Comedy club personal life of participants. Married couples among the current residents of the Comedy Club in the photo


If you count all the residents of the popular Comedy Club, the list is quite large. Since 2003, we have been captivated by charismatic and talented members of the Comedy Club, who have already managed to become favorite comedians for many throughout the time.

The personal life of Comedy Club residents is always in sight, especially if they have nothing to hide. Despite a great sense of humor, many of the comedy participants have started a family and are already raising children.

Who are they, halves of the residents of the gum club, wives who inspire their comedians and monitor family comfort. If everyone knows the wife of Garik Kharlamov or Pavel Volya Kristina Asmus and Laysyan Utyasheva, then you may not have seen other wives of no less famous residents of the gum club.

Therefore, we have collected for you photos of Comedy Club residents with their soul mates. Which of the participants in the Comedy Club has the most beautiful wife, of course, you decide. But for each of the residents, judging by the strength of the marriage, their own wife is the most beloved and most beautiful.

Let's see with you what the wives of the current residents of the Comedy Club are. Which women were able to win the hearts of comedians.

The current residents of the Comedy Club and their beautiful wives: photos of the second halves of the Comedy Club members

Pavel "Snezhok" Will and his wife is a famous gymnast Laysyan Utyasheva on the picture. Pavel Volya and Laysyan Utyasheva have been married since 2012, two children were born in the family. The eldest son Robert in March 2018 turned 5 years old, the youngest girl Sophia is now 2 years old.

Comedy Club residents and their wives: Garik "Bulldog" Kharlamov and actress Christine Asmus a photo. Christina Asmus became the second wife of Garik Kharlamov in 2013. They raise their daughter Anastasia together.

Comedy Club residents and their wives: Garik Martirosyan and his wife Zhanna Levina. Garik Martirosyan's wife is a lawyer by profession. The couple has been married for 16 years and has a daughter, Jasmine, and a son, Daniel.

Comedy Club residents and their wives: Alexander Revva with my wife Angelica They have two daughters, Alice and Amelie. Alexander Revva married Angelica in 2007.

Comedy Club residents and their wives: Alexander Nezlobin and his wife Alina have been married since 2012. The star couple has a daughter, Linda.

Comedy Club residents and their wives: Anton Lirnik was married three times. From the second marriage with Valeria Borodina, there is a daughter, Sofia. The third wife of Anton Lirnik Marina on the picture.

Comedy Club residents and their wives: Andrey Molochny, a member of the Chekhov Duo, father of many children. Andrey Molochny and his wife Nataliya are raising four sons and a daughter.

Comedy Club residents and their wives: Semyon Slepakov and his lovely wife Karina who works as a lawyer.

Comedy Club residents and their wives: Mikhail Galustyan with my wife Victoria, an accountant by profession. The family of Mikhail Galustyan and Victoria has two daughters, Estella and Elina.

Comedy Club residents and their wives: Viktor Vasiliev and his beautiful actress wife Anna Snatkina married since 2012. The couple have a 5-year-old daughter, Veronica.

Comedy Club residents and their wives: Sergei Gorelikov and his wife Maria Melnik economist.

Comedy Club residents and their wives: Demis Karibidis and his wife Pelagia. Together, the young couple has two children.

Residents of the Comedy Club and their wives: among the married current residents of the comedy and a member of the trio "Smirnov, Ivanov, Sobolev" Alexey "Smirnyaga" Smirnov. His wife Olga already bore him one child.

Comedy Club residents and their wives: another family man from the aforementioned trio Ilya Sobolev. Together with my wife Natalya Pakhomova They have two daughters Sophia and Eva.

Comedy Club residents and their wives: Sergei "Sergeich" Kutergin and his other half, wife Diana. Despite cerebral palsy, Sergey Kutergin became a famous comedian and a good family man.

Residents of the Comedy Club: and finally, the only female resident of the Comedy Club Marina Kravets appeared on the stage of the Comedy Club in 2010. married to Arkady Vodakhov.

These girls are clearly lucky in life. They are incredible beauties. In addition, they are married to the most popular men in our country. But is everything really so smooth? Find out the whole truth in our review.

Mikhail and Victoria Galustyan

Despite his small stature, Mikhail was never deprived of female attention. When Galustyan met 17-year-old Victoria, he was not yet a celebrity. But humor, charisma and charm did their job. The couple have been together for almost 15 years. They have two beautiful daughters Estella and Alina.

Alexander and Angelica Revva

For the first time, Alexander Revva saw his beautiful wife ... on the dance floor. After hot dancing, Revva rented a limousine and took the girl home on it. Their romance developed rapidly and rapidly. In 2007, Alexander and Angelica finally got married.

Garik Martirosyan and Zhanna Levina

They met in Sochi. Martirosyan played there in KVN, and the beautiful Zhanna came to rest for the holidays. It would seem that holiday romances are short-lived. But Garik and Zhanna have been together for 20 years and are still head over heels in love.

Semyon Slepakov and Karina

Almost nothing is known about the novel of Semyon and Karina. The couple does not like to talk about their personal lives. According to rumors, lovers three years ago played a magnificent wedding in Italy.

Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva

Marriage radically changed the life of lovers. Will from a hard cynic turned into a good-natured romantic. Now he confesses his love to his wife every day on social networks. Leysan is also not far behind: she changed ultra-short skirts for strict dresses, and night parties - for cozy evenings with her family.

Vadim Galygin and Olga Vainilovich

Olga Voinilovich is the second wife of Galygin. They met in the homeland of the comedian. Olya is a fairly successful model in Belarus. Of course, Galygin could not pass by such a beauty. Olya, in turn, gave Vadim a son. By the way, Galygin is not from the timid and was present at the birth.

Demis Karibidis and Pelageya

Demis Karibidis is a real romantic in life, unlike his stage image. He proposed to Pelageya on stage in Jurmala. Hundreds of spectators with bated breath watched the reaction of the girl. Of course, she answered, "Yes." This year, the couple had a daughter, Sofia.

Garik Kharlamov and Christina Asmus

Roman Kharlamov and Asmus went through fire, water and copper pipes. The couple began dating despite Garik's wife. The stamp in the passport did not even prevent Christina from getting pregnant. Yulia Leshchenko, Kharlamov's ex-wife, was seriously angry and sued two-thirds of her husband's property. However, such obstacles could not destroy the love of the favorites of Russian television.

Alexander Nezlobin and Alina

Nezlobin's wife's name is Alina. They have known each other for many years. Two years ago, the girl gave Alexander a daughter, Linda.

Timur Rodriguez and Anna Devochkina

Timur fell in love with Anna at first sight. The romance in their life did not end there. Rodriguez made a marriage proposal on the top of Mount Etna in Sicily. The happy lovers have been together for ten years and have two sons.

5 months ago

They appear on the best Comedy Club shows, raise children and create their own projects. On BeautyHack - 10 girls who inspire the funniest heroes of Russian television.

Laysan Utyasheva

In one of the interviews, Laysan said that she could not even remember the first meeting with Pavel Volya - it was a very long time ago. They started talking about the romance of the stars in 2012, the same year they got married, and in 2013 in Miami, Laysan gave birth to her eldest son, Robert. The youngest daughter Sofia was born two years later. And if joint photos of the couple are easy to find in their personal Instagram profiles, then the stars protect children from public attention.

Pavel and Laysan together are engaged in the healthy lifestyle project "Willpower", and also develop their own offspring: Laysan - the show "Bolero", and Pavel - Comedy Club and "Improvisation".

Read a big interview with Laysan for BeautyHack.

Christine Asmus

We confidently included Christina in. On the network, the girl is almost more popular than her husband - Garik Kharlamov.

Christina graduated from the Shchepkin Theater School, starred in Interns, married Garik Kharlamov in 2013, gave birth to her daughter Anastasia a year later, and is now working on the series Hero on Call. The actress does not hide the details of her personal life and willingly shares family travels and working moments with Instagram subscribers - and she has almost three millions !

Zhanna Levina

One of the strongest Comedy Club couples is Zhanna Levina and Garik Martirosyan. The guys got married in 1998 - at that time Garik was the captain of the New Armenians KVN team. In 2004, they became the parents of a daughter, Jasmine, and in 2009, a son, Daniel.

Jeanne is not inferior to her husband in a sense of humor and ironically ironically in Instagram over his resemblance to Melania Trump.

Angelica Revva

Angelica and Alexander Revva have been married since 2007. They met at a nightclub in Sochi, which Alexander willingly talks about in all interviews (the famous story of how a comedian drove his companion home in a limousine). AT Instagram Angelica introduces herself as "Entrepreneur and Business Angel", and she is also the mother of two girls - Amelie and Alice. Elder Alice this year went to the fifth grade.

Pelageya Karibidis

Pelageya and Comedy resident Demis Karibidis got married in 2014. And a little earlier, Demis proposed to his girlfriend right from the stage of the Dzintari concert hall in Jurmala. Pelageya rarely attends social events, but looks at the shooting of the Comedy Club. Now she is raising her daughter Sofiko, who this year has already visited her first line at the gymnasium. More family days - in Instagram Pelagia.

Victoria Averina

Comedian Andrey Averin rarely shares family photos together. But his wife - Victoria - has her own profile, where she sincerely talks about the life of the family. Andrei and Vika have been married for more than 10 years, they are raising their daughter Lisa and son Timofey. 9-year-old Liza is already actively working as a model, filming for Roberto Cavalli and Moschino. Parents are proud!

Alina Nezlobina

Alexander Nezlobin carefully guards the privacy of his family. It is known that his wife Alina is 29 years old, she grew up in St. Petersburg, and in 2012 the couple got married in Moscow. They have little Linda growing up, pictures of which can occasionally be seen in Instagram Alexandra.

Victoria Galustyan

Victoria and Mikhail Galustyan met in 2003. In 2007, they got married, and now they are raising two daughters, Estella and Elina. In one of the interviews, Mikhail said that he had never loved anyone else in his life: “I met her, fell head over heels in love, and still all this continues.” And Victoria openly shares the details of her personal life in her Instagram profile, which is signed by 122 thousand loyal fans of the couple.

Natalia Soboleva

The wife of Ilya Sobolev - Natalya - on Instagram as well popular like her husband. Natalia creates nutrition programs and actively goes in for sports, sharing the results with her subscribers. Photos in the gym, on an LPG massage and a demonstration of the perfect press - all this is the daily content of the mother of two little girls. Commendable!

Anastasia Matua

Anastasia is the wife of comedian Zurab Matua. The couple have two children growing up: the eldest son Luka and baby Mary, who recently turned 2 years old. The girl shares happy family shots in her Instagram profile !

Similar materials from the rubric

Demis Karibidis - a creative pseudonym from the surname Karibov - a colloquial genre artist, a humorist-improviser, an ex-member of the KVN "BAK" teams (village of Bryukhovetskaya) and the Team of the Krasnodar Territory, a resident of the Comedy Club television project.

He invents his sparkling monologues, bold jokes, outrageous parodies and funny miniatures himself, often improvising right on stage, despite the existence of a creative unit of more than fifty authors working on the releases of the above-mentioned television show.


Now a bright representative of the humorous genre, Demis was born on December 4, 1982 in the capital of Georgia - Tbilisi. Little is known about his parents - only that they belonged to the middle class and, after the collapse of the USSR, together with their children (Demis and his older brother) moved to permanent residence in the Greek city of Thessaloniki.

In all likelihood, Greece is the historical homeland of the Caribbean family. At the very least, the showman has repeatedly stated in his witty manner that he is Greek by nationality, and that he became a KVN player many years ago in ancient Greece.

As a child, Demis Karibidis was an active, inquisitive and sociable child, he loved to fantasize, and showed musical abilities. According to him, he was always partial to music, especially percussion instruments attracted him. At first, the kid really liked just knocking on his mother's upside down pots, using them in an alternative capacity. Then, encouraging his passion and predilection, his brother gave him a real, very good drum, and things started to go. As a result, Demis, a purposeful person, masterfully mastered playing the percussion. And to this day, he carefully and reverently keeps his first instrument.

Upon reaching the age of 14, the teenager was again expected to move, this time to the Russian resort city of Gelendzhik. Network sources claim that at that time he did not speak Russian well, but he spoke excellently in modern Greek and understood the Pontic dialect of Greek. In this regard, it was difficult for him to adapt to the new rules and requirements of the Russian school, but he coped with this difficult task. Proof of this can be considered his successful admission to the Sochi University of Tourism.

Demis Karidibis - The Baby and the Pitiful Song

At the university, he studied Spanish and English, arguing that he did not intend to stop there and also wants to master the Pro-Celtic, Scythian-Sarmatian and other rare dialects. Creative jokes have always been his forte, and his participation in the game in KVN became a completely natural result of this circumstance.

Demis Karibidis in KVN

When he was a student, Demis realized that his place was in a humorous club, in an atmosphere of creative realization and fun. His university team was called "Russo Turisto", given the professional orientation of the educational institution. In the game, the young man showed excellent resourcefulness and ingenuity, showed erudition and wit.

In 2004, he joined a higher-level team - Krasnodarsky Prospekt, which plays in the Premier League. Then, with a team from the village of Bryukhovetskaya ("BAK"), he reached the Major League.

KVN: the best numbers of Demis Karibidis

Humorous skits, subtle witticisms, irony and puns became the main companions of his leisure and his whole life. On stage, he usually represented good-natured, somewhat naive and not very smart simpletons who find themselves in ridiculous situations. In 2009, "BAK" teamed up with KVN players from the city of Armavir, whose team was called "Partners", and the following year, 2010, their new team, announced as the Team of the Krasnodar Territory, became the champion of the Major League.

"Comedy club"

The next stage in the creative path of the Kuban humorist was the comedy TV show Comedy Club, where he worked with great pleasure and enthusiasm on the preparation of each issue as an official "resident", and very soon was recognized as one of the most colorful members of the project.

A flurry of positive emotions from the audience was caused by many numbers of the comedian, including “Valera the Bath attendant”, “Don Corleone”, “Strange Family”, “A Case in the Moscow Court”, “A Terrible Secret in the Village”, “How to Get a Girl to Drink at Sea”, created in partnership with Garik Kharlamov, Timur Batrutdinov, Ivan Pyshnenko, Marina Kravets and other residents of the club.

As part of the project, he led the author's column "Foreign Languages", often performed in tandem with Andrey Skorokhod, in particular, in the miniatures "People's Healer", "Caucasian Pharmacy", in which, as it turned out, they offer medications with a "Caucasian orientation" - skewer for hair, ascorbic acid, paracelcamol and others.

Demis Karibidis and Andrey Skorokhod

It should be noted that, despite frequent accusations of using profanity and vulgarity, the talented resident has a lot of fans. He is not afraid of dangerous topics and strong expressions, skillfully balancing on the verge of decency, thanks to which his speeches are interesting and sharp. In parallel with the Comedy Club, the comedian also participated in other TNT comedy shows - Comedy Wumen, Our Russia.

Participation in the television series Real Boys, Univer. New hostel”, “Sea. The mountains. Expanded clay.

Personal life of Demis Karibidis

The showman is married to his beloved Pelageya (not to be confused with the popular folk singer Pelageya - the wife of Karibidis is simply her namesake). Young people got married in May 2014. Close friends came to congratulate them at the wedding celebration - Mikhail Galustyan, Timur Batrutdinov, Pavel Volya and Dmitry Sorokin. Photos from the wedding of Demis Karibidis

In 2015, a charming daughter Sofiko was born to a married couple.

Demis Karibidis now

In 2016, the show "Improvisation" was aired on TNT, where in the impromptu "Psychic" Demis appeared in the role of a woman president who got into a gypsy camp.

At the same time, the actor of the comedy genre starred in the series "Bearded Man", where he acted as the chief of police, with whom the security guard played by Mikhail Galustyan, who gets into incredible stories, bickers.

In May 2016, Karibidis participated in the new performance “We are in the city!”, which took place in the concert hall of the cultural complex “Lucerna” in Prague, in August - in the Comedy Club concert in Yerevan.

June 28, world champion, six-time European champion in rhythmic gymnastics Laysan Utyasheva celebrates her 29th birthday. In the summer of 2013, the athlete unexpectedly admitted to everyone that she married showman Pavel Volya and bore him a son, Robert. The fans of the athlete were quite surprised by such a revelation, but sincerely rejoiced for the lovers, because they complement each other so harmoniously. We decided to remember who other bright residents of the Comedy Club have chosen as their life partners.

Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva began dating in a very difficult period for the gymnast. In March 2012, Zulfiya Utyasheva. Laysan was very upset by the death of a loved one, and Pasha helped the athlete get out of depression. The couple hid their romance from prying eyes and together Laysan and Pavel did not appear anywhere. in September 2012. There was no wedding in the classical sense. Because of the mourning for Laysan's mother, young people did without a white dress for the bride, toasts, guests and limousines. After painting in the registry office, the newlyweds celebrated the event in the family circle and even abandoned their honeymoon. When Utyasheva realized that she was expecting a baby, she decided to leave for Spain. In May 2013, son Robert was born. A month ago, the baby turned one year old. Star parents do not yet want to show their son to the public and post rare pictures of little Robert's pens on their microblogs.

Garik Kharlamov and Christina Asmus

The novel by Garik Kharlamov and Christina Asmus can be compared to a real Mexican TV series. Due to the red tape with the divorce of Garik and his first wife Yulia Leshchenko, the couple even had to file for a divorce a few months after the wedding, since. Despite all the unflattering conversations and the difficult division of property, Garik and Christina often attended social events, took pictures with pleasure and actively posted joint photos on Instagram. In early January 2014, Garik and Christina became parents for the first time. The lovers had a daughter, Nastya. By the way, Kharlamov's longtime friend, Timur Batrutdinov, and Asmus' close friend, actress Anna Andrusenko, became the godparents of the girl. By the way, for the May holidays, the couple decided to go on a trip to Europe. It was in France that they wanted to celebrate an important date for them -. Asmus and Kharlamov took their 4-month-old daughter with them.

Garik Martirosyan and Zhanna Levina

Garik Martirosyan and Zhanna Levina have been together for 16 years. They met in 1997 in Sochi. Zhanna then studied at the Stavropol State University at the Faculty of Law and came to rest for the holidays, and Garik arrived at the Sochi festival with the New Armenians KVN team. For the next few months, Martirosyan had to go to his beloved in Stavropol several times a month until the couple decided to get married. Garik and Zhanna got married in Cyprus, in the Armenian church of St. George. Zhanna is a lawyer by education, but she is not in a hurry to build her own career, she enjoys taking care of the house and children. In 2004, the couple had a daughter, Jasmine,. By the way, the name of the boy came up with Steven Seagal. The Hollywood actor was a guest of the ProjectorParisHilton show when Martirosyan's colleagues on the program, Ivan Urgant and Sergey Svetlakov, asked the star to help Garik choose a name for the baby. After thinking for a couple of minutes, Steven Danielem, to which his father immediately agreed.

Viktor Vasiliev and Anna Snatkina

Viktor Vasiliev and Anna Snatkina met on the TV show Yesterday Live, where Viktor was the host, and Anna was invited as a guest. A couple of weeks after the broadcast, Vasiliev came to the theater to see Snatkina's performance, but it turned out that the actress was in the hospital, so the couple's first date took place in the hospital ward. A few months later, the lovers played a wedding. The ceremony, which took place in the Peterhof Summer Palace in "an atmosphere of the strictest secrecy", was attended by more than a hundred people. After the celebration, the lovers went on a honeymoon trip to the Maldives, and soon Anna found out that she was expecting a baby. The actress did not hide her pregnancy - she went to events and film premieres. in April 2013. Star parents for a long time could not choose a name for the girl. Vasiliev leaned towards the name Vera, because that was the name of his grandmother, and Anna wanted to name her daughter in honor of her beloved sister Maria. As a result, the couple opted for the name Veronica. So far, the couple have not shown the baby to the public.

Alexander Revva and Angelica

Alexander Revva met his future wife Angelica 9 years ago in one of the Sochi clubs. According to the artist, it was love at first sight. Three months after they met, Alexander asked the girl's hand from her parents, after which the lovers began to live together. When Angelica became pregnant, the couple got married, despite the fact that before that the showman had a clear position not to marry until the age of forty. In 2007, the couple had a daughter, Alice, and a year ago, Amelie was born. The girl was named after the heroine of the French film of the same name. Now Revva dreams that his wife would give him a son. By the way, the showman's wife lived abroad for several years where she studied the tourism and hotel business. Angelica is fluent in several languages.

Semyon Slepakov and Karina

Very little is known about the personal life of Semyon Slepakov. The showman has never been seen in scandalous stories and high-profile novels. The news that Slepakov got married thundered like a bolt from the blue. Semyon does not like to talk about his wife, it is only known that the girl's name is Karina, she works as a lawyer and has nothing to do with show business. For the first time, Semyon was published with his lover at the birthday of Mikhail Galustyan in October 2012, and a month later the film "Jungle". The close circle of Semyon and Karina notes that they are a very harmonious couple. “Karina is very young, and Semyon has already seen a lot in his life, a solid producer who doesn’t even have a free minute on social networks! For Karina, the most important thing in life is her husband, family, future children. We can say that Semyon was lucky, he met a soul mate! - one of Slepakov's friends told the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper.

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