Kinetic speech. Active and passive form of speech

Parameter name Meaning
Article subject: Types of speech
Rubric (thematic category) Psychology

1.External speech - is aimed at other people with the help of a conversation or various technical devices.

Oral speech - communication with the help of linguistic means, perceived by ear.

It is subdivided:

· monologue speech - extended speech of a person addressed to other people. This is the speech of a speaker, lecturer, speaker or any other person who conveys any information. It unfolds in the form of a report, story, lecture, speech.

Monologue speech is coherent, contextual, is built according to a plan, must be consistent and conclusive, sentences are built grammatically flawlessly. Its expressiveness is created by vocal means (intonation, pauses, stress, repetitions, slowing down or speeding up speech, loudness, etc.). The monologue suggests stinginess and restraint of gestures. A person pronouncing a monologue must take into account all the reactions of the listeners that arise and reflect, ᴛ.ᴇ. be aware of how his speech is perceived and, if it is extremely important, correct it (introduce or omit details, make figurative comparisons, strengthen evidence, etc.).

· Dialogic speech the oldest form of speech.

Dialog - this is a direct communication of 2 or more people, this is an exchange replicas(answer, objection, remark of one interlocutor to the words of another. It can be expressed by an exclamation, objection, remark on the content of the speaker's speech, as well as by action, gesture, even silence) or extended debate. This is a folded speech, a lot is implied in it, thanks to the knowledge and understanding of the situation by the interlocutor. Non-verbal means (gestures, facial expressions) often replace the statement.

Thematically directed dialogue is called conversation(there must be a goal and a certain question is being clarified). There is no target in the dialogue.

Sometimes dialogic speech takes the form dispute͵ dispute, in the course of which any question may be found out.

Situational dialogic speech - related to the situation in which the communication arose. Can be understood only by two communicating.

Contextual dialogue - all previous statements condition subsequent ones. This is a more difficult communication, because there should be a detailed construction of thoughts for the exchange of ideas. Essentially - ϶ᴛᴏ short monologues. These are open discussions about solving creative problems, as well as in philosophical and scientific works.

· Written speech - a kind of monologue speech, which is built using written signs. It is important to note that for semantic highlighting, expressions of relation, not intonations are used, but vocabulary (choosing a combination of words), grammar, punctuation marks, typical syntactic constructions and styles, a special compositional structure. Written speech allows a gap in time and space between the moment of its creation and perception by others (letters, literary works, etc.).

2. inner speech - a special type of silent speech activity (ʼʼ to yourselfʼʼ and ʼʼ to yourselfʼʼ). It is characterized by the extreme curtailment of the grammatical structure and content.

· Actually inner speech - folded, most of the secondary members of the sentence are omitted in it, often only the subject remains, which is the center of thought for a person, around which images are combined. There may be changes in the word itself, for example, in Russian, vowels that do not carry semantic loads fall out in the word. Words are understandable only to the subject. It can also be built according to the type of summary ͵ table of contents: about what is talking, what must be said, omitting the known.

· Internal speaking - coincides in structure with external speech.

Inner speech performs planning and control functions. Thus, it is the initial moment of speech utterance, its programming before implementation; a means of reflexive actions that allow you to build self-attitudes when communicating with other people and in the implementation of introspection, self-esteem.

3. egocentric speech - an intermediate link in the transition from external speech to internal. At about 3 years old, the child begins to speak aloud to himself, to plan his actions in speech.

Types of speech - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Types of speech" 2017, 2018.

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    N Broca's center, which is located in the back of the third frontal gyrus of the left hemisphere. This is the motor center of speech. A person loses the ability to pronounce words N Certain structures of the brain belong to the central ones, and peripheral ones ...

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      A historical form of communication between people through language. There are complex dialectical relationships between R. and language: R. is carried out according to the rules of the language and, ...
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      , a form of communication (communication) of people through language. Speech communication organizes the joint activities of people, contributes to the knowledge of each other, is an essential factor ...
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      daily newspaper with supplements, the central organ of the Kadet Party. It was published in St. Petersburg from February 1906 under the actual editorship of P. N. ...
    • SPEECH in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
      speech activity, communication mediated by language, one of the types of communicative (see Communication) human activity. R. arose in the team as a means ...
      big daily political and a literary newspaper published in St. Petersburg. from February 23, 1906 with the close participation of P. N. Milyukov ...
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      daily socio-literary magazine published in St. Petersburg. in 1903-4 Ed.-ed. S. S. ...
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      formed in the oral cavity and pharynx" due to a change in their shape and shape, and if the vocal apparatus takes part in this, ...
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      concrete speaking, flowing in time and clothed in sound (including internal pronunciation) or written form. Speech is not only...
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      , -i, pl. speech, -hey, ace. 1. The ability to speak, speaking. Own speech. Difficult r. Distinct r. The gift of speech (the ability to speak, ...
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      Pospolita (Polish Rzeczpospolita - republic), official. name united Polish-Lithuanian. state-va from the time of the Union of Lublin 1569 to 1795. In 1772-95 in ...
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      "SPEECH", daily. newspaper, center organ of the Cadet Party, 1906-17, St. Petersburg (Petrograd). Actual ed.- I.V. Gessen, P.N. Milyukov. Closed after Oct. …
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      one of the types of human communicative activity is the use of language tools to communicate with other members of the language community. Under R. understand ...
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      ? formed in the oral cavity and pharynx" due to a change in their shape and shape, and if the voice takes part in this ...
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      re "ch, re" chi, re "chi, speech" th, re "chi, speech" m, re "ch, re" chi, re "whose, speech" mi, re "chi, ...
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      1. Ability to speak, express one's thoughts; conversation, conversation. About the nature of pronunciation or pronunciation; about the manner of speaking, about the emotional coloring of speech. …
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      - concrete speaking, flowing in time and clothed in sound (including internal pronunciation) or written form. R. is understood as ...
    • SPEECH
      1) The activity of a speaker who uses the means of language to communicate with other members of a given language community (speaking) or to refer to himself ...
    • KINETIC in the Dictionary of Linguistic Terms:
      (Greek kinetikos - pertaining to movement) speech. Manual speech, communication with the help of language ...
    • SPEECH in the Popular Explanatory-Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
      -and, well. 1) only units. The ability to speak, to express thoughts in words. Organs of speech. Speech disorder. Own speech. 2) only units. Language …
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      She is holding…
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      word, sentence, phrase, speech, toast, toast, allocution, diatribe, racea, tirade, philippic, exposition, syllable, style, pen. Speech is empty, honeyed, heartfelt, sweet, ...
    • SPEECH in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Lopatin:
      speech, -i, pl. -and, …
    • SPEECH in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
      speech, -i, pl. -and, …
    • SPEECH in the Spelling Dictionary:
      speech, -i, pl. -and, …
    • SPEECH in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Ozhegov:
      the ability to speak, speaking To master speech. Difficult r. Distinct r. The gift of speech (the ability to speak, as well as eloquence). speech sounding language Russian ...
    • SPEECH in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov:
      speeches, pl. speeches, speeches 1. only units The ability to use the language of words. Speech is one of the signs that distinguish a person from ...
    • KINETIC ENERGY in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      the energy of a mechanical system, depending on the speed of movement of its constituent parts. In classical mechanics, the kinetic energy of a material point of mass m moving ...
      To the article MOLECULAR-KINETIC THEORY In the middle of the 19th century. there was not only the development of molecular-kinetic theory, but also the formation of thermodynamics. Some concepts...
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      (a + Greek phasis - speech). Speech impairment that occurs with local lesions of the cerebral cortex of the dominant hemisphere. Systemic disorder of various ...
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      atomic fission, the process of splitting an atomic nucleus into several lighter nuclei - "fragments", most often into 2 fragments, ...
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      turbine, primary steam engine with rotational movement of the working body - rotor and continuous working process; serves to convert thermal energy ...
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    Kinetic speech

    communication through sign language.

    Explanatory translation dictionary. - 3rd edition, revised. - M.: Flinta: Science. L.L. Nelyubin. 2003 .

    See what "kinetic speech" is in other dictionaries:

      Kinetic speech- Kinetic speech see sign languages... Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary

      KINETIC SPEECH- [from Greek. kinetikos pertaining to movement] communication through sign language (see sign languages) …

      kinetic- (Greek kinetikos referring to movement) speech. Hand speech, communication using sign language…

      manual speech- Same as kinetic speech... Dictionary of linguistic terms

      Same as kinetic speech... Explanatory Translation Dictionary

      Corpuscular-kinetic theory of M. V. Lomonosov- The corpuscular-kinetic theory of heat, put forward in the middle of the 18th century by M.V. Lomonosov, is a system of principles and views based on a number of theoretical provisions arising from logical reasoning and mathematical calculations, and ... Wikipedia

      sign language- The use of expressive gestures, various body movements as a means of communication (see kinetic speech, manual speech) ... Dictionary of linguistic terms

      Comparative psychology- The subject of S. p. is the behavior of animals. Research in S. items can pursue either one of the two, or both main goals. The first is the discovery of principles and the construction of theories that allow us to control the behavior of animals. These principles and theories can... Psychological Encyclopedia

      Kobakhidze, Alexander Grigorievich- (1899?) Georgian and Armenologist, medieval researcher. cargo. lit. Genus. in the city of Batum, in the family of an accountant. OK. FF TiflisGU (1923-27). In the studio worked with cargo for years. manuscripts to the Center. archive of Georgia; external collaborator KIAI, where he studied the cargo. and arm. ... ... Biobibliographic Dictionary of Orientalists - Victims of Political Terror in the Soviet Period

      KINEMIC LANGUAGE- [from Greek. kinema movement] a set of expressive gestures, various body movements (with the exception of movements of the speech apparatus) used as a means of communication (see Kinetic speech) ... Psychomotor: Dictionary Reference


    • Milestones of physics of the XX century. Special relativity, general relativity, quantum theory, matter quanta (elementary particles), VI Grigoriev. This book tells about the greatest achievements of physics of the XX century - about the formation and development of the theory of relativity and quantum theory. The physics of the 20th century is often called relativistic and ...

    communication through sign language.

    • - kinetic proofreading - .A mechanism for culling an erroneously activated amino acid at the level of the corresponding aminoacyl adenylate, functioning at the stage of amino acid activation...

      Molecular biology and genetics. Dictionary

    • - mechanical energy system depending on the velocities of its points. K. e. T of a material point is measured by half the product of the mass m of this point and the square of its speed, i.e. T - ...

      Physical Encyclopedia

    • - mechanical energy system depending on the velocities of its points. K. e. T mother. point is equal to: T=mv2/2, where m is the mass of this point, v is its speed. K. e. mechanical...

      Physical Encyclopedia

    • - see Kinetic equation...

      Chemical Encyclopedia

    • - a physical theory about the forces acting between particles and the energy they possess. The simplest form of kinetic energy is based on the following principles: matter is made up of tiny particles...
    • is the energy possessed by a moving object. Gets it by starting to move. Depends on the mass of the object and its speed, according to the equation: K. e. = 1/2mv2...

      Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

    • - a parameter that determines the Maxwell distribution of particles of c.-l. speed grades. Under conditions of thermal equilibrium, the temperature of particles of all types is the same and coincides with the temperature of the entire system ...
    • - mechanical energy system, depending on the speed of movement of its constituent parts. In the classic mechanics K. e. material point of mass m moving with speed v is equal to 1/2 mv2...

      Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

    • - a graphic representation of the speed of any process in time ...
    • - the energy of the mechanical system, depending on the speed of movement of its points. The kinetic energy of a material point is measured by half the product of the mass m of this point and the square of its velocity ν, i.e. T = 1/2mν2...

      Encyclopedic Dictionary of Metallurgy

    • - the energy of the mechanical system, which depends on the speed of movement of its points. K. e. T of a material point is measured by half the product of the mass m of this point and the square of its velocity υ, i.e. T \u003d 1/2 mυ2 ...

      Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    • - a parameter that determines the Maxwell distribution of particles of any kind in terms of velocities. Under conditions of thermal equilibrium, the kinetic temperatures of particles of all sorts are the same and coincide with the temperature of the entire system...

      Big encyclopedic dictionary

    • - See LANGUAGE -...
    • - speech. Hand speech, sign language communication...

      Dictionary of linguistic terms

    • - See ROSE -...

      IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    • - The doctrine of gases, consisting of many small particles in motion ...

      Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

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    There are different types of speech:
    1) gesture speech and sound speech;
    2) written and oral speech;
    3) external and internal speech.

    Modern speech is primarily sound speech. However, at present, sign language (facial expressions and pantomime) is, as it were, an addition to the main text of speech.

    External speech is the leader in the process of communication, therefore its main quality is accessibility for the perception of another person. External speech can be written and oral.

    Written and spoken language are also closely related, but perform different functions. Oral speech for the most part functions as colloquial speech in a conversation situation, and written speech - as a business, scientific, intended not for the interlocutor present nearby.

    Oral speech more expressive, because facial expressions, gestures, intonation, voice modulation, etc. are used. Its specificity is that you can immediately see the reaction of listeners to the words of the speaker, which allows you to correct speech in a certain way. Oral speech is divided into monologue and dialogic.

    monologue speech- this is the speech of one person, not interrupted by the remarks of other people (the speech of a lecturer, speaker, orator, or any person who talks in detail about the events of his own life, about the book he read, etc.). It usually requires advance preparation. Its main advantage lies in the ability to convey to the audience one's own thought without distortion and with the necessary evidence.

    An essential feature of monologue speech is the logical coherence of the expressed thoughts and the systematic presentation, subject to a certain plan. Monologue speech is always designed for a specific audience. It becomes clearer and more convincing thanks to intonational means: pauses, slowing down or speeding up the pace of speech, stress, highlighting individual words or phrases with the voice, questions to the audience, etc.

    Dialogical (or colloquial) speech occurs between 2 or more persons. This is an easier type of speech, as it does not require development, evidence, thoughtfulness in the construction of phrases. Dialogic speech is usually not fully developed, because it is situational, much is not expressed in it, but is implied due to the context understandable by the speaker. In dialogic speech, expressive means are of great importance, such as: the intonation with which this or that statement is pronounced; facial expressions and pantomime of the speaker. They make speech clearer to others and increase the power of its impact on them. In addition, dialogic speech is very expressive, emotional and dynamic. In order for the dialogue to be maintained, it is necessary not only to speak clearly, clearly and clearly, but also to be able to listen to the partner.

    Therefore, the disadvantage of dialogical speech is that speakers can interrupt each other, distort the conversation, and not fully express their thoughts.

    Oral speech can be, on the one hand, colloquial speech, speech-conversation, on the other hand, speech, oratory, report, lecture. On the other hand, a speech, a public speech, a lecture, a report, in some respects, are in some respects much closer to written speech. Lecture, report, etc. have all the expressive means of oral speech. A speech-lecture should combine the features of both oral and written speech.

    Written speech implemented in a form accessible to visual perception. It can be addressed to a specific person or to all people. In order for the content of written speech to be correctly perceived, it is necessary to be able to describe it in a detailed form.

    Written speech has a huge impact both on the life of the whole society and on the individual. It gives every person the opportunity to join the world culture, to learn the universal values ​​necessary for the formation of his spiritual world. Written speech is presented, as a rule, in the form of a specific text. For the correct perception and understanding of the text, its structure and characteristics are of great importance.

    From the point of view of the means used in written speech, it has the following features:

    1) it uses a graphic code (writing);
    2) vocabulary (the choice of a combination of words), grammar and punctuation marks are of great importance in it.

    Written speech makes it possible to develop intellectual abilities, to become an educated and spiritually rich person, to know nature and society, to be aware of all the events taking place in the world.

    inner speech is a special kind of speech activity. It is social in its content. The statement that inner speech is speech with oneself is not entirely accurate. And inner speech is mostly addressed to the interlocutor. Inner speech can be inner conversation. It happens, especially with a tense feeling, that a person is having an internal conversation with another person, saying in this imaginary conversation everything that, for one reason or another, he could not tell him in a real conversation. But even in cases where inner speech does not take on the character of an imaginary conversation with a certain interlocutor, then it is devoted to reflection, reasoning, argumentation, and then it is addressed to some kind of audience.

    Internal speech-conversation (with an imaginary interlocutor) is often emotionally saturated. But there is no doubt that thinking is especially closely connected with inner speech.

    On the basis of inner speech, the intellectual and spiritual life of the individual is carried out, its moral views and beliefs, dreams and ideals, desires and aspirations, doubts and beliefs are manifested.

    Arguing with himself, a person becomes convinced of the truth or falsity of his spiritual values, condemns or justifies himself, tries to understand the meaning of life, decides how to live on, what to believe, what ideals to follow and what goals to set. Using inner speech, a person carries out auto-suggestion, autogenic training. Under the influence of auto-suggestion, a person can show such fortitude that it would seem that it surpasses all the possibilities and resources of the human psyche.

    In addition to inner and outer speech, there is also egocentric speech.

    egocentric speech- the speech of a person, addressed to himself and not calculated on any reaction from others. It manifests itself in both adults and children. Most often, this type of speech is manifested in children of middle preschool age, when in the process of playing or drawing, sculpting, they comment on their actions, without addressing anyone in particular. In adults, egocentric speech can also sometimes be found. Most often this happens when solving a complex intellectual problem, during which a person thinks aloud. Also, egocentric speech is widely used in preparation for an oral presentation in order to pre-pronounce (rehearse) its content, while consolidating the learned information.

    You can move from inner speech to outer speech. To do this, it is necessary to change the structure of the statement and find new forms of expression of its content. Those. it is necessary to move from a condensed and curtailed statement in inner speech to a detailed, narrative statement, understandable to other people. But this is not always possible. It is known, for example, what kind of torment a person experiences when trying to find the most suitable words for expressing his thoughts, knowledge, feelings and other mental states.

    Irina Bazan

    Literature: R.S. Nemov "Psychology", book 1 S.L. Rubinstein "Fundamentals of General Psychology" P.A. Sorokun "General psychology"

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