Pictures of Russian artists about spring. The most famous landscapes


I. Levitan "Spring. Big water".

Isaac Levitan, the great Russian landscape painter, called his painting "Big Water". She depicts the spring flood. Water - a flooded river - occupies most of the canvas. It is blue, cold, clean, smooth, like a mirror surface. It reflects a clear blue sky, light clouds and still bare trees - a grove flooded by the river. Thin trees look defenseless and touching. Among them - almost obligatory for the Russian landscape trees - birches. Backlit by the sun, they appear pink.

I. Levitan "March"

Nature basks in the warm rays of the sun. On the left, we see a forest waiting for spring. The picture here is very different. Coniferous greens cast dark shadows. It is obvious that winter cold reigns in the forest, the colors are gloomy and dark. The sun's March rays have not yet had time to warm the gloomy blue-green firs, but I really want the sun to illuminate their frowning crowns with a bright golden light! Soon it will happen, because it's March in the yard!

F. A. Vasilyeva "Thaw "

The picture is made in gray-brown tones. She radiates coldness and sadness. Despite the shades, we can understand that this is really the beginning of spring. The snow is melting, as if taking cold and cold with it. A road blurred by wheels, like the beginning of a new path. Birds flock to the road in search of food after a severe winter.

V. Kudrevich "Morning of spring"

The birch grove sparkles with reflections of morning dew. Young foliage, breathing a sense of spring freshness and cleanliness, is permeated with soft sunlight. And all around is a fragrant carpet of green grass and flowers, among which one can guess pale blue snowdrops and bright yellow coltsfoot inflorescences.

The sky is made in shades of gray, and the trees in the background are shrouded in a light haze. Because of this, the vegetation in the foreground looks even more voluminous and saturated, shimmers and plays with bright colors.

A. G. Venetsianov "On arable land. Spring"

We see in the picture a plowed field in early spring. Greenery is breaking through somewhere along the edges, it is clearly visible on the front, untouched edge of the field. At the right edge, several thin trees turn green near a strange beveled stump. A very elegant woman in a pink sundress and a beautiful kokoshnik easily leads two strong horses along the plowed land, which pull the harrow behind them. A woman walks through the arable land barefoot, stepping very lightly, as if dancing, with a smile on her face.

Prose is written about spring, poems are dedicated to spring. And, of course, pictures are dedicated to spring. We bring to your attention a small selection of paintings by Russian artists on the theme of spring.

Poems and spring

“Before spring, there are days like this:
Meadow rests under dense snow,
The trees rustle merrily and dry,
And the warm wind is gentle and resilient.
And the body marvels at its lightness,
And you don't recognize your home
And the song that was tired before,
Like new, eat with excitement.

Anna Akhmatova

Bergholz Richard Alexandrovich

Spring awakening

1911, oil on canvas, 80 x 160 cm, Omsk Regional Museum of Fine Arts. M.A. Vrubel

“The day was sunny and windy, a day when you can go around the corner of the house, hide from the wind, press your back against the wall slightly warmed by the sun and feel with all your heart the joy of the arrival of spring and warmth ... Stand, squint and smile.”

Evgeny Grishkovets, "Rivers"

Shishkin Ivan Ivanovich

forest in spring

1884, x. m. 142 x 105 cm, Serpukhov Museum of History and Art

As you know, Ivan Shishkin often turned in his works to the theme of the life of the Russian forest, Russian meadows and fields, he improved in the transfer of the state of nature, the expression of images, the purity of the palette. This is how the painting "Forest in Spring" (1884) is born, which combines both majesty and warm notes.

Early spring. Thaw

1880s, x. M., 68x54 cm., Art Gallery. B.M. Kustodiev. Astrakhan

In his work, Savrasov paid much attention to the theme of the seasons, and especially loved spring. In his paintings, the artist was able to see beauty in the most ordinary and prosaic landscape.

Alexey Kondratievich Savrasov

The Rooks Have Arrived

1871, oil on canvas, 48.5x62 cm, Tretyakov Gallery

The painting "The Rooks Have Arrived" is Savrasov's most famous work. The plot for the picture was taken by the artist in the usual village of Molvitino. Immediately after the show, the painting was bought by P. Tretyakov for his collection. And over time, the picture, the very name of which already conceals the joyful arrival of spring, has become a model of simple beauty in Russian landscape painting: the whole landscape is filled with warm spring air, like joyfully chirping birds and all nature are looking forward to the imminent onset of sunny and warm days.

Isaac Ilyich Levitan

Spring. big water

1897, oil on canvas, 64.2x57.5 cm, Tretyakov Gallery

Another artist who loves spring - Isaac Levitan, decided to depict in one of his paintings his favorite time during his most powerful manifestation. The picture opens before us a flood that captured part of the coastal forest and several village buildings. Since the artist tried to convey the Russian spring as accurately as possible, without embellishing anything, the palette of the picture is unusually modest, but truthful and realistic. Yes, and nature does not need decorations.

Kuindzhi A.I.

Early spring. 1890-1895

The calendar spring has already come into its own. More and more often, walking along the street, we feel the warmth of the sun's rays, more and more we notice puddles in the courtyards and we know for sure that the roads will soon turn into turbulent spring rivers. Spring gives each of us its own impressions: while some are afraid to get their feet wet and complain about mud and slush, others change their fur coats for light raincoats and put on colored rubber boots.
What can I say, we all feel spring in our own way. Let's turn our attention to the classics - immortal paintings, try to see this extraordinary time of the year through the eyes of famous artists. The great poets who sang such different spring days in verse will help us to penetrate into the intentions of the authors of the paintings!..

Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi (1842 - 1910)
Undoubtedly, it is worth starting with an outstanding innovator in the field of painting and a talented teacher A.I. Kuindzhi. He is rightly called the "master of light". Colorful, impressive, lively canvases dedicated to Russian nature have become a real event in art. The poems of M. Lermontov very subtly and accurately convey the mood of his paintings:

When the broken ice in the spring
An excited river goes
When among the fields in places
The bare earth turns black
And the darkness falls in clouds
To the semi-young fields...
M. Lermontov
(fragment of the poem "Spring", 1830)

Early spring, 1890-1895

Alexei Kondratievich Savrasov (1830-1897)
Another outstanding painter, master of the Russian landscape - A.K. Savrasov. His canvases very subtly and penetratingly convey simplicity, touching sadness and the deep essence of native nature. But the best thing about the artist was his, no less famous, student - I. Levitan: "With Savrasov, lyricism appeared in landscape painting and boundless love for his native land."

Songs of the larks again
They rang in the sky.
"Dear guest, great!" -
They say spring.

The sun is already warmer,
The skies are getting brighter...
Everything will be green soon
Steppes, groves and forests…
A. Pleshcheev

Rooks have arrived, 1871

Thaw, 1874

Spring day, 1873

Early Spring, 1868, Russian Museum, St. Petersburg

Isaac Ilyich Levitan (1860 - 1900)
All of you know the commandment: "Do not make yourself an idol." Alas, I cannot resist and note that since childhood, the work of I.I. Levitan did not give me rest. This outstanding painter studied with no less famous artists and teachers: A.K. Savrasova, V.G. Perov and V.D. Polenov. The depth of spaces, the movement of air, the fullness and "sound" of the river - all this is physically felt with just one look at his paintings. The poem of the classic of Russian poetry F. Tyutchev perfectly conveys the mood of the spring canvases of I. Levitan:

Snow is still whitening in the fields,
And the waters are already rustling in the spring -
They run and wake up the sleepy shore,
They run, and shine, and say ...

They say all over the place:
"Spring is coming, spring is coming,
We are messengers of young spring,
She sent us ahead!
F. Tyutchev
(fragment of the poem "Spring Waters", 1829)

March, 1895

Spring. Big water, 1897

Stanislav Yulianovich Zhukovsky (1875 - 1944)
Another talented student of V.D. Polenova, V.A. Serova, S.A. Korovina, I.I. Levitan, who rightfully received the title of master - S.Yu. Zhukovsky. With large strokes, attention to detail, color nuances, contrasts of light and shadow, he perfectly conveys the feeling of spring, coming changes and the awakening of nature.

Wave after wave
Into the immeasurable ocean...
Winter turned to spring
And the hurricane howls less often;
Ruthless time does not wait,
It is in a hurry for the term;
Fields and cornfields of the rich burden,
The whitening snow has disappeared ...
ON. Nekrasov

spring water



Early Spring (Arbor in the Park), 1910

Spring bubbling stream, 1913

Spring evening, 1904

Spring, 1913


Ilya Semenovich Ostroukhov (1858 - 1929)
Another phenomenon of Russian painting is the canvases of I.S. Ostroukhov. This extraordinarily gifted man, with an excellent education and erudition, who played the piano since childhood, became interested in painting by the age of twenty, which did not prevent him from reaching extraordinary heights in a new field. In the canvases of I.S. Ostroukhov combines the soft impressionistic style of writing and the poetics of the lyrical landscape, close to the canvases of I.I. Levitan. Very accurately, the mood of his works dedicated to spring is conveyed by A.T. Tvardovsky:
The snows will darken blue
Along country roads
And the waters will go down
In the still transparent forest ...
A.T. Tvardovsky
(fragment of the poem "The snows will darken blue")

In early spring

Early spring

Vitold Kaetanovich Byalynitsky-Birulya (1872 - 1957)
An outstanding painter, student of S.A. Korovina, V.D. Polenova, I.M. Pryanishnikov, I. Levitan. Under the influence of artists, he became interested in landscape and reached extraordinary heights. Subtly feeling Russian nature, its mood and some naivety, he conveyed these feelings to the viewer through his paintings.

Beyond the river the meadows are green,
It breathes with light freshness of water;
More cheerfully rang through the groves
Songs of birds in different ways...
I. Bunin
(fragment of a poem, 1893)

Spring, 1899

Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon (1875 - 1958)
K.F. Yuon is rightfully considered an academician of the lyrical landscape. The pictures of everyday life captured on his canvases show the life and mood of the Russian people. In his characteristic manner, combining the technique of impressionism and the study of fine details, the artist created vivid and memorable paintings. Canvases by K.F. Yuon on the theme of spring, to enhance their expressiveness, we will "illustrate" with a poem by A. Fet:

Another fragrant bliss of spring
We did not have time to descend,
Still ravines are full of snow,
Still dawn the cart rumbles
On a frozen path...
A. Fet
(fragment of a poem)

Sunny day. Spring, 1876

March sun, 1915

Isaac Ilyich Levitan

Spring in Italy, 1890

Spring. Last snow, 1895

Spring. White lilac. 1890s

Alexey Kondratievich Savrasov

Rural View, 1867, Tretyakov Gallery

Stanislav Yulianovich Zhukovsky

Spring (The river opened), 1903

Old manor. May.

In May

Window to the forest

Window to the forest

Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon

May morning. Nightingale place. Ligachevo, 1915

Spring in the Trinity Lavra, 1911

Wave after wave
Into the immeasurable ocean...
Winter turned to spring
And the hurricane howls less often;
Ruthless time does not wait,
It is in a hurry for the term;
Fields and cornfields of the rich burden,
The whitening snow has disappeared ...
ON. Nekrasov
(fragment of the poem "Spring", 1839)

Ivan Avgustovich Velts

Spring in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, 1896

Konstantin Alekseevich Korovin

Last snow

Early spring

Viktor Elpidiforovich Borisov-Musatov

May flowers, 1894


Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar

Last snow

March snow, 1904

May evening, 1905

Songs of the larks again
They rang in the sky.
"Dear guest, great!" -
They say spring.

The sun is already warmer,
The skies are getting brighter...
Everything will be green soon
Steppes, groves and forests…
A. Pleshcheev
(fragment of the poem "Spring", 1861)

Konstantin Yakovlevich Kryzhitsky

It blew in the spring, 1910

Turzhansky Leonard Viktorovich (1875-1945)

Last snow

Spring in the Western Territory, 1910

Spring. Moscow yard

Before spring there are days like this:
Meadow rests under dense snow,
The trees rustle merrily and dry,
And the warm wind is gentle and resilient.
And the body marvels at its lightness,
And you don't recognize your home
And the song that was tired before,
Like new, eat with excitement.
A. Akhmatova

Venetsianov Alexey Gavrilovich (1780-1847)

On the arable land. Spring

Endogurov Ivan Ivanovich

The beginning of spring

Bryullov Pavel Alexandrovich

Spring, 1875

Vasilkovsky Sergey Ivanovich


Bashkirtseva Maria Konstantinovna (1860-1884)


Russian artists were extremely fond of depicting spring landscapes. There are especially many paintings of this kind among the Wanderers of the 19th and early 20th centuries. They went out into nature and made sketches from nature, which had never happened before in Russian painting.
Today, studying the theme of "Spring" in children's educational institutions, educators, teachers often turn to reproductions of paintings by famous Russian artists. In our time, in the age of photography and the ability to capture any moment of life, to watch on video what you can no longer find in reality, it is especially difficult for children to understand why studying paintings of bygone centuries. But the fact is that the paintings do not just capture a moment from life, as in a photograph: what is seen and experienced is processed by the thoughts and feelings of the artists, filled with love, and only then transferred to the canvas. Thus, we see not only the landscape, but also feel the attitude of the artist towards it.
Spring in the paintings of Russian artists is presented in a very diverse way. This is both early spring (early March), and a riot of May greenery. The most famous paintings by Russian artists on the theme of "Spring" -

  1. A. Savrasova "The Rooks Have Arrived",
  2. I. Levitan "March",
  3. "Spring. big water,
  4. A. Venetsianova “On arable land. Spring",
  5. K. Yuon "March Sun".

Paintings by Savrasov and Levitan depict the very beginning of spring. Savrasov's work presents an unsightly rural landscape of the Kostroma region with a church and several houses. There is still snow all around, in the foreground there are bare birch trees, in some places in the sky a ray of the sun peeps through the clouds. It seems that the picture depicts winter. And only rooks nesting on birches say that spring has come.
In the paintings of Russian artists, as a rule, we see a field landscape, the countryside. This is the best place to watch the arrival of spring. So, in the paintings of Levitan we see a house with a porch, a horse harnessed to a cart; there is still snow, and only the bright spring sun and a harnessed horse testify to the arrival of spring. In the painting "Spring. Big water ”- again fields flooded by a flooded river. March is also represented in Yuon’s painting, the work is very similar to Levitan’s “March”: snow-covered fields are also painted, and only on the road under the village under the bright sun do horse riders ride.
Venetsianov's painting, unlike the previous ones, shows late spring, when the fields have already been sown and the sprouts of the future crop have appeared. A smartly dressed peasant woman leads a horse across the field under the bright sun. The work breathes warmth, light and a premonition of a hot summer.
Of course, these are far from all the paintings of Russian artists about spring. There are a huge number of them, and each of them is good in its own way. On our site you can find reproductions of the paintings you need, print them out or use them to develop a presentation for a lesson or a festive event. The pictures will help make your story about this season interesting, colorful, exciting, and will provide an opportunity to present additional aspects.
The paintings of Russian artists not only demonstrate clearly some of the features of spring as a season: these changes can also be observed in nature. They are able to educate the younger generation through the prism of the artist's perception. Each landscape is filled with love for Russian nature, for its gloomy sky, vast expanses, saturated with light sadness, so characteristic of the Russian landscape. These feelings are subconsciously transmitted to the viewer when he looks at the picture. So, by showing reproductions of pictures about spring at the lessons of literature, language, natural history, reading, etc., you can morally elevate the children, bring them closer to the perception of the world as a living being. This is the main task of painting.

A selection of the most famous paintings

Vasnetsov "The Rooks Have Arrived"

Levitan "Spring. Big water"

Venetsianov "On arable land. Spring"

Paintings by other artists:

Spring is a time of renewal and new beginnings. Nature is waking up from hibernation, snowdrifts are melting, spring rain is heard from the roofs outside the window, buds are blooming on the trees.

I want to capture all this beauty in my memory, so that later I can remember it with rapture and admiration. A wonderful time - beautiful ones are obtained literally at every time.

Desktop pictures are now very popular, where you can see the beauty of spring in the photo. Or, for example, upload a high-quality picture to your phone. You can also use the services of an artist and hang drawings and paintings on the theme of spring at home.

High-quality photos about spring on your desktop

Beautiful photos of spring for your desktop can be downloaded from our website. Now there are many photographers who shoot landscapes and the nature around us. Beautiful photos on the theme of spring can be downloaded for free and set as wallpaper on your desktop spring.

Due to the high resolution and large size, such an image will look great on a computer or tablet screen.

Pictures about spring often include small details, such as drops, small buds, snowdrops peeking out from under the snow, the first small berries. All this tenderness and beauty can be conveyed by a photograph on the desktop.

Beautiful images of spring on your phone

You can admire the spring season not only on the screen of your computer or tablet, but also on your phone. Various images of even small resolution are suitable for this. Even small pictures of spring on your phone will look spectacular and advantageous.

There can be both urban landscapes with houses, from the roofs of which icicles with a drop hang down, and paintings of wide open fields and forests with trees shedding a snow cover from their branches.

Also, a great solution would be to opt for images of small details, for example, such as small rivers formed from the melting of snow covers, peeping buds or the first birch leaf that appeared.

Spring, pictures on the phone: they make you wake up and get out of hibernation, start acting, fulfill your plans, make dreams come true.

Drawn beautiful spring in pictures

Many artists sing of this time and depict it in their paintings. The beginning of a new time, the renewal of the earth inspires them to create something new, gentle and bright.

A variety of landscapes gives a wide scope for ideas and fantasies. Artists who were born in places far from noisy cities love to depict in their paintings how spring comes in the countryside.

These rivers, melting glaciers on them, symbolize the thaw, the discharge of accumulated negativity and the beginning of a new life in a new direction. The houses, decorated with melting icicles, look like from the good old fairy tales that our grandmothers told us before going to bed.

Spring in the forest is no less beautiful! These mighty trees, waking up from their sleep and shedding snow from their branches, are like people who throw off the burden of the old and are ready for everything new.

It is pleasant to hang such pictures on the wall at home and admire them, enjoying the nature of the world around us.

Beautiful spring, pictures and photos of which will always cheer you up and push you to new beginnings and incarnations of old ideas, is worth capturing it and enjoying these views in rare moments of sadness and sadness, raising your spirits.

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