What year was Alexander Vasiliev born. The hard way of an extravagant man


Fashion historian Alexandra Vasilyeva many people know, in many respects - thanks to his public activities and the well-known program “Fashionable Sentence”. He has been on a creative path since childhood.


Alexander Vasiliev was born in Moscow on December 8, 1959. His family was closely connected with creativity - his mother worked in the theater, his father painted and created scenery and costumes for productions. From childhood, the boy read a lot - fortunately, a huge home library allowed this, he went to performances and exhibitions.

In adolescence, he became interested in costumes and scenery, began to sew himself and stage his own performances. After graduating from school, he entered the Moscow Art Theater, and after completing his studies, he worked for some time as a costume designer in one of the Moscow theaters. In 1982, he left his homeland and went to France to study, work and conquer his peaks.

Carier start in the capital of fashion was not the most successful - and who was waiting for an unknown young man here? In material terms, it was sometimes difficult, and Vasiliev even performed with street musicians, earning a living. However, over time, life improved - Alexander began to receive orders for the manufacture of scenery and was able to start his studies at the Louvre school, choosing the specialty "interior design". He devoted a lot of time to self-education, studying the history of fashion, and by 1994 he already had his own course of lectures on this topic.

With the onset of the 2000s, Alexander Vasilyev, already a recognized fashion historian, returns to Russia, where he is active. He teaches, hosts a TV show (“Blow of the Wind” on the Kultura channel), organizes student tours to introduce young people to the pearls of European culture, opens his own design studio, and heads the Academy of Fashion established at Ostankino. in 2008, the program “ fashion sentence", whose constant leader (together with Evelina Khromchenko) becomes Vasiliev.

In March 2017, it became known that Alexander Vasilyev was leaving Fashion Sentence. True, the presenter himself claims that this is not for a long time, no more than a dozen issues. He just needed a break to do his other things, and just take a break from an 8-year marathon.


Alexander Vasilyev is reasonably proud of the fact that he was able to change some ideas about fashion in modern society. So, in his opinion, he managed to convince young people that bleached hair on girls is not stylish, but jeans with rhinestones and a bare stomach are bad manners. As a theatrical artist, Vasiliev is interested in national costumes and has collected a unique collection of Russian culture dresses; it contains exhibits dating back to the 17th century, including models created by Chanel, Valentino, Gaultier, and others.

Engaged by Alexander Vasiliev and writing activities. His works are connected, of course, with the history of fashion, the most famous are "Beauty in Exile", "Russian Fashion: 150 Years in Photographs". For achievements in the promotion of Russian art, Vasiliev was awarded the S.P. Diaghilev medal, the gold medal of the Academy of Arts, the Order of the Patron, and other awards.

Personal life

Personal life of Alexander Vasiliev is not in the public domain. He, like many stars, defends his right to secrets and does not seek to reveal them.

For some time there were rumors that Vasiliev was gay. Of course, the outrageous artist could not help but draw attention to his person, including in this matter. Somehow the hero admitted that he could experience passion for several women at once (note, not men!) And justifies polygamy. It is known that the fashion historian was married twice, the first time - to a French woman (they say that the marriage was fictitious and was needed only in order to get to France), the second time - to an Icelandic woman, and also unsuccessfully.

To date, the fashion historian is not married, although the recent transfer of "The Secret to a Million" with Lera Kudryavtseva revealed certain secrets of Alexander Vasilyev's personal life. So, it turned out that he has three goddaughters, one of whom even came to the shooting of the program (now we know for sure that Marfa Milovidova- goddaughter of Alexander Vasiliev). Vasiliev became her godfather at the request of his good friend.

As for own children of Alexander Vasiliev, then he never started them, although the last question of Lera Kudryavtseva, to that same “million”, did not receive an answer. He concerned an illegitimate child, who allegedly has Vasiliev. Summing up, the fashion judge said that everything will someday become known from his memoirs. So the question of whether Alexander Vasilyev has children remains open.

Undoubtedly, fans show considerable interest in the person of the “fashion historian”, so it is possible that the 58-year-old Vasiliev will still find his soul mate and still become a father. Moreover, he does not lose hope for this.

Alexander Vasiliev was born on December 8, 1958 in Moscow into a well-known theatrical family. Father - Alexander Vasiliev (1911-1990), People's Artist of Russia, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Arts. Mother - Tatyana Vasilyeva Gulevich (1924-2003), dramatic actress, professor, one of the first graduates of the Moscow Art Theater School.

Alexander Vasiliev: “The atmosphere in our family was very creative. I often went to my father's workshop, watched how he works. That's how I studied painting. At the same time he was engaged in music - he played the piano, and choreography. I was constantly hanging out with my mother in the theater - sometimes in the dressing rooms, sometimes backstage.
The quote is taken from the magazine "7 Days", No. 39 (29.09.2011)

At the age of five, the future fashion designer created his first costumes and scenery for the puppet theater. At the same time, Vasiliev took part in the filming of children's programs "The Bell Theater" and "Alarm Clock". He designed his first performance-fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City" at the age of 12.

Alexander graduated from the production department of the Moscow Art Theater School. Then he worked as a costume designer at the Moscow Theater on Malaya Bronnaya.

In 1981, Vasilyev entered into a fictitious marriage with the Frenchwoman Anne-Mishlin Jean Bodimont, who studied Russian at Moscow State University. Their union lasted five years.

Alexander Vasiliev: “Our marriage lasted five years. Relations with Anna were very unusual. Oddly enough, my fictitious wife did not want to see me.

Alexander Vasiliev- Russian fashion historian, theater artist, art critic, writer, TV presenter, decorator, collector and head of the Moscow Academy of Fashion.

Alexander Vasiliev. Biography

Alexander Alexandrovich Vasiliev was born in the winter of 1958 in Moscow, in a family directly related to art. His father Alexander Pavlovich was an artist, a fashion designer, and my mother Tatyana Vasilyeva performed on the stage. Vasiliev he was fond of fashion since childhood, he especially liked to sew scenery for puppet shows.

Alexander Vasiliev: “I am the son of a famous artist and actress, my grandfathers, great-grandfathers were educated and cultured people. I grew up among books, theatrical performances, painting - it educates, lays the core of future knowledge that you can get.

While still a schoolboy Alexander Vasiliev promised himself that if there was no revolution in Russia in the 1980s, he would definitely leave here. He kept his word and, after graduating from the Production Department of the Moscow Art Theater School, moved to Paris.

Alexander Vasiliev. creative way

The young fashion designer had practically no means of subsistence - he even had to look for a chair in an old dump, and Alexander Vasiliev earned a living by singing Russian songs to the accompaniment of street musicians. Soon Alexander Vasiliev began to receive orders for the decoration of various French theaters and festivals.

Alexander Vasiliev studied a lot in France (including graduating from the interior design department of large palaces at the Louvre school), independently studied rare copies of fashion books in order to present his lecture program translated into four languages ​​in 1994. Since then, Alexander Vasiliev has performed at universities and colleges all over the world.

Alexander Vasiliev: “Fashion in Western Europe has long died, only we are interested in fashion. In Paris, no one is fashionable, and we are so insecure, and we have such a poor percentage of men in relation to women - according to the official statistics of the last census, we have 56% of women and 44% of men. Therefore, women try to please just in case. And suddenly lucky today! Therefore, no one goes out with unpainted eyes, without heels, without beautiful hair, everyone puts on makeup, we don’t have a woman with gray hair at all, and in Europe all the time, because they are not afraid to be old. And we have a great desire to be young, to say that “I'm only 25, when I'm already 78”, do you understand? No, you cannot approach a country where it snows in mid-April with world standards. Western realities, to which we always want to attach ourselves, do not suit our climate.

Autumn 2003 Alexander Vasiliev opened the Alexander Vasiliev Interiors design studio in Moscow and presented his unique collection of antiques to the audience. Leading stylists of the country listened to his opinion. Alexander Vasiliev considers it his achievement that there are fewer perehydrol blondes in Russia, bare bellies and jeans strewn with rhinestones have gone out of fashion.

In the summer of 2009, the fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev took the place of a TV presenter in a popular show Channel One"Fashion Sentence". Prior to this, the "meeting" was led by fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev, but he had to leave the program for health reasons.

Alexander Vasiliev: “Many people write reviews on the site, sometimes very funny, sometimes very nice. For example: “Help me, I bought a skirt, I don’t know what to wear with.” Well, not seeing a woman, not knowing her build, dimensions, not looking at the skirt itself, how short, long, narrow it is ... to give advice on what to wear. Or: "I'm sad, my wife is completely lazy, do something!" Sorry, lazy in what? Does he cook badly? Doesn't clean up? And what can we do?

In 2009 Alexander Vasiliev took over as head of the Moscow Academy of Fashion at the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting "Ostankino".

Vasiliev is the author of books on fashion, including the Carte Postale series, the publications I'm in Fashion Today..., Etudes on Fashion and Style, The Fates of Fashion, and Russian Hollywood. One of the last exhibitions Alexandra Vasilyeva is called "Fashion of the 1960s. From mini to maxi.

At Alexandra Vasilyeva there are several own projects: the Lilies of Alexander Vasilyev award (a rating of premises according to the principles of artistic design), as well as the Alexander Vasilyev School, which every month goes to seminars for a week in Paris, then in Rome, then in other European capitals.

In 2012, Alexander became a master of the course at the Faculty of Design and Fashion at the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting Ostankino, and since 2014 he has become the leader of the educational course, which he developed himself, at the Moda.Ru school.

Since 2012 Alexander Vasiliev also cooperates with Radio Mayak, conducts a series of programs “Portraits of great fashionistas”.

In 2016 he starred in the film "Hero" with Dima Bilan in a small role.

Alexander Vasiliev: “One of the students of my fashion school came to Paris from the Baltics. December is not hot. The lady put on a floor-length sable coat. On the side is a golden Fendi bag. We travel around Paris by metro: fast, convenient, without traffic jams. And in the subway, two little ragged gypsies joined our shining lady. My student began to resent: “No, why did they climb into my room? Full wagon of people?!”. Then I said: to whom else to climb? Look at yourself: sable, golden bag. Our women can be seen half a mile away! By the way, about fur. Fur is fashionable to wear ... inside. Like a warm blanket. Only fur cuffs are released outside.

Alexander Vasiliev. Personal life

Vasiliev was married in a fictitious marriage, which he, being a graduate of the Moscow Art Theater School, concluded in order to obtain a French visa. This union lasted five years, after which the couple separated. As the maestro sometimes jokes, he married fashion and is happy in such a marriage.

As for the current personal life of the maestro, Alexander Vasiliev prefers to hide it from prying eyes. He declares that he has several beloved women, since polygamy is inherent in the nature of a man. Among other things, according to him, a beautiful woman today is commonplace, but a smart one is a rarity.

Alexander Vasiliev. Interesting Facts

fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev He is fluent in seven languages, and has traveled around the world three times, since he sincerely believes that it is unthinkable for a person to lock himself within some boundaries - there is too much to do.

Alexander Vasiliev: “I believe that we will all rest in a coffin. Rest is not the right state for a person. We must work while we can work. I think it's just immoral to lie on the beach, spreading your bodies, drinking beer and looking into the distance, not thinking about anything. I'm not that kind of person at all. Even when I rest on my estate, I plant grapes, plant roses, take care of flowers. I really like to work with the earth, and I am not at all white-handed. I like to work with furniture, I like to rearrange it, I like to bind books. How many people waste time, do nothing useful and are just a factory for processing good food. I think that living only for the sake of the body, food, sunburn or sex is stupid and vulgar. You have to develop and intellectually do something all the time.”

The biography and personal life of fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev, of course, excites all his fans. The creative life of Vasiliev deserves no less attention - as much about women's costume as this person, perhaps, no one knows. His rich knowledge is in demand both in educational institutions, where he lectures, and on TV, where he hosts a popular program and advises the creators of many fashion programs.

Fashion historian Alexander Vasilyev is familiar today even to those who are far from fashion. Delicately and correctly, he talks about the shortcomings of the wardrobes of famous people, elegantly and intelligibly talks about the fashion of past centuries, skillfully and enthusiastically conducts classes at the Fashion Academy.

Fashion, as you know, is a versatile, capricious and changeable lady. The history of fashion is the history of world art and everyday life; the history of fashion can be used to trace how ideas about female beauty and ideals have changed. Obviously, this is why fashion, this fickle lady, likes the attention of men so much.

Parents and personal life of fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev

One of those who have devoted themselves to the art of fashion is Alexander Vasiliev, one of the most famous people in Russia today. Alexander came to his hobby in his youth, because since childhood there was an atmosphere of creativity around him.

The parents of the fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev are people of art. My father created theatrical scenery and costumes, had the title of People's Artist of the USSR, and my mother was a dramatic actress. Alexander, already in childhood, tried to sew costumes for dolls and built scenery for his own puppet theater.

“To give birth to a baby, you need two loving halves. I left Russia for France for my girlfriend. To be with her, I even had to marry a Frenchwoman - for the sake of a visa. And my beloved never became my wife. I really wanted children, but God did not give, ”says Alexander Vasiliev. He ended up living in Paris for 20 years.

Career of Alexander Vasiliev and video from the archives of the fashion historian

Passion for the theater led Alexander Vasiliev to the Moscow Art Theater School, the production department of which he graduated in 1980.

His career began at the theater on Malaya Bronnaya, where he worked for two years. Then Alexander leaves for Paris, where he collaborates with the most famous French theaters, including the Bastille Opera Studio and the Royal Opera of Versailles.

The reputation of a great decorator and connoisseur of fashion trends has become a good recommendation for Alexander in the art world.

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the creative biography of the fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev continues in Russia.

Since 2002, he began working on the Kultura TV channel, where he hosted the Breath of the Century program, of which he is the author.

And since 2003 Alexander started his new project; his design studio opens this year, the designers of which combine the rich traditions of Russian spirituality with Parisian sophistication.

Now Alexander leads an active life: he gives lectures in various halls, works at Moscow State University, conducts trips with students of his own school to the cultural capitals of Europe - Rome and London, Paris and Vienna, Madrid and Vilnius.

In 2009, Alexander Vasiliev became the head of the Fashion Academy, which was organized at the Ostankino Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting. Alexander Vasilyev is the host of the Fashion Sentence program on Channel One.

Watch the video of fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev from his personal archive:

Alexander Vasilyev, fashion historian, honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts, who was recognized by the Russian public thanks to the popular TV show "Fashionable Sentence", is known far beyond the borders of the country. This distinguished art historian, collector and theater decorator works all over the world: he collaborates with various theaters, exhibits his collections of historical costumes, and lectures on the history of fashion in several languages.

Alexander Vasiliev was born in Moscow into an exceptionally intelligent family. His father, Alexander Pavlovich Vasiliev, was a famous theater artist and fashion designer, winner of the Grand Prix at the 1959 Brussels World Exhibition.

For his creative heritage, Alexander Vasiliev Sr. was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia, in different years he headed the Soviet Center of the International Association of Set Designers and Theater Technologists, the Department of Theater and Film Artists at the Moscow Union of Artists, and was the secretary of the board of the Union of Artists in the USSR. His works are in the State Museum. Pushkin, as well as in the museums of such famous theaters as the Theater. Chekhov and the Bolshoi Theatre.

The mother of Alexander Alexandrovich, Tatyana Ilyinichna Vasilyeva-Gurevich, played in the theater, and also taught stage speech and acting in such universities as the Moscow Art Theater School and the Bolshoi Ballet School. Thus, the boy from childhood was surrounded by an atmosphere of art. It was the early immersion in the world of beauty that gave him the first impetus to development, the fashion historian claims in his numerous interviews.

Since childhood, Sasha was extremely passionate about the history of fashion and often helped his father in tailoring theatrical scenery. The future maestro created his first theatrical costumes and scenery when he was only five years old. At the same time, Sasha took part in the filming of the Soviet children's television programs "Alarm Clock" and "The Bell Theater". Already at the age of twelve, Alexander Vasiliev acted as a stage designer for the complete design of the theatrical performance for children "The Wizard of the Emerald City".

Naturally, with such an early start to creative activity, noticeable talent and the full support of loved ones, there was no question of choosing a future profession. After leaving school, the young man entered the Moscow Art Theater School at the production department, which he graduated in 1980, and began working at the famous Theater on Malaya Bronnaya as a costume designer.

At the same time, the first love comes into the life of young Alexander Vasiliev. However, the circumstances were such that the mother of the girl Masha, for whom the artist had romantic feelings, married a French citizen and moved to Paris with her daughter. This was a big blow for the young man, but the decorator did not reconcile himself and began to look for opportunities to get out to France, which was almost impossible in the USSR. Vasiliev had to enter into a fictitious marriage in order to leave the country. Then the future maestro did not suspect that his absence would drag on for many years.

Life in France

When the exit visa was coming to an end, Vasiliev learned that, firstly, upon returning to his homeland, he would be sent to serve in Afghanistan, and, secondly, a ban on leaving the USSR for fifteen years would come into force. Both of these facts led to the fact that the young art critic became a "defector", having issued a residence permit in France.

In Paris, thanks to his talent and diligence, Alexander Vasiliev quickly found a job in his specialty. He began to receive orders for the design of various performances in French theaters, as well as street festivals. In parallel, the artist constantly improved his skills: in addition to self-study, he graduated from the Louvre School with a degree in palace interior design.

Over time, the decorator's track record was replenished with such famous clients as the Rond Pointe Theatre, the Royal Opera of Versailles, the Opera de Bastille Studio, Luserner, the Avignon Festival and many others.

At the same time, Alexander Vasilyev began his teaching career: he taught the history of fashion to students of the Russian Theater School and the famous Parisian fashion school Esmod, which is the world's first educational institution of this kind (founded in 1841).

Subsequently, the geography of Vasiliev's work expanded noticeably, since the Russian decorator was considered exotic in Europe. Alexander began to receive proposals for cooperation from the UK: the National London Theater and the Scottish Ballet in Glasgow became interested in a talented decorator, orders came from all over the world - Iceland, Turkey and Japan.

Thanks to long-term contracts in France, Spain and Italy, the artist was able to perfectly master the languages ​​of these countries, which subsequently gave him the opportunity to lecture in Spanish, Italian and French. The fashion historian began his traveling lecture practice in 1994, having received French citizenship by that time.

"Fashion Judgment"

Returning to Russia after the collapse of the USSR, Alexander Vasiliev continued his educational activities in the field of design, fashion and aesthetics. In 2000, under his patronage, the first Samara fashion festival "Volga Seasons of Alexander Vasilyev" was held. Two years later, the fashion historian began to conduct the author's program "The Breath of the Century" on the Kultura TV channel.

TV presenter Alexander Vasiliev

In addition to private lectures, Alexander Vasiliev teaches fashion history at Moscow State University, is the founder of an author's design studio, as well as a mobile fashion school that organizes educational trips to the cultural capitals of the world. At various times, the decorator gave a course of lectures at the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting "Ostankino", at the style school "MODA.RU". Also, thanks to his patronage, the first Museum of the History of Fashion of the Twentieth Century in the history of Russia was opened in Chelyabinsk.

Since 2009, Vasilyev has been replaced as the moderator of the fashion court sessions in the popular TV show "Fashion Sentence" in which the maestro has been working with, and since 2012 he has been conducting a series of author's programs "Portraits of Great Fashionistas" on Mayak radio.

Jewelry collection of Alexander Vasiliev

In 2011, Vasiliev established his own version of the "Michelin star": for the high aesthetics of interior design, the maestro presents the laureates with a ceramic lily. Each award is made by hand and has its own personal number to determine authenticity. "Lilies of Alexander Vasilyev" are awarded mainly for the design of public interiors open to the public - various cafes, train stations, public galleries.


Of course, such a rich experience in the history of fashion should be passed on to posterity. Peru Alexander Vasiliev owns more than three dozen books, which are mainly devoted to the history of domestic fashion and the style of Russian emigrants in the early twentieth century. His work "Beauty in Exile" was published six times.

Alexander Vasiliev is not only a historian, but also a writer

The maestro plans to publish the memoirs of Tatiana Leskova, great-granddaughter of the famous Russian writer Nikolai Leskov, prima ballerina of the Russian ballet and ballet director in Brazil. The biography of Alexander Vasiliev, as he himself claims, is slowly compiled from his diary entries, which he diligently keeps for many decades.


Passion for the history of fashion made Alexander Vasiliev an avid collector. So, his private collection of historical costume is one of the largest in the world. The most valuable exhibits are the masterpieces that belonged to Princess Maria Shcherbatova, ballerina Maya Plisetskaya, Countesses Jacqueline de Bogurdon and Olga von Kreutz. Russian theater and film actresses willingly provide their costumes to complete this collection.

Since the main purpose of the collection is not so much possession as educational activity, Alexander Vasilyev forms thematic exhibitions on its basis, which are regularly held in Russia and abroad. The future plans of the fashion historian include the creation of a permanent exhibition, which will become the first museum of historical costume in Russia.

Personal life

The maestro was married in a fictitious marriage, which he, being a graduate of the Moscow Art Theater School, entered into in order to obtain a French visa. This marriage lasted five years, but then the couple broke up.

After that, the personal life of Alexander Vasilyev was associated only with art. As the maestro sometimes jokes, he married fashion and is happy in such a marriage.


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