What compote to cook for a child. How to cook compote for a small child from apples in a saucepan


Apple compote is one of the most popular and healthy drinks for breastfed babies. It improves the child's appetite, regulates the work of his gastrointestinal tract, saturates the body with vitamin C, iron, iodine, gently cleans tooth enamel, and prevents the development of caries. You can cook compote from apples all year round, due to the fact that they are well stored. Also, to prepare a drink, you can use dried apples (in pure form or with other dried fruits).

When can I start giving apple compotes

According to the recommendation of the World Health Organization, it is better for a child to feed and drink exclusively breast milk until the age of one month. The first food should appear in the diet of a healthy baby at six months, but with drinks it is more difficult. It is difficult to completely abandon dopaering. For example, during the summer heat, illnesses of a newborn with fever or diarrhea. Pediatricians advise the baby to drink only water for up to three months, then introduce fruit juices in small doses, from six months - enrich the child's diet with homemade compotes.

In order for a home-made drink to be as useful as possible for a child, it is worth giving preference to green varieties of apples and giving up sugar (it can be replaced with honey or fructose). An infant can only be given compote at room temperature. As new products are introduced into the baby's menu, it is necessary to monitor the reaction to them. These fruits rarely cause allergies, but can provoke bouts of colic, change in stool.

How to make fresh apple compote

To make a drink from fresh apples at home, you need to select ripe fruits and check them for wormholes. Only good fruits without signs of damage should get into the composition.

apple compote recipe

  1. Rinse fruits well, peel, remove seeds
  2. Boil water (the proportions depend on how rich the taste is planned to be), add apple slices
  3. Cook on low heat for 5 minutes
  4. Turn off the burner and let the drink brew and cool for another 15-20 minutes
  5. Strain the composition. You can add a little honey to taste (if the child is not allergic to it)

It is not necessary for a child to choose apples of foreign origin for compotes: they are often processed and can harm the baby's fragile body. With prolonged boiling, the taste of the finished drink will be more saturated, but in this case there will be few useful substances in it. In a recipe for an older baby, you can add a pear or apricots. You should not cook apple compote with grapes: these two products do not mix well with each other and can cause bloating in babies, exacerbation of colic, and indigestion.

How to make dried apple compote

From dried apples, you can make a no less tasty and healthy drink than from fresh ones. In favor of dried fruits is the fact that they have a more delicate effect on the gastrointestinal tract, without causing irritation. For this reason, compotes from dried apples can be used by people for whom they are contraindicated in fresh form (patients with stomach ulcers, gastritis). In dried form, apples retain most of their rich vitamin composition, so this compote will also be useful for children.

Apple compote recipe (dried)

  1. Rinse dried fruits well, remove damaged
  2. Soak dried fruits in water at room temperature for an hour (this will further clean the fruits and make them softer, so they will cook faster)
  3. Boil water, dip the prepared ingredients into it and cook for 10-15 minutes
  4. Cool the knot. Add fructose if desired

If you decide to cook dried apple compote for the first time for your child, you should not add other ingredients to it. When the baby's body gets used to the new drink, it will be possible to gradually add other dried fruits to it: raisins (will add sweetness), dried apricots, prunes.

You can also add honey to the recipe. It makes sense to refuse sugar at least until the baby reaches one year (during this period, teeth are intensively formed, and sugar negatively affects the enamel). It is necessary to cook dried fruit compote over low heat, avoiding a strong boil. Because for drying, apples are most often not peeled; you should not give them to a child.

Dried apple compote for babies is an excellent choice for children who suffer from colic, have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In winter, dried fruits are much more useful than fresh overseas delicacies that undergo multi-level processing. It is quite easy to make compote from dried apples, it is perfectly stored in the refrigerator. Due to the good combination with other dried fruits, the recipe for apple compote can be constantly changed, experimenting with ingredients and proportions.

Every woman strives to find the most useful products for her child. In the first year of life, this issue should be given special attention, because the baby's body is still in adaptation to external factors.

Features of the introduction of compotes in the diet of infants

Apple compote is considered one of the most useful types of drink for a child up to a year old. It helps regulate digestion and improves appetite. It also has a beneficial effect on enamel, preventing the appearance of caries on newly appeared teeth. In addition, apples contain a large amount of vitamin C, which helps the immune system to cope with viral infections.

And although for a baby there is nothing better and healthier than mother's milk, from birth it is still worth drinking water. And only at the onset of 3 months of life, you can enrich the menu with new types of drinking. From this age, fruit juices are gradually introduced into the diet in small doses, observing the condition of the baby, since in some cases an allergic reaction may occur.

And only after reaching the age of six months they try to give compotes, which differ in some nuances from those prepared for adults.

Important: when preparing a drink, sugar should be discarded, replacing it with honey if desired. However, given that this product is a fairly strong allergen, it is recommended to use it with care.

You can cook both compote from fresh apples, and from dried fruits. The benefits of such drinks will be identical, however, their taste varies. It is worth trying both of them in order to understand the preferences of the crumbs.

Compote for a child from fresh apples

So that you can give your baby a quality product prepared in compliance with all standards, we offer a recipe for a child. This compote is prepared very easily and quickly. And most importantly, the kids love it.


Servings: - +

  • apple medium 1 PC.
  • water 500 ml

per serving

Calories: 12 kcal

Proteins: 0.1 g

Carbohydrates: 2.8 g

15 minutes. Video recipe Print

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Important: choose green apples for compote, exclusively local. In imported specimens, there are quite a lot of "extra" substances with which the fruits are processed.

If you are not preparing compotes for the first time and you know about the preferences of your child, then you can make a thicker drink by breaking through the liquid with part of the pulp of the fruit with a blender.

dried apple compote recipe

Dried fruits have always been appreciated by housewives. Many people stock up on them at home, because in this form the fruits are stored for a long time, and the compote from them has a rich taste. Kids can also prepare such a drink, the main thing is to correctly calculate the ingredients and not overdo it with the concentration of the uzvar.

Servings: 2

Time for preparing: 15 minutes

The energy value

  • calorie content - 38.8 kcal;
  • proteins - 0.4 g;
  • fats - 0 g;
  • carbohydrates - 9.3 g.


  • dried apples - 20 g;
  • water - 200 ml.

Step by step cooking

  1. Sort through the apple dryer and rinse well. Pour a small amount of boiling water from the kettle and let it brew for a while.
  2. When the apples are slightly swollen, transfer them to a saucepan and pour in 200 milliliters of liquid. Bring to a boil, and then simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes. Let it brew for at least a couple of hours. Strain. Let's drink to the baby, cooling to room temperature.

It is interesting: when the child's stomach gets used to taking such a drink, it can be supplemented with other types of dried fruits. True, it is worth considering the effect of a particular fruit. For example, a pear will have a fixing effect, and a plum will have the opposite effect.

Apple compote for babies is prepared very quickly, and you almost don’t have to stand at the stove. Take care of your little ones by choosing homemade drinks. These certainly do not carry hidden harm in themselves, and on top of everything else, they are prepared with pure maternal love. Health to your children!

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Your baby is growing up, one mother's milk for nutrition is no longer enough. It is necessary to gradually prepare it for ordinary food and drink. Compote will be the first such drink. The preparation of this product for babies has its own characteristics, since not every fruit can be given to children. The most suitable are apples. They are the easiest to cook, and they are the easiest to digest in infancy.

It is already difficult for a mother to feed a six-month-old baby with one breast, so the baby can begin to drink compote

From what age to give compote?

Your baby is six months old! Do you have a question, what to feed him in addition to milk? For example, are apples good for a 6 month old baby? Is his digestive system strong enough? If possible, how much, how often, from what fruit should it be made?

At 5 months, the child was still too young to drink compote, but by 6 he is ready to take it. Do not rush, first let him just try - a teaspoon. Look at the reaction of the child - whether he will begin to swell, whether an allergy will appear. Gradually, by 7-7.5 months, bring the daily portion to half a glass. By 1 year old, the volume can even reach a glass. It is not necessary to give it entirely at once - it is better to divide it into 2-4 doses. For such babies, it is better to make it from green-skinned apples - they are more hypoallergenic than red or yellow ones.

The benefits of compote

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There is almost no vitamin C in the drink - it collapsed due to heat treatment. However, there are other vitamins, pectins, minerals, antioxidants, the same fiber.

In a baby from compote, intestinal motility increases, it is populated with beneficial microflora, which strengthens immunity, helps to cope with constipation, improves digestion, and prepares the child for solid food. If the baby has a lack of lacto and bifidobacteria, he cannot normally fight infections.

For the first time, the baby can be given only one or two spoons of compote. If there is no reaction, then gradually increase the portion of the drink.

In winter and spring, there are practically no useful substances left in apples, so it is better to replace them with dried fruits, cook a decoction of them. Well, if at the same time they are dried not in the oven, but in the air, in the shade. Then there are more vitamins in them, and the fruits will not dry out. Overdried dried fruits give a bitter aftertaste, which is unlikely to please the baby. Dried fruit compote should be drunk in the same volume as fresh fruit. However, there are situations when it is especially necessary to drink a lot, for example, in extreme heat or during an illness of the child.

At this time, compote instead of water is given only to those children who are already used to it. Then they will not refuse to drink it.

cooking recipes

In the summer it is very useful to make a drink from fresh fruits. Only if you start giving your baby new types of fruit, add one each time. He needs to get used to the product and taste that is unusual for him. There are different recipes for how to make compote, choose which one you like best.

Traditional way: take an apple of medium size, wash it. Peel it from the peel and seeds, fill it with boiled water - about two glasses. Boil on low heat for 15-20 minutes. Add fructose - sugar can cause bloating, and honey is contraindicated for babies.

For children's compote, it is better to stop the choice on green apples, since such fruits should not cause allergies in a child.

Try to brew a drink in a thermos:

  1. Wash a fresh apple, remove seeds and peel.
  2. Cut into slices of any size.
  3. Then put in a thermos and fill with boiling water.
  4. Close the thermos and leave to infuse overnight.
  5. After a few hours, it will be ready - the apples will “reach” by themselves.

The drink should not be hot. Before offering a drink to a baby, cool to room temperature and strain.

From dry apples

Apple compote for babies is also prepared from dried fruits. It is good because it has its own pronounced taste, sweetish and fragrant, and it does not need to be sweetened with anything. Dry apples contain the same substances as fresh ones, and it is preferable to cook it when there are no useful substances left in fresh ones - this is winter and spring. There are also various recipes for this.

The traditional way is the easiest. Take a handful of dry apples and wash them well. Put in boiled water and leave for about 30-40 minutes until the fruit swells. Particularly stubborn motes will come off them, which always remain on the fruit when dried. Rinse them again, put in boiling water - about 1.5 cups, and simmer for about half an hour. Then set aside and cool. Strain.

For compote, you can use fresh or dried apples (see also:)

It will also be possible to brew a knot in a thermos. Prepare apples in the same way as in the first method. Place them in a thermos and cover with boiling water. It should be infused, so it is more convenient to do it at night. If the compote is too saturated, add a little boiled water to it. Two cups of boiling water will require 100-150 grams of fruit.

In the same way as when preparing with fresh fruits, you should not make it immediately from a mixture of many dried fruits. Add them one by one. The next ingredient after apples can be prunes. At first, do not mix both compotes, but give them separately. With prunes compote, start introducing your child with one teaspoon too.

From prunes

For some children who have digestive problems, acquaintance with prunes can begin as early as five months - just not compote, but a drink made from prunes.

For a five-month-old baby, such a drink will be useful. It cleanses the intestines well, helps peristalsis. In any case, check with your pediatrician first. To prepare it, you need to take a glass of pitted prunes and a tablespoon of fructose (or sugar) per liter of boiling water.

Prunes in compote will help the baby with digestion

Dilute fructose in water, then soak the prunes for half an hour, rinse it. Put in water and boil for 15-20 minutes until the berries are soft. After that, cool and strain the compote.

When the baby gets used to the prunes compote, you can give him apple compote with prunes. There will be no bad reactions from him. Such compote can also be insisted in a thermos, then it will come out even tastier. And then mix with fresh apples and other fruits.

Raisin compote

It is recommended to prepare a child from 8 months of age. It can be cooked as a separate compote, or mixed with fruits already familiar to the baby in any proportion. This compote is not stored for a long time, it is better to prepare it immediately before use. Raisins are better to choose from light varieties. For cooking you need:

  • a tablespoon of raisins;
  • half a cup of boiling water.

A portion of raisins must be sorted out and poured with cool water for half an hour so that it swells and all the garbage that always accumulates in its folds is removed from it. There is no need to add sugar to the compote, the raisins are sweet on their own.

Rinse again, pour boiling water over and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes. The lid must be closed. You need to start with a teaspoon, then bring to a full serving. The same raisin drink is worth drinking to the mother of a newborn child - it will make milk more useful, and will help the baby in case of constipation.

Gradually adding new components to the compote, you will accustom the baby to a variety of drinks and foods.

From dried fruits

The complex collection of dried fruits includes many components. Cooking a compote of dried fruits for a baby is worth it when he has already tried all the fruits separately. Well, if it is made from apples, pears, prunes and raisins - there are many options, you can combine as you wish. Dried fruits must be soaked in boiled water before cooking compote for babies. Fruits should be sorted out so that they are not spoiled.

You can make such a compote in the usual way in a saucepan or steam it in a thermos. It is worth starting to give it from 7-8 months. Raisins do not usually cause disorders in children.

The issue of nutrition of a small child is of great concern to mothers. Where to start complementary foods, what foods to introduce in the first place, when can I start making compote for babies? He is able to diversify the menu of the baby and introduce him to a new taste, besides it is very useful. But in order not to harm the baby, you need to know what you can make a drink from and at what age to give it.

When to give compote to the baby?

If a newborn is breastfed, then he usually does not even need water. Mother's milk fully meets his needs. Although you can offer water, especially in hot weather: it is quite possible that the baby will drink it with pleasure. When active complementary foods begin, additional liquid is indispensable. Children who are formula fed need to be supplemented.

At first, the baby is given only water. Its digestive system matures gradually. In cases where there are reasons, such as underweight, complementary foods can be started from four months. But WHO recommends doing this from six months. From the same age, you can try to give compote for babies. You need to introduce it gradually, like any new product. Start with a teaspoon and increase the serving daily by offering a drink several times a day.

How to cook compote for babies?

Cooking compote for children is quite simple. Water should be of excellent quality, it is good if it is filtered. Fruits should be chosen not overripe, without visible defects. You should not choose exotic products; for a child of the first year of life, the food that his ancestors used is considered the most suitable. Therefore, the first drink is best made from green apples, they are the least allergenic.

To get a tasty and healthy compote, the fruits are cut into slices, and the berries are put whole. In most cases, it takes about fifteen minutes to cook. Before use, you must let it brew. Sugar should not be added to the drink. When you really want to sweeten it, you can do it with a small amount of fructose.

The benefits of compote

Even having figured out whether compote is possible for a child and at what age it is better to start giving it, parents often doubt whether this should be done. In fact, this is a healthy drink containing a fairly large amount of vitamins. Of course, during cooking, some of them are lost, but more than half still remain. And this is important for a growing organism, besides, it helps to strengthen the immune system.

Many fruits and berries contain substances that have a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines, contribute to its settlement with beneficial bacteria. Many mothers are familiar with the problem of constipation in children firsthand, because the digestive system is just being formed. Prunes compote or with the addition of raisins helps to cope with this trouble, as it has a laxative effect.

Not all babies are willing to drink water. But they must receive the necessary amount of fluid, because the children's body is easily dehydrated. Also, when the child has a cold, he is shown a plentiful warm drink. And if the little one refuses other drinks, perhaps compote will be to his liking. You can give it even during meals, it will not interfere with digestion. In this case, one condition must be met: it must be at room temperature or slightly warm.

Thus, it makes sense to water the child with compote, because this drink:

  • contains vitamins and minerals, helps to strengthen the immune system;
  • contributes to the normal functioning of the digestive system;
  • extra drink, especially for those who don't really like water.

Which compote to give the baby to try first depends on the time of year. If the season allows, it is better to brew a drink from fresh fruits, especially from apples. To do this, take the fruit (you should choose a green variety), wash it thoroughly. Next, clean, cut into small slices and pour a cup of water. Bring to a boil over low heat, then remove from heat. You do not need to boil for a long time so that more useful substances are preserved. After the drink has been infused for an hour, it is ready to drink.

You can not drain the liquid, but make compote with pulp. To do this, crush the pieces of apples with a blender. This is not necessary, because almost all vitamins pass into the water. But the taste becomes more pronounced. In addition, the child will be able to get fiber, useful for digestion.

After apple compote for babies is introduced into the diet, you can cook it with the addition of a pear. They do it the same way, only they pour twice as much water.

Dried fruit compote for babies

At the end of winter, apples lose their beneficial properties, so it is better to cook dried fruit compote for babies. Best of all, those that were not dried in the oven, but in the sun. When choosing a product, you should pay attention to the appearance: bright and defect-free fruits, probably treated with a special composition. Before cooking, wash them well and soak in water for a while. For a handful of dried fruits, you need about a glass of liquid. They fall asleep in already boiling water, after fifteen minutes they are removed from the stove. Dried apples are suitable for the first time, then you can add dried apricots, raisins, prunes. Raisins will give the drink a little sweetness, add it five minutes before the end of cooking. Strain before use.

From dried apricots and raisins, you can make a drink without boiling: just pour boiling water over them in the evening, cover with a lid and leave overnight.

Prunes compote for babies

With a tendency to constipation, compote from will be useful. It is done like this: five fruits are cut in half and thrown into boiling water. One liter is needed for this amount. For the rest, they do the same as with compote from other dried fruits: boil for ten minutes, let stand for a while, filter before giving to the baby.

Compote for a baby is a tasty and healthy drink that can be given from the age of six months. But it is necessary to follow the reaction. If signs of allergy appear, then you should stop the product, and try again after two weeks. In cases where the baby refuses to drink it, you should not force it. You can just offer after some time.

The benefits of dried fruits have been known for a long time. In the winter-spring period, it is their consumption that helps to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins in the child's body. Also, these fruits contain a lot of calcium, iron, potassium, organic substances and fiber, which are perfectly balanced among themselves. In addition, dried fruits are high in calories, contain enzymes and pectins, which improves the digestive process.

You can buy this product both as individual species and as mixtures, which include several varieties of dried fruit. Of course, the benefit of the kit will be each of the components included in its composition.

  • Banana is a fast energy source due to its rich content of natural sugars.
  • Due to the high content of dietary fiber and potassium, dried apricots are used as an immune-strengthening and cleansing agent. Dried apricots are recommended to be consumed as a preventive measure for diseases of the cardiovascular system and anemia. Good product for constipation.
  • Cherry. The composition of this stone fruit contains many minerals and vitamins, as well as organic acids: cinchona, succinic, malic, citric, salicylic. Helps to increase the activity of the brain of the head, actively fights viruses and bacteria. It is recommended as a means of preventing cardiovascular pathologies.
  • Prunes are used to strengthen blood vessels and get rid of constipation. Dried fruit increases hemoglobin and favorably affects digestion. Has antioxidant properties.
  • Pear has the ability to remove toxic substances and heavy metals from the body. When eating a fruit rich in dietary fiber, digestion improves significantly.
  • Raisins are a high-calorie product. Improves the digestive process and normalizes acidity. Rich in iodine content.
  • Figs assist in the elimination of iron deficiency anemia, remove excess fluid and improve the digestion process. Eating the fruit stimulates the appetite. It is rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids.
  • Apple contributes to the normal digestion of food. Thanks to the content of boron, it improves the functionality of the brain. Used to prevent influenza infection.
  • Date promotes the absorption of carbohydrates, increases endurance, and also strengthens muscles / bones, normalizes glucose levels due to its rich composition, which includes:
    • many minerals (sodium, copper, cobalt, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, iron, aluminum, boron, cadmium, sulfur and others);
    • vitamins (B6, A, C, B2, B1, B3, B5);
    • amino acids (more than twenty types).

In addition, the date serves as a powerful source of energy, supplying the body with a large amount of carbohydrates.

biological value

When compiling a menu for a baby with the inclusion of dried fruits in the diet, it is necessary, in addition to taking into account their beneficial properties, to pay attention to the nutritional value of the product.

Kcal/100 gr


Negative sides and the right choice

Today, dried fruits are presented in abundance on the shelves of supermarkets, while having a rather attractive appearance. However, the benefits of such products can be argued. Packages with bright and shiny dried apricots / prunes and other fruits should be avoided, since there is a treatment with sulfur compounds, which are designed to significantly increase the shelf life of the product and provide an excellent presentation. In order to avoid the development of ailments of the respiratory system and digestive organs, as well as allergic reactions in a child, you should not opt ​​for those dried fruits that are sold with the marking of the E series from 220 to 226.

Sorbic acid (E 200-202) is less safe when it is added to products in a small amount in order to ensure the safety of fruits. But still, it is preferable to choose those compote mixtures whose manufacturer does not promise a long shelf life, and their external data are not striking. Such fruits will really benefit, and besides, they will not be expensive. It remains to pay attention to the observance of the technological sequence of drying fruits, as evidenced by the absence of slickness and mold.

At what age should compote be introduced?

The introduction of a drink prepared independently from dried fruits is carried out gradually, starting from six months for those children who are breastfed. Those babies who receive artificial feeding may begin their acquaintance with drinking a little earlier.

You should start regaling the crumbs with compote in the morning, giving at first no more than a teaspoon. If during the day the baby does not react negatively to the new product, then gradually its amount can be slightly increased.

At first, you need to brew a drink from a dried apple, for the first time giving compote previously diluted with cooled boiling water. After becoming familiar with this fruit, other types of dried fruits can be carefully introduced, without losing sight of their laxative/fixative properties.

How to cook dried fruits for babies?

With all the simplicity of preparing homemade dried fruit compote, one should not deviate from some rules when cooking it. Namely:

  • In order to clean the fruits of debris, they are thoroughly washed in several waters and soaked in warm water for a quarter of an hour.
  • To prepare compote, half a liter of water is taken for every 50 grams of dried fruits, due to their increase in volume during the cooking process.
  • Boil the required amount of water and put the prepared fruits into the boiling water. Cook at low boil:
    • pear / apple - thirty minutes;
    • other fruits - twenty minutes;
    • raisins - ten minutes.
  • At the end of cooking, the drink is insisted without opening the lid for about an hour.
  • Ready-to-eat compote should be chilled and strained.

Dried fruit compote recipes

A healthy vitamin drink can be prepared in several ways using not only dried, but also fresh fruits.

Dried apples. One hundred grams of fruit take a liter of water and put on the stove for boiling. Meanwhile, dry apples, after thorough washing, are dipped in warm water to swell. The raw materials prepared in this way are dipped in boiling water and kept on low heat for about thirty minutes. The finished drink is cooled. Adding sugar is not recommended.

Dried fruits + fresh. You can take several fruits of prunes and dried apricots, as well as fresh pear / apple slices and, after preliminary preparation, place in boiling water for subsequent cooking for ten minutes. Let the finished drink brew for an hour and strain.

Dried apricots. Rinse it well and soak for five minutes in warm water. For 100 grams of fruit, take at least a liter of water. Fruits cut into pieces are added to boiling water and simmered for about a quarter of an hour.

Compote mixture. Take a handful of dried fruits and soak after washing. In the meantime, boil a liter of water and cook compote from prepared dried fruits. Cooking time is no more than fifteen minutes.

Prunes . Prepare the fruits as in previous recipes and dip in boiling water for ten minutes in halves. After half an hour of infusion of the drink, it is filtered and cooled.

Raisin . Rinse dried berries (2 tablespoons) and dip in boiling water (1 liter). You can simmer on low heat for ten minutes, or simply insist overnight. When the drink has cooled, you can strain and drink the baby.

When compote is contraindicated for babies

With all the benefits of a drink made from dried fruits for infants, a number of contraindications should be noted:

      • diseases of an ulcerative nature or gastritis identified in a baby;
      • high sensitivity to the composition of compote mixtures from dried fruits;
      • the presence of diabetes in a child;
      • violation of the stool in the form of diarrhea (especially for drinks with prunes).

To avoid unpleasant consequences with such an innovation in the baby's diet, it is necessary to start with a small amount of drink and closely monitor the child's condition. Only in the absence of negative symptoms, it is already possible to boldly introduce vitamin drink into the crumbs menu, gradually increasing its amount.

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