Pictures of contemporary artists of the world. General characteristics of the modern natural-scientific picture of the world


At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, the world has undergone significant changes. New actors and new factors began to influence the global balance of power, in connection with which a new geopolitical picture of the world has emerged, which is in a state of permanent transformation. With all the diversity of geopolitical processes unfolding in the world, and the diversity of actors in world geopolitics, it is advisable to focus on the main subjects of modern geopolitics and the leading geopolitical processes.

The United States occupies leading positions that are crucial for global geopolitical power:

  • 1. Financial;
  • 2. Global military deployment capabilities;
  • 3. Communication networks and information technologies;
  • 4. Leadership in the field of mass culture.

In the United States, there is a difference in the approaches to globalization and understanding the boundaries of American expansion. The Republicans were isolationists, the Democrats extended the US missionary role to the whole world.

The strategic goal of the United States is to consolidate the role of a superpower for a longer period. An important feature of American dominance is the new scheme of world domination, in which the United States plays the main role in building the scheme.

American global superiority is based on the following elements:

  • 1. military element (NATO, US-Japanese treaty);
  • 2. economic element (WTO, IMF, World Bank);
  • 3. legal element (international court).

Another model of US dominance in the world is the political and economic unification of the New World under US auspices.

It is customary to call contemporary art all kinds of artistic movements that developed at the end of the 20th century. In the post-war period, it was a kind of outlet that once again taught people to dream and invent new realities of life.

Tired of the shackles of the harsh rules of the past, young artists decided to break the old artistic norms. They sought to create new, previously unknown practices. Opposing themselves to modernism, they turned to new ways of revealing their stories. The artist and the concept behind his creation have become much more important than the very result of creative activity. The desire to move away from the erected framework led to the emergence of new genres.

Disputes began to arise among artists about the meaning of art and the ways of expressing it. What is art? By what means can genuine art be achieved? Conceptualists and minimalists found the answer for themselves in the phrase: "If art can be everything, then it can be nothing." For them, the departure from the usual visual means resulted in various actions, happenings and performances. What is the peculiarity of contemporary art in the 21st century? This is what we will talk about in the article.

Three-dimensional graphics in the art of the XXI century

The art of the 21st century in 3D graphics is famous. With the development of computer technology, artists have access to new means of creating their art. The essence of three-dimensional graphics is to create images by modeling objects in three-dimensional space. If we consider most forms of modern art in the 21st century, the creation of three-dimensional images will be the most traditional. 3D graphics have many sides, in the truest sense of the word. It is used when creating programs, games, images and videos on a computer. But it can also be seen right under your feet - on the pavement.

Three-dimensional graphics moved to the streets several decades ago and since that time has remained one of the most important forms of street art. Many artists draw three-dimensional images on their "pictures" that can amaze with their realism. Edgar Müller, Eduardo Rolero, Kurt Wenner and many other contemporary artists today create art that can surprise anyone.

Street art of the 21st century

Previously, the occupation was the lot of wealthy people. For centuries it was hidden by the walls of special institutions, where access to the uninitiated was closed. Obviously, his grandiose strength could not languish forever inside stuffy buildings. It was then that it got out - into the gray gloomy streets. Chosen to change your history forever. Although at first it was not so easy.

Not everyone was happy about his birth. Many considered it the result of a bad experience. Some even refused to pay attention to its existence. Meanwhile, the brainchild continued to grow and develop.

Street artists faced hardships along the way. With all its variety of forms, street art was sometimes difficult to distinguish from vandalism.

It all started in the 70s of the last century in New York. At this time, street art was in its infancy. And Julio 204 and Taki 183 supported his life. They left inscriptions in different places in their area, after expanding the territory of distribution. Other guys decided to compete with them. It was then that the most interesting began. Enthusiasm and desire to show off resulted in a battle of creativity. Everyone was eager to discover for themselves and others a more original way to make their mark.

In 1981, street art managed to cross the ocean. In this he was helped by a street artist from France BlekleRat. He is considered one of the first graffiti artists in Paris. He is also called the father of stencil graffiti. His signature touch is drawings of rats, which refers to the name of their creator. The author noticed that after rearranging the letters in the word rat (rat), art (art) is obtained. Blek once remarked: "The rat is the only free animal in Paris that goes everywhere, just like street art."

The most famous street artist is Banksy, who calls BlekleRat his main teacher. The topical work of this talented Briton is able to silence everyone. In his drawings, created using stencils, he denounces modern society with its vices. Banksy tends to be traditional, allowing you to leave an even greater impression on the audience. An interesting fact is that until now the identity of Banksy is shrouded in mystery. No one has yet managed to solve the riddle of the artist's personality.

Meanwhile, street art is rapidly gaining momentum. Once relegated to marginal currents, street art has risen to the stage of auctions. The works of artists are sold for fabulous sums by those who once refused to talk about him. What is it, the life-giving force of art or mainstream trends?


To date, there are several rather interesting manifestations of contemporary art. Overview of the most unusual forms of contemporary art will be brought to your attention below.


The term readymade comes from English, which means "ready". In fact, the goal of this direction is not to create anything material. The main idea here is that depending on the environment of an object, the perception of a person and the object itself changes. The ancestor of the current is Marcel Duchamp. His most famous work is "Fountain", which is a urinal with an autograph and a date.


Anamorphoses are called the technique of creating images in such a way that it is possible to fully see them only from a certain angle. One of the brightest representatives of this trend is the Frenchman Bernard Pras. He creates installations using whatever comes to hand. Thanks to his skill, he manages to create amazing works, which, however, can only be seen from a certain angle.

Biological fluids in art

One of the most controversial currents in modern art of the 21st century is drawing, painted with human fluids. Often followers of this modern art form use blood and urine. The color of the paintings in this case often takes on a gloomy, frightening look. Herman Nitsch, for example, uses animal blood and urine. The author explains the use of such unexpected materials by the difficult childhood that came during the Second World War.

Painting of the XX-XXI century

A brief history of painting contains information that the end of the 20th century became the starting point for many cult artists of our time. In the difficult post-war years, the sphere experienced its rebirth. Artists sought to discover new facets of their capabilities.


Kazimir Malevich is considered to be the creator of Suprematism. Being the main theorist, he proclaimed Suprematism as a way of purifying art from everything superfluous. Rejecting the usual ways of conveying the image, the artists sought to free art from the non-artistic. The most important work in this genre is the famous "Black Square" by Malevich.

Pop Art

Pop art has its origins in the United States. In the postwar years, society has experienced global changes. People could now afford more. Consumption has become an essential part of life. People began to be erected into a cult, and consumer products - into symbols. Jasper Johns, Andy Warhol and other followers of the current sought to use these symbols in their paintings.


Futurism was discovered in 1910. The main idea of ​​this trend was the desire for a new, the destruction of the framework of the past. The artists depicted this desire with the help of a special technique. Sharp strokes, influxes, connections and intersections are signs of futurism. The most famous representatives of futurism are Marinetti, Severini, Carra.

Contemporary Art in Russia in the 21st Century

Contemporary art in Russia (21st century) has smoothly flowed from the underground, "unofficial" art of the USSR. Young artists of the 90s were looking for new ways to realize their artistic ambitions in a new country. At this time, Moscow actionism was born. His followers challenged the past and its ideology. The destruction of borders (in the literal and figurative sense of the word) made it possible to depict the attitude of the younger generation to the situation in the country. Contemporary art of the 21st century has become expressive, frightening, shocking. The one from which the society closed for so long. Actions of Anatoly Osmolovsky ("Mayakovsky - Osmolovsky", "Against All", "Barricade on Bolshaya Nikitskaya"), the "ETI" movement ("ETI-text"), Oleg Kulik ("Piglet distributes gifts", "Mad Dog or the Last Taboo guarded by a lone Cerberus"), Avdey Ter-Oganyan ("Pop Art") forever changed the history of contemporary art.

New generation

Slava ATGM is a contemporary artist from Yekaterinburg. Some of his work may remind the work of Banksy. However, Slava's works carry ideas and feelings familiar only to a Russian citizen. One of his most notable works is the "Land of Opportunities" campaign. The artist created an inscription made of crutches on the building of an abandoned hospital in Yekaterinburg. Slava bought crutches from the inhabitants of the city, who once used them. The artist announced the action on his page on the social network, supplementing it with an appeal to fellow citizens.

Museums of modern art

Perhaps, at one time, contemporary visual art of the 21st century seemed to be a marginal environment, but today more and more people are striving to join a new field of art. More and more museums are opening their doors to new means of expression. New York holds the record for contemporary art. There are also two museums that are among the best in the world.

The first is MoMA, which is a repository of paintings by Matisse, Dali, Warhol. The second is a museum. The unusual architecture of the building is adjacent to the creations of Picasso, Marc Chagall, Kandinsky and many others.

Europe is also famous for its magnificent museums of contemporary art of the 21st century. The KIASMA museum in Helsinki allows you to touch the objects of the exhibition. The center in the capital of France impresses with unusual architecture and works of contemporary artists. Stedelijkmuseum in Amsterdam houses the largest collection of paintings by Malevich. in the capital of Great Britain has a huge number of modern art objects. The Vienna Museum of Modern Art has works by Andy Warhol and other talented contemporary artists.

Modern art of the 21st century (painting) - mysterious, incomprehensible, bewitching, has forever changed the vector of development not only of a separate sphere, but of the whole life of mankind. It reflects and creates modernity at the same time. Constantly changing, the art of modernity allows a person who is constantly in a hurry to stop for a moment. Pause to remember the feelings deep inside. Stop to pick up the pace again and rush into the whirlwind of events and affairs.

The first decade of the 21st century can be considered a decade of unfulfilled hopes. The grandiose plans and aspirations of the great powers and regional entities have failed. The US plans to build a unipolar world did not come true, the EU lost hope that a “soft” America in the person of Barack Obama would give Europe the opportunity to free itself from American tutelage and take the lead in world politics. China no longer has the will or even the ability to comply with Deng Xiaoping's call to "hide our potential" and "wait for the opportunity." It seems that this "case" has come.

If at the end of the 20th century Washington had some illusions about the sole global governance, today the United States, as the state of the highest rank, is losing control over world processes, and its elite is anxiously talking about the ways the American society will survive. It is interesting in such a situation to follow the evolution of the views of the geopolitical planner Z. Brzezinski. This he painted in The Grand Chessboard and other works and speeches “the charms and inevitability of the world order under the auspices of the United States. In fact, Brzezinski carried out geopolitical planning of the world for the interests of America, or rather the American elite. Let us recall his passages regarding Russia such as: the future world order will be built on the ruins of Russia, at the expense of Russia and against Russia. Mr. Brzezinski paid special attention to Eurasia, since he is an apologist for the thesis of H. Mackieder, that world domination is possible only in case of domination in Eurasia, and the latter is impossible without domination over Russia. "America is interested in preserving and strengthening the existing pluralism on the map of Eurasia"; ... to ensure "prevention of the emergence of a hostile coalition, and even more so of a state capable of challenging ... In the medium term, the above should give way to the emergence of increasingly important and strategically compatible partners who, under the leadership of America, could help create a trans-Eurasian security system" ( Zb Brzezinski, Grand Chessboard: America's Dominance and Its Geostrategic Imperatives, Moscow, International Relations, 2002, p. 235). What kind of coalition hostile to the United States and what kind of power capable of challenging are we talking about, I think the reader understands: Russia and China in the first place.

But this is what the same Brzezinski says on October 14, 2011 in Normandy at the presentation of the A. Tocqueville Prize to him: “The current United States and the entire Western world are not at all the same as they were before ... The Western world is currently in decline due to lack of will to unity. ("Military Review", Well, one can argue about the will to unity as the main reason for the decline of the West, but the decline of the US and the West is a fait accompli. But through the mouth of Brzezinski speaks the design geopolitics of the West - not a statement of decline, but a renewed geopolitical project of the American and European elites, primarily financial ones. And the essence of this project is the same - the subjugation of all mankind, through the creation of a world government and the expansion of the Atlantic Union at the expense of Russia, Ukraine and Turkey. Brzezinski, in his last statements, betrays a great geopolitical secret: the salvation of the West (as it has happened more than once in history) is impossible without the participation of Russia. And the second secret of Zbigniew: the world is striving for bipolarity along the West-East axis (his phrase is characteristic: the power of the East is constantly growing against the backdrop of the decline of the West). And the West needs Russia to confront the East. But the West is no longer a single whole, these are two different civilizational entities that are in a state of geopolitical confrontation.

main subject

And in this confrontation between national elites, the global financial oligarchy comes to the fore in order to create a single world space with a world government under the rule of money. Nation-states are slowly but steadily losing control of their space. International actors are becoming the world financial oligarchy, based on closed clubs of super-rich people and TNCs, in whose hands the real power is, as well as civilizations of the East and West. But it seems that the transnational community is the leading subject of world processes: with the help of money and network management, it dictates its will to sovereign states. The financial structures that manage global processes and are scattered around the world have several levels. The highest level is the world financial center (MFC) - (today there are 16 of them, in the coming years there will be 22). The middle level is transnational banks (TNB) - (more than 1000). And the last level is the national banks associated with transnational centers.

The most important issue in the formation of the geopolitical structure of the future world is the behavior of the global financial oligarchy (finintern), which has been powerfully influencing the formation of world historical processes for more than two centuries. Today, under its control are: a significant part (more than 70 percent) of the world's monetary resources, precious metals, hydrocarbon raw materials. Up to 80 percent the world's leading media are also controlled by the largest financial institutions and TNCs.

The global network controls the USA, Great Britain, Russia, the EU, through world banks they are approaching the financial system of the PRC in order to establish control over its economy; it also has a system of global governing bodies for economic and political processes (the Davos Forum, the G8, the G20, the Bilderberg Club, the World Bank, the IMF, etc.), shadow armed and special forces (private military corporations, terrorist groups), a global drug mafia with an annual turnover of about 1 trillion. dollars. It actually has NATO, OSCE, PACE and other structures at its disposal. The financial oligarchy is persistently implementing the strategy of a monopolar (dispersed) world order based on the omnipotent power of money. The basic basis of the Fintern is still the US Financial Reserve System, the financial groups of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and the Vatican.

It is difficult to say how this subject of global governance will behave in the process of a cardinal reorganization of the world. One thing is clear: he will not give up his positions without a fight. The contours of his strategy are being read - a world government, the transfer of financial infrastructure to East Asia, the creation of a planetary arc of instability, the establishment of a financial dictatorship. That is, the approval of global financial fascism.

The elites and governments of states become objects of control, and through financial control over them, the state is colonized (financial colonization). In colonial states, the role of the national elite is to carry out the will of the global elite and implement the goals and objectives set for them. To be a "national elite" today means not to associate oneself with the native people, but to be part of the world establishment. The responsibility to the global elite far exceeds the responsibility to one's own people. This means that all their rhetoric about democracy, fair elections, about the political sovereignty of the country is a bait for simpletons.

This means the rejection of democracy as such, because no one elected the world elite. It is co-opted by one or another part of the national elite of any country. And then this "elite" reports not to the people of this country, but to their brothers in the bed, to the global oligarchy. They have nothing to do with the people of the country where they live, their work has its own logic and morality. The “national elite” must renounce entrepreneurial and all other productive activities for the benefit of their own state, and must provide free access for the global usurious elite to the national wealth of the country of residence. The fulfillment of the will of the world financial centers will provide a place in the global financial structures for representatives of the “national oligarchic elites”. And the global elite will be provided with guaranteed profits and total control over the sovereignty of states. To achieve world domination, the world financial centers set themselves the following tasks and stages. first stage. - creating a systemic crisis and instability on the planet. The second is the organization of famine and natural disasters. The third is the formation of public opinion in favor of global anti-crisis management and the formation of a world government.

To expand and deepen the influence of world financial centers, it is necessary to form the image of an enemy in the eyes of the world community. In the past, this was the USSR, today it is Islamic terrorism, Libya, Syria, Iran, and in the short term China may well become. To do this, it will be necessary to create an aggressive anti-Chinese arc around the Celestial Empire.

Civilizational centers of world power and their strategies

World ethno-cultural civilizations (regional-civilizational associations) of East and West still play a secondary role in the formation of planetary processes. At the same time, there is an active formation of geopolitical centers of power on a cultural and civilizational basis. The centers of the first magnitude are North America, Europe, China. There is intense competition between them not only for leadership, but also for survival. At the same time, North America and, to a lesser extent, Europe serve as the "body" of the global financial oligarchy, but they are also waging a "quiet" war at the state level for independence from the financial oligarchy and TNCs (Occupy Wall Street stocks, the Y generation and etc.) India, as a world civilization, is dynamically gaining power, but it is still the second tier, like Japan, Russia, Brazil. The Islamic world is fragmented and lags behind in development, looking for its own civilizational path. Latin America has only just begun civilization building. Africa, with the destruction of M. Gaddafi, will not acquire its originality and independence in development for a long time.

Such a configuration of world forces, the multidirectionality of their actions create a system of contradictions that are difficult to resolve for all mankind.

First Vice-President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, Doctor of Military Sciences K.V. Sivkov in his article "Estimation of the probability of a world war" identifies 7 main contradictions and disproportions that gave rise to the global systemic crisis of the 21st century:

The contradiction between the growth of production-consumption and the available resources necessary for development, the possibilities of the Earth's ecosystem;

Disproportions in the distribution of industrial capacities and raw materials, which gave rise to a conflict of interest between industrialized countries and countries supplying raw materials;

Contradiction between "poor" developing countries and "rich" industrialized ones;

Contradiction between nations, national elites and transnational elite;

The contradiction between. the volume of the world "financial bubble" and

The scale of the real sector of the world economy;

The contradiction between the huge global financial power of the transnational financial elite and the lack of its political subjectivity;

The contradiction between the lack of spirituality of the “free market”, which generates the power of money, and the spiritual foundations for the existence of various civilizations, which form civilizational differences, which generate the power of ideas (to one degree or another). (Sivkov K.V. Assessment of the probability of a world war // Management of the metropolis. - M., 2009. No. 2).

How is the West trying to “resolve” these contradictions (oligarchy + “national” elites?

First: transfer under the so-called. international control of the most important natural resources and strategic communications. In case of resistance from sovereign states, “color” revolutions are launched on their territories, “democratic” coups, crises, etc. are organized. ) .

Second: the formalization of the governing global structures. Who, for example, created the G8, the G20, the Davos Forum? Who authorized the United States to impose international sanctions, to exercise international "justice"? However, the decisions of these and similar "bodies" are in fact binding on the world community of states.

Other options are also being implemented, such as giving global functions to NATO.

The Strategic Concept of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, adopted by the heads of state and government in Lisbon (November 2010), assigns NATO the right to: “deploy reliable military forces where and when necessary for our security, and promote common security in cooperation with our partners worldwide. As the world changes, NATO's core mission will remain the same: to ensure that the alliance remains an unparalleled community of freedom, peace, security and shared values."

But if we discard empty words, then NATO declares the right to control the whole world by military force. Based on generally accepted postulates about the protection of human rights, the fight against terrorism, nuclear proliferation, drugs, and so on, but in fact, after the adoption of such a concept in the person of NATO, a power tool was legitimized to maintain the power of money, the power of the transnational oligarchy. . But their power will be strong as long as the dollar is strong. As long as most countries in the world are ready to keep their money resources in dollars and settle accounts with each other in American currency, the US and the financial oligarchy will grow fat and rule. Reducing the "territory of the dollar" will inevitably lead to its weakening and a decrease in the influence of its producers on world processes. Changing the philosophy of human life (more spirituality, morality, intelligence - less consumption), respect for nature (harmony with nature) will lead to the collapse of the power of money.

The main objects of geopolitical confrontation are: key (strategically important) areas of the world, strategic communications, global resources. The possession of these objects will largely determine the geopolitical status of civilizations and groups of states, the dynamics of their development, the degree of external and internal security, and the level of sovereignty.

The main sphere of geopolitical struggle in the 21st century is becoming a cultural - civilizational environment and the spiritual sphere. The destruction or absorption of world civilizations, changing their essence, is one of the main tasks of the West and the financial elites. For a controlled world space, a universal world religion is needed, and such is formed in the person of Judeo-Christianity.

The dynamics of civilizational processes allows us to make some predictions and conclusions. Thus, the inability of states to resist the global mafia structures, gives rise as a response to the entry into the world arena of larger socio-political players - civilizations and civilizational unions. And in this situation, Russia has a historical chance to make its messianic contribution to the construction of a new just world order.

Russia's geopolitical project

Eastern civilizations, primarily China and India, are developing most dynamically and gaining leading positions in world processes. But can they offer humanity an integral world project? It is unlikely, since they themselves compete with each other for resources, for territories of influence. Russia can and must come up with such a project with confidence that it will be supported by the overwhelming majority of the peoples of the world. Because it will be a project expected by mankind: messianic in essence, global in scale, aimed at the survival and development of all peoples of the world - in content. The project of geopolitical intelligence and reason of mankind. It is reason, and not animal pragmatism. Full member of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems I.N. Ostretsov writes: “The intellect, endowed with the properties of the mind, is able to create constructions, the probability of which in the framework of a purely stochastic process is practically equal to zero ... Only the mind, once it has arisen, cannot die due to the fact that it is able to improve the forms of its existence ... Thus, an absolutely necessary condition for development is the increase in the intellectual part of mankind. (Ostretsov I. Introduction to the philosophy of non-violent development. M., 2009, pp. 57, 61). For Russia itself, this will be a project of restoration of the civilizational essence and transformation, based not on bare pragmatism, but on reasonable principles and the geopolitical potential of the Fatherland. Otherwise, we, Russia, will become a third-rate Asian country (according to Brzezinski), or we will leave the historical process altogether.

To develop and promote the Russian project, first of all, it is necessary to concentrate the scientific potential of the country and master the method of geopolitical analysis, geopolitical forecast, geopolitical planning of the world. This methodology was mastered many years ago by the Anglo-Saxons, Stalin, the Rothschilds and the Vatican. Today, the Academy of Geopolitical Problems (Russia) also possesses this methodology in collaboration with other social and scientific organizations. The project is proposed to be based on the geopolitical doctrine of Russia, in which:

To give an objective analysis of world processes, to prove the impracticability and catastrophic nature of both Western and mondialist (transnational) projects for humanity;

Reveal the positive potential of human civilization, capable of preserving all the peoples of the world with its reasonable implementation, giving impetus to their comprehensive development;

To reflect the type of civilizational structure desired for Russia (and for all mankind), the geopolitical configuration of the world and the system of principles of behavior of the world community;

Declare Russia's claim to the role of the Eurasian geopolitical center and geopolitical allies of Russia, without naming specific countries and civilizations, but limiting itself only to the principles of determining allied forces and ideological and religious systems;

Offer the world community its own vision of the content and meaning of human existence, the role and functions of the economy and finance, as a means of developing culture, science, education, social communications, and not a means of profit and super-enrichment;

To offer the world an international security system based on the principles of an inter-civilizational balance of power laid down in the renewed UN Charter, which encourages the development of collective security systems, the exclusion of military actions as a means of resolving disputes and conflicts.

Offering mankind a geopolitical project, Russia must also change its essential strategy, again on the basis of intellect and reason. In particular:

Develop your own geopolitical theory of the 21st century (Russian specialists are ready to develop it), where the main subjects of world processes will be not individual states, but civilizations;

Initiate the formation of an intercivilizational community as part of civilizations that disagree with the world order of the "golden billion" (Russia, the CIS countries, China, the Islamic world, Latin America, a number of countries in Western Europe and Africa).

To promote the development of such international organizations as the SCO, BRICS, ASEAN, to establish cooperation with the OIC, the Arab League, Latin America;

To proceed with the formation of a new international financial system (at the first stage closed to the dollar) based on the yuan, ruble, dinar, acu.

Promote the creation of an integrated system of collective security in the format of interaction between the SCO, BRICS, CSTO, ASEAN.
- speed up registration of membership in the SCO of India, Iran, Mongolia, invitation as candidates of Vietnam, Afghanistan, Pakistan; and other countries;

Develop and implement a project of the fourth geopolitical space consisting of: Russia (CIS), India, Iran, Afghanistan, possibly Japan and other countries;

Propose the modernization of the UN and its Security Council, the transfer of their activities to the principle of civilization. (UN Security Council, permanent representatives from Russia (CIS), China, India, countries of Islam, Latin America, Africa, Japan, Europe, North America).

To intensify the unification of efforts within the framework of the CIS (Eurasian Union) SCO, BRICS, to develop breakthrough innovative technologies, especially in the nuclear, nano-molecular and other fields, to develop new security systems.

The physics of the 19th century painted a picture of the world that corresponded to the reductionist paradigm: the whole world is made of atoms. The part precedes the whole. The whole is the mechanical sum of the individual parts. "God is dead, Science has killed him." In such a picture there is no place for the Higher, art, morality, only the economy remains.
But in the science of the 20th century, this reductionist attitude is already anti-scientific, and such a picture of the world that arose in various religious and philosophical systems looks more plausible. The holistic picture of the world (holism - the whole) allows one to judge the object as a whole by a small part (hologram), it is the opposite of reductionism. All parts are manifestations of the whole; it cannot be reduced to the sum of its separate parts.
From the point of view of holism, consciousness is the central, important substance of the Universe, i.e. before there was a certain Consciousness, which was of a cosmic nature, it preceded the World. The world is a crystallized Consciousness.
By the beginning of the 21st century, there are at least four scientific (not philosophical) problems, from which it follows that the world is holistically arranged. Anthropic problem in cosmology; the collapse of the Darwinian world; quantum holism; psychophysical problem.
Astrophysicists came across the anthropic problem... In order for life to form, a very subtle combination of numerous factors was needed, the evolutionary trajectory had to pass through many “narrow gates”, otherwise a person could not have appeared. The total accuracy with which the evolution of the Universe went was 10-110! That is, from the point of view of normal science, the hypothesis that in the Universe there is some kind of Directing Intelligent Beginning that Guides evolution is not absurd.
The collapse of the Darwinian world. Schools still teach that man evolved from apes, that the evolution of species (and they evolve, as evidenced by paleontology) follows the Darwinian mechanism: new species are formed after random changes, that there are undirected mutations in biological beings ...
From the point of view of Darwinian theory (and this is the official biological doctrine) - order, rationality, beauty, purposefulness - all this, they say, happens by chance. Both Logos and order are generated by themselves. Schools around the world have been teaching this nonsense since the 19th century. This is an absurdity from a logical point of view, many biologists do not agree with such a theory, and point out that it does not withstand any criticism from either a scientific or biological point of view. (Numerous examples of non-Darwinian evolution are given)
Conclusion: we know that evolution exists, but the concept of random changes cannot explain it. Therefore, the hypothesis of the existence of the Reasonable Beginning is not absurd from the point of view of science. Evolution occurs thanks to the Reasonable Beginning. This hypothesis is no less scientific than Darwin's theory.
quantum holism. The most advanced science of our time - quantum mechanics in equations says that the world does not work the way physics claimed in the 19th century, the whole is not reduced to the sum of its individual parts. Physical experiments testify: as a result of any interactions of light, we always see not chaos, but some kind of regular alternation of interference fringes - diffraction maxima, minima, spectral decomposition, a rainbow ...
The main truth of quantum mechanics is that there is something like harmony in the Cosmos: together, photons always form some beautiful pictures, although everyone flies where they want. This is the miracle of quantum mechanics, the mystery of the universe. The universe is arranged in a certain harmonious way. And this is not philosophy, but a consequence of physical theory.
Conclusion: at the most fundamental level, Nature is arranged harmoniously, holistically, at the microscopic level we see chaos, and at the fundamental level - harmony.
Psychophysical problem: a lot of established facts speak for the fact that consciousness can directly act on matter, consciousness can know about the future, foresee, predict. For the world is arranged in such a way that consciousness is the fundamental foundation of the world.
The data of experimental psychophysics have shown that consciousness is a substance - this is an undoubted scientific fact.
Conclusions: the world is arranged holistically; consciousness is a substance, not a function. Now science says that we live in the world that is depicted in the religious-philosophical doctrines as a holos and the main thing is the Cosmic Consciousness. This is evidenced by modern science.
The main thing is that science says: the world is arranged in such a way that science alone is not enough to answer questions about the structure of the world. Science makes a royal gesture that it alone is not enough. There is art, and religion, and philosophy. What's new here? What SCIENCE itself says about it.
As you know, at the end of the 20th century, the precessional Sun went into the constellation Aquarius, and our planet is entering a new cycle of its evolutionary development. The external initiators of all restructuring processes on Earth are powerful new cosmic rays and planetary currents, lice we are in the most powerful astrochemical laboratory. Powerful streams of new rays must either be accepted, assimilated, that is, perceived with the appropriate quality of one's consciousness, or not accepted, they bring terrible diseases and destruction.
As follows from the Living Ethics Teaching, those people who follow the path of civilization, and not the culture of the spirit, have such energy radiations that do not correspond to new cosmic conditions, therefore they will be thrown out of the stream of evolution. Consequently, upbringing and education, based on the old unspiritual and immoral foundations, leads to death, to an ecological catastrophe, to the destruction of civilization.
All evolution is based on the energy field of culture. If it exists, it serves as a protective layer, softening the impact of new cosmic rays. It is the centers of culture that in this difficult perestroika time have a defensive, saving function both for each individual person and for the city, country, and Earth. Culture is now like a beacon in a storm. Consequently, upbringing and education should bring into life, into the consciousness of a person, the knowledge of the Fundamentals of Being, the Fundamentals of World Culture. Culture is a synthesis of science, art and religion, and priority is given to art, exquisite, diverse creativity, beauty and all that is beautiful. Because it is real art that can instantly enlighten a person’s consciousness, awaken the dormant potential energies of spirituality, as it were, bring them out of this three-dimensional dense rough world into the subtle spheres of beauty, into the multidimensional subtle worlds of thought and knowledge.
Cognition, enlightenment and constant creativity create a saving “energy pillow”, saturate the planet with the highest energy of beauty, which is in tune with new cosmic rays. In other words, if a person now strives for selfless creativity and work, if he puts into his consciousness the masterpieces of world art, the classical works of great composers, if he does not deny new unusual scientific discoveries in the field of “subtle energies”, the immortality of the spiritual essence of man, invisible worlds, will not fanatically oppose his faith, as the only correct one, to other religions and teachings, the level of his energy will change and gradually come into line with the new cosmic conditions.
Now teachers, having changed the level of their consciousness, will become not only teachers of this subject, but also spiritual mentors of young people. They will save students from moral degradation, lies, bad music, foul language, false competitions, instill a love of knowledge, a sense of collectivism, cooperation, the habit of constant work, tell about the treasure of the heart, teach them to perceive the beauty of sound and color, teach them to rush into the future and build with his own hands, destroy the horror of death, develop synthetic thinking, give knowledge of the Laws of Existence and perfection.
Teaching is the highest level of the state. The future of any nation depends on upbringing and education, that is, on the fiery heart of the student and teacher.

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