What dances help to lose weight quickly. Dancing for weight loss: training at home, general recommendations, video tutorials


All girls lose weight differently. Someone likes to play sports, someone likes to go on a diet, while others choose both sports and dietary changes. If you don't have a heart for fitness or strength training, there is another way to keep yourself in good physical shape - dancing. We will talk about them in our article.

Dances for weight loss of the abdomen, hips, buttocks are chosen by those girls who want to improve their mood and tone and get rid of excess body fat. Can you lose weight from dancing? Of course yes. Dancing gives a useful cardio load, makes different muscle groups work. Dancing is especially recommended for those who want to attach their body to heavier physical exertion. Well, experienced athletes, on the contrary, relax with the help of dance movements the muscles that are constrained by strength training.

Dance lessons for weight loss

If you don’t know what dances you can use to lose weight, think about the very nature of this action. At its core, any dance is a rhythm, a constant movement, and therefore an ideal way to burn calories. That is, the more actively you move, the faster you will lose weight. Thus, the answer is simple: any dance is effective in the fight against excess weight. But the most effective are those where the most intense movements are used.

If you don't want to record in a studio, study at home. There are a huge number of dance lessons designed for home workouts, with which you can adjust your figure. What to choose is up to you. And the choice, I must say, is varied. Lovers of passion and sensuality can do strip plastic, fans of incendiary rhythms - zumba, and those who prefer oriental classics - belly dancing.

Do not forget that the effect can only be achieved through regular exercise. Pick a schedule for yourself and practice. In the morning or evening, but an hour after eating. After training, refrain from eating for an hour and a half, and. Exercise regularly, eat right, and after a while you will notice how your figure takes on a seductive shape.

Zumba dancing for weight loss

What are zumba dances? Stunning, vibrant, vibrant. Zumba dance moves are just as beneficial as cardio workouts. Those who regularly engage in such dances effectively reduce weight. In addition, they have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, improve mood, strengthen muscles. Dancing to your favorite music, you get rid of excess body fat, correct your figure and get incomparable pleasure.
We invite you to watch the Zumba video tutorial:

Oriental dances for weight loss

Oriental dances are no less useful than Zumba. They help strengthen the muscles of the press, gain plasticity. Such classes form a beautiful figure and remove extra centimeters from the waist. In addition, oriental dances are the best prevention of pathologies of the organs of the female reproductive system.
And this video tutorial will help you start mastering oriental dances:

Dancing for weight loss at home

Not every beginner decides to sign up for a dance class in groups. Often, girls, noticing the flaws in their figure, are simply embarrassed that they will look ridiculous and attract unnecessary attention. Therefore, you can always start with a home workout.

You need to devote about an hour to dancing 2-3 times a week. In one of the many video tutorials, a home trainer will be waiting for you. First, use the tips, looking at the instructor, and after a couple of weeks you will be able to perform any dance steps on your own.

What to choose? As we wrote above, it's all up to you. Try zumba, belly dance, latino. That is, do what you like best. Regardless of which dances you choose, you will achieve the effect you wanted. After all, dance is a rhythm, movement, a good load on different muscle groups and a lot of pleasure. You can try different directions on yourself, and only then make the final choice in favor of one of them.
When you realize that you feel quite confident in the world of movements and music, you can sign up for group training. Develop your undertaking, and you will definitely succeed.

Pole dance, or pole dance (pylon, as it is also called) includes all types of loads - power, aerobic and stretching, as well as elements of acrobatics. Therefore, everything begins not with an approach to the pole, but with basic exercises on the mat, aimed at developing all muscle groups. Pole dance fans claim that such muscles work during the dance, the existence of which you did not even suspect in ordinary life! But they will definitely start to hurt after the debut lesson.

As a rule, girls who come to the first pole dance lesson without good physical preparation find themselves wanting to go in for sports and tone their muscles - how else to perform all these complex, but such sexy pole dance tricks?



Incendiary reggaeton is a dance that requires good physical preparation. It appeared in Panama and Puerto Rico, but soon became widespread, first in Latin America, and then throughout the world. Unlike smooth salsa or bachata, regggenton is based on a hard and fast rhythm, so after class you can literally squeeze out a t-shirt!

The main load during the dance goes to the legs, hips, buttocks, and if you dream of a round pumped up butt, choose reggaeton. By the way, this dance is also great for burning fat, since during the active “shaking” all the muscles work and your body receives a high-quality cardio load.

Belly dance

Belly dancing is most often associated with rather plump oriental beauties who have something to "shake". Drop these prejudices and boldly go to classes if you dream of a pumped-up press. During the dance, the stomach is constantly tense, the oblique muscles work especially actively, which are not so easy to pump even in the gym.

Moreover, belly dancing will help to work out the thigh muscles without doing the boring classic squats. So buy rather an oriental outfit with ringing monists and go!

Irish step

Irish step is deservedly considered one of the best dances for weight loss. It will replace you with jumping rope, running, and step aerobics ... In a word, Irish dance is an interesting option for cardio load for those who cannot bring themselves to go for a morning run.

True, the upper body is practically not involved in it, but if you dream of slender and toned legs, then this type of dance is definitely for you!


Passionate Spanish flamenco is able to use all the muscles of the body, providing your body with a uniform load. The dance sets a very fast pace and has a lot of different movements, so you definitely won’t be bored in class.

Firstly, the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle will tone up, and secondly, flamenco requires perfect posture, which means that dance is very useful for the spine. And finally, flamenco is all about plasticity and fluidity of movement that won't hurt anyone.

Dancing is one of the most enjoyable methods of losing weight. Almost all types contribute to the fact that the body becomes slimmer, muscles are tightened, tissues receive the necessary nourishment, and blood circulation becomes better.

Most people think that starting this type of weight loss is a difficult task. However, this is an erroneous opinion. In this case, you just need to find a group of people or a partner with the same level of training, as well as monitor nutrition.

If the plans are to reduce weight with the help of such activities, then the diet should be changed. The calorie content of the daily diet should not be increased. That is, in order for the level of fat in the body to decrease, it is important to increase energy expenditure, but its intake should remain the same.

It is not necessary to follow a strict diet, but it is still worth controlling portion sizes. It is also necessary to limit the consumption of sweet foods and foods, flour and bakery products, carbonated and sweet drinks, spicy, salty and smoked foods.

So, the regularity of such training and a balanced diet will help you get rid of excess weight faster.

Action on the body

It is also important to know about the effect of such training. In the process of dancing, a large number of muscles are involved. Even those that almost do not function in everyday life, weaken over time and the skin, accordingly, begins to sag.

In the process of training, the cardiovascular, lymphatic and respiratory systems work, and this, in turn, is beneficial for the immune system.

Thanks to dancing for weight loss, stress, negative emotions and feelings go away, therefore, even with a minimal desire to do it, it is still worth going to a workout, as bad thoughts and moods will go away immediately.

After class, you can immediately notice how strength is added and all the bad things go away. In the process of dancing, the brain is able to produce endorphins (hormones of happiness), and, consequently, the level of happiness itself rises. By the way, dancing for weight loss helps fight overeating and the constant use of sweets.


No matter how much you want to do it, there are contraindications for such a load. They also depend on the types of training.

However, there is a general contraindication to this type of physical activity:

  1. chronic or acute diseases;
  2. high pressure;
  3. recent surgery;
  4. diabetes;
  5. disorders in the musculoskeletal system.

In other cases, it is important to determine the contraindications that apply to a particular type of dance. Before starting training, it is necessary to consult with a doctor who is familiar with the individual characteristics of the body and is aware of what level of load will be in a certain style.


Not in all types of dances there is a large waste of energy, and, accordingly, body weight does not decrease. That is why it is important to choose rhythmic styles, during which all the muscles of the body are involved and calories are burned. Among these, the following types of dances are the most effective.

This style is defined as a sports type of dance for weight loss. During the training, simple movements are performed in the Latin style.

The goal of Zumba is to engage all parts of the body. Learning takes place during the training, because the lesson is conducted at an uninterrupted pace, which serves as a great intense load.

In general, Zumba is attractive because there are no specific movements - here you can and should improvise. The style itself is very incendiary, it makes you move actively and without interruptions.

So, for a workout, up to 600 Kcal can be burned. Thanks to Zumba, the likelihood of development is reduced, body plasticity, posture and stretching are improved.

Belly dance

It is worth noting that belly dancing is, first of all, very feminine. Even many men are delighted with the graceful movements performed during the dance.

Oriental style helps to form a beautiful silhouette and keep all the muscles of the body in good shape. By swinging the hips, performing special movements, the waist becomes thinner, and the bends themselves become sexier.

Performing hand movements contributes to the tone of the shoulder muscles. Since many movements are performed on half-bent legs, the gluteal muscles also work and become stronger.

The load performed during oriental dances is considered moderate, but nevertheless the body loses calories. For an hour of such training, you can lose from 500 kcal. Therefore, regular training allows you to lose up to 2000 Kcal per week, which is essential when losing weight.

Latin American

Solo Latin American dances are a great way to lose weight. Almost all the muscles of the body are involved in the training process, but the legs and hips lend themselves to the greatest load.

For those who want to get rid of cellulite and excess weight, it is definitely worth doing the Latin American style. So, you can choose lambada, samba, salsa and many others. For an hour of such a lesson, you can lose up to 500 Kcal!

During training, energetic movements are performed, and therefore the whole body works. This style is ideal for those who want to tighten their legs and hips. Sometimes you need to remember the movements and their sequence. However, all difficulties with memorization disappear over time and classes are easier.

It is important to remember that high blood pressure is a contraindication to latin.

Which ones to choose?

What other dance directions can you choose to get rid of excess weight?

  • Flamenco. This style makes it possible to tidy up the body, in particular, the back and legs. Regular exercise also helps to lose weight, stabilize the work of the heart and respiratory system. For an hour of classes, it is realistic to spend up to 600 Kcal.
  • It is clarified right away that only trained girls can practice this style, since it includes elements of oriental and Latin dances, as well as stretching. During the class, I especially work legs, buttocks, back and abs, and for an hour of work you can spend 1200 Kcal.
  • Jazz Modern. In this direction, step, hip-hop, R-n-B, break and other styles are combined. The movements in the dance are performed energetically and require a lot of strength and stamina to complete them, but the results in losing weight are achieved in the shortest possible time. So, in one hour of jazz-modern training, you can lose about 1000 Kcal.
  • Irish dances. This style is quite exotic, but also one of the most energy-intensive, interesting and complex. The Irish style involves the legs, hips, stomach and back, so the process of losing weight is effective. With the help of such a load, you can bring yourself into shape in a short time.

How to practice at home?

It is important to follow some tips to make losing weight at home pleasant and effective.

Every woman dreams of having a slim figure, but not everyone can afford to follow strict diets, because as a result, you can get more serious health problems. But do not despair, because there are much more pleasant methods of losing weight, for example, dancing.

You can use diets for weight loss until the age of 30, since at this age the body recovers much faster and returns to normal, but after overcoming this feature, a significant slowdown in metabolism occurs, and without physical exertion it simply will not work to cope with the problem.

If there is a desire to lose a couple of extra pounds with the help of dancing, you should choose the most suitable option for yourself. We can say that at its core, dance is a set of rhythmic movements, due to which there is a more accelerated consumption of excess calories. Therefore, the more you move, the faster the process of losing weight will take place.

We can conclude that absolutely any kind of dance can help in the difficult fight against excess weight. However, the most effective are those that include intense and fast movements. If it is not possible to visit sports clubs and dance classes, you can do it much easier - arrange a dance club at home, because it will be enough just to download video lessons on the Internet and do it for your own pleasure.

Most importantly, do not forget about the warm-up, during which an intense warm-up of the muscles is carried out and it will be possible to avoid injury. When choosing dances, personal sympathies should also be taken into account. It is necessary to stop the choice not just on effective dances for weight loss, but on those types that you like the most, otherwise the classes will get bored very quickly and it will become much more difficult to get a slim figure.

You can safely opt for delightful and bewitching oriental dances, which will help not only in the fight against excess calories, but also give smooth movements, the gait will become more feminine. Bachata, salsa, intense go-go, and of course, strip dance will also be an excellent choice. The most important thing to remember is that only those workouts that will bring pleasure will not be able to quit after the first lesson, and in a relatively short period of time, you can see a positive result.

Today, more and more girls are trying to find dances with which you can correct the abdomen or hips, because these are the most problematic parts of the body. However, the most important thing here is to take into account the fact that the human body has a truly unique structure, and at the time when weight gain occurs, it is not possible to get fat as we would like, because in this case genetics “rules the ball”. Also, excess fat will go away in an order that is completely independent of the desires of a person.

It is practically impossible to carry out intensive burning of existing body fat in only one place. That is why, when choosing dances for weight loss, choosing the option in which many movements are performed either with arms or legs, it will only be possible to increase muscle tone in this area, and the process of losing weight will take place in the order that nature has established.

Dancing for beginners

First of all, it is necessary to take into account the fact that dancing will help to achieve the desired result only if they are practiced regularly. It is necessary to draw up a schedule of classes - for example, three times a week, while each workout should be about 40-60 minutes. If you can’t devote so much time to class, then training can be done five to six times a week, but now for 20-30 minutes.

Training can be done quite easily not only in the morning, but also in the evening, most importantly, wait some time after a meal - the interval between eating and training should be at least one hour.

In order not to start gaining excess weight again soon, it is recommended that after a workout, you should not eat any fatty or carbohydrate foods for about 1.5 hours. During this period of time, if there is simply an irresistible desire to eat something, it is best to opt for protein foods (milk, a variety of dairy products, meat, fish, poultry) or fresh vegetables. The most effective exercise will be if you drink a cup of coffee before training, but without adding sugar and cream.

To start dancing, no special training is needed, because a simple desire will be enough. Scientists have managed to prove that during a lesson (30 minutes) of dancing, the human brain begins to produce the same amount of endorphins as after eating two bars of chocolate.

Can dancing really help you lose weight?

Today, almost all modern fitness clubs offer dance programs specially designed for weight loss. The main feature of such classes is that the trainer selects all movements taking into account the individual characteristics of the client's body structure, and of course, the general state of health will be taken into account. However, such a program has one significant drawback - it is quite difficult to really learn how to dance, since the whole thing will be limited to only the simplest movements.

Oriental belly dance helps to significantly strengthen the muscles of the buttocks, thighs and abdomen. This type of dance is one of the most popular, because with its help you can not only lose a couple of extra pounds, but also perform a soft and effective massage of the internal organs of the small pelvis, which in turn has a positive effect on the overall health of a woman.

Latin American dances (bachata, merengue, salsa, cha-cha-cha, rumba, jive) are very energetic and therefore energy-intensive. At the same time, there is a great opportunity to learn how to properly hold your back, tighten your abdominal muscles and pump up your leg muscles.

The least effective in the fight against excess weight are ballroom dancing (quickstep, slow foxtrot, Viennese waltz, tango). Indeed, in this case, all movements should be as smooth as possible, which does not have the most positive effect on extra calories, but at the same time, the muscles of the arms and back are perfectly worked out.

Hustle is a pair dance, which is performed to almost any energetic music. This type of dance combines some elements from modern and Latin American dances. Complex training helps to effectively increase muscle tone and improve body plasticity.

It is Irish dances that are very effective, since such a set of exercises belongs to intensive dance aerobics, which helps to burn extra calories much faster. The most important thing is that the classes are regular, because in this way you can not only lose a couple of extra pounds, but also significantly improve the functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Jazz modern is a fairly new dance direction, which originated in the United States. This type of dance includes almost all modern trends - it's break, and hip-hop, and rock and roll, and step, and techno. Such exercises will help not only in the fight against excess weight, but all the muscles of the body are perfectly worked out, plasticity improves.

Many modern girls opt for strip plastic, which includes stretching, latino, and some elements from oriental dances. Such a dance can replace a full-fledged workout, during which the muscles of the legs, arms, abdomen, buttocks, and chest will be involved.

The most important thing is not only to choose the perfect type of dance that will help you get rid of excess weight, but also to choose the right shoes. In fact, the clothes in which the training will be carried out does not matter much, just enough that it will be comfortable to move. What is more important is the right shoes.

Shoes should have a smooth sole that will easily slide on the parquet, sit perfectly on the foot, be soft, however, by no means rubber. It is important to remember that the quality of the shoe will have a direct impact on the refinement and ease of movement. That is why professionals advise choosing shoes with suede treated soles, as it is able to provide the desired level of friction.

Such shoes can be easily purchased at the store, while during the fitting it is necessary to remember that very soft leather is used for their manufacture, therefore, it quickly takes the shape of the foot. If the size is not chosen correctly, the shoes can be very worn out and literally fly off during the dance.

Of course, a couple of workouts for an hour are not able to give a stunning result, you can lose a couple of extra pounds and tighten your muscles, but in the event that there is a global task of losing weight, you must also go in for sports in parallel and monitor your own diet with increased attention.

It is the combination of dancing, anaerobic exercise and proper nutrition that can give the desired result. In addition, dancing can help you learn to control your own body, with time you will have ease of movement, agility and feline grace.

Home dances for weight loss

As a rule, the maximum load will be provided with a rhythmic single dance, during which almost all muscle groups are involved. For example, if there is a need to remove a few centimeters from the waist and abdomen, to correct the shape of the hips, then just the ideal option would be to choose oriental dances, which at the same time significantly improve posture.

But, first you need to properly prepare for the upcoming home workouts - choose the most suitable dance, since classes should also be fun, create conditions for training at home, choose the right shoes and clothes for classes.

The place where you have to dance should not cause discomfort - it is desirable that the room be bright and spacious enough. It is simply ideal to have a large wall mirror, which makes it much easier to see your own mistakes.

It is necessary to choose the right shoes and clothes. Of course, most women doing it at home do it in old "pants", but in some cases it is a beautiful suit that means half the battle. Music is also important - it is worth stopping the choice on those compositions that are simply impossible to resist. Don't be afraid to experiment.

In order for dancing to really help you lose weight, you need to pay special attention to your own nutrition - food should be perceived as a fuel that gives energy. After all, there will be absolutely no benefit from dancing if, after a workout, you eat half of the food supply from the refrigerator.

Of course, the first time it may not work out at all, but the most important thing is not to despair and gradually move towards the goal and soon not only complex “pas” will turn out, but a wasp waist will appear, the movements will become smoother and more graceful, and most importantly, self-confidence will appear.

Before training, you can also use safe energy drinks - this is giving vigor, vitamin B, ginseng, and of course, plain water.

Among the advantages of home dances is not only the fact that the extra centimeters at the waist gradually melt, but they also give a good mood, a charge of vivacity and positive, because people who regularly dance are not angry and gloomy, they radiate cheerfulness and a positive attitude .

Regular training, sports, proper and balanced nutrition - all this can give not only a beautiful and slim figure, but also excellent health.

Many girls follow the harmony of the figure. Not everyone has the time and money to study in special studios, and some still lack the courage. Dancing at home for weight loss will help solve the problem of excess weight. Classes do not require material investments, special training, do not take much free time. How to lose weight while dancing and what types of dances are useful for this?

Benefits of dancing for weight loss

Many dance movements involve all the muscles of the body, due to which all problem areas are pumped up. Additional equipment in the form of simulators is not required, as well as a professional level of training. Dancing is an exercise at home for weight loss that brings pleasure, uplifts the mood and vitality of women. You can invite a coach (choreographer) or practice on your own using video tutorials. Do not despair if a beginner fails to perform some elements. The result will appear for sure, the main thing is not to leave everything halfway!

If you are thinking about how to lose weight at home, then this is a more effective way than dancing, it is difficult to find. Morning or evening classes charge with positive for the whole day. Dancing at home for weight loss is not recommended for those who have problems with the spine or the reproductive system. Everyone else can safely proceed to incendiary workouts that will help restore harmony and cheer up.

What types of dance help to lose weight

You can try one of the activities below. Each of them effectively eliminates extra pounds and gives a positive boost of energy:

  1. Oriental are the ideal way to lose weight. Learning how to dance belly dance is to tighten your muscles, get rid of extra centimeters at the waist, and get a strong press.
  2. Latin American dances (salsa, rumba, samba). This option involves smooth rhythmic movements that are perfect for losing weight. During such incendiary exercises, all muscles are involved. The best option for weight loss is samba, but it requires a lot of work.
  3. Zumba for weight loss is both dance and cardio training. In addition to weight loss, you will get a healthy heart and blood vessels! The advantage of this type of dance is that the choreography does not have to be memorized, because it is very simple, so everyone can dance zumba.
  4. Hip-hop provides effective burning of excess calories, trains endurance, flexibility, and models the shape of the body. Such dances are considered the most energy-intensive, but not everyone likes them.
  5. Flamenco strengthens the hips, calf muscles, and models the shape of the legs. As a result of regular practice of this dance, you will become more graceful, get rid of fat deposits on the neck, arms (upper body).
  6. Step is a wonderful dance to strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks. Increases skin tone, helps to lose weight, develops a sense of rhythm.
  7. Breakdancing is a good energy expender, but requires a lot of stamina. Training forms an ideal figure, develops flexibility, gives good physical shape.
  8. Strip dance or strip plastic is a modern type of dance that helps not only to lose weight, but also to gain self-confidence. The training program includes classes from gymnastics, so it will allow you to get a slender, graceful body and a strong character. If you believe the reviews, learning these dances is a pleasure!

Rules for studying at home

You can start training at home using online video courses, in special schools or fitness centers. In any case, it is worth learning and following a few simple rules. The training area should be spacious, well lit, preferably with large mirrors. All factors that distract from exercise must be eliminated (children, pets, foreign objects on the floor, etc.). The environment around should encourage the desire to dance.

It is important to prepare special shoes and clothes before the start of classes. She should like the girl herself, in order to motivate her to study additionally. The number of workouts, as well as the time of classes is selected individually. It is advisable to practice 3 times a week for 120 minutes (or 5 times for 60 minutes). At the end of the workout, be sure to stretch the muscles (this rule cannot be neglected).

Equally important is the correct choice of musical accompaniment for the lesson. Russian or foreign song, what will inspire you more? It all depends on individual preferences. Experiment with this by choosing tracks for yourself. Sometimes even tired people, without strength and mood, feel a surge of strength and an improvement in mood to a good rhythmic melody. Additionally, you can remember about invigorating drinks, such as green tea, ginseng decoction.

While dancing at home for weight loss, normalize your diet. Choose healthy foods to use as "fuel for the body." It is recommended to eat 1.5-2 hours before the start of the dance, and after them no earlier than 30 minutes. It is optimal to follow a protein diet or include more meat, eggs, legumes in the diet (excluding junk food). No need to despair in the absence of success in the early stages, because classes should only bring you joy!

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