Class hour on the topic "bread is the head of everything." Scenario of the holiday "The miracle of the earth - bread!" Posters on the theme of bread bakery products


"Paustovsky Warm Bread" - Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky "Warm Bread". Sin is an evil, cruel thing. Awareness. Grandma's story. miller Pankrat horse boy Filka Babushka. Atonement and correction of sin. Great Lent time. Thanks for the lesson. To know, and now a bad person has wound up in Berezhki ... Repentance. Staircase of repentance.

“Ekimov For warm bread” - OXYMORON, or OXYMORON (from Greek: witty-stupid) -. a stylistic figure that brings together signs that contradict each other, logically incompatible concepts: I love the lush nature of withering (A. S. Pushkin). “Bread is a miracle that warms the soul of a person” (according to the story of B. Ekimov “For warm bread”).

"Warm bread" - How did the magpie help the boy? The ending of the fairy tale has both fabulous and realistic motifs. What did the summer wind do? In a fairy tale, the main character, as a rule, must correct his own mistake. Fairy-tale motifs in the work "Warm Bread". There are magical helpers in the fairy tale. In "Warm Bread", as in a fairy tale, there are many different epithets:

“Bread is the head of everything” - And the edge of bread, and paradise under the spruce. Collect proverbs .. White bread. Sandwiches. Ripe spikelets turn yellow. All is not a problem. Rhymes. Wheat and rye bread. Fair! Gingerbread. Cleanliness. Patrons of the farmers DAZHBOG and PERUN. Peddlers are the main ones! Pie. All head. Casket. Elevator. The grains are separated from the chaff (weeds).

“Paustovsky Warm Bread Lesson” - What color was the wounded horse? K. G. Paustovsky is a master of landscape. Why did the villagers consider it their duty to feed the horse? Working with expressive means. How much time did Filka Pankrat give? Think about the questions. Where did Grandma Filka send in search of advice? Quiz (Group 2). What expressive means does the author use when creating a winter landscape?

"Bread" - How was bread obtained in ancient times? We learn how a bun turned out from grain. At the bakery. Rye bread, loaves, rolls You won't get it on a walk. Tell me a story. People cherish bread in the fields, They spare no strength for bread. The sky is happy for the sun, Polyushko for the sunflower. Tell me about Sunday. Lesson results. Bread. At the bakery.

This class hour is designed to expand students' knowledge about the benefits of bread, about its value, about the hard work of a grain grower. And also, to cultivate a sense of a thrifty attitude to bread, a respectful attitude towards the work of a machine operator, a baker, and love for their native land.



Class hour on the topic "Bread is the head of everything"


1. Expand knowledge about the benefits of bread, about its value, about the hard work of a grain grower.

2. To instill a sense of thrifty attitude to bread, respect for the work of a machine operator, baker, love for the native land.

Hall decoration:

on the stage is a three-dimensional panel "Grain field". Above the stage is a poster: "Bread is the head of everything."

Children's drawings on the topic: "Bread is the head of everything." Exhibition of books about bread. Sheaves of grain crops. A festive table is laid, on it are bread products of different nations: ruddy buns, pies, gingerbread, pita bread, chorek, baguette, pizza, in the center - a loaf of bread on a towel.

Children enter the classroom to the sound of the song "Bread is the head of everything" performed by Olga Voronets.

The first is a girl in a folk costume with a loaf in her hands.

1. Introduction by the teacher.Dear Guys! As you may have guessed, we will talk about bread. We meet with bread every day. Neither a modest breakfast, nor an everyday lunch, nor a festive table can do without it. He accompanies us from birth to old age. Guys, in ancient times there was no bread like it is now, but grain fields grew even then. However, the grains of wheat were different from ours, they were much smaller and tasted different. There is such a legend. It was a long time ago, during the Stone Age. When heavy rain and cold came to the earth, the man had nothing to eat. And then he first noticed a spikelet of wheat. To make the grains convenient to eat, they were moistened with water. Then man learned to grind grains into flour. And then one day a man left a pot of wheat porridge by the fire. The fire imperceptibly crept up to the pot, the pot could not stand the heat and burst. The roar woke the man, he ran to the fire and saw that his porridge had turned to stone. When the stone cooled down, the man began to clean it and suddenly felt an unfamiliar smell. Putting a piece in his mouth, the man closed his eyes in pleasure. So the night fire in the cave taught me how to bake bread.

Although today bread is very different from that first, it is still a staple.

2. Reading a poem (children)


Someone loves with butter

Someone likes with cheese

And another with meat

Or with kefir.


Someone loves white

Someone loves black

Someone loves with poppy

Or baked.


He is a wedge

It gets narrow

Someone loves with cumin,

Or French.


He is a grain, he is an ear,

He is flour and dough

And at the festive table

Knows his place.


Look at the ground, look at the sky

Nothing in the world

Nothing is more important than bread

3. Crossword.

Teacher: Let's try together to unravel the word encrypted in our crossword puzzle.

Who grows the bread? ( X Leborob)

A bakery product of small mass. (Horns L ik)

Without salt, without bread, half ... (On Food)

Ah, my name is Ilya Muromets,

Son Ivanovich is named after his father.

I don't need a princely court,

I don't hold on to peers

I'm an unpretentious man

There would be a piece of bread ...

Who is Ilya Muromets? ( B hero)

You sow at the right time - you will gather grains in ... (Gor U )

Cereal (P Shenitsa)

Riddle: A house grew in a field,

The house is full of grain.

The walls are gilded

The shutters are boarded up ( K olos)

Without arms, without legs, but belted. (Sn Oh p)

What word came out? ( BREAD)

Teacher: And also, in the fall, the most important harvest is harvested. Here, guess the riddle: “He is golden and mustachioed, there are a hundred guys in a hundred pockets” (ear)

That's right, guys, this is an ear. And what do they get from the ear? (corn)

What can be obtained from grain? (flour)

What can we bake with flour? (bread)

Bread is our main wealth. Therefore, harvesting bread is the most important thing. We must take care of the bread, not throw it anywhere, but if you see it, be sure to pick it up.

And maybe someone remembers proverbs about bread? …………………….

Very well, I hope you will always take good care of the bread.


Bread is one of the amazing products of human labor. How much can a person do with one finger? Some kind of rubbish. Another conversation, if all five are in the work. There are five indispensable conditions for plant life, like fingers on a hand.

Once - it's warm (spring has come - there is warmth).

Two - warm (the sun in the sky - there is light).

Three - moisture (snow melted, it rained - there is moisture).

Four - air (the whole plant is shrouded in air from tops to roots).

Five is food (fertilizer is food).

Taken separately, they mean nothing. Gathered together - all five - they give the plant a full life from seedlings to fruits.

Poems (children tell)

1. After all, grains did not immediately become

The bread that is on the table.

People long and hard

Work hard on the ground.

2. At first the grain was sown with grain,

Then the agronomist cherished the sprouts.

Then the combine harvester took the ear,

He gently rubbed it in his palms.

Knowing that the bread has long ripened,

He went out to clean it with a combine harvester in the field.

3. Then the flour was ground from the grain

And she went to the baker.

And he was able to try:

These buns are delicious baked!

Appreciate, love and respect the one

Who sowed bread, grew and baked it.

Bread dance.

The spikelet grew on the field,
Was low at first.
The rain watered the field -
He grew up a little.
And then with friends together
It turned out right in the test.
Bread baked in the bakery
And brought to the holiday.
He looks around his friend:
Round cake and pies,
And more girlfriends -
Sweet cheesecakes.
Cheerful round dance -
Feast of bread at school.

5. Quiz.

1. What is the difference between spring and winter wheat? (spring is sown in spring, winter - in autumn, in winter)

2. Where is the grain taken after harvesting? (to the elevator - storage for grain)

3. Where is grain turned into flour? ( at the mill)

4. What is sourdough? (wooden tub for dough, or yeast dough)

5. What is also called yeast, fermented dough? ( dough)


It is easy and quick to guess: soft, lush and fragrant,
He is black, he is white, and sometimes burnt.

The giant ship does not sail on the sea.
The ship-giant on the earth goes.
The field will pass - the harvest will be harvested.

He walks the field from end to end, cuts a black loaf.

Grew up in a field house. The house is full of grain. The walls are gilded. The shutters are boarded up.
The house is shaking on a golden pillar


The bird Yuritsa looks at the wind, flaps its wings, and does not move by itself.

The novice moon shone on the field during the day, flew off into the sky at night.

They don’t feed oats, they don’t drive with a whip, but when they plow, they drag seven plows.

6. Teacher: Do you know what bread smells like, a slice of rye, labor bread?


1. He smells like a field,

Hot heat and dew

Cool wind in the open

And fresh morning dawn.

Bread smells like fresh flour

And the hot flame of the furnace,

When with a strained hand,

They bake kalachi dough.

2. Here it is - ruddy and fragrant

Lies and breathes on the table.

Thanks for the bread

To all grain growers on earth!

7. Teacher. How should you treat bread?

The attitude to bread should be careful. And we often see such a picture that resonates with pain in the heart: abandoned bread, a chunk trampled in the mud, buns in the trash can. This testifies to the immorality of the act. It should be remembered that bread appears on our table thanks to the hard work of people of 120 professions. The work of a grain grower is hard and long work. The one who grows bread will not leave a half-eaten piece of bread anywhere. Learn to appreciate the work of others.

And now let's listen to Sergei Mikhalkov's poem "Bulka" and find out how to treat the most expensive product of human labor.

Mironov reads:

Three boys down the alley

Like playing football

There - here they drove a bun

And they scored a goal with it.

They didn't buy it

Found behind the house in the yard,

They did not lift her from the ground,

And now she's in the game...

An unfamiliar uncle walked by,

Stopped and looked

And, almost without looking at the guys,

He extended his hand to that bun.

Then. frowning angrily,

He blew the dust off her for a long time

And suddenly calmly and openly

Kissed her in front of everyone.

Who are you? the children asked

Forgetting about football for a while,

I am a baker! the person replied

And with a bun, he slowly left.

And that word smelled like bread

And that special warmth

Which are poured under the sky

Seas of golden wheat.

Teacher: I hope that among you such " boys" no.

8. Game with the word "farmer".

Make up as many other words as possible from the letters in this word.

Teacher. Bread has never been given to people for free. After all, even in paradise, as a parting word to Adam who sinned, it was said: “You will earn bread in the sweat of your face.” In Russia, bread has always been treated with reverence, even the custom of honored guests to meet with bread and salt has been preserved. Look at the table. Why is one bread black and the other white? (Wheat and rye flour). And there is also gray bread (from oatmeal or barley flour) and rice.

During the Great Patriotic War, one could come across the slogan: "Peace to the peoples, bread to the hungry." The ration in besieged Leningrad was as follows: for an employee - 125 g of bread, for a worker - 200 g (show a piece of 125 g) And 3 more pasta, the length of a notebook, gray, clay, but desirable for every person. After all, it was necessary to work.

The museum of the history of St. Petersburg has a piece of moldy bread the size of a little finger. Such was the daily ration for the city besieged by the Germans during the winter months of the blockade. And people had to work, they had to live, they had to survive - in spite of the Nazis, in spite of the bombing and shelling.

Military bread.
I remember bread
military, bitter,
He is almost all quinoa.
In it, in every crumb,
In every crust
There was a bitter taste of human misfortune.
Cool is involved in that trouble
Hard bread of hard days
But how sweet was the moment
When a piece is in my hand
Sprinkled with a pinch of salt
Seasoned with mother's tears.

We, young and happy, never dream of war.

We are not familiar with hunger and cold.

But we know the price of a loaf of wheat,

And we know the power of simple spikelets.

And during the war he helped the heroes:

Gave strength to endure in mortal fire.

Let the clear sky shine over the world

Let the sun reflect in your eyes

Yes, let bread forever be held in high esteem

On your and our family tables.

Loaf of earth and sky
On your table -
Nothing is stronger than bread
No on earth.
In every little piece
grain fields,
And on each spike
The earth is holding.

10. Puzzles.

From pieces of cut pictures with the image of bread, restore the original drawing.

During the competition, the good mood of all those present is ensured by the song "Lamb Sweets" performed by the "Stagecoach" group

11. Competition "Cinderella"

Sort by species a small amount of mixed seeds of different cereal crops.

The song "Taste of Bread" performed by Leonid Smetannikov

12. Teacher.

Since ancient times, the Slavs had such a custom: people who break bread become friends for life. Bread is the ambassador of peace and friendship between peoples, and remains so today.

Life is changing, values ​​are being reevaluated, but bread - the father, bread - the breadwinner remains the greatest value.

They were escorted to the front with bread. Those who returned from the war were greeted with bread.

Everyone has their own bread. Everyone remembers it in their own way, perceives it and appreciates it. But there is one thing in common for everyone without exception: bread is life.

Today in our country there is no place where bread is not baked. It is baked both in large and small towns, in villages, in villages. Bread is consumed at any time of the day, at any age. Everyone needs bread. It is an integral and essential part of the diet.

Each nation has a historically established assortment of bread and bakery products, diverse in shape and composition.

In Ukraine very popular scorch.

In Armenia from the thinnest sheets of dough, the famous, oldest of breads are baked pita.

The inhabitants of Central Asia all kinds of popular cakes.

Armenian pita - This is a sloping round white cake, inside of which they put the filling: cheese, ham, greens.

Matzo - thin dry cakes made of unleavened dough, which believing Jews eat on Passover days.

Biscuit - Western Europe.

Bretzel - Germany.

brioche — Normandy, France.

Naan, chapati - India.

pita - Near East.

Pizza - Italy.

Tortilla - Mexico.

Folar - Portugal.

Baguette - France.

13. Chastushki.

We meet you with a samovar,
We bring pies to the table,
We don't miss tea
We talk about this, about this,

We have a pie on the table
donuts andcheesecakes,
So let's sing under the seagull
Bread ditties.

BreadI eat from morning to night
Buns from night to morning
Very fun pass
We have an evening with my mother.

Good for lunch buns
Bread, loaves and cheesecakes.
Warm bread will feed everyone
There is no better bread in the world.

Bread and porridge - good
You will jump high.
And sweets, pies -
Our brains are spinning.

I give preference
I am milk porridge
So that with each new day
Become more beautiful.

Eat porridge for health
Lots of protein in it
Also, eat some bread.
And drink some milk.

Bread in Kaluga is getting more expensive,

All the people are worried.

The belt is tightened

Old grandmother.

There was a crop failure

Because of the rain

Will become a bread loaf

More expensive cake.

14. Poems. ( children say)

1. Removed bread. And it got quieter.

Bins breathe hot.

The field is asleep. It is tired.

Winter is coming.

2. But not immediately did the grains become

The bread that is on the table.

People long and hard

Work hard on the ground!

3. Glory to peace on earth!

Glory to the bread on the table!

Here it is, fragrant bread,

With a crisp twisted crust.

Here it is warm, golden,

Like sun-filled!

4. Smoke floats over the village.

Pies are baked in houses.

Come in don't be shy

Eat good bread!

Teacher: And now we invite everyone to the table!

Purpose: formation of a respectful attitude towards bread and the people who produce it.

  1. To expand the horizons of students, knowledge about professions;
  2. Expand knowledge about the process of creating bread;
  3. Continue familiarity with folk traditions.
  4. Teach children to work in groups.


  • poster: “Bread is the head of everything”;
  • relaxing cassettes sounds of earth, water, sun, fire;
  • a poster depicting the profession of a combine operator;
  • reproductions of paintings by I.I. Shishkin “Rye”, A.N. Gerasimov "Spring rain".

Lesson progress

Host: Here was the case ... The mother asked her son in the morning: “What would you like to eat for breakfast?” The boy said without hesitation:

I saw you making mashed potatoes. I wish I had it with sour cream or butter ... and even tea with milk.

Think carefully: apart from what you ask, there will be nothing on the table.

And I don't need anything else. Only, of course, sugar for tea.

The mother put on the table everything that the boy asked for. He sat down to breakfast. He tried mashed potatoes with sour cream and put the spoon aside:

It's not tasty!

What's wrong?

Got it, no salt!

The boy ran, took the salt shaker, sat down again at the table. He extended his hand for bread, but there was no bread on the table. Mother laughs:

So it turned out that the simplest and most necessary - bread and salt - you forgot.

This is not surprising. After all, we are used to: no matter what the food is, we don’t sit down at the table without bread and salt.

Moderator: So what are we going to talk about today? (about bread)

Bread in the old days was called “zhito”, from the word to live.

Bread is born of four elements: sun, earth, water and fire. Today we will hear the sounds of the sun, earth, fire, water.

Bread in Russia was baked with domes,
So that there is enough, like heaven, for everyone.
At the wide tables in the house
Throwing a crumb was considered a sin.

Since time immemorial, bread has become the main food of people: satisfying, healthy and tasty.

Where does bread come from?

It turns out that in order to get bread on the table, you need to go a long way. Look at the illustrations - this is how the field looks like in the spring when it is just sown, and this is how it looks when it's time to harvest.

And people of what professions are busy at the same time, you have to guess. We are divided into three groups.

Riddles competition: “Kaleidoscope of professions”

He holds a bagel in his hands,
Yes, but not from the test,
He is driving a car
To the given place.
In a solid box
The grain is moving.
That which gives life to bread. (driver ) Show ear

Who came to the mill
And grind the grain into flour? (miller ) Show flour.

Tell me who's so delicious
Baking a cabbage pie?
Loaves and rolls?
Tell me girls
Tell me boys? (baker)

Each team receives a grain for a correctly guessed riddle.

Voitsekhovskaya Natasha brings out the loaf

Here it is - fragrant bread.
With a crisp twisted crust!
Here it is - warm - golden,
Like sun-filled!
In every house, on every table
He complained, he came!

In it is our health, strength,
It has wonderful warmth.
How many hands raised him
Protected, protected!

After all, grains did not immediately become
The bread that is on the table, -

People have worked long and hard on the earth.

Leading: Many professions are needed in order for a bun to come to our table. The locksmith checks and repairs tractors, combines. The agronomist selects the best, strong grains and decides when and where to plant them. The tractor driver plows the land, sows grain. After a while shoots appear. But in order for them to grow strong and not be eaten by insects and rodents, they are processed by specialists.

Then the harvesters come out to harvest. Removed, it is necessary to take to the storage. Dry and ventilate to preserve the crop. And then to the mill. From there - to the bakery. And only there is bread born.

How many people of different professions put their labor into one loaf? (lots of)

Our second competition is called "Fair".

Match the tool and profession. (children receive cards)

Tractor driver - trailer

Seller - kalach

teacher - notebook

Grain harvester

locksmith is the key

Meteorologist - weather

doctor is medicine

Baker - dough

Melnik - flour

Teams receive a grain for a job well done.

Additional grain - for the explanation of the extra pair.

Host: Are these couples really superfluous? Why?

A person in 60 years eats 30 tons of food, about half of it is bread. And to bake one bun you need ...

And how many grains do you think? (10.000 grains)

Is it a lot or a little? (lots of).

Russian people greet and see off the welcome visiting guest with bread and salt and bring bread - salt to a dear person as a sign of special respect. How often do we talk about caring for bread, but are we always able to give examples that would make everyone think: what a wealth is bread!

I'm not afraid to repeat myself in verses,
Bread knows no bounds of praise,
If rye in Russia is earing,
So, someone is seriously sleep deprived.

In the morning, the smell of bread pours.
Loaves are running along the trays.
I know,
How is that bread given
Working righteous hands.

It is molded at dawn
So that he is ruddy in spirit.
There is no easy bread in the world,
In all ages
The bread was difficult.

It is difficult in summer and winter,
Now sowing, then harvesting, then grinding.
That bread at a special price
Lies down on the plowman's table.

Him, as before,
So now,
There has always been one price.
She's not the one in the store
And the one
What's in the box, the price.

Bread is thrown away every day in every school. Please, take as much bread from the cafeteria as you can eat.

Host: An old folk proverb says: “If bread is on the table, then the table is the throne!

And when there is not a piece of bread, then the table is a board!”

Now I want to check if you know proverbs, because a proverb is a storehouse of wisdom. Our competition is called “The Fountain of Wisdom”

Teams receive sheets with words from which they need to make a proverb and explain its meaning.

Sow in the weather - more offspring.

Like rain in May, so will rye.

There will be bread - there will be lunch.

Teams receive grain.

I want to talk about the price of bread. He is the head of everything.

This is the most precious fruit of our mother - the earth and human hands. Bread is our sovereign wealth.

They used to say: oil is the bread of transportation, metal is the bread of industry, now gas and nuclear energy have been raised to the price of bread ... In a word, bread is the basis.

Bread is the power of our state.

There is only one word that is equivalent to the word "bread". This word is life. What could be more important than bread?! In one of the stories dedicated to the village, I read: “Great is the sower. The world has never forgotten about him and will never forget him - neither in joy nor in trouble. And no lump of gold will outweigh a crumb of bread!”

The Museum of the History of Leningrad keeps a piece of moldy bread the size of a little finger. Such was the daily ration for the inhabitants of the city besieged by the Germans during the winter months of the blockade. And people had to work, they had to live, they had to survive - in spite of the Nazis, in spite of the bombing and shelling. Alive means victory!

In the smoke of the Leningrad sky,
But worse than mortal wounds
heavy bread,
blockade bread
One hundred and twenty five grams! (show a piece of black bread in 125 grams)

In the years of hardship and deprivation
The new world matured and grew strong,
The people walked in the fire of battles
For freedom and bread.
So the correct words are:
Bread is the head of all life!

Grains of our days, shine
Carved with gilding.
We say take care
Take care of your own bread.

Take care of every ear
Our joyful fields
Like a song, a quiet voice
Loud of his homeland!

We don't want to see blacks
Grains scorched by war
Let the patterned shine on us
Surf of golden waves.

We do not dream of a miracle
Live speech fields to us:
“Take care of the bread, you people,
Learn to save bread!”

Look what we got (3 ears).

This is your result. A very important result of labor. It is necessary for each of you.

What did we talk about today?

What do you remember? So why do they say that bread is the head of everything? Do you agree with this?

What decision was made? Why? Who wants to be a farmer? What do we need to do today to achieve this?

We will continue our acquaintance with the professions related to the production of bread in library No. 12. Those who are interested can read the books that you see.

(keep bread, study well, respect the work of other people).

The teacher also sows the seed of knowledge, the seed of kindness. The work of a teacher pays off. And when you grow up, our seeds bear fruit.

Now the word science is everywhere,
Today is her finest hour.
In our age, it is the basis of everything,
It leads us to the heights.
You must strive for learning.
Do not reject simple advice -
Flip through the book pages
Like furrow after furrow.
After all, in the books the experience of generations
And knowledge is pure grain.
In your deeds and aspirations
Let it throw the ear.
So draw wisdom in full measure,
Increase your knowledge diligently.
And you can be pretty sure
You will reap a rich harvest!

A girl (Voitsekhovskaya Natasha) comes out in a Russian folk sundress and brings out a loaf.

If we want someone
Meet with honor and honor,
Meet generously, from the heart,
With great respect,
We meet such guests
Round lush loaf.
He is on a painted platter,
With a white towel.

We bring salt with a loaf,
Worshiping, we ask you to taste:
Our dear guest and friend,
Take bread and salt from the hands


Who learned a lot of new things and it was interesting - the sun

Who was interested, but did not learn anything new - the sun with a cloud.

Who was bored - the rain.

Take the cards and stick them on the board.

Baking is also one of the folk traditions. And now we are quietly getting ready and going to school. We are in for a surprise. Daniil's mom baked a loaf for us, and Marina's mom baked pancakes. After all, Shrovetide is coming soon! Let's have fun!

How sunny it is today! It means that everyone was interested and you learned a lot of new things. Thank you for your work! Well done!


  1. R. I. Zotova “A baker is good!” Moscow, "Moscow Worker", 1986
  2. V. D. Karmazin “Our bread” Moscow, “Pravda”, 1986
  3. B. A. Almazov "Our bread" Leningrad, "Children's literature", 1985
  4. Collection "Cause - time, fun - an hour." Moscow, "Children's Literature", 1986
  5. M. M. Lyufti “Different songs of different professions” Moscow, “Children's Literature”, 1987
  6. Magazine "Primary School" No. 3, 1986 Moscow, "Prosveshchenie".

Ecological, educational - research project "Bread is the head of everything!" for older preschool children

Melnikova Valentina Nikolaevna, teacher of the first qualification category, Moscow, CJSC, GBOU School No. 1238 with in-depth study of the English language, preschool department.
Description: This material will be useful to teachers, parents in order to increase the knowledge of children and adults about the importance of bread in human life; introducing children and adults to a careful attitude to bread, as well as organizing events with children of older preschool age.
Project relevance: There are concepts in the world that never lose their value for people, they are unshakable, we will talk about bread. I often ask my son, come in, buy some bread; As a child, I told my children, eat with bread!
Man needs bread every day. No breakfasts, no dinners, no festive feasts can do without it. Bread is a symbol of well-being and prosperity!
In the old days, bread was always treated in a special way, compared with the sun, gold, with life itself. At all times, a careless attitude to bread was equated with a terrible insult that could only be inflicted on a person.
My mother was born in the village, and her childhood fell on the war years. She told us that her greatest desire was to eat a large piece of black bread!
From childhood, we were taught to take care of bread, as to the greatest wealth. So where does bread come from? Maybe buns grow on a tree? With the help of an ecological project, we will find out!

Project purpose: the project is designed to draw the attention of children to the efforts of adults to bring bread to our table; The project is designed to cultivate a careful attitude to bread and the work of a grain grower.
Target: the formation of a holistic view of the process of growing bread in children of older preschool age, the education of a careful attitude to bread, to the work of the people who grow it.
study the history of the origin of bread;
introduce children to old Russian customs related to bread;
to expand children's knowledge about the importance of bread in human life, and its manufacture.
develop cognitive and research activities;
develop the ability to think logically, reason, draw conclusions and conclusions.
to cultivate a careful attitude to bread, a sense of gratitude and respect for people of agricultural labor;
nurture the desire to share the knowledge gained.

Project participants: pupils of senior preschool age, educators, parents, colleagues.
Project type: ecological, educational and research.
Project duration: medium term (30 days).
Resource support: multimedia equipment, music center, audio and video library; books with fairy tales, books - panoramas, coloring books; didactic games; puzzles on the topic; art albums and illustrations on the topic.

Preliminary work:
Collection of information: about cereal plants, about agricultural machinery, about grain growers, about folk traditions.
Selection of demonstration material: pictures, illustrations, video material, cereals, cereals, flour from various cereals, household items.
Selection of artistic and literary material: proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters, stories, fairy tales, parables, poems.

Folk calendar: main agricultural dates -
according to the old style (April, May, June).

Stepan equal-plowed man (April 26) - the beginning of plowing the fields for sowing spring crops.
Yeremey-harnesser (May 1) - the peasants begin plowing and sowing the fields with spring bread.
Orina-seedbed (May 5) - the time of sowing cabbage.
Nikola grass (spring, spring) (May 9) - as a rule, by this time the first grass appears - spring is in full swing.
Lukerya-mosquito (May 13) - by mid-May, mosquitoes appear in central Russia.
Northern Sidor (May 14) - usually at this time, northern winds begin to blow, it gets colder in Russia for about two weeks.
Deer-lenosevka (May 21) - the time of the beginning of sowing flax.
Theodosius the ear (May 29) - the ear goes into winter bread.
Jeremiah the unharnesser (May 31) - the end of the sowing of spring crops. Peasants harness oxen and horses from the working yoke.
Sharktail (June 13) - during this period, midges, mosquitoes, gadflies, spiders and other insects appear in central Russia, which disturb people and livestock. Animals often run across the field and whip themselves with their tails, brushing off pests.
Agrafena-bathing (June 23) - the beginning of the bathing season in Russia, the water is warming up by this time.

Expected Result:
the formation of children's ideas about the value of bread;
obtaining knowledge by children about how bread was grown in the old days, and how it is happening now, to convey to the consciousness of children that bread is the result of the great work of many people;
fostering interest in the professions of a baker, confectioner, combine operator and in the work of people involved in the production of bread;
education of respect for bread and bakery products.

Research methods:
collection of information;
experimental - experimental activity;

Interaction with parents:
Invite children to learn poems, signs, proverbs and sayings about bread together with their parents.
Together with families, compose a cookbook "Old Recipes of Our Grandmothers".
Joint quiz with parents: "Smarts and smarts."
Tea drinking with families (with homemade cakes).
Issue of the wall newspaper "Bread is our wealth!".

Integratable educational areas:

cognitive development;
Speech development;
Social and communicative development;
Artistic and aesthetic development.

Cognitive development:
“How bread came to our table”;
"Who is a baker"
"Bread is the head of everything!"
"What kind of bread is";
"How to bake bread at home";
"Bread is our wealth!"

Examination of illustrations and reproductions:
Consideration of a series of plot pictures on the topic: "Growing bread";
Drawing up stories according to the illustration "How bread is grown";
Examination of paintings by I. I. Shishkin “Rye”, I. I. Mashkov “Moscow Food”, S.A. Kupriyanov "Plowing", "Sowing", "Cleaning", "Winter crops".

Watching documentaries:
"The Story of Bread";
“A secret to the whole world. How is bread made?
"How bread is baked!" Transfer for children "ABVGDeyka".

Watching cartoons:
"Golden ears" Belarusian fairy tale;
"A story about a girl who stepped on bread." Based on the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen;
"Kolobok" Russian folk tale;
"Bread" Belarusian fairy tale;
"A miracle is a mill!" Russian folktale.

Introduction to professions:

Research activities:
Examining and comparing grains with a magnifying glass (rye, wheat, barley, oats).
Building the scheme "Stages of growing bread";
Experimental - experimental activities:
Turning grain into flour (mortar, coffee grinder).
Growing seeds (rye, wheat, barley, oats).
Kneading dough and baking bread in an electric bread machine (with the help of parents).

Speech development:

Reading fiction about bread:
Fairy tales: “Light bread”, “Krupenichka”, “Winged, shaggy, but oily”, “Spikelet”; "Kolobok" (See Appendix 3)
V. Datskevich "From grain to loaf";
K. Chukovsky "Miracle Tree", "Bulka";
V. Remizov "Bread Voice";
I. Akim "Bread";
T. Shorygina "A slice of bread";
D. Kharms "Very, very tasty pie";
I. Tokmakova "What is bread";
N. Samkova "About bread";
P. Koganov "Bread is our wealth";
Riddles, tongue twisters, proverbs, sayings, poems, signs about bread (See Appendix 1, 2)

Social and communicative development:
Role-playing games:
"A family";

Didactic games:
"Name the profession";
"What grows where";
“What kind of flour was baked from?”;
"The fourth extra";
"From grain to loaf";
"What first, what then";
"Wonderful bag";
“And what is it, bread?”;
"Who will name bakery products more";
"Guess the Taste";
"Guess by touch";
“What did you cook porridge from?”;
"How to turn flour into dough?";
"Call it kindly."

Artistic and aesthetic development:
Visual activity:

looking at pictures and illustrations about bread;
modeling bakery products from salt dough with children for the role-playing game "Bakery";
drawing up pictures from semolina;
image of grain fields; people who grow bread.

"Where does bread come from";
“Bread is the head of everything”;
Compilation of stories based on a series of paintings "How people grow bread";
Conversation: "Who would you like to be?" (professions of a grain grower, a baker ...).

Picture story:

How did people grow bread in the old days?!

Interaction with parents
Invite children to find and learn poems, proverbs and sayings about bread together with their parents.
Production of a group cookbook "Recipes of our grandmothers".
Tea drinking with parents (with bakery products).
Theatricalization of the Russian folk tale "Spikelet".

Stages of an ecological, cognitive-research project:

1. Preparatory stage:
definition of objects of study;
selection of cereal seeds, care items, dough molds, hand mill;
selection of proverbs and sayings, riddles about bread.
2. Main stage:
planting seeds, growing seedlings;
conducting observations and fixing them in the album;
obtaining flour from grain;
study of the properties of flour, dough.
3. Final stage:
generalization of the results of the work;
design of an exposition of crafts from dough;
dramatization of the Russian folk tale "Spikelet";
holding a folklore holiday "Bread is the head of everything!"

In our work, we relied on the following principles:
a unified approach of teachers and parents to the process of raising children;
mutual trust in the relationship between teachers and parents;
differentiated approach to each family;
respect and goodwill towards each other;
openness of the preschool institution for parents;
equality and responsibility of parents and educators of preschool education.

Innovative forms and methods of working with families:
Parent's living room on the topic: "How to bake bread at home?";
Thematic exhibition of drawings and crafts "Bread is the head of everything";
Thematic open lesson “Where does bread come from” (for viewing by parents);
Competition for the best crafts: a screen, a wall newspaper, a baby book “About Bread”.

Forms of work:
Didactic games.
Music lessons.
The teacher's stories about bread and farmers.
Organization of thematic leisure and entertainment.
Reading children's literature on the topic.
Display views on a topic.

Expected result:
Project implementation contributes to:
- the formation of ecological ideas among preschoolers about the value of bread;
- obtaining knowledge by children about how bread was grown in the old days, and how it is happening now, to convey to the minds of children that bread is the result of a lot of work of many people;
- fostering interest in the professions of a baker, a combine operator and in the work of people involved in the production of bread;
- the formation of a careful attitude in children and adults to bread.

1. Shorygina, T.A. Conversations about bread. Guidelines. M.: TC Sphere, 2016. - 80 p.
2. Kochkina, N.A. Method of projects in preschool education. Methodological guide - M .: - Mosaic - Synthesis, 2013. - 70 p.
3. Emelyanova, E.L. - Tell the children about bread. Cards for classes in kindergarten and at home. 3-7 years old, Mosaic-Synthesis, 2011, Dimensions: 216x145x5 mm
Internet resource:








Attachment 1
Riddles, tongue twisters, tongue twisters,
proverbs, sayings, signs about bread.

Riddles about bread:
1. Was a grain of gold, became a green arrow.
The summer sun shone, and the arrow was gilded. What is an arrow? (ear).
2. What sea outside the village does the breeze excite?
In it, waves can be collected, put into a bag (field).
3. One hundred brothers gathered in one hut to spend the night (grains in an ear).
4. I’ll guess a riddle: I’ll throw it behind the garden, let it go in a year, let it out in another (winter).
5. Crumbs into the earth, cakes (wheat) from the earth.
6. They are crumpled and rolled, they are tempered in the furnace,
And then at the table they cut with a knife (bread).
7. A bowl of soup between the elbows, and he is in the hands of everyone in chunks,
Without it, apparently, it is not tasty and not satisfying (bread).
8. There are such words: “He is the head of everything”
9. Crisp dressed, soft black, white (bread).
10. We baked rye bricks in a hot oven,
Loaded on the car - buy in the store (bread).
11. At one large factory, he is not like a brick,
Bricks are baked in a fire-breathing oven.
I bought a brick for lunch, because I need (bread) for dinner.
12. Do not peck me, my friend, vociferous cockerel!
I’ll go to the warm earth, I’ll ascend to the sun with a spikelet.
In it, then, like me, there will be a whole family (a grain).
13. He threw one - he took a whole handful (grain).
14. He will take grain in debt - he will return the loaf (grain field).
15. He stands in the sun and moves his mustache.
You crush it in the palm of your hand - it is stuffed with golden grain (ear).
16. A peasant lies in a golden caftan, belted, not a belt,
If you don’t lift it, it won’t get up (sheaf).
17. Mowed with a sharp oblique, piled up with a high mountain (hay).
18. The hairdresser cuts an unusual smooth forelock of wheat,
And heaps of golden hair lie scattered behind him (combine).
19. A house has grown in the field, the house is full of grain.
The walls are gilded, the shutters are boarded up.
The house walks with a shaker on a golden pillar (ear).
20. The teeth move, the combs wave, the reapers run across the field,
Like a boy under a typewriter, the field is cut bare (harvest).
21. They have teeth, but they don’t know toothache (rake).
22. In winter - white, in spring - black,
In summer it is green, in autumn it is cut (field).

Tongue twisters and tongue twisters about bread:
A good pie - inside the curd.
Sasha loves drying, Sonyushka loves cheesecakes.
Vanya lay on the stove, Vanya ate kalachi.
Zhenya is a reaper in the field, she reaps wheat.
A bagel, bagel, loaf and loaf baked from dough early in the morning.
Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry.
Jock-Jock-Jock is a pie.
Shki-shki-shki - mom fries pies.
Shki-shki-shki - we love pies.
Zhok-zhok-zhok - eat Zhenya's pie.
Ah-ah-ah - that's kalach.
Chi-chi-chi - kalachi baked in the oven.
Chi-chi-chi - we love kalachi.
Chi-chi-chi - there will be rolls for the holiday.

Proverbs and sayings about bread:
In winter the snow is deep, in summer the bread is high.
Bread is the head of everything.
There will be bread, there will be lunch.
Sweat on the back, and bread on the table.
Without salt it is tasteless, but without bread it is insatiable.
Bread is a gift from God, father, breadwinner.
Black earth gives white bread.
And lunch is not lunch, if there is not enough bread.
I'm glad to have a bread tablecloth, it's like the sun on it.
If you don’t fertilize the rye, you will collect bread for a penny.
As long as there is bread and water, everything does not matter to a person.
You won’t be full of conversation if you don’t get bread.
You won't be full without bread and honey.
Everyone eats bread, but not everyone sows it.
Without salt, the table is crooked.
There would be flour and a sieve, and I myself would be full.
Water will wash, bread will feed.
Hungry godmother has all the bread on his mind.
Bitter work, but sweet bread.
Like an edge of bread, so is paradise under the spruce, but not a piece of bread, so longing is everywhere.
Like a piece of bread, so the mouth gaped.
Kalach will become boring, but never bread.
It's hard to get bread, but you can live with bread.
Rye bread - kalach grandfather.
Fish is not bread, you will not be full.
Your own bread is richer.
Eat your bread at least at night.
No matter how much you think, you can’t imagine better bread and salt.
The well-fed counts the stars in the sky, and the hungry thinks about bread.
Whoever has bread, he has happiness.
Smart kid: knows that bread is not chaff.
Bread is a father, water is a mother.
Bread on the road is not a burden.
Bread in man is a warrior.
Bread nourishes, water nourishes.
Bread and water - well done food.
Bread and water is our noble food.
Bread is expensive, but not more expensive than you and me.
Eat pies, and take care of the bread ahead!
For bread and salt, every joke is good.
And the dog humbles himself before bread.

Bread Notes:
It was considered the greatest sin in Russia to drop at least one crumb of bread, and even greater - to trample this crumb with your feet.
People who break bread become friends for life.
When accepting bread and salt on a towel, the bread should be kissed.
With a young and aging month, it was impossible to start sowing: “It is good to sow with a full month!”
Although the grain sown on the new moon grows and ripens soon, the ear will not be rich in grain.
If the sun has set - “do not fix a new carpet”, otherwise the bread will not be good, and the whole economy may fall into decay.
It was not allowed for one person to eat bread after another - you will take away his happiness and strength.
You can’t eat behind another person’s back - you will also eat his strength.
If you give bread from the table to the dogs while eating, poverty will befall.

Appendix 2
Poems about bread

T. Lavrova
What is bread baked from?
What do we eat for lunch?
Bread is baked from flour
What do the spikelets give us.

Rye, wheat for centuries
They generously feed a person.
Buns with poppy seeds, sour cream cake,
Black with cumin, pecked,
Kalachi, long loaves, challah…
Bread for young and old,
For Tanya and Natasha.
Good bread is our breadwinner!

How delicious is the bread?
Bread washed down with water - lunch,
And for dinner, two humps
With milk in a full mug,
What's left, all in the palm of your hand,
Throw the birds on the path.

A. Malakhova
There are such words:
"He is the head of everything"
Crisp dressed,
Very soft white BREAD.

J. Koval
On the table a loaf of bread
soft, fragrant,
Crunch on top
Golden colors.
If we cut off a chunk,
And smear with fresh oil,
We'll get a sandwich
And send it straight to your mouth.

A. Grishin
They will tell you, and you will read in books:
Our daily bread has always been held in high esteem.
Low bow to the masters of the harvest,
Those who multiply the grain in the bins,
And skilled craftsmen bakers,
To everyone who pleases us with delicious bread.

S. Melnikov
golden wheat
Millstones will be rubbed into a torment.
Knead dough from flour
She has a place in molds in the oven.
Blushed, firmer
Delicious bread in a hot oven.

G. Stetsenko
Served with white bread
Black bread for my lunch.
Did you decide to surprise me?
Black? What is his secret?
Apparently, the baker is reluctant
Peck and bread in the oven forgot?
Or before work.
Didn't you wash your hands?
Mom immediately explained
What is rye flour:
"Black bread will add strength."
Ate. And tomorrow I will eat!

I. Konkov
The most delicious, incomparable,
Everyone knows from childhood -
This is our usual
And my favorite Russian bread:
Loaf odorous, noble,
pretzels and rolls,
Fragrant bagel with poppy seeds,
And Easter cakes.
Can be eaten with honey and butter
With cheese, fish, ham
And with caviar, a circle of sausage
White bread or rye.
Pies are special bread,
They are served for the holiday
And they cook everything with muffin
And they bake with stuffing.
Donuts, donuts, cheesecakes
They want to jump off the baking sheet -
These are bread toys
On holiday, joy for the guys.
Or gingerbread, cookies -
What mom bakes
Food for kids
Open your mouth wide!

N. Children's
I didn't eat bread today
He stared at him through a magnifying glass.
All of it is in patterned holes ...
In the pits - white, in the pits - black.
I'll look in the lamb
There are also dimples in the bun.
I asked my grandmother
- And the cake was full of holes?
Grandma laughed.
- And pancakes!
What is this secret?
You have to look at the dough.
Mom kneaded the dough
Gaining dough strength!
Rose with a round cap,
It has grown and spread.
The edge of the bowl fell out ...
Who pushed him up?
- Mom, look through the magnifying glass!
Bubbles pop up!
What are the bubbles hiding?
Air! He is inside them.
That's where the holes in the bread come from,
That's where the holes in the bread come from!
Because there, inside,
Bubble Bogatyrs!

Appendix 3
Russian folk tale "Spikelet"

Topic:“The miracle of the earth is bread!”

Goals: to expand knowledge about the benefits of bread, about its value, about the hard work of a grain grower. To cultivate a sense of a thrifty attitude to bread, a respectful attitude towards the work of a machine operator, a baker, and love for the native land.

Hall decoration:

on the stage is a three-dimensional panel "Grain field". Above the stage is a poster: "The miracle of the earth is bread." There are posters in the hall: “Bread is the head of all life!” "A lot of snow - a lot of bread!". "He is famous for being the first on earth, he is famous for being the first on the table."
“A loaf of bread will not fall from the sky”, “Earth is mother, and bread is father”. Children's drawings on the topic: "Bread is the head of everything." Exhibition of books about bread. Sheaves of grain crops. The festive table is laid, on it are ruddy buns, pies, gingerbread, in the center - a loaf of bread on a towel.

Equipment: screen, video fragments, musical synthesizer, costumes of the "heroes" of the holiday, projector, slides.
To the sounds of the song "Russian Field" (music by Y. Frenkel, lyrics by I. Goff), the participants of the holiday in costumes enter the hall.

(The screen shows an enlarged poster on the topic “How bread came to you.”)

In order to prepare children for the perception of the material, it is advisable to start the holiday by reading a poem: There is a proverb among the people

"Bread is on the table, and the table blossomed."
But anyway, as it comes
Is this bread on your table?

Teacher: Dear Guys! As you may have guessed, we will talk about bread. We meet with bread every day. Neither a modest breakfast, nor an everyday lunch, nor a festive table can do without it. He accompanies us from birth to old age. Guys, in ancient times there was no bread like it is now, but the grain fields were already growing even then. However, the grains of wheat were different from ours, they were much smaller and different in taste. There is such a legend. It was a long time ago, during the Stone Age. When heavy rain and cold came to earth, the man had nothing to eat.
And then he first noticed a spikelet of wheat. To make the grains convenient to eat, they were moistened with water. Then man learned to grind grains into flour. And then one day in one of the stone caves a man left a pot of wheat porridge by the fire. The fire imperceptibly crept up to the pot. The pot could not stand the heat and burst. The noise woke the man. He ran to the fire and saw that his food had turned to stone. When the stone cooled down, the man began to clean it and suddenly felt an unfamiliar smell. Putting a piece in his mouth, the man closed his eyes in pleasure. So the night fire in the cave taught me how to bake bread.

The word "bread" first appeared in ancient Greece. There they used special-shaped pots for baking - “klibanos”. It is consonant with our word "bread".
Bread has no price. Its value cannot be measured in pennies.

After the intro, the song "Golden Seed", music by Y. Chichkov, lyrics by Sinyavsky.

To this song, ten girls in costumes (a green scarf with a yellow ear of wheat on their heads, white T-shirts, green skirts) perform the Golden Wheat dance.

1 student:

Rye, rye...
field road
It leads to no one knows where.
Hanging low over the field
The wires groan lazily.
Rye, rye - to the vault of blue.
You can hardly see somewhere in the distance
The horseman's hat dives,
The truck floats in the dust.

2 student:

Rye was born.
Deadlines are close.
Weighted to the edge
The whole field leaned towards the road,
Hung over - at least prop it up
Know, ear, tightly stuffed,
Tetrahedral, gold,
Tired of holding pounds, wagons,
Compositions of bread above ground.

3 student:

In the world I saw bread
Not a lot.
Peasant woman him out of the oven
I took it out.
And put it on the table, overshadowing
He rested covered
There was a strong smell in the chamber
At the meal they ate it without
Not a crumb, not a crust -
Break to the end.


The museum of the history of St. Petersburg has a piece of moldy bread the size of a little finger. Such was the daily ration for the city besieged by the Germans during the winter months of the blockade. And people had to work, they had to live, they had to survive - in spite of the Nazis, in spite of the bombing and shelling.

4 student:

In the smoke of the Leningrad sky,
But worse than mortal wounds
Heavy bread, blockade bread
One hundred twenty-five grams.
In the years of hardship and deprivation
The new world grew stronger and stronger.
The people walked in the fire of battles
freedom and bread.
So the correct words are:

All children:

Bread is the head of all life!


The labor of a farmer is not easy. Not in a cozy room under the roof is created bread. To all winds and showers, to all the vagaries of nature, a wheat field is open. The one who grows bread will not leave a half-eaten piece anywhere. Do so too. From a young age, learn to appreciate the work of others. The sacred work is to grow bread. From a grain of wheat, you can get about 200 milligrams of flour of the first grade. It takes more than 10,000 grains to bake one loaf. How many grains do you need to feed the people? Grains of bread are collected in spikelets. Let's see them.
(spikelets are distributed to children).

5 student:

We are friends, inseparable,
Under blizzards and clouds.
We are pure flowing
We are golden grains
We are golden grains
We live in radiant light
We are blown by the wind
And illuminated by the sun
Hardy, friendly.
Separately, each is a grain
small, humble,
And together - bread, like the sun
The country of its vast.

6 student:

Loaf of earth and sky
On your table -
Nothing is stronger than bread
No on earth.
In every little piece
grain fields,
And on each spike
The earth is holding.

7 student:

In a small grain of wheat
Summer and winter
The power of the sun is stored
And native land.
And grows under the bright sky
Slender and tall
Like the homeland is immortal
Bread spikelet.

8 student:

Go out into the field outside the village,
Gray haze swirls ...
Hears a sensitive neighborhood
The rumble of motors day-to-day,
And the earth rages under the plow,
Hears a sensitive district
The rumble of motors day - day
And the earth is seething under the plow
Like a high shaft of the sea.
Not nature itself
Like a high shaft of the sea.
Not nature itself
How much care does it take
Mother earth for the whole year

Serving bread on a platter

9 student:

steppe machines
They don't know peace.
hot water
The motors are chugging.
hot sun,
heated air,
And rise at night
hot stars.

10 student:

But the wind brings
Through the bitterness of wormwood,
Through the smell of gasoline
In a hot cab
Through the hum of threshers
heart fluttering,
Hot, savory
Bread breath.


We do not dream of a miracle
Live speech fields to us:
Take care of the bread, you people!
Learn to save bread!

Teacher's story:

Bread has never been given to people for free. After all, even in paradise, as a parting word to Adam who sinned, it was said: “You will earn bread in the sweat of your face.” In Russia, bread has always been treated with reverence, even the custom of honored guests to meet with bread and salt has been preserved. Look at the table.
Why is one bread black and the other white? (Wheat and rye flour. During the Great Patriotic War, one could come across the slogan: “Peace to the peoples, bread to the hungry.” The ration in besieged Leningrad was as follows: an employee -125 g of bread, a worker - 200 g (show a piece of 125 g) And more 3 pasta, the length of a notebook, gray, clayey, but desirable for every person, because it was necessary to work.

11 student:

Military bread.
I remember bread
military, bitter,
He is almost all quinoa.
In it, in every crumb,
In every crust
There was a bitter taste of human misfortune.
Cool is involved in that trouble
Hard bread of hard days
But how sweet was the moment
When a piece is in my hand
Sprinkled with a pinch of salt
Seasoned with mother's tears.
I wanted to eat, and my mother was in pain
She averted her gaze.
How grief was a frequent guest
(They were full of childhood days),
I especially remember that fortunately
Was equal to the bitter bread of war.

Leader's word: Bread is one of the most amazing products of human labor. No wonder the people created proverbs: “The earth is mother, and bread is father”, “You will live without gold, but not without bread”.

What proverbs do you know?

(“Lunch is thin when there is no bread”, “There is not a piece of bread, and there is longing in the upper room”, “Bread - grandfather’s roll”, “Bread and water - valiant food” “There is no bread - and a crust in honor”, ​​“Without salt not tasty, but without bread it’s not satisfying.”, “Whoever has bread, he has happiness.”)

An abundance of bread is the cherished dream of millions of people. We sometimes forget about the true price of bread, that relatively inexpensive rolls, loaves have absorbed the great work of not one person, but the work of many people. Thousands of people work to grow grain, harvest, thresh, grind and finally bake bread.

After all, grains did not immediately become
The bread that is on the table
People long and hard
Work hard on the ground!

That is why adults remember the glorious city of the virgin region of Tselinograd. He grew up on the site of the first tents. Now it is a beautiful and big city of Astana. The virgin lands had their own songs (the verse of the song sounds to the music of E. Rodygin, the words of N. Solokhina “New settlers are coming”)

12 student:

Before this arable land, throw off your hat, son,
You see, the bread stalk breaks through.
How much work is invested in this grain,
Only the sun, the wind and the water know...
For him, for the seed, across the country
Komsomol members went to live in the virgin lands.


Day and night - and in the scorching heat, and in the rain - there is a battle for the harvest. True grain growers are constantly in anxiety for him. The harvest is always gained by grain growers, won - both in alliance and in confrontation with nature.

1 student:

Here he is fragrant bread
Crunchy, twisted crust
Here it is ... warm, golden,
Like sun-drenched
In it is health, our strength,
It has wonderful warmth.
How many hands raised him
Protected, protected.

2 student

After all, grains did not immediately become
The bread that is on the table
People long and hard
Work hard on the ground.
That's just about it
The story begins.
Tractor drivers got up
Washed clean

3 student:

To the spring steppe in the morning
They took out the tractor
The story goes on
Our harvest is ripe.
Float out into the open
The wind sings songs to them
combine captains
Look ahead from the bridges

4 student.

As from a tight ear
The grain is knocked out
How, please - ready,
It falls into the box.
Here is the wheat in the mill
This is what's going on with her.
They take it into circulation
It will be ground into powder.
At the big bakery
You will become a test, flour.
The dough is tight, there is little space,
"Oh, let me go!" whispers dough
Okay, let's go, let's go into the oven
Dressed up loaf.


Bread! What a familiar and yet unusual word. In fact - think about it! The word "bread" refers to plants, grain, flour, flour products that are not similar to each other.

5 student:

Only bread came down in April
How the fields turned green.
We say: "Bread".
Boundless golden expanse,
Combine harvesters work there.
We say: "Bread".
Here the grain flows like a river,
To become flour
We say: "Bread".

The dough is spinning in the kneader
Baked on fire.
We say: "Bread".
Eat it, grow and remember:
Eat it, grow and remember:
To come to your table
Fresh bread.

(during the performance, the screen shows footage dedicated to spring sowing, harvesting at Bulanihinskoye LLC, excursions to the mechanized current, to the bakery)

6 student:

Bread is born in grooves.
Look at the fields
After all, the earth is not just earth,
And the breadwinner is the earth!
The shoots are turning green.
Take a look, you'll see here
The most important work of the people,
The most important work in the world.
The bread is ripe.
Motors in the fieldsThe harvest song was started.
Grain growers lead out into the steppe
Field ships.

7 student:

A river flows from cars
To the collective farm threshing floor
Our gold is wheat
Golden grain.
The windmill has become no longer suitable -
Old and small.
Replaced it today
Flour mill.
You will go through the shops - the order is:
Bins full of flour
Grains grind machines -
Very smart machines.
The machine will knead the dough
The machine will hang the dough,
The machine will cut the dough
And send the dough to the oven.

8 student:

Bread is not an easy way,
To get to your table.
And in every piece of bread
You will always feel
The warmth of the native sky,
The taste of good work.

Teacher .

In order for a delicious loaf to be on our table every day, we must define clear rules for ourselves:

Take as much bread as you can eat.
- Learn to cook various dishes from stale bread.

And also remember:

Never take bread with dirty hands.
- Don't wrap bread in newspaper.
- Do not put bread in a bag with vegetables, exposing yourself to the risk of getting sick.

These rules were taught to me as a child, I follow them always.


I will read you a fairy tale about Stobed, and you listen carefully.
Stobed ​​became more obedient when I scolded him. But it always annoyed me how he handled the bread, crumbled it, bit it. Left and threw it at us. I strictly forbade him to do this. "I won't," Stobed ​​promised.
Time passed, and I never once saw a piece left on the table, I was satisfied. But one Sunday morning, there was a knock at the door. It was our neighbor Ivan Fomich. He was a kind old man, and he always gave gifts to children. This time he also held in his hands, some kind of bag. And when he opened the bag, I saw that it was not a gift, but how many pieces of bread soaked, soiled with earth. “It was thrown out of your window,” he said. Stobed ​​blushed and silently hid in a corner, and everything became clear to me. "I messed up, don't hide. Come out and apologize to Ivan Fomich,” I said. "You don't have to apologize to me," he said. “That boy offended a lot of people, not me.”
- Guys, why did Ivan Fomich say so? Where can you get bread before you put it on the table? If you look at a field of wheat, it looks like a golden sea. First, it is mowed and threshed, all this is done by a combine, then the grain is taken to the current. Guys, what are they doing on the current?

Quiz "Brainstorm"

Quiz questions:

  1. What is the difference between winter and spring wheat? (Spring is sown in spring, winter - in autumn, in winter)
  2. Where is the grain taken after harvesting? (On the elevator - storage for grain.)
  3. Where is grain turned into flour? (At the mill.)
  4. What is sourdough? (Wooden tub for dough, or yeast dough)
  5. What is also called yeast, fermented dough? (Opara)


And now, guys, let's try to answer the question together with you: why is bread called the miracle of the earth? Why does he have such an important place in life?
human? Let's remember the people who grow wheat, make flour from grains,
Flour bread, buns, confectionery, and bow low to them.

9 student:

Honor and honor to you, grain growers!
For your wonderful harvest!
For what you gave to the Motherland
Fragrant loaf of bread!

10 student:

If we want to meet someone with honor and honor,
To meet generously, from the heart, with great respect,
We meet such guests with a magnificent round loaf.
He is on a painted platter with a snow-white towel!

(the student brings a delicious loaf of bread on a towel to the guests, and also invites all the guests to the table).

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