Picture Plastov summer description of a girl. Essay-description based on the painting by A.A.


Looking at the picturesque canvases of artists, I want to come up with interesting stories, imagine the heroes of the picture in other situations. I wonder what will happen when they stop sitting statically, get up and go home? The same thoughts are evoked by Plastov's painting "In the Summer" (1952). It also helps to mentally transport yourself on a hot day, to the bosom of nature, to warm up under the gentle rays of the sun and admire the irresistible landscapes.

A little about the work of the author

To understand why the artist painted on this particular topic, you need to talk a little about his work in general.

Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov - originally from the village. The boy had the opportunity to admire nature since childhood, so he sang it in many of his works. They say about the artist that he is a singer of the Soviet peasantry. Yes, the master has a lot of paintings devoted to this topic.

He painted how these people work, how they rest. The collective farm holiday can be seen in the picture of the same name. The cheerful mood of the audience is transmitted to the audience.

It is amazing how touching, with what love the master transfers natural landscapes to canvas. When we look at a girl pouring water (the painting "Spring"), it seems that we can hear the stream murmuring and pouring into the bucket of the young hostess.

Story based on Plastov's painting "In Summer"

For each person, the artist's canvas can evoke its own associations. If a student is asked to write an essay or prepare an oral story based on a picture, at first you can tell quite a bit about the author, then go on to describe the plot. At the end of a written or oral work, it would be nice to convey your impressions of the picture. You can show your imagination and add your own story to the drawn plot by composing your own story. This is what Plastov’s painting “In Summer” has to offer.

It looks like it's the exact time of the year. In addition, the artist called his work that way. Most likely, this is the second half of the season. Raspberries ripen by the second half of July, and at the beginning of summer, mushrooms, if they are, are not in such quantities.

Here they are in abundance. This is clearly indicated by full baskets. Strong snow-white milk mushrooms lie hats down. The girl and her mother, also depicted on the canvas, did not cut the mushrooms, but took them out of the ground. Now there is an opinion that these gifts of the forest need to be plucked with twisting movements so as not to damage the mycelium, which means the girl and the woman did it right.

In the second basket are robust mushrooms. Some have the tip of the stem cut off, others not.

people and dog

Plastov's painting "In Summer" allows you to admire not only baskets of mushrooms, which so attract the eyes of the audience, but also to consider the people who are the main characters of the canvas.

It can be seen that the woman was very tired, so she fell asleep in the shade of two birches. After all, she wandered through the forest with her assistant from the very morning, so they will come home with rich gifts.

In addition to mushrooms, the heroines collected a whole jug of raspberries. The girl plucked a branch, sits in the shade, rests and picks the rest of the berries into a mug. Soon this container will be filled. But mother and daughter will make fragrant raspberry jam at home and drink tea with it in winter, remembering how they went to the forest and picked a lot of berries.

The dog is tired too. She lay down beside the little mistress and rested, but did not sleep. After all, a dog must protect people and at any second, sensing danger, rush to protect its owners.


Plastov's painting "In the Summer" conveys the majestic beauty of Russian nature. Against the background of emerald grass, blue bells on high stems look great. Yellow flowers also fit well into this landscape.

The sun illuminates the meadow where people rest. Birch trees are also heated in its rays, and they give mushroom pickers a life-giving coolness, which is necessary on a hot afternoon.

The lesson on Plastov’s painting “In Summer” will help the development of oral and written speech in children, teach them to love the beauty of their native land, appreciate and

  1. A. Plastov is an artist of Russian nature and the Russian village.
  2. Painting "Summer":
    • summer afternoon;
    • forest edge;
    • gatherers of mushrooms and berries;
  3. Background (forest).
  4. My attitude to the picture.

Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov is a Russian artist who was born and raised in a village, in a peasant family. That is why the theme of village life is so close to him. On his canvases, he vividly and emotionally conveys the beauty of Russian nature and the life of his fellow villagers, who often posed for him to paint pictures.

The painting “In Summer” depicts a forest edge on a bright sunny day. Everything around is filled with dazzling light. Feel the heat from the scorching sun. Everything breathes the midday heat. Most likely, this is the middle of June, when the grass and foliage have not yet become dusty, have not withered, and the forests and meadows have already turned into a real pantry of tasty supplies for the winter.

At the edge of the forest, dense, tall grass grows like a soft carpet. The scorching sun has not yet had time to dry it. It glows from the sun's rays and seems not the usual bright green, but almost golden. But she does not have that lifeless yellowish color, which is usually the case in autumn, when she withered. It feels the life and power of nature.

In the grass, here and there, colorful meadow flowers grow. Surprisingly tall and large blue-violet wild bells grew near two birches. In the light of sunlight, tree trunks appear pearly, and small smooth green leaves reflect the rays like hundreds of small mirrors. It seems that from this light the picture becomes even more dazzling. Birches low, almost to the very ground, bowed their thin branches. Under them you can find at least a little shade on this hot day.

Here, in the shade of trees, two collectors of forest gifts settled down to rest - a woman and a girl of nine or ten years old. Maybe this is a mother with her daughter, or maybe a grandmother with her granddaughter. The artist hid the face of the woman from us, and we can only guess who she is. The mushroom pickers placed a large wicker basket and a tin bucket full of mushrooms in the grass.

Nearby stands an earthenware jug with a high neck. In it, apparently, there was water or milk so that they could refresh themselves and quench their thirst. Now it's empty. Probably, the gatherers got up before dawn and went to the forest for mushrooms and berries. After all, in order to collect so many gifts of the forest, you need to wander a lot through the thicket and the edge or know the secret mushroom places. And by noon, the heat and fatigue overcame them, and they decided to rest a bit on the way back.

The woman is wearing a simple long dark blue dress and the same scarf, a dark gray apron is tied in front - this is the usual everyday wear for village women. Tired, she lay down directly on the soft grass and shielded her face from the sun with a strong, overworked hand.

A dark-haired ruddy girl sits nearby on the grass. She bowed her head, and her whole appearance expresses concentration: plump scarlet lips and cheeks puffed out slightly. While mother or grandmother is resting, she diligently picks red berries from a plucked small bush and pours them into a mug that is on her knees. Probably, this is a fragrant strawberry, which just ripens in this hot summer time.

The girl is dressed in a long, almost to the toe, thin white shirt. On her head is a large bright red scarf, from under which naughty strands of dark hair are knocked out, and modest beads are visible on her neck. She boldly walked through the woods barefoot. Apparently, not all village children had shoes, or they took care of them for a special occasion.

A dog leaned trustingly at the side of the girl. Her head and paws are light in color, and her back is with dark tan marks. The dog stretched out its paws, put its muzzle on them and also dozes, tired from the heat. In the background you can see a dense dark forest, through which the gatherers roamed. It oozes coolness from him. Thin spotted trunks of birches and fluffy young pines are hardly distinguishable.

Soon the woman and the girl will get up and go home, to please the household with the gifts of the forest.

I liked this picture. It very vividly conveys the feeling of a hot summer afternoon, the tart aroma of meadow flowers. The green forest beckons to visit you to treat you with mushrooms and fragrant berries. It is no coincidence that summer is my favorite time of the year.

Warm sunny summer. White birches, dressed in bright greenery, thick juicy grass and a lot of light. That's what first of all draws attention to itself in the painting "Summer". This picture was painted by the artist Plastov. It is immediately evident that he truly knew and loved nature. Everything is so beautiful and real. The viewer seems to be blown by the delicious smell of herbs and berries and the sleepy calm of a hot day.

What else is shown on the canvas? The description of the painting “In Summer” by Plastov can take a long time. It has three characters on it. This is a girl with her grandmother and a dog. They probably went to the forest for mushrooms and berries. And on the way back they got tired and sat down to rest right on the grass. Grandma is fast asleep. She is wearing a blue dress and a matching scarf. Her most striking element is the hand with which the grandmother closed herself from the sun. You can see how big, swarthy and overworked she is. Looking at such a hand, one can understand that a person has worked all his life.

Granddaughter, I think, will grow up to be the same hard worker. And now, while the grandmother is sleeping, the girl is concentratedly plucking berries from a twig into a large blue mug. The serious face of the little helper shows that she likes this job. The girl is dressed in a light white dress and adorned with beads. She has a red scarf tied around her head. White, red and blue colors look very nice together. Therefore, the girl immediately draws the attention of the viewer.

A small dog lies next to the grandmother and granddaughter. She ran through the forest and now sleeps sweetly, snuggling up to her mistresses. She has a very funny face, which she turned directly towards the audience. I think she is the favorite of her little mistress.

And the picture also shows baskets with mushrooms and a jug of berries. They occupy almost half of the canvas. What a rich harvest the girl and her grandmother bring from the forest! Mushrooms are large, bright, and berries are juicy and ripe. You immediately understand what wealth nature can give.

While I was writing an essay based on the painting “In Summer” by Plastov, I thought about how peaceful and happy peasant life can be. We often do not notice the beauty of the world around us. But a happy life can be made up of little things. For example, a hike with loved ones in the forest, picking delicious berries with your own hands, relaxing in the shade. I think this is what the artist wanted to show with his painting.

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Rural summer on the canvas of Arkady Aleksandrovich Plastov

Material Description: This essay is written for children of primary school age. Therefore, it will be interesting for primary school teachers, parents, students.
Target: Formation of ideas about rural summer through reading an essay based on A. A. Plastov’s painting “In Summer”.
- tell the children about the village summer;
- develop memory, imagination, curiosity, attention, cognitive interest in the world around;
- educate the desire to love and protect nature, to be kind and sympathetic.
A little about the author of the picture.

A.A. Plastov was born in 1893 in the village of Prislonikha, Simbirsk district (now Ulyanovsk region) in a family of icon painters. Following the family tradition, he studied at the Simbirsk Theological School, then at the Theological Academy. In 1914 he entered the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture at the Faculty of Sculpture under S. M. Volnukhin. attended painting classes with A.E. Arkhipov, A.M. Vasnetsov. A.M. Korina. L. O. Pasternak, comprehending the best traditions of the national art school. Returning to his native village, Plastov works hard, creates a huge number of sketches and sketches. Until the end of his days, Arkady Plastov continued to live and work among his fellow countrymen, never separating himself from the world around him, so convincingly and passionately, with such emotional force recreated by him in his canvases. Full of quivering feelings, his works seemed to grow out of life itself, revealing to us its highest, innermost meaning.
In Ulyanovsk, a street was named in honor of A.A. Plastov, a monument to the artist was erected on it, on the street. Goncharov, the museum of Arkady Aleksandrovich Plastov was opened.
In the homeland of the artist in the village of Prislonikha, in 1988, the museum "People's Artist A. A. Plastov" was opened, dedicated to the life and work of the master.
In 2011, a monument to A.A. Plastov was opened in the village of Prislonikha, Karsunsky district.
The works of A.A. Plastov were included in the collection of the Institute of Russian Realist Art (IRRI).
Rural summer on the canvas of Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov

In front of me is a picture of the wonderful Russian artist Arkady Aleksandrovich Plastov “In Summer”. Summer is a wonderful time that gives us not only good sunny weather, but also whole baskets of berries, fruits and mushrooms! The artist just depicted on his canvas two collectors of forest gifts. Both travelers were very tired from walking and the hot sun. I see them in moments of rest.
In the foreground of the painting, the artist depicted a girl in a white dress; red scarf and beads of berries. The girl's feet are not shod. Apparently, she was used to running around barefoot and not at all afraid of twigs and prickly cones. There is a dog next to her. The girl separates the berries from the twigs and leaves and puts them in a mug.
And in the background of the picture, I see a resting grandmother in a blue dress and scarf. She must have been tired of picking berries and mushrooms, so she lay down in the shade. Behind the people, grass and flowers illuminated by the bright sun, slender birches and an old stump. Behind this sunny glade stands a dense dark forest. In the sun, the grass is light green in color, and the flowers are multi-colored: yellow, pink and purple.
After I looked at the picture for a long time, it was as if the summer heat, the pleasant smell of herbs and sweet strawberries blew over me.
I liked Plastov's painting because the artist depicted the beauty of our land. Sometimes we do not notice what beauty surrounds us, the paintings of artists help to see it. This is a canvas of peace and joy, the beauty and generosity of summer nature is well conveyed in it.

The famous Russian painter Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov was able to discern beauty in any moment of life. Even hard work can look festive for him. The canvas “In Summer” conveys both the uniqueness of Russian nature and the life of ordinary people busy with everyday affairs.

Depicting another landscape of central Russia, Plastov writes an elderly woman who, from fatigue, lay down for several minutes in the shade of birches and a girl, most likely her granddaughter. It can be understood that mushroom pickers went to the forest for mushrooms and berries before the morning dawn. And when the sun reached its zenith, they had already managed to fill their baskets and decided to rest before returning home.

It was not by chance that the artist chose his characters: previously, mostly elderly women and children who did not participate in haymaking, harvesting in the fields and other village concerns gathered the gifts of the forest. But mushrooms and various berries were harvested for the long Russian cold winter. They were reserved for fasting or when other supplies were already running low with the onset of spring. In the villages, families were large, and supplies for the winter had to be sufficient.

The paintings of this painter always bring a feeling of joy, calmness and tranquility. The artist loved all seasons, but especially when nature is in full bloom. In his work "Summer" he sings of the generosity of the land, peasant women who are resting after a trip to the forest.

Plastov quite often turned to the rural theme, because he knew the life of the peasants very well and painted landscapes and villagers with great undisguised sympathy. The people on his canvases are inextricably linked with nature. The artist often made village children the heroes of his paintings.

Here, in this work, the artist depicts a successful trip of grandmother and granddaughter to the forest. The eye immediately stops at a large wicker basket with handles full of large white mushrooms, and a bucket with various smaller reddish-brown mushrooms. Nearby is a jug full of berries. The jug, of course, is heavy, but the juicy berries will not crumple along the way.

In the opposite corner, on a soft grass-ant, sits a girl of seven years old, in a light sundress and a bright scarlet scarf, her bare legs stretched out. While her grandmother was resting, she busied herself picking berries. Leisurely tearing off the branches, she puts ripe and juicy raspberries into a mug standing on her lap. The berries seem to be asking for her mouth, but the girl wants to show at home how much they have collected with her grandmother, and firmly puts the next berry in a mug. Her eyes are downcast, thin eyebrows slightly raised. Long hair is knocked out from under a bright scarf.

A yard red-and-black dog clings to the girl, who has followed them into the forest. However, the fresh air and complete freedom, when he ran back and forth, bursting into loud barking, apparently tired him too. He put his head on his outstretched paws and dozes, however, although the dog's eyes are closed, his ears are raised, and through his slumber he listens to the unusual sounds of the forest.

Behind the girl, a sleeping woman is visible in a dark blue dress with long sleeves and a blue scarf tied tightly. From these clothes, we can assume that this is an elderly woman. The artist does not show us her face. The woman shielded her eyes from the bright rays of the sun, which the rare leaves of birch trees, near which the heroes stopped to rest, cannot hold back. Yes, and forest midges do not give rest. The woman is very tired and fast asleep, with her head resting on a small hillock formed by birch roots.

In the background is a clearing flooded with midday sun, behind which the forest begins. In the clearing, the eye is pleased with the diversity of modest field flowers, which always delight us with their natural beauty and harmony, and about which poets do not get tired of writing poems and songs. These are lilac-blue bells, and forest beauties of daisies, a little drooping from the heat, and a shepherd's purse that is fading. The artist uses colors that tell the viewer that the plot takes place in August, the tall grass, which was recently emerald, is almost burned out, and in the sunlight it acquires an amber hue. We can see the lower parts of the trunks of two birches and several branches with green leaves. Nearby, barely noticeable in the thick grass, stumps.

After standing for several minutes at the picture, we get the impression that we felt the tart smell of grass heated by the sun, felt a light touch of the summer breeze on our face, and an indescribable aroma of wild berries reached us.

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