What modern countries are in the territory of the Maya. Mayan archeology is just beginning


The main clans of the Mayan tribes formed independent city-states with adjacent towns and lands. These states were ruled by the so-called "great people", who were elected for life and enjoyed unlimited power. The most ancient Mayan cities - Quirigua, Itza and Tikal, after the capture of tribal lands by the Toltec Kukulkan and his warriors, were supplemented by such new states as Chichen Itza, Mayapan and Ulimal.

The size and beauty of the Maya cities amazed travelers, who first saw such magnificence in people whom they considered barbarians.

Also, the creations of the Maya were luxurious and temples, the wealth of architecture of which was a hundred times greater than the Inca and Aztec buildings. Mayan scientists managed to be ahead of their time by hundreds of years, making amazing in the field of astronomy, astrology and mathematics, which surpassed all the achievements of Europeans living in those days. Many of these discoveries were and deciphered only in our century. In addition, the Mayan authorship belongs to the numbering system and the number zero.

Mayan life

In ancient times, the Mayan tribe inhabited Central America, part of modern Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala. Today, the Maya are tribes of Indians living in South America. During the heyday of their civilization, they managed to conquer all the ancient peoples, dominating them for about twelve centuries. However, after 900 AD, the Maya began slowly for some unknown reason.

Scientists are still wondering how a primitive farming tribe was able to create unique pyramids, temples, cities and tombs.

The colonizers of the Old World, to South America, found a civilization that had fallen into complete decline. Considering works of art and architectural monuments to be pagan idols, they destroyed the entire cultural heritage of the mysterious Maya. However, the colonialists failed to destroy their knowledge of astronomy, the accuracy of which modern scientists do not cease. They also left to the descendants the ruins of the once great and royal cities of the Mayan people, where many tourists and fans of the lost civilization are striving today.

There is an opinion that knowledge was given to the Mayan tribes by the gods who descended from the sky - aliens, but, unfortunately, this theory remains unproven, despite the obvious evidence in its favor.

historical and modern Indian people who created one of the most highly developed civilizations of America and the whole of the Ancient World. Some cultural traditions of the ancient Maya retain approx. 2.5 million of their modern descendants, representing more than 30 ethnic groups and language dialects.
Habitat. During the I - the beginning of the II millennium AD. the Maya people, speaking various languages ​​​​of the Maya-Kiche family, settled in a vast territory, including the southern states of Mexico (Tabasco, Chiapas, Campeche, Yucatan and Quintana Roo), the current countries of Belize and Guatemala and the western regions of El Salvador and Honduras. These territories, located in the tropical zone, are distinguished by a variety of landscapes. In the mountainous south stretches a chain of volcanoes, some active. Once upon a time, powerful coniferous forests grew here on generous volcanic soils. In the north, the volcanoes pass into the limestone mountains of Alta Verapaz, which further north form the limestone plateau of Peten, characterized by a hot and humid climate. Here the center of development of the Mayan civilization of the classical era was formed. The western part of the Petén plateau is drained by the Pasion and Usumacinta rivers, which flow into the Gulf of Mexico, and the eastern part by rivers that carry water to the Caribbean Sea. To the north of the Peten Plateau, humidity decreases with the height of the forest cover. In the north of the Yucatec Plains, rainforests give way to shrubs, and in the Puuk hills the climate is so dry that in ancient times people settled here along the shores of karst lakes (cenote) or stored water in underground reservoirs (chultun). On the northern coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, the ancient Maya mined salt and traded it with the inhabitants of the interior.
Early ideas about the ancient Maya. Initially it was believed that the Maya lived in vast areas of tropical lowlands in small groups, engaged in slash-and-burn agriculture. With the rapid depletion of the soil, this forced them to often change their places of settlement. The Maya were peaceful and showed a special interest in astronomy, and their cities with high pyramids and stone buildings also served as priestly ceremonial centers where people gathered to observe unusual celestial phenomena. According to modern estimates, the ancient Mayan people numbered more than 3 million people. In the distant past, their country was the most densely populated tropical zone. The Maya were able to maintain soil fertility for several centuries and turn land of little use for agriculture into plantations where maize, beans, pumpkin, cotton, cocoa and various tropical fruits were grown. Maya writing was based on a strict phonetic and syntactic system. The deciphering of ancient hieroglyphic inscriptions has refuted previous ideas about Mayan peacefulness: many of these inscriptions report wars between city-states and about captives sacrificed to the gods. The only thing that has not been revised from previous ideas is the exceptional interest of the ancient Maya in the movement of celestial bodies. Their astronomers very accurately calculated the cycles of motion of the Sun, Moon, Venus and some constellations (in particular, the Milky Way). The Maya civilization, in its characteristics, reveals a commonality with the nearest ancient civilizations of the Mexican Highlands, as well as with distant Mesopotamian, ancient Greek and ancient Chinese civilizations.
Periodization of Mayan history. In the archaic (2000-1500 BC) and early formative periods (1500-1000 BC) of the preclassic era, small semi-roaming tribes of hunters and gatherers lived in the lowlands of Guatemala, eating wild edible roots and fruits, as well as game and fish. They left behind only rare stone tools and a few settlements definitely dated from this time. The Middle Formative Period (1000-400 BC) is the first relatively well-documented epoch in Maya history. At this time, small agricultural settlements appear, scattered in the jungle and along the banks of the rivers of the Peten plateau and in the north of Belize (Cuelho, Colha, Kashob). Archaeological evidence suggests that in this era the Maya did not have pompous architecture, division into classes and centralized power. However, in the subsequent late formative period of the preclassic era (400 BC - 250 AD), major changes took place in the life of the Maya. At this time, monumental structures were being built - stylobots, pyramids, ball courts, and cities were growing rapidly. Impressive architectural complexes are being built in cities such as Calakmul and Tzibilchaltun in the north of the Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico), El Mirador, Yashaktun, Tikal, Nakbe and Tintal in the jungles of Peten (Guatemala), Cerros, Cuello, Lamanay and Nomul (Belize), Chalchuapa (Salvador). There is a rapid growth of settlements that arose during this period, such as Kashob in northern Belize. At the end of the late formative period, barter trade developed between settlements far from each other. Jade and obsidian products, sea shells and feathers of the quetzal bird are most valued. At this time, for the first time, sharp flint tools and the so-called. eccentrics - stone products of the most bizarre shape, sometimes in the form of a trident or a profile of a human face. At the same time, the practice of consecrating buildings, arranging caches, where jade products and other valuables were placed, took shape. During the subsequent Early Classic period (AD 250-600) of the Classical era, Mayan society developed into a system of rival city-states, each with its own royal dynasty. These political formations showed commonality both in the system of government and in culture (language, writing, astronomical knowledge, calendar, etc.). The beginning of the early classical period approximately coincides with one of the oldest dates recorded on the stele of the city of Tikal - 292 AD, which, in accordance with the so-called. "Mayan long count" is expressed by the numbers 8. The possessions of individual city-states of the classical era extended an average of 2000 square meters. km, and some cities, such as Tikal or Calakmul, controlled much larger territories. The political and cultural centers of each state formation were cities with magnificent buildings, the architecture of which was a local or zonal variation of the general style of Mayan architecture. The buildings were arranged around a vast rectangular central square. Their facades were usually decorated with masks of the main gods and mythological characters, carved from stone or made using the technique of stucco relief. The walls of the long narrow rooms inside the buildings were often painted with frescoes depicting rituals, holidays, and military scenes. Window lintels, lintels, staircases of palaces, as well as free-standing stelae were covered with hieroglyphic texts, sometimes with portraits interspersed, telling about the deeds of the rulers. On lintel 26 in Yashchilan, the wife of the ruler, Shield Jaguar, is depicted helping her husband to put on military regalia. In the center of the Mayan cities of the classical era, pyramids up to 15 m high towered. These structures often served as tombs for revered people, so kings and priests practiced rituals here that aimed to establish a magical connection with the spirits of their ancestors.

The burial of Pakal, the ruler of Palenque, discovered in the "Temple of the Inscriptions", gave a lot of valuable information about the practice of honoring the royal ancestors. The inscription on the lid of the sarcophagus says that Pacal was born (according to our calendar) in 603 and died in 683. The deceased was decorated with a jade necklace, massive earrings (a sign of military prowess), bracelets, a mosaic mask made of more than 200 pieces of jade. Pacal was buried in a stone sarcophagus, on which the names and portraits of his illustrious ancestors, such as his great-grandmother Kan-Ik, who had considerable power, were carved. Vessels, apparently with food and drinks, were usually placed in the burials, intended to feed the deceased on his way to the afterlife. In Mayan cities, the central part stands out, where the rulers lived with their relatives and retinue. Such are the palace complex in Palenque, the acropolis of Tikal, the Sepulturas zone in Copan. The rulers and their closest relatives were engaged exclusively in state affairs - they organized and led military raids against neighboring city-states, arranged magnificent festivities, and took part in rituals. Members of the royal family also became scribes, priests, soothsayers, artists, sculptors and architects. So, in the House of Bakabs in Kopan lived scribes of the highest rank. Beyond the city limits, the population was dispersed in small villages surrounded by gardens and fields. People lived in large families in wooden houses covered with thatch or thatch. One of these villages of the classical era has been preserved in Serena (El Salvador), where the Laguna Caldera volcano allegedly erupted in the summer of 590. Hot ash covered nearby houses, a kitchen hearth and a wall niche with painted pumpkin plates and bottles, plants, trees, fields, including a field with corn sprouts. In many ancient settlements, buildings are grouped around the central courtyard, where joint work was carried out. Land ownership was communal in nature. In the late classical period (650-950), the population of the lowland regions of Guatemala reached 3 million people. The increased demand for agricultural products forced farmers to drain swamps and apply terraced agriculture in hilly areas, for example, along the banks of the Rio Bec. In the late classical period, new cities began to emerge from the established city-states. So, the city of Himbal got out of control of Tikal, which is proclaimed in the language of hieroglyphs on architectural structures. During the period under review, the Mayan epigraphy reaches its peak, but the content of the inscriptions on the monuments is changing. If earlier reports about the life path of rulers with dates of birth, marriage, accession to the throne, death prevailed, now the main attention is paid to wars, conquests, captures of captives for sacrifices. By 850, many cities in the south of the lowlands were abandoned. Construction is completely stopped in Palenque, Tikal, Copan. The reasons for what happened are still unclear. The decline of these cities could be caused by uprisings, enemy invasion, epidemic or ecological crisis. The center of development of the Mayan civilization moved to the north of the Yucatan Peninsula and the western highlands - areas that received several waves of Mexican cultural influences. Here, for a short time, the cities of Uxmal, Sayil, Kabah, Labna and Chichen Itza flourish. These opulent cities surpassed their former heights, with many-roomed palaces, taller and wider stepped vaults, intricate stone carvings and mosaic friezes, and huge ball courts.

Mayan ball game. The prototype of this game with a rubber ball, which requires great dexterity, originated in Mesoamerica as early as two thousand years BC. The Mayan ball game, like similar games of other peoples of Mesoamerica, contained elements of violence and cruelty - it ended with a human sacrifice, for which it was started, and the playgrounds were framed with stakes with human skulls. Only men participated in the game, divided into two teams, which included from one to four people. The task of the players was to prevent the ball from touching the ground and bring it to the goal, holding it with all parts of the body, with the exception of the hands and feet. The players were dressed in special protective clothing. The ball was more often hollow; sometimes a human skull was hidden behind the rubber shell. The ball courts consisted of two parallel stepped stands, between which there was a playing field, similar to a wide paved alley. Such stadiums were built in every city, and in El Tajin there were eleven of them. Apparently, there was a sports and ceremonial center where large-scale competitions were held. The ball game was somewhat reminiscent of gladiator fights, when captives, sometimes representatives of the nobility from other cities, fought for their lives so as not to be sacrificed. The losers, tied together, were rolled down the stairs of the pyramids, and they were smashed to death.
The last Mayan cities. Most of the northern cities built in the postclassic era (950-1500) lasted less than 300 years, with the exception of Chichen Itza, which survived until the 13th century. This city reveals an architectural resemblance to Tula, founded by the Toltecs c. 900, suggesting that Chichen Itza served as an outpost or was an ally of the warlike Toltecs. The name of the city is derived from the Mayan words "chi" ("mouth") and "itsa" ("wall"), but its architecture in the so-called. Puuk style violates the classical Mayan canons. Thus, for example, the stone roofs of buildings are supported more by flat beams than by stepped vaults. Some carvings in stone depict Mayan and Toltec warriors together in battle scenes. Perhaps the Toltecs captured this city and eventually turned it into a prosperous state. During the Postclassic period (1200-1450), Chichen Itza was for a time in political alliance with nearby Uxmal and Mayapan, known as the Mayapan League. However, even before the arrival of the Spaniards, the League broke up, and Chichen Itza, like the cities of the classical era, was swallowed up by the jungle. In the postclassic era, maritime trade developed, thanks to which ports arose on the Yucatan coast and nearby islands - for example, Tulum or a settlement on the island of Cozumel. In the late postclassic period, the Maya traded slaves, cotton, and bird feathers with the Aztecs.

Mayan calendar. According to Maya mythology, the world was created and destroyed twice before the third, modern era arrived, which began in European reckoning on August 13, 3114 BC. From this date, time was counted in two systems of chronology - the so-called. long count and calendar circle. The basis of the long account was a 360-day annual cycle called "tun", divided into 18 months of 20 days each. The Maya used a vise rather than a decimal counting system, and the unit of time was 20 years (katun). Twenty katuns (i.e. four centuries) made up a baktun. The Maya simultaneously used two systems of calendar time - 260-day and 365-day annual cycles. These systems coincided every 18,980 days, or every 52 (365-day) years, marking an important milestone for the end of one and the beginning of a new time cycle. The ancient Maya calculated the time forward to 4772, when, in their opinion, the end of the current era will come and the Universe will be destroyed once again.
Mayan customs and social organization. Rite of bloodletting.
The families of the rulers were obliged to perform the rite of bloodletting at every important event in the life of the city-states - whether it was the consecration of new buildings, the onset of the sowing season, the beginning or end of a military campaign. According to the mythological ideas of the Maya, human blood nourished and strengthened the gods, who, in turn, gave strength to people. It was believed that the blood of the tongue, ear lobes and genitals has the greatest magical power. During the rite of bloodletting, thousands of people gathered in the central square of the city, including dancers, musicians, warriors and nobility. At the climax of the ceremonial action, the ruler appeared, often with his wife, and bled himself with a plant thorn or an obsidian knife, making an incision on the penis. At the same time, the ruler's wife pierced her tongue. After that, they passed a coarse agave rope through the wounds to increase the bleeding. Blood dripped onto strips of paper, which were then burned at the stake. Due to blood loss, as well as under the influence of narcotic substances, starvation and other factors, the participants in the ritual saw the images of gods and ancestors in puffs of smoke.
social organization. Maya society was built on the model of patriarchy: power and leadership in the family passed from father to son or brother. Maya society of the classical era was highly stratified. A distinct division into social strata was observed in Tikal in the 8th century. At the very top of the social ladder were the ruler and his closest relatives, then came the highest and middle hereditary nobility, who had varying degrees of power, they were followed by retinue, artisans, architects of various ranks and status, below were rich but not noble landowners, then ordinary farmers -communists, and on the last steps were orphans and slaves. Although these groups were in contact with each other, they lived in separate city blocks, had special duties and privileges, and cultivated their own customs. The ancient Maya did not know the technology of smelting metals. They made tools mainly from stone, but also from wood and shells. With these tools, the farmers cut down the forest, plowed, sowed, harvested. They did not know the Maya and the potter's wheel. In the manufacture of ceramic products, they rolled clay into thin flagella and laid them one on top of the other, or molded clay plates. Ceramics were fired not in furnaces, but on open fires. Pottery was practiced by both commoners and aristocrats. The latter painted the vessels with scenes from mythology or palace life.

Writing and fine arts. The Spanish Franciscan Bishop Diego de Landa (1524-1579), who arrived in the Yucatan in 1549, worked with a Mayan scribe on a system for translating hieroglyphs in the Latin alphabet while translating the catechism. However, the writing of the ancient Maya differed from the alphabetic script, since individual characters often represented a syllable rather than a phoneme. As a result of discrepancies between the artificial alphabet of Landa and the Mayan script, the latter was recognized as indecipherable. It is now known that Mayan scribes freely combined phonetic and semantic signs, especially when such a combination opened up opportunities for word play. The scribes, who constituted the intellectual elite of Mayan society, produced hundreds of manuscripts. They wrote with bird quills on sheets of paper made from tree bark, which were folded "accordion" under bindings covered with jaguar skins. Catholic missionaries considered these books to be heretical and set them on fire. Only four Mayan manuscripts have survived, known as the Madrid, Paris, Dresden and Grolier codices. There is a section in the Dresden Codex containing something like a farmer's calendar, which gives predictions for the coming year and indicates the sacrifices necessary to obtain a good harvest. The prediction of drought is transmitted both in writing and in a drawing of a deer dying from the heat with its tongue hanging out. In addition, the Dresden Codex provides calculations for the motion of the planet Venus. The Madrid Code gives advice on how best to combine various activities, such as hunting or carving masks, with the calendar cycle. Scribes showed their art not only on paper, but also on stone, shells, ceramic vessels. The inscriptions made in the technique of the piece guaranteed greater safety, and therefore the Mayan royal genealogies preferred to be imprinted on stone. Texts on ceramics, also made by the nobility, were more personal. Pottery often indicated the name of the owner, the purpose of the product (a plate, a dish with legs, a vessel for liquid) and even contents, such as cocoa or maize. Pottery painted in this way was often presented as a gift. Ceramic artists sometimes worked together with stone-painters. Red, blue, green and black colors were used for the paintings. The best preserved Mayan wall paintings are in the city of Bonampak in what is now Mexico. It depicts preparations for battle, the battle itself and warriors with long spears fighting side by side, the sacrifice of captives and a festive ritual dance.

Today, the Maya is a tribe of Indians living in South America. Today they live in countries such as Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala and Belize. And since 2000 BC, it was an ancient civilization in Central America. They obeyed all the ancient peoples and tribes that lived in this territory. Maya and civilization at that time were synonymous. The ancient Maya civilization dominated for 12 centuries. The peak of its heyday falls on the year 900 AD. After this, a long period of cultural decline begins, the reasons for which history does not reveal.

The Maya were called people who measure their lives with heaven. At the same time, the life of the tribe remained quite primitive. The main occupation was agriculture. The tools of labor were the simplest. Scientists say that the Maya did not even know the wheel. All the more striking is the fact that during its heyday, the Mayan tribe created unique works of art, temples, tombs, miracle cities and other architectural monuments. Even more striking is their knowledge of astronomy, the system they created for measuring time and writing.

At a time when the colonialists from the old world set foot on the east coast of South America, the Maya civilization came to an almost complete decline. During its heyday, it occupied all of Central America. The colonialists reacted barbarously to the works of art and architectural monuments they inherited from the Mayan civilization. They considered them "pagan idols", the heritage of pagan culture and ruthlessly destroyed them. But even what remains today of the culture and knowledge of the ancient Maya strikes the imagination of modern scientists.

By right, one of the main achievements of the Maya is their unique calendar, which is based on accurate astronomical calculations. Our scientists never cease to admire its amazing accuracy. The ancient Maya priests used their astronomical observations both to solve pressing issues (for example, in agriculture) and to explain more global problems. So the Mayan priests very accurately calculated the life cycles of our planet, which is confirmed by modern scientists. With the advent of 2012, everyone is especially worried about the Mayan prediction about the supposedly impending end of the world. Everyone decides whether to believe the ancient Mayan prophecies about the approaching apocalypse.

One thing is certain, the reasons why this ancient civilization disappeared remain mysterious and incomprehensible today. People simply left their cities en masse. There are several versions, but no one knows exactly what the real reason is. Who they are, where they came from - remains a mystery even today ...

Who wants to know more, we suggest watching the video film: “Mexico. Mayan. Unknown story." in 6 parts. The film was created on the basis of materials collected during an expedition to Mexico in March 2007 and is based on facts that have been hidden and hushed up for a long time. Happy viewing.

Video film: “Mexico. Mayan. Unknown story"

2012... People in my town are buying candles, stew and soap in bulk. They think that this will save them from the end of the world, which should come on December 21st. Mayan calendar. Although I am a sober-minded person, I still felt a nervous tic. But the day passed quietly and, apparently, the world is still standing still. The Maya were wrong.

Maya civilization: where is it located

For some reason, I thought that the Mayans, Incas and Aztecs lived at the same time. But this is a mistake. The Aztecs experienced all the joys of the conquest by the Spaniards, while the Mayan civilization at that time was almost dead. Mayan civilization was very highly developed and today her descendants cherish what is left of their culture.

This civilization is very ancient. Its roots go back to 2nd millennium BC. BUT peak of development fell on 250-900 AD. The Maya lived in the territories:

  • southern states of Mexico;
  • Guatemala;
  • Belize;
  • western Honduras;
  • El Salvador;
  • the Yucatan Peninsula.

These areas are very diverse in their landscape. Maya knew how turn drylands into fertile soils. They grew cocoa, corn, beans, pumpkins, fruits, and even cotton. Their society was divided into independent tribes, headed by a leader. Mayan population amounted to almost 3 million people. Medicine was very advanced. The Maya even knew how to fill their teeth. And their astronomers could very accurately calculate the cycles of the sun and other planets.

Mayan secrets

But scientists are still struggling with one question. Why did the Mayan civilization disappear? After all, this civilization has reached incredible heights in construction, art, and intellectual development. But early 10th century Maya start leave their cities. Scientists put forward various versions - from epidemics to natural disaster. But so far no one has been able to unravel this mystery.

And another mystery of this civilization are cenotes. it natural wells. It is believed that the Maya built their cities, given their location. Around these wells sacrifices were made and the Mayans considered them entrance to the underworld. Also Maya for some reason tried change your body. For example, they deformed the forehead - they made it flat. They deliberately formed strabismus in children or made their nose in the shape of a beak.

The history of the Mayan civilization remains shrouded in mystery. But science has managed to figure out that many of the secrets are nothing more than a myth. The representative of the international publishing house National Geographic Michael Shapiro destroyed the legends.

1 Mayan Civilization Suddenly Disappeared

Just as the fall of the Roman Empire did not mean the end of the existence of Roman citizens, so did the disappearance of the Mayan state, which reached its peak in the 9th century. BC, does not mean that the indigenous population disappeared without a trace.

Today, approximately 40% of the inhabitants of Guatemala, about 14 million people living in southern Mexico and the Yucatan Peninsula, are descendants of the Mayan peoples.

The Mayas have endured five centuries of Spanish occupation, while maintaining their cultural traditions, traditional agrarian lifestyle and the custom of celebrating festivals.

More than 20 provinces of Guatemala are inhabited by individual Mayan peoples. Each of them has its own culture, clothing and language. So for thousands of years the Maya have lived outside their empire.

2. Maya did not believe in the end of the world

In the films about the apocalypse, we are told that the mayas prophesied. This moment fell on the year 5000 according to the Mayan calendar. But this is not true.

Representatives of the ancient civilization celebrated the beginning of the next cycle, which will come in 5125, just as we celebrated the onset of the new millennium. Not a single record has been found that testifies to the end of time. In any case, they hoped that with the new era, humanity would enter an era of higher consciousness, the strengthening of peace and a deep understanding of other peoples inhabiting the earth.

3. The ancient Mayans came up with the concept of zero.

The Mayan calendar is based on the value of zero. However, the idea of ​​zero is probably not a secret of the Mayan civilization. It originated in . And only in the IV century. BC. this invention became associated with the Mayan peoples.

The zero in civilization's writing was represented by a shell-like symbol. The Mayan numerical system was based on 20 factors. Their numbers consisted of whole units: 1, 20, 400, etc. To write, for example, the number 403, they used the unit 400, plus zero units 20, and three units 1. This is how the concept of zero arose.

4 Mayan City Stayed Underground

Major landmarks built by the Mayan peoples, like Palenque in southern Mexico and in the north, have been found during archeological excavations. Others remain buried underground. Mounds have been found in Guatemala that may have hidden great temples.

The least visited attractions are in El Mirador and Auxactun, north of Tikal in the jungles of Guatemala. In Belize, there are open ruins of Altun Ha, 30 km from Belize City

In all these places you can see the pyramids.

5. The Mayans invented saunas

This is really the secret of the Mayan civilization, the existence of which is difficult to argue. The ancient Maya used a steam room in a stone sain known as "temazcal" in the Yucatan Peninsula. Mayan saunas, "sweathouses", are still a popular holiday destination for tourists. They are offered to guests of hotels and resorts around the world.

The Mayan peoples built ancient cities from mud bricks. They were used for spiritual satisfaction and health. Steam was made by mixing water with fire. Sometimes leaves were added to the water. Sweat cleansed the skin and mind.

6 The Mayan Empire Was Destroyed By A Volcano

A number of volcanoes in Guatemala remain active. In the city of Antigua Guatemala, you can see the eruption of the Fuego volcano, throwing down columns of smoke and dropping fiery lava. Especially magnificent sight at night. Not far from Antigua, about 1.5 hours away, is the Razaua volcano, which has been erupting regularly for several years now.

In Antigua, there is a sale of one-day tours on foot walking a few meters from the lava.

7. The white-water rivers of the Maya were crossed by boats.

The secret of the Mayan civilization about the construction of reliable rafts has long been unraveled. Guatemala has created conditions for first-class boating in the Rio Cajabon. During the trip, you can get a lot of impressions and get to know the area where the ancient Mayans lived - the jungle on the banks of the river.

The Usumacinta River passes through the borders of Mexico and Guatemala. While walking along the river, the group stops to view the ruins of Piedras Negras.

8. Sports were popular in the Mayan civilization.

Ball courts have been found in cities. There were competitions among teams. The soccer ball was made from hard rubber. Some scientists believe that a human skull was placed inside the ball.

Cultural and entertainment events ended with human sacrifices. Probably, this fate awaited the losers. Tikal guides claim that the winner was sacrificed.

“It was considered an honor to die in Tikal,” local guides say.

9 Mayan Pyramids Are Built With Astronomical Events In Mind

It's no secret that the Mayans were experts in astronomy. Many structures such as El Castillo (Temple of Kukulkan) and the pyramids at Chichen Itza reflect astronomical events.

This secret of the Mayan civilization connects the history of the people with the neighboring state - ancient Egypt. , a shadow resembling a snake passes along the northern face of Kukulkan. This phenomenon is caused by the passage of a ray of the sun through the nine terraces of the building.

The El Caracol Temple at Chichen Itza is known as an observatory associated with the orbit of Venus. The main staircase is directed towards the northern part of Venus, and the corners of the building correspond to the position of the sun on the day of the summer solstice at sunrise and the winter solstice at sunset.

10 Nobody Knows What Caused The Decline Of The Mayan Civilization

From the end of the 8th to the beginning of the 9th century. BC. Mayan cities fell into disrepair. People died or went to other settlements. Culture, highly organized irrigation, agriculture, astronomy and building technology were forgotten. Why, no one knows the answer.

Scientists have put forward several hypotheses about the death of an ancient civilization:
Confrontation between the city-states of the Maya.
Overpopulation, which led to environmental degradation, soil depletion and climate change.
Strengthening the influence of the ruling class, the clergy and the ruling elite.

What actually caused the decline of an advanced civilization, archaeologists still find it difficult to say.

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