Pictures of famous people. The most famous paintings in the world



Today we will talk about the most famous paintings in the world, which are immortal masterpieces of world art. The cost of a painting does not always reflect its true value, so the most expensive paintings in the world, which were discussed last time, are far from always world-recognized and famous. Those works that we will talk about today are priceless examples of painting and are kept in the most famous and revered museums around the world.


This is the only one sold famous picture from this list, which became the owner of the billionaire Leon Black, having paid for it the amount of 119.9 million dollars. The painting was painted by the Norwegian expressionist artist Edvard Munch. It took about 27 years to create it, from 1983 to 1910, and subsequently the artist even created a lithograph, following the plot of the painting. The man depicted on the canvas has an unusual appearance: a large head, a frightened look, an open mouth and hands attached to his face symbolize despair.

The Persistence of Memory

Pretty young creation of a small size - 24x33 cm. Image famous painting appeared in the imagination of the brilliant Salvador Dali when he watched a piece of processed cheese. The painting was painted in 1931, and since 1934 it has been the property of the New York Museum of Art.

Sistine Madonna

A piece by Raphael commissioned by Pope Julius II. The main character of the picture is the Madonna, who holds the baby in her arms. On either side of her are Pope Sixtus II and Barbara, and below is a pair of angels with a thoughtful look. The canvas measuring 256x196 cm adorns the altar of the church in the monastery of St. Sixtus. She is in the top 5 most famous paintings in the world.

Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan

The great Russian artist Ilya Repin painted this monumental canvas measuring 2.03 × 3.58 m for eleven whole years. The picture captures the moment when the Cossacks, led by the ataman Ivan Serko, wrote a response letter to the Turkish Sultan Mehmed IV. There are several versions of this painting, painted by Repin. One of them is presented in St. Petersburg, and the second is in Kharkov.

Creation of Adam

The Creation of Adam is a masterpiece by the Italian artist Michelangelo, painted in 1511. This picture is very deep and symbolic, in it the artist expressed his view on the emergence of life on Earth. The composition, which is part of the Sistine Chapel, depicts God surrounded by wingless angels, he touches Adam's hand and breathes life into his body, after which Adam comes to life and stretches out his hand towards God. Opens a triple most famous paintings in the world.

The Last Supper

Duke Lodovico Sforza commissioned this painting from Leonardo da Vinci. The picture tells us about the last supper of Jesus Christ. In the center of the canvas is Jesus sitting at the table, and around him are the apostles and Mary Magdalene, or is it perhaps the apostle John? Leonardo da Vinci painted this painting between 1495 and 1498, but the exact date of the masterpiece has not yet been established.

Mona Lisa (La Gioconda)

Authorship of this the most famous painting in the world belongs to the brush of Leonardo da Vinci. Many connoisseurs of painting consider this work the pinnacle of his work. Probably, every person has heard at least something about the Mona Lisa or seen this mysterious image, a mysterious smile. The full name of the painting is “Portrait of Mrs. Lisa del Gioconda”. It depicts Lisa Gherardini, wife of a silk merchant. Now every art connoisseur can see this masterpiece of world art in the Louvre in Paris.

When the great and terrible Salvador Dali was asked if it was difficult to paint, he replied: "It is either easy or impossible." It is impossible to imagine that the name of the artist may be unknown to someone. However, like the names of Raphael, da Vinci, Botticelli, Van Gogh, Picasso. In the end, Serov, Vasnetsov and Malevich ... But even if this happened, you are not an art critic, not an artist, and in general, a person far from the world of art. But their work is familiar to you!

At least once in a lifetime, each of us has seen pictures, without which it is difficult to imagine world culture, while their citation in mass culture is enormous. They look at us from advertisements and from the pages of books, turn into Internet memes, become art objects themselves.

Here they are - the most famous paintings of the world with names that you know for sure!

This bright face of the wife of a wealthy Florentine merchant is familiar to every civilized person. Without exaggeration, the Mona Lisa is considered the most famous painting in the world.

"Mona Lisa", "La Gioconda" - a painting by Leonardo da Vinci.


The Scream is a painting by Edvard Munch.

The painting "The Scream", written by the Norwegian expressionist Edvard Munch in 1893, has gained incredible popularity these days. The number of parodies, reimaginings, the use of a recognizable image in advertising, even in movies (and don't say you haven't heard of the horror movie Scream) is countless. Meanwhile, the author created his masterpiece in order to get rid of the painful feeling of loneliness and suffering. Against the background of a blood-red sky, a figure with a face distorted by a scream can, of course, be interpreted in different ways.

Of all his rich artistic heritage - and this is about 800 paintings, perhaps the most famous even among the inexperienced public, were the paintings "Sunflowers" and "Starry Night". But the latter is preferred for the reason that the village of Saint-Remy was written from memory.

Starlight Night

The fantastic "Starry Night" today is a fantastically popular and well-known painting.

Starry Night is a painting by Vincent van Gogh.

Another science fiction artist is, of course, Salvador Dali. His most popular painting is considered to be The Persistence of Memory.

The Persistence of Memory is a painting by Salvador Dali.

This picture is entirely a game of association. The endless flow of time is depicted here in a literal sense. It is interesting, but the fact that no one will really forget the painting “The Persistence of Memory” was first said by Gala Dali, the artist’s eternal muse. And her words were prophetic. Written in 1931, and in 2017, the picture remains more than famous. And who would have thought that melted cheese inspired Dali to pick up a brush.

Black square

The end of the artist's traditional objective thinking was predicted even earlier by Kazimir Malevich. You can not know this name, but not to know the "Black Square" is almost impossible. In the history of world art, it is difficult to find a painting with a louder glory. "Black Square" is the same Madonna, an icon, only for the futurists.

The Black Suprematist Square is the work of Kazimir Malevich.

Controversial. Ambiguous. Unique. Any epithets are applicable to this picture, except for one - unknown. By the way, foreign connoisseurs of art call the Black Suprematist Square the most famous Russian work of art. No more, no less.

But to a simple layman there is no nicer and more understandable picture of another Russian artist - Ivan Shishkin. The fame of the work "Morning in a Pine Forest" is phenomenal. However, like people's love: people far from art know this story under a different name - “Three Bears”, and they saw it not in an art gallery, but on candy wrappers.

"Morning in a pine forest" - a painting by Ivan Shishkin and Konstantin Savitsky.

The canvas also has a secret! It turns out that the authorship is double. The painter Ivan Shishkin depicted the forest, and those same bears were painted by Konstantin Savitsky. The name of the second Russian artist was deleted at the personal request of the gallery owner, Pavel Tretyakov. But a masterpiece - it is completely nameless - remains a masterpiece.

And now - an oil painting, about which absolutely everyone started talking after 2016. "Girl with Peaches" by Valentin Serov and until last year was not only the most famous work of the Russian artist, but also one of the best portraits in the world.

"Girl with Peaches" - painting by Valentin Serov.

But in the year of the 150th anniversary of Serov, a sudden hype around the exhibition, kilometer-long queues, memes and even anecdotes associated with the painting and its author brought The Girl with Peaches to the top. By the way, the employees of the Tretyakov Gallery themselves helped in this, reviving the heroine of the portrait. The girl spoke and told the story of the creation of the work.

And finally, one of the most famous paintings is considered to be "Unknown" by Ivan Kramskoy. The mystery in this canvas is no less than popularity. Maybe that's why the stranger is called the Russian Mona Lisa?

"Unknown" - a painting by Ivan Kramskoy.

For more than 130 years, it has not been known who this girl is. And it doesn’t matter where she looks at us from: from a box of chocolates, from the Tretyakov Gallery itself, from a textbook on painting. This "Unknown" is the most famous.

British newspaper The Times ranked Top 200 Artists who lived from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day.

As a result, according to British readers, first place occupied by the great Spanish artist Pablo Picasso.

Second place
given to post-impressionist Paul Cezanne, the third - the founder of the Austrian Art Nouveau Gustav Klimt. The last line is occupied by a contemporary Japanese artist Hiroshi Sujimoto.

French artists appear in the top ten Claude Monet, Henri Matisse, Marcel Duchamp and American artist Jackson Pollock.
The top ten is closed by the legend of pop art Andy Warhole, representative of abstractionism Willem de Kooning and famous modernist Piet Mondrian.
It is impossible not to notice the overestimation of the rating of some artists and ignoring others, no less talented. The editors of The Times, summing up the results of the survey, are perplexed: “What does Martin Kippenberger do in the top 20? Why is he rated higher than Rothko, Schiele and Klee? Is Munch (46th) worse than Frida Kahlo? Most likely, this is due to the desire of women to place the fair sex as high as possible in the ranking.

From Russian artists appear in the ranking Basil Kandinsky(15th), creator of the Black Square " Casimir Malevich(17th). 95th marked Ukrainian-American artist Alexander Archipenko. 135th - one of the founders of constructivism Alexander Rodchenko. Also included in the list Marc Chagall-71st, and Vladimir Tatlin- 145th.

Here 20 best artists of the XX century, according to British art lovers

Twenty best artists of the XX and the beginning of the XXI century

1. Pablo Picasso

2. Paul Cezanne

3. Gustav Klimt

4. Claude Monet

5. Marcel Duchamp

6. Henri Matisse

7. Jackson Pollock

8. Andy Warhol

9. Willem de Kooning

10. Piet Mondrian

11. Paul Gauguin

12. Francis Bacon

13. Robert Rauschenberg

14. Georges Braque

15. Wassily Kandinsky

16. Constantin Brancusi

17. Kazimir Malevich

18. Jasper Johns

19. Frida Kahlo

20. Martin Kippenberger
Yes, if such a survey were conducted in our country, the list would be completely different. As well as the lists of the best literary works - in each country they differ significantly.
But so far we have only this list, in which we do not know many artists.
Therefore - here is a brief story about the first twenty artists.
A complete list 200 best artists of the 20th and early 21st centuries- at the end of the post.
1.Picasso Pablo- Spanish artist, graphic artist

8. Andy Warhol(real name - Andrew Warhola, Rusyn. Andriy Vargola; 1928-1987) is an American artist and producer, a notable person in the history of pop art and modern art in general. Founder of the "homo universale" ideology.
Warhol created several paintings that became a sensation in the art world. In 1960, he created designs for cans of Coca-Cola, which brought him fame as an artist with an extraordinary vision of art. And in 1960-1962, a cycle of works appeared depicting cans of Campbell's soup.

Warhol one of the first to use screen printing and silk-screen printing as a method for creating paintings.
Warhol created a number of paintings in which he depicted the idols of modern society. Among the stars that Andy painted: recurring Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, The Beatles, Michael Jackson, Lenin and others. These drawings in bright colors became Warhol's trademark. recreating the atmosphere of America in the 60s.

According to critics, these paintings reflected the vulgarity of the culture of mass consumption, the mentality of Western civilization. Warhol is considered among the representatives of pop art and conceptual art, such as Robert Rauschenberg, Jasper Johns and Roy Lichtenstein. Currently, the prices for his paintings reach tens of millions of dollars. A whole subculture has gathered around the figure of Warhol.

In 2015, the painting was sold to the Qatari Museum Authority for $300 million. 287\237\225

12. Francis Bacon-(1909-1992) - English artist- expressionist. Bacon's painting is always expressive, it is a kind of cry that conveys the tragedy of existence. The main theme of his work is the human body - distorted, elongated, enclosed in geometric shapes. Several works are included in the list of the most expensive paintings.

On May 14, 2008, Francis Bacon's 1976 Landmark of the Canonical 20th Century triptych was sold at Sotheby's for $86.3 million. Sold by the Muy family, owners of Château Pétrus wine production, to Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich. And the painter received the title of the most expensive post-war artist and took third place in the top ten most expensive artists in the world in general, second only to Picasso and Klimt. 180\122\96

13.Robert Rauschenberg(1925, Port Arthur -2008, Captiva Island, Florida) is an American artist. A representative of abstract expressionism, and then conceptual art and pop art, in his works he gravitated towards the technique of collage and readymade, used garbage.
Like other representatives of pop art, he tried to express his vision of the world in unusual, shocking forms. For this, canvases, collages, installations were used.
In the early 50s, Rauschenberg went through three stages of creating paintings:
"White painting" - black numbers and some symbols are depicted on a white background.
"Black Painting" - scraps of newspapers were pasted onto the canvas, and all this was covered with black enamel.
"Red Painting" - abstract canvases in red tones, partly with stickers from newspapers, nails, photographs, etc.
In 1953, Rauschenberg erased a drawing by Willem de Kooning and exhibited it under the title "Erased De Kooning Drawing", raising the question of the nature of art.

Since the mid-50s, Rauschenberg has been creating spatial objects that he calls "combined paintings", for example:
"Odalisque" (satin pillow, stuffed chicken, photographs and reproductions)
"Bed" - a bed spattered with paint and placed vertically ...

In the late 50s, he mastered the frottage technique (rubbing introduced into art by Max Ernst) to transfer magazine photographs to paper. Rauschenberg used it to create a graphic cycle of 34 illustrations for Dante's Inferno in the pop art style. In 1962, he mastered the technique of silk-screen printing and created a number of large works in it. One of the paintings in this series way to heaven» ( sky way, 1964). On it, pop cultural symbols (for example, American astronauts) coexist with images of Rubens.

Rauschenberg is the owner of many awards, including: the main prize at the Venice Biennale, the Grammy, the US National Medal, the Imperial Prize of Japan and others.
In the 60s and 70s, Rauschenberg was involved in the field of performance, happenings and other theatrical actions.

1 Pablo Picasso 21587
2 Paul Cezanne 21098
3 Gustav Klimt 20823
4 Claude Monet 20684
5 Marcel Duchamp 20647
6 Henry Matisse 17096
7 Jackson Pollock 17051
8 Andy Warhol 17047
9 Willem de Kooning 17042
10 Piet Mondrian 17028
11 Paul Gauguin 17027
12 Francis Bacon 17018
13 Robert Rauschenberg 16956
14 Georges Braque 16788
15 Wassily Kandinsky 16055
16 Constantin Brancusi 14224
17 Kazimir Malevich 13609
18 Jasper Johns 12988
19 Frida Kahlo 12940
20 Martin Kippenberger 12784
21 Paul Klee
22 Egon Schiele
23 Donald Judd
24 Bruce Nauman
25 Alberto Giacometti
26 Salvador Dali
27 Auguste Rodin
28 Mark Rothko
29 Edward Hopper
30 Lucian Freud
31 Richard Serra
32 René Magritte
33 David Hockney
34 Philip Gaston
35 Gary Cartier-Bresson 8779
36 Pierre Bonnard
37 Jean-Michel Basquiat
38 Max Ernst
39 Diane Arbus
40 Georgia O'Keefe
41 Cy Twombly
42 Max Beckmann
43 Barnet Newman
44 Giorgio de Chirico
45 Roy Lichtenstein 7441
46 Edvard Munch
47 Pierre August Renoir
48 Men Ray
49 Henry Moore
50 Cindy Sherman
51 Jeff Koons
52 Tracey Emin
53 Damien Hirst
54 Yves Klein
55 Henry Russo
56 Chaim Soutine
57 Archil Gorky
58 Amadeo Modigliani
59 Umberto Boccioni
60 Jean Dubuffet
61 Eva Hesse
62 Edward Villard
63 Carl Andre
64 Juan Gris
65 Lucio Fontana
66 Franz Kline
67 David Smith
68 Joseph Beuys
69 Alexander Calder
70 Louise Bourgeois
71 Marc Chagall
72 Gerhard Richter
73 Balthus
74 Joan Miro
75 Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
76 Frank Stella
77 Georg Baselitz
78 Francis Picabia
79 Jenny Saville
80 Dan Flavin
81 Alfred Stiglitz
82 Anselm Kiefer
83 Matthew Burney
84 Georges Gros
85 Bernd and Hilla Becher
86 Sigmar Polke
87 Bryce Marden
88 Maurizio Catellan
89 Saul Levitt
90 Chuck Close 2915
91 Edward Weston
92 Joseph Cornell
93 Karel Appel
94 Bridget Riley
95 Alexander Archipenko
96 Anthony Caro
97 Richard Hamilton
98 Clifford Still
99 Luc Tuymans
100 Oldenburg class
101 Eduardo Luigi Paolozzi
102 Frank Auerbach
103 Dinos and Jake Chapman
104 Marlene Dumas
105 Antona Tapies
106 Giorgio Morandi
107 Walker Evans
108 Nan Goldin
109 Robert Frank
110 Georges Rouault
111 Arp Hans
112 August Sender
113 James Rosenquist
114 Andreas Gursky
115 Eugene Atget
116 Jeff Wall
117 Ellsworth Kelly
118 Bill Brandt
119 Christo and Jean-Claude
120 Howard Hodgkin
121 Joseph Albers
122 Piero Manzoni
123 Agnes Martin
124 Anish Kapoor
125 L. S. Lowry
126 Robert Motherwell
127 Robert Delaunay
128 Stuart Davis
129 Ed Ruscha
130 Gilbert and George 2729
131 Stanley Spencer
132 James Ensor
133 Fernard Ledger
134 Brassai (Gyula Halas)
135 Alexander Rodchenko
136 Robert Ryman
137 Ed Reindhard
138 Hans Belmer
139 Isa Genzken
140 Kees van Dongen
141 Weegee
142 Paula Rego
143 Thomas Hart Benton
144 Hans Hoffman
145 Vladimir Tatlin
146 Odilon Redon
147 George Segal
148 Jörg Imendorff
149 Robert Smithson
150 Peter Doig 2324
151 Ed and Nancy Kienholtz
152 Richard Prince
153 Ansel Adams
154 Nahum Gabo 2256
155 Diego Rivera 2239
156 Barbara Hepworth 2237
157 Nicola de Stael 2237
158 Walter de Maria 2229
159 Felix Gonzalez-Torres 2228
160 Giacomo Balla 2225
161 Ben Nicholson 2221
162 Anthony Gormley 2218
163 Lionel Feininger 2216
164 Emil Nolde 2213
165 Mark Wallinger 2211
166 Hermann Nietzsch 2209
167 Paul Signac 2209
168 Jean Tigli 2209
169 Kurt Schwitters 2209
170 Grayson Perry 2208
171 Julian Schnabel 2208
172 Raymond Duchamp-Villon 2208
173 Robert Gobert 2208
174 Duane Hanson 2208
175 Richard Diebenkorn 2207
176 Apex Katz 2207
177 Alighiero Boetti 2206
178 Godier-Brzeska Henri 2206
179 Laszlo Moholy-Nagy 2205
180 Jacques-Henri Lartigue 2205
181 Robert Morris 2205artists

). However, within the framework of this article, we will consider only subject art.

Historically, all genres were divided into high and low. To high genre or historical painting included works of a monumental nature, carrying some kind of morality, a significant idea, demonstrating historical, military events associated with religion, mythology or fiction.

To low genre included everything related to everyday life. These are still lifes, portraits, everyday painting, landscapes, animalism, images of naked people and so on.

Animalism (lat. animal - animal)

The animalistic genre arose in antiquity, when the first people painted predatory animals on the rocks. Gradually, this direction grew into an independent genre, implying an expressive image of any animals. Animalists usually show a great interest in the animal world, for example, they can be excellent riders, keep pets, or simply study their habits for a long time. As a result of the artist's intention, animals can appear realistic or in the form of artistic images.

Among Russian artists, many were well versed in horses, for example, and. So, in the famous painting by Vasnetsov “Heroes”, heroic horses are depicted with the greatest skill: colors, animal behavior, bridles and their connection with riders are carefully thought out. Serov did not like people and considered the horse in many ways better than a man, which is why he often depicted it in a variety of scenes. although he painted animals, he did not consider himself an animal painter, so the bears in his famous painting “Morning in a Pine Forest” were created by the animal painter K. Savitsky.

In tsarist times, portraits with pets, which were dear to man, became especially popular. For example, in the picture, Empress Catherine II appeared with her beloved dog. Animals were also present in the portraits of other Russian artists.

Examples of paintings by famous Russian artists in the domestic genre

history painting

This genre implies monumental paintings that are designed to convey to society a grandiose idea, any truth, morality, or demonstrate significant events. It includes works on historical, mythological, religious themes, folklore, as well as military scenes.

In ancient states, myths and legends were considered past events for a long time, so they were often depicted on frescoes or vases. Later, artists began to separate the events from fiction, which was expressed primarily in the depiction of battle scenes. In ancient Rome, Egypt and Greece, victorious warriors often depicted scenes of heroic battles on the shields in order to demonstrate their triumph over the enemy.

In the Middle Ages, due to the dominance of church dogmas, religious themes prevailed, in the Renaissance, society turned to the past mainly in order to glorify its states and rulers, and since the 18th century this genre was often turned to educate young people. In Russia, the genre became widespread in the 19th century, when artists often tried to analyze the life of Russian society.

In the works of Russian artists, battle painting was presented, for example, and. Mythological and religious subjects in his paintings affected,. Historical painting prevailed among the people, folklore - among them.

Examples of paintings by famous Russian artists in the genre of historical painting

Still life (fr. nature - nature and morte - dead)

This genre of painting is associated with the depiction of inanimate objects. They can be flowers, fruits, dishes, game, kitchen utensils and other items, from which the artist often composes a composition according to his plan.

The first still lifes appeared in ancient countries. In ancient Egypt, it was customary to depict offerings to the gods in the form of various dishes. At the same time, the recognizability of the subject was in the first place, so the ancient artists did not particularly care about the chiaroscuro or texture of still life objects. In ancient Greece and Rome, flowers and fruits were found in paintings and in houses to decorate the interior, so that they were already depicted more reliably and picturesquely. The formation and flourishing of this genre falls on the 16th and 17th centuries, when still lifes began to contain hidden religious and other meanings. At the same time, their many varieties appeared, depending on the subject of the image (flower, fruit, scientist, etc.).

In Russia, the heyday of still life falls only in the 20th century, since before that it was used mainly for educational purposes. But this development was rapid and captured, including abstractionism with all its directions. For example, he created beautiful flower arrangements in, preferred, worked in and often “enlivened” his still lifes, giving the viewer the impression that the dishes were about to fall off the table or that all objects would now begin to rotate.

The objects depicted by the artists, of course, were also influenced by their theoretical views or worldview, state of mind. So, these were objects depicted according to the principle of spherical perspective discovered by him, and expressionist still lifes were striking in their drama.

Many Russian artists used still life mainly for educational purposes. So, he not only honed his artistic skills, but also conducted many experiments, laying out objects in different ways, working with light and color. experimented with the shape and color of the line, sometimes moving away from realism to pure primitivism, sometimes mixing both styles.

Other artists combined in still lifes what they depicted earlier and their favorite things. For example, in the paintings you can find his favorite vase, music notes and the portrait of his wife he created before, but he depicted flowers loved since childhood.

Many other Russian artists worked in the same genre, for example, and others.

Examples of paintings by famous Russian artists in the still life genre

Nude (fr. nudite - nudity, abbreviated nu)

This genre is designed to depict the beauty of the naked body and appeared even before our era. In the ancient world, great attention was paid to physical development, since the survival of the entire human race depended on it. So, in ancient Greece, athletes traditionally competed naked so that boys and young men could see their well-developed bodies and strive for the same physical perfection. Approximately in the VII-VI centuries. BC e. Nude male statues also appeared, personifying the physical power of a man. Female figures, on the contrary, always appeared before the audience in robes, since it was not customary to expose the female body.

In subsequent eras, attitudes towards naked bodies changed. So, in the days of Hellenism (from the end of the 6th century BC), endurance faded into the background, giving way to admiring the male figure. At the same time, the first female nude figures began to appear. In the Baroque era, women with magnificent forms were considered ideal, during the Rococo sensuality became a priority, and in the 19th-20th centuries, paintings or sculptures with naked bodies (especially men) were often banned.

Russian artists have repeatedly turned to the nude genre in their works. So, these are dancers with theatrical attributes, these are posing girls or women in the center of monumental plots. This is a lot of sensual women, including in couples, this is a whole series of paintings depicting naked women in various activities, and this is girls full of innocence. Some, for example, depicted completely naked men, although such paintings were not welcomed by the society of their time.

Examples of paintings by famous Russian artists in the nude genre

Landscape (fr. Paysage, from pays - area)

In this genre, the priority is the image of the natural or man-made environment: natural corners, views of cities, villages, monuments, etc. Depending on the selected object, natural, industrial, marine, rural, lyrical and other landscapes are distinguished.

The first landscapes of ancient artists were found in Neolithic rock art and were images of trees, rivers or lakes. Later, the natural motif was used to decorate the home. In the Middle Ages, the landscape was almost completely replaced by religious themes, and in the Renaissance, on the contrary, the harmonious relationship between man and nature came to the fore.

In Russia, landscape painting has been developing since the 18th century and was initially limited (landscapes were created in this style, for example, and), but later a whole galaxy of talented Russian artists enriched this genre with techniques from different styles and trends. created the so-called discreet landscape, that is, instead of chasing spectacular views, he depicted the most intimate moments in Russian nature. and came to a lyrical landscape that struck the audience with a subtly conveyed mood.

And this is an epic landscape, when the viewer is shown all the grandeur of the surrounding world. endlessly turned to antiquity, E. Volkov knew how to turn any discreet landscape into a poetic picture, amazed the viewer with his wondrous light in landscapes, and could endlessly admire the forest corners, parks, sunsets and convey this love to the viewer.

Each of the landscape painters focused on a landscape that fascinated him especially strongly. Many artists could not get past large-scale construction projects and painted a lot of industrial and urban landscapes. Among them are works

Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci (April 15, 1452 – May 2, 1519) was a famous Italian painter, architect, philosopher, musician, writer, explorer, mathematician, engineer, anatomist, inventor and geologist. Known for his paintings, the most famous of which are The Last Supper and Mona Lisa, as well as numerous inventions that were far ahead of their time, but remained only on paper. In addition, Leonardo da Vinci made an important contribution to the development of anatomy, astronomy and technology.

Raphael Santi (March 28, 1483 – April 6, 1520) was a great Italian painter and architect active during the Renaissance, covering the period from the end of the 15th century to the early years of the 16th century. Traditionally, Raphael is considered one of the three great masters of this period, along with Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci. Many of his works are in the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican, in a room called Raphael's Stanza. Among others, here is his most famous work - "The School of Athens".

Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Velázquez (June 6, 1599 - August 6, 1660) was a Spanish painter, portrait painter, court painter of King Philip IV, the greatest representative of the golden age of Spanish painting. In addition to numerous paintings depicting historical and cultural scenes from the past, he painted many portraits of the Spanish royal family, as well as other famous European figures. The most famous work of Velasquez is the painting "La Meninas" (or "Family of Philip IV") of 1656, located in the Prado Museum in Madrid.

Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuseno Maria de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santisima Trinidad Martir Patricio Ruiz and Picasso (October 25, 1881 - April 8, 1973) is a world-famous Spanish artist and sculptor, the founder of the direction in fine arts - cubism. Considered one of the greatest artists who influenced the development of fine arts in the 20th century. Experts, was recognized as the best artist among those who have lived over the past 100 years, as well as the most "expensive" in the world. During his life, Picasso created about 20 thousand works (according to other sources, 80 thousand).

Vincent Willem van Gogh (March 30, 1853 – July 29, 1890) was a famous Dutch painter who gained fame only after his death. According to many experts, Van Gogh is one of the greatest artists in the history of European art, as well as one of the most prominent representatives of post-impressionism. Author of more than 2,100 works of art, including 870 paintings, 1,000 drawings and 133 sketches. His numerous self-portraits, landscapes and portraits are among the most recognizable and expensive works of art in the world. The most famous work of Vincent van Gogh, perhaps, is considered a series of paintings called "Sunflowers".

Michelangelo Buonarroti (March 6, 1475 - February 18, 1564) is a world famous Italian sculptor, artist, architect, poet and thinker who left an indelible imprint on the entire world culture. The most famous work of the artist, perhaps, are the frescoes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Among his sculptures, the most famous are "Pieta" ("Lamentation of Christ") and "David". Of the works of architecture - the design of the dome of St. Peter's Basilica. Interestingly, Michelangelo became the first representative of Western European art, whose biography was written during his lifetime.

In fourth place in the list of the most famous artists in the world is Masaccio (December 21, 1401-1428) - a great Italian artist who had a huge impact on other masters. Masaccio lived a very short life, so there is little biographical evidence about him. Only four of his frescoes have survived, which, without a doubt, are the work of Masaccio. Others are believed to have been destroyed. Masaccio's most famous work is the Trinity fresco in the church of Santa Maria Novella in Florence, Italy.

Peter Paul Rubens (June 28, 1577 – May 30, 1640) was a Flemish (South Dutch) painter, one of the greatest artists of the Baroque era, known for his extravagant style. Considered the most versatile artist of his time. In his works, Rubens emphasized and embodied the vitality and sensuality of color. He painted numerous portraits, landscapes and historical paintings with mythological, religious and allegorical subjects. The most famous work of Rubens is the triptych "Descent from the Cross" written in the period from 1610 to 1614 and brought the artist worldwide fame.

Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (September 29, 1571 – July 18, 1610) was a great Italian artist of the early Baroque period, the founder of European realistic painting of the 17th century. In his works, Caravaggio skillfully used the contrasts of light and shadow, focusing on details. Often depicted ordinary Romans, people from the streets and markets in the images of saints and Madonnas. Examples are "The Evangelist Matthew", "Bacchus", "Conversion of Saul", etc. One of the most famous paintings of the artist is "The Lute Player" (1595), which Caravaggio called the most successful piece of painting for him.

Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (1606-1669) is a famous Dutch painter and engraver, who is considered the greatest and most famous artist in the world. Author of about 600 paintings, 300 etchings and 2 thousand drawings. Its characteristic feature is a masterful play with light effects and deep shadows. The most famous work of Rembrandt is the four-meter painting "Night Watch", written in 1642 and now stored in the State Museum of Amsterdam.

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