

The fifth reason is too slow metabolism. This reason is also associated with a sedentary lifestyle. After all, almost all office employees who sit at the table all day often complain of leg swelling.

Since to remove excess water from the body and no longer worry about the fact that your figure is far from ideal forms.

Six ways to get rid of swelling

The first way is to supply the body with enough water. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but in order to get rid of excess water, it is necessary to drink at least 2 liters per day. Thus, the body will stop “stocking up” with life-giving moisture for a rainy day, and soon you will notice how your puffiness disappears right before your eyes.

The second way is to use a small amount of salt. If in the process of observation you realized that constant swelling on your face appears as a result of excessive sodium intake, then you just need to reduce its amount.

It is generally accepted that salt is added to dishes solely in order to give the products a rich taste. This is partly true, but for this it is only necessary to slightly salt the finished dish, and not to saturate all the products in a row with it.

As a rule, after a long salt-free diet, a person quickly removes all excess fluid from the body, which significantly affects the figure and face. It is worth noting that after such a diet, people begin to get used to food without sodium and consume it in much smaller quantities.

The third way is physical exercises that speed up the metabolism. As you know, in the process of intense sports, a person sweats very much, thereby getting rid of not only excess fluid, but also harmful salts, toxins and toxins. In order to forever forget about the swelling of the face, arms and legs, it is necessary to do physical education every day for one hour.

The fourth method is fasting days. Many people who often suffer from accumulations of moisture and know how to remove excess water from the body recommend fasting days for themselves once a week. During such a day, only one type of healthy product is allowed. It can be low-fat kefir, milk, green tea, natural fresh juice from any fruit or vegetable, etc.

It is also worth noting that such a tasty and healthy dish as oatmeal ideally removes fluid from the body. However, these flakes are recommended to be cooked exclusively on water without salt and sugar.

The fifth method is water procedures with salt. To carry out such relaxing activities, it is necessary to fill the bath with warm water and pour 500 grams of ordinary salt there. It is advisable to take such procedures for no more than ten minutes.

The sixth method is special nutrition. Many experts recommend removing excess fluid from the body with a simple diet. To do this, you need to increase the intake of complex carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables, cereals), reduce the amount of proteins (only lean meats, eggs, fish, dairy products are allowed) and minimize oils and fats.

Many are faced with the fact that the fluid begins to linger in the body. This leads to certain problems, so you should get rid of it. The best way is to consult a doctor so as not to harm yourself even more. But so rarely does anyone do it. Therefore, you should understand the methods and methods, and find the most suitable one.

Signs of too much water

If water began to linger in the body, it can be noticed almost immediately. In the morning, the face and legs usually begin to swell. If the swelling subsides in the evening, it means that the fluid is “walking” through the body. In all likelihood, the person drank a lot of water at night and the kidneys simply can not cope. If the swelling does not go down during the day, most likely the reason for their appearance is much more serious.

Reasons for the appearance of liquid

In order to successfully deal with excess water in the body, it is necessary to clearly understand where it comes from. It can be health problems, and malnutrition.

  1. Lack of fluid. Everyone knows that a person should drink at least 2 liters of water per day. But few do so. Therefore, the body begins to store fluid, fearing that it will not receive more.
  2. Diuretic drinks. This is another reason that the body tries to retain water. First of all, this happens when a person drinks alcohol, for example, beer. Coffee, black tea and various lemonades are also considered such drinks.
  3. Salt. The property of salt to bind water in the body and settle. And to remove the salt, additional liquid is required. It turns out a vicious circle - after a salty meal, a person drinks a lot, but the liquid is practically not excreted. This leads to edema and excess weight.
  4. Fluid intake at night. Then the kidneys cease to cope with water, and in the morning a person sees that his face is swollen.
  5. Cardiovascular diseases. This also often leads to the fact that the body begins to accumulate water.
  6. Kidney diseases. Improper functioning of the kidneys can very easily lead to the fact that water will be retained.

What Not to Do

Faced with the problem of excess fluid in the body, many begin to take emergency measures and stop drinking water. Rather, they severely limit the amount of fluid you drink per day. And this is the first mistake that can have serious consequences. Under no circumstances should you make such a decision on your own. Only on the recommendation of a doctor. Otherwise, the work of the body will fail.

Another extreme measure that many use is taking diuretic drugs. And this happens without the knowledge of doctors, which is also very dangerous. Such drugs lead to a complete fluid deficiency, as they remove not only excess water. Therefore, you can take them only after consulting a doctor.

What do we have to do

First of all, you should continue to drink water. At the same time, it is better if it is pure water, and not tea, coffee or juices. The approximate rate of fluid per day is 1.5 liters. It must be consumed before 7 pm for the kidneys to function normally. If there is no swelling in the morning, it means that the kidneys cope with the amount of water normally.

Next, you need to reduce your salt intake. But it is not recommended to completely exclude it from the diet. You should stop eating various chips, nuts, salted fish, etc. You also need to give up fatty foods, canned food and smoked meats. And then the body will cease to receive an excess of salt and retain water.

In addition, there are many different foods and drinks that help to remove excess water. Such methods as playing sports, etc., also turn out to be very effective. The main thing is to find the best option for yourself and monitor the result. If it is, it means that the methods are chosen correctly.

So, what you need to eat to help your body get rid of excess water:

  1. Watermelon. This product can also be replaced with cucumbers or melons. Arranging fasting days once a week, you can not only remove water, but also cleanse the kidneys.
  2. Birch juice. This natural drink removes water and various toxins from the body.
  3. Green tea. It is not only possible, but also necessary to drink in case of fluid retention in the body. Unlike black tea, green tea perfectly tones and removes toxins.
  4. Rice and oatmeal. Oddly enough, but these cereals perfectly remove water. Rice, for example, contains a lot of potassium, which contributes to this. This effect is often used by professional athletes, arranging for themselves "drying" before the competition.
  5. Fruits and vegetables. They must be consumed fresh, and then the salt balance in the body will be restored very quickly.
  6. Zucchini and cabbage. They have an amazing ability to remove water, providing a diuretic effect and giving the body the necessary copper, iron and potassium.
  7. Carrot and beetroot juices. This is a great way to remove water from the body and improve your health.

How to get rid of excess fluid in the body

The first thing to do to get rid of excess fluid in the body is to go to the bath or sauna. Of course, if there are no contraindications for health reasons. All excess water and salt will come out during this procedure with sweat.

Physical exercise also helps a lot. It is not necessary to engage in some serious sport or start desperately running if there is no particular desire. It is enough to do exercises in the morning or ride a bike. This will help speed up the metabolism and remove all unnecessary.

If your legs are very swollen, you should do the following exercise every day - lie on your back, raise your legs above heart level and lie down for several minutes. You can make the so-called "birch" or just put a pillow under your feet. Who is comfortable. Thanks to this, the swelling will quickly come down. This is especially useful for those who have a "sedentary" lifestyle or for people of age.

A bath with salt and soda helps a lot. It is quite simple to make it - you need to pour 300 gr. salt and 200 gr. soda. Take this bath for 20 minutes. It would be nice to drink green tea. After that, you need to wrap yourself in a warm blanket and do not eat or drink anything for several hours.

Diet that removes excess fluid

This way of eating is designed for a week. It helps to remove fluid from their body and lose some weight. Every day you should drink 6 glasses of kefir and eat the following foods:

  • Monday - 4-5 boiled or baked potatoes;
  • Tuesday - 100 gr. chicken breast;
  • Wednesday - 100 gr. low-fat sea fish (boiled or baked);
  • Thursday - 100 gr. boiled meat;
  • Friday - any fruit except bananas;
  • Saturday - any vegetables;
  • Sunday - use only kefir and mineral water without gas.

Edema during pregnancy

Women, being pregnant, often face such a phenomenon as puffiness. The fact is that in this position there is a very serious restructuring of the body. And the liquid begins to linger for various reasons. There is nothing wrong with this, but swelling often causes discomfort and affects the development of the baby. Therefore it is necessary:

  1. Normalize food. That is, limit the use of salt, canned food and smoked meats, trying to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.
  2. Consume citrus. Of course, if there is no allergy. A glass of freshly squeezed juice or a few oranges will not harm either mother or child.
  3. Apply diuretics. But we are not talking about drugs, but about natural products that can remove excess water. Pregnant women can eat green apples, carrots, strawberries, zucchini, etc. This is not only useful, but also helps in the fight against edema.
  4. Drink herbal infusions. But this should be done only on the advice of a doctor, since many medicinal herbs have contraindications during pregnancy.

Folk remedies

Self-medication with folk remedies can be practiced if there are no medical contraindications. There are many recipes that contribute to the removal of excess fluid. The most effective of them are the following:

  1. Chamomile. It has a huge number of amazing properties that are very beneficial for the body. It also removes water. 2–3 tbsp. l. flowers pour 2 tbsp. water and hold for half an hour in a water bath. Wait until it cools down and take half a glass before meals.
  2. Infusion from Avran officinalis. This herb has unique diuretic properties. You can not use it in large quantities, as it contains poisons. But in small doses, avran is very useful. To prepare the medicine, you need 1 tbsp. herbs pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and let it brew for several hours. Drink the infusion after meals 2-3 times a day.
  3. Kalina. It can be used if there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Everything is prepared simply - 2 tbsp. l. berries are ground, poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted, best of all in a thermos. Be sure to add honey. Take a few tablespoons after meals.
  4. Cowberry. You will need berries and leaves. 2 tbsp. l. boil the mixture in a glass of water and let it brew. Take 1 tbsp. after every meal.
  5. Birch leaves. Of these, you can make an infusion with diuretic properties. To do this, pour boiling water (1 cup) 2 tbsp. spoons of leaves and leave for half an hour. Then strain and add soda to it on the tip of a knife. Use 1 tsp. 2-3 times a day.

Excess fluid in the body is a signal that it cannot function properly. It is one thing that edema appears from eating salty foods, and another thing is that this is a sign of serious illness. If none of the above methods help, then you need to urgently consult a doctor. Self-medication, looking for more and more new ways is not worth it, it is very dangerous for health.

How to remove excess fluid from the body for weight loss? Water accumulates in the body due to the activation of the self-regulation mechanism. At first, there are no special changes in the appearance of a person, only a slight increase in weight is possible. If left untreated, complications may occur in the form of edema of the limbs and face in the morning and a deterioration in the general condition of the body. Severe swelling is a symptom of kidney or heart disease, so they should not be left unattended. Edema also occurs with hormonal disruptions. To determine the cause of these symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

The reasons for the accumulation of water in the body may not be so serious, for example, malnutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, drinking alcohol. Those who want to lose weight through diets first need to learn how to remove excess water from the body. After removing water from the body, you can lose up to 3 extra pounds in a week. Why does water accumulate in the tissues of the human body?

Causes of accumulation of excess fluid in the body. If a person does not have heart or kidney disease, the body simply stores fluid, keeping it in the intercellular space. This happens in the case of an excess of salts to reduce the concentration of toxins, as well as with an urgent need for drinking water. Edema in women often occurs when there is a violation, in which case you should visit a gynecologist. You can remove swelling with the help of some folk remedies.

A person should consume at least 2 liters of clean drinking water per day, it is this amount of liquid that is necessary to ensure the water-salt balance. Other liquids do not make up for the lack of water, tea and coffee, for example, contribute to dehydration. When taking diuretics, the human body begins to store water. The development of edema contributes to the use of carbonated drinks, beer and other alcoholic beverages. Salt abuse is another reason for the accumulation of water in the human body. Normally, a person should consume 4-15 g of salt per day. In the summer and during physical exertion, this dose should be increased, since most of the salt is excreted from the body with sweat.

To remove excess salt, we need liquid, with the constant use of salt in large quantities, the body accumulates water to restore the water-salt balance. The same effect is obtained by eating sweet and meat products.

From the intercellular space, water enters the lymphatic system. This happens due to the contraction of the muscles surrounding the lymphatic vessels. Therefore, with a sedentary lifestyle, the rate of fluid excretion decreases. Before you start losing weight with diets, try changing your lifestyle. How to remove fluid from the body effectively and quickly?

Sometimes you can remove fluid from the body when losing weight by simply changing the daily routine. Drink at least 2 liters of clean drinking water every day, most of the liquid should be drunk before 18 hours. Eat no more than 5 g of salt per day, in some diseases this figure should be reduced to 1 g per day. Give up sugary carbonated and alcoholic drinks, reduce the number of cups of tea and coffee you drink. Regular moderate exercise is useful. It can be exercises in the morning or short-term jogging. To relieve swelling of the legs, it is recommended to lie on your back with your legs elevated for 10-15 minutes.

Reconsider the diet, give up foods that contribute to the accumulation of water in the body. These include oils and fats, smoked meats, pickled and canned foods, sausages, sauces, mayonnaise. During the diet period, they are not eaten at all; in the future, such food can be eaten in small quantities.

Products that help remove excess fluid from the body include: fruits, cereals, bran bread, watermelon, berries, celery, parsley, beet juice, legumes, cabbage, dried fruits. After reviewing the daily routine and nutrition, you can follow one of the most effective diets. This will help not only get rid of excess fluid, but also cleanse the body.

Kefir diet is considered one of the most effective. It starts with a cleansing enema. After that, they begin to adhere to a special diet, planned for 7 days. On the first day they eat boiled potatoes, on the second - boiled chicken (no more than 100 g), on the third - boiled veal. The fourth day will be fish, on the fifth you can eat only fruits and vegetables, with the exception of bananas. On the sixth day they drink only kefir, on the seventh - non-carbonated mineral water.

Another effective remedy for removing water from the body is tea with milk. 1.5 st. l. black or green tea is brewed in 2 liters of boiling milk and heated in a water bath for 20 minutes. The first days you can drink only this tea, dividing it into 5-6 times. On the fourth day, stewed vegetables, vegetable soups without potatoes, oatmeal, boiled lean meat are introduced into the diet. Diets must be followed for at least 10 days, after which you can smoothly switch to your usual diet.

An oatmeal diet allows you to cleanse the intestines and remove excess fluid from the body. To do this, on a certain day, they eat only unsalted oatmeal cooked in water. On the day you will need about 500 g of oatmeal. In addition to porridge, it is necessary to drink a decoction of rose hips or herbal teas.

Removal of fluid from the body with the help of herbs

How to remove fluid from the body folk remedies? The easiest way to rid the body of excess fluid is to drink herbal decoctions that have a slight diuretic effect. This is a decoction of mint leaves, cherries, lingonberries, lemon balm, birch. The same effect is given by decoctions of rose hips, dried apples, cumin. Bearberry, horsetail, elderberry and arnica flowers have a stronger diuretic effect. They should be used with great care. To prepare a decoction, you will need 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs and 200 ml of water.

Visiting baths and saunas also helps to remove excess fluid from the body. Regularly visiting the steam room, you cleanse your body of harmful substances, toxins, excess salts. Promotes weight loss and special massage. Sports activities are no less useful. Joint gymnastics improves lymph circulation and the outflow of fluid from tissues. It not only helps to relieve swelling, but is also an excellent prevention of diseases of the joints and spine.

It is possible to remove excess water from the body with the help of medications that have a diuretic effect. These include: Diursan, Furosemide, Torasemide. They should be taken with extreme caution, as they contribute to the excretion of electrolytes and metabolic disorders.

Hello. Let's talk today about how to remove water from the body for weight loss. Consider the factors that prevent the normal removal of excess fluid, as well as ways to deal with the problem.

When you need to remove excess fluid from the body

The problem of excess fluid in the body is familiar to many. At first, we do not pay any attention to a slight puffiness in the morning and weight gain. Just think, we ate a little salty at night, but drank an extra mug of tea.

But gradually the edema manifests itself more and more clearly, the weight increases, and the state of health leaves much to be desired. It is no longer possible to ignore severe puffiness. It's time to think about how to remove fluid from the body to lose weight and improve well-being.

To do this, you need to find out the cause of puffiness, and then think over options for how to expel water. At the same time, you should not engage in self-diagnosis, it is better to consult a specialist.

Causes of accumulation of excess fluid in the body

The factors causing the accumulation of water in the body are varied.

Water scarcity

Oddly enough, in the first place, it is the lack of clean drinking water that leads to edema and excess weight. The daily dose of clean drinking water is 30-40 mg/kg of human weight. This amount of water is required by the body to maintain the water-salt balance.

If you drink a lot of other liquids - tea, juices, coffee, various alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, but drink little pure water, you will dehydrate the body. And drunk liquids accumulate in it.

Excessive drinking at night

As a result of the abuse of drinks shortly before bedtime, a serious burden is placed on the kidneys. They are not able to work at night with increased intensity. Hence the swollen face and bags under the eyes in the morning.

Try to have your last drink no later than an hour before bedtime.

Excess salt and sugar intake

The daily norm of salt is 4-6 grams. In the heat, as well as during serious physical exertion, this figure may increase slightly, since in the process of sweating there is a large loss of sodium chloride.

In order for the body to excrete excess salt, it needs water. If you overindulge in salt, it will begin to store water to dilute the salt and restore electrolyte balance.

The situation is similar with excess sugar and meat. Therefore, in the presence of edema, the use of these products must be kept under control.

Improper nutrition

Improper diet and lack of vitamins and nutrients in food can cause fluid accumulation. Puffiness often indicates that the body lacks such vital substances as potassium, vitamins B3 and B6, fiber, protein.

Passive lifestyle

The fluid leaves the interstitial space mainly during the contraction of the muscle tissue surrounding the lymphatic vessels. If muscle tissue does not work due to a sedentary lifestyle, it accumulates.

Fascination with hungry water diets

You can not abuse the water and in order to lose weight. Some diets recommend replacing almost all meals with water, without even thinking about the consequences.

In fact, trying to trick the body into drinking too much water can lead to water intoxication and mental disorders.

These are the main factors that cause water retention in the body. Moreover, they manifest themselves in most of us in a complex way. Therefore, it is also necessary to deal with them in a comprehensive manner, revising your lifestyle and drinking regimen.

How to remove water from the body for weight loss

We will discuss what needs and can be done to remove excess fluid from the body for weight loss.

  • Change your drinking regimen. On the day, drink your individual norm of clean water, while trying not to transfer fluid intake to the evening.
  • Don't abuse salt. The maximum dose per day should be about 5 grams, and for hypertensive patients it is 1 gram.
  • Do not abuse alcohol, carbonated drinks. The use of tea and coffee should also be minimized.
  • Go in for sports. Let it be regular 15-minute morning exercises or just a half-hour walk. To get rid of swelling in the legs, it is recommended to raise the legs above the level of the heart once a day.

Do not deny yourself the pleasure of visiting the baths and saunas. By visiting the steam room weekly, you will stop thinking about how to expel water from the body for weight loss. Bath will save your body from swelling, slagging, excess salts.

It's great if you combine a visit to a bath or sauna with a session of professional lymphatic drainage massage.

In the process of massage, body tissues quickly get rid of harmful substances and are saturated with useful ones.

Eating right for weight loss

If you are thinking about how to remove water from the body for weight loss, following the rules of proper nutrition will help you:

  • Give up chips, canned and smoked foods, fast food and various convenience foods. Switch to eating homemade food.
  • At first, give up completely mayonnaise, cream and various fatty desserts. Subsequently, they can be returned to the diet, but in very limited quantities.
  • Focus on fiber-rich foods. These are fruits, vegetables, legumes, grain bread, nuts.
  • Eat more greens. Parsley, sorrel, celery contain substances that perfectly regulate the volume of fluid in the tissues of the human body.

Diets to get rid of excess water in the body

There are several diet options that will help remove excess fluid from the body for weight loss.

Strict kefir diet

It is better to start such a diet with a cleansing enema, which will allow you to empty your intestines. After that, a week of nutrition begins strictly in accordance with the following diet. At the same time, you should drink 1.5 liters of kefir daily.

  • 1st day - 5 boiled potatoes;
  • 2nd day - 100 gr of boiled chicken;
  • 3rd day - 100 grams of boiled veal;
  • 4th day - 100 grams of boiled fish;
  • 5th day - vegetables and fruits with the exception of banana and grapes;
  • 6th day - exclusively kefir;
  • 7th day - only non-carbonated mineral water.

milk tea diet

To prepare the main drink used during this diet, you will need 1.5 tablespoons of black or green tea and 1.5-2 liters of non-fat milk. Tea is brewed in a thermos with boiling milk for 15 minutes.

During the first 3 days of the diet, only tea with milk prepared in the above way is consumed. Starting from the 4th day, in addition to tea with milk, oatmeal with water, vegetable broths, stewed vegetables and a small amount of boiled meat are added to the diet.

The duration of this diet is 10 days. Upon completion, the return to a normal diet should occur gradually.

Fasting days

With the answer to the question of how to expel water from the body for weight loss, ordinary fasting days will help. They are carried out once a week.

From drinks on such days, you can use herbal decoctions containing many vitamins and other useful substances. It can be decoctions of mint, rose hips, lingonberries.

Some herbs can only be brewed in certain quantities - these are bearberry, wheatgrass, elderberry. Abuse of them can lead to dehydration, as they are strong diuretics. Therefore, carefully read the instructions on the package with the selected medicinal plant.

Soda-salt baths for weight loss

Hot baths with salt and soda will help to cope with excess fluid in the body. With their help, you will not only improve your health, but also experience real pleasure.

To prepare a salt bath, you will need 200 grams of soda and 500 grams of salt. The water temperature should be no more than 39 degrees Celsius. The duration of the bath is about 10-12 minutes.

Try not to eat or drink anything for a few hours before taking a bath. Immediately during the procedure, drink a cup of unsweetened green tea.

After the procedure, cover yourself with a woolen blanket or dress warmly and try to be in a state of relaxation for about 40 minutes. After that, take a shower and do not drink or eat anything for another hour.

Compression stockings for swelling

To eliminate swelling in the legs caused by excess fluid in the body, wearing compression socks, golf, tights, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, helps.

Compression stockings put more pressure on the exact areas where excess fluid collects. The degree of compression in different places is different - from a slight compression in the hips to a very strong one in the ankles.

Try it yourself and connect your friends to it by clicking on the social media buttons. Losing weight together is more pleasant and easier. Be healthy.

If you want to lose a couple of pounds in just 2 days and finally button up your favorite dress, follow our simple instructions!

How to lose weight fast

Drink plenty of water

How to remove water from the body? The surest way is to drink more water! No matter how strange and contradictory it may seem, it is water that helps to avoid swelling and speed up the process of losing weight. The notorious 2 liters a day is our everything!

Eliminate salt

Salt is the enemy of losing weight. It retains fluid in the body and prevents us from losing weight. Alas, while you “fit” into your dress, on an express diet you will have to eat everything fresh, without salt.

no coffee

Alas, you will also have to refuse a cup of coffee in the morning! One of the most famous ways to retain fluid in the body is to drink coffee. If you absolutely cannot do without it, then remember that you need to drink a small cup of espresso with a large glass of water to regulate the fluid balance in the body.


Drink green tea

Green tea, on the other hand, is a mild diuretic. In addition, it helps in the fat burning process, so 2-3 cups per day during the weight loss diet are your best friends!

For breakfast - only oatmeal

Oatmeal perfectly removes fluid and improves the functioning of the digestive tract. This is just what we wanted! During your express diet for 2 days, have breakfast with 150 grams of oatmeal in water with the addition of honey or dried fruits, but no sugar or milk.

Eat more buckwheat

For carbohydrates in your diet, in addition to oatmeal, buckwheat should be responsible. This cereal contains a lot of useful trace elements - a real superfood! In addition, buckwheat porridge helps excess water to leave faster, unless, of course, you salt it and fill it with some kind of “nasty” like ketchup from the store.

For two days, eat buckwheat for lunch and dinner, combined with vegetables, lean fish or chicken breast. Our diet is not strict at all!

Add dried fruits to your diet

Instead of sweets and other sweets, eat dried fruits. They improve digestion and the digestive tract, so you can’t do without dried apricots, dates and dried pineapples. But remember that dried fruits should be natural, without added sugar, and they should not be eaten in bags, but only a handful a day.

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