What are the best amino acids to buy. How to take amino acids for muscle growth


Amino acids. How important are they for muscle growth, energy production in the body and weight loss? Do we need to consume this sports nutrition?

Most people who go to the gym to build muscle know very little about amino acids. Although, probably, everyone has heard about them - a list of these substances can be seen on the labels of protein mixtures. So, are they importantamino acids for muscle growth and weight loss?Should I takesports nutrition based on them?

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and the building blocks of muscles. In addition, they play an important role in various physiological processes related to energy synthesis, recovery, brain function, muscle gain, strength gains and fat loss.

There are 23 amino acids, 9 of which are considered essential, i.e. they are not produced by the body and must be obtained from food.

The rest are non-essential, as our body can synthesize them from other amino acids.

When we eat food, we do not pay much attention to the content and balance of amino acids, but it is they that determine the value of nutrition (regular and sports) for gaining muscle mass and the body as a whole.

There is another important point - how efficiently / quickly amino acids are absorbed and delivered to the muscles. Thus, we approach the issues of digestion, absorption and bioavailability.

What is bioavailability?

Eating protein foods such as lean meats and lean dairy products and drinking protein shakes are the most common ways to get amino acids. These substances are also found in vegetables and nuts.

Amino acid supplements (sport nutrition) are also a convenient option to meet the needs of the body.

Useful article:

The reason why we usesports nutrition,– high bioavailability of amino acids.

Bioavailability is a measure of how efficiently amino acids are absorbed and utilized for the needs of the body.

There are several factors that affect it:

  1. the fat content of the protein source and the time it takes for the amino acids to become available for use in the body;
  2. cooking process: some amino acids are sensitive to heat treatment and are destroyed, some are not so;
  3. the form of food (solid, liquid) and sports supplements (powder or tablets);
  4. the degree of chemical breakdown of amino acid sources in sports nutrition;
  5. the presence of auxiliary and binding components;
  6. condition of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases affecting digestion;
  7. genetics, age and general health.

Amino acids and bodybuilding

Training, hormones and nutrients cause muscle growth. Contribute to this and amino acid supplements with a high content of BCAA (leucine, isoleucine and valine).

The best time to consume amino acids is immediately after a workout, when the muscles absorb nutrients from the increased blood flow that is caused by exercise.

In addition, in order to optimize recovery and muscle growth, after training, you should eat food consisting of protein, "fast" and "slow" carbohydrates. This time period is ideal for taking a fast-digesting protein, such as whey.

Amino acids - sports nutrition

The popularity of amino acid supplements has skyrocketed in recent years. Sports nutrition stores sell training and recovery drinks that contain hydrolyzed (pre-digested) proteins and often some free amino acids.

In addition, many athletes use amino acid supplements in powder or capsule form. The advantage of these foods is that the body does not need to digest them like regular food.

The phrase "free form" means that the amino acids are not chemically bonded to other molecules. Therefore, they pass through the stomach into the small intestine in a short time and are very quickly absorbed into the bloodstream.

After absorption, the amino acids are processed in the liver. This organ cannot process many nutrients at one time, so the optimal dosage is 3-4 g of amino acids. They are quickly absorbed without overloading the liver, and get into the tissues that need them, for example, in muscles that are recovering from training.

Read also:

Amino acids and energy

There are many misconceptions about muscle contraction and the use of energy substrates in training. During strength training, a significant portion of the energy comes from non-carbohydrate sources.

When muscles contract, they use their stores of adenosine triphosphate (ATP, a substance vital to the energy processes of all cells in the body) for the first few seconds.

The compound used to replenish these stores immediately is creatine phosphate. That is why creatine supplements are very popular among bodybuilders and strength athletes.

Creatine is produced from three amino acids: arginine, methionine, and glycine. To maintain high levels of creatine phosphate and ATP, a sufficient amount of amino acids must be present in the bloodstream. The latter can be obtained from food, but they enter the bloodstream for a long time (due to the digestion process), in addition, food may contain carbohydrates or fats, which are not always desirable.

Thus, the use of free form amino acids, either alone or in combination with creatine supplementation, can increase energy and performance during training.

Amino acids and weight loss

weight loss (fat burning) starts when two conditions are met:

  1. increased mobilization and circulation of stored fats in the body;
  2. fats must be transported and converted into energy in the mitochondria (the "powerhouses" of cells).

Some nutrients help the body convert body fat into energy. For example, methionine improves the transport and metabolism of fat. During a reduced calorie diet, amino acid supplements (including glutamine and BCAAs) help reduce food intake as well as provide muscle, liver and immune system support, which is essential for optimizing body composition.

Amino acids and muscle catabolism

Our body has the ability to break down muscle tissue for use as an energy source during heavy exercise. It is part of a physiological process called gluconeogenesis, which means the production of glucose from non-carbohydrate sources.

An element of this reaction that is important for athletes is known as the alanine-glucose cycle. During the cycle, BCAAs are separated from muscle tissue, their elements are converted into the amino acid alanine, which is then transferred to the liver and converted into glucose.

If we consume additional BCAAs, the body does not need to break down muscle tissue in order to obtain additional energy.

Scientists have found that consuming BCAAs (up to 4 g) during and after exercise can lead to a significant reduction in muscle breakdown during exercise. Catabolism causes a decrease in muscle volume, can cause pain and even lead to injury.

Amino acids and muscle growth

Strength training stimulates both protein synthesis and protein breakdown in the muscle fibers under stress. Hypertrophy ( muscle growth) occurs when protein synthesis predominates over its destruction. Normal hormonal levels (such as insulin and growth hormone levels) during the post-workout period stimulate anabolic processes in muscle fibers, inhibiting muscle protein degradation.

Eating foods that increase the transport of amino acids to the muscles increases energy availability and anabolic hormone levels.

This leads to an acceleration of anabolic processes and / or suppression of catabolic ones. As a result, a positive protein balance is created, muscles and strength indicators begin to grow.

During sports, a person loses a large amount of amino acids, and with them the body's ability to quickly restore muscle fibers and gain quality mass. With low- and medium-intensity training, the normal level of amino acids in the tissues is restored due to nutrition with an increased intake of proteins. This option is not suitable for professional athletes, and they need to replenish the component spent during physical exertion with the help of sports nutrition.

Unlike protein supplements, amino acid complexes are absorbed much faster and are practically devoid of calories in the form of carbohydrates and fats, which is extremely important for the drying period. Today, such products are very popular among amateur bodybuilders. However, due to the huge number of offers, not everyone can make the right choice. To purchase a quality composition, we recommend using several criteria:

  1. We look at the type and dosage of amino acids listed in the composition - it often happens that under the guise of an amino acid complex, manufacturers sell compressed protein and thereby reduce the cost of products.
  2. Choose the form of the drug: tablets, powder, capsules or liquid. This criterion depends more on individual preferences, however, it must be borne in mind that complexes in tablets are absorbed a little more slowly than in capsules, and liquids always contain fewer amino acids than powder.
  3. Pay attention to the presence of additional vitamins and minerals in the composition. The principle "the more the better" does not work here.
  4. The manufacturing company and its popularity in the market is of great importance. It is worth giving preference to trusted brands that have been manufacturing quality products for more than a year, and in order not to run into a fake, make purchases from official suppliers.

Many men and women have already opted for specific supplements. Thanks to consumer feedback and the above recommendations, we managed to create the TOP of the best amino acid complexes.

The best amino acid complexes

5 Maxler X-Fusion Amino

The best composition. exact doses. Free from caffeine and sugar
Country: Germany
Average price: 1,380 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.2

The German brand "Maxler" has always been famous for its excellent quality and reasonable prices. His X-Fusion Amino amino acid complex has become a bestseller and a favorite product of many bodybuilders who care about the growth of their muscles. The supplement combines optimal doses of essential amino acids: 7700 mg of BCAA, 2000 mg of glutamine, 1000 mg of citrulline and beta-alanine, 830 mcg of vitamin B6. Their regular use before, and preferably during training, allows you to avoid a deficiency of protein units in the blood and muscle catabolism, increase your own endurance and increase the efficiency of training.

Buyers who have had time to try the supplement consider it effective and recommend it for use: the average rating for 100 reviews is 9.7 points out of 10. A nice bonus for many athletes is the absence of sucrose, which is usually added to almost all finished products today. There is also no caffeine, which is contraindicated for many, but it is often included in various formulations to enhance the invigorating effect.

4BSN Amino-X

Large selection of flavors. Minimum carbs. Effervescent Formula
Country: USA
Average price: 1,250 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.4

One of the most popular amino acid supplements among athletes. 1 scoop of powder weighing 14.5 g contains 10 g of pure amino acids from the essential group - leucine, valine, isoleucine. In the same 10 g, taurine and citrulline are present. The firm chose not to disclose the exact ratio of substances. In this amino acid, sugar is completely absent (sucralose provides a slight sweetness), and the total amount of carbohydrate components does not exceed 1 g. This composition is optimal for women and men who are faced with the task of losing weight and simultaneously maintaining muscles.

Users of the sports supplement like, first of all, the taste. The manufacturer took care of their sufficient assortment, but the most popular are "watermelon" and "fruit punch". The drink is prepared quickly, because it does not form lumps when stirred, and it is pleasant to drink due to the slight effervescence effect. However, the "soda" has not only fans, but also critics. They note that the color of the drink is too bright due to the many dyes, but at the same time they admit that the product works and gives tangible results.

3NOW Foods AminoComplete

Comprehensive effect on the whole body
Country: USA
Average price: 1,750 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

One of the top manufacturers of sports nutrition NOW Foods has developed AminoComplete to eliminate the deficiency of essential and essential amino acids in the body. It includes all the components necessary for the growth of muscle tissue, the synthesis of cartilage and ligaments, the accumulation of energy in muscles and other vital processes. The complex of essential and non-essential amino acids is well balanced and covers the daily requirement of men and women of average build.

Reviews on this product can be found on various sites, most of them positive. Among the advantages, users name an acceptable cost and a good volume (there are packages with 120 and 360 capsules) and the absence of side effects. The result of the reception is noticed by almost everyone - it is manifested by an increase in endurance, rapid recovery and accelerated weight gain. Of the minuses, the size of the capsules is noted - they are excessively large, and athletes who find it difficult to swallow them are advised to dissolve the contents in water or juice.

2 Dymatize Super Amino 6000

The best ratio of price and quality
Country: USA
Average price: 1,330 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The company has been one of the leaders in the sports nutrition market for several years. Super Amino is designed specifically for those who lead an active lifestyle. The main advantages of the complex are high efficiency and American quality combined with a low price. Suitable for both men and women. Helps to gain muscle mass in a short time. Increases endurance under load and improves the relief of the body.

Among athletes, the supplement is very popular. Thanks to the specially developed hydro-amino formula, amino acids are absorbed faster and, accordingly, the desired result can be achieved faster. Customers are pleased that the product is sugar-free, causes minimal side effects, and is inexpensive.

1 Optimum Nutrition Amino Energy

The most versatile complex
Country: USA
Average price: 1,895 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The product is a set of amino acids combined with natural energy drinks. This is its distinguishing feature from similar drugs. Thanks to this composition, Amino Energy is considered universal. Green coffee and tea extracts give energy. Other active ingredients nourish the muscles with oxygen, ensure their growth and recovery.

Athletes willingly replace classic energy drinks and drinks with this supplement. The flavor range allows you to choose an additive in accordance with individual preferences. Amino Energy increases stamina, dilates blood vessels, thereby accelerating blood flow in the muscles, and quickly breaks down accumulated subcutaneous fat. Consumers have proven that the complex has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. A small drawback, which consists in the presence of artificial flavors, does not affect the positive impression of the effectiveness of the drug.

The Best Isolated Amino Acids

5 Be First GABA

domestic manufacturer. Proven Supplement for Nerves
Country Russia
Average price: 710 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.2

The Russian company "Bee Fest" has been engaged in sports nutrition since 2008, and during this time it has entered the TOP of companies that have significantly increased production volumes. Its assets include cooperation with sports communities, high-performance equipment and a modern quality management system. An extensive assortment and very reasonable prices have won the recognition of users outside the country. A product high in gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA or GAMA) is no exception. Those who are familiar with the unique properties of this amino acid do not miss the opportunity to improve their health and physical performance with its help.

GABA is by far the most studied amino acid. It has been proven that its regular intake in the body leads to stimulation of the pituitary gland, which entails increased production of somatotropin (growth hormone). With an increase in its concentration in the blood, weight gain and the breakdown of body fat are accelerated, sleep is normalized, and emotional arousal is eliminated. In general, the GABA product is recommended not only by athletes, but also by people who are prone to stress and simply adhere to the principles of a healthy lifestyle.

4 Be First Glutamine

Active help to immunity. Inhibition of catabolism
Country Russia
Average price: 540 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.4

There is an opinion that glutamine is quite sufficient in natural food, and few studies on this topic confirm it. But many bodybuilding and powerlifting professionals, including those who are in the world TOPs, speak positively about this type of sports nutrition and advise it as an easy and safe way to train with the best performance. They are echoed by numerous consumers of the Be First Glutamine supplement, who record that with its intake they have become much more alert, endure stressful situations more evenly, and come to evening workouts with a sufficient supply of energy.

The importance of glutamine for the body can be judged by its percentage in muscle proteins - 60%. During severe stress and increased loads, it is intensively consumed, and meanwhile, immune cells need this amino acid, which use it for their own growth and reproduction. That is why athletes, despite a healthy diet and an active lifestyle, are more prone to colds and viral diseases than others. Conversely, when an additional portion of glutamine is received (the main portion comes with food), all processes occur faster and easier: the body becomes stronger and successfully fights infections, catabolic reactions are inhibited and new tissues are actively built.

3 VP Laboratory Beta-Alanine

Protection of muscles from overwork. Enhanced Athletic Performance
Country: UK
Average price: 730 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

When performing intensive training, hydrogen ions accumulate in the body, due to which its pH decreases - the so-called muscle acidification occurs. Its consequence is fatigue and unwillingness to train further. But this is not a psychological problem, and it can and should be solved with the help of a sports supplement with β-alanine. Unlike other amino acids, beta-alanine does not participate in protein synthesis, but combines with another amino acid, histidine, to form carnosine. This compound blocks the development of acidosis and preserves the ability of muscle fibers to perform the maximum number of contractions.

Numerous studies have shown that taking Beta-Alanine for 4 weeks helps increase carnosine concentration by 60% and thus increase average performance by 13%. Another reason why the product is recommended to be taken not only as a sports supplement, but also as a nutritional supplement is its ability to strengthen the cardiovascular system through the synthesis of nitric oxide. To do this, it is enough to drink 2 capsules per day - you do not need to add histidine separately, since a healthy body has enough of its own reserves of this amino acid.

2 Twinlab L-Arginine & L-Ornithine

The best tool for a long pumping effect
Country: USA
Average price: 990 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The list of ingredients of the product contains only two active substances, but they are more than enough for a complex effect on different body systems. The presence of arginine provides an increase in osmotic pressure and a powerful rush of blood to the muscles. As a result, they receive more nutrients and cope with much greater workloads. This so-called pump effect is very fond of bodybuilders - not only men, but also women, because it allows you to expand the boundaries of endurance.

The second component is ornithine. This amino acid complements the action of arginine, but also has its own functions: increased secretion of insulin and growth hormone, saturation of muscle cells with amino acids, acceleration of recovery processes. According to athletes, if earlier they experienced post-workout pain for 2-3 days, then with the use of an arginine-ornithine supplement, they almost forgot about the pain. However, you should not get too carried away with the drug and play with dosages: there is evidence that arginine retains fluid in the body, and this can have negative consequences.

1 NOW Foods L-Tryptophan 500 mg

Daily dose of L-tryptophan in 1 serving. Suitable for Vegetarians
Country: USA
Average price: 2,190 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

For those who supplement their diet with protein, many trainers advise taking amino acids not in a complex, but in a single composition. Their approach has a basis - protein shakes contain a sufficient amount of amino acids, but with a few exceptions. So, most prots from the TOP category lack tryptophan, an essential amino acid that is converted in the body into serotonin, popularly called the hormone of happiness. He, in turn, plays a major role in the creation of melatonin, which is responsible for the quality of sleep. Thus, taking L-tryptophan helps to improve mood, normalize sleep, reduce cravings for carbohydrate foods and produce growth hormone.

The daily requirement of an organism subjected to physical activity in tryptophan is 1000 mg. This is exactly what is contained in 2 capsules of the L-Tryptophan amino supplement. It is in this amount that it is recommended to take it daily, best of all before bedtime. The manufacturer indicates the pharmaceutical purity of the product, it does not contain components of animal origin, so it can be freely taken by vegetarians and vegans, as well as people who cannot tolerate meat for physiological reasons.

The best dissolved amino acids

5 Sports Technology Arginine 3000

High content of arginine. High quality imported raw materials
Country Russia
Average price: 870 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.2

Fitness drinks produced by "Sports Technologies" are well known to athletes who are engaged in running, rowing, crossfit and other types of aerobic training. They know that to cope with the load and ensure long-term performance, it is enough to drink 1 ampoule of an arginine tonic drink before training. The main function of this amino acid is to increase blood circulation in peripheral vessels due to the intensive production of nitric oxide. The tissues and the heart muscle receive more useful substances and oxygen in a short time, respectively, the load on the heart is reduced. Obviously, the drink is especially useful for men and women who, due to age or due to physiological characteristics, it is important to control the state of the cardiovascular system.

One bottle contains 3000 mg of highly purified arginine, guarana (a source of caffeine) and taurine are also present. The company claims to source high-quality raw materials from reliable overseas suppliers to manufacture the additive. The liquid form is assimilated better than any other, in addition, it is much more pleasant to drink. Powdered arginine does not have the most pleasant taste, and to eliminate this property, the manufacturer adds aromatic and flavor components to the liquid. On sale most often found "Cranberry", "Almond", "Cherry", "Barberry" and "Lemon".

4 VP Laboratory Amino Liquid

Optimal BCAA content. No side effects
Country: UK
Average price: 1,170 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

VP Lab remains true to itself and from year to year offers brand fans the same quality and affordable cost of sports supplements. We are talking about Amino Liquid as well. The attention of knowledgeable buyers is attracted by the nutritional value of the solution: 100 ml contains more than 44 g of proteins, 18 mg of vitamin B6 and 1,300 mg of taurine. But there are a minimum of undesirable components in it: sugar 8 g, fats and salt are practically absent. Noteworthy is the amount and ratio of BCAAs - leucine, valine and isoleucine, the most important amino acids for metabolism. In 1 serving (15 ml) they contain almost 750 mg in a ratio of 2:1:1.

In user descriptions, among the advantages of the complex are the fame and reputation of the brand, large volume and reasonable price, convenient measuring cap and good absorption. The positive effect of consuming the drink according to the instructions (3 servings / day) is very noticeable. But many consider its taste to be specific, and the amount of flavorings and dyes to be excessive, and it is recommended to further dilute a portion of the solution in a glass of water.

3 BioTech USA Liquid Amino

The best formula for fast recovery. Unique amino acid transport system
Country: Hungary
Average price: 100 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Like all products of the Hungarian company, Liquid Amino includes carefully selected and safe ingredients. It is no coincidence that the complex is considered the product with the most advanced formula. It contains 12 g of amino acids, including BCAA in a ratio of 2:1:1 and glutamine, 100 mg of L-arginine and 12 mg of a vitamin B complex. rapidly absorbed directly into muscle tissue.

Users of BioTech's liquid amines say they are the first to really feel the results. It is expressed by a mild invigorating effect, a surge of strength and the absence of pain in the muscles the next day after training. There are results in quantitative terms: on average, about 2 kg of weight gain in two months. Tastes are represented by two citruses - "Orange" and "Lemon", and many people think lemon is much tastier. The form of the product in small ampoules is very convenient for taking just before training, however, purchasing a liter bottle is 2 times more profitable than a package with bottles.

2 QNT Amino Load

The fastest-absorbing form of sports nutrition. Complete amino acid profile
Country: Belgium
Average price: 200 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

QNT Amino Load is designed for those who prefer a fast-paced sports nutrition routine that doesn't take them away from their daily activities and training. Unlike conventional amino acids, it contains 50g of carbohydrates per 500ml serving, making it ideal for snacking, in between workouts, or while running. The amount of energy delivered is further increased by adding a small amount of creatine to the drink.

The amino acid complex includes a full set of essential and non-essential amino acids in the amount of 15 g, sufficient to cover the daily needs of a training organism (with the condition that proteins are supplied as part of traditional food products). The drink is already completely ready to drink, so you need to open the bottle just before the start of the lesson or in the process. According to reviews, its taste is quite pleasant, a half-liter bottle is enough to get enough for a couple of hours ahead. The only drawback is that the basis of the liquid is whey isolate, and not all men and women tolerate it.

1 Maxler AminoMagic Fuel

Loading dose of vitamins. Compliance with IFS and GMP standards
Country: Germany
Average price: 1,050 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Maxler's liquid amino acid complex is another product that is included in the TOP purchases of professional athletes and beginners. Most often, trainers recommend it to their wards, justifying the choice with a unique recipe and high quality, which is typical for all German brand additives. They are manufactured at high-tech factories in the USA and Germany in compliance with all European and American standards - IFS and GMP.

Users like the solution of amino acids: they dilute a serving (3 tbsp.) With isotonic, who needs it, add more BCAA and thus get a training drink with a great nutrient content. The list of B vitamins alone is impressive - here are niacin, and folic acid, and a set of B1, B2, B6. They are not synthesized by the body, and with their deficiency, active training and high-quality weight gain are impossible. The amino acid profile is also well calculated: 1 serving contains 18 g of proteins and 1500 mg of essential amino acids. Their type and quantity on the packaging is described in great detail.

Amino acids are the structural chemical units or "building blocks" that make up proteins. Amino acids are 16% nitrogen, which is their main chemical difference from the other two most important nutrients - carbohydrates and fats. The importance of amino acids for the body is determined by the huge role that proteins play in all life processes.

Every living organism, from the largest animals to tiny microbes, is made up of proteins. Various forms of proteins are involved in all processes occurring in living organisms. In the human body, proteins form muscles, ligaments, tendons, all organs and glands, hair, nails. Proteins are part of the fluids and bones. Enzymes and hormones that catalyze and regulate all processes in the body are also proteins. A deficiency of these nutrients in the body can lead to water imbalance, which causes swelling.

Each protein in the body is unique and exists for specific purposes. Proteins are not interchangeable. They are synthesized in the body from amino acids, which are formed as a result of the breakdown of proteins found in foods. Thus, it is the amino acids, and not the proteins themselves, that are the most valuable elements of nutrition. In addition to the fact that amino acids form proteins that are part of the tissues and organs of the human body, some of them act as neurotransmitters (neurotransmitters) or are their precursors.

Neurotransmitters are chemicals that transmit nerve impulses from one nerve cell to another. Thus, some amino acids are essential for the normal functioning of the brain. Amino acids contribute to the fact that vitamins and minerals adequately perform their functions. Some amino acids provide energy directly to muscle tissue.

In the human body, many amino acids are synthesized in the liver. However, some of them cannot be synthesized in the body, so a person must get them with food. These essential amino acids include histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine. Amino acids that are synthesized in the liver: alanine, arginine, asparagine, aspartic acid, citrulline, cysteine, gamma-aminobutyric acid, glutamine and glutamic acid, glycine, ornithine, proline, serine, taurine, tyrosine.

The process of protein synthesis is ongoing in the body. In the case when at least one essential amino acid is missing, the formation of proteins stops. This can lead to a wide variety of serious problems - from indigestion to depression and stunted growth.

How does such a situation arise? Easier than you might imagine. Many factors lead to this, even if your diet is balanced and you consume enough protein. Malabsorption in the gastrointestinal tract, infection, trauma, stress, certain medications, the aging process, and other nutrient imbalances in the body can all lead to essential amino acid deficiencies.

It should be borne in mind that all of the above does not mean that eating a large amount of protein will help solve any problems. In fact, it does not contribute to the preservation of health.

Excess protein creates additional stress for the kidneys and liver, which need to process the products of protein metabolism, the main one being ammonia. It is very toxic to the body, so the liver immediately processes it into urea, which then enters the bloodstream to the kidneys, where it is filtered and excreted.

As long as the amount of protein is not too high and the liver is working well, ammonia is neutralized immediately and does no harm. But if there is too much of it and the liver cannot cope with its neutralization (as a result of malnutrition, indigestion and / or liver disease), a toxic level of ammonia is created in the blood. In this case, a lot of serious health problems can arise, up to hepatic encephalopathy and coma.

Too high a concentration of urea also causes kidney damage and back pain. Therefore, it is not the quantity that is important, but the quality of proteins consumed with food. Currently, it is possible to obtain essential and non-essential amino acids in the form of biologically active food supplements.

This is especially important in various diseases and when using reduction diets. Vegetarians need such supplements containing essential amino acids so that the body receives everything necessary for normal protein synthesis.

There are different types of amino acid supplements. Amino acids are part of some multivitamins, protein mixtures. There are commercially available formulas containing complexes of amino acids or containing one or two amino acids. They are presented in various forms: capsules, tablets, liquids and powders.

Most amino acids exist in two forms, the chemical structure of one being a mirror image of the other. They are called D- and L-forms, such as D-cystine and L-cystine.

D means dextra (right in Latin), and L means levo (respectively, left). These terms denote the direction of rotation of the helix, which is the chemical structure of a given molecule. Proteins of animal and plant organisms are created mainly by L-forms of amino acids (with the exception of phenylalanine, which is represented by D, L forms).

Food supplements containing L-amino acids are considered to be more suitable for the biochemical processes of the human body.
Free, or unbound, amino acids are the purest form. Therefore, when choosing an amino acid supplement, preference should be given to products containing L-crystalline amino acids as standardized by the American Pharmacopoeia (USP). They do not need to be digested and are absorbed directly into the bloodstream. After oral administration, they are absorbed very quickly and, as a rule, do not cause allergic reactions.

Individual amino acids are taken on an empty stomach, best in the morning or between meals with a small amount of vitamins B6 and C. If you are taking an amino acid complex that includes all essential amino acids, this is best done 30 minutes after or 30 minutes before a meal. It is best to take both individual essential amino acids and a complex of amino acids, but at different times. Separate amino acids should not be taken for a long time, especially in high doses. Recommend reception within 2 months with a 2-month break.


Alanine contributes to the normalization of glucose metabolism. A relationship has been established between an excess of alanine and infection with the Epstein-Barr virus, as well as chronic fatigue syndrome. One form of alanine, beta-alanine, is a constituent of pantothenic acid and coenzyme A, one of the most important catalysts in the body.


Arginine slows down the growth of tumors, including cancer, by stimulating the body's immune system. It increases the activity and size of the thymus, which produces T-lymphocytes. In this regard, arginine is useful for people suffering from HIV infection and malignant neoplasms.

It is also used for liver diseases (cirrhosis and fatty degeneration), it promotes detoxification processes in the liver (primarily the neutralization of ammonia). Seminal fluid contains arginine, so it is sometimes used in the treatment of infertility in men. There is also a large amount of arginine in the connective tissue and skin, so its use is effective for various injuries. Arginine is an important metabolic component in muscle tissue. It helps to maintain an optimal nitrogen balance in the body, as it is involved in the transportation and neutralization of excess nitrogen in the body.

Arginine helps to reduce weight, as it causes some reduction in body fat stores.

Arginine is part of many enzymes and hormones. It has a stimulating effect on the production of insulin by the pancreas as a component of vasopressin (pituitary hormone) and helps the synthesis of growth hormone. Although arginine is synthesized in the body, its production may be reduced in newborns. Sources of arginine are chocolate, coconuts, dairy products, gelatin, meat, oats, peanuts, soybeans, walnuts, white flour, wheat, and wheat germ.

People with viral infections, including Herpes simplex, should not take arginine supplements and should avoid arginine-rich foods. Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers should not take arginine supplements. Taking small doses of arginine is recommended for diseases of the joints and connective tissue, for impaired glucose tolerance, liver diseases and injuries. Long-term use is not recommended.


Asparagine is necessary to maintain balance in the processes occurring in the central nervous system: it prevents both excessive excitation and excessive inhibition. It is involved in the synthesis of amino acids in the liver.

Since this amino acid enhances vitality, supplementation based on it is used for fatigue. It also plays an important role in metabolic processes. Aspartic acid is often prescribed for diseases of the nervous system. It is useful for athletes, as well as for violations of liver function. In addition, it stimulates the immune system by increasing the production of immunoglobulins and antibodies.

Aspartic acid is found in large quantities in plant proteins obtained from germinated seeds and in meat products.


Strictly speaking, carnitine is not an amino acid, but its chemical structure is similar to that of amino acids, and therefore they are usually considered together. Carnitine is not involved in protein synthesis and is not a neurotransmitter. Its main function in the body is the transport of long-chain fatty acids, in the process of oxidation of which energy is released. It is one of the main sources of energy for muscle tissue. Thus, carnitine increases the conversion of fat into energy and prevents the deposition of fat in the body, primarily in the heart, liver, and skeletal muscles.

Carnitine reduces the likelihood of developing complications of diabetes mellitus associated with disorders of fat metabolism, slows down fatty degeneration of the liver in chronic alcoholism and the risk of heart disease. It has the ability to reduce blood triglyceride levels, promote weight loss and increase muscle strength in patients with neuromuscular diseases, and enhance the antioxidant effect of vitamins C and E.

Some variants of muscular dystrophies are believed to be associated with carnitine deficiency. With such diseases, people should receive more of this substance than is required by the norms.

It can be synthesized in the body in the presence of iron, thiamine, pyridoxine, and the amino acids lysine and methionine. The synthesis of carnitine is carried out in the presence of also a sufficient amount of vitamin C. An insufficient amount of any of these nutrients in the body leads to a deficiency of carnitine. Carnitine enters the body with food, primarily with meat and other animal products.

Most cases of carnitine deficiency are associated with a genetically determined defect in the process of its synthesis. Possible manifestations of carnitine deficiency include impaired consciousness, heart pain, muscle weakness, and obesity.

Men, due to their greater muscle mass, require more carnitine than women. Vegetarians are more likely to be deficient in this nutrient than non-vegetarians because carnitine is not found in plant proteins.

Moreover, methionine and lysine (amino acids necessary for the synthesis of carnitine) are also not found in plant foods in sufficient quantities.

Vegetarians should take supplements or eat lysine-fortified foods such as corn flakes to get the carnitine they need.

Carnitine is presented in dietary supplements in various forms: in the form of D, L-carnitine, D-carnitine, L-carnitine, acetyl-L-carnitine.
It is preferable to take L-carnitine.


Citrulline is predominantly found in the liver. It increases energy supply, stimulates the immune system, and in the process of metabolism turns into L-arginine. It neutralizes ammonia, which damages liver cells.

cysteine ​​and cystine

These two amino acids are closely related to each other, each cystine molecule consists of two cysteine ​​molecules connected to each other. Cysteine ​​is very unstable and readily converts to L-cystine, and thus one amino acid is readily converted to another when needed.

Both amino acids are sulfur-containing and play an important role in the formation of skin tissues, are important for detoxification processes. Cysteine ​​is part of alpha-keratin - the main protein of nails, skin and hair. It promotes collagen formation and improves skin elasticity and texture. Cysteine ​​is a component of other body proteins, including some digestive enzymes.

Cysteine ​​helps to neutralize some toxic substances and protects the body from the damaging effects of radiation. It is one of the most powerful antioxidants, and its antioxidant effect is enhanced when taken with vitamin C and selenium.

Cysteine ​​is a precursor to glutathione, a substance that protects liver and brain cells from damage from alcohol, certain drugs, and toxic substances found in cigarette smoke. Cysteine ​​dissolves better than cystine, and is more quickly utilized in the body, so it is more often used in the complex treatment of various diseases. This amino acid is formed in the body from L-methionine, with the obligatory presence of vitamin B6.

Additional intake of cysteine ​​is necessary for rheumatoid arthritis, arterial disease, and cancer. It accelerates recovery after operations, burns, binds heavy metals and soluble iron. This amino acid also accelerates the burning of fat and the formation of muscle tissue.

L-cysteine ​​has the ability to break down mucus in the airways, which is why it is often used for bronchitis and emphysema. It accelerates the healing process in respiratory diseases and plays an important role in the activation of leukocytes and lymphocytes.

Since this substance increases the amount of glutathione in the lungs, kidneys, liver and red bone marrow, it slows down the aging process, for example, by reducing the number of age spots. N-acetylcysteine ​​is more effective at raising glutathione levels in the body than cystine or even glutathione itself.

People with diabetes should be careful when taking cysteine ​​supplements, as it has the ability to inactivate insulin. If you have cystinuria, a rare genetic condition that causes cystine stones, you should not take cysteine.


Dimethylglycine is a derivative of glycine, the simplest amino acid. It is a component of many important substances, such as the amino acids methionine and choline, some hormones, neurotransmitters and DNA.

Dimethylglycine is found in small amounts in meat products, seeds, and grains. Although no symptoms are associated with dimethylglycine deficiency, dimethylglycine supplementation has a number of beneficial effects, including improved energy and mental performance.

Dimethylglycine also stimulates the immune system, reduces cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, helps normalize blood pressure and glucose levels, and also contributes to the normalization of the function of many organs. It is also used for epileptic seizures.

Gamma aminobutyric acid

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) acts as a neurotransmitter of the central nervous system in the body and is indispensable for metabolism in the brain. It is formed from another amino acid - glutamine. It reduces the activity of neurons and prevents overexcitation of nerve cells.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid relieves arousal and has a calming effect, it can be taken in the same way as tranquilizers, but without the risk of addiction. This amino acid is used in the complex treatment of epilepsy and arterial hypertension. Since it has a relaxing effect, it is used in the treatment of sexual dysfunction. In addition, GABA is prescribed for attention deficit disorder. An excess of gamma-aminobutyric acid, however, can increase anxiety, cause shortness of breath, and trembling of the limbs.

Glutamic acid

Glutamic acid is a neurotransmitter that transmits impulses in the central nervous system. This amino acid plays an important role in carbohydrate metabolism and promotes the penetration of calcium through the blood-brain barrier.

This amino acid can be used by brain cells as an energy source. It also neutralizes ammonia by removing nitrogen atoms in the process of forming another amino acid - glutamine. This process is the only way to neutralize ammonia in the brain.

Glutamic acid is used in the correction of behavioral disorders in children, as well as in the treatment of epilepsy, muscular dystrophy, ulcers, hypoglycemic conditions, complications of insulin therapy for diabetes mellitus and mental development disorders.


Glutamine is the amino acid most commonly found in free form in muscles. It very easily penetrates the blood-brain barrier and in the brain cells passes into glutamic acid and vice versa, in addition, it increases the amount of gamma-aminobutyric acid, which is necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the brain.

This amino acid also maintains a normal acid-base balance in the body and a healthy state of the gastrointestinal tract, and is necessary for the synthesis of DNA and RNA.

Glutamine is an active participant in nitrogen metabolism. Its molecule contains two nitrogen atoms and is formed from glutamic acid by adding one nitrogen atom. Thus, the synthesis of glutamine helps to remove excess ammonia from tissues, primarily from the brain, and transport nitrogen within the body.

Glutamine is found in large quantities in muscles and is used to synthesize proteins in skeletal muscle cells. Therefore, glutamine supplements are used by bodybuilders and in various diets, as well as to prevent muscle loss in diseases such as malignancy and AIDS, after surgery and during prolonged bed rest.

Additionally, glutamine is also used in the treatment of arthritis, autoimmune diseases, fibrosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, peptic ulcers, connective tissue diseases.

This amino acid improves brain activity and is therefore used for epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, impotence, schizophrenia and senile dementia. L-glutamine reduces pathological craving for alcohol, therefore it is used in the treatment of chronic alcoholism.

Glutamine is found in many foods, both plant and animal, but is easily destroyed by heat. Spinach and parsley are good sources of glutamine, provided they are consumed raw.

Food supplements containing glutamine should only be stored in a dry place, otherwise glutamine will be converted to ammonia and pyroglutamic acid. Do not take glutamine for cirrhosis of the liver, kidney disease, Reye's syndrome.


Glutathione, like carnitine, is not an amino acid. According to the chemical structure, it is a tripeptide obtained in the body from cysteine, glutamic acid and glycine.

Glutathione is an antioxidant. Most glutathione is found in the liver (some of it is released directly into the bloodstream), as well as in the lungs and gastrointestinal tract.

It is necessary for carbohydrate metabolism, and also slows down aging due to the effect on lipid metabolism and prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis. Glutathione deficiency affects primarily the nervous system, causing impaired coordination, thought processes, and tremors.

The amount of glutathione in the body decreases with age. In this regard, older people should receive it additionally. However, it is preferable to use nutritional supplements containing cysteine, glutamic acid and glycine - that is, substances that synthesize glutathione. The most effective is the intake of N-acetylcysteine.


Glycine slows down the degeneration of muscle tissue, as it is a source of creatine, a substance found in muscle tissue and used in the synthesis of DNA and RNA. Glycine is essential for the synthesis of nucleic acids, bile acids, and non-essential amino acids in the body.

It is part of many antacid preparations used for diseases of the stomach, it is useful for repairing damaged tissues, as it is found in large quantities in the skin and connective tissue.

This amino acid is essential for the normal functioning of the central nervous system and the maintenance of good prostate health. It acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter and thus may prevent epileptic seizures.

Glycine is used in the treatment of manic-depressive psychosis, it can also be effective in hyperactivity. An excess of glycine in the body causes a feeling of fatigue, but an adequate amount provides the body with energy. If necessary, glycine in the body can be converted to serine.


Histidine is an essential amino acid that promotes tissue growth and repair, is part of the myelin sheaths that protect nerve cells, and is also required for the formation of red and white blood cells. Histidine protects the body from the damaging effects of radiation, promotes the removal of heavy metals from the body and helps with AIDS.

Too high a histidine content can lead to stress and even mental disorders (arousal and psychosis).

Inadequate levels of histidine in the body worsen rheumatoid arthritis and deafness associated with damage to the auditory nerve. Methionine helps to lower the level of histidine in the body.

Histamine, a very important component of many immunological reactions, is synthesized from histidine. It also promotes sexual arousal. In this regard, the simultaneous intake of dietary supplements containing histidine, niacin and pyridoxine (necessary for the synthesis of histamine) may be effective in sexual disorders.

Since histamine stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, the use of histidine helps with digestive disorders associated with low acidity of gastric juice.

People suffering from manic depressive illness should not take histidine unless a deficiency of this amino acid has been clearly established. Histidine is found in rice, wheat and rye.


Isoleucine is one of the BCAAs and essential amino acids required for the synthesis of hemoglobin. It also stabilizes and regulates blood sugar levels and energy supply processes. Isoleucine metabolism occurs in muscle tissue.

Combined with isoleucine and valine (BCAA) increases endurance and promotes muscle tissue recovery, which is especially important for athletes.

Isoleucine is essential for many mental illnesses. Deficiency of this amino acid leads to symptoms similar to hypoglycemia.

Dietary sources of isoleucine include almonds, cashews, chicken meat, chickpeas, eggs, fish, lentils, liver, meat, rye, most seeds, soy proteins.

There are biologically active food supplements containing isoleucine. In this case, it is necessary to maintain the correct balance between isoleucine and the other two branched-chain amino acids BCAA - leucine and valine.


Leucine is an essential amino acid, together with isoleucine and valine, one of the three branched-chain amino acids BCAA. Acting together, they protect muscle tissue and are sources of energy, and also contribute to the restoration of bones, skin, muscles, so their use is often recommended during the recovery period after injuries and operations.

Leucine also somewhat lowers blood sugar levels and stimulates the release of growth hormone. Dietary sources of leucine include brown rice, beans, meat, nuts, soy and wheat flour.

Biologically active food supplements containing leucine are used in combination with valine and isoleucine. They should be taken with caution so as not to cause hypoglycemia. Excess leucine can increase the amount of ammonia in the body.


Lysine is an essential amino acid found in almost all proteins. It is necessary for normal bone formation and growth in children, promotes calcium absorption and maintains normal nitrogen metabolism in adults.

This amino acid is involved in the synthesis of antibodies, hormones, enzymes, collagen formation and tissue repair. Lysine is used in the recovery period after operations and sports injuries. It also lowers serum triglyceride levels.

Lysine has an antiviral effect, especially against viruses that cause herpes and acute respiratory infections. Supplementation containing lysine in combination with vitamin C and bioflavonoids is recommended for viral diseases.

Deficiency of this essential amino acid can lead to anemia, bleeding in the eyeball, enzyme disorders, irritability, fatigue and weakness, poor appetite, slow growth and weight loss, as well as reproductive system disorders.

Food sources of lysine are cheese, eggs, fish, milk, potatoes, red meat, soy and yeast products.


Methionine is an essential amino acid that helps to process fats, preventing their deposition in the liver and on the walls of arteries. The synthesis of taurine and cysteine ​​depends on the amount of methionine in the body. This amino acid promotes digestion, provides detoxification processes (primarily the neutralization of toxic metals), reduces muscle weakness, protects against radiation exposure, and is useful for osteoporosis and chemical allergies.

This amino acid is used in the complex therapy of rheumatoid arthritis and toxemia of pregnancy. Methionine has a pronounced antioxidant effect, as it is a good source of sulfur, which inactivates free radicals. It is used for Gilbert's syndrome, liver dysfunction. Methionine is also required for the synthesis of nucleic acids, collagen and many other proteins. It is useful for women taking oral hormonal contraceptives. Methionine lowers the level of histamine in the body, which can be useful in schizophrenia when the amount of histamine is elevated.

Methionine in the body is converted to cysteine, which is the precursor of glutathione. This is very important in case of poisoning, when a large amount of glutathione is required to neutralize toxins and protect the liver.

Food sources of methionine: legumes, eggs, garlic, lentils, meat, onions, soybeans, seeds, and yogurt.


Ornithine aids in the release of growth hormone, which promotes fat burning in the body. This effect is enhanced by the use of ornithine in combination with arginine and carnitine. Ornithine is also necessary for the immune system and liver function, participating in detoxification processes and restoration of liver cells.

Ornithine in the body is synthesized from arginine and, in turn, serves as a precursor for citrulline, proline, glutamic acid. High concentrations of ornithine are found in the skin and connective tissue, so this amino acid helps repair damaged tissues.

Dietary supplements containing ornithine should not be given to children, pregnant or nursing mothers, or persons with a history of schizophrenia.


Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid. In the body, it can turn into another amino acid - tyrosine, which, in turn, is used in the synthesis of two main neurotransmitters: dopamine and norepinephrine. Therefore, this amino acid affects mood, reduces pain, improves memory and learning ability, and suppresses appetite. It is used in the treatment of arthritis, depression, period pain, migraine, obesity, Parkinson's disease and schizophrenia.

Phenylalanine occurs in three forms: L-phenylalanine (the natural form and it is part of most proteins in the human body), D-phenylalanine (a synthetic mirror form, has an analgesic effect), DL-phenylalanine (combines the beneficial properties of the two previous forms, it is usually used for premenstrual syndrome.

Biologically active food supplements containing phenylalanine are not given to pregnant women, people with anxiety attacks, diabetes, high blood pressure, phenylketonuria, pigmentary melanoma.


Proline improves skin condition by increasing collagen production and reducing its loss with age. Helps in the restoration of the cartilaginous surfaces of the joints, strengthens the ligaments and the heart muscle. To strengthen the connective tissue, proline is best used in combination with vitamin C.

Proline enters the body mainly from meat products.


Serine is necessary for the normal metabolism of fats and fatty acids, the growth of muscle tissue and the maintenance of a normal immune system.

Serine is synthesized in the body from glycine. As a moisturizing agent, it is included in many cosmetic products and dermatological preparations.


Taurine is found in high concentrations in the heart muscle, white blood cells, skeletal muscles, and the central nervous system. It is involved in the synthesis of many other amino acids, and is also part of the main component of bile, which is necessary for the digestion of fats, the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, and to maintain normal blood cholesterol levels.

Therefore, taurine is useful in atherosclerosis, edema, heart disease, arterial hypertension and hypoglycemia. Taurine is essential for the normal metabolism of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. It prevents the excretion of potassium from the heart muscle and therefore helps prevent certain heart rhythm disorders. Taurine has a protective effect on the brain, especially when dehydrated. It is used in the treatment of anxiety and agitation, epilepsy, hyperactivity, seizures.

Dietary supplements with taurine are given to children with Down syndrome and muscular dystrophy. In some clinics, this amino acid is included in the complex therapy of breast cancer. Excessive excretion of taurine from the body occurs in various conditions and metabolic disorders.

Arrhythmias, disorders of platelet formation, candidiasis, physical or emotional stress, bowel disease, zinc deficiency and alcohol abuse lead to a deficiency of taurine in the body. Alcohol abuse also disrupts the body's ability to absorb taurine.

In diabetes, the body's need for taurine increases, and vice versa, taking dietary supplements containing taurine and cystine reduces the need for insulin. Taurine is found in eggs, fish, meat, milk, but is not found in plant proteins.

It is synthesized in the liver from cysteine ​​and from methionine in other organs and tissues of the body, provided there is a sufficient amount of vitamin B6. With genetic or metabolic disorders that interfere with the synthesis of taurine, it is necessary to take dietary supplements with this amino acid.


Threonine is an essential amino acid that contributes to the maintenance of normal protein metabolism in the body. It is important for the synthesis of collagen and elastin, helps the liver and is involved in the metabolism of fats in combination with aspartic acid and methionine.

Threonine is found in the heart, central nervous system, skeletal muscles and prevents the deposition of fat in the liver. This amino acid stimulates the immune system, as it promotes the production of antibodies. Threonine is found in very small amounts in grains, so vegetarians are more likely to be deficient in this amino acid.


Tryptophan is an essential amino acid required for the production of niacin. It is used to synthesize serotonin in the brain, one of the most important neurotransmitters. Tryptophan is used for insomnia, depression and to stabilize mood.

It helps with hyperactivity syndrome in children, is used for heart disease, to control body weight, reduce appetite, and also to increase the release of growth hormone. Helps with migraine attacks, helps to reduce the harmful effects of nicotine. Tryptophan and magnesium deficiency can exacerbate coronary artery spasms.

The richest dietary sources of tryptophan include brown rice, country cheese, meat, peanuts, and soy protein.


Tyrosine is a precursor to the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and dopamine. This amino acid is involved in mood regulation; a lack of tyrosine leads to a deficiency of norepinephrine, which in turn leads to depression. Tyrosine suppresses appetite, helps to reduce fat deposits, promotes the production of melatonin and improves the functions of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland and pituitary gland.

Tyrosine is also involved in the metabolism of phenylalanine. Thyroid hormones are formed by the addition of iodine atoms to tyrosine. Therefore, it is not surprising that low plasma tyrosine is associated with hypothyroidism.

Other symptoms of tyrosine deficiency include low blood pressure, low body temperature, and restless leg syndrome.

Dietary supplements with tyrosine are used to relieve stress and are thought to help with chronic fatigue syndrome and narcolepsy. They are used for anxiety, depression, allergies and headaches, as well as for drug withdrawal. Tyrosine may be useful in Parkinson's disease. Natural sources of tyrosine are almonds, avocados, bananas, dairy products, pumpkin seeds, and sesame seeds.

Tyrosine can be synthesized from phenylalanine in the human body. Phenylalanine supplements are best taken at bedtime or with foods high in carbohydrates.

Against the background of treatment with monoamine oxidase inhibitors (usually prescribed for depression), you should almost completely abandon products containing tyrosine and do not take dietary supplements with tyrosine, as this can lead to an unexpected and sharp rise in blood pressure.


Valine is an essential amino acid that has a stimulating effect, one of the BCAA amino acids, so it can be used by muscles as an energy source. Valine is essential for muscle metabolism, repair of damaged tissues, and for maintaining normal nitrogen metabolism in the body.

Valine is often used to correct severe amino acid deficiencies resulting from drug addiction. Its excessively high levels in the body can lead to symptoms such as paresthesia (goosebumps) up to hallucinations.
Valine is found in the following foods: cereals, meat, mushrooms, dairy products, peanuts, soy protein.

Supplementation of valine should be balanced with other BCAAs, L-leucine and L-isoleucine.

Amino acids build protein and muscle tissue. Connected by various bonds to proteins (proteins), amino acids are not only directly involved in muscle growth, but also perform a number of other equally important tasks.

Proteins in our body are needed in order to repair and build muscle tissue, transport oxygen (hemoglobin), form enzymes, and regulate metabolism. They also help control hormones and in this regard, affect our mood, emotions, as well as the quality of sleep.

Importance and necessity

There are about 20 amino acids involved in protein synthesis. Among them, 8 are indispensable, i.e. they cannot be produced in our body and must be supplied with food. These include BCAAs. The remaining 12 amino acids are non-essential and are synthesized by our body.

Even though non-essential amino acids are easily produced within our body, they are essential for recovery and growth and should be in sufficient amounts in the body, especially if you are training hard.

The degree of value of essential amino acids can be judged by their name. There are also conditionally essential amino acids, such as arginine and cysteine, which may or may not be synthesized under certain conditions, such as age.

During strenuous physical activity

During strenuous physical activity, a large number of amino acids are wasted, the reserves of which are extremely important to replenish in order to avoid muscle catabolism, help the body recover faster, and also advance in building muscle mass. In such a situation, amino acid complexes provide real help as a quick source of amino acids.

The amino acids in such complexes are completely ready for absorption and immediately provide your muscles with all the necessary nutrients. Due to them, you save energy, which is usually used to break down protein, and provide the muscles with a timely supply of amino acids.

Today, a healthy lifestyle is gaining more and more popularity. People massively enroll in gyms, begin to get involved in various sports and carefully monitor their health.

For many people, it’s not enough just to get rid of excess weight and tighten sagging skin - they want to get the most out of their training process.

Here they come to the rescue sports nutrition supplements. They allow you to recover much more efficiently after intense training, increase strength and overall endurance. They also protect muscle tissue from the destructive processes that are caused by high physical exertion.

A special place among sports nutrition is occupied by amino acids - the chemical compounds that make up protein and the supply of which is necessary for muscle growth and their protection from catabolic processes.

In our article today, we will tell you what amino acids are for and give recommendations on their use.

What are amino acids

Amino acids are the main components of protein compounds that are released during the breakdown of protein that has entered the body. The chemical properties of amino acids allow them to perform a number of useful functions:

  • are directly involved in the construction of muscle tissue;
  • protect muscle tissue from decay during the recovery period after physical exertion;
  • heal blood vessels and cartilaginous tissues of the body;
  • necessary for the normal functioning of the endocrine glands of the body.

There are 22 types of amino acids used in our body. At the same time, our body is able to synthesize 14 of them on its own (non-essential amino acids), but the remaining 8 are irreplaceable, and can only get into it with food. Their list includes:

What foods contain amino acids

In nature amino acids are found in proteins contained in products of plant and animal origin. It is difficult to say which amino acids are better for gaining muscle mass - from vegetable or animal proteins. They differ in their structure and the rate of assimilation by the body, which will be the higher, the closer the amino acids entering the body are in composition to the substances produced by the body itself.

With moderate physical exertion or their complete absence, amino acids should be supplied to the body approximately equally from products of plant and animal origin. With intense exercise, the percentage of animal proteins should be increased to 70-80%.

The constant availability of the necessary supply of amino acids in the body is of great importance, since a deficiency of amino acids can lead to disruption of the body's systems, as well as to the breakdown of muscle tissue and general exhaustion of the body.

It is especially important to monitor the presence of all the necessary amino acids for athletes - because during intensive training, amino acids are consumed several times faster than in ordinary life. It must be understood that with a high consumption of amino acids, the body will not be able to make up for their deficiency only with the help of intake from plant and animal foods.

Therefore, a necessary condition for effective training and maintaining the achieved results is the use of sports nutrition supplements containing amino acids necessary for the body for muscle growth. Amino acids are also necessary for weight loss, since a sufficient amount of them will ensure that fat mass is lost, and not muscle mass.

How amino acids affect the body

Amino acids that enter the body with plant and animal proteins often have a complex structure, which makes their assimilation longer and more difficult. The amino acids that are part of the dietary supplements of sports nutrition are devoid of such a deficiency - they absorption is as fast as possible. thanks to the most complete correspondence of these amino acids to those that our body operates with.

Amino acids of sports nutrition allow you to quickly fill the deficiency of these substances in the body, as well as provide fast and high-quality growth of muscle tissue and its protection against catabolic processes. Their effectiveness during sports activities has been confirmed by many scientific studies.

Amino acid complexes of sports nutrition will not harm your body, as they do not contain any other substances than those that the body needs for its functioning.

The only case in which amino acids can harm you is if you exceed the dosage of their use.

Modern manufacturers of sports nutrition produce amino acids in the form of dietary supplements, which can be in the form of tablets, capsules, or even liquid concentrate. Some forms of amino acids can be purchased at a pharmacy.

There is practically no difference in which form is better - the time frame for their assimilation varies within 10-15 minutes, and the prices for amino acids in different forms are almost the same.

Amino acid classification

Modern complexes of amino acids have the following classification:

You can learn more about what a BCAA amino acid complex is, how to take it, and also study the rating of these amino acids using our article "BCAA Complex - what it is for and how to take it."

How to take amino acids for muscle growth

As mentioned above, it does not matter in what form you consume amino acids. You can take them together with other components of sports nutrition - incompatibility in the application was not found here.

You should refrain from taking amino acid dietary supplements in combination with other dietary supplements.

Best to take amino acids for muscle growth on an empty stomach or some time after a meal, since the combination with regular food has a bad effect on the absorption of amino acids.

Usually amino acids take three times a day:

The dosage of drugs depends on their composition and body weight of the athlete taking them. You have to remember that the body is unable to absorb more than 5-6 g of amino acids per hour, so you should not overdo it with the dosage.

You can take amino acids constantly, since they do not harm the body if the dosage is observed.

Amino acids for muscle growth - reviews

Nikita, 30 years old:

I have been bodybuilding for 4 years already, of which I have been actively using amino acid complexes for the last 3 years.

Amins allow me to train much more efficiently - they increase endurance, protect muscles from catabolism and help me recover faster.

Lately I've been using Amino Magic by Maxler. For me, this is the best complex of amino acids in terms of composition - in addition to BCAAs, it contains 11 more amino acids, as well as vitamins and trace elements, which allow you to get the maximum benefit from the use of the drug.

Roman, 32 years old:

I have been actively engaged in martial arts for more than 10 years, but until recently I practically did not use sports nutrition. For me, it has always been associated with anabolics and harm to men's health.

However, over time, my stereotypes were destroyed by objective reality. It was then that I became interested in the possibility of increasing the effectiveness of my training.

The main problem for me was to gain muscle mass, and for a long time I studied the question of what is better to take for muscle growth - protein or amino acids. My first choice was protein.

The mass increased, but the results were not as impressive as I was promised. Then one friend advised to add an amino acid complex to the protein shake to protect the muscles from catabolism.

It helped, and in just a month I gained 6 kg of pure muscle mass. I recommend using amino acids to anyone who wants to train more efficiently.

Vladimir, 27 years old:

The amino acid complex helped me greatly increase the productivity of my workouts, and also with its help I finally began to gain muscle mass.

I have digestive problems, so I hesitated for a long time whether to start taking amino acids - I was not sure that they would not harm me.

However, everything worked out, and now I regularly use amino acids to increase the effectiveness of my training process.

Video about the benefits and properties of amino acids

You can learn more about the need and beneficial properties of amino acids by watching the following video:

Amino acids in combination with other elements of sports nutrition can help you achieve high results in their training in a shorter time, as well as increase the efficiency of your training process and maintain health.

Do you use amino acid supplements? What types of these drugs, in your opinion, are the most qualitative? Tell us in the comments!

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