When others are near Loboda. Svetlana Loboda celebrates her birthday: creative career and personal life of a bright artist


Yesterday, at the Modus restaurant on Plyushchikha, Svetlana Loboda threw a bright party in honor of her 35th birthday, inviting only her closest ones to it.

65 guests arrived to congratulate Svetlana on her birthday. Among them are the mother of the singer Natalya, daughter Evangelina, producer and close friend of Natella Krapivina, Grigory Leps (by the way, who came to Svetlana despite the opening of his own drink that evening), Philip Kirkorov, Arman Davletyarov, Yana Rudkovskaya, Keti Topuria, Natalya Chistyakova-Ionova with her husband Alexander Chistyakov, Alexander Terekhov, Nadezhda Granovskaya, Marius Weisberg and Natalya Bardo, Alexander Revva, Anita Tsoi, Alan Badoev, Dmitry Olenin and many others.

Svetlana appeared before the guests in a figure-hugging, sparkling floor-length dress from Alexander Terekhov and looked like a Hollywood diva of the 20s. She was not initially in the mood to go up on stage and sing (however, looking ahead, we note: the plan failed).

The hall was decorated by decorator Yulia Shakirova for the golden party: a "musical" corner for memorable pictures, where a queue lined up to take pictures with the hero of the occasion, voluminous crystal chandeliers, a huge photo of Loboda on the stage.

The host of the evening was Vyacheslav Manucharov. World hits of different years sounded from the stage - from Shakira to Natalia Oreiro - performed by an invited band and, of course, endless congratulations. One of the most touching was a poem from 6-year-old Evangeline, which she read to her mother, breaking the applause of the audience.

Sveta, despite everything that you have achieved, you absolutely do not change as a person, your eyes still burn, and this never ceases to amaze, - Alan Badoev noted.

Yana Rudkovskaya, Philip Kirkorov, Grigory Leps - this evening the guests said a lot of kind words to Svetlana, noting her musical and artistic talents, unique visual style, diligence with which she always went to her dream, and wishing her star never go out .

October 18 is not only your birthday, but also the day we started working together. Seven years have passed since then, so I congratulate us on this special date, - said Natella Krapivina, and then added: - This year we lost a close friend - Irina Berezhnaya (a well-known Ukrainian human rights activist who died in an accident - Ed.) We miss her so much, but we remember her. Have fun, guys, as she loved to have fun. Life is irreversible...

Ekaterina Mukhina, Svetlana Loboda and Alexander Terekhov

Fun that evening was everything, and music controlled this fun. "Like Celentano" from Alexander Revva, several hits from Keti Topuria, "Forgive me, baby" from GlukoZa, and then their joint performance of "The Bride" with Svetlana's daughter - it seems that the star guests did not let go of the microphone for a minute, passing it from hand in hand, and the rest famously danced to familiar melodies.

The culmination of the holiday was the removal of a one and a half meter cake, made in white and gold, and the appearance of Svetlana Loboda on the stage: the hits "To hell with love", "Your eyes" and "It's time to go home" simply had no chance to remain unperformed.

On the eve of the birthday, LOBODA told us:

I want to celebrate my birthday louder than ever: not only relatives and people close to the family circle will come to me, but also all my artist friends. This year was very difficult professionally - too intense, with almost no respite. And I want to share this main day, first of all, with those without whom my life would never be complete, no matter how busy...

One of the first who congratulated the birthday girl was the six-year-old daughter Evangelina, starting the singer's festive morning with verses:

"There is such a country on the planet -
She is called mother's heart.
Even in fights, delusions, risks
In this country, they do not deprive of registration ...

But the singer's mother congratulated her live on the radio: "Svetlana is our" ambulance ". There is not a single person in our family whom she would not help. I will thank her very much for this from all of us. I will cry now, but it's true. For your good heart!"

On the occasion of the anniversary, Loboda threw a loud party, inviting, as promised, relatives, friends and colleagues on the stage. To congratulate the singer on her 35th birthday at the Moscow restaurant Modus came: a close friend and producer Natella Krapivina, Alan Badoev, Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya, Natalia Chistyakova (GlukOza) with her husband, Alexander Revva, Artur Gasparyan, Emin, Katty Topuria, Anita Tsoi, Philip Kirkorov and many others.

Loboda appeared in front of the guests in the image of a Hollywood pop diva of the 20s: in a floor-length silver dress, emphasizing the figure, from designer Alexander Terekhov. The hall was decorated with voluminous chandeliers, flower arrangements, wind musical instruments. And in the center of the stage there is a 5-meter portrait of the singer - a gift from one of the guests of the evening.

One of the most piercing toasts was delivered by Natella Krapivina, remembering how it all began: "October 18 is not only Sveta's birthday, but also 7 years from the day we decided to work together. This is a very special date for us!"

A cover band was responsible for the musical accompaniment of the evening, performing the world's loudest hits, but there were some musical surprises from the guests of the evening: Katie Topuria, GlukOza, Alexander Reva also sang for the birthday girl.

The hero of the occasion did not originally plan to sing, but taking a microphone in her hands, she performed the loudest hits of recent years: “Your eyes”, “To hell with love” and “It's time to go home”.

At the end of the evening, a seven-tier white and gold cake as tall as a human was brought into the hall, which the singer’s mother offered to cut with her close friend and show business partner: “I have a friend with whom we have been friends for more than 50 years. My Svetlana also I have a girlfriend - Natella Krapivina, I want you to be also friends over the years, and I ask you to cut the cake together!

She achieved incredible popularity as a solo artist. On the birthday of a talented artist, the site offers to remember her creative work, as well as learn the details of her personal life.

The creative path of Svetlana Loboda

The future singer began her life in Kyiv, Ukraine. Her parents were not connected with the world of art, but Svetlana's grandmother, Lyudmila Loboda, is a rather famous opera singer in the past.

From early childhood, Sveta showed her interest in music. She attended a music school and was an active participant in all school activities.

Having received a certificate of secondary education, Svetlana became a student at the Variety and Circus Academy, where she chose the department of pop and jazz vocals. She could not get a diploma from this educational institution - she decided to immediately start her creative career.

At the age of eighteen, Loboda joined the members of the Cappuccino musical group. As part of this group, Svetlana went on numerous tours and received her first experience of working in front of the public. Deciding to develop further, Loboda organized her own team, which was called "Ketch".

Photo: instagram loboda official

In addition to the fact that Loboda was the soloist of this project, she also acted as a producer of the group. During one of the performances of the Ketch group, Svetlana was noticed by the famous Konstantin Meladze. After a short time, Loboda became a member of the popular group "VIA Gra", which at that time had already become incredibly famous. In this team, today's birthday girl worked for only six months, deciding that she wanted to become a solo performer.

At the end of 2004, the debut composition of the singer was released, which was called "Black and White Winter" and became popular far beyond the borders of Ukraine. After a year of fruitful work, the artist presented her first collection - "You Won't Forget".

Photo: instagram loboda official

Despite the busy tour schedule, Loboda continued to work on creating her new compositions. Songs such as "Black Angel", "Happiness" and "Wait, man" sounded on the air of all radio stations. In addition, Svetlana began working on television, where she became the host of the popular Showmania program.

The second collection of the artist was called "Not Macho" and appeared in 2008. Among the songs of this album are such as "Bear, ugly boy", "For what?" and "Not macho". The artist is not afraid to attract the attention of the public with revealing outfits and defiant behavior on stage. At the same time, Loboda never goes beyond the bounds of decency and always looks dignified.

Photo: instagram loboda official

In 2009, the singer represented her country at the Eurovision international music contest. Having performed the song "Be My Valentine" incendiary, Loboda put on a real show on stage and became one of the brightest participants in the event. Unfortunately, this did not help Svetlana win.

The artist regularly presents her new musical works, which immediately become popular hits. Among the famous compositions of Loboda there are such as "Looking at the sky", "Not needed", "40 degrees", "Your eyes" and "It's time to go home". These songs have not lost their popularity for a long time and confirm that Loboda is a bright star of the Ukrainian stage.

Singer's personal life

For a long time, the artist cohabited with a dancer named Andrei Tsar. In April 2011, the couple had a daughter, who received the name Evangeline, and in 2014 the young people ended their relationship.

In May 2018, Loboda experienced the joy of motherhood for the second time - her daughter Tilda was born. Although the artist does not admit who is the father of her child, information appeared even earlier that Svetlana was in a relationship with the leader of the famous German band Rammstein.

Photo: Instagram lobodaofficial

The artist continues to actively strengthen her position on the Ukrainian stage. Last year she presented her third collection, which was called "H2LO".

The Hollywood actor is also celebrating his birthday today. The action star turned 58 years old.

Celebrates a birthday: the artist turned 36 years old. In honor of this event, the star and young mother published a family photo on her Instagram microblog. In addition to Loboda herself and her two daughters, the picture shows a man's hand that hugs a 4-month-old Tilda. It is noteworthy that a wedding ring shines on the ring finger of the mysterious chosen one of the singer. In the caption for the publication, Loboda thanked the man for the happiness she feels next to him.

“Thank you for the happiness in my eyes and the music in my heart, I thank the SKY for all that I have. For music. For love. For the children. For a life. For everything that makes me happy today, - Svetlana wrote (the spelling and punctuation of the author are given unchanged. - Note. ed.).

Recall that in April, Loboda's fans noticed on, after which they suggested that the artist was getting married. True, Svetlana herself prefers not to talk about her personal life. The singer hides the name of the man, from whom at the end of May gave birth to a child. That is why the name of the baby causes heated debate among Loboda fans. Some believe that Tilda is an abbreviation for Matilda, others that the girl is named after the leader of the group Rammstein Till Lindemann, who for a long time was called the father of the child. However, neither Loboda nor Lindemann comment on these speculations. Only the producer of the singer Natella Krapivina in one of the interviews, she mentioned that when headlines began to appear in the German media that the Russian star was pregnant from the Rammstein leader, he sent Svetlana cover photos with the comment: “We have world success with you.”

Loboda also brings up a 7-year-old daughter Evangeline. The girl was born in a civil marriage of Svetlana with a dancer from the ballet Freedom Andrew Tsar. The couple separated shortly after the birth of their daughter, but maintained a good relationship. Evangelina started her second grade this year. Despite the busy work schedule, the performer personally took her eldest daughter to school. “My love for you knows no bounds... I am infinitely proud of your first successes and striving for new knowledge. Congratulations to everyone on the first day of school! Well, we are already in the 2nd grade, ”Loboda wrote on social networks and shared touching shots with the heiress. By the way, in one of the interviews, Svetlana admitted that she wants to become a mother of many children and.

Svetlana Loboda with her youngest daughter Tilda

Svetlana Loboda with her daughter Evangelina

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