How to arouse passion in a woman. A conspiracy for strong passion - which will definitely help to evoke this feeling


Has your loved one ceased to please in bed? Perhaps your feelings need a shake-up to ignite the fire of passion.. Men get used to something very quickly, so they need to be surprised regularly.

How to arouse passion in a man? For this you need master the art of seduction(the so-called pickup) and do not neglect the knowledge gained in order to attract a man to you, at whatever stage your relationship is. Do you want to become a real geisha?

Appearance is not everything, but a lot

For a man to always want you, you must look literally stunning. For this take good care of your body. Before you go to seduce, take a shower with a scrub so that your body is smooth as silk. Use a perfumed body lotion so that every inch of your skin exudes fragrance. Perfume use with a complex bouquet of oriental fragrance. Such a smell, mixed with natural aromas, will become the strongest tool in order to turn a man's head.

Wear seductive but appropriate clothing. If you're going to seduce your boss, you need to be in an impeccable fitted suit, wearing as high heels as the dress code allows. Fresh makeup and a few subtle jewelry will complete your sophisticated look.

If you want to get a guy's attention at a club party, dress appropriately for the occasion, but don't be too revealing here - leave semi-nude for a more intimate setting.. If you have a good figure, it is enough that the clothes favorably round the chest and hips.

Approach him gradually.

No need to take the bull by the horns with a swoop, immediately make yourself an open book that is easy to read, having learned all the secrets. You run the risk of quickly ceasing to be interesting for a man. Your behavior should resemble the movements of a cat - smooth, but inexorable. If the guy in whom you so want to arouse passion is not yet in a close relationship with you, talking with him, make eye contact and speak in a low but confident voice, sometimes switch to low notes. Men are turned on by this tone. female voice.

Seduce Your Husband Every Day

If you have a man who gave you his hand and heart, this does not mean at all that he should be left without a treat. By wanting to diversify your sex life, you are acting very wisely - this way your marriage will definitely only be strengthened. Why not make such a pleasant surprise for your loved one?

Plan your transformation for one day: make an appointment with a hairdresser, buy clothes that suit you. In the evening you must appear before him completely transformed.. Go to work and introduce yourself as an old friend. When he sees you - a completely different woman, but still the same dear - his passion must be kindled. Otherwise, you have much deeper problems in your family life, which must first be resolved through conversation.

Everyone knows that men are passionate creatures, but not very subtle. Love and passion for them are different concepts: the second is not at all necessary, but if it is, it implies the first. You just need a little perseverance and training, and you can easily arouse passion in a man. We will reveal a few secrets so that you start using your natural data today.

  1. Even if you don't have the looks of Angelina Jolie, be persistent in your goals! Unobtrusively remind of your existence, catch the eye of your chosen one more often - and sooner or later he will begin to think about you. Achieve your soft perseverance, in no case "press" on a man - give him pleasant little things (such as a lighter or cigars). Sooner or later he will meet you halfway and then the return will be unforgettable.
  2. Watch your appearance. After all, beauty, grooming and sexuality have never interfered with anyone! Even without doing anything, beautiful women can easily arouse desire. Open your legs and chest (but do not expose), do a beautiful hairstyle. Always look good.
  3. Also magically acts on the opposite sex such a quality as arrogance. Unusual defiant behavior leaves a vivid impression on you. Men at the subconscious level associate this with violent, unrestrained sex.
  4. Passion and money are inseparable concepts. The smell of these "papers" strongly excites both women and men. It is not necessary to beckon someone with cash, expensive gifts and surprises will also do their job. You will notice with what enthusiasm the partner gives himself to you after receiving an expensive watch or golden cufflinks as a gift!
  5. The ideal way to evoke passion is to create romance in a relationship.. A romantic dinner by candlelight or in a cozy restaurant with live music, bathing together in a bubble bath, red wine or champagne as an accompaniment to all this… Visualize and show your love, and a man will definitely burn with passion!
  6. Give your man an erotic massage. Even if you do not have a model appearance, still put on a transparent peignoir, stockings, heels, beautiful underwear. Turn off the lights, light the candles and put on some nice relaxing music. Stroke his buttocks, bite his earlobe, kiss his navel, and then you will see how it works!
  7. Experiment with sex, because even the Kama Sutra was invented by a man. Any male representative dreams of diversity in this pleasant business, so stop being shy and start practicing different positions and even types of sex from tonight! You will see how the attitude towards you will change. Take the initiative in your own hands and try everything that does not disgust you.

Having the knowledge of how to arouse passion in a man, you just have to take on a mysterious look and answer all questions with a satisfied smile of a well-fed cat!

Using a sex conspiracy, you can quite easily seduce any person if there is even the slightest interest on his part in you. At the same time, such an attraction may not be the end result of magical influence - with its help, you can even build a real happy love that will live for many years.

Sex conspiracies are not simple magical rites that allow you to awaken sexual desire in a certain person regarding the customer or performer of the ritual.

Such magic is a special technique that affects the sexual activity of the object, his desires and attitude towards the performer. And before performing this kind of rite, one should have a full understanding of its potential and impact.

To carry out such a ritual is best for the person who wants to enter into an intimate relationship with the object of magical influence. The main purpose of the ritual is to kindle the fire of passion, the awakening of libido.

And the main advantages of rituals for sex are:

  • speed of action and high efficiency.
    As a rule, sexual desire appears within a few hours after performing the ritual.
  • ease of implementation.
    To perform the ceremony, you will not need expensive components and complex techniques - everything is quite simple and in some cases it is enough to read the plot.
  • validity.
    Depending on the wishes for the action of the ritual, you can choose rituals that last for several hours or months, up to a year.
  • positive impact on the couple.
    This kind of ritual will have a positive impact on intimacy and one hundred percent achievement of all the limits of pleasure will be guaranteed for both partners.
However, against the backdrop of so many pluses, even the strongest conspiracy may not affect the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity and men who experience strong antipathy towards the performer. With regard to women, the ineffectiveness of the ritual is usually associated with high moral values.

As for the impact on the person who hates you, everything is much simpler here: the conspiracy only affects sexual desire, and this is not enough to establish any contact with a person who experiences strong negative feelings.

Ritual for a married couple

If you have been married for many years or live under the same roof, then over time the fire of passion could cool down a bit. However, there is no need to despair. In this situation, a simple plot on the bed will help you. To perform this rite, you will need one church candle.

Late in the evening, you need to light a candle and put it at the head of the matrimonial bed and read the words of the conspiracy seven times:

“I kindle, ignite the passion inside the servants of God (your names).
I awaken sexuality and sensuality.
Let passion intoxicate and intoxicate and dominate the mind.
So that the legs of the servant of God (name) tremble, lips dry,
And the hands to the servant of God (name) reached out.
For me to become his biggest dream, his strongest desire.

You need to repeat the plot three times, after which the candle is left to burn out. After reading the magic words, the rite for sex will begin to act immediately, so tune in to a romantic and full of fire night.

Rite of Salt

This ritual is considered very effective and efficient and can be used even when there has not yet been an intimate relationship between two people. To perform the ritual, you will need one photograph of a man, a harvest of salt, and seven drops of water. When choosing a photo, give preference to a photo where he is alone and captured in close-up.

On a small saucer, drip seven drops of water and throw a harvest of salt there with the words:

“As salt is saturated with water, as water gives itself without a trace,
So my beloved, the servant of God (name) desires me, the servant of God (name),
May he not rest until he takes all of me.

You need to repeat the words of the spell for sex three times, and upon completion, pour salt on the picture, distributing it evenly over the photo. Leave salt on the photo until the desired is fulfilled.

sexy binding

Sexual bondage is considered a very effective rite if your goal is a long-term effect on a man. To perform the ceremony, you will need a thin red ribbon or a thick red thread. It is best to perform the ritual during the growing month, but this is not important, since the conspiracy will work at any time.

Tying knots on a thread, read the words of the conspiracy:

“I tie the servant of God (name) to the servant of God (name)
Strong, strong, for a long time!
To break and unravel no one could,
Nobody managed to separate and separate!
And the servant of God (name) only wanted me and dreamed of me!
So that his thoughts and thoughts are directed to me!
And he could not even look at other women and could not love them!
So that the male power is only with me!”

You need to read the words of the conspiracy seven times, and the number of knots that are tied during the reading of the magic spell should be odd. When you complete the ritual, remove the thread with knots in a secluded place and do not show or tell anyone about the performed ritual.

Rituals for sex are considered very popular and in demand when you need to attract a certain person and interest him sexually. It is very important to remember that the effectiveness of this ritual, like any other magical rite, directly depends on the focus on the result and the exact observance of all recommendations for performing the rite.

How sex conspiracies work

A sex spell awakens in the object of your interest passion and sexual attraction to you. The ritual affects his attitude, desires associated with you and the sexual activity of the one you like in general.

As mentioned above, even a strong conspiracy for sex cannot be compared with a love spell. The action of these conspiracies lies only in the physical side of the relationship; they will not affect feelings and other aspects of human life.

Who needs conspiracies for sex? Those who want to have sexual intercourse with a specific person. Thanks to magic, you can start a short-term relationship based solely on physical attraction. Such spells also help those who have been married for a long time, in case the couple's sex life has become insipid, and the desire has dried up. A sex spell will not return your husband from a homeowner and will not help you recapture your wife from your lover. But the most common reason for cheating is the lack of sex in a marriage. Therefore, sometimes such conspiracies for a strong marriage can help. In addition, they help to get rid of the physiological and psychological problems associated with sex.

Conspiracies of this kind act very quickly. Literally a few hours after performing the rite, his object may be sexually attracted to you. They do not last long - the maximum period is about a year, and the minimum - a few days or even hours. At the same time, the quality of intimacy, as a rule, turns out to be on top, regardless of your experience or the experience of your partner.

There are practically no side effects from such conspiracies. It does not suppress the will of a person, which distinguishes them from love spells. But this does not exempt you from the consequences that can be without conspiracies. If you're going to seduce a single person, and you're not married yourself, of course you won't be.

These magical methods also have disadvantages. If a person feels strong antipathy or hatred towards you, sexual desire on his part may not be achieved. A conspiracy to have sex with a girl can have a much weaker effect than the one that will be applied to a man. Women are more often bound by moral principles and personal considerations than men. In addition, magic only makes you feel attracted, but does not always free a woman from unwillingness to take the first step towards rapprochement.

Spell for sex for spouses

This spell is only suitable if you are in a civil or official marriage with your loved one.

We need a common bed - it is on it that you need to pronounce conspiracy words. If you have different beds, choose a different rite.

A bed spell helps to rekindle the flame of passion again, a few years after marriage or living together. To read it, you need to buy a wax candle in the church.

It is better to engage in the magic of sex shortly before the arrival of your husband or wife from work. The closer to the night the ceremony is held, the better. Place a candle near the head of the bed you share with your partner. You can put it on a bedside table or on the floor - it doesn't matter. The spell is cast three, seven or twenty-one times:

As I light a candle, so I free the passion in the servants of God (names)! Feelings are strong and unrestrained awaken. Let passion overshadow their minds, let them intoxicate, and intoxicate! So that the legs of the servant of God (name) tremble, the lips dry up, and the hands themselves are attracted to the servant of God (name). So that I become the greatest passion for him, the desire that for me, as for a dream, be the strongest! Amen.

The candle must burn out completely. The spell works very quickly, so you can tune in to proximity already on the same night.

Conspiracy to have sex with a girl

This plot helps well even if you see it for the first time.

You can read it to yourself while meeting, talking with a woman whom you see very rarely and do not even have a friendly relationship with her. It is also allowed to move away to read the plot, briefly leaving your companion. Remember that the use of these conspiracy words will not necessarily free you from the need to take the first step. They only light the flame of passion, and everything else depends on you.

But sometimes with the help of these words it turns out to achieve initiative when meeting a woman. Conspiracy text:

I am dreaming of you. I want to own you and hug you, (name). We met not by chance, but to give each other passion. You will not refuse my eyes, you will not run away from my call. Be mine, random beauty, but do not refuse when I demand your body from you.

Spell to increase your libido

What if there are no problems in your marriage other than those related to not wanting sex? If the wife does not want her husband, and there are no objective reasons for this: he is attractive and well-groomed, then you can try to turn to magic.

If you have lost interest in your spouse and want to fix it, try reading this conspiracy:

The servant of God (name) stands on a raw thread, Looks under her hem, So that, like a red poppy in the field, blooms, So the lust of a woman ignites herself. So that, like food for the hungry, Like a bull for a heifer, like a man for a widow, My husband was desirable to my bosom. So that it would smolder, smolder, and burn with a flame, It would not give me peace, it would seek closeness with my betrothed. Who wants to break my female lust, To bark like a dog and howl at the moon like a wolf! Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

After reading this conspiracy, you can get rid of psychological problems in your sex life. This does not mean that you will rush at every man, as happens with some types of damage. With the help of this conspiracy, you can establish a sexual life in the family, refresh your feelings for your husband and get full pleasure from sexual relations with him. There will be no negative consequences from it, you only affect yourself.

The plot is well suited to women who love their husband, but do not want sex with him. It often happens that the first to lose sexual desire in marriage is the wives, and magic copes well with such problems. This conspiracy is read from time to time, determine the time to read it and the number of times you need to pronounce it intuitively. It is very easy to understand when he began to act.

A strong conspiracy to have sex on the water

When performing such a conspiracy on the water, it does not matter who you are going to seduce - a guy or a girl. The text contains the words of a slander against a man, but if you desire a woman, change the slave to a slave when pronouncing. Its action is based on the transfer of your energy of desire through water, which, as you know, absorbs any energy well.

To perform the ceremony, you need to pour clean water into a glass. The glass can be anything, and water can be taken from the tap. If you have a well, take well water for this purpose. Mineral is also suitable, but non-carbonated is best.

It is necessary to engage in this witchcraft before going to bed. Take a glass of water in your hands and try to surrender to visualization. Imagine what you want to achieve. Feel what, in your opinion, the one on whom the sex spell is being cast should feel. Imagine how your sexual energy saturates the water. Then say the conspiracy words to the water:

Animal passion of a slave (name), wake up, gain a foothold on me

A glass of water should be left by your bed all night, at the head of the bed. You can put it on the floor, under the bed, on the nightstand - it doesn't matter. In the morning, use some of the water to wash your face or just apply on your face. The rest should be poured into any container convenient for you and contrived to spill on the one you are interested in. The person on whom you performed the ritual for sex must come into contact with this water. You shouldn’t mix it into food or drink, but you can discreetly wet clothes or just “accidentally” spill water from a mineral water bottle.

A strong spell for intimacy with a girl

The following is not the easiest, but quite reliable way to drag almost any girl into bed. It awakens passion, but does not suppress the will of man. As a result, you will get a relationship based only on mutual sexual attraction. How long they will be - it's up to you.

The ritual can be repeated from time to time, when there is a need for it. The time of the ritual is Friday, before midnight, but after sunset. A good time is from 20 to 23 pm.

Electric lighting is not allowed, any candles should be lit. They are not needed for the ritual itself, but will be useful so that you can navigate in a dark room.

You will need soap that no one has used, except for the woman you desire. You can invite her to visit and send her to wash her hands, putting a new bar of soap in the bathroom in advance. If that's not possible, get whatever item she used. The closer to the body was the thing, the better.

You also need red pepper, which is sold in any grocery store. This refers to packaged ground seasoning, and you only need one pinch.

Prepare a bowl of very cold water ahead of time. You can put it in the freezer for a while, because you need water colder than the one that usually flows from the tap.

Another ingredient is a drop of your sweat. How to get it doesn't matter. You can do some physical exercises right before the ritual, then it will not be difficult. Objects like a ruler or a dull knife are good at scraping sweat from the body. It is sweat that is needed, neither saliva nor blood are suitable here.

So, prepare a plate of water, pepper and soap, which was used by the one you like. Get a drop of your sweat and add it to a bowl of water. Do the same with pepper, and carefully place the soap on the bottom of the plate. Stroke it with your fingertips and read:

I will burn, I will cool, I will please. So in my hands you will melt, that you will forget your father, and mother, and God. Key, lock, damn quitrent.

When casting a spell and stroking a soap or object that belongs to the girl you desire, imagine as vividly as possible what you want to achieve with this ritual.

In general, sex spells can help you get the release you want, rekindle your passion, or just get physically intimate with someone. In addition, if the object of the conspiracy is breathing unevenly towards you, such a rite can really be the beginning of a long and happy relationship that you or the person you want simply could not decide on.

What is the result of application?

Each conspiracy for sex is quite complex. It is accompanied by a certain ritual. By performing rituals for sexual intercourse, you “ignite” the fire of desire in a certain person. The object in this case can be both the performer and author of the conspiracy, and the customer. Therefore, before performing each ritual, it is important to familiarize yourself with the basic nuances. You also need to know how strong the potential of the magic spell is.

It is best when a ritual to increase sexual desire is performed by a person who wants to enter into such a relationship. For example, if a guy wants to get into bed with a certain girl, he must read a specific plot. In this case, the technique of the ceremony may provide for the use of additional items.

Such conspiracies for sex are very popular. The great demand for their use can be explained by the mass of their advantages. The main ones include:

  • high efficiency and fast results;
  • simple technique of execution;
  • different duration of exposure;
  • rapprochement of lovers;
  • achieving maximum enjoyment.

However, despite the fact that this kind of conspiracy has a huge number of "pluses", even a very strong rite may not work.

But this applies only to those cases if the object of the spell experiences negativity and antipathy towards the customer. As for a person who simply hates you, a conspiracy to have sex will not help achieve intimacy. The impact that certain conspiracies should have will not be enough. In other words, the attraction and sexual desire that you try to arouse in the object of desire will not be enough to establish a physical connection.

Ritual for reconciliation of spouses

In most cases, a sex conspiracy is used to reconcile a married couple. The rite to be performed will also help people who have been married for a long time to kindle passion.

It is necessary to carry out the plan in the evening, before going to bed. You need to purchase a church candle in advance. Closer to the night, place a candle at the head of the marital bed. Light it up and whisper a conspiracy into the flame:

“I kindle passion and desire within myself (name your name) and God's servant (partner's name), awaken attraction and sexuality. Let intoxicating feelings stupefy us with our heads, dominate our minds. Let the lips of the servant of God (the name of the spouse) dry up, the legs tremble, and the hands reach out. May I become sweeter and more desirable of all. Amen".

The magic text must be repeated seven times in a row. After that, the candle must be left to burn out. While its flame will burn, you can prepare for the upcoming night of "passion". Such a conspiracy for sex will work as soon as the candle burns out completely and goes out.

Ritual with salt

This ritual can be attributed to one of the most powerful spells for sex. To bring the desired event closer and increase your sexuality, you need to do the following ceremony.

For the ritual you will need:

  • flat plate;
  • salt;
  • spring water;
  • photograph of the object of desire.

To increase the attraction of a person to his person, you need to put a photo of a guy / girl on a plate in the evening. Put 7 drops of water on it. Then throw in a small harvest of salt. Distributing salt over the image of a person, pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“Just as water gives itself without a trace to saturate the salt, so let the servant of God (name of the guy) desire me to madness. Let me become more desirable for him than all. May the servant of God (his name again) not rest until he takes me. There is power in my word. Amen".

This magical text on sex should be repeated three times in a row. After the ceremony, the plate with the contents will need to be hidden in a secluded place. You cannot remove it until the wish is fulfilled. As a rule, this conspiracy will begin to operate in the coming days. And its advantage is that this conspiracy “works” even for people who have not previously shared one bed.

Ritual for inciting passion

Such a ceremony can be performed by both girls and boys who want to attract the opposite sex. This plot is quite strong and it is desirable to read it near an open flame. You can pronounce the magical text below by the fire, near the fireplace, or on a lit candle (at home).

The text of the spell reads as follows:

“I kindle passion and lust in the lower abdomen. Let this attraction rise to the mind, intoxicate it, and take over the body. Let the passion and strong sexual desire burn in the servant of God / her (name), which only I can extinguish. He wants (the name of the object of the conspiracy) my body so that my legs give way, my lips dry out, it gets dark in my eyes. Blaze us both in the heat of passion, experience inexpressible pleasure. As fire burns, so it burns the bones (the name of the person), it attracts him to me. Amen".

Red Ribbon Ritual

We offer you another powerful conspiracy. It differs from the previous ones in terms of validity. So, for example, if you want to have a sexual energy effect on a man / woman for a long period, this particular conspiracy is used. To conduct the ceremony, you will need to prepare:

  • thin red ribbon;
  • casket.

You should take the tape in your hands. Tying knots on it, you need to whisper the magic words:

“I bind to the servant of God (my name) the servant of God (his name) for a long time and firmly. Just as no one will untie these knots, so let no one separate them. Let the servant of God (name) constantly only think and dream about me, only want me. To make me more beautiful, sweeter and more desirable than others. So that the male power of the servant of God (his name) is only with me. Amen".

You need to read the plot 7 times in a row. You should also get 7 knots on the ribbon. The ritual ends with the fact that the ribbon with the knots tied on it is removed into the box. It should be placed in the most secluded place in the house. This conspiracy for sex will begin to "work" as soon as you hide the box. Such a spell will work as long as the knots on the ribbon remain tied.

Love conspiracies for quick sex

For one of these rituals, you will need a personal hygiene item for a loved one - soap and underwear. Having washed your hands with soap, you need to sentence:

“I ask you to wash slowly so that the love for the slave (name) does not fade away, so that the slave (name) is like this soap in my hands.”

If for the ceremony you took a shirt or underwear of a loved one, then perform it like this. Your betrothed's underwear should be soaked in the morning dew, then dried over a fire and the following words should be said:

“Dry the slave (name) for the slave (name) like your shirt. Without her there is no you, without my hands there will be no her. Come slave (name) to me to warm up!

For the next ceremony, you need to mix the following spices: a mixture of dry herbs, white pepper and salt. Cooked "seasoning" is used in cooking, slandering it:

“Salt, draw out the water! Let the slave (name) have a thirst. Greens, take all the salt! Let the slave (name) only quench his thirst with me.

Such rituals work well for men and women who are not in a permanent relationship. Otherwise, the conspiracy may be powerless.

Conspiracy on a handkerchief

Take a new handkerchief. You need to collect a few drops of your sweat into it (preferably after a bath), and then casually wipe your lover's forehead. The conspiracy is said to oneself like this:

“My tongue speaks, and your tongue confirms. As I thought, as I said, so my thought would sink into your head and you instantly flared up to my flesh with your lust and desire. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Strong prayer for sex

You need to kindle a fire. Walking around it, the right hand is held over the flame, clockwise. The prayer is read three times:

“Gray smoke, get up, wake up, rise up, go, look for the soul of the servant of God (name), open her eyes, twist her brain, spin, spin, do not know peace and rest. Throw it, throw it, call God's servant (name) to me. Let him not walk with his girlfriends, do not hug boys and men, let him suffer with fire, burn, know no peace, neither in the sun, nor in the moon, nor in the presence of a star, nor in the dew, nor in the scarlet dawn. She can’t look at me enough, look and not stop admiring, kiss and not kiss, sleep with me and not get enough sleep, but only enjoy my flesh-lust. Go, smoke, search, bring the servant of God (name) to me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After some time, you will notice how your relationship with your husband (or wife) will improve and there will be no more problems with sex.

Here is another prayer that is used to read cigarette smoke. This ritual is quite simple and widespread among young people at the present time. It is very often used in cases where the previous love relationship has been lost, if the beloved has cooled off towards you and does not pay due attention to you. Hex is pronounced looking at cigarette smoke:

“The heat drives the fire to the fire, and the servant of God (name) the servant of God (name) passionately desires me, does not drive and does not scold with his tongue, does not drive away from his bed, I am glad to me, the servant of God (name), my soul. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

The prayer is said three times, and then they go to bed.

Conspiracy for quick intimacy with a stranger

If you like a certain person, and you want closeness with him, but do not dare to get to know him, such a strong conspiracy for quick closeness will suit you. Say a prayer after the departing desired person:

“Let your foot stumble, your zealous heart beat so that you, God’s servant (name), suffer about me, think about the thought, and day and night about the furious bed with me and about my flesh, dreamed of coming to me, God’s servant (name) hug me, kiss me, press me to your chest. And be, word, to the word, and become, deed, to deed. Already, Abu, Ali. Ajabu, repeat. Come servant of God (name) to me, God's servant (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

After the conspiracy, you will very soon meet with your stranger and you will definitely have a sexual relationship with him.

love spell

Before you go to bed with your loved one, place a glass of holy water and bread and salt at the head of your bed. Say the following:

“Servant of God (name), here is bread for you, here is salt for you, here is water for you, come to me here. My guardian angel, take her by the hand and to my flesh, to the servant of God (name), bring me to my bed. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

This ritual must be repeated three nights in a row. Your betrothed will never leave you, and your sexual relationship will always be on top.

Wind conspiracy

This is a very effective prayer that helps to attract a person who is attractive to you, with whom you would like to have a burning passion.

“Lord, help, Lord, bless. Lord, sprinkle the holy servant of God (name) on lustful desire! Daughters of Herod, stand up, stand up, shake off from the curls, from the elbows, from the girlish fingers dense lust, ardent desire and burning love. Shake her heart, shake her blood, drive lust into her body and desire into my flesh. In order to sleep, she did not sleep, the daily allowance suffered for me, for the servant of God (name). Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The prayer must be read three times. Soon, after the ritual, you will notice that your soulmate will ignite the same passion for you and everything will work out.

Rite of Salt

This conspiracy is one of the most powerful, which is used to enhance the sexual potency of a man. Your object of voluptuousness will be very strongly attached to you. Prepare a handful of table salt and throw it in a saucer of holy water. Say this prayer:

“You need to pick up a handful of salt and throw it into the lid with a small amount of water poured in. While the salt absorbs the liquid, the following text should be read over it: “Nourish, nourish, water, salty with yourself, give yourself all without a trace. So my beloved (the name of the object of the conspiracy), let him desire me and not calm down until he takes everything.

When the conspiracy is uttered, pour out the charmed salt on the photograph of your missus, distributing it evenly. Salt is left on the photograph all night. Such a ritual works almost flawlessly.

A conspiracy to have sex plays a very important role in family relationships. An important factor for a long and strong relationship is not only sexual relations between partners, but also love. If one of the partners feels hatred or antipathy towards the other, then such conspiracies will be ineffective. In this case, the main thing is that there should be consent and understanding in relations between a man and a woman. Perform the rites as soon as possible! Time does not wait!

Arousing a woman is an art. To do this correctly, you need to find the right balance between the manifestation of aggression and passivity. You must know how to properly touch a woman's body and understand what she wants and when she wants it. If you want to find out how to turn on the fire and ignite a woman's passion, then follow the tips below.


It's all about the mood

  1. Create a romantic atmosphere. If you manage to create a romantic atmosphere, your girlfriend will be ready for business even before the first kiss. You should make sure that the lighting, smells, and sounds in your lair are all set for romance. And here's how to achieve it:

    • Turn on soft and romantic lighting. When you enter your apartment, the light should already be dimmed in advance - so that she can see you in general terms, but not bright enough so that she does not suddenly feel uncomfortable. Light some candles.
    • Arm your apartment with sexy scents. If you know that a girl will come to you for dinner in the evening, then air your room for another day. Certain aromatic blends can freshen up a room. When your lady enters the room, light a few scented candles unobtrusively.
    • Bolster your success with romantic music. A selection of the necessary melody will contribute to the conquest of the girl's heart with even greater success. Jazz will help her feel refined, while R&B can get her in a sexy mood. Whatever you choose, make sure you're unobtrusive and elegant.
  2. Strengthen the sexuality of your home. Your home should be prepared for sexuality well in advance so that the mood remains conducive to love, while avoiding all sorts of distractions. And here are a few things that you should buy about this:

    • Beverages. Stock up on red and white wines, as well as any other drinks to your guest's taste. You may be returning from a date at a restaurant where you've already had a little sip, and now that you're both in your apartment and things are coming to a climax, you need to top up the right mood with a couple of sips of the right drink - just in case the fireman.
    • And something to eat. If you need a little more time to warm up before heading to the bedroom, then fill your kitchen with the appropriate provisions: chocolates, strawberries, grapes and other berries that can excite not only the appetite of the stomach, but also other parts of the body. Avoid fatty foods that can cause gas. Gas is something that is sometimes better to keep to yourself.
    • Personal care products. If you are going to perform a love "feat" tonight, then prepare a clean and fresh towel and soap for your girlfriend. After all, you don't want to frighten away all the romance by mistakenly handing over your towel soaked with physical evidence of successfully completed physical exercises in the gym?
  3. My house is my fortress, and in this "case" too. Work hard to sexually equip your habitat so that the girl, without stepping a step, wants to get into your bedroom as soon as possible. Drum roll... And here's how to do it:

    • Keep everything clean. This, by the way, is the most important part in creating the mood you need. Hide your dirty clothes and linen well, tidy everywhere, and pay special attention to ennobling your restroom. Your girlfriend should feel as comfortable as possible before she reaches a state of full "combat readiness".
    • Be stylish. Your apartment does not require millions of investments in order to get a girl. Get some classic wood or leather furniture, a couple of nice paintings, and a good stereo system to show you care about your surroundings. Eliminate the socially inappropriate amount of photos of your ex-girlfriend and you.
    • Buy a sexy bed. Launder all the bedding, wipe down the coffee table, fluff up the pillows. And it's also time to hide your mom's pictures. Your partner needs to be comfortable enough in your web of blankets and pillows before she is ready for your body to invade.

Foreplay at the highest level

  1. Take care of her comfort. Once you have achieved the right mood for yourself and the girl, you should give her the opportunity to feel at home. If she is relaxed, then it will be much easier for her to get down to business. Here's how to do it:

    • Hang up her coat and let her take off her shoes. She will feel more relaxed after that.
    • Offer her a drink. You should not force her to drink anything, but provide her with a glass of wine if she so desires, and you should drink some wine with her, otherwise she may feel uncomfortable.
    • Give her some compliment. Let her feel good by saying, for example, how much you like her. Talk about how beautiful she looks, how good it is to spend time with her, or how much you like her laugh.
  2. Touch her sexually. When your guest feels more relaxed, she will want to get closer to you. Don't be shy - sit close to her and begin to subtly touch her body, thereby giving rise to foreplay. And here's how to proceed:

    • Sit next to her with your legs touching each other. Hug her with one hand. If she likes it, start flirting with her hair.
    • If she wears dangling earrings, then gently take one of them in your hand, while gently stroking her ear with your fingers.
    • Give your hands a little more freedom and even take her hands and start lapping her fingers if she lets you.
    • Give her a sexy massage. Massage her shoulders, lower back, or even her biceps. This way you will definitely lead it to the right note.
  3. Kiss with passion. Kissing is the first big step you will take, and you should do everything right during this love ritual if you want to move on to the next step. To become a kissing master, you need to find an irresistible kissing style.

    • Be gentle. Kiss her gently, at first, without much effort on the part of the tongue. Open your lips lightly and touch her tongue with the tip of your tongue. If she reciprocates, then move your tongue to her mouth area, but do it slowly.
    • Leave her waiting for more. Take breaks in kissing by closing your eyes, stroking her hair, or gently kissing her shoulders or neck. You don't have to blindly kiss for hours, which can either get boring or both of you will just get tired.
    • It's time to be more aggressive with your touches. While kissing her, lower your hands down to her waist, gently touching her breasts and thighs. But make sure she is comfortable with your movements.
  4. Start taking off your clothes. As soon as your kisses have become hot and passionate, then it's time to undress for the continuation of the banquet. To set the tone for the subsequent hot sexual intercourse, it is necessary to remove clothes in a certain sequence. Exactly in this one:

    • Take off your blouse first. Gently slide your hands under her blouse and lift it over your head. If you see buttons in your way, then slowly unbutton each one and toss the blouse passionately to the side.
    • Then take off your shirt. Don't take off all of your stuff at once, which can scare your girlfriend off as very aggressive behavior. Do not hurry.
    • Once your outerwear is off, continue kissing, then you should take off your bra. Pay attention to the location of the clasp, which can be either in the back or in the front, and try to be smart about removing the bra. You should not be awkward or joke about the fact that you haven’t had to do this for a long time, or how difficult it is to remove her bra, because all the above excuses can only scare her away and point out your inexperience.
    • Gently touch the girl's underwear. This will hint to her that it is time to remove this part of today's wardrobe. If she is wearing pants, then slowly lower them, and if she is wearing a skirt, then gently pull it down along her legs.
    • Take off your pants eventually, or wait until the girl does it herself if she feels comfortable and untied enough.

An arsenal of correct movements directly in bed.

  1. Be open about your intention to have sex. Of course, it’s understandable, because both of you are half-naked in shorts, but anyway, it’s better to clarify, in order to be sure, in order to avoid feelings of embarrassment or misunderstanding during the process itself. And here's the easiest way to do it:

    • Ask "Are you ready?" or "Are you sure you want to?", be completely open about wanting to move to the next level of relationship.
    • If she agrees, be prepared to use a condom. Be dexterous and skillful when putting on a security item so as not to kill the romance.
  2. Excite your girlfriend as best you can before sex. Men get to the “ready” position faster than women. Even if you have invested a lot of time in foreplay, do not be too lazy to apply a little more gentle patience before embarking on an act of love. Do it like this:

    • Caress and kiss her body at the most sensitive points. Kiss her neck, shoulders, chest, belly, thighs.
    • Tell her how much you like her, or how excited you are about some specific parts of her body.
    • Touch gently on her genital area. You can tease her a little, then move your hands to other parts of her body, which will leave her in a state of wanting to continue. Once it's ready, start.
  3. Choose your sexy style. There are dozens of ways to have great sex, and once you start, you need to get a good feel for your partner in order to find the approach that works best for her. Here are a few ways to keep you in mind:

    • Try different positions. Start in a top position, then let her climb to the top if she so desires, or even try something extravagant. Don't use any tricks at first, take a minute or two to study each other, and then, having reached a unanimous decision, try aerobatics.
    • Observe what mood she likes best: gentle or aggressive. Try small bites on different parts of her body or some kind of sensual touch so that if she reciprocates, then continue, if not, then change tactics to the opposite.
    • Play with grease. Greasiness is not for everyone, but if your guest likes it, then calmly continue to talk to her insolently, which will lead to even more excitement on her part. If she does not smell of reciprocity, then calm your tone.
  4. Strong ending. Both partners should enjoy the love work done, so before you finish, make sure that your girlfriend also enjoyed this activity. Check out a few points about the spectacular ending:

    • Remember that many women do not reach orgasm in sex, so if she does not reach the peak of pleasure, continue to caress her until she reaches it.
    • After you're done, don't run out of the room and into the shower like crazy. Stay and spend some time in order to caress your girl.
    • Don't be upset. If your friend doesn't have an orgasm, or if you retire prematurely, don't be discouraged. This happens much more often than you think, and a calm attitude towards it will show that you are confident in your abilities - so, for the future.
  5. Leave her pleasure incomplete. Once the bed transaction is complete, there are several ways to continue the love business with you, either later this evening or sometime this week. And here's how to put a comma in your relationship:

    • Invite her to go to the shower together after bedding. If she is “for”, then kiss her gently in the shower.
    • Don't shut up after that. Give your girlfriend some moral freedom and space, but also let her know that you are the same cool guy she kissed a while back.
    • Tell her that you had a good time with her, that you would like to do it again somehow. When she leaves, see her off like a real gentleman. Dress her in your jacket if the weather turns bad, give her a ride home or call a taxi for her, and kiss her goodbye.
    • Show calmness. Don't say, "When can we hook up next?" Instead, express your enthusiasm for spending the night together and tell her that you will call her soon.
    • Make her look forward to the next time you meet. Once she's gone, send her a casual phone message reminding her of a hot night out with you. Believe me, she will want to before you have time to recharge your candelabra with new candles.
  • Don't be lazy - share. Give your girlfriend at least as much love as she gives you. Focus on making her feel good.
  • If you achieve a premature orgasm, don't act like an annoyed scoundrel. Play up the situation and apologize politely, but don't dwell on it.


  • Use condoms to avoid sexually transmitted diseases. You should always use a condom if you are sleeping with someone for the first time. Do not convince a girl that sex will be better without a condom - it is dangerous, and you can catch a serious virus from her.
  • Never force a woman to have sex with you. Let her make that decision on her own. She should never regret spending the night with you.

Love rituals can not only cause a strong feeling of love, but also passion. Some ceremonies last a very short time. No special conditions are required for their implementation. They can be performed at any time of the day, unless otherwise specified in the conditions. Conspiracies to challenge strong passion will help couples revive and rekindle the old fire in a relationship.

In rituals that help to evoke ardent passion and attraction, there are both light love spells and more serious ones. The latter are called sexual attachments. But they require more strength, skills. If the plot is performed incorrectly, then the consequences can be negative.

Conspiracy for men and women
The simplest plot can be used by both men and women. The text is read on a photograph of the desired object, which is held over a burning church candle. In the picture, the person must be depicted in full growth. The words are spoken in a low voice, slowly and clearly.

“I kindle, the Slave (a) of God (God's) (name), a fire below the belly of a friend of the heart (name), Messengers from the fire fly, they want to inflame the whole body. Trembling in the knees, goosebumps in the white hands, dryness in the mouth. Day-noon, night-midnight, waiting, unbearable. Come, I will lay you down on a feather bed, I will soften you up and please you. My feather bed is like a snowball, cool, my caresses are gratifying. Amen!"
Salt Conspiracy
Salt will help not only remove negative energy, but also enhance passionate feelings. The charmed salt is gradually added to the food that is prepared for your man.

“There is a white throne on the mountain, the first wife sits on the throne. Men climb the mountain, skin is torn off, veins are torn. The first wife gave me her cherished words. I'll say the words, my dear, I'll bewitch. Kipi, white passion, ardent passion. Let without the body of my Lord's Servant (name) be sick that the Fish is on a dry shore. Let him not be afraid of the Lord, let him not be ashamed of rumors, everything has mercy on me, embraces me and commits fornication with me. Amen!"
A conspiracy for passion on a first date
The ritual is suitable for enhancing passion in an unfamiliar person.

For example, if you want to cause strong cravings and uncontrollable lust in a man on a first date, then the following conspiracy will do (while the object of your desire must be within sight):

“I, the servant of God (name), dream of your kiss, the servant of God (name). I want to kiss you, I want to hug you, I want to own you, servant of God (name). Our meeting was not accidental, we were destined for each other by fate. I want to give you pleasure, and that you give pleasure to me. You will not be able to refuse my gaze, my touches, my lips. I will beckon you, I will fill your heart with passion. You will be mine, servant of God (name), you will tell me “yes” when I myself wish it. May it come true what is said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Ritual for problems in intimate life
Not only the stronger sex can fail in sexual matters. Quite often, unfortunate failures lie in wait for the beautiful half of humanity. If you feel that passion has begun to fade and the desire for intimacy is no longer so strong, then you can perform a ceremony to revive passion for your partner. To do this, in the early morning they go to the river, enter the water and begin to splash water on themselves, saying:
"The sky is my father, the Earth is my mother, command the water to give a woman's strength."
Returning home, take running water from the river with you. At home, wash her face again.

Ritual for clothes
The ritual is carried out like this:
  • With your own hands you need to wash any thing of the object of desire, ideally a shirt. In the process of washing, you must constantly think about intimacy with this person, imagine it in all the colors of passion.
  • Clothes should be dried over an open flame. Hanging it, say the following words:
“Dry, dry, shirt, until you're all dry. Yes, teach your master (pronounce his name) how to dry with passion and love for (pronounce your name).

When the clothes are dry, you need to walk around in them a little so that they carry the necessary energy. Only after that it is given to a loved one.

Despite the simplicity of performing conspiracies for passion, there are certain rules and features for their implementation:

  • the duration of the rituals performed does not last more than a year;
  • the strength and duration of the rites depends only on your energy;
  • the insane passion of the object of desire for you does not at all guarantee the emergence of passionate and devoted love;
  • it is impossible to cause violent passion in a person who experiences strong negative emotions towards you;
  • you can’t perform several different rituals in a row, this can provoke the opposite effect or cause the partner to feel constant desire, insatiability, which will lead to anxiety and psychological distress.

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