What is the character of Oblomov. Positive and negative character traits of Oblomov, his inconsistency in Goncharov's novel


Features of the national character in the image
I. I. Oblomova

In 1859, one of the most remarkable works of I. A. Goncharov, Oblomov, was published. This novel was perceived by readers ambiguously: some praised it, read it, others scolded and expressed all sorts of disdain. Critics also did not agree, each gave his own assessment of the novel and did not want to agree with someone else's. But in the meantime, the novel diverged, and soon all of Petersburg knew and discussed Oblomov.

The work stirred up a new wave in the ocean that raged in Russia at that time: whether to be a true Russian character and way of life, or try to imitate a foreign style. People agreed that, indeed, Goncharov put Oblomov in too unsightly light.
What are Features of the national character in the image of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov around which there were so many disputes and discussions? The protagonist of the novel is a slow, unusually lazy person. He was never in a hurry, he liked to put things on the back burner, he was in no hurry to do today what could be done tomorrow. His favorite pastime was sleep, in second place was eating. Ilya Ilyich woke up for dinner, and only extraordinary events could pull him out of his comfortable bed. Oblomov spent his whole day in inactivity and peace, he did not go anywhere, was not interested in anything, and his measured, lingering life would flow from day to day, if it were not for acquaintances and friends who occasionally visited him.

Features of the national character in the image of Oblomov Goncharov, exaggerating a little, showed unusually accurately. Let us recall at least the spiritual qualities of Oblomov. According to the author of the novel, Ilya Ilyich had a pure heart, to which all sorts of dirt did not stick, and a soul as transparent as crystal. Oblomov was a very kind, gentle man. His house was always open to visitors: both close friends and ordinary acquaintances. The bread and salt of Ilya Ilyich also knew no bounds, he never refused people, even unpleasant for him: Oblomov always treated Tarantiev, although it was very difficult. assume they were close friends.

It is these qualities that have distinguished Russian people from time immemorial. Foreigners, traveling around Russia, have always been amazed at the breadth of the Russian soul, their generosity, kindness and openness.

In Oblomov there is another amazing feature inherent in all Russian people without exception - this is the hope for "maybe". Who among us has never used this magic word? Ilya Ilyich hopes that perhaps the matter of moving to another apartment will be settled by itself, perhaps the headman himself will improve the financial situation of Oblomovka.

Where do these come from Traits of national character in Russian character? Goncharov gives the answer to this question in the chapter "Oblomov's Dream", which, it seems to me, is the key to the whole novel. From childhood, Ilya Ilyich was brought up in such conditions when it was easier to say a few words than to do the deed himself. As a child, Ilya Ilyich watched nature, tried to do something with his own hands, but his parents carefully protected him from any work, from making independent decisions. All his life, Ilya Ilyich felt hidden forces in himself, but he could not release them and use them for the good of Russia, or at least for his own good. In Oblomov, the stereotype of a happy life is firmly fixed - peace, renunciation of all kinds of activity. For Ilya Ilyich, a cozy dressing gown and a soft feather bed become symbols of happiness.

Oblomov could not stand the test of sincere ardent love for Olga Ilyinskaya. At first, when their attraction to each other flared into passion, Ilya Ilyich changed a lot for the better: he forgot about his dressing gown, his afternoon nap ... Oblomov began to appear often in society, dress smartly, often met with Olga, and it seemed that he had changed forever , the former life is buried. But as soon as a serious situation developed that required decisive action from Ilya Ilyich (it was necessary to make an offer to Olga, rent a new apartment, put things in order on the estate, etc.), Oblomov did not find the strength to fulfill his plan and again sank: stopped seeing Olga, returned to his old friends - a dressing gown and a sofa, began to sleep again during the day and, finally, moved to the Vyborg side, where he hid from society, like a hermit.

Moving to the Vyborg side and meeting Agafya Pshenitsyna played a tragic role in Oblomov's fate: he finally sank, and nothing, not even friendship with Stolz and love for Olga, was able to pull him out of the hole where Ilya Ilyich fell.

After reading "Oblomov" * I thought for a long time about the Russian character, compared myself, my relatives and acquaintances with the hero of the novel and, to be honest, I was surprised to find very similar features in all of them. Oblomov lives in everyone - of the Russian people to one degree or another. In the character of Ilya Ilyich there are many positive and many negative features, "his image reflects the typical Russian national character, though not without some exaggeration. And for a very long time, Russian people will suffer from their inherent contemplation, resulting in fruitless daydreaming, but I want to believe that, despite all the vicissitudes of fate, they will carry through the years their open kind heart and soul pure as crystal.

The pinnacle of creativity of the talented Russian prose writer and critic of the 19th century Ivan Goncharov was the novel Oblomov, published in 1859 in the journal Domestic Notes. His epic scale of the artistic study of the life of the Russian nobility in the mid-nineteenth century allowed this work to occupy one of the central places in Russian literature.

Characteristics of the main character

The protagonist of the novel is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, a young (32-33 years old) Russian nobleman, idly and carefree living on his estate. He has a pleasant appearance, the main feature of which is softness in all his features and the main expression of his soul.

His favorite activity is to lie listlessly on the couch and waste time in empty thoughts and dreamy reflections. Moreover, the complete absence of any actions is his conscious choice, because once he had a position in the department and was waiting for promotion on the career ladder. But then he got bored with it and left everything, making his ideal a carefree life filled with sleepy peace and tranquility, as in childhood.

(Old faithful servant Zakhar)

Oblomov is distinguished by sincerity, gentleness and kindness, he did not even lose such a valuable moral quality as conscience. He is far from evil or bad deeds, but at the same time it is impossible to confidently say that he is a positive hero. Goncharov painted the reader a terrible picture of Oblomov's spiritual desolation and his moral decay. The old and faithful servant Zakhar is a mirror reflection of the character of his young master. He is just as lazy and sloppy, devoted to the depths of his soul to his master and also shares with him the philosophy of his life.

One of the main storylines in the novel, which perfectly reveals the character of the protagonist, is Oblomov's love relationship with Olga Ilyinskaya. Romantic feelings for this young and sweet lady that suddenly flared up in Oblomov's heart arouse in him an interest in spiritual life, he begins to be interested in art and the mental demands of his time. Thus, there is a ray of hope that Oblomov can return to a normal human life. Love reveals in him new, previously unknown traits of his character, inspires and inspires a new life.

But in the end, the feeling of love for this pure and highly moral girl becomes a bright, but very short-term flash in the measured and monotonous life of the couch potato master. Illusions are dispelled very quickly, from the fact that they can be together, they are too unlike Olga, he can never become the one she wants to see next to her. There is a natural breakdown in relations. In the process of choosing between romantic dates and a serene sleepy state in which he lived most of his conscious life, Oblomov chooses the usual and favorite option for him to do nothing. And only in the house of Agafya Pshenitsina, surrounded by such usual care and an idle, carefree life, he finds his ideal refuge, where his life ends quietly and imperceptibly.

The image of the main character in the work

After its release, the novel received close attention from critics and readers alike. By the name of the protagonist of this work (at the initiative of the famous literary critic Dobrolyubov), the whole concept of "Oblomovism" appeared, which later acquired a wide historical significance. It is described as a real disease of modern Russian society, when young and full of strength people of noble birth are busy with reflection and apathy, they are afraid to change anything in their lives and prefer lazy and idle vegetative life instead of action and struggle for their happiness.

According to Dobrolyubov, the image of Oblomov is a symbol of serf society in Russia in the 19th century. The origins of his "disease" lie precisely in the serf system, in the technical backwardness of the economy, in the process of exploitation and humiliation of forced peasant slaves. Goncharov revealed to the readers the whole path of the formation of Oblomov's character and his complete moral degradation, which applies not only to one individual representative of the nobility, but to the entire nation as a whole. Oblomov's path, sadly, is the path of the majority of people who do not have a specific goal in life and are absolutely useless for society.

Even such noble and lofty feelings as friendship and love could not break this vicious circle of laziness and idleness, so one can only sympathize with Oblomov that he did not find the strength to cast off the shackles of sleep and live a new, full life.

The novel "Oblomov", written by Ivan Goncharov, became one of the key in the literature of the 19th century, and such a concept as "Oblomovism", brilliantly revealed by Goncharov in the novel, reflected the nature of the society of that time in the best possible way. When we consider the characterization of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, the protagonist of the novel, the concept of "Oblomovism" will become even more understandable.

So, Ilya Oblomov was born into a landowner's family with its way of life and accepted standards. The boy grew up, absorbing the environment and the spirit of the life of the landowners. He began to consider as his priorities what he learned from his parents, and, of course, his personality was formed precisely in such circumstances.

Brief description of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov

Already at the beginning of the novel, the author introduces us to the image of Oblomov. This is an introvert experiencing apathy for everything, who indulges in his dreams and lives in illusions. Oblomov can draw a picture in his imagination so vividly and vividly, having invented it, that he himself often cries or rejoices from the bottom of his heart at those scenes that do not actually exist.

Oblomov's appearance in the novel "Oblomov" seems to reflect his inner state, his soft and sensual character traits. We can say that his body movements were smooth, graceful and gave off some tenderness unacceptable for a man. Oblomov's characteristic is pronounced: he had soft shoulders and small plump hands, had long been flabby and led an inactive lifestyle. And Oblomov's gaze - always sleepy, devoid of concentration - testifies to him more clearly than anything else!

Oblomov at home

From considering the image of Oblomov, we turn to a description of his life, which is important to understand when studying the characteristics of the protagonist. At first, reading the description of his room, one gets the impression that it is perfectly tidy and comfortable: there is a nice wooden bureau, and sofas with silk upholstery, and carpets with curtains hang, and paintings ... But now we look better at the decoration of Oblomov's room and we see cobwebs, dust on the mirrors, dirt on the carpet, and even an uncleaned plate on which lies a gnawed bone. In fact, his housing is unkempt, abandoned and sloppy.

Why is this description and its analysis so important for us in Oblomov's characterization? Because we make a significant conclusion about the main character: he does not live in reality, he plunged into the world of illusions, and life does not bother him much. For example, when meeting acquaintances, Oblomov not only does not greet them with a handshake, but he does not even deign to get out of bed.

Conclusions about the main character

Of course, the upbringing of Ilya Ilyich played an important role in the formation of his image, because he was born in the distant Oblomovka estate, which was famous for its peaceful life. Everything there was calm and measured, from the weather to the very way of life of the locals. They were lazy people, constantly on vacation and dreaming of a hearty meal from morning to evening. But the image of Oblomov, which we see when starting to read the novel, is very different from the characterization of Oblomov in childhood.

When Ilya was a child, he was interested in everything, thought and imagined a lot, lived actively. For example, he liked to consider the world around him with its diversity, go for walks. But Ilya's parents raised him on the principle of a "greenhouse plant", they tried to protect him from everything, even from work. How did this boy grow up? What is sown, is grown. Oblomov, being an adult, did not respect work, did not want to communicate with anyone, and preferred to solve difficulties by calling a servant.

Turning to the childhood of the protagonist, it becomes clear why the image of Oblomov developed in this way, who is to blame for this. Yes, because of such an upbringing and nature of Ilya Ilyich, who was already very sensual with a good imagination, he was practically unable to solve problems and strive for something high.

The central character of I. A. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, a gentleman “thirty-two years old”. The work is dedicated to the disclosure of his life philosophy, way of existence, his psychology.
The main character traits of Oblomov are apathy, laziness, inactivity. He lies on the couch all day, absolutely not interested in anything. But this state of affairs does not bother the hero at all: everything suits him in this existence: “Ilya Ilyich’s lying down was neither a necessity, ... nor an accident ...: it was his normal state.” On the contrary, Oblomov’s discomfort is caused by annoying “touches of life”.
However, this hero has his own dreams. In the chapter "Oblomov's Dream" the author describes them to us quite clearly. We see that native Oblomovka brought up in Ilya Ilyich a love for home comfort, peace and quiet: "Happy people lived, thinking that it should not and cannot be otherwise."

r /> Love, care, warmth and affection were vital for this person. Let's remember his dreams about his family life. Oblomov dreamed of a wife-mother, a wife-mistress, and not a passionate mistress: “Yes, passion must be limited, strangled and drowned in marriage ...” He imagined a very warm pastime - in a peaceful circle of family and loving friends. Here, conversations would be held about art, about events taking place in the world, etc.
It is the need for such a life - where everyone loves each other, is satisfied with each other and with themselves - and is, it seems to me, Oblomov's life ideal. It was for this that Olga Ilyinskaya called the hero a “heart of gold”, because he knew how not only to take love, but also generously give it, share it.
Of course, Oblomovka cultivated not only this in her Ilyusha. She brought up in him a fear of life, and indecision, and laziness, and helplessness, and snobbery. And besides, it was a completely distorted idea of ​​​​adult life.
All this - both positive and negative - manifested itself in the life of the hero later. We know that in his youth, Oblomov, supported by Stolz, dreamed of improving himself, changing himself and the world around him. However, if Stolz began to realize his dreams, then Oblomov's words remained only words.
Arriving in St. Petersburg, the hero gradually became disillusioned with the service (“When will you live?”), Moved away from all affairs and lay down on the sofa. Somehow, imperceptibly, Oblomov lost almost all of his acquaintances, because in order to maintain communication, you need to make some effort. And it was absolutely unbearable for the hero.
Only once Ilya Ilyich perked up and began to change - falling in love with Olga Ilyinskaya.
r /> Then the hero was ready to do whatever his beloved wants. Ilya Ilyich really began to change - he forced himself to be interested in the life around him, move more, eat less. But in this story, Oblomov's uncertainty, his fear of change, played a tragic role. At one fine moment, he felt that he was not worthy of Olga, and wrote a letter to the girl with explanations: “Listen, without any hints, I will say directly and simply: you do not love me and cannot love me.”
After that, Oblomov's life went on as usual - he continued to lie in seclusion, communicating only with Zakhar and occasionally with Stolz.


Composition Oblomov's character traits reasoning

Goncharov's novel "Oblomov" was written in the middle of the nineteenth century and accurately described a bright representative of the noble society, who has a consumerist attitude towards life and the people around him, cannot find application for his knowledge and abilities. This is the fruit of upbringing, accustomed from generation to generation to use slave labor, to live at the expense of another person.

The main character of the novel is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. He repeats not only the name of his father, but also his habits and way of life. The life test for Oblomov was his studies at the boarding school. He studied well, but he was more happy when his parents, having come up with dozens of reasons, left him at home. After graduating from a boarding school, and then in Moscow, Ilya Ilyich enters the service. But even there he cannot hold out for more than two years. He is bored and not interested in doing any work.

He justifies his passivity by the fact that he has big plans for the future. Lying on the couch, he ponders a plan to rebuild the estate. But things do not go beyond dreams. And even his friend Andrey Stolz cannot stir him up. Going abroad on business, Andrei introduces Oblomov to Olga Ilyinskaya. But this acquaintance revived Oblomov's life only for a short time. Kind and honest by nature, Ilya Ilyich suddenly realizes that he cannot make Olga happy, that their views on life are very different.

He wants a calm, measured life, without difficulties and upheavals, to be surrounded by kind and loving people. The mistress of the house where he rented an apartment, the widow of Pshenitsyn, was able to provide him with such a life. Over time, she became his wife, the mother of his son, was for him a nurse, a guardian angel. Even Stolz, having come to Oblomov, realized that he could not change the life of a friend.

After the death of Oblomov, Stolz told the writer about his fate. He wanted readers to appreciate his pure soul and constant struggle with himself and the life around him.


  1. Introduction
  2. Conclusion


Goncharov's novel "Oblomov" was written during the transition of Russian society from outdated, house-building traditions and values ​​to new, enlightening views and ideas. This process became the most difficult and difficult for representatives of the landlord social class, as it required an almost complete rejection of the usual way of life and was associated with the need to adapt to new, more dynamic and rapidly changing conditions. And if a part of society easily adapted to the renewed circumstances, then for others the transition process turned out to be very difficult, since it was essentially opposed to the usual way of life of their parents, grandfathers and great-grandfathers. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is the representative of just such landlords, who failed to change along with the world, adapting to it. According to the plot of the work, the hero was born in a village far from the capital of Russia - Oblomovka, where he received a classic landowner, house-building upbringing, which formed many of Oblomov's main character traits - lack of will, apathy, lack of initiative, laziness, unwillingness to work and the expectation that someone will do everything for him.
Excessive guardianship of parents, constant prohibitions, the peacefully lazy atmosphere of Oblomovka led to a deformation of the character of a curious and active boy, making him introverted, prone to escapism and unable to overcome even the most insignificant difficulties.

The inconsistency of Oblomov's character in the novel "Oblomov"

The negative side of Oblomov's character

In the novel, Ilya Ilyich does not decide anything on his own, hoping for outside help - Zakhar, who will bring him food or clothes, Stolz, who can solve problems in Oblomovka, Tarantiev, who, although he will deceive, will figure out the situation of interest to Oblomov, etc. The hero is not interested in real life, it causes him boredom and fatigue, while he finds true peace and satisfaction in the world of illusions invented by him. Spending all his days lying on the couch, Oblomov makes unrealizable plans for the arrangement of Oblomovka and his happy family life, in many ways similar to the calm, monotonous atmosphere of his childhood. All his dreams are directed to the past, even the future that he draws for himself are echoes of a distant past that can no longer be returned.

It would seem that a lazy, lumberjack hero living in an untidy apartment cannot arouse sympathy and disposition in the reader, especially against the background of an active, active, purposeful friend of Ilya Ilyich - Stolz. However, the true essence of Oblomov is revealed gradually, which allows you to see all the versatility and inner unrealized potential of the hero. Even as a child, surrounded by quiet nature, care and control of his parents, subtly feeling, dreamy Ilya was deprived of the most important thing - the knowledge of the world through its opposites - beauty and ugliness, victories and defeats, the need to do something and the joy gained by one's own work.
From an early age, the hero had everything he needed - helpful courtyards carried out orders at the first call, and parents spoiled their son in every possible way. Once outside the parental nest, Oblomov, not ready for the real world, continues to expect that everyone around him will treat him as warmly and affably as in his native Oblomovka. However, his hopes were destroyed already in the first days in the service, where no one cared about him, and everyone was only for himself. Deprived of the will to live, the ability to fight for his place in the sun and perseverance, Oblomov, after an accidental mistake, leaves the service himself, fearing punishment from his superiors. The very first failure becomes the last for the hero - he no longer wants to move forward, hiding from the real, "cruel" world in his dreams.

The positive side of Oblomov's character

The person who could pull Oblomov out of this passive state, leading to the degradation of the personality, was Andrei Ivanovich Stolz. Perhaps Stolz is the only character in the novel who thoroughly saw not only negative, but also positive features of Oblomov: sincerity, kindness, the ability to feel and understand the problems of another person, inner peace and simplicity. It was to Ilya Ilyich that Stoltz came in difficult moments when he needed support and understanding. Pigeon tenderness, sensuality and sincerity of Oblomov are revealed during the relationship with Olga. Ilya Ilyich is the first to realize that he is not suitable for the active, purposeful Ilyinskaya, who does not want to devote herself to Oblomov's values ​​- this betrays a subtle psychologist in him. Oblomov is ready to give up his own love, as he understands that he will not be able to give Olga the happiness she dreams of.

The character and fate of Oblomov are closely connected - his lack of will, inability to fight for his happiness, along with spiritual kindness and gentleness, lead to tragic consequences - fear of difficulties and sorrows of reality, as well as the hero’s complete departure into a pacifying, calm, wonderful world of illusions.

National character in the novel "Oblomov"

The image of Oblomov in Goncharov's novel is a reflection of the national Russian character, its ambiguity and versatility. Ilya Ilyich is the same archetypal Emelya the Fool on the stove, about which the nanny told the hero in childhood. Like a character in a fairy tale, Oblomov believes in a miracle that should happen to him by itself: a benevolent firebird or a kind sorceress will appear who will take him to the wonderful world of honey and milk rivers. And the chosen one of the sorceress should not be a bright, hardworking, active hero, but always “quiet, harmless”, “some kind of lazy person whom everyone offends”.

Unquestioning faith in a miracle, in a fairy tale, in the possibility of the impossible is the main feature not only of Ilya Ilyich, but also of any Russian person brought up on folk tales and legends. Falling on fertile ground, this belief becomes the basis of a person’s life, replacing reality with an illusion, as happened with Ilya Ilyich: “he had a fairy tale mixed with life, and sometimes he unconsciously feels sad, why a fairy tale is not life, and life is not a fairy tale.”

At the end of the novel, Oblomov, it would seem, finds that "Oblomov" happiness that he had long dreamed of - a calm, monotonous life without stress, a caring kind wife, an arranged life and a son. However, Ilya Ilyich does not return to the real world, he remains in his illusions, which become more important and significant for him than real happiness next to a woman who adores him. In fairy tales, the hero must pass three trials, after which he will expect the fulfillment of all desires, otherwise the hero will die. Ilya Ilyich does not pass a single test, first succumbing to failure in the service, and then to the need to change for Olga. Describing Oblomov's life, the author seems to be ironic about the hero's excessive faith in an unrealizable miracle, for which there is no need to fight.


At the same time, the simplicity and complexity of Oblomov's character, the ambiguity of the character himself, the analysis of his positive and negative sides, make it possible to see in Ilya Ilyich the eternal image of an unrealized personality "out of his time" - an "extra person" who failed to find his own place in real life, and therefore left into the world of illusions. However, the reason for this, as Goncharov emphasizes, is not in a fatal combination of circumstances or the difficult fate of the hero, but in the wrong upbringing of Oblomov, who is sensitive and gentle in character. Grown as a "houseplant", Ilya Ilyich turned out to be unadapted to a reality that was hard enough for his refined nature, replacing it with the world of his own dreams.

Positive and negative character traits of Oblomov, his inconsistency in Goncharov's novel | a source

Goncharov's novel "Oblomov" was written during the transition of Russian society from outdated, house-building traditions and values ​​to new, enlightening views and ideas. This process became the most difficult and difficult for representatives of the landlord social class, as it required an almost complete rejection of the usual way of life and was associated with the need to adapt to new, more dynamic and rapidly changing conditions. And if a part of society easily adapted to the renewed circumstances, then for others the transition process turned out to be very difficult, since it was essentially opposed to the usual way of life of their parents, grandfathers and great-grandfathers. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is the representative of just such landlords, who failed to change along with the world, adapting to it. According to the plot of the work, the hero was born in a village far from the capital of Russia - Oblomovka, where he received a classic landowner, house-building upbringing, which formed many of Oblomov's main character traits - lack of will, apathy, lack of initiative, laziness, unwillingness to work and the expectation that someone will do everything for him. Excessive guardianship of parents, constant prohibitions, the peacefully lazy atmosphere of Oblomovka led to a deformation of the character of a curious and active boy, making him introverted, prone to escapism and unable to overcome even the most insignificant difficulties.

The inconsistency of Oblomov's character in the novel "Oblomov"

The negative side of Oblomov's character

In the novel, Ilya Ilyich does not decide anything on his own, hoping for outside help - Zakhar, who will bring him food or clothes, Stolz, who can solve problems in Oblomovka, Tarantiev, who, although he will deceive, will figure out the situation of interest to Oblomov, etc. The hero is not interested in real life, it causes him boredom and fatigue, while he finds true peace and satisfaction in the world of illusions invented by him. Spending all his days lying on the couch, Oblomov makes unrealizable plans for the arrangement of Oblomovka and his happy family life, in many ways similar to the calm, monotonous atmosphere of his childhood. All his dreams are directed to the past, even the future that he draws for himself are echoes of a distant past that can no longer be returned.

It would seem that a lazy, lumberjack hero living in an untidy apartment cannot arouse sympathy and disposition in the reader, especially against the background of an active, active, purposeful friend of Ilya Ilyich - Stolz. However, the true essence of Oblomov is revealed gradually, which allows you to see all the versatility and inner unrealized potential of the hero. Even as a child, surrounded by quiet nature, care and control of his parents, subtly feeling, dreamy Ilya was deprived of the most important thing - the knowledge of the world through its opposites - beauty and ugliness, victories and defeats, the need to do something and the joy gained by one's own work. From an early age, the hero had everything he needed - helpful courtyards carried out orders at the first call, and parents spoiled their son in every possible way. Once outside the parental nest, Oblomov, not ready for the real world, continues to expect that everyone around him will treat him as warmly and affably as in his native Oblomovka. However, his hopes were destroyed already in the first days in the service, where no one cared about him, and everyone was only for himself. Deprived of the will to live, the ability to fight for his place in the sun and perseverance, Oblomov, after an accidental mistake, leaves the service himself, fearing punishment from his superiors. The very first failure becomes the last for the hero - he no longer wants to move forward, hiding from the real, "cruel" world in his dreams.

The positive side of Oblomov's character

The person who could pull Oblomov out of this passive state, leading to the degradation of the personality, was Andrei Ivanovich Stolz. Perhaps Stolz is the only character in the novel who thoroughly saw not only negative, but also positive features of Oblomov: sincerity, kindness, the ability to feel and understand the problems of another person, inner peace and simplicity. It was to Ilya Ilyich that Stoltz came in difficult moments when he needed support and understanding. Pigeon tenderness, sensuality and sincerity of Oblomov are revealed during the relationship with Olga. Ilya Ilyich is the first to realize that he is not suitable for the active, purposeful Ilyinskaya, who does not want to devote herself to Oblomov's values ​​- this betrays a subtle psychologist in him. Oblomov is ready to give up his own love, as he understands that he will not be able to give Olga the happiness she dreams of.

The character and fate of Oblomov are closely connected - his lack of will, inability to fight for his happiness, along with spiritual kindness and gentleness, lead to tragic consequences - fear of difficulties and sorrows of reality, as well as the hero’s complete departure into a pacifying, calm, wonderful world of illusions.

National character in the novel "Oblomov"

The image of Oblomov in Goncharov's novel is a reflection of the national Russian character, its ambiguity and versatility. Ilya Ilyich is the same archetypal Emelya the Fool on the stove, about which the nanny told the hero in childhood. Like a character in a fairy tale, Oblomov believes in a miracle that should happen to him by itself: a benevolent firebird or a kind sorceress will appear who will take him to the wonderful world of honey and milk rivers. And the chosen one of the sorceress should not be a bright, hardworking, active hero, but always “quiet, harmless”, “some kind of lazy person whom everyone offends”.

Unquestioning faith in a miracle, in a fairy tale, in the possibility of the impossible is the main feature not only of Ilya Ilyich, but also of any Russian person brought up on folk tales and legends. Falling on fertile ground, this belief becomes the basis of a person’s life, replacing reality with an illusion, as happened with Ilya Ilyich: “he had a fairy tale mixed with life, and sometimes he unconsciously feels sad, why a fairy tale is not life, and life is not a fairy tale.”

At the end of the novel, Oblomov, it would seem, finds that "Oblomov" happiness that he had long dreamed of - a calm, monotonous life without stress, a caring kind wife, an arranged life and a son. However, Ilya Ilyich does not return to the real world, he remains in his illusions, which become more important and significant for him than real happiness next to a woman who adores him. In fairy tales, the hero must pass three trials, after which he will expect the fulfillment of all desires, otherwise the hero will die. Ilya Ilyich does not pass a single test, first succumbing to failure in the service, and then to the need to change for Olga. Describing Oblomov's life, the author seems to be ironic about the hero's excessive faith in an unrealizable miracle, for which there is no need to fight.


At the same time, the simplicity and complexity of Oblomov's character, the ambiguity of the character himself, the analysis of his positive and negative sides, make it possible to see in Ilya Ilyich the eternal image of an unrealized personality "out of his time" - an "extra person" who failed to find his own place in real life, and therefore left into the world of illusions. However, the reason for this, as Goncharov emphasizes, is not in a fatal combination of circumstances or the difficult fate of the hero, but in the wrong upbringing of Oblomov, who is sensitive and gentle in character. Grown as a "houseplant", Ilya Ilyich turned out to be unadapted to a reality that was hard enough for his refined nature, replacing it with the world of his own dreams.

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