Chinese parables and fairy tales. Ancient Chinese Parables Chinese Parable of the Rich and Poor Wise Men

The best parables. The big Book. All countries and eras Mishanenkova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna

Chinese parables

Chinese parables

Just repeat

In one Chinese monastery, students practiced a martial movement. One student was not given this movement in any way. No matter how they showed him, no matter how they told him, he could not perform it correctly.

Then the master came up to him and said something to him quietly. The student bowed and left. Training continued without him. The whole day no one saw this student, and the next day, when he took his place among the rest, everyone saw that he performed this movement perfectly.

One of the students asked another who was standing next to the master and could hear what he said to the student:

Did you hear what the master said to him?

- Yes, I heard.

- He told him: "Go to the backyard and just repeat this movement 1600 times."


The Chinese emperor sent his ambassadors to a hermit who lived in the mountains in the north of the country. They were supposed to give him an invitation to take the post of prime minister of the empire.

After a long journey, the ambassadors finally approached his dwelling, but it turned out to be empty. Not far from the hut they saw a half-naked man. He sat on a rock in the middle of the river and fished. "Is this man really worthy of being prime minister?" they thought.

The ambassadors began to ask the villagers about the hermit and were convinced of his merits. They returned to the river bank and became polite signs to attract the attention of the angler.

Soon the hermit got out of the water to the shore: akimbo, barefoot.

- What you need? - he asked.

“O venerable one, His Majesty the Emperor of China, having heard of your wisdom and holiness, gives you these gifts. He invites you to take the post of prime minister of the empire.

“Prime Minister of the Empire?”

- Yes, sir.

- Yes, sir.

“What, is the emperor completely insane? the hermit laughed, to the great embarrassment of the envoys.

Finally, regaining his composure, he said:

“Tell me, is it true that on the main altar of the imperial sanctuary there is a stuffed tortoise, and its shell is inlaid with sparkling diamonds?”

“Quite right, sir.

“And is it true that once a day the emperor and his family gather at the sanctuary to pay their respects to a diamond-studded tortoise?”

- Truth.

“Now look at this dirty turtle. Do you think she'll agree to switch places with the one in the palace?

“Then go back to the emperor and tell him that I don’t agree either. The living have no place on the altar.

Fox and tiger

One day the tiger got very hungry and ran all over the forest in search of food. Just at that time, on the way, he came across a fox. The tiger was already preparing to eat well, and the fox said to him: “You don’t dare to eat me. I was sent to earth by the Heavenly Emperor himself. It was he who appointed me the head of the world of animals. If you eat me, you will anger the Heavenly Emperor himself.”

Hearing these words, the tiger began to hesitate. However, his stomach didn't stop growling. "What should I do?" thought the tiger. Seeing the confusion of the tiger, the fox continued: “You probably think that I am deceiving you? Then follow me, and you will see how all the animals will scatter in fear at the sight of me. It would be very strange if it happened otherwise.”

These words seemed reasonable to the tiger, and he followed the fox. And indeed, the animals at the sight of them instantly scattered in different directions. The tiger was unaware that the animals were afraid of him, the tiger, and not the cunning fox. Who is afraid of her?

moving on

One day, while traveling around the country, Hing Shi came to a city where the best masters of painting gathered that day and arranged a competition among themselves for the title of the best artist in China. Many skillful masters took part in this competition, they presented many beautiful paintings to the eyes of strict judges.

The competition was already coming to an end when the judges suddenly found themselves in confusion. It was necessary to choose the best of the two remaining paintings. In embarrassment, they looked at the beautiful canvases, whispered among themselves and looked for possible errors in the works. But, no matter how hard the judges tried, they did not find a single flaw, not a single clue that would decide the outcome of the competition.

Hing Shi, watching what was happening, understood their predicament and stepped out of the crowd offering his help. Recognizing the famous sage in the wanderer, the judges happily agreed. Then Hing Shi approached the artists and said:

- Masters, your paintings are beautiful, but I must admit that I myself do not see any flaws in them, like the judges, so I will ask you to honestly and fairly evaluate your works, and then tell me their shortcomings.

After a long examination of his painting, the first artist frankly admitted:

- Teacher, no matter how I look at my picture, I can not find flaws in it.

The second artist stood silently.

“You don’t see the flaws either,” Hing Shi asked.

“No, I'm just not sure which one to start with,” the embarrassed artist answered honestly.

“You won the contest,” Hing Shi said with a smile.

- But why? exclaimed the first artist. “After all, I didn’t even find a single mistake in my work! How could someone win from me who found a lot of them?

– The master, who does not find a flaw in his works, has reached the limit of his talent. A master who notices flaws where others have not found them can still improve. How could I award victory to one who, having completed his path, has reached the same as the one who continues his path? Hing Shi replied.

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Parables And the Blessed One thought: “I taught the truth, which is magnificent in the beginning, magnificent in the middle and magnificent in the end; it is excellent and glorious in spirit and letter. But although it is simple, people cannot understand it. I must speak to them in their own language. I

the spelling of the original source is preserved in the text

The story of how the legs were painted on the snake

In the ancient kingdom of Chu, there lived an aristocrat. In China, there is such a custom: after the rite of remembrance of the ancestors, all those who suffer should be treated with sacrificial wine. He did the same. The beggars who gathered at his house agreed: if everyone drinks wine, then there will not be enough of it; and if one person drinks wine, it will be too much for one. In the end, they made this decision: the one who first draws a snake will drink wine.

When one of them drew a snake, he looked around and saw that everyone around was not finished yet. Then he took a kettle of wine and, making a self-satisfied look, continued to finish drawing. “Look, I even have time left to paint on the legs of the snake,” he exclaimed. While he was drawing the legs, another debater finished drawing. He took away the teapot of wine with the words: “After all, the snake has no legs, so you didn’t draw a snake!” Having said this, he drank the wine in one gulp. So, the one who painted the snake's legs has lost the wine that should have been meant for him.

This parable says that when performing a task, you need to know all the conditions and see clear goals in front of you. It is necessary to strive for the goal with a sober head and a strong will. Don't let an easy win go to your head.

The story of the jasper of the He clan

One day, Bian He, who lived in the kingdom of Chu, found precious jade on Mount Chushan. He presented the jade to a prince from Chu named Li-wang. Li-wang ordered the master stone-cutters to determine whether it was real jade or a fake. A little time passed, and the answer was received: this is not precious jade, but a simple piece of glass. Li-wang decided that Bian He planned to deceive him and ordered to cut off his left leg.

After Li-van's death, U-van succeeded to the throne. Bian He again presented the jade to the ruler. And the same story happened again: Wu-wang also considered Bian He a deceiver. So Bian He cut off his right leg.

After Wu-wang, Wen-wang ruled. With jade in his bosom, Bian He groaned at the foot of Mount Chushan for three days. When his tears dried up, and drops of blood appeared in his eyes. Upon learning of this, Wen-wang sent a servant to ask Bian He: “There are many legless people in the country, why is he crying so desperately?” Bian He replied that he was not at all saddened by the loss of both legs. He explained that the essence of his suffering lies in the fact that in the state the precious jade is no longer jade, and an honest person is no longer an honest person, but a swindler. Hearing this, Wen-wang ordered the stone-cutters to carefully polish the stone, as a result of grinding and cutting, jade of rare beauty was obtained, which people began to call as jade of the He clan.

The author of this parable is Han Fei, a famous ancient Chinese thinker. In this story, the fate of the author himself was embodied. At one time, the ruler did not accept Han Fei's political beliefs. From this parable, we can conclude: stone cutters should know what kind of jade they are, and rulers should understand what kind of person is in front of them. People who donate the most precious thing for others must be prepared to suffer from it.

The Story of Bian Que Treating Cai Huang Gong

One day, the famous physician Bian Que came to visit the ruler of Cai Huan-gong. He examined Hong Gong and said, “I see that you are suffering from a skin disease. If you don't go to the doctor immediately, I'm afraid that the disease virus will penetrate deep into the body." Huang Gong didn't pay attention to Bian Que's words. He replied, "I'm fine." Hearing the speech of the prince, the doctor Bian Que said goodbye to him and left. And Huan-gong explained to his entourage that doctors often treat people who do not have any diseases. Thus, these doctors take credit for themselves and claim awards.

Ten days later, Bian Que visited the prince again. He told Cai Huang-gong that his disease had already passed into the muscles. If he is not treated, then the disease will be especially acute. Huang Gong again disobeyed Bian Que. After all, he did not recognize doctors.

Ten days later, during the third meeting with the prince, Bian Que said that the disease had already reached the intestines and stomach. And if the prince continues to persist, and does not enter the most difficult phase. But the prince was still indifferent to the doctor's advice.

Ten days later, when Bian Que saw Cai Huan Gong in the distance, he fled in fear. The prince sent a servant to him to ask why he fled without saying a word. The doctor replied that at first this skin disease could only be treated with a decoction of medicinal herbs, a warm compress and cauterization. And when the disease reaches the muscles, it can be treated with acupuncture. If the intestines and stomach are infected, then they can be treated by drinking a decoction of medicinal herbs. And when the disease passes into the bone marrow, then the patient himself is to blame, and no doctor can help.

Five days after this meeting, the prince felt pain all over his body. At the same time, he remembered Bian Que's words. However, the doctor has long since disappeared in an unknown direction.

This story teaches that a person should immediately correct his mistakes and blunders. And if he persists and dissolves, this leads to disastrous results.

The story of how Zou Ji flaunted

The first minister of the kingdom of Qi named Zou Ji was very well built and handsome in face. One morning, he dressed up in his best clothes and looked in the mirror and asked his wife, "Who do you think is prettier, me or Mr. Xu, who lives on the northern outskirts of the city?" The wife replied, “Of course, you, my husband, are much more beautiful than Xu. How can Shuya and you be compared?”

And Mr. Xu was a well-known handsome man of Qi. Zou Ji could not fully trust his wife, so he asked the same question to his concubine. She answered in the same way as his wife.

One day later, a guest came to Zou Ji. Zou Ji then asked the guest, "Who do you think is more beautiful, me or Xu?" The guest replied, “Of course, Mr. Zou, you are prettier!”

After some time, Zou Ji visited Mr. Xu. He carefully examined Xu's face, figure, and gestures. Xu's handsome appearance made a deep impression on Zou Ji. He became convinced that Xu was more beautiful than him. Then he looked at himself in the mirror: “Yes, after all, Xu is much more beautiful than me,” he said thoughtfully.

In the evening in bed, the thought of who is more beautiful did not leave Zou Ji. And then he finally understood why everyone said that he was more beautiful than Shuya. After all, the wife fawns before him, the concubine is afraid of him, and the guest needs help from him.

This parable says that a person himself must know his capabilities. You should not blindly believe the flattering speeches of those who are looking for benefits in a relationship, and therefore praise you.

The story of the frog that lived in the well

There was a frog in one well. And she had a very happy life. Once she began to tell the turtle, who came to her from the East China Sea, about her life: “Here, in the well, I do what I want, I do it: I can play sticks on the surface of the water in the well, I can also rest in the hole carved into the wall of the well. When I get into the silt, the mud floods only my paws. Look at the crabs and tadpoles, they have a completely different life, they have a hard time living there, in the mud. In addition, here in the well I live alone and my own mistress, I can do what I want. It's just heaven! Why don't you want to see my house?"

The turtle wanted to go down into the well. But the entrance to the well was too narrow for her shell. Therefore, without entering the well, the tortoise began to tell the frog about the world: “Look, you, for example, consider a thousand li a huge distance, right? But the sea is even bigger! You consider the top a thousand li the highest, right? But the sea is much deeper! During the reign of Yu, there were 9 floods that lasted for a whole decade, the sea did not get bigger from that. During the reign of Tang, there were 7 droughts in the course of 8 whole years, and the sea did not decrease. The sea, it is eternal. It neither grows nor decreases. That is the joy of life at sea.”

Hearing these words of the tortoise, the frog became alarmed. Her big green eyes had lost their howling vivacity, and she felt very small.

This parable says that a person should not be self-satisfied and, not knowing the world, stubbornly defend his position.

The parable of the fox that swaggered behind the tiger

One day the tiger got very hungry and ran all over the forest in search of food. Just at that time, on the way, he came across a fox. The tiger was already preparing to eat well, and the fox said to him: “You don’t dare to eat me. I was sent to earth by the Heavenly Emperor himself. It was he who appointed me the head of the world of animals. If you eat me, you will anger the Heavenly Emperor himself.”

Hearing these words, the tiger began to hesitate. However, his stomach didn't stop growling. "What should I do?" thought the tiger. Seeing the confusion of the tiger, the fox continued: “You probably think that I am deceiving you? Then follow me, and you will see how all the animals will scatter in fear at the sight of me. It would be very strange if it happened otherwise.”

These words seemed reasonable to the tiger, and he followed the fox. And indeed, the animals at the sight of them instantly scattered in different directions. The tiger was unaware that the animals were afraid of him, the tiger, and not the cunning fox. Who is afraid of her?

This parable teaches us that in life we ​​must be able to distinguish between the true and the false. One must be able not to be deceived by external data, to delve into the essence of things. If you fail to distinguish truth from lies, then it is very possible that you will be deceived by people like this cunning fox.

This fable warns people not to be stupid and not to put on airs, having achieved an easy victory.

Yu Gong Moves Mountains

"Yu Gong Moves Mountains" is a story without a real story behind it. It is contained in the book "Le Zi", and the author of which is the philosopher Le Yukou, who lived in the IV - V centuries. BC e.

The story "Yu Gong Moves Mountains" says that in the old days there lived an old man named Yu Gong (literally, "stupid old man"). In front of his house were two huge mountains - Taihan and Wangu, which blocked the approaches to his house. It was very inconvenient.

And then one day Yu Gong gathered the whole family and said that the Taihang and Wangu mountains block the approaches to the house. "Do you think we will dig these two mountains?" asked the old man.

Yu Gong's sons and grandsons immediately agreed and said, "Let's start work from tomorrow!" However, Yu Gong's wife expressed doubts. She said: "We have been living here for several years, so we can continue to live here despite these mountains. Moreover, the mountains are very high, and where shall we put the stones and soil taken from the mountains?"

Where to put stones and soil? After discussion among family members, they decided to dump them into the sea.

The next day, Yu Gong's entire family began to crush the rock with hoes. Neighbor Yu Gong's son also came to help tear down the mountains, although he was not yet eight years old. Their tools were very simple - only hoes and baskets. There was a considerable distance from the mountains to the sea. Therefore, after a month of work, the mountains still looked the same.

There was an old man named Zhi Sou (which literally means "smart old man"). Upon learning of this story, he ridiculed Yu Gong and called him stupid. Zhi Sou said that the mountains are very high and human strength is negligible, so it is impossible to move these two huge mountains, and Yu Gong's actions are very ridiculous and absurd.

Yu Gong replied: “Although the mountains are high, they do not grow, so if I and my sons take a little from the mountain every day, and then my grandchildren, and then my great-grandchildren continue our work, then in the end we will move these the mountains!" His words stunned Ji Sou, and he fell silent.

And Yu Gong's family continued to tear down mountains every day. Their stubbornness touched the heavenly lord, and he sent two fairies to the earth, who moved the mountains away from Yu Gong's house. This ancient legend tells us that if people have a strong will, they will be able to overcome any difficulties and achieve success.

History of the Laoshan Taoist

There was once a lazy man named Wang Qi. Although Wang Qi did not know how to do anything, however, he passionately desired to learn some kind of magic. Having learned that a Taoist lives near the sea, on Mount Laoshan, whom people called "the Taoist from Laoshan Mountain", and that he can work miracles, Wang Qi decided to become a student of this Taoist and ask him to teach the student magic. Therefore, Wang Qi left his family and went to the Laoshan Taoist. Arriving at Mount Laoshan, Wang Qi found the Laoshan Taoist and made his request to him. The Taoist realized that Wang Qi was very lazy and refused him. However, Wang Qi asked persistently, and in the end, the Taoist agreed to take Wang Qi as his disciple.

Wang Qi thought that he would be able to learn magic very soon and was delighted. The next day, Wang Qi, inspired, hurried to the Taoist. Suddenly, the Taoist gave him an ax and ordered him to chop wood. Although Wang Qi did not want to chop wood, he had to do as the Taoist instructed so that he would not refuse to teach him magic. Wang Qi spent the whole day chopping wood on the mountain and was very tired; He was very unhappy.

A month passed, and Wang Qi was still chopping wood. Every day to work as a woodcutter and not learn magic, he could not put up with such a life and decided to return home. And it was at that moment that he saw with his own eyes how his teacher - Laoshan Taoist - showed his ability to create magic. One evening, a Laoshan Taoist was drinking wine with two friends. The Taoist poured wine glass after glass from the bottle, and the bottle was still full. Then the Taoist turned his chopsticks into a beauty who began to sing and dance for the guests, and after the banquet she turned back into chopsticks. All this surprised Wang Qi too much, and he decided to stay on the mountain to learn magic.

Another month passed, and the Laoshan Taoist still did not teach Wang Qi anything. This time, the lazy Wang Qi got excited. He went to the Taoist and said: "I'm already tired of chopping wood. After all, I came here to learn magic and sorcery, and I ask you about it, otherwise I came here in vain." The Taoist laughed and asked him what magic he wanted to learn. Wang Qi said, "I've often seen you walk through walls; that's the kind of magic I want to learn." The Taoist laughed again and agreed. He told Wang Qi a spell to pass through walls and told Wang Qi to try it. Wang Qi tried and successfully penetrated the wall. He immediately rejoiced and wished to return home. Before Wang Qi left for home, the Laoshan Taoist told him to be an honest and humble person, otherwise the magic would lose its power.

Wang Qi returned home and boasted to his wife that he could walk through walls. However, his wife did not believe him. Wang Qi began to cast a spell and went to the wall. It turned out that he was not able to pass through it. He hit his head against the wall and fell. His wife laughed at him and said: "If there are magic in the world, they cannot be learned in two or three months!" And Wang Qi thought that the Laoshan Taoist had deceived him, and began to scold the holy hermit. It just so happened that Wang Qi still can't do anything.

Mr Dungo and the wolf

The fairy tale "The Fisherman and the Spirit" from the collection of Arabic fairy tales "A Thousand and One Nights" is widely known in the world. In China, there is also a moralizing story about "Teacher Dunguo and the wolf." This story is known from Dongtian Zhuan; the author of this work is Ma Zhongxi, who lived in the 13th century. , during the Ming Dynasty.

So, once upon a time there lived such a pedantic armchair scientist, whose name was the teacher (Mr.) Dungo. One day, Dongguo, carrying a bag of books on his back and urging a donkey, went to a place called Zhongshanguo on his business. On the way he met a wolf pursued by hunters, and this wolf asked Dungo to rescue him. Mr. Dungo felt sorry for the wolf, and he agreed. Dungo told him to curl up in a ball, tied the beast with a rope so that the wolf would fit in a bag and hide there.

As soon as Mr. Dungo stuffed the wolf into the bag, the hunters approached him. They asked if Dungo had seen the wolf and where he had run. Dungo deceived the hunters by saying that the wolf ran the other way. The hunters took Mr. Dungo's words for granted and chased the wolf in a different direction. The wolf in the sack heard that the hunters had left, and asked Mr. Dungo to untie and let him out. Dungo agreed. Suddenly, the wolf, jumping out of the bag, attacked Dungo, wanting to eat him. The wolf shouted: "You, good man, saved me, however, now I am very hungry, and therefore be kind again and let me eat you." Dungo was frightened and began to scold the wolf for his ingratitude. At that moment, a peasant passed by with a hoe on his shoulder. Mister Dungo stopped the peasant and told him how it had been. He asked the peasant to decide who is right and who is wrong. But the wolf denied the fact that Master Dungo had saved him. The peasant thought for a moment and said: "I don't believe you both, because this bag is too small to contain such a large wolf. I won't believe your words until I see with my own eyes how the wolf fits in this bag." The wolf agreed and curled up again. Mr. Dungo tied the wolf again with a rope and put the beast in a sack. The peasant immediately tied up the sack and said to Mr. Dungo: "The wolf will never change his cannibal nature. You acted very foolishly that you showed kindness towards the wolf." And the peasant slapped the sack and killed the wolf with a hoe.

When Lord Dungo is mentioned these days, they mean those who treat their enemies kindly. And by "Zhongshan wolf" they mean ungrateful people.

"The track to the south, and the shafts to the north" ("harness the horse with its tail forward"; "put the cart before the horse")

During the era of the Warring States (V - III centuries BC), China was divided into many kingdoms that continuously fought among themselves. Each kingdom had advisors who specifically served to advise the emperor on methods and methods of government. These advisers, persuading, knew how to use figurative expressions, comparisons and metaphors, so that the emperors consciously accepted their advice and suggestions. "Harnessing the Horse Tail First" is the story of Di Liang, the adviser of the kingdom of Wei. This is what he once came up with to convince Emperor Wei to change his mind.

The Wei kingdom was stronger than the Zhao kingdom at that time, so Emperor Wei decided to attack the capital of the Zhao kingdom, Handan, and subdue the Zhao kingdom. Upon learning of this, Di Liang was very agitated and decided to convince the emperor to change this decision.

The emperor of the Wei kingdom was discussing with the military leaders a plan to attack the Zhao kingdom, when Di Liang suddenly arrived. Di Liang told the emperor:

I just saw a strange phenomenon on my way here...

What? - asked the emperor.

I saw a horse going north. I asked the man in the cart, “Where are you going? ". He replied, "I'm going to the realm of Chu." I was surprised: after all, the kingdom of Chu is in the south, and he is traveling north. However, he laughed and did not even raise an eyebrow. He said, "I have enough money for the journey, I have a good horse and a good driver, so I can still get to Chu." I could never understand: money, a good horse and a wonderful driver. Why, it won't help if he's going in the wrong direction. He will never be able to reach Chu. The farther he traveled, the more he moved away from the kingdom of Chu. However, I could not dissuade him from changing direction, and he rode forward.

Hearing Di Liang's words, the Wei Emperor laughed at how stupid the man was. Di Liang continued:

Your Majesty! If you want to become the emperor of these realms, then you must first gain the trust of these countries. And aggression against the Zhao kingdom, which is weaker than our kingdom, will lower your prestige and remove you from the goal!

It was only then that Emperor Wei understood the true meaning of Di Liang's example and canceled his aggressive plans against the Zhao kingdom.

Today, the phraseological unit "The track to the south, and the shafts to the north" means "To act in complete contradiction to the goal"

ABIRUS project

by tatiana on Sun, 01/31/2016 - 16:30

The story of how the legs were painted on the snake

In the ancient kingdom of Chu, there lived an aristocrat. In China, there is such a custom: after the rite of remembrance of the ancestors, all those who suffer should be treated with sacrificial wine. He did the same. The beggars who gathered at his house agreed: if everyone drinks wine, then there will not be enough of it; and if one person drinks wine, it will be too much for one. In the end, they made this decision: the one who first draws a snake will drink wine.

When one of them drew a snake, he looked around and saw that everyone around was not finished yet. Then he took a kettle of wine and, making a self-satisfied look, continued to finish drawing. “Look, I even have time left to paint on the legs of the snake,” he exclaimed. While he was drawing the legs, another debater finished drawing. He took away the teapot of wine with the words: “After all, the snake has no legs, so you didn’t draw a snake!” Having said this, he drank the wine in one gulp. So, the one who painted the snake's legs has lost the wine that should have been meant for him.

This parable says that when performing a task, you need to know all the conditions and see clear goals in front of you. It is necessary to strive for the goal with a sober head and a strong will. Don't let an easy win go to your head.

The story of the jasper of the He clan

One day, Bian He, who lived in the kingdom of Chu, found precious jade on Mount Chushan. He presented the jade to a prince from Chu named Li-wang. Li-wang ordered the master stone-cutters to determine whether it was real jade or a fake. A little time passed, and the answer was received: this is not precious jade, but a simple piece of glass. Li-wang decided that Bian He planned to deceive him and ordered to cut off his left leg.

After Li-van's death, U-van succeeded to the throne. Bian He again presented the jade to the ruler. And the same story happened again: Wu-wang also considered Bian He a deceiver. So Bian He cut off his right leg.

After Wu-wang, Wen-wang ruled. With jade in his bosom, Bian He groaned at the foot of Mount Chushan for three days. When his tears dried up, and drops of blood appeared in his eyes. Upon learning of this, Wen-wang sent a servant to ask Bian He: “There are many legless people in the country, why is he crying so desperately?” Bian He replied that he was not at all saddened by the loss of both legs. He explained that the essence of his suffering lies in the fact that in the state the precious jade is no longer jade, and an honest person is no longer an honest person, but a swindler. Hearing this, Wen-wang ordered the stone-cutters to carefully polish the stone, as a result of grinding and cutting, jade of rare beauty was obtained, which people began to call as jade of the He clan.

The author of this parable is Han Fei, a famous ancient Chinese thinker. In this story, the fate of the author himself was embodied. At one time, the ruler did not accept Han Fei's political beliefs. From this parable, we can conclude: stone cutters must know what kind of jade is, and rulers must understand what kind of person is in front of them. People who donate the most precious thing for others must be prepared to suffer from it.

The Story of Bian Que Treating Cai Huang Gong

One day, the famous physician Bian Que came to visit the ruler of Cai Huan-gong. He examined Hong Gong and said, “I see that you are suffering from a skin disease. If you don't go to the doctor immediately, I'm afraid that the disease virus will penetrate deep into the body." Huang Gong didn't pay attention to Bian Que's words. He replied, "I'm fine." Hearing the speech of the prince, the doctor Bian Que said goodbye to him and left. And Huan-gong explained to his entourage that doctors often treat people who do not have any diseases. Thus, these doctors take credit for themselves and claim awards.

Ten days later, Bian Que visited the prince again. He told Cai Huang-gong that his disease had already passed into the muscles. If he is not treated, then the disease will be especially acute. Huang Gong again disobeyed Bian Que. After all, he did not recognize doctors.

Ten days later, during the third meeting with the prince, Bian Que said that the disease had already reached the intestines and stomach. And if the prince continues to persist, and does not enter the most difficult phase. But the prince was still indifferent to the doctor's advice.

Ten days later, when Bian Que saw Cai Huan Gong in the distance, he fled in fear. The prince sent a servant to him to ask why he fled without saying a word. The doctor replied that at first this skin disease could only be treated with a decoction of medicinal herbs, a warm compress and cauterization. And when the disease reaches the muscles, it can be treated with acupuncture. If the intestines and stomach are infected, then they can be treated by drinking a decoction of medicinal herbs. And when the disease passes into the bone marrow, then the patient himself is to blame, and no doctor can help.

Five days after this meeting, the prince felt pain all over his body. At the same time, he remembered Bian Que's words. However, the doctor has long since disappeared in an unknown direction.

This story teaches that a person should immediately correct his mistakes and blunders. And if he persists and dissolves, this leads to disastrous results.

The story of how Zou Ji flaunted

The first minister of the kingdom of Qi named Zou Ji was very well built and handsome in face. One morning, he dressed up in his best clothes and looked in the mirror and asked his wife, "Who do you think is prettier, me or Mr. Xu, who lives on the northern outskirts of the city?" The wife replied, “Of course, you, my husband, are much more beautiful than Xu. How can Shuya and you be compared?”

And Mr. Xu was a well-known handsome man of Qi. Zou Ji could not fully trust his wife, so he asked the same question to his concubine. She answered in the same way as his wife.

One day later, a guest came to Zou Ji. Zou Ji then asked the guest, "Who do you think is more beautiful, me or Xu?" The guest replied, “Of course, Mr. Zou, you are prettier!”

After some time, Zou Ji visited Mr. Xu. He carefully examined Xu's face, figure, and gestures. Xu's handsome appearance made a deep impression on Zou Ji. He became convinced that Xu was more beautiful than him. Then he looked at himself in the mirror: “Yes, after all, Xu is much more beautiful than me,” he said thoughtfully.

In the evening in bed, the thought of who is more beautiful did not leave Zou Ji. And then he finally understood why everyone said that he was more beautiful than Shuya. After all, the wife fawns before him, the concubine is afraid of him, and the guest needs help from him.

This parable says that a person himself must know his capabilities. You should not blindly believe the flattering speeches of those who are looking for benefits in a relationship, and therefore praise you.

The story of the frog that lived in the well

There was a frog in one well. And she had a very happy life. Once she began to tell the turtle, which came to her from the East China Sea, about her life: “Here, in the well, I do what I want and do: I can play sticks on the surface of the water in the well, I can also rest in the hole carved into the wall of the well. When I get into the silt, the mud floods only my paws. Look at the crabs and tadpoles, they have a completely different life, they have a hard time living there, in the mud. In addition, here in the well I live alone and my own mistress, I can do what I want. It's just heaven! Why don't you want to see my house?"

The turtle wanted to go down into the well. But the entrance to the well was too narrow for her shell. Therefore, without entering the well, the tortoise began to tell the frog about the world: “Look, you, for example, consider a thousand li a huge distance, right? But the sea is even bigger! You consider the top a thousand li the highest, right? But the sea is much deeper! During the reign of Yu, there were 9 floods that lasted for a whole decade, the sea did not get bigger from that. During the reign of Tang, there were 7 droughts in the course of 8 whole years, and the sea did not decrease. The sea, it is eternal. It neither grows nor decreases. That is the joy of life at sea.”

Hearing these words of the tortoise, the frog became alarmed. Her big green eyes had lost their howling vivacity, and she felt very small.

This parable says that a person should not be self-satisfied and, not knowing the world, stubbornly defend his position.

The parable of the fox that swaggered behind the tiger

One day the tiger got very hungry and ran all over the forest in search of food. Just at that time, on the way, he came across a fox. The tiger was already preparing to eat well, and the fox said to him: “You don’t dare to eat me. I was sent to earth by the Heavenly Emperor himself. It was he who appointed me the head of the world of animals. If you eat me, you will anger the Heavenly Emperor himself.”

Hearing these words, the tiger began to hesitate. However, his stomach didn't stop growling. “What should I do?” thought the tiger. Seeing the confusion of the tiger, the fox continued: “You probably think that I am deceiving you? Then follow me, and you will see how all the animals will scatter in fear at the sight of me. It would be very strange if it happened otherwise.”

These words seemed reasonable to the tiger, and he followed the fox. And indeed, the animals at the sight of them instantly scattered in different directions. The tiger was unaware that the animals were afraid of him, the tiger, and not the cunning fox. Who is afraid of her?

This parable teaches us that in life we ​​must be able to distinguish between the true and the false. One must be able not to be deceived by external data, to delve into the essence of things. If you fail to distinguish truth from lies, then it is very possible that you will be deceived by people like this cunning fox.

This fable warns people not to be stupid and not to put on airs, having achieved an easy victory.

Yu Gong Moves Mountains

"Yu Gong Moves Mountains" is a story without a real story behind it. It is contained in the book "Le Zi", and the author of which is the philosopher Le Yukou, who lived in the IV - V centuries. BC e.

In the story "Yu Gong Moves Mountains" it is said that in the old days there lived an old man named Yu Gong (literally, "stupid old man"). In front of his house were two huge mountains - Taihan and Wangu, which blocked the approaches to his house. It was very inconvenient.

And then one day Yu Gong gathered the whole family and said that the Taihang and Wangu mountains block the approaches to the house. "Do you think we will dig these two mountains?" the old man asked.

Yu Gong's sons and grandsons immediately agreed and said, "Let's start work from tomorrow!" However, Yu Gong's wife expressed doubts. She said: "We have been living here for several years, so we can continue to live here despite these mountains. Moreover, the mountains are very high, and where shall we put the stones and soil taken from the mountains?"

Where to put stones and soil? After discussion among family members, they decided to dump them into the sea.

The next day, Yu Gong's entire family began to crush the rock with hoes. Neighbor Yu Gong's son also came to help tear down the mountains, although he was not yet eight years old. Their tools were very simple - only hoes and baskets. There was a considerable distance from the mountains to the sea. Therefore, after a month of work, the mountains still looked the same.

There was an old man named Zhi Sou (which literally means "smart old man"). Upon learning of this story, he ridiculed Yu Gong and called him stupid. Zhi Sou said that the mountains are very high and human strength is negligible, so it is impossible to move these two huge mountains, and Yu Gong's actions are very ridiculous and absurd.

Yu Gong replied: “Although the mountains are high, they do not grow, so if I and my sons take a little from the mountain every day, and then my grandchildren, and then my great-grandchildren continue our work, then in the end we will move these the mountains!" His words stunned Ji Sou, and he fell silent.

And Yu Gong's family continued to tear down mountains every day. Their stubbornness touched the heavenly lord, and he sent two fairies to the earth, who moved the mountains away from Yu Gong's house. This ancient legend tells us that if people have a strong will, they will be able to overcome any difficulties and achieve success.

History of the Laoshan Taoist

There was once a lazy man named Wang Qi. Although Wang Qi did not know how to do anything, however, he passionately desired to learn some kind of magic. Having learned that a Taoist lives near the sea, on Mount Laoshan, whom people called "the Taoist from Laoshan Mountain", and that he can work miracles, Wang Qi decided to become a student of this Taoist and ask him to teach the student magic. Therefore, Wang Qi left his family and went to the Laoshan Taoist. Arriving at Mount Laoshan, Wang Qi found the Laoshan Taoist and made his request to him. The Taoist realized that Wang Qi was very lazy and refused him. However, Wang Qi asked persistently, and in the end, the Taoist agreed to take Wang Qi as his disciple.

Wang Qi thought that he would be able to learn magic very soon and was delighted. The next day, Wang Qi, inspired, hurried to the Taoist. Suddenly, the Taoist gave him an ax and ordered him to chop wood. Although Wang Qi did not want to chop wood, he had to do as the Taoist instructed so that he would not refuse to teach him magic. Wang Qi spent the whole day chopping wood on the mountain and was very tired; He was very unhappy.

A month passed, and Wang Qi was still chopping wood. Every day to work as a woodcutter and not learn magic - he could not put up with such a life and decided to return home. And it was at that moment that he saw with his own eyes how his teacher - Laoshan Taoist - showed his ability to create magic. One evening, a Laoshan Taoist was drinking wine with two friends. The Taoist poured wine glass after glass from the bottle, and the bottle was still full. Then the Taoist turned his chopsticks into a beauty who began to sing and dance for the guests, and after the banquet she turned back into chopsticks. All this surprised Wang Qi too much, and he decided to stay on the mountain to learn magic.

Another month passed, and the Laoshan Taoist still did not teach Wang Qi anything. This time, the lazy Wang Qi got excited. He went to the Taoist and said: "I'm already tired of chopping wood. After all, I came here to learn magic and sorcery, and I ask you about it, otherwise I came here in vain." The Taoist laughed and asked him what magic he wanted to learn. Wang Qi said, "I've often seen you walk through walls; that's the kind of magic I want to learn." The Taoist laughed again and agreed. He told Wang Qi a spell to pass through walls and told Wang Qi to try it. Wang Qi tried and successfully penetrated the wall. He immediately rejoiced and wished to return home. Before Wang Qi left for home, the Laoshan Taoist told him to be an honest and humble person, otherwise the magic would lose its power.

Wang Qi returned home and boasted to his wife that he could walk through walls. However, his wife did not believe him. Wang Qi began to cast a spell and went to the wall. It turned out that he was not able to pass through it. He hit his head against the wall and fell. His wife laughed at him and said: "If there are magic in the world, they cannot be learned in two or three months!" And Wang Qi thought that the Laoshan Taoist had deceived him, and began to scold the holy hermit. It just so happened that Wang Qi still can't do anything.

Mr Dungo and the wolf

The fairy tale "The Fisherman and the Spirit" from the collection of Arabic fairy tales "A Thousand and One Nights" is widely known in the world. In China, there is also a moralizing story about "Teacher Dunguo and the wolf." This story is known from Dongtian Zhuan; the author of this work is Ma Zhongxi, who lived in the 13th century. , during the Ming Dynasty.

So, once upon a time there lived such a pedantic armchair scientist, whose name was the teacher (Mr.) Dungo. One day, Dongguo, carrying a bag of books on his back and urging a donkey, went to a place called Zhongshanguo on his business. On the way he met a wolf pursued by hunters, and this wolf asked Dungo to rescue him. Mr. Dungo felt sorry for the wolf, and he agreed. Dungo told him to curl up in a ball, tied the beast with a rope so that the wolf would fit in a bag and hide there.

As soon as Mr. Dungo stuffed the wolf into the bag, the hunters approached him. They asked if Dungo had seen the wolf and where he had run. Dungo deceived the hunters by saying that the wolf ran the other way. The hunters took Mr. Dungo's words for granted and chased the wolf in a different direction. The wolf in the sack heard that the hunters had left, and asked Mr. Dungo to untie and let him out. Dungo agreed. Suddenly, the wolf, jumping out of the bag, attacked Dungo, wanting to eat him. The wolf shouted: "You, good man, saved me, however, now I am very hungry, and therefore be kind again and let me eat you." Dungo was frightened and began to scold the wolf for his ingratitude. At that moment, a peasant passed by with a hoe on his shoulder. Mister Dungo stopped the peasant and told him how it had been. He asked the peasant to decide who is right and who is wrong. But the wolf denied the fact that Master Dungo had saved him. The peasant thought for a moment and said: "I don't believe you both, because this bag is too small to contain such a large wolf. I won't believe your words until I see with my own eyes how the wolf fits in this bag." The wolf agreed and curled up again. Mr. Dungo tied the wolf again with a rope and put the beast in a sack. The peasant immediately tied up the sack and said to Mr. Dungo: "The wolf will never change his cannibal nature. You acted very foolishly that you showed kindness towards the wolf." And the peasant slapped the sack and killed the wolf with a hoe.

When Lord Dungo is mentioned these days, they mean those who treat their enemies kindly. And by "Zhongshan wolf" they mean ungrateful people.

"The track to the south, and the shafts to the north" ("harness the horse with its tail forward"; "put the cart before the horse")

During the era of the Warring States (V - III centuries BC), China was divided into many kingdoms that continuously fought among themselves. Each kingdom had advisors who specifically served to advise the emperor on methods and methods of government. These advisers, persuading, knew how to use figurative expressions, comparisons and metaphors, so that the emperors consciously accepted their advice and suggestions. "Harnessing the Horse Tail First" is the story of Di Liang, the adviser of the kingdom of Wei. This is what he once came up with to convince Emperor Wei to change his mind.

The Wei kingdom was stronger than the Zhao kingdom at that time, so Emperor Wei decided to attack the capital of the Zhao kingdom, Handan, and subdue the Zhao kingdom. Upon learning of this, Di Liang was very agitated and decided to convince the emperor to change this decision.

The emperor of the Wei kingdom was discussing with the military leaders a plan to attack the Zhao kingdom, when Di Liang suddenly arrived. Di Liang told the emperor:

I just saw a strange phenomenon on my way here...

What? - asked the emperor.

I saw a horse going north. I asked the man in the cart, “Where are you going? ". He replied, "I'm going to the realm of Chu." I was surprised: after all, the kingdom of Chu is in the south, and he is traveling north. However, he laughed and did not even raise an eyebrow. He said, "I have enough money for the journey, I have a good horse and a good driver, so I can still get to Chu." I could never understand: money, a good horse and a wonderful driver. Why, it won't help if he's going in the wrong direction. He will never be able to reach Chu. The farther he traveled, the more he moved away from the kingdom of Chu. However, I could not dissuade him from changing direction, and he rode forward.

Hearing Di Liang's words, the Wei Emperor laughed at how stupid the man was. Di Liang continued:

Your Majesty! If you want to become the emperor of these realms, then you must first gain the trust of these countries. And aggression against the Zhao kingdom, which is weaker than our kingdom, will lower your prestige and remove you from the goal!

It was only then that Emperor Wei understood the true meaning of Di Liang's example and canceled his aggressive plans against the Zhao kingdom.

Today, the phraseological unit "The track to the south, and the shafts to the north" means "To act in complete contradiction to the goal"

Acquiring a concubine by measuring the land

One young man, not yet of age, but very smart, lost both his parents early and lived under the care of his uncle. One day the young man noticed that his uncle looked very worried. He began to ask about the reasons for this. The uncle replied that he was worried that he did not have a son. To take care of the male offspring, one should take a concubine into the house, but his wife does not want this. That is why he is concerned.

The young man thought for a moment and then said:

Uncle, don't be sad anymore. I see a way to get my aunt's consent.

It is unlikely that you will succeed, - my uncle said incredulously.

The next day, in the morning, the young man took a tailor's ruler and began to measure the ground with it, starting from the door of his uncle's house, and did this so hard that his aunt looked out of the house.

What are you doing here? she asked.

I'm measuring the site, - the young man replied coolly and continued his work.

What? Are you measuring the area? - exclaimed the aunt. - What are you worried about our good?

To this, the young man with a self-confident mine explained:

Auntie, it goes without saying. I'm preparing for the future. You and your uncle are no longer young, and you have no sons. Therefore, of course, your house will remain with me, so I want to measure it, because I am going to rebuild it later.

The aunt, irritated and angry, could not utter a word. She ran into the house, woke up her husband and began to beg him to take the concubine as soon as possible.

Chinese stratagems

A parable about the cycle of fate.

One man's wife died, and a neighbor came to express his condolences to him. Imagine his surprise when he saw that the widower was squatting and singing songs. The neighbor turned to the widower: - Shame on you! You lived so many years with your wife. And instead of mourning her, you sing songs!

You're wrong, the widower replied. When she died, I was sad at first. But then I thought about what she was before she was born. I realized that she was scattered in the void of chaos. Then it became breath. The breath changed and she became the body. The body changed - and she was born. Now a new transformation has come - and she is dead. All this changed each other, as the seasons alternate. Man is buried in the abyss of transformations, as if in the chambers of a huge house. To cry and lament over him means not to understand fate. That's why I started singing instead of crying.

Moral: the life of the soul is infinite

A parable about a talkative man.

Lao Tzu went for a walk every morning, accompanied by his neighbor. The neighbor knew that Lao Tzu was a man of few words. For many years he accompanied him on his morning walks in complete silence, and he never said anything. One day he had a guest at his house who also wanted to go for a walk with Lao Tzu. The neighbor said, “Okay, but you must not talk. Lao Tzu does not tolerate this. Remember: nothing can be said!

It was a glorious still morning, only the singing of the birds broke the silence. The guest said: “How wonderful!” It was the only thing he said during the hour-long walk, but Lao Tzu looked at him as if he had committed a sin.

After the walk, Lao Tzu said to a neighbor, “Never bring anyone else! And don't ever come back! This man seems to be very talkative. The morning was beautiful, it was so quiet. This man ruined everything."

Moral: words are superfluous. By the way, we also have a good proverb on this subject: “silence is golden”.

The parable of the mirror and the dog.

The parable of the mirror and the dog.

Long ago, a king built a huge palace. It was a palace with millions of mirrors. Absolutely all the walls, floors and ceilings of the palace were covered with mirrors. Once a dog ran into the palace. Looking around, she saw many dogs around her. Dogs were everywhere. Being a very intelligent dog, she bared her teeth in order to just in case protect herself from these millions of dogs surrounding her and frighten them. All the dogs bared their teeth in response. She growled as they answered her menacingly.

Now the dog was sure that its life was in danger, and began to bark. She had to tense up, she began to bark with all her might, very desperately. But when she barked, those millions of dogs started barking too. And the more she barked, the more they answered her.

In the morning this unfortunate dog was found dead. And she was there alone, in that palace there were only millions of mirrors. No one fought her, there was no one at all who could fight, but she saw herself in the mirrors and was frightened. And when she began to fight, the reflections in the mirrors also joined the fight. She died fighting against the millions of her own reflections surrounding her.

Moral: the world around us is a reflection of ourselves. Be calm and radiate positive, the Universe will answer you in return!

Parable about happiness.

Once upon a time there lived a man who carved stones from a cliff. His work was hard and he was dissatisfied. Once a stonecutter exclaimed in his hearts: “Oh, if only I were rich!” And about a miracle! His wish came true.

After some time, the emperor arrived in the city where he lived. Seeing the ruler, over whose head the servants held a golden umbrella, the rich man felt envy. In his hearts he exclaimed: "Oh, if only I were an emperor!" And his wish came true.

One day he went on a hike. The sun was so hot that even a golden umbrella could not protect the emperor from the burning rays. And he thought: "Oh, if only I were the sun!" His wish came true this time too.

But one day a cloud eclipsed the sunlight. Then the sun exclaimed: “Oh, if only I were a cloud!” And he was a cloud, and it rained, and water filled all corners of the world. But here's the problem! Drops of rain fell desperately against the cliff, but could not crush it. The rain exclaimed: "Oh, if I were a cliff!"

But the stonecutter came, brought his pick above the rock and enslaved it. And the cliff exclaimed: “Oh, if I were a stone cutter!”

At the same moment, he again became himself and realized that neither wealth nor power would give him joy.

Moral: if suddenly someone did not guess, then to l The key to happiness, described in this parable, is to be able to rejoice in what you have.

This story happened in China, during the time of Lao Tzu. A very poor old man lived in the village, but even the monarchs envied him, because the old man had a beautiful white horse. The kings offered a fabulous price for the horse, but the old man always refused.

One morning the horse was not in the stable. The whole village gathered, people sympathized:

Silly old man. We already knew that one day the horse would be stolen. It would be better to sell it. What a misfortune!

The old man laughingly replied:

Do not rush to conclusions. Just say that the horse is not in the stable - that's a fact. I don’t know if this is a disaster or a blessing, and who knows what will follow next?

A couple of weeks later the horse returned. It wasn't stolen, it just got loose. And not just returned, but brought with him a dozen wild horses from the forest.

The runaway neighbors vying with each other repeated:

You were right, old man. Forgive us, we do not know the ways of the Lord, but you turned out to be more perspicacious. It's not a misfortune, it's a blessing.

The old man chuckled.

Again you are going too far. Just say the horse is back. Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow.

This time people didn't talk much anymore, but in their hearts everyone thought that the old man was wrong. After all, twelve horses came! The old man's son began to ride wild horses, and it so happened that one of them threw him off. The young man broke both legs. People gathered again and began to gossip.

They talked:

You were right again! This is misfortune. Your only son broke his legs, and yet he is your support in old age. Now you are poorer than you were.

The old man replied:

And again, you started talking. Don't go far. Just say that my son broke his legs. No one knows if it's bad luck or bad luck. Life is just a series of events and the future is unknown.

It so happened that a few days after that the country entered the war and all the young men were mobilized. Only the old man's son, who became a cripple, remained. Everyone moaned in anticipation of a heated battle, realizing that most of the young men would never return home. People came to the old man, complaining:

You're right again old man, that was a blessing. Although your son is mutilated, he is still with you. And our sons are gone forever.

The old man said again:

You judge again. No one knows. Just say that your children were taken into the army, and my son stayed at home.

The moral of this parable is: it is not worth interpreting the events of our lives, we are not allowed to see them in their entirety. One day you will realize that everything is fine.

The young man was confused:
But I didn't notice anything!
Then the teacher said:

The student replied:

Once an old Chinese teacher said to his student:

Please look around this room and try to find everything in it that has a brown color. The young man looked around. There were a lot of brown things in the room: wooden picture frames, a sofa, a curtain rod, book bindings, and a lot of other little things.
- Now close your eyes and list all the objects ... blue, - asked the teacher.
The young man was confused:
But I didn't notice anything!
Then the teacher said:
- Open your eyes. Just look how many blue objects are here !!!
It was true: blue vase, blue photo frames, blue carpet...
The student replied:
- But it's a trick! After all, at your direction, I was looking for brown, not blue objects!
The teacher sighed softly and then smiled:
That's exactly what I wanted to show you! You searched and found only brown. The same thing happens to you in life: you seek and find only the bad and lose sight of all the good!
“I have always been taught to expect the worst, and then you will never be disappointed. And if the worst doesn't happen, I'm in for a pleasant surprise. Well, if I always hope for the best, then I run the risk of disappointment!
- Confidence in the benefits of expecting the worst makes us lose sight of all the good things that happen in our lives. If you expect the worst, you will definitely get it. And vice versa. One can find a point of view from which each experience will have a positive meaning. From now on, you will look for something positive in everything!

There once lived a poor peasant. He lived with his young son in the settlements, and he had one horse, on which he plowed his field. This horse was magnificent - so much so that one day, when the emperor rode by, he offered the peasant a considerable sum for it. But the peasant refused to sell it, That same night the horse galloped away.

The next morning, the villagers gathered around our hero, who said:

Horrible! How unlucky you are! Now you have neither a horse nor the emperor's money!

The peasant replied:

Maybe it's bad, maybe not. I only know that my horse galloped off and I didn't get any money from the emperor.

Several days passed, and one morning the magnificent white horse returned, bringing with him six other beautiful but wild horses, one better than the other, especially if they were ridden and trained.

The villagers gathered again and said:

That's lovely! How lucky you are! You will soon become very rich!

The peasant replied:

Maybe that's good, maybe not. All I know is that my horse has returned with six other horses.

Shortly after the return of the horse, our peasant's son fell from one of these wild horses and broke both legs.

The villagers gathered again, and this is what they said this time:

What grief! You yourself will never ride these horses, and now no one will be able to help you with the harvest, you will go bankrupt, and maybe even starve.

The peasant replied:

Maybe it's bad, maybe not. All I know is that my son fell off his horse and broke both legs.

The emperor returned to the village the next day. Now he was leading his warriors into a fierce battle with the army of a neighboring country, he needed new soldiers, most of whom were destined to die. Because of his fractures, no one paid attention to the son of our peasant.

This time the villagers, who were overwhelmed with a sense of grief from the loss of their own sons, ran to our hero with the words:

They took pity on your son! Lucky you! It's good that he fell off his horse and broke both legs. He won't die like the rest of the guys from our village.

The peasant replied:

Maybe it's bad, maybe not. I only know that my son did not have to follow the emperor to this battle.

Although the story ends here, it is not difficult to imagine that the life of this peasant continued in the same way.

If we act like the villagers in this story, we risk wasting precious energy looking for the good or something to counteract the bad. It is the constant search for heights, the joy of reaching which brings only temporary pleasure, that leads us to falls.

Let's take economics as an example.

Imagine that during each economic crisis, the government decides to print a mountain of new money and distribute it to all those in need. What will happen? At first everyone will be delighted, because now they will have money, although just a minute ago they were beggars. But then what? With all this new money put into circulation without the backing of a strong economy, the cost of goods and services will skyrocket. Where will this lead everyone? To an even more difficult position. Why? Because now the same goods and services will become even more expensive, making the true value of money even lower. This is what happens when we try to improve our economic situation - or our mental state - by artificial means. In both cases, we are creating a temporary, artificial boom that eventually leads to a crash. On the other hand, when we go through life, not defining events as positive or negative, but simply accepting them as they are, we eliminate the need for imitation of highs or emotional fulfillment. Instead, we get exactly what we need - a joyful, happy, light-filled life.

From Yehuda Berg's book

Chinese parables

Need to jump

The master said to the disciple:

Forget about your past completely and you will become enlightened.

I do so, only gradually, - the student replied.

You can only grow gradually. Enlightenment instantly.

The master later explained:

You need to jump! The abyss cannot be crossed with tiny steps.

Golden mean

The emperor of China sat on a platform under a canopy and read a book. Downstairs, a master charioteer was repairing his carriage. The emperor put down the book and began to observe the actions of the old master, and then asked him:

Why are you so old and fixing the carriage yourself? Don't you have an assistant?

The master replied:

Yours is true, sir. I taught my sons the craft, but I cannot pass on my art to them. And here the work is responsible, special art is required.

The emperor said:

You are talking smart about something! Explain your idea better.

The old master said:

Can I ask you what are you reading? Is the person who wrote this book still alive?

The emperor began to get angry. The old man, seeing this, said:

Do not be angry, please, I will now explain my thought. You see, my sons make good wheels, but they are not perfect in this business. I have achieved it, but how can I convey my experience to them? The truth is in the middle...

If you make the wheel strong, it will be heavy and ugly. If you try to make it elegant, it will be unreliable. Where is the line, the measure that I am guided by? She is inside me, I have comprehended her. This is art, but how to convey it? In your carriage, the wheels must be graceful and strong at the same time. So I, the old man, have to make them myself.

So is the treatise you are reading. The person who wrote it many centuries ago has reached a high understanding, but there is no way to convey this understanding.

Blacksmith problems

Once the king asked the artisan blacksmith about his problems. Then the blacksmith began to complain about his work:

O great king, I do not like my trade, because the work is difficult, it does not bring much money, and my neighbors do not respect me for it. I would like a different craft.

The king thought and said:

You won't find the right job for you. It is difficult because you are lazy. It doesn't bring in a lot of money because you're greedy, and it doesn't bring in the respect of the neighbors because you're vain. Get out of my sight.

The blacksmith left, bowing his head. A year later, the king again visited those areas and was surprised to find the same blacksmith there, only quite rich, respected and happy. He asked:

Are you not that blacksmith offended by life, who complained about his craft?

I am the great king. I am still a blacksmith, but I am respected, and the work brings me enough money, and I like it. You pointed out to me the cause of my problems in me, and I eliminated them. Now I'm happy.

Quality, not quantity

One high Chinese official had an only son. He grew up as a clever boy, but he was restless, and no matter what they tried to teach him, he did not show diligence in anything, so his knowledge was superficial. The boy drew and even played the flute, but artlessly; studied laws, but even simple scribes knew more than him.

The father, concerned about this situation, in order to make his son's spirit firm, as befits a real husband, apprenticed him to a famous martial arts master. However, the young man soon got tired of repeating the monotonous movements of blows. And he turned to the master:

Teacher! How many times can you repeat the same movements? Isn't it time for me to learn the real martial art that your school is so famous for?

The master did not answer, but allowed the boy to repeat the movements of the older students, and soon the young man already knew many tricks.

Once the master called the young man and gave him a scroll with a letter.

Take this letter to your father.

The young man took the letter and went to the neighboring town where his father lived. The road to the city skirted a large meadow, in the middle of which an old man was practicing a punch. And while the young man walked around the meadow along the road, the old man tirelessly practiced the same blow.

Hey old man! - shouted the young man. - You will thresh the air! You still can't beat even a child!

The old man shouted back that let him first try to defeat him, and then laughed. The young man accepted the challenge.

Ten times he tried to attack the old man and ten times the old man knocked him down with the same blow of his hand. A blow that he had practiced tirelessly before. After the tenth time, the young man could no longer continue the fight.

I could kill you with the first blow! - said the old man. But you are still young and stupid. Go your way.

Ashamed, the young man reached his father's house and handed him the letter. Unrolling the scroll, the father returned it to his son:

This is for you.

It was inscribed in the teacher's calligraphic handwriting: "One blow, brought to perfection, is better than a hundred half-learned."

About orange

One day, two students, Yang Li and Zhao Zeng, approached Hing Shi to arbitrate their dispute. The students could not decide how, in a conversation with an interlocutor, one should give answers to questions. Yang Li said:

Teacher, I think it would be better to answer the interlocutor's question without delay, and later, in case of a mistake, correct it, than to make the interlocutor wait too long for an answer.

To this Zhao Zeng replied:

No, on the contrary, you should consider your answer carefully, weighing every little thing and detail. Let it take as much time as you like, but the main thing is to give the right answer.

Hing Shi picked up a juicy orange and said to the first student:

If you let your interlocutor eat the first half of an unpeeled orange, and only then, having peeled the peel, give the second, it may happen that your interlocutor, having tasted the bitterness of the first half, throws away the second.

Hing Shi then turned to the second student, who, after listening to the words of the teacher addressed to Yang Li, smiled, anticipating his victory in the dispute.

You, Zhao Zeng, certainly will not feed your interlocutor a bitter orange. On the contrary, you will peel it for a long time and carefully, diligently separating the slightest streaks of peel from the pulp. But, I'm afraid that your interlocutor may leave without waiting for the promised treat.

So what should we do? the students asked with one voice.

Before treating someone with oranges, learn how to peel them so as not to feed the interlocutor with either the bitterness of the peel or vain expectations, ”Hing Shi answered,“ but until you learn, entrust this process to the one you are going to treat ...

Be mindful of fragments

Once Hing Shi was talking with Yang Li about an important skill for a person - to subdue anger in the heart, not allowing oneself to stoop to revenge. After carefully listening to the Teacher, Yang Li embarrassedly admitted that he was not yet able to forgive his enemies, although he sincerely strives to do so.

I have an enemy, - the student complained, - and I would like to forgive him, but so far I have not been able to wrest anger from my heart.

I will help you, - said Hing Shi, taking down a cracked clay teapot from the shelf, - take this teapot and do with it as you would like to do with your enemy.

Yang Li took the teapot and turned it uncertainly in his hands, not daring to do anything. Then the sage said:

An old teapot is just a thing, it is not a person, do not be afraid to do with it now as you would like to do with your enemy.

Then Yang Li lifted the teapot over his head and threw it hard on the floor, so much so that the teapot shattered into small pieces. Hing Shi looked at the floor, littered with fragments of a broken vessel, and said:

Do you see what happened? Having broken the kettle, you did not get rid of it, but only turned it into many fragments, about which you yourself or those around you can cut your legs. Therefore, every time, not finding the strength to throw out the anger from your heart, remember these fragments, - said Hing Shi, and added a little later, - but rather try to prevent cracks from appearing where they should not be.

Supreme craftsmanship

One day a European student came to an old Chinese martial arts teacher and asked:

Teacher, I am the champion of my country in boxing and French wrestling, what else could you teach me?

The old master was silent for a while, smiled and said:

Imagine that, while walking around the city, you accidentally wander into the street, where several thugs are waiting for you, dreaming of robbing you and breaking your ribs. So, I'll teach you not to walk on such streets.

All in your hands

Long ago, in an ancient city, there lived a Master surrounded by disciples. The most capable of them once thought: "Is there a question that our Master could not answer?" He went to a flowering meadow, caught the most beautiful butterfly and hid it between his palms. Butterfly paws clung to his hands, and the student was ticklish. Smiling, he approached the Master and asked:

Tell me, which butterfly is in my hands: alive or dead?

He firmly held the butterfly in his closed palms and was ready at any moment to squeeze them for the sake of his truth.

Without looking at the student's hands, the Master replied:

All in your hands.

Who needs to change

To the student who was constantly criticizing everyone, the master said:

If you seek perfection, strive to change yourself, not others. It is easier to put on your own sandals than to carpet the whole earth.


Lao Tzu was traveling with his disciples and they came to a forest where hundreds of lumberjacks were cutting down trees. The whole forest was almost cut down, except for one huge tree with thousands of branches. It was so big that 10,000 people could sit in its shade.

Lao Tzu asked his students to go and ask why this tree had not been cut down. They went and asked the woodcutters and they said:

This tree is completely useless. You can't make anything out of it because each branch has many branches - and not a single straight one. You cannot use this wood as fuel because its smoke is bad for the eyes. This tree is completely useless, which is why we didn't cut it down.

The disciples returned and told Lao Tzu. He laughed and said:

Look like this tree. If you are useful, you will be cut down, and you will become furniture in some house. If you are beautiful, you will become a commodity and you will be sold in the store. Be like this tree, be absolutely useless and then you will start growing big and vast and thousands of people will find shade under you.

Wise Choice

Dubinkina-Ilyina Yu.

Once a young man who was about to get married came to Hing Shi and asked:

Teacher, I want to marry, but certainly only a virgin. Tell me am I being wise?

The teacher asked:

And why exactly on a virgin?

This way I will be sure that my wife is virtuous.

Then the teacher got up and brought two apples: one whole, and the second bitten. And he invited the young man to try them. He took the whole, bit it - the apple turned out to be rotten. Then he took a bite, tried it, but it turned out to be rotten. Confused, the young man asked:

So how should I choose a wife?

Heart, - answered the Teacher.


Dubinkina-Ilyina Yu.

Once Hing Shi with one of his students was sitting on the shore of a small but very picturesque lake. The air was filled with subtle aromas of nature, the wind almost died down, and the mirror surface of the reservoir reflected everything around with incredible clarity. The perfection of nature, its balance and purity, involuntarily gave rise to thoughts of harmony. Therefore, after some time, Hing Shi turned to his student with a question:

Yang Li, tell me, when do you think there will be complete harmony in human relations?

Young and inquisitive Yang Li, who often accompanied Master on his walks, thought. After some time, looking at the identity of nature and its reflection in the lake, he said:

It seems to me that harmony in relations between people will come only when all people come to a common opinion, think in the same way, become, as it were, a reflection of each other. Then there will be no disagreements, no disputes, - the student said dreamily and added sadly, - but is this possible?

No, - Hing Shi thoughtfully answered, - it is impossible, and it is not necessary. Indeed, in this case, it would not be harmony, but the complete depersonalization of a person, the loss of his inner “I”, individuality. People would become not so much a reflection as a shadow of each other.

Harmony in human relations will become possible only when each person strives not for a common opinion or imitation of others, but for respect for the right of another person to express his individuality.

secret desires

One day the blue devil from the Big Cave decided to become a saint and become famous for his good deeds. He put on the most beautiful clothes and sent his relatives and acquaintances to all ends of the Celestial Empire with the news that he undertakes to fulfill the most secret human desires. Soon, to the cave where the devil lived, strings of people were drawn, eager to receive the promised.

The poor peasant was the first to appear before the devil. I just wanted to turn to the unclean with my request, as the devil says:

Get home. Your wish has been granted.

The peasant returned home, began to look for bags of gold and silver, when he suddenly sees a neighbor walking towards his house, and on his shoulders instead of his own, a boar's head, rotates his eyes and snaps his fangs. The peasant was horrified: “Do I really have such desires?”

After the peasant, an old woman came up to the devil, carrying on her back a man with withered legs. She put him at the feet of the devil and says:

Fulfill the cherished desire of my son. I will be grateful to you for the rest of my life.

The devil looked at the man, and his hands were withered.

What have you done, damn it!

And the devil says:

What should I do if from childhood he wanted his hands to dry up, then you will not be able to force him to weave baskets and you will feed him from your own hands.

Nothing to do. The mother put her son on her shoulders and ran out of the cave until her son wished for something else.

So the devil did not become a saint. There was a bad reputation about him. But this is his own fault. Someone who, and the devil should know, that innermost desires are not always desirable.

The secret of invincibility

Once upon a time there lived an invincible warrior who liked to show his strength on occasion. He challenged all the famous warriors and masters of martial arts to battle and always won.

Once a warrior heard that not far from his village, high in the mountains, a hermit settled - a great master of hand-to-hand combat. The warrior set off to look for this hermit in order to once again prove to everyone that there is no person stronger than him. The warrior reached the hermit's dwelling and froze in surprise. Thinking that he would meet a mighty fighter, he saw a frail old man practicing in front of the hut in the ancient art of breathing in and out.

Are you really the person whom the people glorify as a great warrior? Truly, the rumors of the people greatly exaggerated your strength. Yes, you can’t even move this stone block near which you are standing, and if I want, I can pick it up and even take it aside, ”the hero said contemptuously.

Appearances can be deceiving, - the old man answered calmly. - You know who I am, and I know who you are and why you came here. Every morning I go down into the gorge and bring back a stone block, which I break with my head at the end of my morning exercises. Luckily for you, today I have not had time to do this yet, and you can show your skill. You want to challenge me to a duel, and I will not fight a man who cannot do such a trifle.

The irritated hero approached the stone, that he had the strength to hit him with his head and fell down dead.

A kind hermit cured an unlucky warrior, and then for many years taught him a rare art - to win by reason, not by force.

Boy's instructions

Yellow Lord Huang Di went to visit Tai Kwei, who lived on Mount Chu Tzu. But along the way, Vladyka lost his way.

The emperor met a boy grazing horses.

Do you know how to get to Chu Tzu Mountain? - the Yellow Lord asked him.

The boy replied that he knew the way and even knew where Tai Kwei lived.

“What an extraordinary boy! Huang Di thought. "How does he know we're heading for Tai Kwei?" Maybe ask him how I can better arrange my life in the Celestial Empire?

The heavenly world must be left as it is, the boy answered. - What else to do with it?

Indeed, managing the Celestial Empire is not your concern, - said Huang Di. - But still tell me, how can I be with her?

The shepherd boy did not want to answer, but the emperor repeated his question.

Governing the world is no more difficult than grazing horses, the boy said then. - It is enough to eliminate everything that is dangerous for horses - that's all! The world under heaven should be ruled in the same way.

The emperor bowed low to the shepherdess, called him "heavenly mentor" and left.

Two peaches kill three warriors

Stratagem No. 3 -Kill with someone else's knife

In the era of "Spring and Autumn" served Prince Jing (d. 490 BC) from the principality of Qi (in the north of the current province of Shan-tung) three brave warriors: Gongsun Jie, Tian Kaijiang and Gu Yezi. No one could resist their courage. Their strength was so great that even with their bare hands their grip was like that of a tiger.

One day, Yan Zi, the first minister of Qi, met with these three warriors. Not one rose respectfully from his seat. This act of civility enraged Yan Zi. He turned to the prince and informed him about this case, which he assessed as representing a danger to the state.

These three disregard the etiquette of the superiors. Can you rely on them if you need to suppress a rebellion within the state or oppose external enemies? Not! Therefore, I suggest: the sooner they are eliminated, the better!

Prince Jing sighed in concern.

These three are great warriors. It is unlikely that they will be captured or killed. What to do?

Yan Zi thought about it. Then he said:

I have one thought. Send a messenger to them with two peaches and say: "Let him take a peach, whose merits are higher."

Prince Jing did just that. Three warriors began to measure their exploits. Gongsun Jie was the first to speak.

Once I defeated a wild boar with my bare hands, and another time a young tiger. According to my deeds, I am entitled to a peach.

And he took a peach.

Tian Kaijiang spoke second.

Twice I put a whole army to flight with melee weapons in my hands. According to my deeds, I am also worthy of a peach.

And he also took a peach.

When Gu Yezi saw that he did not get a peach, he said angrily:

When I once crossed the Yellow River in our master's retinue, a huge water turtle grabbed my horse and disappeared with it in a turbulent stream. I dived under the water and ran along the bottom a hundred paces upstream and nine miles downstream. Finally I found the turtle, killed it and saved my horse. When I surfaced with a horse's tail to my left and a tortoise's head to my right, people on the shore mistook me for a river deity. This deed is even more worthy of a peach. Well, won't any of you give me a peach?

With these words, he drew his sword from its scabbard and raised it. When Gongsun Ze and Tian Kaijiang saw how angry their comrade was, their conscience spoke in them, and they said:

Certainly our bravery is no match for yours, and our deeds cannot be compared to yours. By the fact that we both grabbed a peach at once and did not leave you, we showed only our greed. If we do not atone for this shame with death, we will also show cowardice.

Then they both gave up their peaches, drew their swords, and cut their throats.

When Gu Yezi saw two corpses, he felt guilty and said:

It is inhumane that both of my comrades-in-arms have died and I live. It is unworthy to shame others with words and glorify oneself. It would be cowardly to do such a thing and not die. Besides, if both of my comrades shared one peach between themselves, both would get their fair share. I could then take the remaining peach.

And then he dropped his peaches on the ground and also cut his own throat. The messenger told the prince:

All three are already dead.

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