What paint colors to mix to make lilac. How to get purple


Creating purple by mixing other colors of paint is not always possible. Since school, we were taught that to get purple, you need to mix blue and red colors and everything will work out.

But, despite expectations, the combination of the listed colors usually brings a maroon or purple-gray dull shade. When mixing blue and red paint to get purple, remember that:

If you add more red, you get a crimson hue;

If you add more blue paint, then you can make purple, which will tend more towards a rich purple color;

By mixing various combinations of pure colors, you can get a purple color of a different shade;

It is more correct to use red, but a cold shade. If you take a warm red, which is close to orange, then in this case you get a brown color;

Blue paint with a greenish tint should be avoided.

Purple from cyan or magenta

First you need to buy magenta (pink) paint. The main reason why mixing blue and red inks does not produce the desired vibrant purple color is that red ink absorbs blue and green, while blue ink absorbs both green and red.

This is explained by the fact that the eyes perceive color as a combination of blue, green and red (for this reason, 3 primary colors stand out), although there is some blue and red that the eyes can perceive, which is why the brain, which interprets the combination of colors, considers this purple almost black.

If you look at it from the other side, then magenta, which absorbs exclusively green light, allows our vision to see a significant part of the red and blue. If it is mixed with a small amount of blue or cyan, which only absorbs red light, then your brain will get a noticeable signal from the nerve endings and a slightly weaker signal coming from the nerve endings that are sensitive to red. Thus, a person sees a purple color!

Magenta is one of the main "subtractive" colors used in printers and graphic design (along with cyan and yellow). You need to look for paint that contains PV19 or PR122 pigment, but not PW (white) or PB (blue).

When buying art ink, it can be compared to magenta from printer ink. You need to print a sample and take it to the store with you.

It is known that magenta belongs to the main color and cannot be obtained by mixing other colors. If, for example, magenta is mixed with yellow, you get a whole range of orange and red shades. When magenta is mixed in varying proportions with cyan, a variety of purple/blue hues will come out.

Next, you need to mix the magenta with the turquoise or bright blue that you have. Any blue or cyan will do, as long as it's not greenish or muted. First, add a little blue and add a little more until you get the desired shade of purple.

Purple from pure blue and red

First, you need to determine if your blues and reds are "pure". Mixing blue and red does not always give the desired shade due to the fact that the paint may not consist of one, but of different colors.

For example, a tube of red paint contains both yellow and orange pigments, while a tube of blue paint contains yellow and red. When blues are mixed with reds that are not "clean", you end up with a dirty purple or brown color. Therefore, we are looking for blue paint without a green and yellow tint.

When you are not sure that you have clean paint, then you need to check it. You need to pour it a little on the palette and add a little white, which helps to see the real composition of the pigments. The red should turn pink and the blue should turn blue.

Next, you need to mix, pure red with blue. Equal amounts of blue and red paint, pour on the palette and use a brush to mix them well and get a rich purple hue as a result.

To create a purple color that will be very similar to purple, you need to add additional blue paint. If you add more red paint, you will see a purple color with a pinkish warm tint.

How to correct purple color?

White paint needs to be added. It doesn't matter how you got the purple color: from blue and red or magenta, if necessary, it can be lightened and made brighter by adding white. First you need to add a small amount of paint, then stir it until the desired shade is obtained. If you add the same amount of white to purple paint, you get a pastel color.

Add black paint. If black is added to purple, it will turn out to make the color deeper, namely, a rich dark purple. It is necessary to mix in small portions so as not to get the color too dark, because it will be quite difficult to return the original shade later.

Mixing white and black. This combination will give a lavender-grayish color, while the shade will depend only on you. Lavender color, it is possible to give a pinkish tint, for this you need to add red and magenta, or a lilac tint - by adding cyan or blue.

If you need to scoop paint from a container, you should always use a clean dish or a small ladle so as not to spoil the pure shade. Since then it will not be possible to use it both in its pure form and for mixing, because an unpredictable result may result;

To obtain the desired color, experts advise carefully mixing paints. This is due to the fact that it is always possible to add more paint, but you cannot remove what has already been added.

Also remember that all colors should be thoroughly mixed until a uniform shade is formed; components of shades cannot even be left on the edge of the container. Otherwise, while painting wallpaper for painting, walls and other interior items or drawing, you can accidentally hook the edge of the container and thus put a dirty spot on the surface to be treated.

And the last shade obtained must be checked not only on the palette, but also, accordingly, on the surface on which it is planned to apply the paint.

Getting purple by mixing several colors is far from always the case. As a rule, in school they teach how to mix red and blue to get purple. However, in many cases, a maroon dull tone comes out instead of the expected one. The article will discuss how to get purple when mixing paints - the main secrets and recommendations.

This color in the palette is not the base color. The main ones are yellow, red and blue, mixing which, you can get a wide variety of colors. There is also white and black, which cannot be obtained by mixing.

For people involved in painting, painting or applied arts, the color palette consists of three basic colors, as well as black and white.

To get a result close to purple, you need to prepare:

  • paints;
  • brushes;
  • palette;
  • water or thinner for oil paints.

Regardless of the type of paint, whether acrylic, oil or watercolor, mixing should take place on the palette, not on the drawing itself. In this way, you can achieve the desired tone or correct it if necessary.

To make purple using red and blue, you need to know a few secrets:

  • If you add red in the majority, you get a crimson hue.
  • If you mix more blue, the color will look like a rich purple.
  • When mixing pure colors, it is possible to obtain a purple color of different tones.
  • For the desired result, it is better to use cold red. If you take a warm shade, there is a high probability that it will turn brown.
  • In the work, the use of a blue color scheme with a greenish tint is unacceptable.

getting purple

To get purple at the initial stage, you need to combine blue and red in equal proportions on the palette. The resulting color palette may not always meet the desired tone, so it needs to be finalized. This can be done using the following manipulations:

  • To get a lighter purple paint, you can add a little white.
  • When working with a mixture of lilac and white paints, you can get purple. The intensity is regulated by the amount of white.
  • A mixture of pink and blue paints will help create a pale lilac palette.
  • If you need a muted tone, black is mixed with cold red.
  • When working with watercolors, saturation is not controlled with white, but with the amount of water.

It is worth remembering that after drying gouache becomes lighter by a couple of shades, so you need to achieve a darker color.

Additional option

Magenta is the main color and cannot be obtained by mixing paints. It mixes with available turquoise or bright blue. For this, any blue tone or cyan, without a greenish tint and not muted, will do. With the gradual addition of colors, the color palette will acquire the desired shade.

On video: how to get a bright purple hue.

When working with paints, it is useful to follow some rules:

  1. Always use a clean container to scoop up liquid. Otherwise, you can spoil the pure tone, and in the future it may turn out to be an unpredictable color.
  2. Mixing should take place gradually and carefully, since you can always mix the suit, but it will not work to remove it.
  3. The resulting shade must be checked not only on the palette, but also on the surface on which it will be applied.

Confectioners in their work often paint mastic in the desired color. They do it using natural dyes.

Color correction

We have already talked about how to get purple colors when mixing paints. If the shade turned out not the one that was required to be done, it can always be corrected. To do this, you should use the following tips:

  • The color palette can be lightened or, conversely, look brighter with the addition of white. From the resulting shade and the same amount of white, you can achieve a pastel color.
  • To get a rich dark tone, you need to add a little black to it.
  • If you do not know how to make lavender with a grayish tint, you can mix white and black, add the mixture to the main mass of blue and red.

For a successful outcome of the experiment, it is also worth remembering that the brushes need to be washed with each set, which will keep the pure shades and get the purple color.

Let a beginner now draw the most banal landscape, we will get a blue sky, green grass, a yellow sun, a brown house, a red flower, etc. at the end. That is, a person clearly knows what color the grass, sky and everything else is, and paints them with exclusively pure colors available in the set of colors. However, he does not take into account, for example, the fact that these colors under different lighting conditions can have many shades, and they must be achieved by mixing paints. In the same way, one additional color can be obtained from several basic colors.

The basic colors that cannot be obtained by any mixing are yellow, red and blue. There are also so-called neutral and white. All the rest can be classified as additional, since they can be achieved by mixing two or three base colors. And the addition of neutrals will give a darker or lighter shade. For example, how to get purple color? It suddenly wasn’t in your paint box, but you need it. To do this, mix a little red on the palette and a little. Something has already happened. Maybe not exactly what you wanted, but it's easy to fix. For this, there are proportions for mixing paints. If your purple turned out with a reddish tint, then you just need to mix a little blue into it. And you need to do this until you achieve exactly the shade that you need. If we “went through” with blue, then we add more red.

So you get but maybe it turned out too dark? How to get a lighter shade? This is where neutral white comes in. Take it just a little, literally at the tip of the brush, and mix it with what you already have. As you can see, the shade has become much lighter. The more white, the lighter and softer your purple will turn out. Suppose you are drawing an ordinary flower. If you paint its petals with a solid color, it will look flat. To "revive" it, you need to determine where it will have the lightest and darkest areas. It would be logical to assume that the lighter shade of the petals will be closer to the outer edge, and the darkest - to the middle and between the petals. How to get purple color in dark tones? Very simple: mix red with blue and add a drop of black there. In the shade that you got when mixing with white, it is better not to touch it, otherwise you will just get a dirty daub. Make a dark tone separately.

So, the flower is painted over with the main color, and we have determined its light and dark areas. Take a light tone and walk it along the outer edge of each petal, literally in one stroke. Now type a dark shade on the brush and go along their bottom in the same way. With the same tone, “separate” the petals from one another. It is not necessary to completely circle them, especially in those places where you have outlined the lightest areas. The closer to light, the thinner and more transparent the shadows between the petals should be. Now, knowing how to get it, you can experiment with it, as well as with other colors, creating not flat, but rather voluminous, almost lively images.

Lilac color in nature is quite common. Lilacs, violets and many other flowers have just such a color. In some European cultures, purple is considered a royal color. There is an interpretation of it and psychologists. The preference that a person gives to this color is sometimes interpreted as a tendency to loneliness and reflection. Purple is not one of the primary colors. This means that it is obtained by mixing paints.

You will need:

Color circle;

NCS color catalog;

Blue, red and white paints;


Mixing utensils.

From the base colors you can get any others. Therefore, for experiments with purple, take the smallest box of gouache. There may be only six paints in a set, or even four, and this will be enough. Get a dark purple color first. Mix equal proportions of red and blue paint. In fact, purple has several shades, in art paint sets two are very often presented - “purple K” and “purple C”. In the first case, more red paint is taken, in the second, more blue, respectively. On the color wheel, the first hue will be between purple and red sectors, and the second - between purple and blue.

Add white to the resulting paint. Lilac color has many shades, it can be dark and light. You can add white about the same amount as there were blue and red paints. If you want an even lighter shade, add some more white.

You can do it differently. First, dilute the blue and red paints with white. You will get blue and pink. By mixing them, you get a purple color. And in this case, you can also try to make its different shades. By adding more blue, you get a color that is in the blue part of the spectrum. If more than pink, then the shade is in the red part of the color wheel.

When working with watercolors, white is rarely used. In this case, water plays the role of a clarifier. In the same way as when painting with gouache, mix red and blue paints, resulting in purple. Then dilute it with water.

If you need to cover a large surface with oil paint or enamel, but the nearest hardware store does not have a suitable shade, contact a specialty store. There you can always use the catalog. Samples of flowers are even posted on special stands. You just choose the right one and ask the seller to get it. This is done in special machines that allow you to get a large amount of paint of the same shade. When staining small volumes, use the same method as for gouache.

On a computer, purple can be obtained in several ways. Open the Adobe Photoshop program. In the top menu, find the "Image" section. By clicking on this button, you will get a drop-down menu in which there is a line "Mode". It offers you several options, in this case you may be interested in RGB and CMYK modes. In the first case, lilac is obtained by the method of color composition, that is, approximately the same as when working with ordinary paints. First add red and blue to get purple. Then increase the brightness to the color saturation you want. In CMYK mode, the desired shades are obtained by color subtraction from white. In this program, as in some other editors, you can get purple in an even simpler way. Open the picture with the color wheel. Set the RGB mode In the left menu, find the button on which the eyedropper is drawn. Place it at the point on the color wheel where the color you want is located. You will see how one of the squares at the bottom of the side menu will turn the same color.


Many people remember from school, from drawing lessons, that purple is a secondary color, so you can use two primary colors to get it - red and blue. Take some red paint with a brush and apply it to the palette. Then, not forgetting to thoroughly rinse the brush in water, take the blue paint. Paints should be taken in approximately equal proportions, only slightly varying them, otherwise, if there is much more of one of the colors, the color will vary from dark purple to crimson.

If you want to get a light purple, take pink paint, put it on the palette, and then add blue there and mix thoroughly. Apply a couple of strokes to the canvas, perhaps this particular shade suits you the best.

In order to get purple, you can go the other way. Take the purple paint and mix it with the white, remembering to rinse the brush in the process so as not to ruin the whole tube. By varying the amount of white paint, you can get a purple color of varying degrees of intensity.

In principle, any color belonging to the blue range of pigments, with cold red, gives violet. If you are serious about painting, you probably have more than just a pack of six colors of gouache. Therefore, to get you the purple you need, mix cobalt red, ultramarine, azure blue, phthalocyanine blue with red. By adding a little white paint to the palette, and mixing thoroughly, you can lighten the color you have.

Mix black paint with any red cold color. It can be phthalocyanine or alizarin red. As a result, you will get a muted purple color. It will be duller and not as chromatic as pure pigment, but you will still get purple.


  • how to make a different color gouache

Traditionally considered a neutral color, giving ample opportunities to focus on design, cut, architecture. Beige can serve as an excellent base, as against its background the main color will reveal itself more vividly and deeply. Beige color harmoniously combines with almost all other colors. And if the shade of beige you need is not on sale, you can easily achieve the desired shade yourself by mixing different colors.

You will need

  • Paints of different colors, a container for mixing, a brush, a working surface for checking the resulting color.


Try to paint a small area with the resulting shade. If the shade of beige does not suit you, then experiment with the proportions.

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Do not immediately paint the prepared surface with the resulting shade of beige. It is possible that when the paint dries, it will change its color a little, and it will not turn out the way you need it. Paint a small area in an inconspicuous area, or experiment on a specially prepared work surface.

Useful advice

To make your interior sparkle with new bright colors, choose beige as the main background. Its apparent simplicity will favorably set off all design solutions, switching the attention of your guests to exquisite details.


  • how to get white paint

The human eye sees many shades. People are accustomed to different colored world and usually do not even think about the fact that there are only a few main ones. These include yellow, red and blue, and the rest of the colors of the spectrum are obtained by mixing them.

You will need

  • Red, blue and white paints, a sheet of paper, a brush, a palette, water, a catalog of shades


After you learn how to get purple, try lilac. It is lighter than purple, which means that it can be obtained on the palette by adding white paint. Take the purple paint you like and add some white to it. And if you add a little more white?

You can also go the other way. First, lighten the blue or red paint by adding white to it. Blue and pink will turn out, their shade depends on the proportion of red and white, blue and white paints. Mix colors. It turns out purple colour.

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Useful advice

Paints can be any, but for a school experiment it is best to take gouache;

As a palette, you can use a piece of plywood or PVC tiles;

Lilac color can also be obtained on a computer. In the RGB system, purple is obtained in exactly the same way as in a regular palette - by adding red to blue or vice versa. After that, you need to increase the overall brightness in order to get exactly the lilac color. The RGB model defines the colors we see on a monitor. But another option is also possible - in the CMYK system. It uses a different method - not color mixing, but color subtraction, when the base RGB colors are subtracted from white. This principle is based on the absorption of one or another paint of one of the components of the white beam. For example, blue paint from a white beam absorbs the red component - and vice versa.


  • lilac how to get

Lilac color in nature is quite common. Lilacs, violets and many other flowers have just such a color. In some European cultures, purple is considered a royal color. There is an interpretation of it and psychologists. The preference that a person gives to this color is sometimes interpreted as a tendency to loneliness and reflection. Lilac is not one of the main ones. This means that it is obtained by mixing paints.

You will need

  • - color circle;
  • - NCS color catalog;
  • - paints of blue, red and white colors;
  • - palette;
  • - utensils for mixing.


From the base colors you can get any others. Therefore, for experiments with purple, take the smallest box. There may be only six colors or even four, and this will be enough. Get a dark purple color first. Mix equal proportions of red and blue paint. In fact, purple has several shades, in art paint sets two are very often presented - “purple K” and “purple C”. In the first case, more red paint is taken, in the second, more blue, respectively. In the color wheel, the first hue will be between purple and red sectors, and the second - between purple and blue.

Add white to the resulting paint. Lilac color has many shades, it can be dark and light. You can add about the same amount of white, it was blue and red colors. If you want an even lighter shade, add some more white.

You can do it differently. First, dilute the blue and red paints with white. You will get blue and. By mixing them, you get a purple color. And in this case, you can also try to make its different shades. By adding more blue, you get a color that is in the blue part of the spectrum. If more than pink, then the shade is in the red part of the color wheel.

When working with watercolors, white is rarely used. In this case, the role of the clarifier is water. In the same way as when painting with gouache, mix red and blue paints, resulting in purple. Then dilute it with water.

If you need to cover a large surface with oil paint or enamel, but the nearest hardware store does not have a suitable shade, contact a specialized one. There you can always use the catalog. Samples of flowers are even posted on special stands. You just choose the right one and ask the seller to get it. This is done in special machines that allow you to get a large amount of paint of the same shade. When staining small volumes, use the same method as for gouache.

On a computer, purple can be obtained in several ways. Open the Adobe Photoshop program. In the top menu, find the "Image" section. By clicking on this button, you will get a drop-down menu in which there is a line "Mode". It offers you several options, in this case you may be interested in RGB and CMYK modes. In the first case, lilac is obtained by the method of color composition, that is, approximately the same as when working with ordinary paints. First add red and blue to get purple. Then increase the brightness to the color saturation you want. In CMYK mode, the desired shades are obtained by color subtraction from white. In this one, as in some other editors, you can get purple in an even simpler way. Open the picture with the color wheel. Set the RGB mode In the left menu, find the button on which the eyedropper is drawn. Place it on that point on the color wheel

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