Classification of musical instruments. Percussion instruments Musical instrument with sticks title

20 Nov 2015

Percussion folk instruments. Video lesson

Russian folk percussion instruments are the first of three groups of folk instruments.A characteristic feature of Russian folk percussion instruments is that some of them were household items.Perhaps one of the most common Russian folk instruments are spoons. Spoons used to be wooden, and people began to use these wooden spoons as a percussion instrument. They usually played on three spoons, of which two were held in one hand, and the third in the other. Children often play with two spoons, fastened together Spoon performers are called spoons . There are very skillful spoon players who play with more spoons, which are stuck both in boots and in the belt.

The next percussion instrument, which was also a household item, is rubel . It is a wooden block with notches on one side. It was used to wash and iron clothes. If we run a wooden stick over it, then we will hear a whole cascade of loud, crackling sounds.

Our next tool that we will get acquainted with will be ratchet . There are two varieties of this tool. Ratchet, which is a set of wooden plates tied together with a rope and a circular ratchet, inside which is a toothed drum, during the rotation of which a wooden plate hits it.

No less popular percussion folk instrument is tambourine , which is a wooden hoop with metal small plates, on one side of which the skin is stretched.

The next Russian folk percussion instrument is box . It is a piece of wood, usually made of hardwood, with a small cavity under the top of the body that amplifies the sound produced by drumsticks or xylophone sticks. The sound of this instrument conveys well the clatter of hooves or the sound of heels in a dance.

Russia with its vast expanses cannot be imagined without triplets horses, without coachmen. In the evening, in the snowy perga, when visibility was very poor, it was necessary for people to hear the approaching three. For this purpose, bells and bells were hung under the arc of the horse. Bell It is a metal cup open to the bottom with a drummer (tongue) suspended inside. It sounds only in limbo. Bell it is a hollow ball in which a metal ball (or several balls) rolls freely, hitting the walls when shaken, as a result of which a sound is extracted, but duller than a bell.

So many songs and instrumental compositions are devoted to the Russian troika and coachmen that it became necessary to introduce a special musical instrument into the orchestra of folk instruments that imitates the sound of coachman's bells and bells. This tool is called bells . A strap is sewn onto a small piece of leather the size of a palm to help hold the instrument in the palm of your hand. On the other hand, as many bells as possible are sewn on. By shaking the bells or hitting them on the knee, the player extracts sounds reminiscent of the ringing of the bells of the Russian troika.

And now we will talk about a tool called kokoshnik .

In the old days, village watchmen were armed with so-called mallets. The watchman walked

at night in the village and knocked on it, letting fellow villagers understand that he was not sleeping, but working, and at the same time scaring away thieves.

According to the principle of this watch mallet, the percussion folk instrument kokoshnik is arranged. It is based on a small wooden frame, covered with leather or plastic, which is hit by a ball suspended from the top. The player makes frequent oscillatory movements with his hand, forcing the tied ball to dangle from side to side and alternately hit the walls of the kokoshnik.

The following musical instrument is called firewood . It consists of logs tied with a rope of different lengths. Not all woods will sound good. It is better to take hardwood firewood. Logs are taken in different lengths, but approximately the same thickness. After the instrument is made, it is tuned.

We got acquainted with the main Russian folk instruments, and in conclusion I would like to introduce you to some of the most famous percussion instruments of other peoples.

A very common Latin American instrument is maracas.

Maracas or maraca is the oldest shock-noise instrument of the native inhabitants of the Antilles - the Taino Indians, a kind of rattle that makes a characteristic rustling sound when shaken. Currently, maracas are popular throughout Latin America and are one of the symbols of Latin American music. Typically, a maraca player uses a pair of rattles, one in each hand.

In Russian, the name of the instrument is often used in the not quite correct form "maracas". A more correct form of the name is "maraka".

Initially, the dried fruits of the gourd tree, known in Cuba as "guira" and in Puerto Rico as "iguero", were used to make maracas. The gourd tree is a small evergreen plant that is widely distributed in the West Indies (Antilles), Mexico and Panama. Large iguero fruits, covered with a very hard green shell and reaching 35 cm in diameter, were used by the Indians to make both musical instruments and utensils.

For the manufacture of maracas, fruits of a small size with a regular rounded shape were used. After removing the pulp through two holes drilled in the body and drying the fruit, small pebbles or plant seeds were poured inside, the number of which in any pair of maraks is different, which provides each instrument with a unique individual sound. At the last stage, a handle was attached to the resulting spherical rattle, after which the instrument was ready.

And now let's get acquainted with a very famous Spanish percussion instrument - castanets.

Castanets are a percussion musical instrument, which consists of two concave shell plates, connected by a cord in the upper parts. Castanets are most widely used in Spain, southern Italy and Latin America.

Such simple musical instruments, suitable for rhythmic accompaniment of dance and singing, were used in ancient Egypt and ancient Greece.

The name castanets in Russian is borrowed from Spanish, where they are called castañuelas ("chestnuts") because of their resemblance to chestnut fruits. In Andalusia, they are more commonly referred to as palillos ("sticks").

Plates have traditionally been made of hardwood, although more recently metal or fiberglass has been used for this. In a symphony orchestra, for the convenience of performers, castanets are most often used, fixed on a special stand (the so-called "castanets-machine").

The castanets used by Spanish dancers and dancers were traditionally made in two sizes. Large castanets were held with the left hand and beat off the main movement of the dance. Small castanets were in the right hand and beat off various musical patterns that accompanied the performance of dances and songs. Accompanied by songs, the castanets performed only as a role-play - during a break in the voice part.

In world culture, castanets are most strongly associated with the image of Spanish music, especially with the music of the Spanish gypsies. Therefore, this instrument is often used in classical music to create a "Spanish flavor"; for example, in such works as G. Bizet's opera Carmen, in Glinka's Spanish overtures Jota of Aragon and Night in Madrid, in Rimsky-Korsakov's Spanish Capriccio, in Spanish dances from Tchaikovsky's ballets.

Although percussion instruments are not given the main role in music, but not infrequently, percussion instruments give the music a unique flavor.

Percussion instruments are a category of musical equipment in which the sound is produced by blows or rocking on the sounding body. Sticks, mallets, hammers are used as an accessory for blows. Percussion musical instruments have different designs and types of surfaces. It can be metal or wooden elements, as well as special membranes.

Depending on the purpose, you can buy percussion instruments of different categories. There are options with the pitch of a certain parameter. They are tuned to the provided notes of the sound range. These are xylophones, timpani, bell or vibraphones.

Models with an undefined pitch cannot be tuned to a particular sound. These include percussion instrument drum, tam-tam, castanets, triangles, as well as cymbals and tambourines.

It is worth buying percussion musical instruments to develop a sense of rhythm and improve your professional qualities. There are three types of instruments according to the parameters of the sounding body: lamellar type, webbed, and self-sounding models. In addition, such instruments are divided into two types according to the formation of sound. These are membranophones (where the stretched membrane is the sounding element) and idiophones (where the entire instrument is the sounding element). Also percussion instruments include strings - piano and cymbals.

The timbre characteristics of drums may differ, depending on the shape, material and method of impact of the sounding element. If we talk about the volume of the tones of this group of instruments, then it depends on the force of impact, due to which it is possible to regulate the amplitude of vibrations of the sounding element and the dimensions of this element. Some models are equipped with resonators to enhance the sound power.

Percussion is the most numerous family of musical instruments today. Sound from instruments of this type is extracted by striking the surface of the sounding body. The sounding body can take various forms and be made of various materials. In addition, instead of hitting, shaking is allowed - in fact, indirect blows with sticks, hammers or mallets on the same sounding body.

The history of the appearance of the first percussion instruments

Percussion instruments are among the most ancient. The first prototype of a percussion instrument appeared when primitive people, striking a stone against a stone, created a kind of rhythm for ritual dances or simply in everyday household chores (crushing nuts, grinding grain, etc.).

In fact, any device that produces measured noises can be called a percussion instrument. Initially, these were stones or sticks, planks. Later, the idea came up to tap out the rhythm on the skin stretched over the hollow body - the first drums.

When excavating the settlement sites of the tribes of Central Africa and the Far East, archaeologists discovered samples that were already more similar to modern ones. Obviously, it was they who at one time served as an example for the creation of European percussion instruments.

Functional features of percussion instruments

The sound produced by percussion instruments originated from primitive rhythmic melodies. Jingling and ringing prototypes of modern percussion musical instruments were used during ritual dances by the peoples of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, Asian countries.

But representatives of the ancient Arab states used percussion instruments, in particular drums, in military campaigns. This tradition was adopted by European nations much later. Not rich in melodic terms, but loud and rhythmic, the drums became an invariable accompaniment to military marches and hymns.

And in the orchestra, percussion instruments have found quite a wide application. Initially, they were denied access to European academic music. Gradually, drums found their way into dramatic music within opera and ballet orchestras, and only then did they find their way into symphony orchestras. But today it is difficult to imagine an orchestra without drums, timpani, cymbals, tambourine, tambourine or triangle.

Classification of percussion instruments

The group of percussion musical instruments is not only numerous, but also very unstable. Several different ways of classifying them have been developed, so the same instrument can belong to several subgroups at once.

The most common percussion instruments today are timpani, vibraphone, xylophone; various types of drums, tambourines, African drum tam-tam, as well as a triangle, cymbals, and many others.

We break stereotypes. Percussion instruments, according to many amateurs, are extremely easy to learn and do not abound in musical richness. Let's just say that this point of view is fundamentally wrong. Percussion musical instruments are able not only to set the rhythm, but, as their very name implies, to directly create music. More on stereotypes. When we hear the words "percussion instruments", drums are the first thing that comes to our mind. And again by. Percussion instruments are a huge number of variations of devices for extracting sounds through blows, both with hands and with all kinds. These are all folk percussion instruments or the same metallophone.

Percussion instruments as they are

Percussion instruments, drums, percussion and other percussion tricks make up, probably, the richest arsenal of instruments, sound extraction on which occurs according to the same principle. However, before you buy percussion instruments, try to figure out exactly what you need. The main parameter in this situation is the music you are going to play. Since folk percussion instruments are very dubiously suitable for jazz or the notorious heavy metal, you will have to carefully choose every detail of yours.

Types of percussion musical instruments

The most important before you buy percussion instruments, try to learn how to play them as best as possible, since the drummer is the mind, honor, conscience, and also of each group.

Their manners

Each country has its own national musical traditions. They are best manifested in percussion instruments, as one of the most ancient, and, consequently, the most natural.

Africa is interesting. It is quite logical to assume that music appeared there for the first time, therefore, the African percussion musical instrument is considered the most ancient on earth.

At its core, the African percussion instrument is the simplest design that sounds great and requires minimal effort to manufacture. Much more admirable is the ability to use a simple African percussion instrument to convey all possible musical shades.

Oriental percussion instruments

In the East, even the drum is a delicate matter. Within the framework of one article, it is rather difficult to cover all the diversity offered by oriental percussion instruments.

Here are just the main and most interesting points that I would like to focus on.

Indian percussion instrument

India is a beautiful country, where even in music it is not the seven usual notes that stand out, but the masculine and feminine principles beloved by Hindus.

Even the Indian percussion instrument in most cases implies two components, which are personified with the two principles of human nature. In turn, this allows you to convey in the game all possible shades of feelings and emotions.

Arabic percussion instrument

Few people know as many ways of having a good time that would not contradict the Koran as the Arabs themselves.

Arabic music is known all over the world today. Oddly enough, but its main component is an Arabic percussion instrument, which not only sets the rhythm, but also creates an indescribable atmosphere of 1001 nights.

Percussion instruments are percussion work, but the main thing is the joy in percussion.

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A group of instruments united according to the method of sound production per beat. The sound source is a solid body, a membrane, a string. There are instruments with definite (timpani, bells, xylophones) and indefinite (drums, tambourines, castanets) ...

A group of instruments united according to the method of sound production per beat. The sound source is a solid body, a membrane, a string. There are instruments with definite (timpani, bells, xylophone) and indefinite (drums, tambourines, castanets) ... encyclopedic Dictionary

See Musical Instruments...

Those from which the sound is extracted by a blow. These include keyboard instruments, but it is customary to call them drums used in the orchestra. They are divided into tools with stretched skins, metal and wood. Some of them have… Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

percussion musical instruments- ▲ musical instrument strike membrane: drum. tambourine. tom-tom. timpani instr. cauldron-shaped with one membrane. tambourine. flexatone. carillon. self-sounding: castanets. xylophone. vibraphone. glockenspiel. celesta. plates. ancient: tympanum. ... ... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

Musical instruments whose sound source is stretched strings, and the sound is produced by hitting the string with a tanget, hammer or sticks. To S. at. m. and. include piano, cymbals, etc. See String musical ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Strings Plucked Bowed Wind Wood Brass Reed ... Wikipedia

Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Instruments designed to extract musical sounds (see Musical sound). The oldest functions of musical instruments are magical, signaling, etc. They existed already in the Paleolithic and Neolithic eras. In modern musical practice ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Instruments that have the ability to reproduce, with the assistance of a person, rhythmically organized and fixed in pitch sounds or a clearly regulated rhythm. Each M. and. has a special timbre (color) of sound, as well as its own ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia


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